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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1941, p. 7

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%13ltlAY JIIUA 16,1941TE CAIYADLAN STAMESKAfl, tOWMANVHL, ONTARIO ISocial and Pe soni1 ehn 40r10 p~ÇI Courtice hockey team practised hore Thursday evenlng. * Zâvr. Hobbs' father in Bowman- ,fville la 4uite Ill. VSoldiers ln *trainng thii month were home forthe weekexid. Mr. and Mrs. H. Seymnour, To- ronta, vislted here. Mr. * Ernest HaWke enjoyed a tnp ta Ottawa. Lt.-Coi. J, C. Gamey had a few -d4aYB holidays this week. Mr. Perrett, Hampton, la clerk- Ing at Bailey's store. Mr. and Mrs. J. Moffatt visited lni Toronto Suxiday. 1Loreen and' Edwin Manning were in town Saturday. Sunday Schaol teacherg and of- f icers met Thursday evening at Mr. W. Stainton's. Alb West has thue mumps, along wlth a broken collar bone. Trou- blesnover corne sixigly. Mr. and Mms. Charles Shaw spont Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. B. Bryant, Toronto. *:Mn., H: Mercer was Sunday guest ai Mr. and Mrs. George -Kolth, Toronto. .Dld you hear Axidy Carke Sun- day? Orono is once again on the nmap. Dr. MéKenzle and Norman Allen wero aised ta the 3rd de- gree'lust Thursday evexing t the Masonlc Lodge. Tuesday evening O. W. Rolph, D:.D.GM. and other Masanic bre- thren paid a visit ta Cobourg lodge. Newcastle Masonic ladge will vlaft Orono Lodge toxight (Thurs- day) . ad exemplify the thfrd de-. gree. Rev. and Mvrs. S. Littlewood will be hast anid hostesa to the Younig People's Union Executive to-night (Thursday)., Scouts met. with 22 present. Plans weére started for a memorial servicefor Lord Baden-Powell on Sunday, Jan. 1Mt. BowanvlleGoodyear and the Newcastle Box Factory played a wiid garne af hockey here Friday evenlng, score 13-11 for Bowrman- ville. Qulte a bit af amusement was caused by Aubrey Jordan bring- ing his goat ta fthe rink one nlght,i bu Mr. Watson pramptly "1gati Aiibrey's goat" - out ai there.1 The words "Supper 4oard'l should have read "lShuffleboard"l tthe repart of Park Board meot- ig. 1t week.. Not-lbaf.toXes would object ta a free aupper board, too...t sdMs Ed, Dean Who on Thursday quiet- ly celebrated théir 40th wedding LUGS WANTED Basswood - EIm Beech 2nd. Growth liard c Maple AIPPlY3 The OakvîIlse Basket COMPANY, LTD. Oakville - Ontario NEws, 0 ®RONO. anniversary at the home of their son Hesper. Next Suxiday the Scouxts wll] attend the Park'.St, Church ser- vice in the morning whlch. will take the form of a memomial ser- -vice for the late Lord Baden- Powell. W. J. Riddeil, Grand Canductor I.O.O.F., wont t. Whitby Tuesday sud Bownille Wednesday sud goos ta Oshawa tomoraw (Fmi- day) ta psy bis officiai visit. An effort la beixig made ta have al past officers presoxit at a apeclal meeting on Jan. 22. Officiai Board of the Park St. Church met Friday evexilng. Ex- cellent reports were given by the differexit societies. It was decid- ed ta have the annual meeting Jsuuary 27th. Plans were made ta have a Sunday set aside for War Savings contributions. W. S. Cobbledick was appointed ta the Musical committee. One hundred anid sixteen weme present at Suxiday School Suxiday. LeRoy Mylçs is taking Neil Wood's place as secretamy, wha leit Sunday for Toronto. Ron Pst- terson's *class is beixig taken by Marlo Hancock. Mma. M. H. Sta- ples, Manley Littlewood and Mms. S. Mofatt are among the assistant teachers appointed. The youxig women's clasa hope to' organise anid ail young women between the late twexities anid oarly forties are cardially invited. A banner is being givon for attendance. pal* St W. A. Park St. W.A. met Tuesday af- temnoon, ftev. Littlewood coxiduct- ing the installation ai officers. Mrs. M. H. Staplea has consent- od ta be Srd vice-piresident. Miss Davey presexitoed treasurer's me- port. Mms. N. F. Porter gave hem report as corr. 'soc. Repart of the fruit committee was given by Mra. W. Seymour. A pantry com- mitteo was appointed to asalat mira. M. Smith. The dates for the 3 social evexiings wère settiod, a portion ai the praceeds t. be for War Victim's Fund. Mms. H. Waish gav a readt.g sud Mma. R. Smith a vocal solo, with Mms. R. H. Brown, at the piano, bath items being much exijayed. Park St. Union Union meeting Monday evexing was in charge ai Citlzenship con- venors. Scripture was read by Shirley Myles sud Greta Mercer. ms. C. cantreil sud Mma. M. Phasey iavoured wlth a vocal duet wlth Mmm. R. H. Brown at the duet. Toplo .wastaken by Elmie Rowe, on "Theo Criminal in the MakOPg.TUi dealt with the n ceaty of eariy training sud re- liglous educatioxi, the respansl- 'bility ai adults sine 'e the chfld copies, sud the tact that every- body has the power ta influencej good or evil. Following this tslk adiscussion, was held an twa questions I. Which commaxidment la brokexi ,,nost often? 2. Who has the great- ,r influence, a persan of good chamacter in s graup af evil peo- ple, or a person ai evil chamacter in a group ai good people? The youxig people agreed that the commandmont "Thou shalt flot -ovet"' was broken the maat, sud 'bat it depexided an the strength of the persan lI question'a char- -cter which had thé Moat in- fluence in the second case under discussion. The Roda had the most mem- bers present. Recroation was con- ducted by Miss McDowell. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From'The Orono News ai .Yanuary 17, 1918 Orono'i Splendid Progresa Sinco Comlng of the C.N.R. -'A public meeting ai citizen. ai O)rono was held in tho fire hall Jan. 14th, on the cali ai the Police Trustees. The meeting apexied s'ith a fair turnaut aithaugh quite i iew ai aur business mon were -ot present, mon who should ho :aking the livelieat intemest In the weifare of Orono. There were a îumber ai speeches made and ail deal chiofly with the past and future welfare ai* Oroxia. A sum-. Mary of the speechea went to. show that since the C.N.R. first- ran through our tawn up ta the present thero has been a wonder- lui improvement li the town,., liusesrepàinted, aidfenceaa- r Wedding Robertson - Hawke A quiet but pretty wedding was solernnized on Jan. lotat B hrist Chumch Cathedral, Ottawa, whon Miss Noreexi Hawke, youngeat daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Erneat Hawke ai Oroxia, became the 1bride ai Sub-Lieut. Jo#n Robert- son, second son af Mm. and Mrs. Hugh Robertson ai Ottawa., Rev. Howard Clarke officiated. The' bride, given't. marriage by hem father Was attended by Misa Ethel Cranker, af Ottawa, as brides- maid. Q.M.S. Peter Robertson ai the RC.O.C. attended his brother as batmsu. Followlng the ecep- tioxn the couple left for the Pacific Coast. Live and L.arn Club Told How Soldiors Kep )Themeelve. Fit Oroxia Live anid Learn Club met Friday aiternoon in the Park St. S. S. roorn. Roll cal]. was a plan- ned meal. Miss M. MiUisoxi, lead- er, gave the girls notes on "How the Good Soldier Keeps Fit," deal- ing with proper clothing. It was decided ta have a supper and skating party for members only on Jan. leth. TELEPHONE CO.- ANNUAL REPORT Operating Account: Balance from 1939 $ 2,668.99 Receipta. for 1940 -- 5,861.35 Expexiditures 1940- 6,792.45 Balance Dec. 31, 1940- 1,737.89 Depreciatioxi Account: Balance from 1939 __$ 438.14 Transfemred from Savings Acct. 1,402.50 Bank Intemest 1.84 Total $ 1,842.48 Expenditureg 1940 ---.$ 1,464.46 Balancp Dec. 31, 1940 _$ 378.02 Capital Assots --$12,400.00 CurrentAssets _ _$ 3,615.91 Surplus over liabilities..$ 4,595.91 Auditors: C. F. Awde, W. E. Armstrong. NEW INDUSTRY MAY LOCATE HERE Omono xiow sees the posalblity af having an industry here, albeit for oxly part ai each year. W. Towrlss addressed the Chamber ai Commerce Monday evening, which as attended by about 20 farmera outside the usual mem- bership raie, regardlng t"s broom corni indugtry. If a sufficlent acreage sud suitable buildings can be procured this industry may operate home early next fal. Re- porta were given ai the year'g work sud these aficers were elected: Preaident, F. O. Cooper; Vice President, H. A. Clarke; Sec-1 retary, R. Z. Logan; Treasurer, O. W. Rolph; Diectors, H. Balley, W. J. Riddell, R. R. Waddell, C. S. McLaren; Wm. Armstrong, C. Froate, and N. F.. Porter. A33/4 nv9t.n or Trust Fudi STERLING TRUST 'l CORPORATION STESNS iOWu 1010517 -LIGHT- CONDTO YOUR HM cocA 80 NOURisHINiaOCUP. TO 714EË POUND S.Ol. OFFICERS S.OZE met Moxiday evoning ,and- elected these offcors:. Presidelt iGea. Morton; Pust President Ir' LJ. Hall; Vico, Jos. Hall; ChapIai LW. B. Hoar; Tkeas. sud Acting LSecretary, H. A. Millsoxi; Inolde LGuard, Clarenice Allin; Outad Guard - Curley Branch; Auditora, J. J.daxlh Geo. Cooper. Red Cross Benefits *y Cooldng Sohool The Women's Institute aponsorr ed a delightfui cooklng achool an Friday aitomnooxi, doxiating the net proceeds ta the Red Cross. - Fahlowing words ai weicome by. Mrs. O. W. Rolph, the ladies were, givexi a short lecture on the value ai vegetables, the proper way ta cook them, the xiecessity afint- cluîjdithree vegetables in ono'5 dal it, etc., by Mrs. W. W. Shemwin anid Mrs. HI. Allen. Mms. Shemwin à.lso gave the ladies sevemal recipes besides those for the five vegetable dishes the two ladies prepared with the assistance ai several heipers., These lncluded: Cornflake Pots- toes, Scalioped Tornato Surprise, Cammots a la King, Beaxis wlth Ham, and Buttemed Peas, sud were esten with rails for lunch, follawed by tes. Besides the pmeparation sud'ex- planation ai these five dishes, the ladies also demoxistrated the Jack- atraw saiad, -wbich, with, two vegetabie plates, was piaced on diqpiay. Whlle the plates weme being prepared Mms. R. H. Iprown sud Mms. M. H. Stapies led in com- munity singixig. Mms. Richardson pmesexited prises t. the ladies who had the hucky numbers, namely, Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, Mma. James Moffatt, Mms. Fred Wood, Mmi. H-. Goode and Mms. Read. A vote ai thanks was texidemed ta the two, in charge. CLARKE COUNCII. Council met Jan. 13th. Aftor ail members had takexi the daa- atian ai office, Rev. S. Littiewoad conducted the meligious exorcises, aiter which. the coundil ahowed its appreciation by passing a re- solution. Each member spoke voicing is appréciation ai being electeI2 by acclamation sud promised to do bis best in the interest oai-the township as a whole. Letters from Newcastle sud, Loakard were mefermed ta the Road Supt. Reevo was appointed delegate ta Ontario Association ai Rural Municipalities' Convention in Ta- mont. on Feb. 25th. sud 26th. These resolutions were passed: Appot.ting Claronce J. Allun as Live Stock Vaiuor; autharizt.g C. F. Awde t. continue collection of taxes up ta Fol>. 4th, 1941; ap- pointing C. F. Awde as Schooh Attendance Officer for 1941; ap- pointing T. A. Reid sud W. J. pst- taxi as coundil representatives an Omano Park Board; mefuniding $2.15 t. John Lancasterm for dog tax; t.structlng Cierk to subscmibe ta 6 copies ai Municipal Worlcl; authomizing Assessor, Tax Cahiec- tam sud Ciemk ta draft s fomm ta ho printed on every assossment notice that there shail be no me- bates ai dog tax; that owixig ta public opinon being opposed ta, the Clarke Twp. Council assum- ing reaponsibility for the payment ai expensos when the Omaxia ire engine is called out ai the village, it was moved that the Couxicil refuse ta continue such payment sud that ail resolutions dealing wlth thlis matter in the pust be rescinded sud that a capy ai this resalulon ho iorwarded ta the Oroxia Police Trustees; authoriz- ig Uic Troasurer ta psy certain r4nes on the lat of osch moxith; instructing Assessor, Tax Collec- tam sud Clerk to atudy carefully lands t. armears ai taxescand me- part ta next council. By-laws weme passed: Appoint- Lng J. Lyall Lowemy as Assessor; aPPainting Cecii Robinsoni, mem- ber ai Board ai Health; appoint- ing M. H. Staples sud R. C. Ras- bamough as Auditars; apprapriat- ig $14,000 for maad purposes for 1941. SFallawt.g bils were omdemed pald: Dr. C. E. WiIsÔn, B.OH, $3.00 Prov. Troasurer, B.O.Hf ..- .73 S. R. Hart & Ca., supplies.. 4.02 Mms. H. G. McDonald, supý. 5.00 Mra. Z. J. Randall, R vs 32.00 J. J. Mellor, salary-.. -- 50.00 Orono Ceai & Lumber Co. supplies --- ýt-,---. 7.00 C. H.Frosto, supplies .----35.97 C. G. Armstrong, supplies . 30.00 Dean's Bakemy, supphles..---4.48j John- Swisples .~ 1 .65 Omoxia-lm epm.ting -._42.5 Clarke Union Mr. and Mrs. J. Maioney, Par- tage la Prairie, are visiting at Mr. Ed. Grahani's. Henry Nixon had a double frac- ture ai his arrn at Omono rink. Dr. McKenzie set the bones. Home sud School wiil meet this Friday evening. A gaod prograsi la being prepared. Everybody la Linvited. Mr. Edwini Sandercock is able to be arouxid again atter his car 1accident. Mr. William Dawson has sold his sawiig machme. Mr. and Mms. Milfred Sherwln gave a duuner t. their fmiends on Saturday evenixig. Roy Berry is assisting in. Mm- strong's store. Ab. West broke his s1houlder blade skliig. Ab. also has the mumps. Mr. Jack Lorrimaxi and Mm. and >(rs. Hamry Bailey, Orono, spexit LSunday at H. J. Souch's. Evemett Stapleton is drilling at Peterborough. We noticed a number ai hunt- ers out aiter foxes and jacks which seem ta be quite numerous. Lake Shore, Clarke, Mrs. Fred Parker is under the doctor's care. Mms. Chas. Bedwin, Brown's, is staying with hem. G. Vansîckle, Port Hope, has been threshing claver seed along the Shore. Andy Hunter is choming for Mult Graham during the lattem's illxiess. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. All- dred at Mm. Les. Alidredl's, Mapie Grave. .. Mm. sud Mrs. Bey Jaynes in Toronto. They repart Mrs. Frank Harrs' condition as quite favorable. . . Mr. and Mms. W. Adams and family at Mr. B. Whit- ney's, Port Granby. . . Mr. sud Mrs. A. Hoidaway and Allan, Port Britain, at Badexi Poweli's. .. Mr. sud Mrs. H. Peters, Mamann sud Ronriy, Port Britat., at C. Mit- chell's. Starkville Shiloh W. A. met at Mms. Wil-1 liam Hallowell's on Tuesday. 1 Shiloh congregational, meetingi was held ini Shiloh Church oni Wednesday. Mr. and.Mrs. Lew Hallpwell and family visited at Mm. H. Lyt- tle's, Bowrnanville. Mms. Jacob Haliowell is much lmproved li heaith. Miss Bertha Hallowell has me- turned ta the city.1.1 Mm. Victor Farrow has beexi laid up with the coid. Farmers are getting Up their supply ai wood for the corning rasn. Lavern Farraw is heiping Ar- thur McKay. Shiloh Young People held their League meeting in Starkville school Thursday evenixig. SCowanville Mr. Roberts, Peterboro Normal Schoal, visited aur schoal. Annual congregational meeting of Clarke Chureh was held when ail members ai the board weme re-elected. Paul Gethick undemwent an ap- pexidix opemation, in Bowrnanville Hospital. Twa ai our young people have secured positions in towxi, Mary Ge'tlick in Toronto, anid Jackc Bannes at Goodyear, Bowman-e ville.1 Mms. Robb was back to Our 1 schooi hast week aiter a- lengthyQ absence on account ai the roadv conditions. The flu has taken axiother griPN on msuy in the neighborhood. A a !ew have mequired medical atten- tion.b Those who attended the dance1 [n Newtonvilie Fmiday xiight re- e port a good time. Recent Visitors: Mm. sud Mms. s Clem Parnell and famiiy, Mm. sud Nirs. B. Haskill at Mm. Stan Par- v teous'. . . Mr. sud Mms. Bob Hon- li dry, Mm. Ahi. Graham at Mr. T. J. Simpaon's. .. Mm. and Mrs. A. T. 'V Perrin, Toronto, at Mr. W. A. p Reid's. . . Mm. and Mrs. Brooks e Cowan and iamiiy at Mm. S. Hal- P lowell'a. . . Mm. sud Mms. Wes. E Stringer, Mm. and Mrs. Clarence t] Bumley and children, Mm. and Mira. h Roy Burhey at Mr. Willis Far- row'a. .. m. anid Mms. Erwini Far- e row, Gardon Hill, at Mm. T. Ste-- phena'. Lockhart's School TO PEOPLE .WHO CANNOT SWALLOW PULLS livershoraeinhed t&onpa tio-jat ry thiatret tf Cwo weka: %Taienough Kruwhlen t0 caSa, a dîme, in mam water ewr Nohig cond b.e aMer ta take, and Kruache n nfot lharah, but ita Cosiation je cauaedmalyb lack of mo inrel' the lrI=te tino. Kruschen containà crefil blended minerai malta thtbin back the moùatr. Bouide. cleanini ômtte"r1liýRifen=hepataridthe bloodotream of other poisons resuit Gnea 25c aise aiKruschen fronm yaur drug sud within two weeks youllfee yur .aid good health coming back. Other aize at 75C. winners at cards were: Five Hun- dred, Mrs. Harold Dean and Chas. Gibson, consolation W. E. Davey; Euchre, Mrs. G. Bowen and Wal- lace Gibson, consolation Aima Gibson. A plentiful lunch was thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. Russell Osborne maved a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Blewitt for their kind invitation ta gather at their homo. Attending the Fruit Grawers' meeting at Port Hope fmom No. 9 weme R. Osborne, Donald Gibson, D. J. Gibson, F. W. Bowexi, W. Gibson, Chas. Gibson, Howard AI- lin and Herb. Gibson. Mr. Russe]. Osborne and Miss Betty Osborne attended the hoc- key game at Mapie Leaf Gardons Thursday night. Congratulations ta Mr. sud Mrs. Edward Dean on their fortieth wedding anniversary iast Thurs- day which was ceiebrated at a family party given by Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Dean were presented with a fern and fern stand. Newtonville Vistors: Mrs. Ailan Haigh, Tag- wa, with Mrs. Haigh Sr. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ivisoxi Tamblyn, Osh- awa, with her mather, Mrs. C. Hoski... Mrs. Grainger, Toronto, sister af Rev. Wallace, with Mrs. W. C. Lane. . Lewis Stone, Acct. Dept., Oshawa Ry. Co., anid Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogdexi and Ruth, Oshawa, at Mr. Jas. Stone's. ..Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lockhamt at Mm. S. Lancaster's. .. Mms. Ed- gar Osborne, Port Hope, with her father, Mr. Brock Pethick... Mr. and Mrs. Cleland, Lane aud Gloria at her sistor's, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore's, Scotland, Ont. . . Mes- ames Mark Saper, S. Patton anid A. Hoskin, Kendal, at Mrs. C. Hoskin's.-. . . Misses Moily anid Hazel McCleilan, Bancroft, wlth Miss Mamaon Bruce... Miss Betty Stapieton in Port Hope for the weekexid. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jones and Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton Sr. motored her home Sunday. Mrs. C. Morris. a group leader of the W. I., held a progressive euchre party Friday evening in rier home in aid of Red Cross. Prizes were won by Mrs. Roy S3nith'and Mr. C. Morris. Lunch was served. Miss Olive Whitney and Messrs. WV. McKay and Ronald Buriey are uxiong the latest "flu" victirns. Miss Marguerite McKay has been appointed President of the Y.P.U. ta succeted Mr. Earl Walk- ey, who reslgned. Mr. D. Kaufman feil and broke orne rlbs. Mrs,. S. R. Jonies has recelved ward af the death af her aister-in- law, Mrs. Truscott, in Toronto. Mrs. J. McLachlan left for* Fort William Monday ovening ta be present at the pre-nuptial sogrial events in hoxior af her eider son, Archibald, anid his bride-to-be. Rev. McLachlan will afficiate at tho church wedding ini Fart Wil- liam January 25th. Newtoxivilie L.O.L. held their election of officers Jàn. 6th: W.M. -Earl Walkey; Dep. W. M.-W. E. Reid; Chap.-Fred Neébitt, Rev. J. MecLachlan; Rec. See'y.-Ray nxd Gibbs; Fin. Sec'y.-R a y moý,n d Bruce; Treas.-J. Elmer; Lectu- ers-C. Robinson and R. Bruce;, T'yler-J. J. Stringer. Mrfý.Ad Mrý. Jon itchell were- .. PAGE SEVYEN Mis Lorraine Belghton read the WE PORGECT address congratulating John and Jean on their marriage and wel- I have travelled quit. a long way5 coming Jean t. the Lake Shore On this rond that we eSfl Lite, *Canimunity during which Urne TheiÉe have been a lot of sang daju Miss Audrey Adams and Misa There has been a lot of atrife., Edith Hendry removed the large But although I've lcked "ud tablecloth which covered the dis- grumbled0 play of lovely and useful presents, I'm atil wlUIng t. -confesa the gif ta of goodwill and best That there's been a heap leas sor- wishes from their many frienda. row The bride and groomresponded Than there has of happinesa. very fittingly and the audience 1 have overlooked the sunahine, joined heartily in singing "For I have cried about the raim, They are Jolly Good Feilows," Said but littie of the fun-tinie After the committee had served Yet a lot about the pain; :lunch ail joined together for an Stil I know that I've been favored Shour or two of dancing. Commit- lI a very large degree n tee in charge of the affair includ- Axid my day* have been more y. ed Bill Rowland, Baden Powell, flavored Melvin Samis, Lloyd Clydsdale, With good luck than .misery. 9, Gordon Martin. 1 have made a hast af errors a Yet I think my worst mistake Is that same old-fashionod error y of PolICe That sa many af us make' 1. We spend so much trne whining y 'Bout our hard luck and distrais 9 (Centlnued from page 1) We forget the sun is shining 9was taken up with this question. I a world of happiness. ÎOne fact was established, namely, that siot or slug machines, var- iousiy known as "«one-armdba-W R B dits", are absolutely and A R E EU ' acannot be operated in the pro- flot had any compiaints beforeR council except the two anonymous R N D W *letters sent back to the Chief from hi ueros Ltaycomplaints l* EB 'E be brought here." OR DLE L**SES *Coun. Glen Martyn: "Have we If yau are un clown, weak or aany right ta issue licences?" depressed, or catch cold easily, it 9 The Mayyor: "Yes." mray be due tô the'lack of the vital Deputy Reeve Morris: "The pro- vitamins A, D anid Ç in your dist. vincial government is hedging - Yau con makte Lp for the lack of I have the feeling that if the these vital vitamins if you toke a rmunicipality sees fit to grant hi- steady treatment with Nfoliborange. censes Wve are not putting the Haliborange is di~e nicet of a t.wn uxider axiy obligation. The taking Halibut - r 11Zwich provincial police can step in if la twice os rlch as o Uver Oit they like but we are juat saying in vitamins A and D. Vitamin C we wiil not take'any action if the is in the. fresb orange, lulce which law is complied with." makes Haliborange sa deliclous ta Chief on the Spot taste. 3 Coun. Aberxiethy: "The Attor- Halibarange la used, In many hos- ney Generai doesn't pay aur Chief pitals and Ia prescrlbed by mony - but it looks ta me as if he is- physiclans. caught between two fires. Before Get a bottle af Hollborange. Toke we issue licenses we should be it for a week or two es directed. sure the buyer can make use of Se. haw quickly It will restore your it.ypvitality. L Coun. Glen Martyn: "Then the ALLEN a HAMDUYS op. LDWIrÊ license might be good for one day LidIB7 Onta-to or one year?" Coun. W. J. Martyn: "Mr. Mayor, as mani ta maxn, are these machines a good or a bad thing?" Dep. Reeve Morris: "Ninety- five per cent of the people aren't interested in these thixigs or they'dI corne here ta see what's going on. Ii (A retired niinister and one mer- chant attended for hall the meet- ing.) The churches aren't0i - terested in the revenue - they _______________ psy relatively smail taxes. I move that any requeats for licenses be grante." uies ietr Coun. Gunin: "I second the mo- B sneDrd r tion." __________1__________ Crown Attorney Gave Chiof e I Oiders ea Here Chief Venton interpased: "I have instructions from theoDL G. V. GOULD, D.A., LL.B -Crown Attorney ta take siot ma- Barriator, $,olict.r, Notary chines out. But we cau't,.t.p the _ , Phâno '351 ailier types of machines without Bank of Commerce Bldg. evidence af gambllng." o anle "The province has p sdthe omnll buck onto our Chief," said Coun. W. IL STRIKE Guxin, "we ail know they are used Barrister, Solicitor, Notary for gambling." Solicitor for Bank of Montreal "My information is that we can Moxiey ta Loan . Phono 791 license irregardiess of what thue Bowmanville, Ontario Crowxi Attorniey tald the Chief,"' replied the Deputy Reeve. L. C. 1WASON, B.A. "Doesx't the licensee's $50 en- Barrister - Solit.r titie him ta anything?" asked Notary Public - Etc. Couxi. Glen Martyn. "Can't we Lainl tsbnce get a legal opinion on this?" O Law Imeinaly tebanstRya "Order! Order!" from His Wor-OfielndieyestaRoa ship. Theatre Hlere, Coun. Aberxiethy'maved Phonos: Office 688; Home 553 an amexidment, seconded by Coun. Denta W. J. Martyn, that council do not ______________ issue licenses ta axiy kixid af amusement machines. (mhis would DR. Y. C. DEVWT include music boxes and many Asistant Dr. F. W. Sison harmiess devices nover used for Graduate af Royal Dental Col- garnbiing). es*wihloge, Tarant.. Office: Jury Jubile "mhe onus o eaiyrsswt Bldg., Bowmanville. Office houri the operators - not us," said the 9 a.m. t. 6 pin. dally, Mayor. except Sunday Put to the vote the amendment Phono 79o - Houe. phone 8U3 was fouxid ta have anly the maver X-Ray Equipment là Office and seconder. The original motion carried DRL . R. OWDCKSON wlth Reeve Edmondstone, Deputy (Toronto) Mdl NoeoateOr& Reeve Morris, Councillars Gunn, Oe aga' trNwate Hait, Harrison and Glen Martyn Offer hou*a's StrNay stne. supporting it, aithaugh two coun- Ofc ot:Stra ny ciliors by their actions evidentiy 9 ana. ta 9 pia. did not kxiw which way ta vote. Fuea Dre or Rate of the license fee is not yet ________________________ set for 1941. FN1À B ET19 Standing Cominittees SeUrvany hDIrECTORSda <First named is Chairman) Srie n or n a Finance: Morris, Edmondatoxie, F. F. Moris Co. Gunxi, Abernethy, Hoît. - Modern Motor'Equlpmont, Am.- Roada & Streets: Guxin, Morris, bulance sdIvldCr es A aneInethyar..e NEW LOW PRICE 0« Zt/sei4<1. 14 NEW TORR WII sin RETMNS le CAAA JEU JAFFIET "The Vesce ThatGoa Yoma" Tu, h =hui1V.NTsah. a"% y N "enmu, ~ Ihir ml une Tes uiuig .rom*;Ibslu rv skiai.FI,. q'.awuk Touols- o fu JKCf om ttUSsI& mai NovTokrdi ,theri --on pr-ograrnsud the-even- ing elouod wlth a "'Tresure Trall qulz and refrohments. On Moxiday evening the War Work Comnulttee arranged a mac- iah event.g at the homeofaiMr. and Mni. Arthur Biewltt. About 40 wero p rouent sud $0.00 was raised which willboused to p chas. supplies for sewing. Prie

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