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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1941, p. 9

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TÈUPMIAYO, JANUARY 28,1941 THE CANADIAN STATESUM BK OWMANVILLE. ONTARIOPAEN E Kendal ~MODEIlÇ WE'SLWEE ELOOD eerqilgautenhv munalnicplfnnlgbcueo Mrs. Ted Woodyard and baby iceprnegaedvrym h hif* been with Mrs. Underwood ipre.Thpodtinonw est two wecks. neawathhngannra- R. Mercer and David are e n ie vr ino uie from West Hill. dvloî!1 nutra ctvt 1 -Greig and Ernest, I(rs. Sto- elgctysteglced h n N Klè and Mrs. Hildltch vient to the cesdtxsrl en jpe Newcastle and Bowinanville ANGLICAN CHURCH- Many improvements ,io udyoigt ebre ihu nu aiL eso olTeam a etue y~VESTRY MEETING At Orono Cornet.r èèi ooto r wrrc cf am nde i 4 score. uIg asYer ~ Phono <OnU 'L.t ~ Savlour's Anlican Vcatry Christie St. Hospital this v.cniin" hat ept Béat_____________Dentand St.____ he Alicn e -r 5 L. C. ~~~~Macon who wcrc married i mtng Exc heli r nris e - OooCmteyC.hl t Oshawa Dcc. 28th by Rev. A. D. mg, follows eort: annualein Monday, with. H.. Harold Thirteil ta home-- t 72Mcenzie, trocentiyand rVe Conett. a flow:A..r. Geore . J J Sochpresiding. Mutes weré St. Michael's Hospital. Mr. E eîb 'W. A. officers of St. Savlour's Hall;W.A-r Gog Buttera; edb C. F. Awdc. Fnnil ec hreladM.N pcel I.O.O.F. meeting Jani. Ang1ican Church for 1941 are: hR ch-F. J. Hall; Sunday School statemcnt showed a balance of td4, aÉre progressing favorably and .*' 22nd, wllbe reported next issue. President, Mrs. F. J. Hall; Sec.- H lln.recpe 2x eted homell soon. A oryt-erof thUilllness of Treas., ir. George Butters Allen. These officers were lc 140o $1,789.41; expenses in 1940 Jo Mrini i ron aory tan~earls. cd: Pcaple's Warden-F. J.Halof$,3.5 and a balance of wowl e- Mr. and Mrs. Win. McKenzle and -MÉIs. W. Armstrong's S. S. Vestry Clerk-Mrs. C. Harrison. ,,nxwekwa suddcnly taken Efcsc are vlulting et Charles Shaw's. classes cnjoycd d skating party Mr.__________mcntioned the lim-M ý e cniini improvjng. -.CHTc 4ae Walker waft home on Mondaylveigwîth lunch afer rveesi the cemxetr n pn 2 egbr gave Mr L. Ooeh leavi i cheS. S. room. t .ad~ TELEPHONE COu M~r w r.o5. Bl ema. g h sorr th*a Mr n r. cbr liti 1ogratulations t r n r. ANNUAL gM OAd asdaon itr fWo rbes eaesryt Mr.awand lslte a rtR..Wod' Ed. Morton Who celebrated their M ETN the mausoleum which Dr. Rosa 18er that Clarence is atm lvcry The Empirels enenues muet often look with envy upon is oU yuuh 4Q. ~~~. s. a n . Te u2d2imhce ~ and Mr U. supplies. Thousands of gallons are swallowed up daily by planesDIiy . Mia oscrlabckanduy halumwa lftt theinewJdn.ectars The ladies are planning ta hold An R.C.A.F. machine is being "gasscd up' ti this photagraph. Miss 'Margaret Milisan 'B at A.Y.P.A. officersa for 1941 arc: shareholders met Saturday after- but several spoke ini favor of it a ýconcert ta aid in aelling War iw Vice Min ca eor a ie A discussion also arase regard- Salngs Stamps. AdmNtADcA il E'S ube 6 Witc Shal i inaa. President-George Mitchell; Micilyton Marris. Officera are: ing Uic moving of Uic tool shed ta be the purchase of a War Savings .r W l S Sorry ta hear'af the lllness of Prcsidp-ar Lewis; Secre- President-H. J. Souch; Vice Pre- a les conspicuaus place but no- st]Brr. eryrada itr ____ Mri. James Moffatt.. tary-r.I.Mury rasrrsdet ______e.-rsâp Ms eryra nine-A NU LR P R urry; reaure sdan~ed1r.s.- thing was done.- a__ N U LREO T Ti o ny en rlgcn ~Rév. S. Littlewood ta a sig-Mra. F. J. Hall. Wm. Cabbledick; Cantrollers - .e wngpaer of Current Lvdflt5<litions thameare ncw ta us but d at Uic Winter Sbhool at Lindsay. At Sunday School Sunday, at- Ansan Gllroy anfl James Nixon. Directoîts were ail re-clected. MISsStewPart gave a short tallckBrw' HmonSho Aan me hrdyrigtwU ede yaot10 epe isSubsequently the direetors eleet- Canadianization, also a New Year met with Freeman Eddy ti chag. I hsiueper te9h Scouts mt________________ .y bot10 popeMis hy ecde o skS a rge.oou about 20 prescrit. .Stella Béat and Mr. Robert'Sher- cd these officers: President, H. J. rcading. Collcction was taken in ey dmecieta ahsk Shawaa nnthslisepo app TeCdars he haamanftiutrogexa A number attendcd thc district win braught thc monthly Temp- Orono Scoutrn.St. r Souch; Vice Pres., E. J. Hamm; aid.of H9spital Ward in England. nct eeting. TPisoro ram Assanc eCport y.f T elanaap-iiewrwhnUeyssold ewtn-erance messages, which werc most GvsFn Sec.-Treas., C. F. Awdc. W. A. elected these officers: Pre: Archie Brown; Alex Prout, Cýas. peara extracis from Uic address of foloig eeapct rgea mileiasoftek.. e Nwt n eretlivesdinsrictve.Report ident-Miss Katie Stewart; Vice mcSnoe:Paoslob r.AsrneCA. N. tcelowhap-rsinfo cwrkfUcda vil atwek Ptrestigadisrutv..e-Mrs. L. Thorne; Sec-.- Gilks and Ernie Gilbank of Shaws PresidentA.N Micelwchefcenyabltcfnynur A -Presbytcry gatherlng of Un.. Mrs. H. Allen an~d Mrs. Sher- Scout ACtivItIOs A rclua olt itnRbno;'ra.Ms ~ had charge ai a quiz and stunt give buoyant expression ta a be- oblne iUcepneo onzrmers enjoyed a skating. wind accHmpon Je atr's hua- Jackson; Organist-Mrs. Thore-contest; yMiss Cain; lie triCda'shegrem.o rat estno h pcaisneepca party at Whitby last night. bnta anpoJa5U,-. Orono Scout Committce met Notes * iîk Visiting-Mrs. Wm. otre, H. & S. paper rea yMs . -sdn iceli nEnsi tending Uic cooking icasons while _Brown; Ptter- eaby M rowAn ve;mda h gomofwrar.bPnlathn n aekfii lu Toronto, faig opcedhr* i andiai statmet show'ing abl h olwn at eeoi- The community meeting of the Sidney Brown had charge of a len boy, son af Uic late Dr. and stsato et I1hfutae cavn9comseed. rta Uid male sectio aie achool. a~i ted from aur report lest week ai chiurch was held Jan. l4th. A good îew contesta. Mrs. J. C. Mitchell. -andob eamaaa l n - . r. nd Ma. . TansCa- Clarke District L.O.L. officers nc the Durham Central Agricultural crowd gathcred to partake ai. the Visitors: Miss B. Cain and Mrs. "The nation or Uic compariy vigrt-a n oce u- borganwersnday gues aio-.wcrc re-eiected ai thc annual. Scouimaster J. J. Mellor report- Society meetir1g: dinner. Reports were given anid G. Arnold in Oshawa.. Mr. o that can, beat pull in uts beli ta- cienyt olw Iiii iuh bo.rSainto n uet o .meeting held In Ncwtonville. In- d an the year'a activitica show- FnFi ilb cda rncmae it hs iaya rnha r .Bac . Royisday and asks least of thc future h m osdr i osra J.J.Mllran rs m.~ stallation was conducted by Pasti iig excellent .work but letai Uic Sept. 16had1t, twsfl itebc-slid- Wyhina Farrow, Miss Jean Perrin, will best withstand Ucdfiute hna arvso hc en J.J elradMs m r-Disi. Master F. W. Bowen, ascIia- leadership problem was 'gctting 1U n 7h 91 g.I a l iebc strong addressed Uic Clarke Un- cd by Rey. S. Litticwood as chap- serlous owing ta Uic maving away Don Gibson ticd with R. R. Ste- ing had been donc, and Uiey hope Mrs. C. Turner, Mr. Sidney Brown iniUic post-war cra," A. N. Miti 0mc ayu Ion H. & S. Club Frlday. « lain and T. A. Reid an marahali aof aider boys. The reaignation ai yiens for the diplomna for Uic out- ibis will be regained the coming and Mr. Mill Morley ai Mr. H. cheil told palicyholders and share- I aceria nadtaa Orono Live and earri Scouimas-standin aiin agricultural year. Qficers were nearly ail re- Reichraih's. . . . r r. halders ai Uic company's 94Utrano Ucrer8frc1i* Robi. Thompson died ln Ca., èoLv adLanClub Ban Pattersan as Assi. Sob as ut grouan i daiainonUi.candaka a ade bourg Wedriesday mornlng. Burlal held an enjayabie supper and ter w as preSentcd but Uiecocm- work, gacioul adwlUi ciected. Mrs. Stoker kilndly ai- Austin Turner and Helen, Lock-. annual meeting. s lu Orono on Friday.mkaitiPatyeurdyoweing ta the faci that he cammndale porsmashl gave fered ta type a report af the year's hart's, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Osborn~e "IUiwalpoutoncrbenirbdywacshaksi L.O.L. officers were instalied by Menu cPsitedo pnaesadwas n.utUicR.A.F., promated hini way otahUe aider man. work. and iamily, Ebene l tMr .izdcd army anddeaitel a maxi- tanlyipismna n ly Grand Organizer Graham Mnatocnitd ipnaksad thUicpositian ai Hon. Scouimas- Mrs. O. W. Rolph, Neil MuttoriLly adKeret ehnsor izemuma ndsprdctepawem aiiciny evening. whippe ~cer, caraisdies w iste.Lt0Ci Gamney and Lt. Wid- and M. H. Staples were appointed Llydad eneh tphnonmm fTT.pouciv...r t cvcin. wiped rerri ckean coaa ~were made Hon. members ai delegates totae Uic arsand Exhibi- l,.ark~e UionlCf have secured employmeni at Gen- financing the prescrit emergency Orme Ganisby claims ta have anid aIl did justicc ta ht. Several 'theGraup Conimittce during their tiori canvention lu Toronto.____ eral Matora, Oshawa. it will certainly be lessening Uittabhcelrud t he snuggcst bachelor apartment guesta wcre luvited. Dishles donc, absencc., Garrici Rickard, Dan Gibsan Vstr:, ~n~~<< troubles ai the war's atermath. _____________ in'Oon, Uic girls wenita Uich arcnà wherc ru oiitefr1Vstr:M.adMs e.Ci A large proportion o aiall carnings Mra. Cobbcdlc was takri Uey skated untii Uic ligis were G u~ % i tte fo 1941 re: and E.A. Sum nirs were appoint- wih th r daughter, M rs. RecsorN e t n i l w o p o wc. -Owlg ta illncsaf Manley Lit- tary-Rev. S. Littewood; Tresur- be donc about the Seed air. Mloney, Prtage la Prairie, who wo _____ secrdPhl uhsending i u utr s ta ee.tlcwaod, Uic Union Executive C r M H. Staples; Members-R. O. W. Rolph and M. H. St be iS rda vntg Jn 7UU cuetia leaicursenoingpit Newcastle Meetins Ororia mcetdtai church. R arscrDGecvd ei ras o aami, are cantinuing their congregation af Uic United Church ly uripraductive and muai there- Lodge Tuaacnern i The fallowlngbusincas wnttrans- rzie. wark lu 1940. viait at Brantford and Ingersol. : noe o ukSuprfl oelsfr ni adrvdfo ibrddcre.Luchwa Sre4 ate: agaetMllsnwas ap- Scout Traop afficers are: Scout Itwas auggested holding a bah- \Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blackburn in îawed by thc congregatianal borrowed moncy prave a heavy Pictures af Gleri and Maria pointcd delegate ta Uic Winter master-J. J. Mellor; Han. Scout- quct lu Uic near future ta honar Toronto. .meig bu 0stdw atedana uueerig n Hancock ai Orono werc lu lest Schoi aitPeterbora; $8.00 waa mas te r-BRonPatteraon; As't. Rtue.Stevens ori being awarded The Itraom Corni Company metabeind Aot 70wa d hearUichetrainton fliv ring sandsa- voted fr Missins; -an a nSacletytmaDip--ama GandyE.reA..canvassing Uie farmers far acre- satisiactory reports from Uic vali- ter Uic close af hostihuties. Any week'a amly rid o . R H vtaon toreisons; ax nd ay ew ScutonSie-D n rady; cSmrs, Agricutural Represen- age in this section. oa departments ai church and uneconomic extravagance outsldc - Congratulatians ta Star> es. ~~~~tative, for the valucd services Home and School met an Fri- Sundyaho.O can iwa a ead uilse Wood who Frlday panses ariother was agreed an owing toa acom- Graup Commitee nmade a pre- renered. day evening. The program con- Sudicly fsc ome luOacing aur habt ta peay e wmuslssai -.mileatone. ,- 1 plete lisi aifriames nai being sent ta Uic Scout Troop aiUicsthedoemusc b Cark U ion cuhdur ste winte i wesonceand msto ncrte ae Uic nec- 1Police Trustees took the deciar- availabie. This means that memn- Scout Boys' Annuel for Uic traap Orcstraofamshort takeyUMnioW. eit ncesarygtahappinter t wcx etyaidbarrtwing, ansa thddnta ation ai office Monday noon. The bers had ta ho chosen for aides in library. Park St. Union Orchstranghot an ed Crs W.rk, taedessrs tapcpesin. J e-eiyohnarfutrebrris. nds dt Uintly mecting wil be hcld P'ri.. the attendance content iatQr, wiUi ArmsrnnRdCosdrtaedr o h eso.Jh u uuebres d'ay nlght. each bcing giveri a ribboi, adUinm and an address by Mr. J. J. Mci- Elmer and Sidney Lancaster re- 4-"rei oewtchod ibis _____________Elvin Blewcti leader aof Uic DIM AND DISTANT Uinmeting Monday evenmng I nbyn a aig et- ie hshnu.O eafO complete national arry ms anhiskMiTMbDwlritUic Blus, a ucag iMrteSiU iae.Hoe&Sha gedthe- church Misa I. Laing present- keep uppermost lu ita mmnd everyWaT.Gt111 WianPrMkiss Mcawl the Rlea HAPPENINGS and Margaret Millson. Business to,- purchase anc certif icate a cd Mary Denauli with a beautif3ii moment ai Uic twenty-faur h ours, _ A io-vely lunch was scrvcd iino' period was canducted by Miss Mc- nMe th as long as Uic war lasted. Haly Bible for being the Sunday -'Thrif t'. Terslaa hi Uic ~heklndrien, ai Bey. and Mrs. PromiThe ()roue New$ , Dwi, hnads eecoenof rssaa ame ntSchool pupil ta attend church ser- thrift muni be placed at the dia- for attndance contest.- Ten girls Mrs. Alex, Watson tI charge. vice miosi eual drn h * ~~Litlewobd. January 24, 1919 under directian ai Misa KaUiieen _________rglrydrn i posal ai aur leaders. I~FIfl*V Sinmpson gave twa splendid char- year. Mary Burley was a close "The students af 111e insurance maabw d Çlarkc . uses, unaccampanicd. Misa Carol 1U.arc iirmly convinced that titis 0fVCsVal -~ O ONOLIBRCl aie Township Agiiiiturail aie1avored wit a piano solo. StarASvile Newtonville W. I. tan.1. business offers. us as individuals, mdenia~s Ve-s.ANNUAL MEETING report shawed balance of $332.76. rttT ey . cacla a ain Acntibtonws ivnfrmaitieles anuloula ay f1'athmelatonsate it 1 On1etsd R 1 e u ,wa ej MLcln stk5 the members towards Uic Central simpleat and masi econômical waiea oylghl2 ttr ~ ___se List ai officers for 1918: Presideni takeri by Mr. J. C. Tamblyn. part lu Uic marriage ceremon fiund ai W. I. ai Ontario ta heir> for praviding whaî wc fec.i t la adandbeilgps S oOrona Llbrary mBtigwenhed -C. n.doerVic Vie - C WmanPart 2, Bey. Oliver Jackson; wbase his saon at Fort William Saturay urnh a ward lu a Caniadian necessary lu Uic futÛre for aur- 0ADDE[W.t ub it -Tuesday nigbi, wiUi Presiderit. oe'r> Vc-C .Chpan.,field s1aniaurWc g1O rb Vlks VpofBerto ~ soth" Mrs A. cnr prsidig. rfr J~Sec.-Tras.-Adolph Henry; Dir- o f labor wan mn Newiaund- Miss Bertha Hallawell bas re- Hospital lulvegland. rs Brisev dependents. We . ltrai~te's, Otbeo ricso .n rad Ui inuteMs anJetr-.J.Gbo.H.J oc land, was given by Elvin Blewett. turned ta the ciiy. Saist had charge ai Uic fallow- believe 111e insurance ici and ~t juPisous1ti-ns D is F. Caidickae itreadeorgc Ca. in, W. Il J .tt, Fn Parn t 3, Bey. Oliver Jackson con- There was a gaod attendance ai ing program: Solo, Mrs. Archie should be cloaely linked with war fuiWlê71ame. cbeck for 1I-a,0 eorgepot aacCi fn .ackbW J uFrankln tmued, a ae yJmPwr.Sillah W. A. ai Mrs. Wm. Hallo- Brown; a talk on Historical Re- cconamy. The nation will be mosi ,athuilrar' eotwlh Tamblyn, I.eTry aMII turcHand yt mU gv ev- r amon edarrw htb tuetaMs A rwadvantagcd if Uic individuai, «=bol! 0a% M2.83. Mrs. J. B. Cooper gaavrenI T Caman, Thos. H nH91e ra Ucsrp-wi' n uaa.stuearch byMr. . B.on;an n hl rvdu absums o 0,ocd62 enbea ad 823boksWelsb, GeorgeMtcel A Ncai eadig.Ti cac ihand Miss Edna Farrow, Peterbora interesting sketch oaiheUic Le ofite cauntry's war effort, cari ai it >S~ Suaradahlh307wr nnu-Rabbins, N. Andrews, Wm. Jack. prayer by Myrtic Tamnblyri. werc home on Uie sick list. 'taaeCry y rr.Gro he same turne mainiain a reasoft- tik",ran.of74 ncw bo7k7wer npuri- snI. .Hlmnnows tcad ai regular meeting nexi Mra. Victar Farrow bas been Marin. Contesta werc put Oan by able basis for Uic future econa- cban. 74aridbooAsdirç pr. oM .HlaG.M. ong, Aow-Moay Uic younè people are con- laid tir> with the flu. Mrs. John Mitchell. Lunch was milc security and ludependence ai * 'Ms. . yi rpaes ~ Slea ean; tes taM UicngAirs.ducting a worsbip period eai thc Mr. S. G. Halloweil la much served by Mrs. Samis and ber hmefadhsdpmnsads ___S.Pyn convsMa.Sape een a s. .theu airs L.cburch annual meetin.iprovcd frani bis ilinesa. graur>: Next meeting at Mrs F. B. lessen future demanda on govern- MOfficers -wcre'elected: President PwrAorhH~ ekVisitara: Mr. and r. Cha. tmenstaio.Lue insuance offeran -Ms1A eny ertryMs oe'sIsiueme a.1.skating party ta Being an instalmentet rs.Lan ~Mr~ A Hery Scretry Ms. Wamesandstie e An. 1 . - Worne . nltutb Visitors: Mr. GordofiTrlm andCwaC avllt rr.Ln plan it provides thc future secur- J. Dickson; Treasurer-.MisaP. rs.gaHooplentarepMrts. A o - the__Billy Fox lu Toronto... Mr. and 5son Millson's. ..Mr. and Mr5. ity wiih a minimumn oi prenant _________________Cobbledlck; Llbrarian-Mrs: J. R. crs gave excdllcni reports ai Ui Cooper. . convention beld lu Toronto. Pro- Orono Wori'ao Institute mci Mrs. Carias Tamblyn, Oonoeto a vsnMnay ai rv tlay. Even ti outlay hawcver Mr.HnyadMs obe ed ibza eedsosed of Friday afternon, wihmrs. w. w. Mrs. 1. Stark's. . . Mr. and Mrs Mr. Sidney Lancaster's.. .. Mr. iltruhtecmais n dlkM rc Heycted taintCbb erve by ofvmg$50 ar rano KhakSherwln lu Uic chair. Harold Hancack, Oshawa, Mr. and1 John Burley, Owasso, Mich., wlt eet t~wl irough uic comp arge i dick wee - ý lectedto Intrview b givin $50 t OronaXhayienshere. His mtveM s mensset ll be wsefolulag council regarding grant. Club and $76 ta Patriotie LeagUe. Mrs. J. R. Cooper reported 14 Mrs. Lew Hallowell abd fammte, i.maur ahlr i a efra $10 of the Institute funds was boxes sent ta sic!k and shut-ins at had eventng dinner ai Mr. S.G.Rot Brly r, hofelan ad isevîdenced by aur invéstiments ai _______________ given ta bei p çarry out Uic work Cbristinis. Mrs. H. Dean an- Hailowcii's Wednesday. Miss broke ssainfi bs abou o 14.Leluuac uslt i ai Uie Y.M.C.A. ai Uic front. naunced Uic woollcns were ta be Wray ai ber home in Peterboro.MaGeo rgestilcnfined taibcd. .country's and thc world's needs aM uEM UAk WSERVICE _____________sbipped lu a few days. Net pro- .. rra. I. Stark aný John ai Mr.: w.George mMCull..gA.luarrie baU lunwar -and peace. FOR u CwuvI.Fau. C UUUWceeds ai Uic Caaking Sebool will Jack Glaver's, Newcastle. . . Mrs.and Mrray.. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. arrield is hanin rpdi FOR CHIEF SCOUT a ~~~~~~~go ta Bcd Cross Mrs. .Cooper rýe»Lamne Hoakin, Kendal, wt f~aMra with Mr. n Tewa.ngn aî À%bu 1 Sparted on relief work. Mrs. .Lamne* Paeden. . . Mr. and Mrs Walter Cauch, Orono. . . - pahutically, economically, na- SUNDAY MvOMIu'NCi P U Dean prescied Uic treanurer' Ceccli Glass, Mr. and Mra. Milton Sid Huichisan lu Cavan wiiber tionally", Mr. Mitchell stated. "If, reor.Robinson, Kendal, ai Mr. Geo. sse wohsbeen M. d howercontinued freedani re~~- Church Sunday toak Uie îarm oai r. J. J. Meorm, aran aield, iss. m McLaugbMrnWLaye-J. W. Lancaster wba were 40 those who cnjoy it, sa dac Uc Al. theD VI a menoril sevicefor he Cief ERIO G UPUScd Uic gaUiering with Uheicdéeai motored oui froni Peterboro Sun years married recenily. Their safety af ifei insurance require memaLrdad erien-foreUic Che ETIOUST a aig amtedes eld, Msa Syons ad Mr.Wraythei with a the exercise of the same unrenuit- ~i Lr BdnPoel Te -view ai Uiem invesiing inyjar day, bringing Miss Wray with tiamuly pcatio andted igh first part ai the scrvice was con- WCLYCECED Svlngs stampa and ertapificoaothes . ..Mr. and Mrs. Sid Halla- studio caucIh. -ting careuaUt-nad--eigi P s0-th-ad olh h irm the followlng sciioois decld- home. Orono (O.CS. adO.P.S.), Les- bWei. A quiet weddlug wsalemnlz- L G WANTEDa kard, Klrby, Newionville, Port cd ai Orillia Çhuer DUUbe Granby, Lake Shore, Crooked 28rd, when Çbadutr ofi Uihe~ Basswood - Elrn Creek, an~d Lockbsrt's. Other tea- laie M&. and frr. A. Flin, becamne ec chers are ta b& contacied ta make Uic bride of William MeKerizie, Be h tesstem compplete lntriUi towi- son ai the laie Mr. and r. Mc- 2nd Growth liard shi %. Kerzie. Bey. Emmeti officlaicd.Mal t was agreed tl4at every scboai l" The bride laoked eharmling lu a IUILe sed eeC rportt h hi-slirblue gown, wlihbat and 21 "fûàunApply mnai for publication. shoca ta match and white gloves. ALI et I urged that ail attend Uiche Thcy were unatened. Friends oaiheOaUkvill ase coriceris in corýnecon W ,h hebappy cauple lu Orono wisluV I!U *!I I UCOMPANT, LTD. War Savings drive: Orono,, Jan. thfru<oIn> Uem mryycraihpy ar OavU -Ouno R*,Xndai, Jan. SOih; and New- m____________william edinUcan fllambelngannaidio ionvUe, ut. rono boy. t,,à

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