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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1941, p. 6

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- ~-,4-~44, - - -. - 4*" .44-..,.4t r.- Ak~%. -~ .. . . . 4.... - -4. -~ r- ~'44.4~ .4.4Ç,<>. *44~ -.-Vtt144~~ A .4 '.4. TEE CNADIA STATSMAIq BOWMNVILL. ONT1,Ti Congratu a totMr. and Mr n Moore on their marriage. Mr. Wm. MacDonald is the nei eleeted school trustee. Mr. Crow, a student at the Tc ronto Normal School, is at ou Mfr. and Mrs. Fred Goodma -~and Beverly, Port Hope, Mr. an, IMrs. Clarence Goodmn and Ju. Ith, Bowmanville, Bk. and Mri Bari Goodman, Toronto, spen New Year's at Mr. L. J. Good 1fr. and Mrs. Leslie Slelght, M ;,Bill Brooks, Toronto, Miss Wlnnt Brooks, Harmony, spent NeQ Year's 'at Mr. L. Brooks'. New Year's parties were hel ~'at W. MacDonald's, H. Erent's, E McCullough's, Mrs. E. Woodleyi and L. Thompson's. Mrs. Laura Virtue, Mr. Miltci Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtug spent Niew Year's at Mr. Arthui Spicer's, Bownxanville. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodmar visited his father, Mr. Thos. Good. man, Brooklin. Thr are still a number on th( Sorry to report Mr. and frs Byron Moore in a serious condi tion. A Hamptonctie have been.*confined te bcd with the flu. Sacramnent was dispensed at the Sunday evening church services. Mrs. Mildred Caverly rendereda fitting "ol* Y. P.: U. met on Friday. Keith Biflett took charge of the worship service. Cal to Worship, Keith Billett; Bible lesson, Ted Kersey; Pc Jr, ini Milis; readings, Keith Peters' and Mathew Mils. Lewis Trul took charge of the programr Rcv. W. Rackhamn led in prayci. Bertha Arinour rcad a pc.M -Rackham prcsented a helpful New~ Yearls topic. Edith Rackham fav- 4 ored with a vocal solo. Officers for 1941 are: President-Thelma * Robbins; Vice President-Editi Rackham; Secretary-Bertha Ar. zmoUr; Assistant Secretary-Tcd Kerscy; Treasurer-Acy Horn; Prograni and Worship Conveners, respectively are: Citizenship.- Lewis Trull, Keit'h Billctt; Mis- sionary -Marjorie Alin, Eileen J Wray; Cultural-Keith e rs Garth Perrett; Fellowship-Mur- iSmidth, Madlyn Wficox; Floral Comm. -Nellie Armour, Gladys Truil; Recréation Comm. -MIiss Brown, Mr. Faulkner; Book Sté- wards-Percy Allin, Lloyd Ker. sey; Auditors-Austin Ba r ron, Reg. Kersey. Visitors: Miss Helen Knox, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burtt visited friends in Toronto. Pte. M. J. Mifl, Camp Borden, at Mr. John Mill's. Miss Nancy Johns returned to Toronto. on Sunday. Mr. Charles Burrows, Oshawa, at Mrs. M. Goodman's. Mrs. Vine and Mrs. Naylor, Bownxanville. with friends. MisRuby Clatworthy. Bow.- maville, with Mrs. L. Truil. Atm.J. RReynolds and sons, Dr. and Mrs. Davies, Oshawa, with Mfr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox. »&. Wil Care, shaawith his rothr, M. ArhurClarke. Mrs. A. Alexander, Listowei, with her sister, lý[rs. Charles War- ren. Master Eddie Collier, Port Errith h*ssister, Ivrs. Hugli &issCec Ie Petit and, Gladys CMapman1 Bowmanville, at Wm. a large representation front Ken- Chapmanis. del te be in St. lfichael's lies- Mfr. and Mrs. E. E. Staples, En- pitlIet once. is. niskillen, with 1fr. and Mms. T. Mrs. C. Glass, Mrs. L. Hoskin, Wray, Friday. Mrs. G. Smith and Mr. and Mms. Lw Mr. Harry Faulkner and M~iss1 Milten Robinson were in Toronto Alta Brown, teachers, returned to Friday attending the funenal of 7o- duties on Monday. Mms. J. Phillipe, who was well Ur Mfr. and M'ar. Mcl McCabe and known and likcd here. Sh, has Shirley, Oshawa, with their cou- resided part of ecd summer in an sins, 1fr. and Mms. Clarence Yeo., Kendal. id Miss Vera Kerslake, Toronto; Wtih some of the men, rabbit ci- was home, acconipanied bY Misses and fox hunting is thc topie of re. Florence Mander and Esther El- thc day, but according te ail re- Mt liot. ports a good appetite la ail they di- Dr. and Mms. W. R. Hern, Port acquired. One consolation is, of .Hope, with his mother, Mrs. W. course, thcy are still there te get I. W. Rom who is ill. Mrs. J. Brough, next tUnie. ie. R.N., Bowmanville, is in allen- !w dance. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gregory, John id and Edith, St. Catharines, 1fr. Cw anvJ.lJe R. and Mrs. Fred Biflett, Scarboro, Is Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vintue, Grace, Mn. Charles McNeil had an ac- Jack and Ruth, Burlington, Mfr. cident with a homse on New Ycar's n and Mrs. F. S. Price, -Bay Village, Day. Whil'c kicking at each ether ac Ohio, at Mn. and MIrs. A. E. Bil- in the stable, his herses broke off ir lett's. a stail post, andi one of them, a Hampton W. I. valuable grey mare, was seriously in Wornen's Institute met Januany injured by thc stump of Uic post. d2nd with an attendance of about Miss Ecina Farrow, Peterbore thirty-five, with the President, Normal School, is practising le Mrs. L. Trull, in the chair. Folow- tcaching in our scheol this week. Sing thc opening exercises the Recent visitors: usual lime was devoted t busi- Mr. and Mns. George Hender- ness. Acknowledgments for boxes so>n and family, at Mfr. Bert Cros- of fruit sent te sick andi shul-ins sley's. . Mr. and Mrs. Les Reid and were reai. lI Uic absence of thc Jack, Mfr. Al Reid, at Mn. W. A. group leader, Mms. W. W. Horm, Reid's. .. 1fr. andi Mrs. Bob lien- Miss Lulu Reynoldis conducted thc dry, aI 1Mr. AI! perrin's. . . Miss pregrani. The Maple Leaf was Marion Simipson, with Mrs. G. A. S lsug andi Mns. eynolds spoke of Todd, Ohawa...Mr. and Mrs. B. f h ler pleasurè in attending thc e wan dan&f 1, at Mn. Law-n fertieth anniversary celebration renoe Osborne's. . . Mn. andi Mrs. o f thc Agincourt W.I. of which she Roy Burley. 1fr. Lloyd Hancock, Lewas secretary for 17 years. Miss at 1fr. B. Millsns. Miss Mil- aMuriel Smith favoured with a dreci Brown, with thc Stninger piano number "There'll Always fanxily. . . Mr. D. Fishley, aet1fr. hBe An Engl and." Mrs. J. R. ReY White's, Whitby. . . Miss Dorothy nolds gave a paper on "Health Holflngsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Jini and Chilci Welare,"' dealing chie!. Rutherford, at 1fr. R. Hohings-w ly with pasteurization of miilk, worth's. texoicis andi vaccines. A futher ________.__ lediscussion followed, led by the r Lchair lady, on thc subject, "Mal-P r, nutrition," "Pre-nata Cane," and Lake Shore, Clarke i "Self Control," being important a things mentioned. Miss Acy Hemn Miss Etta Holmes has returned il sang "An Old Dutch Garden."~ An to her duties in Oshawa as Prin- H imprmpturesponse by a number cipal of King St. Public Sehool; B 'S ofthe mmberson Current Miss A. Hendry, as teacher in On- li a vnls, which were mostly on tarie Ladies' College, Whilby; hwar news, was quite inleresting. Maurice Powell, a I I e ni d i n g j dMiss N. Hemn played a Piano Runnymede Collegiate.W number. lfrs. C. Warren gave a Additions te, our sick listinl- rz rcading on mnusic, and MisaL.luëAci edyMr Jh Hern, ina afew limes o! cers, and rchiBobHendry, Mil rs a-Joh spoke of the patience an elf aand ies Bob Hndr, iIGa control, etc. o! "The Telephone hn n e fn nGirl."' Whilc refneshments were lfrs. Frank Harris liestunder- J. being prcpared "Thce'l Always gone a successful openation on Be An England" was sung and was hier lungs in Toronte General S' deemed by many that ths re Hospital- ak Ssent popular song shou]d be Rebent'Visiters: familiarized. andi sung often. Fe- Mrs. John Mitchell, with friends s h bruary open meeting wiil be in in Pbrt Hope; Mfr. and Mrs. Bey. charge e!thc Easst group. . Jaynes, with Mfr. and Mrs. A. a Hoidaway, Port Britain.C Mr. Len Buckler, aI John Pat- ar ton's, Kendal.K t Kendal Mn. and Mns. Moses HeardC -Port Hope, wilh Mr. and Mm C K 1 Visitons: Clint Brown. Miss Betty Burgess, with Miss 1fr. andi Mm. Les Aldread, Olive Gordon. Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Fred a. Miss Beatrice Thempson, Te- Couch and Mrs. N. Samis, New- ronto, with relatives. casîle. aI Les. Allin's. Mns. McKay and grandson, Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, hc Norman MeKay, at Mr. Roy Mer- lfrs. C. Mitchell, with 1fr. and ha cer's. Mrs. W. Marvin. Moýrrish. Mrs. Laura Thorne, with lher w Mr.KeefikNewsle, wit Maple Grove w Mfr. Bert Rollani. .E A pleasant lime was spent Sat- Visitons:E urday evcning at Uic home of Mr. Mrs. Norman Burgess,' with hierin andi Mrs. Joc Gordon, whcn Olive mothen, Mrs. Clements, Toronto. h enlertaiaed some of hier friends 1fr. and Mrs. Erwin Warder, prior 10 taking up hier duties at Miss Vida Warder, Toronto; Mn. h Trmnity College. and Mrs. Norman Multon, Osh-ha A congregatioedal meeting. with awa; Mn. and Mrs. W. H. West-r1 dinner prcceding is being held in lake, 1fr. W. R. Westlake, Selina, 1 Uic cburcb nexl week, se plan te at Leslie Collacutt's. . se be on hand. Miss Ida Stevens, with Mfr. andi D Harold and Clarence Thirteli Mns. Elgin Munday, Stirling. ME and Norman Patton niake rather Mr.- and Mrs. John Cazto.n , NEW DO WMAN VILLE INDUSTRY AS WAR BOOMS BROOMS Demand for Local Broom Corn as War Cuts Off Outside Supplies B3room Corn ha. been beooining more and more in favor with Ontario farmni, ad the Pioner Brooni Corn Limited, of London ini the Company that is pioneering thia promnising new industry and are uhowlng a, decid.ed mnorase, in coatracted acreage tlia year by ezpanding mto uew district.. Z» 1988, about 1,000 acres were growx, tht ea waa doubled in 1939 and tripled in 1940. The ar- ors were so well pleaaed wlth t*e'ret$na Ibat ap- proxiznately 6,000 acres -of Brooni Cor» iilb. grown this year expandlng throighout Ontario. Eguropeau importations havie b..» out off on acconnt .of the. w, and wlth new Government tax of 10pr cent on an importations, together with ilper cent .»qy exchange and freight charges, the indications ~'4rstI botter market forl19«llooksavery proisa- for the hundreds of Ontario Broom Corn )any supplies Broon Manufacturera with o gwupr'oduot tbroughout tii. Do- 09 W8nouvue to Halifax. Grower s crops ýdfrom 500 t* 1,000 poundapercme of >ýîw.The Çquality inaequal, if not sup- Importations, whioh bave taken f ia million doUms from tht, oountry Of Ym.arPatimg iodone wlth 'tirSne.a u »barveet an 5Cre la ligit, oies» w fi Y, edM4 bagel trIdezuand f or Erom Cor» iLambton County io now peot representative of the am. intoduci gthis ouh SBowmanouse for M Balph, Toronto,» at Mr.W. Snowden's. Mn. and Mns. Wragg, Gondo: and Davidi Wragg, Mn. Murph: Oshawa, aI 1fr. Boy VanCamp'i Base Line. Mr. and Mns. Nanman Moys( Mn. and Mns. Norman Moyse Miss Heney Knott, Toronte; M and Mrs. Arthur Bellman, M George Belinan, Mr. andi Mn. Don Hannah, son Bobby, Iowi aI-hMn. Leslie CollacutI's. Sengt. Sam Castie, Norwood, a Mns. L. C. Snowden's. Miss Helen Melcaif has accepte. a position i Oshawa. Congregational meeting wil bi hcld on Friday evening, Jas. 17. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowder andi family, Mr. andi Mns. W. Ji Saowden, Mn. Thomas Snowden Mn. andi Mns. H. G. Freemn with Mr. andi Mrs. Samxuel Snow. den, Oshawa. Orono News W. M. S. Meeting W.M.S. met Tuesday aftemnoon, Uic main items being hearing ne- ports, installation o! officens and a prescatation te Miss Davy. M~iss Davy teok charge o! the finst part of Uic meting. The $325 allecation was ever-reacheci. Re- ponts wene given by Mns. C. Wood, Rec.-Sec.; Mns. R. E. Logan, Treas.; Mns. J. J. Mellon, Com- munity Prieadship Sccrclary; Mns. William Seymour, Missionary Monthly Sccnetary; Miss F. Cob- blcdick, Press Scretary; Mns. Bey. Lilllewood, Missiotx Baud andi Myrtie Smith, Baby Bandi. Mns. M. H. Staples neaci as ad- dress, paying Iibute te Miss M. Davy, past presideal. Mrs. R. Shcnwlix, on behal! o! Uic mcm- bers, Presentcd a ice membership and Mns. Wm. Seymour a plant. Miss M. Davy respondeci, lhank- ing thc members andi expresslng her delighî in ber task andi ber hopes for thc future succgss o! the society. Bey. S. Liltlewoed took charge of Uic installation of thc officers. Mms. S. Littlewood, the new Presidenî, took char ge of Uic rest o! the prograni. seipture was neaci by Mns. H. Walsh and reaci- ing by Mms. Lilîlewood on Dr. MotI and Stanley Joncs. Mrs. W. S. Cobbledick, Mrs. ~ E. Logan, Mns. B. H. Brown, Mrs. M . H Staples and Mns. J. Dickson, were appointeci 10 be Uic Chris- tian Stewardship Commiltee. Mrs. Littlewood was appointed repre- sentalive te Uic Officiai Board. J. on ' se, se, Ir. Ir. rs. 't Dd e J. n, n, GROUN» PLYING A student sits at Uiecocntrols of a Link trginer at one of thc schools set up in Canada under Uic Cemimonwealth Air Training Plan. Tais ingenieus device Icaches Uic rudiments of "blind" flying without the neccssity of leaving Uic ground.. Newtonville New Year's Visitera: Miss Audrey Jaynes, Peterboro, Nith ber brother, 1fr. Bey. Jaynes. Miss Mary Raznick, Courlice; MIr. Dennis, Toronto; Miss Lor- raine Milligan, Lindsay; Mrs. J. Pollard and Elmen, Newcastle; M.r. and Mrs. Scott Pollard, Osh- awa; Mr. Alden Pollard, Ham-. ilton; Mms. Muriel Symons and Kelvin and Miss Vivian Buinner, 3ownianville, aI Mn. William Mil- ligan's. . 1fr. and lfrs. Earl Wa]key, Mrs. J. T. Pcarce, Laurna and Bobby, with Mm. Walter Grayson, To- eonte. Mn. and Mm. G. N., Smith, Starkviile and 1fr. Robert Mar- tn, Lake Shore, ut 1fr. George J. Stapleton's. Mr. Max Stapleton, at Mn. Wm. Stapleton's. Glad teo sec Hugh eut agaix. Mr. J. T. Pearce, Lindsay, was home. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Redknapp and Alfred. at 1fr. W. Chester's, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Hallowell and Meda and Mn. Arthur Mc- Kay, Stankville; Mms. Gordon, Centreville, at Mn. Wilfred Mc- Kay's. Mrs. Charles Reid and Hazel, at Mr. Herb Gilmcr's, Starkvile. Mrs. Wiilis Joncs and Fac, and Mr. Melville Joncs, in Tononto. Miss Jean Wadc, Lindsay, is orne nursing her mother who as flu. Fred Nesbitt has been helping with MilI Graham's chores whiic lie latter is recovering froma weak spel. Mn. and Mns. W. A. Wright, Enaiskillen, ut Mn. J. A. Barries. Bey. Thomas Wallace is slewly nproving aller a bail atlack aI hc home of his daughter, Hilda :Mrs. Herb Alexander), Mark- Miss Madeleine McGilvery, To- >nto Normal School, is at our chool this weck. Mrs. George Stapleton, Keith, )orothy and Launie, at Mn. Robt. arlin 's. Mrs. Frank Hanrs uaderwent a ritical operatien la Toronto lies- lai -Saturday night. The mind unlcarns with diffi- zlty what has long been las- Sessed on it.-Seneca. cri pit Cl prt = g STATIONERY SPECIALS Matohed Sets - Self Beal Envelopeu and Pada INEN AND VELLUN NOTE SIZE ' i9 PaiS and Eavelopes19 FOLD OVER25 Pad and E25cpe LETTER SI29 Pad adEnvelopes 2c Put ln a stock now! SUPPLY LAMD We have a wool for cvery Purpose. Seec Our16 Seotch Flngerlng lb. 1.6 J. W. JeweiI " BIG 20"t Phone 556 BowmanvUle KIdnoy Aclds Rob Your Rost %m., :Comt 02r>I. ftijyueh .éf» y&"d Mlhyrfutd i d ,PolaoosI halacntury the favor e id. 103 Dodd's KIdney Pàis Blackstock Victorien Women's Institute met atMrs. Arthur Bailey's Jan. 3,3rd with Uic president presiding. Tacre were 16 members present. A lelten was read from convenor rof Central War Fund asking for gdonations te assist Uic Federal t-Women's Institutes o! Ontario te L*furnish, a ward in a Canadian Bcd dCross Hospital ini Englanci. Mcm- rbers voteci te raise funds by hav- ing a card parly on January 10. A letter was read frorn RuIler, Ontario, asking for clothing for four boys. Programa was li charge of Mrs. JohnCarter. Readung by Jean Wright, 12 New Year's Reso- lutions; neading, by Mms. N. Mountjoy, I"CaIlle in Uic StaI"; Mrs. Carter, paper on peace. Lunch was serveci by Uic group. A hearty vote o! thanks was ttendered Mm. Bailcy.. Mns. V. Archer, president o! Uic 3war work of Uic Bcd Cross, ship- ,peci 2 cartons of refuge, clothing >asnd soldier's needs on January 3. Refugec box consisted of 4 quls, 3 o! which were sent fromn Purple Lll, andi 1 froni Giil's Class e! Cadmus; 59 womcn's slips, 14 pair girls l0-year aid hand-knit steckings; 12 pullovers, for 2 ycar olci boys; 15 scarves; 12 o! mcn's army socks, 2 pair knee caps, 3 heinsets, 1 turtlc ncck Lsweater, 2 v-ncck siceveleas sweaters, 4 pr. whoie mitts, 1 pr. airforce gloves. Comnuittce wishes te lhaak those who -have hciped ansd hope Uiey wiil continue Ibis yéar. Cavan Young People presenteci a play "«Aunt Mannie from Minne- sota" la Uic commnunily hall on1 New Year's night. A full house enjoyeci Ibis humorous play. Il Was given under auspices of St.1 John's A.Y.P.A. A misceilaneous shewer was held in Uic community hall, Blackstock, Friday evenig li honor o! Mn. asnd Mm.Roy Avery (nee Ferga Johnston) who arc now living .in Bowmanville. Tace masy. beauitiful gifla showed how1 populan thc young couple are. 1fr.1 George Crawford was chairman1 and Miss Thomison was piasist. Miss Hazel Mounljoy, Misses j Lucille Fonder and Shirley Fal- lis and Dalton Dorrell presenteci numbers on Uic pregram. Splen- did music was prevîded by friendsa from eut in Dariingten and Bus- sel McLaughlin calleci off fer Uic J .,squares."c Mn. Stuart Campbell, Uic new a blacksmith, has meveci bisfamily d le the village. 1 Miss Marie Buttcrworth, To- ti ronto, WiUi Mrs. Perey Phayrc. c AU the teachers have rcturaed le their duties. Miss Marjonie Gal- E braith, Peterboro Nermal Schqool, sq is with Miss. L. McColl, aI Uic Public Sobool Ibis week. J, Mm. W. D. Ferguson asd chilci- IV ren, Cadmus, are moving te Black- stock this week te Mr. Georgc h, Crawford's apartment house. Promotion Sunday was held in the Unitedi Church Sunday School Sunday morning. Salem f Bey. Gardiner delivered a fine Zi sermnon Sunday asnd dispensed Uic, acrament at Uic close o! the ser- am vice. Mrs. Gardiner accompasied M him. M: Choir practice was heici aI Mn. W. G. Werry's on Frlday cvening and a business meeting of the Rc W. A. da A church board meetingwa ýeld at Tynone on Monday even- ho' ig. Su Mr. and Mrs. L. Annis and 1 f arylyn, Toronto, spent New an1 'car's with 1fr. and Mns. W. Cana. MI A 'family gaîhcning was hcld atI ffc Werry home on New Ycar's. lei 1fr. and Mrs. W. Moffat, Orono, Vil 6isited at Uic Squair home. 1 Salemi fricada are sorry te leara ME )f Uic senlous fllness o! Mns. Wal- 1hi er of Shaws.1 Mfr. and Mrs. Ewart Pollard andi ani Ïoemary, Toronto, wene with ha, dr. and Mrs. C. Pollard for New 1 cear's. Mr -Several Salem folk have been 1 in 1h. slck lisI with colda and flu. da Mrs. Moedy, Toronto, bas been the isitlng ber daughter, Mns. H. car aud. clir Mfr. Ralpb Simipson spent the all olidays wiIh Mn. and Mns. F. Ing furst, Toronto. lHe returneci onP înday and is alterx$ing Agricul- aci rai Courses ut Hampton. c Tu It Is net the cares of to-day but Tri: ce canes of to-morrow that wclgh the mas down. - For the nceds of cffi )-day we have cornesponding Trii rength given. For Uic to-mer- h )w we are teld 10 trust. Il Je net wbi et burs.--G. Macidonald. but Haydon Miss Bessie Blackburn enter- tained a nuffiber of young pepple Saturday in honor of her brothers. The evening was spent in games and contesta; after which a dalnty lunch was ser*id. Lloyd Slemon and Roy Graham are attending the Short Course at Hampton. Rev. A. F. Gardner gave an ex- cellent sermon Sunday. Thc Sac- rament of the Lord's Supper was obscrved. A duet was rendcred by Messrs. Wilbur Blackburn and Glenn Thompson, assisted by the choir. Visitors. Mr. and Mrs. M. Blackburn and Mfr. Walter at Misses Blaekburn, Newcastle. 1fr. and Mrs. Stewart Morton and Jack, Maple Grove, Mrs. T. Power, Maple Grove at Mfr. L. Ashton's. Mr. and-Mrs. Everett Sander- son and family, Miss Laura Phil- llp, Toronto, at 1fr. R. Sander- son s. 1fr. and Mrs. M. Blackburn and f amily at'1fr. Farewell Black- burn's, Salem. Mr. Bill Grant, Toronto, hall- daying at 1fr. A. McNells. New Year's Visitors: M 1r. A. Beech at 1fr. Aylmel- Beech's, Enniskillen. . . Mrs. Phillips at sMbrs..D. Higgins', Toronto. .. 1fr. 3and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and fani- eily, Mrs. Henry Werry, at Mfr. Russell Ormiston's, Enniskllen. .. 1fr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, Miss Viola Bradley, Toronto, 1Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton, Mfr. and Mrs. A. Read and Clayton,> at 1fr. E. Brad- ley's... Mfr. and Mrs. Roy Thomp- son, Leskard, 1fr. and Mrs. F. Osmond, Messrs. Lloyd and Don- ald Thompson, Miss Veda Purdy, Bowmanville, Mfr. Earl Thompson, Oshawa, Mfr. and Mrs. W. Brid- gett and f amily at Mfr. W. Thomp- son's. .. Mr'. Arthur Trewin, Miss Véra Trewin, Oshawa, Miss Grace Trewin, Toronto, 1fr. and Mrs. C. Avery' at 1fr. W. Trewin's. .. Miss Ursul McNeil, Toronto, at home. Zion e Uc uttlng h ay at Russell Robims' on Monday afternoon, qj Jimnmie Srnith caught his right- hand in the cutting box. They- rushed hlm. to Bowmanville Hos- pital where they found the mid- dle finger gene cempletely and part of the flrst and third fingers, also a piece off the end of the thumb. He is still at the hospital. Miss McClure, Toronto, is stu- bo dent teacher at S. S. No. 12 this : week. Co 1fr. W. Vivian is very ill. Mr'. Lii Elwood Wilbur has been sick toe. J 1fr. Harold Gifford has muscu- Be lar rheumatjsm. Ho Mrs. J. W. Balson has the flu. ] Mr'. and Mrs. J. W. MeMaster Ne have recovered from an attack of 1 the flu. lee Visitors: Be Mfr. and Mrs. Geràld Balson at e 1fr. Chas. Ferguson's, Thornton's Beo Corners. Bn Mfr. and Mrs. George Hilts -and N. Ruth, Mrs. W Glaspel, Oshawa, 1 1fr. and àfr. Gerry Glaspel, Whit- viEJ by, at 1fr. F. -B. Glaspel's. 1 1fr. and Mrs. August Geisberger ora and family, Messrs. Frank Bishop at and Joe Gachter, Harmony, Mr. her and Mrs. Christian Ster, Toronto, 1 at Mfr. Hans Geisbergers. ele Misses Leona and Elsie Stain- nue ton, Oshawa, at Mfr. Russell 1% Staintons. Old 1fr. and Mrs. Percy Langmaid AUl and Berniece, Oshaw,1r and the Mrs. Fred Robbins and IsabelCsI Mrs. Down at Mfr. Russell Rob- bins'. met lfrs. Jas. Stainton and Grace Kec àI 1fr. Fred Harding's, Oshawa.- 1fr. and Mrs. Bernard McEwen, Oshawa, at 1fr. Wes. Cameron's. ý Mrs. Wes. Cameron and Joyce at 1fr. Delbert Flintoff's, Kedron. Mrs. Delbert Flintoff and sons, Kedron, 1fr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly and Lloyd, Ebenezer, 1fr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff and daughters, Maple Grove, Mfr. and Mfrs. Ivan Cochrane and daugh- :ers, Bowmanville, at 1fr. Wes. Cameron 's. Messrs. Russell Stainton and Russell Perkins at 1fr. A. J. Bal- son's, Solina. 1fr. and lfrs. Wilmot Scott, Joyce and Douglas, Blackstock, at Mfr. Russell Perkins'. Mfr. Jas. MoMaster, Toronto, at horne for New Year's. Starkville Visitors: 1fr. and lfrs. A.-Dobnhnde PAGE SIXK W hen We Test Your Eyes You Are'Assured Entire Satisfaction lni Fit, Quality and Price. For Co ge actogen Comp. 100 Tabe. Me $1.59 87c 9c Syrup Eypopbosphltes 89e Halibut Liver OUl Caps. 59e Haliborange - 79o - 1.35 e $1... Cod Liver 011 - '19a Cod Liver OUl Caps.- 98o Wampole's Extract- 1.00 Aiphamettes $1 - 1.85 - 3.50 Calcium A. Caps 1.10 - 2.00 Ext. Malt & Cod Liver 011 - - 59e - 980 - 1.69 23 £OR 4 1 Codlets - - 1.09 - 1.98 Combinettes- 1.29 - 2.29 SPECIAL Vacuumi Botties Hot Wat.r Botties REGTJLAR 49a 29C Now 39C P'hWfT UN VI T Children's Needs CASHMLAKZEE pabîum - - - - 450 TIS UEDextri Maltose --65o Co ur keeyis Baby 011 - - 50o - $1.00 700 SHERTS Mead'. Viosterol 65e - $1.15 - to te rol Helnz Soups - 3 for 25o for2 l %,.»' Oleum Percomoph - 75c 3for25léAyerst 161) Cod Liver W1 67c - $1.69 CREOPHO s Guaranteed to Stop Coughs. $ 695.1m P. R. C OWLINGt Phin . Bu. rsse Solna b irguestsan uns Visitors:Toronto, formerly. Agricultural MIisMielBkes: etr Representative for Durham Coun- Miss a Mr.Jc Baker R.Ptr ty, will be ther guest speaker. r, ad Mrs. c rBners. r Y.P.U. met Mondayigk h Mr. and Ms. Ernes WebberPearl Leach,Prsdtlxcag lu, tMbrs;HWalEr Tink, Baoe f progam. Devotional story was se, t Mr H. . Tik's.given by Mrs. Bryce Brown and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe aa New Year topic, by May Mer- essie, Enfield, with Miss MarY riam; Piano solos, by Mrs. 1. ogarth. Hardy and Ruth Reynolds and a Mfr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe spent vocal solo, by Kathleen Baker ew Year's Day at Pickering. were much enjoyed. Rev. W. M4isses Jessie and Grace Yellow- Rackham took charge of the An- es, Oshawa, Mr. Ivan Elliott, fluai Sunday School Meeting, lleville; Messrs. Donald Yellow- when these officers were elected: ès, Frank Wright, Art Hooper, Superintendent, E. R. Taylor; As- jwmanville, Miss M a r g a r e t socite Superintendent, W. Yellow- -ckenridge, Millbrook, at Mr. lees; Secretary, Neil Yeilowlees; C. Yellowlees. Ass't Secretary, Jim Sniales; Mlr. Walter Blackburn, Janet- Treasurer, A. L. Pascoe; Home le, with Mrs. R. J. McKessock. Dept. Secretary, Mrs. W. *Baker;» MIiss Eleanor MacMillan, Ken- Cradie Roll Supt., Mrs.* W. C. ahas been engaged as teacher Tink; Missionary Comm., Mrs. Bradley's School. We welcome Roy Langmaid, Mrs. Jas. Smales; rto the community. Temperance Comm., Mrs. A. J. Mr. John Cruickshank was MclÇessock, Mrs. A. J. Balson; ted school trustee at the an1- Teachers: (Inter. Boys), R. Gil- da meeting. bert; (Inter. Girls) Mrs. I. Hardy; Mr. A. L. Pascoe, chairman Of (Junior Boys), Mrs. West Yellow- d Age Pensions and Mother's lees; (Junior Girls), Pearl Leach,; lowance for Durham, addressed, (Prinxary), Gladys Yellowlees and DRotarians at Genosha Hotel, Ileen Balson. hawa, Monday. A numnber of ladies met lin the Rampton Circuit Brotherhood church basement on Tuesday and !et at Zion January l5th, when1 completed six more qults fp.r war dron- Columbus Brotherhood *relief work. IN ONLE EASY LESSON Buy Them the Be8t in Food at ERNIE LUNN's1 -1ý A 1 FACiAL TISSIJE HARET HORNES, PEANUT BUTTER PHONE 596 Art McKay has purchased a ý radio.i Our-achool meeting was held on ýesday at whlch Mns. H. L. .m gave up the caretaklng of e school, after many years of fcient sei-vlce. Rer son, Bert m has taken over the work, MIr. S. G. Hallowell has some- iat recovered from his accident, it s still conflned te his home. m 22 4-. --~ THE CANA-DIAN STATESIMN, BOWMANVMLE. ONTJAMO

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