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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1941, p. 7

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~flf~ZI~iAYIMitARY23, 1941 I SCIAMMN PERSONAL Santa Clora PRUNES Large 2 Ibo. 25e lI1b. -Is-1e CARNATION MILK 3Igé. cana 25e e Snmal cana 25c I Christie% Dnail RUIT CAKE Each --20c Mme 3987-868 PAGE SEME THE CANADIAN STATECSMANq, EOWMANVILLE, OXTAIO -p I. -lu hfr Eerett L.Ouborne viiited hisftor i jccje. M. e4Couch iIs visitlng lier niec* fra Donald Brown, Arn- 1,ereW. Tom Sutton, R.C.A.F., Ofaala vlalting Mfr. and Mns. -tH ai'lot.. Mnrs Otto Bragg, Ruth, Jean $d Joyce, Shaw's, were gucats of L. J.Bartan. Mrs. Ray 'Baker and Douglas, Brockville, ýare vislting wlth Mr. and lira. P. D. Armstrong. lira. John Elford, who lias been vislting lier son Mr. Perey Elford, Toronto, Las returned home. Miss Violet Osborne, Wellesly Hospital, Toronto, visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E.- L. Osborne. SEx-Mayor M. J. Elllott was in Cobourg Tuesday attending the oge Ig session of counties caun- Mailing listsý of The Statesman will be corrected next weelc. If your yellow label doesn't read '41 you're iarrears. , At Johnston's Bookstore you can get th&~ most popular candy i town - Homemade Humbugs. Pehevery Thursday. 4-1 Hon. G. D. Conant, Attoiey- Genieral of Ontario, is expected to address the ncxt meeting of the Men's Canadian Club on Feb. 5th. * Miss Dorothy Lockhart, Reg.N. of the Bomanville Hospital staff, la now attending a special refresh- * er course of lectures at the Uni- versity of Toronto. .Miss 'Betty Snowden, Maple* Grove and Toronto, was luncheon guest of her uncle, Lieut. Art Baker. Betty collaborated i pre- paring the "Sirois-Farni" broad- cast. Mrm. F. C. Colmerýwas in Pres- ton Saturday attendmng the funer- al of lier uncle, H. B. Hagey. From there she went at once to Kitchen- er on learning of the death of lier cousin A. Hast. ,Flfteen Rotanlaais from Bow- manville attended the inter-city Rotary meeting at Oshawa Wed- nesday niglt when the guest speaker was Sir Robent Garnon of Canberra, Australia. Mrs. George McLean, native of Hamipton, died in Toronto Jan. l9th,. in lier 8lst year. She was a noted churcli worker in Belle- fair UUnited Churcli. Mis. R. Mc- Grath, Bowmanvifle, is a daugli- ter. Congregationai zmeeting af Tri- WOOL For LEWDURA 4-ply Scotch Fugerlur, ln air- force blue, hhakl and kreY. Per Lb. $1.80 DUNKIRE Super Scotch, ail colours 1 bail euough to kit oeePair or socka. Large Bail 69e WORD CONTEST Do flot misa Uicword couteat lu Royal Court Stationery. Oh sale this wcek at 9c and 19e NEW BOOKS IN LENDING LMg~ARYTIS' WEEK. Corbett's Humbugs Made Fr"s EverY Thursday. JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE nlty United Churcli will be leld 4 Wednesday, Jan. 29Ui et 8 p m. Ail members and acihercuts *of this churdli are invlted ta this !im- portant aninual business an~d social gatherng.. Mr. Hugli Thurlow, praprictar ai Uic Bowmsu Hotel, la lu haspi- tal st Kingston undergoing an aperatian. Mis. Thunlow leit an Sundayta be with him. Thein mri- ends in tawn hope fan lis speedy nccovery. Dr. J. B. Reynolds, Part Hope, a former preaident ai Ontario Ag-, icultural College, Guelphi, will be gucat speaker at Bowmanville Ra- tary Club 'on Friday. His subjcct is, Wliat la. Uic Canadian Federa- tian ai Agriculture?- Iu thc ncws ai Toronto achools appcaring in Saturdsy's Star, was Uic note Uiat Miss Iris liatthcws wha left B.H.S. at Christmas, a U. ai T.- graduate and halder ai specialist's certificate in physical. training, lias been appointed te- « porarily ta Malvernu Cllegiste. A tes sud sale in -aid ai the Telegrai Britih War Victinis fund was hcld Saturday by Mis. F. O. Mcllveen's cîassa ai St. An- dnew's Sunday School. Over $35 was sent ta Uic iund. Thc girls in Uic clasa are Aine Nothcutt, Flornce Chartran, Betty Gaslett, Sheila Wilson sud Margaret Campbell. lins. Hanry Caun, 1090' West 12tlh Ave., Vancouver, B.C. writes: Euclased pldkse iind $2.00 ion The Statesman fdr 1941. It's raining very liard lere to-day.- I expcct you arc having a snow stanm. We Iraven't lad suy snow this Win- ter, aud it's been vcry mid, Uic iawns anc quite green. You lad a vcry pnetty wintcr scene in tle paper Uic week before asat.. I usai to lave the sn9w, but nat any mare. Mr. Chanlie Mcdisud, Pasadena, Calif., lias again sent Uic editoX a beautifully illustrated booklet shawiug Uic aunuai "Tournaient ai Roses" hcld ln thât ity on Jan. lot. if Chalie keepa sendiug us1 this bookiet escl ycan whicl con-, taýms pictures ai Uic many lutge1 sud magnificent floats built en-% tinely af flowens, the editan, i a m3oment ai weakness, may give1 way ta that desire sud go southq ta sec this wondcnful.tournaient.j Mrs. Donaid Purdy DscrIbes Life Of Missionary The Lufe sud Wark ai Dr. audi Mis. Nanman, twa misalouaries in« Japan, wss given ai Trinity Y. P?. Union liônday nigît by Mis, Don- ald Purdy. Dr. Norman wss' boiru iu 1864 lu Notheru Ontario sud abtainied lis education here, going ta JaDan' lu 1897. From then until lis ne- tirement inu 1934 le and lis wife wonkcd untiringly for Uic Churdli i Japan. Their home 11e, was ex- cîplary. Possessing an ability ta make friends quickiy Uic home waa alwayÉ open for entertain- ment ta cvcryane. Dr. Narman establisled su lastel fan students sud his wif c made lier contribu- tion in hospital work. In the dhurcI Dr. Nanman waà a pianeen iu ncw methods. lHe was Uic first ta ride s bicycle sud use a car in his work at thec mission.. These innovations anc indicative ai Uic pragressivencas whidli penmeated all his wark sud made it cxcced- ingly effective. Hie was a pioncer dhurci builden; le taak su intense intercat in labon prablemsansd youth. The great Kagawa wasaa close fricnd ai Dr. Nranan sd they wenc anc in thc worlÇ ai apneading new lice thraugh Japsu. Thc application oaiheUic Uicoaithis great nmdsalanary taoOur awn lives was made by Mis. Purdy wlen she rccited tUeic iiing pocmn "Yau Are What You Will Be." QUiers making valuabie canti-' butions to thc pragrais werc Doris, Dudley, A]fred'Higgs sud Raipli Poole, with President Louis Dew- ell prcsidiug.' TIc iollwing afficers for Uic i rapefruit Juice 20 oz. .. .. . 10c $0Ooz ......5 Kleenex 13e and 29e Crunehie, Sweet Mixed Pickles 27 oz..,....25e Fige 2 lbo. 25C 75 lb. Bat Potatoos ... 90C Onlons 5 lbo..I5e Carrots 5 lbo. 10c, FISH Salmon - Smoke Fillet White Fvmet Free Deilvery 1941 season were inducted at Uic Suuday evenig service an Jan. 12th: Han. President-Rev; S. Da- vison; Past Preadent-li u b cnrt Hooper; President-Louis Dewll; 'Vice President - Amben Moton; Sccretary-Jeap Davey; L ocal Treasuren-Theima Schlevert; M. & M. Treasuner - Art Hoaper; Convenens - Citizenship, Ger- trude l)ewell; Assistant, Gardon Muttan; Fellowship, Bert John- ton; Mast., Jean Johns; Missians, Doris Dudley; Mast., Raipli Cale; Culture, Russell Balson; Mast., Lorraine Pickand; Pianit-Hazel Rundie; Mast. Pianist - MarlonE Dudley; Dramatica Cauvenen -1 Edith' Truil; Asst., Alfred Higgs; Pdbications Canvener - Gertrude Hooper; Recreatian Comnittee- Susie VanCamp, Evelyn Plckand, Jini Hsucack, Vic Henkeiman, Bill Buckley; Social Committee-Ma- bel Bnaokham, Helena Rundie,1 Lew Rundle, Jack Dunu. FOUR SOLDUERS HAVE ACCIDENT NEAR DUMBARTON Four soldiers sud anc civilian *were in su automobile accident Saturday aiternoon nean Dunbar-5 ton on No. 2 Highway. Thc faurn saldiens, al froni "D" -Campanye Midland' Regiment and all Bow-g manvile boys, wcre Arthur Liv-1 ing, John Living, Louis Lyle sud Howard Braoking. Thc driver sud ownen ai the car was Walter.9 Goade. Only Arthur Living ne-1 cived sevene head injuries when lis head wcnt through anc win-1 dow, knocking hi uncansciaus. Thc collision occunred wlen Gaade's car went inta a skid cani- ing into the hallow at Dunbanton, whcn le tried ta avoid a man on the ide ai the road. In tunning out lie ht su eastbound car daing considerable damage ta bath cars. Only anc lad in Uic other car was hurt. He bast severai teeth. LEGION WILL COOPERATE WITH SALVATION ARMY Arrangements wene made at Uic annual meeting ai Bowmiau- ville Brandli ai the Canadian Legion whencby they will ca- openaewt i Salvation Arumy c (f 0a c d r v f r f u d out 'detailhoaithis innavation which will nesuit in same ce- onaniles sud prevent overlapping. The meeting was held Jsuuairy 16Ui in St. John's Pail Hall, with the fallowing bcing clccted: Hon. Pres., Gea. Crombie; Pres., C. W. B. Tait; Vice Preaidents, w. C. H. Mitchell sud Gea. Mea- dows; Scc.-Treas., R. M. Cotton; Asat. Secy., C. J. Hall; Padre, Canon C. R. Spencer; Sergt.-at- Arma, H. D. Moses; Eiçecutivc, B. Furber, C. Hall, H. Murnay, A. Fewsten, W. Watson, H. Lewis. Uni ortunately two aifUiche-f ficers- cannat activeiy serve fan a iew weeks yet. Mn. Mitchell la ne- covening in Kingston Military Hospital, frai injuries rccelved in an accident, sud nr..Cottan la canfined ta has home fan a time. W. F. Ward was acting secre- tary ion Uic meeting which was adjourned until Feb. 20Ui. ST. PAUL%~ W.MUSU DISCUSS WORK DONE IN JAPAN St. Paul's W. M. S. met at Uic homeofaiMip. Harold Ferguson on Jan. 2lst, witli s good attendance. Presideut Mis. W. H. Carnuthens pnesided and gave the call ta wor- slip. TIc Bible reading wastak- on rcsponsivcly led by lira. J. A. Cax, iollowed with prayor by Misa Ida Stevens. Mis. W. H. Caruthers gave an interesting address on thc mission%.y wnrk ai Dr. sud Mia. Nrannn Japan. lira. Harald Fergusan skctched Uic ivea ai twa woudcnful Japan- esc wamen. Mis. Chas. Carruth- ers 'gave a sumniany ai 1940 sc- tivities, sud Mis. George Clisse Uic finsucial statement showing Uic past ycar lad becu vcry suc- cesul sud Uic. auxiliary had cx- ceedcd its alocation. Thc meeting loscd witli prayer by Mrit. L. Squair. Rcireshmcnts werc scnv- cd sud a social haur spent. Salem Rev. A. F. Gardner's splendid sermon Sunday centred around tic thouglit af Job's seancli for God 'and ours. The choir render- cd fine music and a goodly nuni- ber were in attendance. Y. P. U. meeting Jan. l5th was cambined wlth thc annual churcli meeting. B. Darch, lst Vice, op- encd the meeting. Program was in charge ai the Missionary Vice, 11&s. L. Squair, who gave a short 'autline of thc topic. Short read- igs on the sanie were given by Mis. L. Richards, Mis. F. Black- burn sud Miss T. Werry. Bible referencea were rcad by E. Doidge, sud a vocal was given by Mfr. L. Coombes.. Rev. Gardner canduct- cd Uic sunual meeting. Ail off i- cers werc rc-eiected. A commit- tee was appointed ta look atter nepair work on the church shed, and a conittee ta draw up a new schedule for chuncli care- taklng. Sunday School off icers are: Superintendent, L. Coombes; Secretary, R. Blshop; Treasurer, L. Squair; Int. Class Teacher, B. Doldge; Prîi. Class Teacher, Mis. F. Blackcburn; Assistant, Miss K.* Cowllng. Salem fricnds arc very glad ta know that lins. L. Wçlsh is mak- lng a rapid recovery in Bowman- ville Hospital after a serlous 11- neas. Sympathy la extended ta the bereaved friends af Mis. John AI- lin, tawn, C. Hastings, Hampton, and Sami Glanville,, tawn. Mro. *F. Cator vlsited lier daugh- ter, Mia. Everett Cain. Canadien *Foresters HoId Installation .Event nt Oshawao Court Oshawa No.- 501 and Court Bowmsuville Na. 964 coni- bied for Uic installation aof fi- cens ot Jsuuary 1MU at Uic iodge roams in Oshawa. For Uic instal- lation ceremony Uic ladgc rooma were openeci ta about 100 rela- tives sud inienda ai those partici- pating. W. J. Turk, acting as Higli Chef Ranger sud D.D.H.CAR H. B. licCabe acting as Higli Mar- shal, canducted Uic cercmony ia very efficient and pieasing man- ner. Dowmanville Officera Officers installed for Bowman- ville Court i nc lu d ed: Jr. Past Chief Ranger-Ted Clarke; Chef Rauger-Herb. Richards; Vi1 c e- Chef Rangen-Len. Bartan; Chap- lain-Al Fletcher; Finsucial Sec- retary-W. Berry; Treaauer-A. M. Hardy; Reccrding Secetary- Lea Rammel; Sr. Waodwad-F. Stannard; Jr. Woadwad-D. Pic- kard; Sr. Beadle-«"Ace" Richards; Jr. Beadle-W. Edwands. Ai. Fletcher sud lis Canadian Faresters Band ai Bowmauville supplied music and alsa fan danc- ing aiten whidh the guests werc served an appetizing lunch. Thc attraction at the head table was a large birthday cake beautifully deconated with Uic Fanestens cal- ons, red, green sud white, with Court Oshawa Na. 5Oi sud Court Bowmanville No. 964 wandcd on .wa of Uic colons, sud a "'Happy New Greeting taAlil" on the oUier colon. Women Are Knitting For Mon overseas A very patriotic group ai wonk- ers, mastly mothens ai sans serv- ing in Uic C.A.S.F., assembladinh St. Jahn's Parish Hall on Friday cveniug for the new ycar meeting ai Uic Womcn's Auxiliaryoai..D"' Company. Mis. C. R. Spencer, alter a few words ai welcome, opencd Uice meeting with prayer. Mis. Wm. A. Clarke read Uic accretary'a <Mis. F. Tiglie) minutes. Mis. V. Ott gave Uic tieasurer's (Mis. Wylie) repart whceh. was moat satisfactary with a substantiel bank accaunt alter purchasing $16.00 worth ai wool. Paid mcm- bership at 10c per member ta date totalled 46. It was decldcd ta charge B 5c iee Bt ecdlmeeting. Meetings will be heid every other Friday cvening, witl next meet- ing Jan.' 3lst in St. John's Panisl Hall. Miss Trcbilcack has consented ta be waol canvener, sud the Aux- Wfary will appreciate it if suy tawn or cauntry women wi]l kind- ly kuit socks or trigger mitta as 150 pairs ai oaci are ueedcd. Misa Trebîicock wiii gladiy give thc de- sired wool ta thoso wlo will hlp. Mis. B. Parker sud Mis. Wm. Tait are convenons ion ticeiraffle ai a Valentine cake whcl will be made -by Mis. B. King. Mis. Manie Clark Bell sud Mia. V. Ott were requested ta inter- view Major F. Lycett rcgarding a minstrel show camposcd, entirely ai "D" Company talent under Uic auspices of "D" Coy. Auxiliary. Money inam Uic cigarette col- lection box which will be aon dia- play at all meetings willbe uscd fan ovenseas boys. A social hall haur ai getting better acquainted, exchsuging useful ideas sud lelpful sugges- tions bnaught teans end a very succesaful meeting. *Hanipton Visitons: Mr. sud Mis. Percy CQw1ing sud twins, Bawmsuville, at Mr. Jua. Cowling's... Misa Pur- cel, Part Penny, Bt Mis. E. L. Willamson's. .. Mss Ruby Clat- worthy, Bowmanvillc, with Mis. L. Trull. .. Misa Doris Crydenman, Oshawa, at home. . . Mlinsd Mis. Raymand Burns, Oshawa,lins. D. Racklam, Bowmanville, at ira. J. Burns'. . . . Mn. sud Mia. Will White Bt Mira. C. JoIns'.. . Mr. sud lins. Bruce Yeo, Bawmanville, at C. Colwill'... Mir. Kcnneth Cav- erly, Nob~el, with lis wif e sud famuly. .. Miss Canule Fanncomb, Toronto, Bt home... Pnivate John M. Mills, Camp Borden, la visiting at home... Mr. J. Mils with lis sigter Bt Mount Douais.. . Mr. sud lins. Chas. lIs sud iamily, Osh- awa, Bt Mr. Jua. Mins'. Rev. aud lira. J. R. Bick, White- vale, sttcnded Uic funenal ai Chas. Hastingsand werc gucats at Mr. A. L. Blanclard'a. The Short Caurses in Home Ecanomica for girls sud Agricul- ture for baya is well on Uic way with 25 boys sud 18 girls enralled. Miss Phillipsansd Miss Scott are the leaders in, the girls' depant- ments sud Mr. Rogers fan thc baya. Bloyd Wlcox, Austin Barron, Jackson Wray sud Llayd Broome, wha are having their mouth'a training at Peterboro liilitary Camp, wcrc home. A number ai yauug people at- tended Uic Pnesbytciry young pcople's skating Party et Whitby Arcua Jan. 15th. lira. A. 'E. Billett cntertained a number ai young ladies lianday evening. Aduit Bible Clasa afficers are: Teacher - MIs Lulu Reynolds; Presidet-lirs. Wi. Gu. lge; ist Vice Pncs.-Mrs. J. lis; 2nd Vice Pnes.-Mis. W. Chapman; Secre- tany-Mis. S. Kersey- Treasurer- Mis. G. Adcock; danvenors cf Caimittees -Devatianal, Mr. W. Chapîsu; Social, lins. A. AlUin; licmberhip, Miss N. arn; Fruit sud Flowcr, Mis. H. Wlilcox. Sympatly la cxteudcd ta Mis. Chas. Hastingsand iamily lu the sudden paslng ai Mi. Hastings lu Oshawa an Friday. Thc iuneral waa held lionday sud waa can- ductcd by Bey. W. Rackham, as- sisted by Rcv. J. Blck, Whitcvale. Frîcuds lere wcrc sonry taelicar ai the passing ai Josephi Laug- mald, Oshawa. -We extend syni- psthy ta tIc famlly. Relatives frai Hampton at- tcnded the funeral oi the late Han- .vey Curtis, Orano, on Tuesdsy. Red Cross Society la planning WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS FOR LAURA SECORD:, CANDIES Famus for Their Fr.shness and Fine Quality ISCOTT'S EMULSION A setter Way to f ako Cod Liver 011 Centaie Vitamine A end D -à. - 2 A The followlng asorinenta are earrled i atoek-Assorted Chocolatcs, Famlly, Nuts and Hard Centres, and Soft Cen- tres, In the foilowlng aise: 1/2lbs30c >1lb. 60C 21bS. $1. 00 Larger Sizea and Speclal Assortmnents Must be Ordered In advance. 11WIN CASH p. -w- WIN PRIZES PLAY A MOST FASCINATING GAME TUNE-O0 Tuesday and Fridays, 8.30 D.S.T. STATION C.K.C.L... - ..TORONTO brouglit ta you by urour I.D.A. Druggist. Ask us for -your M IMW 59 0&984t FREE TUNE-O CARÙS. Secure the blue and white stiokers attached to LUDA. Productsansd wi larger prises Chase's Neri e Food --490 Carter's L. L. Pilla -230 - 690 R N HD for tlght and chcsty coughs 5 LYSOL Idaml Taba., 100,s 89e Disinfectant ID.A. Klduey Pilla 33oGi LD.A. Epsom Salt,, Antiseptic Lb. - - - - j5 Pll F.D.A. Olive IL J Tw Bse OZ.-3r»c O - - - 390c - Sse 7 oz - L.A.Creotone 98e - 16 oz. 1.25 Wampole'-sExctract --$1.00 Kepler Malt sud C.LO. 75c-1.25 * * *ES M SE Y F CO D RITAL LIOII Mu~IAum Su. 15 AIEJ Laura Secord Candies l'e 5O M.43c *994 Bayer Aspirlu Frosas'217's- NEW [O% zze - 39e - 980 --40e-75a v PRU CE But-kley'a Mixure -40o- 15o Pertussin -- ' 590 - $1.39 ai* a TI$EY'RE MADE FOR EACH OTHER 250 10 for M0 Mlle- Prescriptions a Speelà1ty 1McOREOOR DRUGS Phone 792 We Deliver '4 AT HARRY,"ALLIN'S r for a social evcning on Fcb. 4th. W.M.S. met at the home of Mis. Annie Colwill on Tuesday ater- itoSr with Uic président in thc chair. Rcv. W. Rackham took c#.Reports were rcceived fromS le o B ys Suits socetarîes. Treasuner rcported $105.00 had been raisecT and there For Young Men Âge 6 to 18 *9amembership of 22, Mis. eua-so*1 fteesieal M nPeters' gnoup was i We have taken from aur rglrsok.3o hs ut n charge af the prograni. Bible am e seilg them out at a sacrifice. We de8cribe a few below. rb*dings were given by Mis. S. WIliams, Miss L. Reynolds, Mis. ____________________________ [W, Wilbur and Mis. H. Peters Cs favored with a vocal duet. DU DTO B L PRC 1. Rackhamn presentcd the study on "Witncsses of the way in Ja- 1 Double *Breasted, mlxed browu Mü'This consisted of short 575, sktches of Uic livea of Rev. Dan tweed, ise 35, reg. $11-50, s Norman, D.D., and Mis. Norman and aiso two ladies in the Japan-1SigeBasdmx rytwd ese churcli. Mis. C. J. Kenslake i nge 3freg. $e95, m -------grey--------<-3.98 fàfored with an organ nuxnber.aie3,e.$79a - - Mra. Salter closed by reading aHaiatwe paem written by Mis. Forbes. 1 Sigle BrstedHaixtwe aise 30, reg. $12.50 at - IUW lSl1 3UUlCL 1 Double Bneastcd, brown tweed 4.38 Single Brested AUIloo Worsted 2.75 CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL sise 35, reg. $8.75 sizes 24-25-26, reg. $95.50 --- Inaugural meeting of Cat-__________________________________ wright Council was held Jan. 14. Menibers were ail present and subscnibed ta the necessary dec- laaton, ftr hih heConclSALE 0F COATS and DRESSES was opened by the Rcv. D. M. W r tl otnigt fe ag ubra ot n Stinson whs, led in prdyer, read W r tl otnigt fe ag ubro ot n a portion of acripture, and gave a dresses at greatly reduced-prioes. Sec aur window "iplay for few instructive remarks. The teermral iecohsa o rcs cauncil then adjourned for lunch teermral iecohsa o rcs provided by the Reeve. _______________________________ These communications were ne- celved: From Sergt. W. D. Fergu- son cangratulating the Council members on return ta office; from Laughhin thanking council forCHJ NT N & CR D M NLd their expression ai synipathy. Phne836MWStreet Road Supt. presented lis report Pon83 an road expenditure for 1940. By-law was passed fixing raad- expenditures for 1941 at $6,500. Clerk will rcquest the County odcethdéoinan e.tnkadwsscne-bH- ta put a mare naticeable fixture New Exeoutive IscnutdtedvtassdRv hnasdwsscne yHl at the approacli ta wharf at E.tdfr ....Mr. Wylie, Columbus, led in pray- ton Petens. Cacsarea. _____fo__ .PA.en. Conixunity singing Was led E. A. Imies,. Agn. Rcp. ai On- Medical HealUi Officen present- tariaoCaiiity, spoke brtily. cd his report for 1940. Anglican Young People's Aso by E. A. Sumniers, Agricultural E. Webbcr, Pres.' ai Ontario The follawing prices wcne set ciation will be held eveny secand Representative, with Geo. Davidge Agir. Society, maved a vote of fon labon on roada fan 1941: A day Wednesday niglit hereaiten in- ai Uic Training 'Schooi at Uic thanks ta Uic Hampton Brother- tai consist ai 8 lirs. labon, cxcept stead ai Mondays. Wcdnesday ev- piano. By invitation Uic Coluni- haod for Uic addressud enter- in extreme necessity; Road Supt. ening the graupwas addresscd by' tainnient sud for Uic pleasure of ta receive 50c per haur sud fur- .Mr. Carpenter aifUiheEigh School bus Brotherhood was present sud meeting so msuy men fromn Dar- niali his transportatian; man labor. staff. Officers for Uiecocming Clarenc Wenny toak Uic chair lington, and seconded by Rods to be paid 25c per haur; man sud terrni are: Hon. President-Canonan sd Uicy put an a Quiz progra'n Leec teani to receive 50e pen haur. C. R. Spencer; President-Violet whîch cneated mucli amusement MÏeeting cloaed with Uic Nation- These arders werc signed: McFeeters; Vice Pres.-Florcnde sud gave prizes, ai Anthem, .after which lunch was N. H. Mariow, achaai At- Shotter; Treas.-Racliael Wright; Mr. Summers introduced Uic served by UiheZion men. Attend- tendance Officer 10.00 Pianist-Lillian -Naylor. Reports speaker ai Uic evening, R. S. Dun- suce was about ninety. Dr. McArthur, M.H.O ---- 10)0.00 werc favarably Teccived at Uic can, Toronto, Director ai Agricul-- Reeve, services L. B. ofi H. 8.00 business meeting sud it was de- turai Representatives ai Ontario, S. Jeffrey, services cidcd ta carry an Uic graup sys- who was Uic first representative ENGLISH LETER L. B. of H.-------- ------ ---- 8.00 teni as fallowed last ycan. iniNorthumberland sud Durhamn____ Clerk, Seccy. L. B. ai H.__ 8.00 ________ for three, sud Durhiam for four Ta Mr. sud Mis. R. A. Sudds, S. R. Hart, rails*------_ 29.52 yeans. Hie' exprcssed lis pleasure frarni is sister: Ogsre tags---------------1.06To5r t at bcing invitcd back ta Durhani Our hause at St. Manguerite's DOb server ----Office,--------n-ing13.85 *oBr rh@ods where he spent sa msuy pleassut was struck by a slidll frorn France W. T. Scott, Hall supplies 1.74 Unit. at Hampton yeans and ai again seeing 30 many which landed in Uic garden sud Bank ai Commerce, cal- men whomlie had caached. He all the windows sud doors are off i ecting taxes - ------------ 15.30) For Entertainment gave a very intercsting and i-sud a lat more damage was donc. A. Gilbert, Hall supplies_ 2.50 farmiative addrcss an many phases Sid sud Uic boys are staying at Membership ice, Ontario Hampton United Churdli Bra- of Uic fanonrs' prablenis and cited the iarnmiouse. In a letter fram IR. M. A ----------------- ---- 5.00 therhaod held their second meet- saine ai thé daings ai Uic meeting Sid le ssid that St. Marganet's Treas. part payment on ing ai the seasan at Zion Church held at Londan prcviousiy. Hie Churdli was lit by a shell. This la salary ----------- 65.00 Wedncsday niglit, Jan. l5th. In spake on the peg pnices ai butter, where your fathen is bunied. I Insurance an Arena ----- 42.15 the absence ai President Anson bacon, cleese, etc., and lis ad- expect we shall have another s1hf -Council adjaurned ta nicet Feb. Balson who was iii, Tracy Glaspel dress was mudli appreciated. as we cannot live in the hause at 31nd, at 2 p.m. presided. ]%ev. Walter Rackhamn Jack Baker mnoved a vote ai St. Margarets. - Win. mdum 8 e CL !t Lt 1 . ý -m- -ý% 1

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