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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1941, p. 8

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lIGE? ~~~~~~~~~~THE CA14A]DIA OWA4ILE NMO PUED1,MAJ~ U«ASN TICKETS FOR SKATING Large crawds have been pat- *ronlzing the ]Rotary Club Rink, Kng Street, i .the eastend ofthe *town. It hmsbeen decided to seU season tickets at $1.00 a pèrson. These may be obtained from Bd. Wltheridge. Ice- has been excep- tioaoy fine for skating during the last week and It is ta be hoped that it wii continue such so Henry Lambert can make more ice for skaters. Double Feature SOn Their Own" wlth TMM JONCS FAMILY "Turnabout" Adoliphe MenJou and Cardle Môn. Tues. - Wed. JAMUAEY 21 - 28 - U9 Anu» Nmeln Sixty < Glonous Years" Anton Wallbrook mai C. Aubr*y Smiuh News *OSHAWA, 1ONT. taksg Coalilol Priday & Saturday' .ANAUAI 4- 25 Thie buti 1w ays lO me SABU la "ili Of GiBagdad" Coiiveldt . Zu" ue Goif Yeu me. àai heutefli U& ]BEVIVE» FOR YOUa >' NJOTEENT "ý'The Rains Camne 14medRi'Power - MirnisLoy 1 orgent i- BroudA Joiee Monday & Tuesday JANUART 27 - 28 .,,'Nouse Across The Bay" J«a Benneit - George %%eo Fctre 'fou ]Ru"rdAbout' plus lh. pleaoee or speailm ,'A Nigh At Earl Carrols wb& Km Mmrry-Eoso Hobart *4i a but Of pieu>' mm ,Wed. - Thurs. - Fr1. SOL. JAN. 29 - pz&. i *0 W. saprou b resa Y"p s andi Bot>Grah rion Pan. Aly" wuth .iack be "U a W zusMI allove' g ine. AbexadmosRa- llai. Baud. REVIVAL frlday NIght et il1 Loy Nght N.EWS, INITIAL LIONS HOCKEY CAME Gilbert Mclvcen's teantlueUi Lions Club Hockey League is Uic ouly anc that bas't been dcfcatedi lu Uic four gamnes played ai the' v'blic'echool nlnk on Frday and onday evenings. Sid Rundie's loei ta Uic team captaincd by Jim-. my Nickerson ta Uic tune of 5-3. The same nîght Allin's team loei ta McIlveen 6-1. Oniy anc goal scparated wlu- ners and lasers lu Monday night's schedules. Mdiivcen dce f enate d Rundie 7-6, sud Allu unosed oui Nickersou 3-2. MANY THRILLS GIVEN SKIERS Fnlgid weather and exception- aiy tast snaw aven the weekeud frigbtencd many cuthusiasis from their usual ski haunis. Thase who did find euough nerve ta visit Uic lopes found Uic skiing super fine excepi Uic falling was a lile bard au certain partions cf Uic body. However, two eiers did suf!er marc then bruises, having bad scratches on Uic face where Uiey had falen on Uic crusty snow. htisle xpected thni 2nd Btn., Mid- land Begi. wull be skiing in ibis vicinity lu a week or two. LIONS CLUB HOCKEY LEAGUE TEAMS CHOSEN Here are Uic lads who are play- lug on Uic variaus tcanis lu Uic Lions Club Hockey League: Cnpt. G. MeIlveen, G. Sellers, I. Hamm, D. Ferguson, R. Ward, J. Neal, K. Lemon, A. Tanblyn and G. Underhil. Cpi Don AllUn, W. PolIy, D. Ventn, H . Moses, M. Lamnbourne, B. Nichais, C. Hatley, A. Mitchell, A. Wheeier, B. Dunu. Cap.S Rundie, S. Densem, E. Morri, A. Fergusan, I. Brown, J. Purdy, B. Pofly, R. Richards, D. Bowe. Capi. J. Nickerson, F. Cotran, B. ,edger, R. Moffait, B. Edmon- snN. Fletcher, B. Harrison, D. Wseman, F. 'Burns, L. Wclsh. LIONS SCEDULE IS DRAWN UP The Lions Club are again spon- soring hockey teais for teen-age youibs cf Uic tawn. Teains were choscu last weck and gaine have alrendy staried ai tie public schoal ink. Bclow le n lisi cf games ta b. played; those thni are 1 Urtpancdwll be playcd ou Fnl- dynghts. Play-affs wii be be- tween Uce firet sud second teans, two oui ofthUrec. Referees are Fred Jnckman, Robent Kent, Ger- aid Bird and Russel Oke. The schedule: Jan. 17-Rundle vs Nickcrsaii. McIlvecu vs Aluin. Jan. 20-McIlveen vs Rundie. Allun vs Nickersan. Jan. 22-Nickerson vs Mchlvecn. 1 Rundie vs Allun. Jan. 27-Rundie vs Nlckerson. Mclveeu vs. Aflin. Jan. 29-Allin vs Nickersqn. Mc1lveen vs Ruridie. Fcb. 38-Rundle vs Allirk. Nickcrsau vs Mcilvceu. OSHAWA AND B.T.S. FALL BEFORE B.H.S. ONSLAUGHT In preparation for Uic league gamnes Unit commence ihis FridaY .n Cobourg Uic iwo B.HS. boys' tennis plnyed exhibition games ou Tuesday. The Junior boys edged oui Uic Training School lu thc aliernon by Uic score 23-21. lu thc eveuing Oshiawa Grade bawcd ta Uic Seniors 45-32. This was Uic initial game fg, Uic Juniors but tbey played as if Uiey werc expcrienced players. However, B.H.S. mUter sbowcd thc Training Schooi up when i came ta a matter offouis. B.H.S. incurrcd 10 fouis sud thc Train- ing Sebool inde only 5. Oshawa held thec Bowmanville qulictin the cfirsi hall but lu the liàt hait it was a differeni tory. Brown sud Siemon werc the chief scorers but Ssudy Colville seeni- cd to be Uic besi al-round player, gciting sevcrai baskets sud guarding bis man so Unit he was greatly handicapped. Buchanan snd Drcw were he.main stars for Oshawa. B. TS. - Wells 5, H1illis 6, Wells 6, Markcski 2,.Umponri 2, Spcnce, oppetelu, Westbuny, Bel, Nichais, Toqnschuck, Wnlls. B.H.S. Juniors - Stutrock 2, Edger 2, Mottai, Rowe 6, Mn- vecu 2, Lambaurne, Can 4, Mitchell 3, stutt 1, Harnden, Southey, Fergusan, Neai, Brown., Oshawa Grade -M4orris 2, Drcw 10, Buchanan 10, Burden. 2, Lind-. say 2, Meiken , Miler, Brisbois 4, Hcwax'd 2. B.H.S. Seniors - Tamblyn 2, Brown 18, Siemon 14, Colville 7, McIlveeu 2, Wheelcr, Casbaurn, Allin 2, Underbill. Reterces - Douglas Jackmen, Leo Krantz. PLAY DOUBLE SCHEDULE BAT. Duc ta miid wcther lasi Satur- day it was ueccssâyta posipone ail gaines scheduied for then. These games will be playcd ibis wcek, plus Uic regular games. Gaines will start pramptly ai 9 a.m., wlth Flying Hawks and Rangers in Uic firsi ciash. Ih is thought by dolng this Unit there will not b. a large number cf pasi- paned gaines ta be played ai Uic end cf the scason. Any icaixi Uni is nai ready ai thc appointcd hour wii automaticafly be disqualified. MIDLA1IDi WIN DEFEAT LINDSAY The Midisud Reginent ýdefcaied the 4th Anti-Tank Battery lu Lindsay Fiday uight lu a echedul- cd O.H.A. iniermnediate gaine. Taking advantage of their scoring oppotunities mare cfflcienily than Uic artiflerymen, Uic Mid- lande were able ta slap five goals pasi Feeiey lu Uic Baitery nets, while James jusi missed a shutout in the Mldland nets. The Midlands, with Fred Owen, Rose Anglers sud Brackley, hoc- kcyists who are weil kuawu lu Lindsay, leadlng Uic way, werc a littie tac smart sud weil-traincd for the anti-tankers. The armaur- les tenni appcaned ta be suffering from lack cf practice. They were paseing the puck at randam with no apparent sysem of attack and many scorlug oppotunities were missed by forwards wandcrlug off their positions. The gaine was inieresting for a tain cnowd of fans. XI was a bard- piayed game which fouud bath tcams chccking vigorously but it was quite dlean. There wère coin- paratively fcw penalties. Anti-Tank - Goal, Feeley; de- ferase, M'ryWakciin; -cenire, Chappdl; wings, Hul and Snarr; alternies, Nash, RoUao, Joues, Quirt, Ego, Sicuner sud Charlton. Midlands - Goal, Jarnesgde- feuse, McCarthy and Crawford; centre, Bracklcy- wings Owen and Bird; nteruates, Runâe, Puf- fer, Carp. Puffer, Anglers, Rich- ards, Channel end Richardson. Refene - Mo Breslin, Bow- mauviie. LATMINUTE RALLY SPELLS DISASTER FOR LOCAL SRS. B.H.S. Senior boys bawed ta Cobaurg Grade here Friday nigbt when a last minute rally put Ca- bourg ou Uic large end of a 37-36 score. Don Masan, star cf B.H.S. teame froni ailier yeare, sparkcd the visitons ta viciary, scoring 12 points. Coiule, M4cflvcen sud Brown ail playe4 wel for B.HS. This le Uie tiret time Uic High Schocl tearn bai met any apposi- tion ibis year sud Uiey praved Uiey cauld handie thc ioughet of them lun Fniday's episode. Ai- thougli bath sides wÊrc a lile cancless ait iret, wbcxf ih camne ta playiug Uic game according ta rules, thc game was hawever very fait. Miten taking Uic lead for thc tiret hait of Uic gaine Uic red, black sud white cf Bowmenviile began ta tire lu Uic lait frame sud were unable ta kecp up Uic fait*pace set by Uic aider boys. The tiret gamne of Uic evcning bctween B.H.S. Girls' grad teame sud thc Senior girls, found the latter Uic winners by 27-12 score. The gaine sliowed thc aid girls euhl knew how ta play Uic gaine sud it gave pleniy of practice for thc regular teani. It looks ai if Uic echool will have a couple of cbampionship teame providing Uiey can keep up the pace set Fidny cvening. Cobourg Grade - Gail 7; Plat 5; Masan 12; Hoinies 3; Bavens- dale 9; Payne i. B.H.S. Seniors - Tamblyn 4; Brown 8; Sieman 4; Calville 9; G. Mclveun 7; Wheeler; Caibouru; Alhin 2; Undenhi; Clake. Officiais - Earl Cunningham, Harry Jnckman. BMHLS. Grade - D. Haruden 7, J. Caveriy, I. Hiaîlman, D. Nich- aIs 5, 1. Casbouru, E. Coucb, H. Wight, B. Betiles. B.H.S. Seniors - M. Starey, J. Patison, S. Camipbell, P. Dus- tan 6, H. Alder, M. McDoald 6, M. Hooper 9, J. Woodward 6. Reteree - Mary Cunninghamn. FIVE PRINCIPLES ARE REQUIRED i FOR'GOOD SPORT In a Father sud Son Banquet ai Peterbomo, Sylvanus Apps, Cap- tain cf Maple Lent hockey tenm, Toronto, spoke on Uic prnciplee et spontsmnanship. The article be- low Is n bniefi resumne cf bis 3speech: 'Usiug hockey ai hie illustration, the speaker etresscd thc import- ance cf tUc five principles he cou- eiders mosi uecessary lu Uic mak- lug of wbat le commnonly cnlled a "1good sport." The pninciples are: Condition, practicc, confidenice, the wili ta wiu, and obedience. Ne matter bow much natural abilhty a persan may passese, Uce speaker snid, i wll avail hini nothilng unles here le also prc. sent condition. A famous coach has appreclated ibis fact fuliy, and bas made Uic sinrtliug stitcmient Unit a good hockey player le euch by vliuc of 5 per cent natural abillty end 95 pcr cent condition sud practice. Clean living and healiliful prisc- tices are the 1acions lcnding te condition. Stamtina le a quaiy ihai cames oui of condition, sud is closely couplcd wihecwhll ta win. A player cf any game which requines, thai he stick ta it, even fon short spaces of time, wlll be greai only if and wbeu he realizes the importance of these* which have been discovered sud tabulat- cd for him by the greni directors of men Uireugh the ages. Developlnt Teaun SpIni The wIlllugness to practice le another factor lu Uic succees of an athlete. The icam spiri is de- veloped as much Uhrougli practice Banff Qùie4 " T ho third Amerheaft irgl. tt bocome Queon of Danf's Win- ten Carnilvali Mise Cathrne Mebtte, of Spokane, Wash., wa sealced ta roign aven Western CaUada~s groat winter aponta ftatial, .be- cause of hon ggod sportama*timhp, iptty attiro and protilqucy, et akl-ing, nowahoelng, mki-Jonlng and skating. "Queen" lîe ie's tirai officiai aci vas ta ro en that the dates of ibis yoar'ao,'- val et the mi-high resort ouid bo trom Pebruary 18 ta 16. as by any other way. lu ibis mat- ter -Ioyaity begins, ta take 'shape aiea, sud tUc position ta whicb thc player le uitimaiely led le one of confidence lu hie team, ànd re- spect for Uic variaui ininibàl cf The player muet b. taughi flic real. meaniug of the term ce- operatian. He muet b. broughite thc realization tUni wlthout Uiis quality thc team will nat ,stand; Uie proverb coucerniug thé 1iôuse belug dividcd agaluet ltsèlf, aud Uic one, «"togeUier we stand", are recognized as belug ngc-old ax- home, applicabletoataibetics as to oiher phases of 11e. Confidence cuiens a playen much as i becomes a part ofthUc states- man. It le acquired afier pro- ficiency bas becun ealized, 'sud wul become part cf bini, anly aI- 'ter he has expended sufficlexit cf- fart lu lis direction. Confidence is anc cf Uic factorseilutUc lite et man that le as mnuch desenved as any other,'Uic speaker said., Obédience sud discipline muet b. present lu Uic makeup of any athiete. Conditions, confidence sud Uic wii ta wlu, ai depend, ta varying degrees, upon Uce obédi- ence cf Uic player ta Uic orders of his coach or manager. It is su lu- tegral part of the qualiiy cafled Iltcanspirit." Xitis prescrtitl a sucéessful bodies sud bas becu ofien proven indispensable. Can Do Much For Canada Iu counectian wiUi nimors tUni Uic National Hockey Lengue mighi have changes lu uts prescrit setup, Uic speaker saidd Uni as long as it is possible i WÎI- be carricd on as h les. Rcferrlng ta thc happy position lu whicb ýhe sud hie fllow-membcrs cf *» Maple Lest team tlud Uihemselves lu, Mr. Apps said if Uiey Werc an their toes Uicy Awerc able ta do much for Canada. Tlicy were able, he said, ta curb ruinons bc- ginning lu Uic United ýtates hav- ing a tendençy ta cut down on Uic amauni cf taurisi trade. They arc able ta b. seeu u ic ellght cf lu- ternational ambassadars of good- wrnl, end can do much for their country. Every member of Uic Maplc Lestteiani, it was said,- is alec a member of the Toono Scaitisb Regiment, M.G., 2ud Battalian, and as soon as Uic unit is mobiliz- cd, Uic speaker said, they would be called upon ta go. Uriil such time as service ta thecocuntry sud Empire demande this of ihem, ht le their intention tô carry ou with their wark. mIDLANDS DEFEATER> Iu an Intermnediate "A" hockey game in Cobo)urg Tuesday night Uic Mldland team -again bowcd before Uie mighty ansiaughts of thc Sution -tcam. This tUrneUi score was 13-2. No excuse was offered by thc army lads-ju$t that Uic teani was too. gaod for thcm. The armny bas- defeaiedi every cUier team except Uiis ance and Uicy have certinly had taugh iuck when it came ta Sutton. Imports of Canadien agricul- turai pýroducts into New Zealandl for Uic firet six manths cf 1940 inciuded canned and dried, fruits, whcat, bariey and manufaciurcd cereal producis, sugar, scede, lin- seed ail, lenther and other cern- modities emanating frani thé farm. TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCCURSIIONSý *GOING DATES DAILY PCB. 15 Tb MARCR 1 RETURN LItMIT: 45 deys. TICKETS 0000 TO TRAVEL IN COACHIES Excursion tickets good In Tourlut, Parior and Standard sleeping cars also availabi. on payment of aightly hlgher passage fera, plus price of pMror or sleeping car accommoda. tlan. ROUTES - Tickets good going vie, Port Arthur, Ont., hicago. Il ..,or Sanit Ste. MrIe,. returning via, anme route and lino only. Generous ontionai routintg. Blackstock St. Johnis W. A. met ai Uic Rcctory Jau. 15th, wlUi 1e pre- sent. Meeting opened wi prayer by President Mrs. Wood. Mrs. C. Parr read Uic Diocessu month- ly bulletin; Mrs. Darcey Uhé Dia- cesu treasurer's report; Mns. A.1 L. Balley, Uic extra cent-a-day re- part; Mns. Robcrt Parr Uic Darcas report. Mrs. Darccy gave Uic fin- anclal report shawlug a subetan- tial b:alnce. Memnbere prescritj donated money ta Uic War Vic-i time' Fund, aiea a smaii. donationj ta Mies Laura Hanibley, a former1 resident cf Cartwright Twp., whoi has becu a mliselonary for meny1 ycars in China under Uic W.M.S. of Uic United Church. Fruit sudj flawer commiitee ncponicd fruiti sent ta man>' sick members.i Lunch was served. Y. P. U. hcid a skating Party Fiday evcning. Games end races were enjayed, after which a lunch of do-nuis sud caffee was served lu Uic churcli basement. Mn. sud Mns. Bruce Gibson (ne. N an ay c ,B ow xnsv ile > w ere giv ntheoerlu UcocmmunitY balJh h n NorannGreen acted as chairmen. Dancing fol- lowed thc lunch with th\e music suppllcd by Mns. Dave Wilsop, Russel Kerr sud Gea. Fowier. Cric Capstick cailed off far Uic squares. Miss Florence McLaughlin, To-' routa, visited wih ber parents who arc ou Uic sick list. Mies Joas Mariow, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mns. Wéflace Mar- lowi Mns. Wm. Steele is in Toronto with Mrs. Russeii Wilian. Cangratuationà ta Mn. sud Mre. W. A. VanCamp who celebraicd their 50Ui wddlng annlvcrsary ou Tuesdny, Jan. 2lst, aiea ta Mn. VanCamp wha celèbrated bis 74Uh birihday on Jsu. 18Ui wheu be had sanie aid friendsinl. A fine baby girl was barri ta Mrs. Howard Baiiey on Jan. 20Ui. Atny young feiiaw interested lu hocey would be welcome ai Uic regular Mouday night practices. Enifield. There are very active Red Cross workers in aur cammunity. One lady liTs ki 37 pairs of .socks as weli as making 4 quili tape.Ain- ather lady has knit 17 pairs of socks. There have been 6 quilts made. This mateniai is sent froni here ta Bowmenville. Maîiy lu the cammuniy would like ta know how ibis is distributcd ta Uic sol- diers. Maybc same Canadien soi- diers lu England cauld tel us haw Uicy reccive therni.haw Uicy fit, etc. Deputyr Reeve L. C. Pascoe bas been nitendiug County CauncJliai Cobourg. Jamie Stark was home fram Oshawa. Mn. sud Mns. H. Grass ai Mr. G. Bowmsu's. A Rcd Crass quiltini was beld ni Mrs. L. C. Pascoe's, Wedncsday. The cammuniiy le vcry,.tlant-, t uf that ic rods arc oen tii January. *Mns. James Parr lias been sick. Zion Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Stenley Coveriy and Lloyd, Ebenezer, ai Mr. Wes Çamerou'9 . . . Mrs. Del- beri Flintof sund Don, Kedron, ai Mr. Robert Kicn's. . . Mrs. Rus- sel Stainian, ai Mrs. W. J. Triek's, ,Oshawa. . . Mrs. Wes Camneron aud Mrs. R. Staintan, ai Mr. B. McEwen's, Oshawa... AIf"Ayre, J. W. Balson end Tracy Glaspel, ai Lindsay. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, with their daughtcr, Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Tharuion's Cor- ner's, who is 1.l... Mrs. W. Glas- pel, Oshawa, ai Mr. F. B. Glas- nofl' Misss Bernice Stainton, t22 roa iic taintona Bow- m villea n .T. Sia nou'. . .. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. B41son, ai Mr. Albert Ba]san's, Sluna... Master Stanley Hoskin, Thorn- ton's Corners, ai Mr. J. W. Bal- r's .... Mr. end Mrs. R. Pcrkins, i Mr. Wm. Suowdcn's, Mapie Grave. Lloyd Stainion was taken ta Bowmanvillc hospital on Sunday evýenlng and operated ou for acute appeudicitis. Mrs. J. W. McMaster cuteriain.. cd Uic choir ai heD home Friday evenlng. Sympathy is extended ta Uic family cf Uic laie Joseph G. Leng- maid, Oshawa. A nuniber from Zion attendcd Uic funerai Mon- day. Soffina Visitars: Miss Helen Baker, Pcierboro, ai Mr. Jack Baker's. Mr. anud Mns. Cecil Bush, David sund Catherine, Oshawa, wiih Mrs. Jane Bush.. . Mr. end Mrs. Bur- ney Hocy and Barbara, Burke- tan, ai Mr. B. G. Sieven's. .. Mon- tic Robertson sud Axel Johnson, Camp Borden; Russell Balson, Military Training Camp, Peter- bora, ai Mr. A. J. Reyuld's.... Mr. and Mrs S. E. Werry, Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoc, Mr. sud Mrs. Roy Langmaid atiended Uic $uneral of Joseph Langmaid in Oshawa, Monday. Home sud School Club met Fnlday night with Jack Reynolds preslding. Arrangements for pur- chasing Wnr Savings Stamnpe and Cetilficates werc made. The en- *HOW TO COMBAT Rheumatic Pains ________ Rbumea&cPaies aue eften caus.d y mie STOPOVSIRS - wtt> be aliowed at Mi h qi W lo »f any point In Canada on tbe going',b ,,,,Wdnh b , d.thia edlî or return trip, or bath, within final ahi lod exte b7 th d e m aîinom- limit of ticket, on aglication ta ersiiadecs o d oanI Conductor; also et Icago, 111 . tot hte m-J. ad joints causing sault Ste. marie, Mich.. and west , SunainsIMMo In accordance With tariffi ef nit-o, @cl't"pilkT" h " ed States linés. i' Vk.einaroarbda.p m ood cn"&e 0m .reg"aly Dodds iney PM&l-4en 23.30-6-20 Waq cumliy d»fauvalt eMeWns. 109 IPull partlonlam tram any agent. m CANADA AWc, Dodds KidneyPNIs tire prograni was paticltie. Mre. Alf Prescoti, Enfield,' delivcrod su excéiieut'addresa on "Wby do Wre Flghi7" Pearl Leach sang "«Tu Uie Llghts af Londou Shine Again."1 A readlng *"What wc arc flghtlng for", by Gîcu W Mhan . Mrs. Ralph Davis sud Pehrl Leachi conducted a quiz contest which proved bath ehterninlnsd ln- formiative. Lunch waa served. Y.?.U. met Monday nlght ang4 was favored wli a visit from Tyrane Young People. Thc visit. ing Union provldcd su exception- ally flue prograni. Worship per- ladi was baéci on Uic theme "Fnlcudship." Mru. Rasevear -gave iwao recinailond. Piano duet by Mrs. Gordon Breni sud Mre, Ho- ward Breni. Mrs. Lorne Mo'tsan prcseuted an interestiaqg sud thaught - pravoklng interpreta- tion of Uic subjçêci "Havlng a gaod Urne." In a plcasing volce Mn. Gordon Brent sang "Goodnlght Little Soidier."1 An amusing mono- logue was given by Dorothy Wright. Mrs. &byce Brown taok charge 'of a conteet, after which refresbrnnts wcrc scrved. Hia moàny fricnds here wrc sorry ta icarn of Uic suddeu pas- sing of Joc Lsugmaid, Oshawa. Nestieton Nesiietan Women's Association met Thureday afiernoon with Uic new president Mrs. W. G. Bâwles lu Uic chair. Ladies dccidcd ta make sanie quills for baie, alsa te havq a social cvening ou Frlday night. BRey. D. M. Stilson taok Ë art lu Uic meeting. Progran: eadinge wcre given by !fr.K. Samells Mrs W. Campbd,Mrs. R. W. ùiiýan~sd Mrs. L. Jablin. Heanty vote cf thanke was gîven Mns. R. W. Mariow sud her graup. A dainiy lunch was iervcd. Visitors: Mr. sud Mns. M. Emi- erson, Gladys and frenc, wth frhcnds lu Port Perry. . Mrs. An- sou Taylor wlth her daughier, Mns. S. Malcom. .. Miss Ellen Emerson, Broolin, and Mr. Ed- gar Emerson, Vaientia, with their parents.. . Mr. John McGil, Jan- civille, wiih hie sisier, Mrs. Jas. Williamson... Mn. sud Mrs. M. Emerson wih Miss Mary Malcolmi who bas becu sick. A number of familles have had Uic flu or bad caids but are i- provlng. Tyrone Y. P. U. met Thursdny evcnn whth. Art Hamilton, citlzenship couvener, lu charge of Uiis pro- gram Soo, iùs G. Breni; regd- Cug Adon' Hoar; su lutercstlng monologue by DcroUiy Wright; accordion seleciion by Lamne Mortson; a splendid, tapic by Mne. R. Wright. Meeting claeed wliha cantesi. Our Young People expeci ta visit Saluna Young People Mon- day evening. Mr. Geo. Carsud Mr. Owen Bell, Gilford,,visited ai Mn. E. A. Virtue's. .Mn. sud Mrs. Lloyd Webb visit- ed ip parents ai Pontypo 1. au. âra VIftu, IE. sud Mrs. E. A. Virtuc visitcd ai Pie. Art Spiccr's, Bowmenville. Major FP. Dudiey, Cobourg, speni thc weekendai home., Mn. James Dudley, Mns. F. Dud- ley sud 1Mns. W: Bradd attendcd the turierai cf Mne. John Allin lu Bowinanville. A number of fricudesud ucigh- bors gaibercd ai tic home of Mn. sud Mrs. Rusell Virtue ou Wed- ncsday'evening and presentcd Mn. sud Mns. Leon Moore wiUi a mis- celsuseous showen. Afier Uic gifle wcre opencd, Lecu sud Mrs. 'Moore bath expresscd their thanks, afier whicb varicue gaines sud music was enjoycd. Lunch wai servcd. Giad ta knowtUni Mn. Wm. Virtue who. le lu Bowiiianvile Hospital le dolug niccly afier hav- lug a lcg amputated. SympaUiy is extcuded ta Mrs. Harvey Curtis, Onono, lu Uic pais- ing cf ber hueband. Mn. and Mrs. Curtis livcd lu ibis commnity for a numnber cf years prior ta niovlug ta Orono. Cadmus Mn. and Mne. Smih Ferguson sud Collette spent the weckcnd ai Mn. A. C. McGii's. Mn. sud Mns. Russell Brown aud Gardon vislted Mn. aixd Mns. Gardon Browu,. Toronto. A farewefl pariy'was hcld lu thc basemeni cf tUichurch Satun- day cvening lu honrio f Lieut. and Mns. W. D. Ferguson, Fayl and Garry, who bave taken up residence lu Biacksiock., Bey. D. M. Siuson as chairmen called ou the followlug, pragrnm: Mrs. Dave Wilson, piano solo; Mns. }HnrrY P p, lumorous radlug; Mise Eveyn Phhlp, piano solo; Miss Della Lathangue, rcading; Miss Calcitte Ferguecu, piano sala; Miss Frenan. a rendlug. Mise Lenli McQuade reùd su address of appreciatlon ta Mn. and Mns. Fer- guson, sud oscar McQuade pre- senied Mns. ,Ferguscu »IUi su elcinic lnmp. Edgar Gîbson pre- sented Mn. Ferguon with s signet ring. Gîndys Gibson g ave Fuy a bracelet, sud Brce Pi a #ve Garry nagaine, eut. ad s. Fcrgusou baU repllied lusultable langunge and ail1joined lu sluglug: "For Uiey are idily good fcllows."' Lieut. Ferguecu le paymaster for the Regiment ai Cobourg. Elghi tables of prognessivè crokinole werc played, Uic wlnning lady bclug MissIriez Hlckling, end thb highesi gentleman Kencth Grey'. A generaus lunch wns eerved sud a pleasnsoci alime s p nt. Congratulations ta bus. Rd. Sieman of Haydou on celcbrntlug lier 86th birthday on Jan. l7tb. We were ghad ta sec Mne. A. E. McGIi able ta be oui again afier her recentiIllness. Ture magazine bas selected Prime Minister'Winstau. Churchill as the "Man of the Yçar,"» thc "man, who bas donc mont ta change thc hlstory" durlng, 1940. Tume lu 1039 selecied Adalf Hit- lcr ns thc "Man of Uic Year." Neyer despair, but if you do, wank on lu dospal._Burke. 4~ tA. Meadua .4<uIu~ 4 ~teresteç in the large milltone l d ihn te iuline f ifé SIgERS AND lest.___ THEIR SONOS Maplie Grove Wriien ipeoali> for The____ Statesaim, la wonlkaoWfl The cangegationaL Thee t ix1t Durham boy, Fre1 IL Foie',ý which was to have bonheld F1i. 123 Lake St. St.,Catharlasi, day evenint was cai'c off oni ae- ont. count of weathert and our pasto? on tho sick list. It WMiib. .held this Frlday evenlng at; 8.15 Pm wHu N TOU AND 1 WERC A number from hére att*ndd., 'YOUNG, MAGGIE the milk prodtièera'- bafluet ai I war~ o-dy t ~ i~» Newcastle Tieda>evening. Tc watch thescene below;, Sunda>'. As pur pastor Was. un- The creek aud the creaking aid able< ta be renett Mr., Smýibýh As from aexlthem assstiby Mr,.-Laird. The As w usd tolon a9. aùhemwasbeautifufly rendored, The reengrae Isgon aisa a duet by Misses Jean SteV- The r;eagrvIogle om eng and Louise Faley. Where first the daisies sprunâ, Maple. Grove'Sohool News The cresking: id zwn is still, (By Ellen Abernethy, Gr. 7, Maggle, and Doris Stevens, Gr. 8) Since you and I werle young. At Maple Grave from Jan. 6th ta Jan. loih we had Miss McCrae, The wards of this perennially tram Toronto Norma1ý and on popular ballàd were wnitten by a Wednesday, Jan. 8th, we had'a young schooi teacher born in 1839 v-st fro Inspectar McEwen,4 and at Binbraok, near E~mlon, On- l4l8 Young, Normal School, To- tario. <'Maggie" was one, of his rfnta. . . For twa weeks we haveé pupils wha becanie hie sweeiheart been skating at noon -haur over and, inter, hie wlie." in the shed., . . Friday we had A beautùui romance eniwines Mission Baud in charge of Elien about the lives of George John- 'Abernethy's group. Mrs. I. Mun- sou, -thc authar of the poemn, -and day and Mrs. Ross Stevens were Maggie Clark, which iends color preseni. 'We had electian cfaffi- ta the stary. The setting is the aid cers as foilows: Presideni, Stew- mili at Giafrd iu Wentwarth art Jarvie; Sccretary, Jamùes Col- Cauny, near the schoal where- lies; Treasurer, 'Ray Munday. In- George went at Uic age cf 21 ta siallatian of afficers was conduet- commence his teachlng career and ed by Mrs. I. Munday.... Last. where Maggie Clark, a girl cf 1, week four uew pupils siarted lu wvas one of the scholars. The» aid Uic Senior Raom - Kenneth aud mli was crumbllng ta ru ins -. Morley Sialker af Or. 3 and 4 aud since disappeared campietely,, Kenneth and, Donald SmnitI of even the aid bricks wereF carricd Gr. 4 and, 6. off by tourists as squvenirs - and M____ the creek that turned Uic mli stoues has dwindied ta a tluy stream. But Uic sang go"s an,in- creasing iu favor as Uic yeare rail by. George and Maggie, bath fine musiciens, were members of a gise club and often sang together. Sometimes they siroiicd tagcthcr down by ihé aid miii streain, whlch gave George thc inspira- .~ tion for Uic iynlc, ",Wheu You and .* 1I Wcrc Young, Maggie."' The ~ 4 pocm first appearcd in a littie ~.*.. volume by thc author, eutiiied "Maple Leaipes."* Géerge anid' MaggZ were married in184 Shorl afterward they went ta Cleveland, Ohio, whcre George had a position as, editol' of thc Plain Dealer, as journa]ism. had HOW t choose always been bis ambition. Eight a Tender Chlckeii months afier their marriage Mag- Examine the. brsast. Is It plump and gie died of typhoid f ever and was oa lPestebos o* si 'brqght ome ë 4eburid inthe lexiblel Thon you con count on a fine. fafly plot at Mt. Hope., George tender chick.n for d1nner.ý also- returued and resunicd his duties as teacher - principal of And bernes the test for Binbraok pblic schooi; Uieu O DCA SionyCee, andlate0DCenral Schooi, -Hamion, and siii iter lsittrdemarod with RED spot st beccame professor of ianguagcs at If so, you've got thb b. Penn- Toronto University.. sylvania hard cool-th. Iow ash The air which popýuiarized the nhrct-ctal audrd words of Uic paem, "Whenu a ntrct-utal anee and I Were Young, Maggie,"1 was to imeure as n.arly 100% pur.e wrltien by J. A. -Buiterflcld of cool a s mon.y con buy,-There's Detrait. only one Red Irademarked cool. Same years ago a stary was cIr- les Fomous'R.oding Anthrâclte, cuiated tiiat Uic sang, thc mli and And that's th. cool w. ssii. "Maggle" beiongcd, ta Tennesse aud Uic Daughiers of Uic Anieri- cen Revoluion ercctecl a memor- J. J. FLETT FUELS il ai Ducktowu, Teunnessee, but TardC.N. S i .when it was pasilvely proven fon27 Unit Uic wholc siary and settiug PoeU3 wcrc in Cenada Uic D.A.R. had ReoIdORice, Ontario Street the cairu remaved. In 1937 a me- Phono zoos marial was erecicd lu the RockBO AVRL Garden ot Haiiftdu ta the me- mary f George Johnsou. Ih took Ucsape of a big, round mli- stone on a hcavy imeetone base and was uuveied wlth intercsting ceremaonices inOctober of that ycar., Citizens cf Ducktawu, Ten. 1nesee, sent a parcel, cf mapie icaves as a tribute and these leaves were scattered aver, the ,memarlal by Uic two living sisiers 1af Maggie Ciprk. Thousands of " touriste vIsit Uic famoius Rock Garden each year end ail are in- ... *..Poorly $et Distributor PoInts *..Poor Spark Plugs *..Weak Battery *..Too Hcavy 011 *..Worn Tires . . . Weak Lighte Let Gar$ou'a Mechanlo. savo You a lot of-gief b> remedylngthomo *Ihnîm. Il wil psy lu the. eu& Garton's Garage Phone 2666 fi#"$~e. ~- ~l~* ~. DRY CL EANI1N G THAT SATISFIES .CaI .-Suits -Drese 791!Each OSMs Laundry« & Dry Cleaning PJuoue 41,We Cal For MdilDeliver I BOWMANVU", ONTAIUO

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