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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1941, p. 4

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TEE CANDIA ;MAN, BowMANflLLE, ONTAIiZO __ convicions h court1foildMnkll OverseasAppreciate 6if ts the' Ewmaiile Legi on 'bfleletters have beclu neceiv- I' - by Bowmqnvifle brandi et, the -C. anadian Leglon tram soldionsi dtlianklng fthe Legon for prieentg sqnt uttChrlsfmas. Desir Sire- 1 wieh fa exress ÉBy incercat appreclation fan the JÔeyChristrnas box. tf was real- b onderf. ul ýte get a box lie Ia ram home, especiafly when *~ do nef cxpect anythilng like1 âaybe yen cd Uic Canadien LàigÔen back fliere would like te b»a of r e icvoy wondertul work that the Canadian Legian War Services arc doing aven lure. We bave maving pictures twlce a week. Thon on Fnîday niglits we bave a fine stage show breuglif lu tram London. This la ail put on by oui- Canadien Legion. We -have one et the finest fol- lowa hone handling the Legien, that yen could tind aaywliero. Al the boys iko*him vcy mucli. Jnst en 4nstance e ofw wdl l eie i Iled. One niglitlie got- on fhe c stagce nd fold us thaf lie was ta bee xoved. The boys were all very dowa at uic moufli about- that. "1hé nexf week ho had been told Uîe was taying hero. Wcl, sucli ha -IVu*ing and ch.apping and chocring =I*uve nover sean or heard lie- le las an orchestra taitcd la our unit, lie aise gots ns sports eq uiprnnt thaf I do nef thlnk nmy ne ecisccouid get. la if eny vronder we ail lilce hirn? Begoail I can say as I close is "OThanke a lot Canadian Legion et Bowmanviile for flie very lovely Christmas Box, ad Carry On." Conp. W. J. R. MeKniglif. 1Dean Mn. Cottn- I wiah fa «xpress aur sincere thanks te yau and the Canadien Legien tan ne- mnembering us ail at Christmnas. We neceivcd flic parceis in goed- * 6 onder. Tel Mr. Carter wc hsd ne trouble in getfing id et hie Christ- mas cakes. Yen seemed te know just what we needed moat and what la liard fa get in England on account et everyfhiig being rationed. Mrs. Gene, Guildford, Surrey, a daugliten et Mns. Tam Ceuter et Bowmanvilc, gave us a piano and a gramaphone fan aur cern- pan hheuioboys sppneciated vcy mucli. As yeu prebably know flic ermy loves te mnake a noise whetlier if la harmony or net. We will be glad whon the - id and tounflu divisions gef avrélere, then maybe we wiil sec some ac- tion. Wc have seen a groat deal et England, especiaily flic souflu- ern part and Midlands. Please nemembon me totei Mon's Club and Sf. John's people. Wifh kindesf regarde. J. Slby Spencer (Capt.)1 Dean Sirs:- Hoe thie finds ail membens et uic Legian in best et heailuh. I arn feeling fine. Receiv- cd yaur lovoly parcel and I wish fa thank you al tram uic batfom et my heant. Picaso exfend my thanke te eny whe may have con- fibufod fa if. Words cennat ex- press my fhanks. I guoss you wouid ail like fa knaw uic wenk uic Legian is do- ing hero. In aur camp we have a Legion nepescntative who dae gaed. work and I cen assure you ail flicboys appreciafo if vony much. Thoy have a picturo show a couple et niglife and a concert oveny Fiday niglit. Thcy aise aupply us with Wrifing paper, en- veopes and ink. They have a ioveiy writing nom. A good sup- ply et Canadian papors aeo kept ia uio library wliernen can aise boan books. The Legien makes arrangements - ton foilaws gaing an lbave and feU INSULATE YOUR HOME! THE MODERN WAY WUTH #w.,*O o AIRSEAL - The New Fibre-Rock WooI The fuel It. saves pays the out et applylur IL Airseal can be quickiy and easily applied by any intelligent workman. It is available i tbree tons: Ln~ bulk for use on flat ceflings or packing into odd leaks. lI bats for between ralters or sb~plng ceilings. In, grasiulated 'wool dor pouring li inaccessible wafl. Arseal may be instailed without fusa orbother in your present home or in a home under con- struction. So easy ta Aimsal to handie you cen do the job yourself if you so deire. Make sure that your home is insulated with Airseal rock wool fibre. Ask for an estimate on the cost and quantity rcquircd ight away. Airseal la Rot Proof - Verin Proof Fire Proof and Easly App lied Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Ltd. Phone 715 . BOWM"VilMe ljmow the valus of * wir childron's and study- 100 watt *C 'amel, F4% ,ELECTRIC L o - theun uic best way te get te their destination. Thcy have anganized an orchiestra wifli dences Satur- day niglits. Tliey aise look up tal- ent ferruicelinoadcasts ta Canada. Reafly, fellows, yeu have an on- ganizatiaui ta be pnoud et. I weuld appreciate licariag tram any members et flic Legian and will answrer any lettens I ne- ceive. Lest month wc bast 1350 mail bags by eacmy action but what are a tew bags et mail as long as wc win? Thene are stifl tour on five boys tram Bowmanvihle licre. I visited flic beys i 14th Field Batteny about a manfli aga and they are ail fine. If I go down te visif them again we wiil take saune snaps and send home ta you. Thanking you once again. Ernet Hunt. Dean Mn. Cotton. I necivcd your parcel O.K. It was vcry kind et you fa scnd it te me and ail I cen say la thanke as if sure is great ta necive samnething tram home. Aise uienk uic mayar aad caun- cil ton uic wailef, if was vcry micc but if will be liard te koop if filled. England la veny mucli different than I fhoughf t was. Yeu wauld not fhink if was se amail ta drive around, se you see I get araund more than fthc rest f afhe cboys. If sune la hard wonkat niglit wlti- eut liglits, jusf enougli fa let the other tellow kaow wherc you are. Ifl wil fake Gcnnieny 10 years ta makc London give up, fhey are wonderful. Yau neyer hear thcm say vcry mucli. Thcy deserve ail flic credif, any persan cen give thcm. Canada House is sf111 stand- ing but nexf doon la nof 50 good. 'Wiil say good niglt if shing flic Legion ail fli luck in flic warld, and uianks again. -I romain jusf another trying te lielp ouf. Choonia aad Good Luck, LICpi. A. F. Denseen. Der Fieads: Thanks for your lovehy percel whicli I reccived O.K. and I sure appreciafe your ikindness. Everything wae 50 use- [ful and I arn ncaly pnoud et my ,wailet from thec fawn. . Thinga arc pnetty quiet aven heno, naf mucli excifeniont. I wiil be giad when if la al aven 50 I cen gef bacli home, far I sure mis everybody. Thankig you again aila erry Chrs:a7 ndanip py New Yeer. Bob Hayes. Dean Sir:- Just a few limes to thenk yen and Uic Logian for the swell percel you sent me. I ws very pleased fa get if and dan'l know just liew te say thanks. The Canadien Logion aven here la do- ing a wondorful job, especiaily in aur camp. There isn't mucli exciferneni liene in aur camp because Jerry doesn'f liother us mucli aaw. TheY used te visit us ence in a wliile but wc get used te if se I suppose thcy figier Uiey aro ut wasting their tinte. At niglit we heer thon going aven because they neanhy always pass aven here on theil way te London. I suppose yen rcad in you. pappu, iffiut, Xhaf lkagpois. ove lure but 'they sfretclu- if a lot w' knaw because we gof a lot et Cen. adien papers lieroeand are farcee te laugli wlea wc read same e theun. The civîlians are flic onel wlua are suferig lure, ospecialb la London. I was up ta Léandai tanrflic wekend and on Safurda: niglut there wasn't anc raid, bul they certainly made.up for if lasi nilghf. We would walk a block an' havo te duck inte a doonway unt i if lit the -gnound and thon w4 would go an again, iDet like duck ig snowbafls at home. Thaf iÏ samefhing we liavèn't 1usdlierg yet, but we get enouglu nain an' fog te make up ton if. Hoping, te liar tram you nos soon. Please give my bieft regard fa Chiot Ventea and the Town o Bowmanviile. There are finie wlien we wlsli wc wene hemn agai, but when *0 look arouni us and see wliaf s happening W are glati t e ieure. Pte. H. E. McKnighl Dean Sire: Thank you ton you klnd remembrenco te us fedla'et aven here. Aise I wenfta than yen porsoaly for flue git I. ne ceived and wish your' a)rganizatie, every succesa. Yeur Légion la do ing a fine job aven theroeand ove liere. The mesf et us only haP that we can givo yen loyal suppor whca we gel; back te Canada. Wi aiea kaow thaf y au went throug flue saune hardehips righf on th same locations. We only wieh 'w ceuid gef into if. But wo knai when flue f me camnes we will 9 af if wlileheartcdly wlithfthc peî pe et Canada and the Canadia Legian with us. We wo'f bac dawn. Ail thc tellews anc in goc spiit and we ail wanfte than yen tram flic botfa3n aof Ou he1at.Cpl. G. E. Hollingswort Dean Sire: I arn wniting you1 lot yen know your Clisltmas gi was neceived and vory mucli ol joycd. I don t know liaw te tharl yau ton sucli kidncse an yoi pçrt. A giff et any kind la vo, mucli sppreclafed, by eny etftû boys an active service. The war la juet about thc san now as If lias lien since the tir bomliing raid . I have seen a lifi action troun flic air but would lik as ail Uic boys would, te get theun Qanflic ground and sho thein what flue Canadiane ci neally do wrhen they get starfi Thanking yen again for yo' loveiy gift. "Ill -4- Dear Smni: Juet a tew linos of appreclation for, your thauglifful- ness i sendng me sucli a won- derful Chnlîtrnas box. I can as- sure yen thaf fthe felhows tran, tawn neaily enJoyod thc contents and wene very pleased ta know that fliey wenc sf111 rememberced it >icmo. Se please paso my words et thanke on fa flue members o: flue Canadien Legion. If lias been rathor quiet lucre 1sf ely. The air raid sinon blew a few minutes ago and I can hear Gerald up there now, but se ft lie liasn't gotten us out et be< since we came here. le ie wuo i 9 n y Ir ,e it 3t re .e Ld ail Is >f es Ld re Lt. r Lk Irt oe gh ve W go an th. te Iry Le me e, ai ,an ed. aroundhevpaer biylifend neody I aysu any tnitiond hlm. pay offatn tin tthimotm dI ovey dys n af étmesof wie deivr wcean bak5 ibt ailela ail If lan'f bad wer S bt al. In'sa i sel utry luc wre hen. It s a ninicngbtif sre wdeos..*hni a but fiwsutram honesxarela flic. bTet énliesîfli; at tim arey ghef listof lelemest ick, btha wetalitlehn'fr bt wu(Thakngynagn1 onyu T-akines Hope yeur fakin good ne o Uic omoaretan Ronald Hoaper. Business Directory DL G. V. OOULD, B., LL.B. Barrnseo Solicitor, Nefary >lioac 351 Bank et Cemmoerce Bhdg. Bowinanville .E.STRIKEc Banniseo, Solicitor, Notary c Solicitor fer Bank et Mantreal 1 Moaey te Loan - Phono 791c BowmanvileOntario IL C. ASON, HA. Barrister - Solicitor Notsry Publie - Etc. Law iail Its branches office inumediately oet et RoyalE Theatre Phonos: Office 688; Homo 5531 Dental DL . C. DEVITT Assistantu Dr. 3. W. Sima Graduate et Royal Dental' Col- lege, Tarante. Office: Jury Jubile B14g.1 Bowinanvild. Office heurs 9 sam. te 06 p.rn. daily, except sunday Phono 790 - lieuse Plione 883 X-Ray Equipment i Office DR. R . G.DICKSON (Toronto) al Nowoaatle, Ont. Over Langan'a Store, Nowcastle. Office heurs:, Saturday only, 9 sam. to 9 p.m. Funeral Directors FUNERaL DIECTOI Service, sny #iour, eny dey F. F. Morris Co. ;Modem Mter Euipment, Am- 'bulance and Invsd Car. Tele- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 87. LAuctionueer LMR WILDUR LIeenW dAweneer z[ampn .-. Outarls Sp s"', ig hi a, L v stock, . Iow nil. 42 ir Il it ENTERTAINER gSers ALPE GORDON, IJie wondruUy, 'oruatilee on t 0 t- tlowr or Ut uttertahi- 1OsSb Owgword treet, Tonis» E d f4 ;d t n t t Those et us hene interesfed ir Bowmenviile news are veny de, glid cdwitli uic personnel ofthe 1941 council, may their efforts bg inrecfed foward giving theli Lwnsmen and womea a aquari ceal, shail wc say a "new deal' for flic New Yeer. We are especiaily infenested fi cead flic long newey lettons froin lie boys in England and wc true th goed fok et aur homefaw wilno ne le ovenly critical, thi scribes et Centre Lake cen nove compete with news tram "ove thene."1 Howovor, wc will ry t keep aur ead up evon if if la onI: eo givo you a laugli new nd the' ft is said uic Engliehman's sons f humer wiil evenfualy win flua ast baffle se lot us laugli as Offe as wo eflue urge. Even Contre Lake lias ifs gea poit, proved te us by uic fa( that wo have tour doga and fw caf s permanent nesideafs heri you could net drive theun eut wit a shotgun. One ancient and massive coll wvhich had ovideatlY been noan ng flue bush for meny moon came sfealing if o flic outakir ,camp, savage and tearful etfi1 own sluadow. Af long lasf ho li ft, pnfing and very content ul n flic wermth et oun kitche loor, ike the Vote, ending h days in blisaful peace whic comes et a full bdily. But enougliofethfluenonsens our good columns are woruiy 1 botter matenial flian wc can po: sibly pravide, se until flic midd of February, say, ar carlier if yc like flic punialiment, wc wÉ close wifli sincore and hean: wishos for ahi your weitaro ar ste living duning 1941, and rý main, Very, very sincenely yours, "Theo Threc Muakefec Voice of the People Toronto, January 6, 1941 Dear Mr. Editor: At the beginning of the yca 1941 Public Enemny No. 1 la stil atrong and destructive, as shown by recent bombing. Whie we consecrate ourseives anew ta meet hlm, let us not neglect the f ight againt another enemy in our own houehold. This le the liquon evil whlch cos the Canadian people abot $179,338,354.18 a yean. Let us examine these and othen f ig- ues. In the recent Red Cross Ciampaign the Canadian people contrlbuted, $5,000,000. D u r i n g the year we spent thrty-faun tlxries this amount on drink. In four montlis wc have donated about $200,000 ta the Britisli War Victimes Fund, but every day, Sun- days and holidays included, the drink bill is $465,000, or more than twice as great as the Fund for the four menthe. Ia one niglit the Star Broadcast ralsed $17,000 for the Santa Claus Fund. Can- ada's drink bihllei ten thousand imes this amount. The money ralsed for the Rd Cross, thp War Victimes Fund, and the Santa Claus Fuad lias broughl health and liealing, cheen and comfort, courage sud inspiration, joy and happlness, to thouands n Canada and Enitain. But John Banleycern ils the enemy of thei home, churcli and chool, factorY, Indutry and transportation, Dur- J, ng the year lie regietered 49,336 E i e a TIM CAXADUN 131 BOOK In modern fanming, anceofthUi more important ossentialsis lahUi keepig et accounts, and same- fliing mare than s rougli and "1 7 à l ,& Iowm niWThiee Musketeen Write AaaMmPetawawa Camp Petwaa Iferiren ~ are choer1these de; ehve PetaWBWa, Ontarlo, actuaily been standigwtl 0 January Sth, 1941 teet of four ef thern and saw Dean Mn. 1Baker, nofhing but blending shadows un- News, ae detind byth 44n f il ance oftlie four whleked hie bites dog" t1 a ' fadl- littie white sfumP af a tail. Tliey metbyscarce foÎr tfluaoui' firaf arc lnclined ta lie curious animale, lotten te yeu fol' 1941. HIoWever or maybe fliaf tenm should lic we ae gong f doaur osi or.inquisitive," as an aid trappen an' eld Ve hwi is x vn here la camp telle us a sharp sene f liawordnysi icwhlstle will off en hold their at- gaenswofithlieet od cortde.tention far a ful minute betore av ee hi Ci kcoitre Lakethcy suddenly decide te mnove c otin ta inmade pkeonelsewhere in a big, big hurrY. with thc fced-bag" 119Ulin the. By now you will have gathered Cempund uare", ¶91 iiice-thaf wc are net just xnôoning and cort for prieeners' worklng ar- leigarfneaa;a i tics,1' concluding witli a ice long sainie timne thc old cry i tla f11onc evenin nOur swct. meflng et plading for ecreational facili- huts.orne i any night. about tics, even aid, diecardécd games et 7.30 p.m. and you will her dante wauld neaily.lie apprcciatcd. one ulkng i fou diferent The niglits are still avenlang and languages and ail together., outside of cards and clicquens we As you kna*wew have «Il. just have no diversions. I would mucli returncd tram .a grand six ýdays' like you ta anc day*,visif Centre leae ad par tam llgify aenLake, it would save the wrifcn dry palates we show littie traces mucli pleading- atnt d of eun Yuletide celebrations. Thisthat wc are unden the command doca ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o na plo ore efi tan officen second ta nonei aid cxchequer; anc man i ce, waa oDur estimation. As fer as if la in numnedfa asssa il t -c;wo his pwen we kaow lielias gone have r eth seut aud haf o59helit f aeucmnotauiy of daou ltei hi ùdnhardno aur longwne seje or e fotlc at vnnerftre. dè ordi onwne tnhperfcur la at Ih aernoteftur.ehl mmtet aing atiu ne i t Ie asrs Evtanet yu cthrcc onrmoanth whsich s oltta- Neuskerls almont bfcame a cas- wa ce n dea, ithe quetionlyt ult. tappare sthee wae wco ti wav c an d s i. h ub estfencecf smt.a' antit f AuldagSyeensraesding ad uids eanyex smalqnetinof ur huangatone- fensesoui napthdly4apnoahi enrtioed inMukcr, tldalieNnyfur ve rper cent o th Vef afoetoeuit, filched saie ram anc m&rnped centlifamilVes afetshi h plce satine thn nd anas wred now n aiiae its hiake -tace f eU a taime t von-1netdn faw winmcatocion r ge ances b e figure pe f en- fliir fwo wceks'meavre.Te ston tee i elglt Ilt flesmlnlhot mint htoerail fa Te atins woth itMthean ami fig, iugig onat huic m aoity at e adfrations a il pne reltlitsfiguea, ha bancsreit oi not bealcd20un0 20 teet pahed. nsbeaa a esonbl ta uld fo ee n-s 20oevcn yu entrsta lh-li fesneduc tion in thforetra- m oen erfind an tale ig enauh- fa peseuto nti xr x hande ind wha ecaiges, sh o Mane. ti silaalvi hiin he shaowis ariasearby tra Centre Lake ma by saue buin g wtent aur Muefee and deions enrueLake a a geneu th b ugn sowly ndsadl eeant hevnt lrouic, Capita City. Qi bacth e uart eoly ns gin "Hwcourseinthe mapoitauCitiO dr Iakt uar inig «Hwcourstie adjusfag ucl amatte 1 The weather, paon bed-nlidden but as fer as wc are concerno isubject \tliat it la, lias givea us a and as fer as we have learnèd -neal break aven flic week-end. man's prognesa lias neyer been Yesterday, Saday, was a bnillient brauglit fa a stop because a pnob- sunshiny day and we took. a goad lem bers uic way. long hike, via flic timber roads, Ia flic meantilue "on f0 Berlin" )wehl into thé heart ofttuic bush. ise lcrcy. I aimoat wnoee "on fo :The- liglt, fine sow which eli Bwnanville" for that litte fowx on Saturday aiglit piled up in big le net ofttn out et mind. We are tglstcning'heapa on the spreading langing and listcning fan uic ncws Llimba et thc evergneens; giving fa corne which wil fell us that far . verything a weird and beautiful evcny ancet the Hua bomb, ýtoucli comparable ta cn h hc wfasat ,c liart bl l'Alice in Wondcrlend." Every aur dean England and murderE ,t f ity yards on se wcre the reccntly innocent womcn and clildrcn anE y, made tracke et running deer. ThoY liuadred British bomba will lilasl out a just retributien "somewhert i r r t f s s e a .e IS ýn Ti .,e is )r )s Df rs ie st re nessad dbreaches oftheflic luon 1aws,, and sent tIn Ontario alotie 12,848 to gaele for terme. Drink lias made our splendid hgways dangerous, filled warden Our hospitals, debauched our men, lm- paired the efficlency of our work- ers, caused sorrow and stferlng i aur homes. Even thec Hun drsw hie punclies for Christmas but John Barley- corn icreased his attack. It la not aur feet that are'killing us but bending our elbows too often. What shail we do? Pass a law? No, that la not enaugli. Let us hlghly resolve that for the dura- tion of flie war we shall abstaun frnm drlnklng as a patrlotlc duty. Drink la our FMft Coluxnn and Hitler's ally. Let us rouf if that we may better devafe ail our energy ta the fask ot nenderig a knockout ta Public Enemy Na. 1 li Europe. Give serieus thouglit.ta fliese statemeats and act accordingly. Yaurs sincerely, Higli School Teaclier. THE COST-OF A POUND 0F BUTTER Dean Sir, - Many town f olk littie realize the coat in making-one pound of butter. It is evideat that flic gav- ernment la cither ignorant of tlia cost Pr le just aut ta "'peg"fthe. farmer down. The failowing la an accurate estimation af tliq cost >of produc- ing dairy butter fram 'a herd of about 6 ta 7 cows: Bours of labor for eue week Milking__ _ 4 hrs. Feeding and watering 14 lira. Separating mflk 7 hre. Chunng cneam 2 lira. Pninting butter 4 lira. Total 43 lirs. Cost oet ted for eue week Grain _ $20 Ensilage 400 Roots _____2.50 Tlia lerdet owsTotîq $850 Thi hed f cwsprocuces an an average of 40 Ibs.ini one week. Calculating labon at 40e per hour we arrive at a fi.nal total of $24.70 for 40 iba. of butter, or approxi- mately 60c per lb. Sunely a f armer wlia muet know lia business'la wontli 40e per hour. At the present price of butter the failmers carne about 25c per liaur. If the governimeat had pegged a minimum they wauld have been falking business. But as it la it la liard to under- 3stand how the gavennment can have a clear conscience and at the same time peg smal cafcrpnlae fmen eanng 25c per libur wliilc big industrialists making huge tprofits out of higli prices go "un- epeggcd." -Bewildencd Fermer. p reieaf f rm stufi y miser, of MLICOLIS I O-p USI Ibranes and cla- = atVicks Va-tro-DDl up esclu Va-f ro-nel ls,,Ëoeffeabecauso It dees tbniec mpart iung- Ipassages, cleartulg cleggitg m)JOUS. ;WonVAT»-êm@ * ~ h N~ ci.aesiM-Bok aowe aC.w. ......... soinifolk$ ifIl GING ve Buick deaier'. reports. for ail normal driving-and provides n on1a4r modela, we find an full teed only when you need, want unusuai thing happening. - and eau fer dhe lif t of extra wailop. * Tme and again cars corne in for the Meantime even duegears are heipieug usuai inspections with an extra note save money - for due regular high of instructions - "Piesse check' the gearî.n a.Buick gives you dhe ecan- C gas gaugs needie." omy of the '"gas- saving" e There's nothing wrong with duos. gas enthusiasticaily. bostde C gags nedie - dey wrk prfeciy. The big thing is, of course, fliat this But even affer hundreds ef miles, is no small car duats settng fluese C people mistrut dueir sys when duey economy figres. Thre are alil't e C ses die snaii-like pace fram due Pull rooni, size, ImpressivenesM, comforf * mark toward EM'pty-duey don't sec and downright duniing performance * how it's possible for a car as big ne yc>u expeot froni a Buick. 1, * Buick fa go se far on se littîs. * Maybe duat'. why people afililuesifate * But if does - and for gaod rssons .ta beieve dusir own eyes. * The whols FIREBLL engins was de,' W. assure duem however-and yau * signed and bult fa get due mot good oo-duat if isnt iuecause due needle's * ouf of modern gasolines. ut et kilter that if go.. down se * And ths simple secret et Comipound siowiy. It's because duaf nesde's in * Carburefian is thaf. if keps your a Buiek-a duriffy and duilling 1941 * engins running on ifs most frugal dietfnPI&BAL Buick. t * e * e * ee Roy Nichols, Courtice MON4' WAY! resdy eatixnaf e la necessary. Farming la new- more uiani ever a business proposition and tflcfarm- er wlie dae ne know flic exact state in which ho stands with ne- terence te every itemn connected wiUi hie tarun la unden a handicap. In ordor fa assiet flic fariner in keeping a recordofet c ddpant- ment et hie business, uic Domin- ion Departmenit et Agriculture is- sues a very simple end useful lit- the account book., This acceunt biook cevens cveny esseatial dot ail, and, whie ne special knowledge of accauntlz'g le necesaary, a record et transac- tions cen ofien lie made in lesa, flian anc heur a week. The book niay lie abtained tram uic Kings Printer, Ottawa, at flic nominal pnice et 10 cents. Tho beginning Of etfi year la as good a fime as any te start using thc acceunt book, and as if happons Uic win- ter tinte attardse c bet ppon- dtiyeoinvestiatir oret hi bua dtniyeiceetifatin omalnbusa ness, pasf, present, and future. -il

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