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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1941, p. 1

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s With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville Ibws, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 87 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., Ilý' SDAY, JANUARY l6th, 1941 A meniorlal service for tue Y Cble Scout, tueRt.ý Hon. f Lard Bhden-?oweillai Gil- woll, will be beld ta St. John's Anglican Church Sunday îf- ternoan, Januaiy 19th, ai 4 o'ciack. The- Cube, Scouts, Browles Gudes and Rang- ers i of16wmailuvlle are jotai- ing wlth atuers 'ail over tue worbd atislatuimfi a sacred service ai tribute ta tueir- leader wba died lasi week. Tbis service la apen tu al. The ministers ai tue tawn wlU take part and Chaplain C. R. Spencer is ta deliver an adl- dieu taucblng on tue flue ai Lard Baden-ýPawell. Membei ai tuese organizations num- ber about iwo hundred bore. They will meet aitue public achoal grounds ai 3.45 and p arade ta tue church. Tl* bSchool'Buglq Band W*M leadteparade. APPLE GROWERS HEAR TECHNICAL EXPERTS' ADVICE The 30tu annual convention aif tue Northumnberland and ]Durham Apple Growers Association con- cluded iii iwo-day session at Part Hope on Thursday witu lectian af. tuese officers -for 1941. Prosi- dont-H. Sireit, Brighton; Vice Pres.-A. Gibson; Se'y.-Treas- E. A. Summers; Directors-W. F. Rickard, M.P., H. Gibsan, F. R. Currelley, A. Morton, S. J. Si- son, J. Calwiil, H. Crewsï 'J. A. Wilson. The retiring presidont, Russel Osborne, conducied proceodings ai general business and tatraduc- ed tue ioilowing speakers wbo cavered tue ground touching. pro- duction And, marketing problems: Pro. 'E. -F. Palmer, O.A.C., Guelph, spake on orchard in- provoment by way ai llminaiing non-profitable trees ta tue face ai preseni conditions. J. R. Van Haarlem ai Vineland spake on soil 'management ta archards. IR. E. Robinson, lederal fruit ta- petor, outimed tue position ai Nova Scotia grawers and warned tuaituey may be oxrpectod ta compote with Ontario ta quality pack. Mi. Robinson. giving rea- sons, said: "Nova Sctia la! gotag ta try ta bçai yau ait, B Ç'O' topro-ý ductin à .2 aiofpat aet, maks .dmotcsitua- taon acute. Nova Scotia and Bri- tish Columbi~aie going ta com- pote wiih OnariIn quality pack. The only way we can combat tuai is ta siudy marketing require- menta."j Grawers were advised -ta de- srytrees productag fruit wbicb n 1olonger enjoyred a market and replace them wltu apples which were in- demand. Mi. Robinson related Nova Scotia growers areS facing the faci that much ai tueir apple crop, is unnuanketable fol- lowing the boss of 1he export mai- ket, by eliminaiing sucb trees irem their orchaids,#nd roplacingc tbem wltu a produci whicb la manketable In Canada. i M. S. Hazen, New York, mana- ger ai tbe service division ai American Agricultural Chemicai Company,. gavo a techuical ad- dress based upon U.S.A. experi- ence. Other speakers were, Rev., W.c J. Jobuston, Taronto; Cocil Mer-E cor, M.P.P., wbo advlsed growers io seek iepresontatiou on market- ing boards; MW. '. Richard, M.P., wba urged farinera taoroganise; W. A. Fraser, M.LP., Noribumber. land, who stressed, marketing eud pnice conditions. Moigpictures dephciing spray- tagvý weeresented turough ibo cauitcsy ai .tue Niagara Brand' Spray Company.I Milsteviolicist Thills Rotatiau KnowsPractical, Side of Adt AlSo liddle à. Dioted toa Bhw A1OTHER OANDIATE "1What Makes 'Mm Tk"- Intricate Parts Desorlbod 1>7 Edouard Earltt. Rotarians were treated. ta. an address ai unusual intereat on Fni- day at their weekly lunchean when Edouard Bartieti ai Osb- awa, teacher andarit descrlb- ed in detail the meihanlcs ai violin construction, thon wont an ta play his instrument ta deman- srate its ot>ereal capabilities. Ho entertaineci the Rotarlaüs with three maivelous numbers, two transcripýtipns by Fritz. Krilier, "TheOld Refrain' and- Beetho- ven!s "Rondino," and. a typic4l gypsy number "Czardas" whlcb. ho played In tbi'llltag fashion. Rotarian Reg. Geen, well knawn maestro ai Oshawa, introduced Mr. Bartlett and w»s bis oympa-. thetic accampanlat. Mr. Bartlett bas already attata- ed considerable distinction by bis studios on the hlstory and con- struction ai the violin as well as Crightoil Devitt by bis artlstry. Hoe la familier RevofCrwiht nhe with the inicate procedure aio veafatrgh, nte bilding the violin. candidate ta throw bis bat Itt ~ki lU cmpletely diamantle t e z)~~~b adnhpa i5s viÔ4n I have here o, > the f~o >tlina f Naitiw yuailth details ofi us construc- borla ad hâm. Cartwright tion," ho anuurced. «I imagine hu nat had a warden for 42 years that the Idea ai a stringed Inatru.. wben the laie J. H.,Deviti, faiher1 ment firts tarted with the twang ai the presont asianWas elec.i- af a cross baw ustrng, but lt was ci., Reeve Devitt's municipal ox- not until 1450 ta Germiany that perlence tacludes 15* years a1 the first moderni violin wau made. achool trustee, 12 yearu memberc One hundied years later the art ai township council, 5 y cars as1 -was further developed inane~.* reeve. At county cauncil he basj In 3 a lcol ai ialians ai served on overy commitice, alsa -whih tio grat tevrus waa rmember ai Board ai Manage.i 0 ne, mode v :lzs lh thy ment and auditor ai Criminl Jus-1 wOUIld stit o ehliu e lice accaunts. Ina maternai ,crclesa thi haithy pe o bv10 ,uy= eh e lo a Pasi Provincial Grand1 ContInued ýMaster ai t ute Grand Black Chap- *--.'to--ner. w-r. vs ."Mr ci ~ 4Affl . 3,592.01, loaving a balance on tad ai $255.03. Detailed analysis 4items was taken up ta general scussion. The'secretary vaiced expression If.thanks ta The Staiesman and 1The Orano Times for the splen- d ca-aporation these papershad endered ta baosiing and public*a' g the fair. A leiter was read fram Baw- ainvillo District Chamber ai 'mmerce asking cansideration ai he Society in spansoring tbe nont nnual poultry show for Bow- anville. The secretaiy painted ut thai it was not a show but a airket and gave an accaunt ai a onversation ho had with mem- «rs ai Bowmanville C. of C. round Dec. lot. An hour's discussion fabbowed id varlous shades ai opinion ere expressed, mostly bedging ýagainsitute proposai. Four or1 iv mations or aulx-motions .andJ nendments were put and fialy .0 amondment ta the amendment ,fMi. Elliott, seconded by Mi. )aborne, was carried, 22 ta 2, as lflows: "That tue Society do nai; ponsor the Paultry Market for 941.11 R. R. Stevens and W. F. Rick- 'd, M.P., stated tue positian larly and no doubt' influenced e decision. As matters stand, o fieid la open for markets ta ±bh towns for 1941, ta be span- )red by business. mon or Cham-t ers ai Commerce, but not; tue ocioty.1 Reports followed by directars< 9each department ai tue Fair ai enerally satlafactory character, iv tuai complaini was volced 1 ia reglatered stock had beon C iown in tue grade-cattle class in 40.E Present were 35 mon and 10 t omen, a roprosentatlvo turnautv ut cancluded a iengthy session e * a businessiike and generaily b ironlous manner. Dospite war, e te prodician is tuat 1941 wlll seec blgger and botter fair than ever. 1 BOER WAR VETERANS a. Voteront ai tue Boer War, If ti ch tuere be ta Bawmanville and inliy, are ospecilly requoste4 c jota ta tue Memnorlal S«vice rLord Baden-Powell, on Sun- y, Jan. 1Mthl thio way botu c: eyoung and aid will be able ta in ta a comman tribute ta the i] ander ai tue Boy Scouts and tue Lawned Major Who, with his cý en, held oui for 217 days ta tue [e oi Mafeking. Phono Scout-. p ster Cliii MacNoir ai 381 ta P %k. apoclalý' .arrangements ta ig tend. i GIRLS COMMEV PRACTICAL STUD ON WARCOURSE Meehanios, Map Ial ag Targei rctc ebeTagi by lhitar in. The Girls' Service Club las b tag ahead ita new yearof WdM witu a large membership ~ groat enthusiasm. As tin ilt graups ibioughout Canada, po gram ai tralning courses ad lo tuies bas been p.anned. The i~ ai thoso wil be tatrctien t' in use ai gas maulcs, given by Cor- paral A. C. Philipa aitue nâi meeting. The same evenlngQu- ton-Master Sergeani E. wni gve instruction ta tue use «of a rfle and foilowing thatt. u girls wiil bave rifle pratice ea*** week,4bis ta be in c'harge -ut Durham Farmers May 'OrgaizeFederation In discussing p lana fan a Dur- ham County Fedleration ai Agri- culture wihb H. H. Hannam ir Toron-ta tue other day, these Points were brought oui: Funda are nai; availabbe, non aie organizers avaibable from the Cen- irai organization, ta pramate County Federations. Organizatian musi be undertakon by farmers and faimers' organizations within the Couniy. Mn. Hannam was about ta boave for tue London Coniorence and ho Predicted ta advance, preity accurateby tue autcomo. And tue auteome finally ought ta decide Durham farmers tuai they should organize withôut de- iaY. One or two Couniy Associa- tions bave lately voted amail amaunta fan ibis partlcular pur- pose. Otuers sboubd foilow tuai ides and cooperate fuily. rý Sirois Report Sidelights (Editerlal) Tuesday tue Conference of Premiers assembled at Ottawa ta confer on tue Rowell-Sirois Re- Part. As tula la written, notuing fital has yot omorged. What will bappen, no one Icnaws. But tuere are, aitue ma- mnent, some tutags tuai can be aaid, and shauld be said. For mantus The Statesman has takcen tue stand that tue rocom- uxendatians ai tue Commission should be, ithte rat, implement- ed rlghi naw - *bile we aieeat war. OUi central tueme bas been "National Unlty," now - and for- er!i That, flnally, la the summa- tion o a ilarguments. Few papers throughout Canada have slfted things down ta thai one bouie concept. Oui, contentions in support of tho Report bave been aur own - uinluenced by pretonious press or plffllng pretonders. Opposition bas developed amang editors Who waited long beo re taking definite grounds. There was a lulaif weeks - there was eloquent silence - thon came urats ai protesi. The wblp crack- ed. Their "manster's voice" awoke clamor and echoos. The volce oais humble week- rcries "shame," and again, - Bane upon ibase spurlous "pat- rots" wblo woubd seek ta divide tii great country. For tuatIolawbat ht means - division, secionallsm, dlaunliy. Their crylesthe dollar cry. Thoir cry la the race and creed 'rýhey are tbe saboteurs aif Na- anal Cohesion. They scream, tbey wall, they ry aloud ai Ontarlo's sacrifice. They are tue paid poseurs who oint fingers ai poar brotuers in 2enurlous provtaceit wbo, "in tue ,l cbuich ai cicumstance",find Uduclaiy difficulties. Who awns Outario? Who boughi fOntario? Whereby sud wbere- came the massed weabth ai On- tario? Wbeuce came al ibis wealtu tuai speaka 50 contemptuously ai newer, pioneer provinces? Yours the answer - thon sus- weri! ! And, wben snswernug, remem- ber we are ai War! »Aud, intruding upon the sceue, la that arch-pretendor, ihat ariful demagogue, Mitchell F. Hepburn, wluo, posing as the friend ai form- era, proposes a Farmer's Union - when farmers alresdy are build- ing their owu, sirong, sane, sol- vent, enligbieued Canadian Fed- eratian ai Agriculture. Formera do nai 'uieed, do flot waui Mr. Hepburn's belaied champiouship non advice. We voice tue sentiments ai many formons bereabouis, who, we presurne, as lu aiber districts, brtag their problems sud protesta' ta the doorstep ai the weokly press. Time and agaîn we have beard the borny-handed sous ai toil say: "If tue West wauts us - we're wbtu thom sud the Est, too!" Jusi a iew days aga we iound ta tue public press, a pranounce- nment thai: "Fawler bas been fln- ed; ho Io tue moutbpbece ai Mac- kerfzie King!" .The press iutinxaied thai ibhis cheap buainess was inislcd by Mr. Hepburn, buitute actual ici- teoi' aidismissal emanated iiam Attorney General Canant. Ail because Fowler cbampioned and, ion moutus, bas ebamploned The Rowell-Slnais Report. The dismissal was a "fait se- cAJU thY Provincial Gavernmeut bailyboo la mereby "hooey." Ev- erYtitg sabd, every mave made (Oontlnued on page 6) Loy Wages Paid Teachens Plan l'o Adopt Seit Schedule DrBoiuiycastle, hira Dlscuss Purchate of FAIÈMERS PRIENT Lot Next Rugby Field CASE TO MINISTER and Teachers' Salary AT LÔNMDON MEEl Sehedule. Press reports concerrdng the Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie was ap.. Farmer-Gardiner conference held Palnted chairman ai the Board at London, Jan. loth and llth, of Educatian at ita inaugural smu sjlos meeting Tuesday evening. Lest S~U sfio year's chairma, Fred Ciyder- Around 2000 farmers, faim or- man, was abent tbraugh illness. ganizations and Hon. P. M. Dewaxi Alex McGregar was the-only flOw met Hon. J. G. Gardiner and lis member éh the board talng Trus- staff ai experts head on and face tee Goddard's place. ta face. Dr. Bairnycastle expressed h i wsahci meigwt thanks for appolnting hlm and I a etcmeigwt hoped that, they would have a some af the Ottawa spokesmen pleasant year and that the school howled down when attempting wauld profit by their devisions. generalities and platitudes. Trustees Hardy, Stutt and Pat- The main item dlscussed was erqon were appointed ta bring in the peg an butter, but discussion the Standing cômittees, wit ranged aver the cheese situation, the following results, the first bacon-hog prices and production, narned ta be chairman: Finance, the prices of feed and transporta- Hardy, Stutt and Cryderman; Pro- tian ai western gran ta eastern Perty, Edgçr, McGregor andý Cry- points as feed. dorman; Management, Paterson, Mr. Gardiner submitted a writ.. Stutt and McGregar. -ton brief oi "opinions" but the Caretakers were re-engaged for final outcome was his promise ai another year with the finance a pegged minimum on butter dur- committee ta look itt the matter ing summer months and continua- af raising salaries. The tour care- tion ai the cheese bonus. Na pro- takers are: Central Public Schooi, sent action was fôrthcoming ta Clintan Lunney; South Ward regard ta either bacon or feeds. Public School, Mis. Nelson Piper Consensus was that Ottawa and George Buttonshaw; High -authorities have plenty ta think School, Herbert Moyse. about; that this test ai public opin- An increase from $300 ta $400 ion wiil resuit, finaaly, ta some ta salary was given Charles fari ai action ta relation ta relief Mason, Sec.-Treas. af the board. for the present predicament ai A communication from Trustee farmers. Fred Cryderman asking the Board ta accept his resignation on the grounida' that due ,to illness ho meetings was promptly tuined 'F dawn by ail members. It la feit valuable experience that will bo a dld b ai help ta the board. A discussion af transportation -Ifn i M n Eeotod Prei- for athletic teams foilowed a let- ter framn T. A. Gartan c1-1-1-gdent. Agriautural. Society %t that his buses were used anly in- A""lDal Meeting Keld Mn bad weather and when it ls afi Orouo1, Wedneaday. ho lsn't given a chance. Principal L. W. Dippeil replled ta this stat.. At the annuel meeting ai the ,111 thaI the rugbY teaM had U"oc Durham Central- Agricultural So- MêSàÇM ýeioy,, buld yesterday (.Wednes- Là 0Y J* co dày), lu Orano, the foilowin iô- accomboftate the large, number fucers were elected for 1941: Pro- ai Players. He also tated thai Mr. sident-Neil Mutton; lst Vice Pres. Gatton's bus was only used ta -Oswald Cowan; 2nd Vice Pros. bad weather and rendered -excep. -Harry Jase; Sec'y.-Treas.-M. tianafly fine service but when the H. Staplos. The sainie Board ai weathor was fine the Price ai Directors was retained, save that using the bus was too blgh as Mis. Neil Mutton ýand Mis. J. C. copupared with private cars. Tamblyn-were added in the wom- The street llgbt'autîide the en's section and Miss Marian Bell- scbool Warranted a bitter from man retiréd. Town Clerk Alex Lyle taquiiing Retirlng President O. W. Rolph why the light was always oui gavé a clear-cut rosumne ai the when an. ontortaiament ai any past yoar's activities, and Soç'y.- Principal Dippeil again roplied ances. Receipts for 1940 were (Contlnu.d on page ~ $3,847.04 as against $4,512.07 for 193. Epenitures orf,194lOAfl Tiflini'Wv~AT.,r~.+f~..A beaflet prepaied by Leonard Otuer courses wiil be map read.. Harman autlines procedure. Ex- ing, given by Major Poey Ja, tracts from it are as iallows: tue Si. Jahn's Ambulance Co>r* =_ The abjects ioaiured ta a con- which la nation-wide, a lectur&~04 stitution reommeuded ion a food and nutrition by Mis. W. j county chamber ai agriculture fStrike, a course ta matai me- are: Lanics and a knitting class , (h a) To co-ordinate agicultural wiil bo conttauous for tuase d- efforts wituta the cauuty. siring bebp and instruction. 11 (b) To aci as a cauniy unit ai The mauy prficioni kumitters. the Ontario chamber. are bard awÔko g Avo ÇL14 (c) To asalat lu formulatag 'ok o D" Company sud the- couhiy, provincial sud national club is inalal ways dottus part agicultural policies. ta laokng after tue boys as longl (d) To encourage and support as they are .witu us. 'co-operaiive business outerprises The girls ai tue club and the in the district. Canadian Legian have been very Ail fsrm organisations are wel- pleased ta note tuai tue Recreà- corne witbiu the rauks ai ibe tian Roam provided for "D" Com- caunty chamber. As yei the coun- pany la being constanily used ald ty chambers are iinanced largely enjoyed. The public gave its sup-, by voluuiary subsciptions fronu port ta ibis uudertakiug and *ýVw111 the afiliaied organizatiaus. Noue no doubi be graiified ta know- h 'ai them have yet had finances suf- la appreciated. ficient for a very large program. As the mavextent develops more satifsciory fitancing will be ne- 'oulxy M îket quired. But tue mouey must ai- eoulry arke < ayscame from the people servod a. Uawnuut ad adage prevails: "They wbo p aamm~1muspsy tue piper .. ." The cut chamber la naita be or become s party political arganization. ÏFIRST AID COURSE The'- custamary procedure ta AWARDS 01«VN forming a county chamber is for QOOYEA ~ge tgehr and discuss the idea. This graup plans a large comn- miitee. meeting ai peaple repre- Plant managera, superintcnd sentative of the varlous organiza.e sud fofetmen ai tue industries. tions, and tue variaus townships tO hw to ituerCon s in ihe county. The cammittee dis- Ontalo aea ..tu lu cuiaos tue ides fuither and plans Accident, Prevention Assoc*atî l bra large public meeting, or bei- were giïven a moat. camprehen- illat; a day of coniereuce. At sive and insructivae. address. Mou- tue coniereuce, outstanding faim day jevening ai iEê-Gènosha Hotel, leaders explata tue ueed sud the Oshawa, an many points taob-h function ai tue proposed unit. A serve itadustria accidents are provisional represoutoîlve com- te be elininaied. The address was mittee la chosen ta proceed wlth preseuted by Eugoue Sparraw, arganizing tue couuty chamber. plant manager and director ai tue Constitution and by-laws are Imperial Vainish and Colon Ca., draited, sud a new county cbsm- Taranto, who recenily addressed ber ai agriculture bas came bta Bowmianville Rotary -Club. bcing. The uew chamber securos The Osbawa section ai tue I.A. affiliation ai ail the fari orgsui- 8 P.A. cavera tue aiea from Pick- zations lu the couuty wbich arec ering ta Newcastle sud nonth as preparod ta tako ibis stop. Andc fan as Beaverton. Thore was 222 the county chamber afiliates withs prosent aitue dinner meeting, tue Outario chamber." Durlng tue evenIng St. John's . Any suitable name may bes Arbulanco certiuicates were pro- chosen for tue organisation. r aented ta winnc n thte St. John's The Statesman, ialaowing ita Ambulance contesi aitue plant ai palicy ai iorwaiding tue tateresta tue Goodyear Company, Baw- ai Agriculture, gives this autlilec manville. A. M. Hardy, plant sup- ta tue hope ai aiousing interesi ertatendeni, made tue proseuta- and action. tion ai tu "e framed cetifilcates ta Lotios nsud advice from faim- tue ioilowlng emnployees: Jae O'- ors withta tue Couuty wiil be wel- Noil, Arthur Bell, Harry Barticit, cornai ta the end tuai meetings L. M. Dewel, G. W. Young and wiil be beld sud a atari made at J. Niekerson. once. FFpTY.4FIVEYK Mr. and Mrs. WilUs Mr. sud Mis. McReynabds, ion g msuy yeans rosidents ai Bawmau- 8i ville, were marniod flfty-flve years 0 au Jauuaiy Sth. About forty-iivc 6 relatives and fionda callai ai theoI home ai tueir san-ta-law sud daugbter, Mir. sud Mis. Wm. W. LI Wbllis, 911 Loan Ave., Toronto, f, ta offer. congratulations ta ibis fi wortuy couple. TINe bride snd tI groom recelved many carda, tele- ci Emgliuh Take Wui Philospai Know How to Keep Futzie on Ru. Lt.-al.J. l. eme Sa tungsho had seen and heard LtAo. J C. Offy whieou active service -ita Eg- Handful af RA.F. Beat %P"and. Ho was tatroduced by Major Ger nen - Bicycle Qlub F. E. Lyceit wha patated oui tuai Queuta of Lions. the Col. received bis fiast officer's commission during service an tue battleiiebd ta tue Great War, an Lt. Col. J. C. Gamey addressed houai much coveied by bath affi- the Lions Club Mauday uigbi cens sud men. givtag an iterestiug resume ai Beginnina is talk Col Gainey the history ai bis regiment, tue told howtIe Midlands was tirei "Midlands", nd tellag ai a ew faunded as a provisional battaion in 1885 by Col. A. T. H. Willanms URe MARRIRD for service ta tue Nartuwesî Re- bellion sud consistai ai men fram Durhamu, Northumberland, Vic- toria sud Halibufeton equnties. Il finet saw service ta tue flghting lino ai Batoche, Man., and la oufi- à* cially crodited witu wlnning tue - day againsitue Robais. Duning tue iteivening yeams tue regimont bas been kfiown by varbous appellations, durlng tue last wari h was as tue "l36ths" sud '"l39ibs." In 193o whcn tue - hisi was re-arganjzed ibis di. vision remataed an tInantry unît. "From wbat one man-hmas sen ovenseas ila impossible ta givo a campreheusivo view ai tue war s0 far," Col. Gamey saad. "But ion one tuiug tue trip over was a big advance ou the lait war. The shipa bad not been knocked dowu yet for soldiers' accommodation and we travelled ta camiont. The zig zag course tue boats *were iorced ta take mode tue journey as much as 19 ays an a five-day boat. "Mostiofai aU1Iwas lmpressed wbtu the mlght ai tue British Navy. W. kuow tuaitue only shlpptag basses betag sustalned are ai unconvoyed frelghters sud amu McReyauolde Ih la Impossible ta canvay every gasandi gifla ai flawers, bqsides und. There bas nai yet beon a seveal personal gluts. saldier boat lait wbile belng This aged couple eujoy the besi 18gnsparted in ibis wai - or tue ofhoalth. Mr. McReynold was 78 "Cgeite re h cet bn Christmas day sud Mrs. Mc. Csiie i t e m s cet Reynold.s wiil be 78 ou Apîil etBib oenseassonec ibe d uaolienb Dainiy refreshments were serv- vre ic he ontlk h ed ta tue guesta along wlth wed- qualiy ai Engîlalutabaccoansd the iIngcak. Anumer i ilaivesprice laalmosi prohibitive. It dn a e OsA sud ofreativmsvcosi me four shillings a day ta friends ta Toronto cafled ta W9 atak y pithe."rosstanl this venorable and wortuy couple Nauaytenrvsaiinl continued bealtu sud happineq. (Oontinued on page 8> TALEXTED VIOIMRT touneil Cives Cold Shouldér, 1 1 "BARB"Y PETHICK COLLECTS FAGS F. C. "Baib" Petuick haq a goad Âdes. Ho bus p reidaigus sud receptacles l is eshap f ion ea contributions. "One dollar buys 300 cigarettes; Place le ta $1.00 ta box; We'll do tue sending; Let's have tue boys' addresses." There are aisa flues for mild ostus. Contributions for such are obllgatory. *Money is ralling ta daily sud the baya overseas Wili get the benefit. TALEI<ZD VIO~IWT Cuncil îves Cld *To Mlinisters, Chief of Police To License Games of Chacem et Mucli Business Done DepreevePreents * ~ouncilBiames Province for At uclInaugural "Psing the gc' Inaugural meeting ai Town tency. Council autuanszed Mayor and r Treasurer ta borrow $50,000 ta The farmal requesi a i luof a meet curont exponses. Police S. Vonrton ta tue tawn Edouard Bartlett Leave ai absence was granted cauncil ta discontinuo tue practice Tam Lyle, Lewis Lyle and Dean ai licensing "ausmet(abat) Oshawa, wbo gave a masi infor- Bickell from lire brigade. Chair- cahines>? was refused ai tue mative addioss on tue histarY and man Abornotixy annaunced tuaitluursdiy nighi meeting. construction ai tue vialin ai Baw- Ed. Tor"nan,- rvil e. Hooper, The attitude ai mare than a manville Rotary Cbub and aise Frank Siin and rLamre Blekel tiid ai counucil was suznmed up deligbted bis audience witu 50v- bave been chasen fan tue brigade, ta tue propared remaika ai Depu- oral sobections. Ho alsa ittiznated tuat the $50 ty Reeve C. G. Morris as iol6o: choque recoived by Chief Lucius "We are not particularby con- Hoaper from tue C.P.R. for goad corned witu .tue moral aspect, ai services rendered ai the train tuis question. Takn a municipal dipoitonfo temen's persoual of tue few sources aimniia After Hockey Game uCouncillor W. R. Harrison ta- perty. Nan-rosidents, t ou ri as, troduced a requosi fram tue U.R. traveilers, truck drivers contre- W.A. ta roui' tue iawn auditorium bute masi af tue revenue tue Soldions irom Pari Hope and Jan. 20, 21, 22, for tue Gaveru- municipality and-icencees receive CJobourg Sont ta Haspital in mont Conciliation Board hoaring from tuese machines, wbile local Cobourg. -- tue gavorumont ta pay ail e*- contribuions ta aloi machines are penses. Granied. mainly young aingle men who pay The wisdom ai changing coun- no atuer taxes ta tue tawn.. Three members ai tbe personnel cil personnel once lu a while was "Bowmanviile providos smal of tbe lis Batialion ai tbe Mid- sbown wben Councilor Electri- enaugh choice afi' diversion ta land Regiment, C.A.S.F., were ad- clan Hait painted ta a large glass eiber bocal or non-bocal people mitod ta tue Cobourg Genersb ligbt globe abovo Mr. Gunu's head wiihoui remavtag tuis anc b*rm- Hospital ou Friday nîgbi ai basi absorvag i was lu imminent dan- bus form ai ontertalnnueni. I amn week, slter betag struck by an ger ai falling. Roi erred tai the disgusied ta see tue hedging by automobile driven by Clifford Public Property Cammitiee (the tue province ta ibis matter. Tho Crossen, Ktag stroot, Cobourg. ligfii). action they have taken (ta declai- The injured mon were attended by Dr. W. W. Wade, modical offi- Mayor. Joues, in the bniefeat in-. ing -Plot machines mlegal) la an cer ttahedto te uit.augurai address on record, calod encroacbxient on municipal juris- corattche t th untfor a continuation ai the programn diction ai tue oxpense ai munici- The injured mou werc Pie. Fred ai strict economy ta view afint- pal revenue .-- tue province stui Cane, A Company, leg injuries; creasing taxes and tue war. accepta revenue from liquai rai-ef Corporal W. Fader, C Company, Capi. Curtis of Midland Regi- fie, race tracks, and grants per- possible fracture ai tue jaw, and ment asked use ai cauncil cham- mnita ta tue sa-cailed "1spanting Pie. John A. Gardon, A Company, bon two hours a day ion bectures clubs". bead sud leg injuries. Capiain A. ta the soldiens. Cauncil decided "Any action by tue -tawn or Wallace ai Port Hope, also sus- ta give tuem tue auditorium if province ahould be consistent. tained a strained back and an tan- heat was pravided. Neituer tue peas, churches or.any jured baud but, was able ta go t noo rmtue localnon aiti bas eusd bis homo. A fe rmteWsigo The accident occurred shorly Loan and Trust Building ai Council ta ban tue gambling sponr- altion eleven 'clock as membrs$100,000 cash for tue McGiil aored by service clubs, chuichos ai CComanyai ue n, ro Building was read. Mayor Joes or patriotic organizations. Surely Port Hope, were marching soutu gave a restume ai tue histary aioif ani il a hwpril on iviionstretfrau te c m-the building for benfi of new itY againsi, business men who are muuity rnni<ta tue armories ale members and i was feli tue affer araylab o ev hr tue hockey game betweeu the was nat entirely satisiactory. A ai taxes." regimental team sud Camb -ciuet abata aebe One..AiIfed Bandits" fard. A number ai tue men ai A tryit -tegettue bu4ldmng' by-du- -The' prosno fai t.he bpand- Compny taténe atCoburgbiaus metuoda, ila said. The tue tuumblng af tue Crhiunal Compny satiaed a Co aurgdepuiy-reeve sponsarod a motion Code ai Canada wero needed to wde.eas aigpr atePita b building only bo aold on assisi caundil ta ita deliberations. ado.ter!M previously speciiied which A btter fram tue Bawmanviile Itisl learned ibai Crossen was would mean about $10,000 mare Ministerial Association was read driving lu a soutuerly direction on to the tawu. contaiuing a resalution deploring Division street, returuing from «a dance ai Baltimore. Ho was ac- Several prospective purchasers the sproad ai tue gambling spirit, companied by Rasa Clappe£ton ai ai town lots will be natified tuai registering pratesi and asklng Baltimore. Appareutly he did nai three goad locations aie available council -ta do aUil t t power ta notice the coîumn ai marciuingi aitue nominal pnice ai $50 pro- have aloi machines remaved. meu until rigbt bebtad tuemn. Ho vidtag a bouse la buiit wituin anc Much ai the thiee-haur meeting, applied bis brakes aud tue car year. sud minor coats ai tbe (Oontinued on page 7) skidded witb tue lbu aide ai the transaction paid. _________ car striktag tue rear rank ai the Harvey Cordon, Secretaiy ai columu. The cai' ran dowu tue the Fine Brigade, wrote asktag an Girl Guides attended tueir firai sidewalk on tue weat aide ai tue tacrease ai $25 a year. Ho point- meeiing ai tue New Yeu.. Mis.* stroot sud came ta rosi aitue cor- ed oui that aten damage ta Cunningham taught tue grsa ner ai James and Division streets. clatues amauuied ta more tuan lesson ta firsi clasa work. A les- Constable Donald Erskine ta- tuey now received. The requesi sou wiil bo given ta ibis woîk vostigated tue accident. Chief ai wiil be deali with subsequeutly every week. Lieut. Casbourn taok Police W, J. Carey laier stated a by ine and Finance Committeos. charge of the games. charge ai careless driving would C, p fi k n si ti Ir 01 et 'w di] ei ti hý 01 ti, ui 011 eý ta w el bt. ed CI 8% rit th tic 2e tel ni à r c 0 . %%ounllfluuu ", page 9),

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