PAGE EIGET TECNDA 4 OMNILOTRO1iRDY A~A MAM*!L0 «Mi SNORS Playung wM thei senior Mari- b:oas téani t 18 yearsoa age la quite im acconiplilent for any hockey player, but whcn lie scores theo=cnig6galit iscven more wid inl l case you don't know who we are talkîng about It ia Bowmanville~s Tommy De- * pew, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Depew, Qucen Street, who played with Marîboros against Hamnilton Dbfascas Friday niglit, Uic former wlnning 4-2 in Uic Ambitiaus City. Tommy, who usuaily playa * with the junior Marlies, was cail- edi for Friday's game and rcally gave a gaod account ai hiraself, for here la what Uie Toronto Star says: Nice Work, Tommxy! Tommy Depcw, a junior up for o~ nc gaine, tatcd Uic Marlies on the glory trail. Dcpew scorcd with thUi heip ai Jimmie Drurnmond, 'y aithougli Uic Hamilton scarer dA~1dn't credit Drununond with an àssls. On one ai bis many rushes I)Xepe*u took on and flattened a D<fasco défenceuqan, gcttig Uic pttok away ta Drurnmond at Uic s#,Me time. Jimmy likcwise an libtrouble and whlle lie was tak- came of bis rivai pùshcd tUic ta Depew who had acrambl- ci akta bis feet. Like a veteran qma a ampaign instcad ai Uic raw rookie hc was, Dcpew drove S for Uic puck, pickcd it up in stride Sand tommd in towhip itby the j~amazcd Eley. That was just anc ot Tomniy'a many fine moves dur- Ifig Uic contcst. -R LNEDIÇKENS IN LIMELUGHT Ernic Dckens af the Marîboro Junior hockey team, in Toronto hhs a hast of friends la Bowman- ville as Ernie Is a frequent visitar 'bere with bis team-mate Tommy t ~DepeW. HRis local admirera and friends therefore got a reai Uirill whsufi riday's Toronto Star feat- umcdEmnc'spicture an Uic sparts paa*,,iith this commenlt: ~,\ Westerîiers Cwm'ying Torch For Duke ilmier Team Frank Selke, Rcd Hamner and S other hockey experts around Uic Maple Leaf Gardens are mightyL swcet on several ai the present Marîboro juniors. Horner lu busy' slnglng the praisca ai Ernie Dick- ens, ruggcd defencemnan. "Rcd" dlaims Uic Winipcgger wll be Uic beat tcen-aged blue liner in Canada by Uic end af Uic present seasan. Eddie Powers is another who likes Uic hard-golng, rough, and rcady Dickens. One ai Uic oUicr lads who ha been catchlng Uic cyca ai Selke and conipany la Gayc Stewart, brilliant iarward frani Fort Wil- liam. Gayc la begining ta ht has truc stride ater a slow tart wi Uic Dukes. Gayc came heme rated as a higli scorer, and la living up ta hua réputation. Big and fat, lie is a fine puck handlcr and crack shat in close. He la also a good back-checker, a rare quality sel- dam found in high-scoring junior stars. Dickens la a bruising defender and brillant attackcr. Hawcvcr, Uic big fellaw hasn't as yet mc- quiicd Uic knack ai putting the puck in Uic net. He la improving mi this respect every tme out, and Caach Harold Cotton figures Er- nie is due ta break out in a scor- ing rush anc ai these fine days. SOLDIERS LOSE OPENIHCO GME Playing their firat game ai the scason Friduy nigliti Sutton, the Iat Midland Régimuent hockey team vas beaten 7-0. The soldiers had their filmt taste ai real battle with -the Sutton boys, the gume being as raugli and tumble as any actuai varfare. The local team, composed af men from Uic wholc régiment, have been practising in Oshawa and Orona under Uic watchiul cyc af Lieut. Bob Dennis and Pte. Samnny Wilson. The tcam, still in ita infancy, win undoubtcdly give a better account ai itself in future gamea with better officiating. Midlands - Defense, Richard- son, McCarthy; centre, Owens; wings, DeCarlo, Richards; centre, James; suba, Bracklcy, Puffer, Baird, Chisholin, Latour, Rundie, Reader. Sutton - Défense, Burkholder, Gi lby; centre, Gibncy; wlngs, ap enter-, Culvcmwell; goal, Smith; suba, Harris,, Gardner, Shcpstanc, Brandon. Referce - Emnie Wortley, To- ronto. J Ilere Are Aecessories YouliI Need For Hazardous Winter' Driviug CRAINS PAD COVERS L ÏTTERiS I PECES AXE LOW A» SERVICE 18 TMM BEST AT Garton's Garage Pno 2660 owmaldie INSULATE YOUR' HOME! THE MODEE'N WAY WUTH 'fle Ncw Fibre-Rock WooI Iie i..! Il Raves p"yu thie out ai spplylflg it., Meissacn be qulckiy and eaully appliedý by any [MeDlgnt workman. If la avuilable in flire Wffl. Ina bulk for use on fiat celiMago or packing lpte odd leaka. lI bats for between raiters or 4*#%« iluag. la granuiated weol for pourlng fw be unstailed without funs or bother #lCýýxwflAthome or in a home under coa- oq0dge o eay l is lesà ta hind. you can go the Job y@ur8elf If you se desire. p oJn * tW 11Syoum home lainsulat1.4wlth ql" 1ro* w*ol fibre. Aak for an euimate on le *OCt mld quanltity requlred riglt away. Ak . W Froof - Verinhu Proof ft P~f~p~IEasIy Applieu Co, Ltd1. HILLS CROWDED BY LOCAL SKUERS GET GOOD SNOW More and more Young people from Bowmanvllc and surrauad- higterltryare taking ta Uic hua aoundBurkcton wlihskis and toboggans. On Sunday Uic bila adjoiig Uic Dorland and We&Ty farina saw the largeat crowd ai enthusiasta it has ever witnessed. Sa many arc taking such ,a keen intereit in the spart that sasse ai Uic older veterans are even talking about orgmnlzlng a ski club wli a skl-tow and other trimmnilgs cornlng later. This ycar Uic local Reserve ai the Canadian army ha acted' as a stimulus ta Uic spart supplyig skis for their mcan. which has crcated intercat farther abmoad. lI case anyone is dubiaus whcre sane ai Uic better hils -aiUic district are situatcd Uic majority go norUi ai Enniakillen. Cars are generally parkcd on Uic road at Ui th first hause an the iglit hand sîde af the road north ai the S- tumn and froni their go cast cross- country through faur fields. Here anc finda cvery sort ai hll, fram gentle slaping practice hills ta Uic steeper and trickier langerî muns.1 Conditions Sunday werè almost perfect, Uic only iault found by experts nat bcing enougli snaw ta soiten their numeraus falis. PLAYERS CHOSEN CHURCH LEAGUE HOCKEY TEAMVS Once agahi Uic local churcli league hiockey schcdule. gets un- dem way wiUi Uic iirst game being played Saturday morning at Uic public school rink. Games wiil bet playefi cvcry Satumday morning, weathem pcrmitting. Any that are postponed will be played at Uic end af Uic schedue.E Januar. - - 9.30-Rougli Riders vs Spit Fimes 1O.15-F'liers va Rangers il.00-Fying Hawks vs Buildoga January 18 - 9.30--Flying Hawks vs Rangers 1015-Spit Fires vs Fiera 11.00-Buildoga vs Rougli Ridera January 25 - 9.30-Rougli Ridera vs F ii~ Hawks1 10.15-Spit Fires vs Rangera 11.00-Fliers vs Bulldogs February. i - 9.30-Rougli Riders vs Fliera 1 10.15-Spit Fires vs Fiy'g Hawksa 11.00-Rangera vs Buildoga Fcbruary 8 - 9.30-Spit Fliers vs Buldogs 10.15-Fliers vs Flying Hawks ll.00-Rangcrs vs Raugli Ridera. »Below arc listcd Uic playera on Uic variaus teas= aong wuth Uic appainted captains: Raugli Riders: Roy McMullen, Captai, F. Lee, Bud Hooper, E. Gilnire, J. Semis, H. Edwards, C. Piper, M. Tiglie. Spit Fires: H. Sturmack, Cap- tain, J. Welsh, M. Wood, F. Hoop- c, W. Leman, Ga. Sturrack, B. MriV. Flaherty, V. Ward. Fliera: T. Bird, Captain, D. Le- mon, R. Rundic, G. Cax, W. Dano- ghuc, B. Perfect, J. Martyn, T. Bird. Rangera: D. Gilhaoley, Captain, F. Luxton, B. Perfect, F. Piper, W. Woodward, D. Rundle, B. Dad- son, C. Cattran. Tlying Hawkau B. Duan,,Ca tain, P. Clayton, A. Strie Passant, D. Cliilds, A. Martin, F. Quincey, D. Wilcox. Buildogs: Snioky Hayes, Cap- tain, W. Kilpatrick, S. Wilcox, I. Haooey, L. Piper, A. Slcep, F. Cowlc,' W. Dustan. Cossa Bask.tball Sclwdul. Er.ct.d For Boya and Girls At a recent meeting ai The Cassa, lakeshare division, tlhe schedulc was drawn up for inter- achoal baskctbail. B.H.S. plays its fimat game an January 24Ui, but several exhibition games arc being arranged befare that date. There are four teanis at Uic achool both juniar and senior girls and boys. The baya' tearns play Uic sanie achedules and bath girls' teanis travel together. Boys Jan. 24-Cobourg at Bawmanville Jan. 31-Oshawa at Cobourg Fcb. V-Oahawa at'Bowniunville Feb. 14-Bowmanvlllc at Cobourg Feb. 21-Bownmanville at Oshawa Feb. 28-Cabourg ut Oshawa. Girls Jan. 24-Bovvlle ut Part Hope Jan. 31--Cobourg ut Bowmanvlle Feb. 7-Part Hope at Cobourg Compbadfod seat. AMY ITMM ato8 Condition vsaantemi feaurela ic efet offthe Mld- lan:deRegt. hockey team when If hwedta Campbellford 8-3 Tues- dgy niglit. The gaine, fat and rougli, found a mucli Improved armw, eani but not geed enough tD a themore exp.nioneed Campbellford group, esw.clsly on their own leci A refuma gamq wl! be layed lni Cebaurg MWl nigt; ihtheanny & as wth SINGERSA1D THEIR " Rs: Wrltten mmeollY fr Sitatesman by wli nÀ' Durham boy, Fred L9. W 11 8Lahe St., St. cithtU«â Ont. Nqobody Knows De Troubhgi'g Hgad, Nobody Knowb But 3I»z Once - twice - or thrIee In a century a great voice 18 givèh ta the warld. One of these ctm« ta us in this generatian in theè .er- son af Marlon Anderson -the nightingaie of tie air - the ilegro with . thepheýnomeftai contralto vaice, and phenomenai .càaeer. She was boni in a humble hpme as moit af the great Iulin werc. She began ta sing'. t the age af three, at six she Jolneèd fhe choir af the Union BaptistClrc i Philadelphia, and therýe,,ahe made her first pblic aýpeaace singing "TheLordis My Shep- herd" ini Sunday Schaai. At thfibr-- teen she joned thiesenior chair and was now on the first lapse af her musical career. She sang-,,ai parts froni bass ta soplana..ý, In 1925 her teacher enter.d.ier in a singing cantest ln whieh ,he wunner was ta slng at Uic Staiunim :with Uic Phi]harmmamc Orchestra. This was Uic f irst major event li which racial discrimination ,ai- mast loat her Uic chance to o om- pete, but lier teacher lnslated, even threatened. She sang '- he won - amid roars af àýpliuse which was strlctly against -,xc rules af Uic contest. Her appear- ance at Uic Stadiuni waa anoôlier triumph for the tanil sender color- cd girl. Her concert fees begàà ta increase $5.00 - $50.00 - $100.110- $150.00 - up and up - - until she had earnd enougi ta go ta Europe form"iurttudy. Her icesixiow average $2500 for a concert. 'Ra- dia engagements $3000. She spent ciglit ycars abroad and made a name for heradl and her race in Uic musical blrcles ai Europe. Returning ta her nativeý land her manager planticd for a great apening at Easter tirhe. i Washington,. Uic Capital. Consti- tution Hall, Uic largcst concert hall in thc city, was owned by the Daughtersof Uic Aznierican Re- valtion, but racial prejudide clos- cd Uic doors against lier. The Cen- tral Hlgh Schooi was Uicexext largcst auditorium, but thia was ahao rciuscd. Then Uic preoý ai America taok Uic matter up - Mrs. Roosevelt rcsigned from Uic D.A.R. i protest and Uic nation cheercd lier. Then Uic Federal Governinent becaneie nterested, and Cabinet members, Congress- men, and aUier dignitaries- ar- ranged for an opecn air concer't an Uic White House grounds. ýZ,00 people gathered, ail classes, colars and crecds, ta hear Uic anc great artist; whule millions listcxnmq in_ on reeeiving sets. They Zce tense moments, Uiat day, utthe tanl dauýk figure, mîthUicthe" p ai Uic Marbie monument ai Lin- coln, Uic Emnancipator, ialling acrosa hem ahaulders, staod up and sang "My Country 'tia ai Thec, Blcst Land ai Liberty, ai Thcc I Slng," then follawed wlth Uic Negro spiritual, "lNobody Knows Uic Troubles Ils Scen, Nobody Knows but J"atà nld tears aad cheers. Miss Andersan is Uic first Ngro singer ever ta bc askcd by a re- ident ta Uic White Hause for a solo performance, and she was invited again by Mrs. Roosegeit as saloiat durlng Uic visit of Uic King and Qucen i 1939. This graciaus act was greatly appre- ciated by "Royalty", and, It brouglit mucli crédit ta Uic 'Firet Lady" ai U.S.A., and a weil de- served distinction ta Uic superla- tive singer who bias saý splcndldly represcnted her Negro race in Uic musical circles ai Uic world. thc Campbellford buncli. Bowmanvillc aguinla assan- other s orts aggregatian when Uic Mdand hockey teani mavcd ta Cobourg Wcdncsday niarnlng. A large number of Uic players had been bilieted around town so Uiey could all pructise. together but in keeping with thlicocncentrationi ai Uic whole battalian Uiey were movcd ta Cobourg vhere Uicy vil be able ta work out on the rlnk i Uiecocuntytown. Nestieton Nestîctan Waman's Association wiU meet in Uic churcli Thursday aiternoan, Jan. 16Ui. Meeting li charge af Mrs. R. W. Marlow's graup. Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Fltzc and f anily have Imoved otahUicbouse owned by Uic late Steve Hulbcrt. We wlcome theni ta Nestietan. Sympathy la xtcnded. tô Mrt ana Mrs. MarshallMaicolm hi Uie pasulng ai her mother, Mrm. Robt. Henders, Janetville. Recent Vlsitoi-a: Mr.Mur Wood, Bownianvilllc, atM. Malcolm's. . . . MissMrae Stecle, Oshawa, wiUi her parnts. .Mr. Norman Malcolmi and fani- ily, Lemsford, Sask, Mrs. Jas. Malcalm, Mr. and Mrs;. Lloyd Hunter and Janile wi1 Mrs. L. Jablin. . . Mrs. Jas. Williamson, Mr. Frank Jackman and Mr. Ar- thur Jackman wli Mrs. Stanley McGill, Janetvllle. . %. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Samelis wlth Mr. Hem- man Sameils. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Mervin MountJay at Mr. K. Sain- cils'. ., . Mr. Beverley Veale la Tornt... Mr. and Mrs. David Johns and Hilda with Mrs. Herb. McG.... Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Mar- law and fanully, M.r. J. Noon at Mr. R. W. Malowa... Mr~. and Mms.'Percy L. Malcolmr, Toronto, at Mr, Fran~k Malcomm's. . ., Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MéMullen, Mr. andt Mrs. Hoerayd McMuiicn and Mer- ian, Lotus, Mr. Taibert Div$daan Jack and Joe, Fleetwood, 1fr. J. Armstrong, Mr. R. Sugglftt ;à! Mr. Wesley Campbell. .. Mt, and Mms. John Ncsbltt at Mr. R. Nea-, bitt's. SympaUiy la extendcd ta Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Parteaus and fani- ily in their heavy ions by fire. ]Bethesda BeUiesda Cammunity Çlub met on Frlday night with Vice Presi- dent R. Wright in Uic chair. Mr. Hoar had charge ai Uic prograuh which opcned wiUi conumunlty smngig led by Mrs. Gordyn Brent. Mrà. Haar taok Uic devotionai, aiter which Helen and Marion- Werry fivored wiUi a plana duet. The gucst speakerwas Dr. W. H. Birks af Bowmanvillc whose sub- ject was "Communicable Dis- cases." MAter he gave us ha vcry intcresting address, telling us, about these different diseases, Mrs. Gordyn Brent played a plana solo. EdiUi White rcad a'picce on Uic Ncw Year. Marion WerrY canducted a game, after which Mrs. Hoar and hër group served a deliciaus lunch. Eyesight Education And Efficioncy By C.iI.Tuck Dlner BIdg. <oe,. P.O.) -le osawa Number 159 There was a time whcn speciai- .Ized training was more i demand than at Uic present. Modern de- vciopment deniands it if we wouid be ai value to oursevea or give efficient service ta aur eniployers. OnIy a short survey of business and the application ai efficient service ini iheIntercat ai its success proves ta us Uiat ta know onescif cames flmst i im- portdnce. In knowing or studying oncacif, we learn aur qualifications and aur limitations. A knowledge ai these Uiings gives us the oppor- tunity ta apply ourselves in Uic manner bcst adaptcd for Uic reali- zation ai suitable returns. The histary ai Uic past and Uic facts ai to-day eniphasize Uic task which la before usli bccon ig accustamed in a short tinie ta Uic enormous changes in conditions, enarmaus changes in dcvclop- ment, progmess in industry and Uic demands upon us bring wlth Uiem burden for Uic cyca which ail too quickly Uicy nmust Iearn ta bear.- ta be contiued) ÀAThut fer 1941.m-m Do you tliink your local newspaper la trylng ta do a good job for Uic counmunity? Pramaoting wortliwhile Mdess, helping conimunlty leaders ia their vark, iasteing an intel- ligentiterest la public uffairs? Do yau Uink that yaur local néwapaper la intcrestlng? Flowing ovcr with neya of aur ova Dur"ui county people? Do you Uink it is attractively set up and prlntcd? Daca it appear ta yenr as thaugli lard work goca lato Uic production ai it? la t Uic sort ai a newàpaper whlch you would 1k. ta see grow anid prosper, sa that it miglit expand ita vork and usefulness? Wouid you like te have a bigger sbire in Uic work whlch la being donc Uirough Uic columni af The Statesman? W. know that you are now a booster for The. States- man. You cma do even more 4by heing ta expand flhe circula- tien-liat by aaklng your fri"ndate subscribe and perliapa by glvlng agit aubscription or two te relatives or friends wlio weuld aise appreclate The,. Stataman. WIyou wo*glltb ue la ibis way? The Canadin Statosman Fbuaded la IÇOisud e8W! Youu w ~. - - - - - - - Laurentian ýMountains Outstanding Ski-Ground astea Caadw gretes opted stretoh a aunlau oopuatry ort i onnts!vhlc coair fmoritefo -n raic- ,ag failthiezfond atai tiis Jusanding Bok.ot hIa seo anie ock Laetbissecutin sofstohieuùet fermaonath" aide. ai ug out for mdln Pacifi alvia lifsthetwes Shabnl4 aadl& libee bau bila ud noua an Laleu heand ise, vs talsedof l Desafdo competi- deve sud pies sfo-rg ud e- commoadatioumeraaging and uxur oalsemodeit rngfont luadia poe o a utpo&,au Tlideve pentet. 1ta a a maJor viater ytla Cmaa4. la Mountains' popuiarity as a vinter playgrouad. The growth ai vin- ter travel, ta e te ureatisa ski- ground la béat shava 1y rail tntl- tic figures, stos hb ay travel la négligible becaunof the. deep suaw. A dasea yo's &go It va.aa bitweek-end Il 1,000 people veut ta fthe iaountaina; and fev af fhem vers skiera. Let vinter the Canailan Pacifie RXIlvay toak 48,600 skiera te the.Laurentians on week-end ski trains. This vin- ter approxlmately 20 regular and speelal canadian Pacifia ski trains Vlll talus asarly 10,000 pkiqrs ta the LaurentiUM every week-end. Rami ressea for the develop- mnt of tie district iiito Ca*adas favorite skl.ground, la addition te lbs UOMUase te MoatrOQ Mad Ii facilitiez and terrain, l in the ba>- PY route af the Canadiam Peoitie Rallvay tflrougli tih.heart o tbe mouataina. The. ruilva ia' are vîthina a ew miles Ont"â other ail along Uic lins, afl cross-country ski-ing a 401wflg adveature posible la bard oru> stages for skiera af ail ag. Thon there la spart for skier% et evsrv dogme.ofai ptitude because aiUice va2'led offeriags of voodedsMd ope]' country, sepe. At 0verr imaginable angle, hundneds et miles oaI marked ski trails up bill and dovn daie, eleared bils vifl ski tovna ta eliminatet»flI 1mb baclu, ski JumpDsand breath tSkiil downill ruas ior aeesp.tiooa. Ool4, dry air and gseserenshlp.- 1'am o! inev coàpwes i5't sai picture Theysayw. re crazy to carry on again this year with our once a year last length sale of nmade to Meature suits, when materials are 'Worth about double, the old price, and stili advancing. It has, however, been -the policy of the Cook Clothing 'Compény Limited, to send out new sample$ eachà sesnand where there la only sufficient niaterial left to make the odd suit or two, it doe not warrant new samples, so out ihey go in the last lengt clear- ance once each year. Juat think what this means to the man buying a Warren K. Cook- suit tailored to hi. measure froin these 1.ngths of the f mest English, Scotch and Irish tweedu twists and worsteds. The retail price on these Suits and Overcoats based on to-day'. price of the material, would be froni ten to f ifteen dollars higher than the old price. In addition to this saving, the Cook Clothing Company are taking a reduction, we are alto taking a reduction in our mark-up, so that you may find just the material you want and you willl save dollars by selecting your one or t-4> suits right now. M. DREILIN THE ARCADE B1owmanvllle - Ontario ------------ = , 1 ý AN, BOWMANVnM, 0 NTARIO THE CANADMIN a,