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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1941, p. 3

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TRE CANADIAN STATI EOWMANVILLE, ONTABIO PAGE TEREN I OCTS of the DominionPoica Conference n te iroi eort lION. MITCHEZLLY- HEPMJPJ! PRME MINISTER AND PROVINCIAL 2REAS IRER t0F ONTARIO, (Vol. 1, Pa4es 14 ta 20>, ,s "M. Prime Minimir sud gntemen dnrlng Iis lime cf strasud airain sud ruibi,. varÏare Ibhave neveu luhhIiy criticsldheboSirois report or ib recommnd. sUons. I did niakse statenent about lb, timing oi Ibm Publication ai the report becauje I biieved Iben, andi ai believe sud amn Joined lu thbe bllet by mnuj per- B ons, Ibat i dda public service en csilg alten on ta ibe aci of throving inta lb. arensai discussion a highly contentions document t a tino vheu peope vho love -ibm Empire sud ail It stands for are côncerned vilb oneotil5g, sud oaem ing saln-Ithe succestul prose- aution ci a victarlans van lu vbicb aur nationalsueur- It lea atMare. l'or if aur effort falu, Eller, sud not the delegatea prssent at Ibis donluIon-pravîucia1 con- fereuce, vii setlie aur domseetto problomas. Iu ibis regard the policy ai th. geverument ofi Ontario ban ual changed lu auy psnticuhsr. Those ai us vho rogeprst ibm central- province bave bemu cou. Blatent lu ur attitude. -Borne wie ago s farmer assoctate ai mine lu lb. Nonse oi Conntos, n good md the Miniter 0f ViaueIci ese t Trot atwick tlime hodis- cussed tIl M. Nixon MnrItcQuestaLou 1r Wslters sud myu.lftlb.advU&ahlity0f tmpieenilug t'he recous- inndations ai Ibe Smala report. Along vith my col- leagues Prenant, I ungd-yei aiment bigged bin ta use hia influence ta prevout Ibis fecomiug a national isu.e during van Unm.. I amnuatisfied hm conveyed ny mes- age te Ibm Prime Kinison. I vas, Iberefore, sonevhai lxod vWh a ev daya InM. , I received s lutter nhe nri Ineladter of Canada sdvisiug Ibat a con- foreuce vould b. clied sud ibsi lb. ioderai govern- ment vais, lu effoci, reconnendlng favourablo conadr. sticu 0f the commission findinp. Again lu ander ta malutain aur consintency, 1 *eimas Iîowav: 'I bave your leiter oi Navàibin Sud, niganding lb. Sirois commission rport. 'I vas bopeful ibsi a discussion ai ibis problea conta b.e delsyed until asi e l. arnomeIthsIbere conta b. no passibilit, aifau y contrmvalai islue arislng wbicb mlght Impair natianal unity sud th. offeèdvq prosecution of tbm vae.1 'Hoaver lu viev ai lb. tact ibet a 'contenence lastta haealceit hlu the Intention aifibis goverduaenita isai. availlble lUn represseulatives any tino liai may b. re- quired aiter the midde oi Januany, s suggusted hy l'on.' Later cl, au Decemben 28, 1940, th. Prime Min- ister lu a leller eatef lu part: 'In viev 0f nequeute tframaisevenal of the provinces, s. propoued agenda vblch vo vili reonn.end te lb. couforence basbhein irked ouI and inl oulilned ba.' Nt bavtng bm.n ssked ior, non bavlug made auy reconnendatcion, 1 therefare an ir eBusgent Ibat inribor considertifon h. given ta ibm fonoialmg sentence lu ibe ltter lu question: 'I sbould hie.ta emphasso the viev ai hélbeurern ment tthe bopelgsession mbuld lb. o fned la gemal sttmeute suIualta debate on Pointe ai disil an epeclal clnoumances.! Publicm'mudBe [ufonse4 Thee taulwing p h 1rap hai Ib bitr informa us liaI The Otalo dlegal*esdsre liaI vo satecaur oca pulci'su ueil sud aI no llmm b. a pauty tla acheme h h lbolds tram the presà sud lie puhim vital Information ta vblob Ibey sue juatlil' tizlz, W, ver. ual inirmof non consuhid viiiregard la the tanna o reteenes outeined lu lb. orden lu cancin pudby lie dominion cabinet vblck gave lie ta the comsion lisehf. *When Ontario'& presontion vau made vo asied lir haibing. Whomu tle findigavre sgreed upen by the comminionens', A- Otenla b.d no repréenative,, Mn. Iloweli lng long biiqre rotired beceuée ai M beall. Eut laie r ounvi e reprienlted vilsa cotl' av* hun- dfred thonsaud dollar repr-tbmpuaduct ai the minda ai. Ibm eprofemsson u a Wnlpog ueapper man, non, af vhom bad sny go*euumeutel administrative experience, sud vhcemapinions ail oi us canotaobsr., Iu viiv 0i lb. tact liai, l1% the report lhi Itei statedttMr. Rovmll had notbing to do wltbi h nano, vbich bas bonu tegged an fan purposes of propa- gonde, cou vry veil b. amtled lu future. Tease ai us vba blive lu dmmocnacy abhba Ibm ver7 yard propaganda bocause the circulation of rmdl'- made opinions hy auy centre catrolled poerla lbe cesi dangeron nmy aici Saton. l'rom tlitepr spetiv v si l.vii v A kug of sncba vicIons sy.ism =lu.En ape svlngjluia ywak. mlmouy sud suffniu ~vioh bai 1a.sfsllb lu hmaniit, leht Can Provine. and Dominion Bous Win? loi unignord carsfuiy for Isar aalcamiln iranken- &ain dos& not appear ln aur mdat. lu the tintIBush af public reaction th. prapagaud*macinemade it sppean 1h41ta oimplement tiadocument vald Mme the provinces icher sud, ai Ibm sam tins, mai. the -dominion icher b hemasmple procesa ai transtmrring deble sud revenues ta lb. central govirnuient. Insamuceh as lbre are onhy tva parties ta lb. dés, snrely canbneeof oly tcaa auementry knavledgo ai ecanomica ta apprecai. ithe fact that bth cannaI vin. -Unlesa Iber. are trausierred vil lhe dobtaeue- oient oxiting provincial revenues, lb. dominion vii bave ta luaa» taxes or debi or probably bolb. This dons bovoven, offr an apportuulty ta explore .veny poliitty oci reuing a&U gavorumuntal caste lu an*do sud ta Iis end, Ontario la prepsnod tac, ooperate ta Ibm limiî at ibe nlghi lime. Thst a dornestio probien ta, vblcb Wo cen dvote tino snd effort ona stu-var prensd mnch bitter b. it me loo, bicause the fncilprolens ai ta-day may bave v.Y Htti e rda tiunshlp viib thomo ai aYsear bence. 1 an convincefi ibai Ibm comnissioners voeegeau- Inly stucè-e, sud aihors aim, vben mntâtbe&go ibmy j etated tIbhy amsumlng lb.eout ai employable au relief Ibm dominion vauld gden a inancial favour tu lb. provinces sud the m.icipalities. But snyonq via gaya me to-da , If ouer v ilbth lb. f1t i guiity of unallniterated 'huatug. u iicl Unesnployables Major Problen Éau. 1fr, Noveisaif norne vbile s g o ibt, mince the report vsa vntt.n, mare ibsu boit th. employables have@ socur6d Jobs sud tlb.h other bait vould b. .bsarbed lu iudutry durini is Year. I bolieve Mr. Nove.,lu tact, if vo are gig funloutinlu iis ver effortI, Ioleàarefiueion ouabegaverugni not ta pUt go vark lnmediately lb. pbydilly fit aduIt maeaofail Canada. Un$thebmend ofai pployeblo relief problens dom& ual bysany moinesalv e mlsu..Thr la BUll lait thie amy ai unsrnpcIoysblms, vbo ta-day ma"onp the vasi burden of relief sud, gmerlly opoakig, viiisou- tinnm ta do ao. Unden presai arrsngemmnts, Ibm dominion cani- butes tony par cent. lavands lb. cot aif fod, eoting sud shelter. If ibis repart la adapted lu lis enireiy Ibm dominion viiiconihute nothiÙndauitîleformer s&haro viii bave te b. borne by tlb._rovinces sud munliial. lUies siten rvenues, ont oai ch ibese castae er.or ielyneh ave benu aunrded tb Ibmdominion. I amsrele eai vl orklng mt ci th. systen là qui@ diffret ircn ibaisauticlpsisd. Wbeu tbm report vwu writin, on psge 85, Book Il. itlI.aalsd ibat the taxea lai t ta lbheprvinema are mare stable. Iu Ontario, vs shallbave lait the profise mon ithe Liquar oatrol Dor Zprtiauis, veblol licences sud gazaline tex. Where l dbeiabiit, t Wsntime prohibition, as ,% dominion mesmure, ius aimd y benurequestefid, in, n.nLmaory serves m corredtiy, lb.e Initer aifWorlrvioeis teied, sud quit* properly no,ithlb.h ioderai Soverumeut bas the power ta enset snob a neasure. buretdy àa1%uel ocuroiler bass bein sppoiuied sud ho ba owaer ta regulats Ibm distribution aifsu- liuo. As s var meaiu:m hb. i44epriv. us eutireiy oireeattî from bo ieensd bles sud gazoline. W. should -ibea bva" ta ib t4do fou anibarites villi a lin oup lu aur b ben g syig-loiiber cotribute ta the o=iecdai ur jouaifrevenue or psy for -the sociali serdes of a Oniano'--ad, beleve me, ibmy are mnuy sud varied Ia V. &te ai grag paionxtlisn. Whou ibe lPrlime inplal, 4iruéed toioan Noaux. ber 2nd, 1940,s .legv breforieeta Ibis propomd conférence, hb.gla inlupi: 'Wbilm Ibm catrofii ploymui relief has hein reduced, the var bas osaI additional burdens an govrn- tvesn.. n. mneleasd laxpayers altk. Il bas lnevltably lucresmd Ibe compétition hoiveen govemn euat secure rev- enues, sud bas sggravaied ibm avelapping, cumbir- son. anddiscrimnntory chanscton ai much af aur tes: structure.' Onuaro Co-operate. on Incorne Tex I fkta iis apportunlty ai neirriug ta lb. actions oi Ibmegovernnt aifIbo 1rovince ai Ontario viIb respect ta tfe Incon. Tex Act ai Ontario. Perbsps I eboulfi àxplsluict b.theInonme Par Act af Ontario differs tronm the acte ai mari ai lb. athon provinces in Ibis - nepec-ibal v. 5110vsasa deduction irom tlb. luome of ibm Onario taxpayer thé amaunt ai test pstd ta ibm dominion govrument under the Incono Wsr Ti Act beicre ve impose aur ovu tex. la tbat inlerffting r competug vih lb. domnin, O;peclahLy as il bas bmUadmllled hby formor minictens ai finane0 Canada that for lb. dominion ta levy an lucons taxet a&Ualta ta Invada roicilfiolda oi taxationt -Te maie sncb ea iovauce as I bave cet oui lauale competing wiib the dominion;,l la taktng a secondsry pomlinte Ibm dominion. Fib;ermor., lot me &tâie Ibai lbh province ai Ontario vas the frat province lu Canada te arrange viIb the dominion ta lave iboecast ai collection ai lb. incon. tax sud lb.eécounoeaste ai lime ai taxpsyrs; Ontario arrsuged vilb the dominion govenunt Ibat thm Ontario tex shoulfi bi coliectefiylb. hesmm dominion affiers sud at Ibm samo lime as the dominion tex: la colected& Test la not contition. Test la coopération, ad- nltted b y ail,sud Sduecredil being Si..n by ailtest- payer$asffected. 3'urtber, tbm dominion goverment ounSitomber 1I,1989, sdded àsosrtax ai 20 par cent. pplcable te lucae ai1 989 sud subsequent periada. visemont a lassor amount ai incomeleft;lu Ibm baudeds i lthex- payera ta b. subJet ta lb. Ontario tax. The province 0 Ontario sgneed teasbsorb ibis louInl revenu,. OntarleSuifes-sReveelm,. 02 Anugua t, 1940, th. 20 pou cent. murtax and ail the 01fattes unden ibeDaminion Incone,'Tar Aci *ftre soaed sud lu Ibéir p laces umver sud bgs ries -ve. nactmd, sud ai lb, sema Unie, eeptio vireMui ee.c041rswee licehble teathli nomi aiý 1989. Badde..lb0; c=:= ulu Iratea, lb.elaes National Defence fax vas enacted splcahlm ta incas ea=911 tram ,TUIY le, 1940. Tee Oco Ibm aeaddmc iMPOussvas ta senizsy reduce Ibm revenues de the prvine ai Ontario, sud Il la estimated ibat for the racalyean vici bigins au April 1. 1941, lb, province di Ontario vii suifer s los 0frevenue of npv!ards ai tva million dollars. Wm havi turnd avuen b.Egin Raspitel--a seven million dollar lnstitutionL--*d maul' aiben provincial propertios, viibaut paymout an nevard and viii con- tinue ta do me. We bave cnrisilmd aur capital expnditures sud bae.delayof neaasny varia-vaoria iet vould bave hein profitable sud vould bave ylelded addllionai revenue. Te, toa, lu an effort la encourage Ibm Incoming ai mean tanaIs vo wviii lg viib ibemmuch neMmed Amnenlcan dollars, me uecessany ta enahie lb. domini o aSave excbaff nge 08dr eute the van, lbe province ai Ontario-as underteke xpon ou b- lidi ad advoutiag for touriste Ibis l'eau the sun of uhndred lbousund dollar&. Test, accandiug ta on icasoaitlb.dominion govinument, la cooperation, uat competitipu. And lu reapectithebmCorporations 'Par, it viii b. vithinlb.he mary oaitibm'represeutetivea of the varians pvicshou. ibathebm ulborities et the dominion gverument bar. appoiuted a board ta b. pr.saed aven by lb. Sau. Obarles P. KeTagne, Justice cf lb. Ou- crèm Cort f Onariv bich board bib bien termmd ldt ienath" ount ai obsolescence sud deprocla- ticn liai may beliiovowed pyeu se a vrte-aff againsi puafite vhici viiib. s=ubjet ta van taxation. Te govemmeun i th. province oi Ontaria bas aunounced t ht wiliiaccept lout question th. finidingu ai ibis lomUdnIoctedboard. t Onude loNut Coma n sg Tie doms not permit a lugiy eital ai atber acte aofoopertion on ibm part cfi olgvrnl ta b provnce of Ontario. but 1 cballenge&auyone ta succesa ftuycharge ibe goveruiment aofOuterla or, for ibai malterauy aiber province, vu cL ompetition for revenum lu fields that do not exciuslveiy beiang te Ibm provinces, or viib auy lack ai cooperation vhatsoever. On thm oiber aide ofi Ibm otue veu aitbaugh tbm organisation af Resources Uonmiilee, palterued alter tbé one tbat functioned se effetively lu the lit var, v»s tet up by aur Ontario ILgisiture-and by un- animons vote-ibm ucoleus, viib paver ta add couisi- Ing o ai i onour identonant-Governor 1iatlbeva, Coulonel Drov aud mysei-and even .aiibougb vweilover a year ago ve jounuyed ta Otava sud peraonaiiy pledged, ounbbaif athlb.organisation, lb.helesnt es- ure 0f coopratian lu every possible van effort, ibm secretary of the organisation nov sdvlisame Ibai not a ingle roquait or communication bas bien receved fron ibe ioderai gavernmeut. Any uai criticien ibat nay b. lv.led againatthie r arment of Ontario for ise couidered judgment ou lsue ny coisages sud 'Xaccepi vithoul con- plaint. Butli the propagandiste heileve for a moment ihbea euofai ur altitude, v. viii remsln sgent vblse insinuations are hroadcasi dliberateiy for lb. purpose of braudlng uns asunpatiotic, unuuigbbourly viib oui- aliter provinces, ar guiliy oi doiug suytiig ta block Canada lu aeblsviug ur nmimum var effort. thon I say ta ibem, 'W. sbaldefend ourselves irain ibat kinfi of atsck bqrm, an tlb. for of lb. législature. sud on tbé Public pistform.' Hmro1 avat mysof athlb.opportunity ai varnlug théopury finanisi proe u d aibers that ibmy bave ovsrpiayed ibir bauds by siiemptiug te clas iei report vitb Ibm garmoeute af patriotlsol sud under lb. exigencies ai var vould do irrmpsrabie damage ta bath national unlty aud confidence. 1 deir. te quota one suiborlty s a cage lu point. The INronto Star, a supporter et lb. preseut Iderai goveraneni llnis eodîorlal ai November 20ib, 1040, 'h.Star believes tibathe oganeral Ides oi Ibm report la a goofi one, the Ide& Ibat the daminion should b. ibm oief tox collecter aud, au su offset, assume certain provincial espo"<bities. Tbat vas the thon friendly polcyof ai it p yr. What dld ibm Starsasy lu lie edItorlaiof Bain sy, January Il. 19411 I quota: *Th. report bas, naturalmneugh, trang bscking. urot finsucisi concerna sd vealiy ndvdnivh are boidere oi provincial bonds support a projeot vbicb vould place Ibm credît of the dominion bebind provin- cial seourities vhase market value bas grestiy de- terlorated. AÀ'Toronto broker bas estimated ibat adop- tion ai lb. report mlghi sdd as mncb as $20,000,000, $0oo,00,00sud $60,000,000 ta thé value t ibm bonda af tanitob4 a, "ktahevaansd, Abertit, respeotiveiy. ThsgÉit 4gb* boudbodera would b.aumore ccely ta Otero tbansy-aiber province. Ontario's own bonds vould ual b. incne.ssldianvalu. la anuymarked daem, aise ormdii coaaly approsobesIt ai .1edominion. A fealur lteb auggn nt ual genersiiy resimd la Ihat lu Ibm cas.aiof ra lb.dominion voud assume net onlylthe provincial debi, but Ibm defspiied luterat onutheosme, Ths bad oaood 8400,000 b y 1987 aud stands nov ei s much igber figue. Daterlcas ioderai taxplbyers pravide numsniy ball thedominion revenue out ai vhIch ibis Ui thelb ndbolders vauld b. provigod, Teai @ho" thé cbsngtnq opinion aof Ibal groat pub- lication. W1y Becaus. tmat sud other nmvspapers, seusinuribU opinion, are nefieclug lb. groving sus- picion*o!the avaieuing public nind. As a paliticel erv.z'I s»Y ibatl Ibere la s fast deveil g body ai opinion uot vithaul cause, nov pronotgng IbmeIdoa mati ilaid Ibis nntinmly nov., astonsibiy as a van mesaure, Vmwl-cokd, noterious deal ta maie geod lb. lasses ludépréciation ci certain bauds held langely hy financil h ousses, ta collmct unpaid Inleresi an Alberta bandsansd ta ceuse L sharp appnîcistion lu bonds ai,, certain provinces, vwleh bonds ver., because ai clu. CRutauces hiyond Ibm contrai ai lb. respective pro- vincial trelasurers, actnay soid st nuch leas iban par, aiibougb lb. coupon rate vas sbuormaiiy igb* This possible buge capital appréciation ln net ,ven aubjeciý te federal income ta= I-calor nlyvarnu Iose vhoaran, avioualy pressing for sncb action thst Iboy may aggravate that suspicion Sud detroy compietely puiblic confidence lu goveru- meule. Canada Must Be United Nov I cone ta às sbjeci ai even greater importance -national unity. W. have h ta-day. AU Canada te bohiud lb. prasecution ai lb. van. W, are s uuited Siopl. We need b.. W. bave s common to.nlIn t dictas. 1 bappema ta kmcv sometblug abaut religians and racial Issues. I cen apeai fesliugly on ibis subjoot. W. trimd, as s gavernment, ta romedy s simple ab- viens Injustice sud inequalit, viIb regae tae chool tex revenues. W, faied, sud lb, vory one@ vo triefi la help vere, asanions as aoyons ameta bave us retrace = 0 te In ne a imilar situation, on a langer sosie àlroady Ibore are rumblingu liai; Québe la gettitng prefomred treaimeut. I inov ibat, ta son. xtet, tIbm are extonuustig qrcunateuces. But lie tact rmmalus iaQu b lng relievmd ai samo of ber municipal doute, vhl ier ro,ývtuc« araneua. Queeclanta recetv, su eight mzu ollar yearly Irreducibl, sub- sddy, vbile aibors lnclnding Ontario are net ta receive a cnt.Agau Ioreare ixtenuallng crcumalances. But eplanilon ndo al aiays -elalu Sncaces vilb ertai secto s cisty. bave a greal respect fan lis coualdered opinions. Thee Toronta 2uioram bas decl vIit ib is aspect of lb. rprt vith greai mfet. I sail ual quota fron île ta ndeestmathie paera Iprens lu Ibis regard. This mov issueobaing developmd presents a challenge ta thonseofuns vbo believe lu natianal unity, To bllnd oursoivea ta thm obvions la nu ai 6r ta Canada, nualtain te aur umghbaurlug province oi Qu"bo, especiaily vb.n by IbIs demI, sccording te lb. bât constitulloual advic. rIenugai, Québecansdtibm niaioailus vil bave tuasgreo tea a urrmndan tea acentrai sulbrit,0ai ighle sud privileges grauisd b heibm BIisX02rlbAmerica Act. I »sa liIomelong as My colleagues sud I bave any sayiladdres"iu publiaepoliy for Ontrio and so long s Ibere lu s Bnltiah Narlb Amerlos Act lu îls présent farts, vblck cananaI b. mendedtat viii by a musroan goverumeut ibat may lu futur. teire office lu Otava, voeball, as a alaferprovince, tand solidly beide Qubc if a nt y Un. ber iioit, igbls are ibresten.d. Ou ibis sonnd faundaion ai natianal unit, ve stand sas Ir n d rbioiute au the Bock of Gibralter liat olybande au the lies vrof ir mWilfrid LauIr Bu ir John A. Maconald la uotbing short of national vaudaltan. Do W. FiddJo WhiIoLeu"on uina? libmhepot-ver perlod voua y baye taaenOur- gates ta ibausands, ysmillons, a0 Euro>eau ilomelea ud destitute. If Ibis eveutuaies, the British Nortb Mnsrlca Act enau-seve auseful purpoeountil the pro- mofu i ums on ln oompietod. la ibiste ibmUre ta oud a ooirler te, bomb-torn London vltb a documient lu bis band sud bave hlmn stop mIntoithe RaU ai'Weetmlnater and sask tbeBriish rUiamnita pause lu lis conalderation ai quptions tormnin th vey lté of the British lEmpire lu order ta debsi. the question af a nmv oontitution for Canadalf - Tbme Itlats nuikable ibai ve sbould b. idddlng wblle London la burulug. la tbé beau aiofbmhen£p ire the oltlenry--menvomen, boys snd glrles-wldtbIbir bars bande are betlng out'tbe Sammi spread by ruth- leu vandais upon th. bousetopsansd th. roofs af thoir bomnes. BEntons, ounlthesbores ansd lu tbm &tracts af ibsir ides, vii lU s i bte luvader foot by foot wltb their Vary livest, as tbeir great leader iBid tbey vould. Iustantly coooerumd viii ibelr atruggle ta survive sud ta &ave ns tbrougbouî ibis Empire sud vib uothing iseu i th rmvagng a uung fight ta-day, ieth. mbau i"b"b..% vr die ble ireedona lives. Tbey bave no olbmr coucemu. To-day, vhlle Ibese brave peoa l are sbieldlng ibeir bornes vltb ibir bodies sud travin "thb txil bombs aud tbm bail oi meobine sunbulfi, àdovoed thst tbe Lord Mayor oi London bas ause'I lu bie efforis ta cave the nation sud bas obsa n umeting ai thm aldermen ta consider a rakdjustment or a »evision ai tbe borougb sytem ci lb. gréat metropolia vblch in nov a beleagnmrmd fortressi I listen ta 1Mr. Cburcbill, tg 1Ur. Roosevelt, thm tva grTest demucratie leadoesWho stand out an becon llgbla lu ibis bevildermd varld ta-day. I belleve l17tbetr siu- oentty. Only aaual-oui effort viii»samcivilisation sud obnlatlanîty. Our central governumut nov, under tbm War Montures At, baus trema, aveu dioattorial, paver. If thbe.le auytbiug spécifieiobt thm dominion goveru- ment vants ta belp lu lis var effort, aay no, sud I am sure $ery province wiilasaiet by pasalng lmraedlstoly ibm eoesar eealiu leisi Tho. Iis enu b. accon- plumbed. ithaut.coniroveray aud vilbouî upuesing aur resaouably vell-argauised syst«x cf goverurnent. Ontarlo Shan Coninue to naît In aur var effort veo f Ontario bail«.ve e have beau beipini sud 511511 continue ta b. no, vn la the extent oi net 4oinfng lu Ibm clanaur ta unflced aven Ivo biliou dollars ai debte 0f aiber'public bodies on the domninion trésauryLln var lime. The procies of tinuer llef would biivlvid sud upcettiug ta aur vboim licnaia sysien. A transfer af ail tex collectiou activ- ities aiflb.ecladosIndiceted lu the report ta the centrai auibonily could anly b. madealtfer comnpicated sud fan reachinj legisiation ol b qeta b tino ad effort a eiofderai parlilment voulfido voled lu ibmsuirectin Wheu avz? ounce ai effort la reqnired ln te suca"f p Iouon p oi the van. And vhiie you ibui obligate iyonx-ulveu ta Bight ibis van vitb the lent drap ai prnuer'a li sud ta the let page of Hansard, Confusion, utter confusion, vaulfi prevail lu a&l govenumoula as exiatiug tex naobiuery boggmd We, la Ontario, I soiphaatse, have buausidy ce- opersied i viibthe dominion goverunen lulaits van eofort sud shall continue ta do &o. But Ibis la a peacetime document, sudvo e leve houestiy sud incereiy ibat lb. lime ta diecu. tlanot nov,'but a hou vbenbmmenace tu aur domoona, hilini su ioodan la nimovod hy Ibm compi etedoeat u @on n auilan 0f iberaues ixispaver.."l HON. d. S. à a ILL4Zf. PjRIES MINISTR 0FOP NOV. SCO, Id (Ve1, pige 22)>à "Ilfwevoreon. red ta glve a catfgloal snsver favonnlug or appoing the reportasse àvhole, ibat avie Brpés aSoUis as vodo, vauld HIOM. 1. B. MeNAiR. LXC., PJRE MîNISTER 0F NEW BRUNS WICK. (Vol. 1, Poge 23) s .i "AI lb. cantI Imuet Say ibal v. do ual caucur lu tb, findings ai lb. comission s 1 netot luchaplens ansd VI ai section P' ai Volume I, vbmre certain speciai caîna advanced by lb. goverunent of Nev Ernsvick are discusaed.'" lION. JOHN BR.4CICEN, PJRE MINIS TIR 0F * MNITOBA, (VaL 1, peao 30). "Manitoba dones not thinkith unreemenable, fi I vanled ta barrowv ney an lb, credit of lbe dominion Ibal it ehould bc expeoled finalta oobtein lb. spprovsl of aiucb National Finane Commission, W. teedstisfied ibal ve shsii bave no difficultlu obteinlng lb. approval af sncb a body l il ffcases vhler. aur application meln *sucb apprbvai. If a case comes up lu vbich sncb ap- provalis e vllheld, that viii not provent us if vo think tbe objet la e voriby on, irom bornoving upan aur owu credil. Il aba em usg eeed Ibat sncb barrowing upon provincial credit ahaone viii b. Im- possible fi lb.commission&a recommaendstion& are mcde effective. We do ual agrse. Any province vbicb ea cebornov nov conta shill barrov if the comlssiau'e ;ecommendationu vre lu force. Theesucceses aisncb barrowing lu eltber case dmpeuds upan ibe credit ci ibme province vhich ila ttempting la barrov. l'or ex- ample, wiib their recurces ve do not think Ibat elIber Ontario or Quebet, viii bave cuy difficuly lu barraving if Ibis report luin phmmenled; nome alben provinces migbt have; but las Ibe nua a question as ta vhother ibese latter conta barvaw sclisfactanily aveu If ibm report le ual inplemnteilIf lhmy conIf ual, thon ibmy an, cetainly no vans. off alter lnplenntatiou bicaus. Iben tbey con barrnv lu proper cases upan the credi aiCanada. Tom facl le, sud the rnoat makea fit dean,' ibat lu lb.h malter ai future bonrowlng, th. provinces are to b. leftI lu eractly lb.esnomeposition lu vhicb iby nov are. Iudemd, lhey can continu, ta horrov upon Iheir ovu credit. Iu addition, Ihmy are given a nev and vesluable ighl, exercishle vbolly aI ibein ovu option, aborrovlug upan lb. crodit af Canad a." î NUzr T. D. PA4TULLO, PRE MINISTER 0F 5TISiH COLUMBIA, <VoL 1, paggs 44 sud 43)>s Mauney, oi courso, la at tho root ai Ibis vbole ques- tiom4 Whil.amonetary measunes shouif . h asmd upan lb. productive cspacity ai aur peopie, Ibm productive capecit, cfcaur people can b c aplifed by vise moue- tu7 d assai-es sud olbmr considerations. We are nov taî ihat fil la nec.ssary immdsaely ta implemant Ibm recammeudations ai Ahe commission suc- eustmiylu order ta prasecute lb i van. Tom gavera- ment .f Eritish Columbla dluagrees vitlbtibis viev. I am sonry Ibal the viuningaiflb.he r bas been used as :agun~et tu aten permanentiy upon Ibm provinces sud ibm Dominion ai Canada a change lu dominion- provincial relations vhlch1 i mmhy believe viii vork la theb. anl nd auf ualtlhe it ai lb. dominion sud lb. provinces cf vblcb il in conpoaed. If h ere bad been no commission, van measures vanta aM proceed; and ight nov vithonl suy change *demedunecessarto th, vlnnlng ai Ibm vax; and lbe pople are solid y ,h.bind ibm goverunt Ibat every rexerowvbch vs posseos @hall b bronght Inta action ai th. .anUest possble moment fon lb. purpose ai inn- ibonlns aur van effort. Let us tees thla question tatrniysd squaroly just as If tIbeo ers no van, as vas IbmcouditiotothIb tine af the s %potineni of Ibm commission; sud ual plac ceio w o believe ibai lbe proposaisare ai a ba=ii harscten unden the indictmeni ibai lbey are hi thie var effort ai Ibis dominion. Would Retard War Effort The commission inither satees. 'Tbe Innediate effact of Plan I ou dominion finances wauld bc adverse, Rince ln sone degre provincial Au. suces vould bave Improved aitlt.e «pense cfibooe ai the dominion.,' Ismuch as ibm finances oi ibe dominion, accord. ing ta the commission, are not lîumedisiely ta bo Ici- Proved but the reverse, it dama nat seent logical ta gug- genitbaàtthIbmP mennatiou a1 Ibis recommandation of lb. cormmission le esaentiel ta aur var effort. Rstbmr domis ilsuggest Ihat dnriug lb. perlo f thm var Ibm iîmenuatiou of ibe Plan Witt b. s hurden ou Ibm domnion'& var eSfor, ual aloue the auurnp- lion of sddltioual ilancisi obligations but ibrougb the Uonesud effort vblch msuecearlly b. expended Iu the settiug up of the umv organisation as proposed by tbe commission. It vonid Iberefore seon lb. pari of visdon la gt ou with the var sud postpoue go far.roacblug sud contentions a problen Ountil suter lION. WILLI.M ASRHART, PRIME MINISTER 011 IdzREjTA, (Vol. 1. pes 3)1 ..Our peuple wiilask, 'Wby are tbey au aunions ta raie su Issue Hâte ibis vhen ve ail bave aur banda fl U iib ibe Job of ibm van?' Andthe wbiapmr hbin gogo arouud, 'It la Ibemnny paver..' I am going toagspmk fraukiy. I beljeve ibsi ibm Porlions situation wbich le faciug Our nation sud Ibm empire demanda siucernlyoaispeech sud boidueusof actiOn. I naintain it il v ould b. mont unfortunsie if the Idesa.olin: popular credence ibat there la a cou. certmd sud llbrate allen pt bing nade b he mney muws ta Incruse centralisd contrai oi aur national ,te whvile aur attention a fuliy accupied vith lb. prusecution af aur var effort, sud thal iber.hy ibmre is developiag au oudeavour to cbtala su unfair ad. vantte over the people by nesus of lnpoaing upou then a crnsbiug debi structure under wbieh ibmy viii b. furtber malaved. I am sure Ibat very man lu ibis gstins~ muet ho avare Ihat canaiderahie suspicion hne benu rousmd lu the ninda af msny becanse af Ibm :ntensity ai ihm propagande campngua hdebmgreat expouditure ai money sdthe i snsd unvarrsuted haste ibat bas beau urged lu counecîlon vith th. adoption af Ibm recommandationa. Kati no misteke about lt. Notl uithe efforts ta gain thm adoption of thea. recommnduations, but th. barrage yi ovlo siupired propsgsuds te vin sup- port orl. -unin wovproposaisabave heen caumiug f rwit .. oi«.lu thbminda of any. Weter it InforMed au the seacin vbicb vas taken la Australie regardlug ibis inister propaga'nde. Iu ihai British country ibey ameni ta bave. nucb more direct meibods thon v. bave te deai viib auch nattera. Ws note Ibal inatead ai ailoving the use of radio facilities for lis dissémnation, as vas doue bers, Ibey lreated ibis ".union nov", propagauda as beiug subversive ta the British empire sud valedt! snoba tarnaiofproteat ibat public addieuseson Ibm aubject bad te bc abaudoumd. Sàureiy il muet bo evideut ta any loyal British snh- Ject tbAt ta it cslmiy sud isidferenuy by vbiie vo are lg boodviuked sud iuviied loto a licnciai dictaiprsip o:r a fuselâtatlaie aosie vbeu v. are giving ibmhe t ai aur msnbood ta thm empire sud are t osriloing our ail ta overcarne thal foui tling vbch basE raise4 lie beadlibmthevorid lu mny guie-s ttali- t tarian order ai centraiized contrai and reginentation- a la uat only ridîculous but dangerousiy criminel. 1 bave' PYBIS4î Y THE AUTHORITY 0F THE GOVIRÈNMENT -0F THE PROVINCE OUONAIO HON. J. L. ILSLEY, DOMINION MINISTER 0Fp FINAINCE, (Vol. 2, page 80).a "I apreciais Ibm cooperatian ibsi e ave 80 fan receivd fron Ibm provinces sud I vaut tu mention Ir Pariculcn lb. copersion rm th. province ot Ontario." HON. T. B. ECQESTEN XC ONTARio MIN- ISTER 0FPHIGHWAS 2JD MUNICIPAL AFAR( Vol 2, pages 83 ce 87) 8 "Mn. Prime Minisler sud gentlemen, before this coufereuce dissolves, lb. provinc, ai Ontario vanta 11k, ta place bifore àI îl finsuclal position vib regard ta lb.e fecla ai the inais repent an lb. provice'a financea. Perbape I might properly preisce what I bave ta, say to-day hy nferrlng la Ivwo pointe tonchefi upon hy lb. Premier of Manitoba (Mr. Brocken) lu lb. pre- sentation ai bis agumet hafor, lb. openiug session ai lb. conierence yeslerday. Bou. Mr. Eracken made vbst I nlght ceil an earnesî pis tathse delegates ai Ibis canference, sud particulariy ta the Premir ai Ontario, ta considen tb, attitude tSien hy ihm lais Han. George Brown ai lb, varions conir.uces ieading up ta confedenalion. Iu hinging Mr. Enovu's nose loto lbe conference ho basggesled thal Mn. Brovn very praperiy forgae bis avu persoual feelings lu thm mator sud jainod banda vith Macdonald sud athers lu sbaping caniederatlan as expreasedl by Ibm British North Anmrlca Adt. I consider It natben an unfortnusie choIs aif argu- ment la ask Ibat lb, Premier ai Ontario emulae Brow. I hal hd Ibinlu aldngi the atitude hm bas, Han. Mn. Hepburn bas been but livIng up te, the traditions ai Brovu, sudbha defended and upheld ail Ihat Brown stood foan a s aleguard:ug the nighle sud reaponsi- bililties vetef lunlb.eaeparale provinces hy coutedera- tion. I prefen ta uporttsud adpt he matenial tructure vbich vas crealefi by Brovn, naiber thon eltempi ta llne7ret ls spiit, au Mn. Ercen han pur- pontef 1e0 do. If Mn. Enscken'sangumuentver. ta, pue. vail, biatory vanta b. degraded, aur ideala ehattened, sud lb.ennaaes aiaur publico nentaut luthlb.omuary ai Unme. Mn. Brockmn vas on beiter grounuf ven b. advauced! te Ides that provincial sntanany, vilbout adequale revenues ion diacbargngghlb.functians ai goverumumul fan vbicb provinces are responuiblo, le but JuIl, mare than a farce. Ta put lb, sane Ides lu sulother vay vithont fisaetindopoudeuce ther. enu b. no pravincIal autonany. I cm prepaned ta-day ta reviev lb. finauolal histany oi th. province ai Ontario, psnticulariy neistiug ta the t yoana since lb, préentulgovrnmeni bas beau lu change 3 Ontario Balance. Budget BrIed7, lot ne 55, ate v. wehavm foilovef sinc, the lai ai April, 1986, a sonu f Buncil poliy, as uovu hy ar budgetery position, Iu 1986-87, 1987-88, ad h988,v af balanced budgets. This yean ve are prnadby aur Premier vbo las&aim e mprovincial tresanrer, a halancd budget s surplus sud a reduction In dmbt. This vbhons and enviable budgtry position au picd nalu a Position ta carry oui s palcy of assat- sues ta lb. 900 MuLnicpaitimulcb iehfana lbhelocal govîrumoni administrations cf Ontario. For example, Ibm Province as asumed the mtin capital cent af construction ai our greai igbvsy aytem, the finaucial burden cf vbicb farmeriy realed lu part upon Ibm muulclpaities. Too province alme contrihutea In varions vsys tavard bigbvay construction expeuditunie by nunicipelltims Iun attera ai publiec hl, Ontenlo bas made grest stnides sud bas, sdnce ila eenment 10k change, at au sonnail cont ai millions a ollaUrs assumed Ibe eutre, burden ai the carsofIindigent tUmncular patient. Public boaiIb lu Ontarioaonte the province of Ontario s snmexcoeding *900,000 pin manlb. Thon, lu excbsng. for th. Income tex, vhich vaa iarm.rly collected by a fofaithe 900 munipalties vi avm anbstiîutd a provincial Incone tax, sud have asaumed lb. ontire cont ai the share. fonmely borne by tho municipalities af aid ge pensions and moibers' allovancea. Tho oaOui otatu b.egovenuneni ai Ontaraionfoaiod cge pnsons, se reprmsenied by tbe proni fiscal yesr,« amans ta ibre sud a hait million dollars. Ths lu- cludes Ibm province% abare ai pensions for Ihbm if. Tom annuel cosl ta Ibe ïrovince ai maibers' sllov- suesibs ea ill mxceed a msunt a ive sud s qunartir million dan.r.AUilfai Ibm lîmmu-thatla, leadâge, penaions, Peusions fon the bliud sud moibens' aliov- suces-are anualaii ncreashug luanaount. I quite agume viIb lb. estimaI., made by promlnnî acluamea Ibat tbey viii continue ta increaso fur Ibm net ift, c'ars. it i difficuit ai ibis lime tu estimais the final lb.t f hecosi cf Ibese Ibree social senvices vbich, se rou are avare, vore nover dresmed oi hy t a Pais ai Confedenation. Wm alto psy la lb. nunicipslils sa anuid sub.ldy f one miii.bend an he genînal amesa int aiflM. mtunicipalltiea, sud Ibis amnts lu round figur" te tbe anmai Ibeemmillion dollars per annumi Auoibmn fonction ai govenmnnithaï;leh gnovng anuuaiiy la ediqcaion, sud il la estinatefiat it on the gusnt Bsai ymar tb. province viiispeuf upvards oi -Compare. eief C"mt Oue 0f the services IbsI bas cont ,normousasuns dur- ing the pont decad, t la tt a of hecont 0f relief. tUnder lb. prenant biais ai contributton th. dominion paya 40 par cent. ai direct relief cceta, excluding medical services. Iuclndlng medical services tb. dominion con- tribution l 88 per cent. af lb. total oxpouditure. l'or ibm presnntfiscal year, tleheb.perlod mdngiXarch 8 1 nexi, relief viii cent Ontario lb. sun ai ton nmilion dollars. 01 Ibia th. dominion'* char. viii hoe *8,800 - 000, the provincisliBlaire $4,800,000, sud themni cipsities' shore *1,900,000. Ealinaliug lb. cest ci relief for lb. fiscal yoan whicb bigine Apnil 1, 1941, calculaled ou ibm presont bâtis ai abarnua the citaifrelief, sud estiznamd frran Ibheat avaliable Information, Ibe relief pture lu Ontariowvii lie repregtdamdsufolovs: Dominion abare------------.*2,555,000 Provincial hre------------2, 892 000 Municipal share-------------1, 27,1000 XIbmtheSmala hasis lb. adoaitd,far Ibm fiscal year 1941-42. the cet la mtinolefi au. Dominion chare.------------$ 566,00 Provincial shore------------.4,927,000 Municipal ahare...........--.282,000 Thun If liiib.obuerved finat hy adopting tb. Sinois bie Ibm dominion vould. a y a Boving of 119890 00 vhilm tbm province ai Outelo vould hoaieâleâ upan ta Inresce ils expeudtures hy te sai i*208,000, sd Ibe bordez f the municipalities ould lb. Irae- iiceily thm sans as under the prenant plan, Ibe duRer- once bainsgleu@ thon $50,000. Ttm oficeors af tbm tr.acurî sud velfsri depsntmenta are fber., sud are sluppiewitb ail detailu viib respect ta rouît figures, sud lu tlact aiber relief figures, sud y, are prepared ta AI Ibis juneture 1 desire ta ma, a leneni viIb Irespect la the etilmatefi saving or gaine ta the province ai Ontario, ce contalued on pge 96, Book M, ai the recomnendations ai lb, Bina La commission. The etinatefi savings or gain otahlbpndviuce 0f Ontario, au Ibm 1987 hase, la *8,828 000 per aunum. But a careini anclysis of lb, figures Indicate ata in- stead ai a gain ai *5,826,000, lb. actuel unIthase ta lb, province for the 1987 poniod vauld he *6,482,000. Thun il viii b. semu Ibat Ibm information givon on page 96 ai Ibe lirais repart as ta Ibm expocted Improvemont in tbe finaucial position 'of lb, province ou 'lb, 1987 hase his naccutate sud ual lu accordant,. vih tbe Bindiugs ai tb, tressury depantment ai lb. province oi Ontario. This inaccuracy anounts tu the large figure ai $11,758,000. 'The recoucilisticu aif lies. anounte a avaliable sud can b. expisined hy lb. teobnicel officeis ai lb. tneasury departinent. WIhrespecta Ibtheoresut fiscal ymar, the situation. la Infinitely vanse..If the irola plan 'were bdopted and nade effective fan lb, pressnt fiscal, l'eau, -vbIb ends on Msàrcb 81 next, Ihm province ai Ontario vauld he faced wilb s certain net lonInl revènueà of lb. :?n ai $17,000,000. Toms for lb. presnntfiscal l'ea Thm province viiib. requlnod ta give up annuel revenues ai---------*. 40,000.000 Deduct front ibis, erpendilure as. aumed hy ibm dominion, sud Ibm one mlii uhsidy to Ibm municipal. Itie, vblcb conta ual longer b patd, a total sun ai ............ 28,000,000 Leavea a lassai ............... ..17,000i.000 On, oftilfinal resaifthia hase lu revenue, hnougbt about hy Ibm gtving up ai the succession dut, teaxe, wvanta he I.oue iu revenu, ta lbUuivrett ai TorntooaitIbm'sun oi *500,000. Ivul 1 er71 ta Ibm Revised Statules of Ontario (1287) chapter 872, section 129, vblcb la lb. slatutary autboritfon pay- meut fothe pnrJtone idiatusion0 duttieelota; b. renvensild menru t lu t an i*500000rovice iStEducatOtaiomi ldbck 50tarat eas Ehswut IbsI l a tndicaytontae vbtlb Re olu bouse" sud ta the sinuggllng sepdase achools, vbich under presne conditions requin. Ibm imme as public acbools-annual grante fron lbe provincial trmsny. The splendid wvan don, y hyebmdopanlinent ai besit ai Ontari nluvsa g a guceaiful ngbt t astsnp ont lb. menace ai tubircula, v c Blgbt ln bing con- ducted 51 anuanmal coat ta Ibm province af upvarda ai $3,000,000, conta ual b. carried ou, unie. revenues fran son. aiber source ver. farlbcomlng. This vould luvolve son. nov type of taxation, but inasnnch as taxes au mtates, taxes on incaneis, taxes au corporations, sud taxzes on mining profile, vulfi no longer ho avallahl i.theIbmprovince oai utaia y addltiousl burden ai taxation required ta raise revenus la continu, a nessouabi, standard ai educetion vauid- inevitahiy 611 upon rosi estate-upan lb. tarmsr, thé bome-ovuer and Ibm business.-».n. 1I&asobring ta yaur attention ibm fact ibat muni. ciies a bmprovince af Ontario viii suifer for lb. present fiscal year by the impienentation of Ibm Sirois report, the Ions lurevenue xccediug *8,000,000. Nov, if you viii sdd th, net bei lu revenue la b. snstatud by lb. province ai Ontario ai *17,000,000 te Ibm $5,000,000 certain hase la b. suatainodIb tis ymar by Ibemnunicipallîles of Ontario, you bave tb. muonnaus sun ai *22,000,000-ni leu ta lb. province sud the municipalities. This, Mn. Chairman,.la oui e bbeilnlug. Toe Rame.sare baund tb iucrmase, becuse lb. functions oa, gaverneutla11 it ib lthprovince are, fron Ibeir vmny Real Eeiate BurdenItleal Naouineconversant viib Ibm prohlema aifpublic fin. &nsuc, hatbesel lb, provinces sud the nncp inl Canada ta-day viii atiempita deuy Ibât lb. burden onua saeat preant bas rescbed a point vbere Il la I dfclt fr the former ta noemI bisrates sud taxe; ht la discouraglug for snyane In atmpit n ild a homo; sud, in faci, daiiy lu Ontario discourag»d home- avuens are alismplingta salvage samibting inn isr iquitica, and are psrtig vib ibein homes, vhicla rp- resent lu large measureobin anl' lits savinge. Toi real estaea aver la-day, vba can hardly rais. the amount ai bis taxes, wv i B Iat ion every daller ai tax e opaye to-day in Ontario hi vil b. ceflefupon nexl l'eau ta psy $1.20. And ibis unden ver condi- tions, ybre lb, cost ai living in aredy moauting, sud..te, eraiiy peaki,nton pDrrcentbgizt h a il.onibreai ofai kvan. bienba As Ibm Prinm Minisen said, "Ton tesar.un vil Ibm expeuslvm functions ai governmenî"- And I boRd tIbaitlb.figurms I have snbmited prove ibat v. viii bave Insuilicient fonde ta dischange ibese fuchons a0gvrust, Ibsi healtb sud education lu particular Ir, suffer ud the standard ai living of ou cîiseus vba arnthen lbdam ai vhat mlibi< descriid sthe lover ecanonde acale viii b. ki la a candition oi servile depandancy. Nov, Mn. Prime Minisu, I bave finibof vwilb nm prosentation ofthlb.fusuncîileffect ai tb. report asui i apm<rs ta Ibis province, sud Iaa uIborla.d en baisait o ithemprenier ai the province af Ontario, lb. Ontario deimgation, sud the people of lbe province, taIn »onne that aur aseociation vib ibis m-caled couference la over. Borneaibter menhirs me taie thia oppaninnit, ta prisent their replI thebmLnia d&,ese ai lie Hou. Mu. 1181%, siand t iidnsawse eare dolur Wm leave il tt a mest oaitIbmombera ta continueI9% efforts ta do vbat ve ane bannd ta say vanta resut in vnicklng conferation, s vmundealsfJltand in destroying provincial autanomy and nigbta. *Weare ret,,nlug in oln huainese. and. our fiuai yard In lie domiion la th t yard vib vbhicb v. opmeo: If the dominion docidas ta prosecute Ibm var n au a astf coopeasîon vs &hal boneady,s vo bave alvsya beau lu the pont, ta cooprat. iu every knowu vey and ta lbuav ibmfou milhi ai Our rat province ita*0b ao ncna r men avoUr., RT. HON. ERNEST LAfPOINTE MIlrlNIBTER 0F JUSTICE ÀAND ATotOD. #GEâ0 CANADA, (Voi. 2. page 100)>a "I read Ibm Ontario naepapers, and ibis morulus I read a staemeni lu a Tboa ta novapateOlathé effeci that ibis commission report y5as 1uebo report, suprd yad for u Qoe, for lb. binsit of liaI prnc.'~'b~at article urged the peope of Ontario ta appas. IL. My tnieuds vho arebore mcv tisaI ai lie sma timm lu the province af Quebo ibis report la cansidermd hy smn as lesdingIntahIbmdestruction of provincial antauomy and tbm aar.d ni gtbistcithe citizen@ of thai province. Iea hi ltd tthlbe 3'rencb-Cansdian race viii e ensiar.d if till report RT U ON . JW . .IAC L I12,,U N G ,l p RI E MINIS TI 0F CNAD,(ie. 2,Pe 12>j:l 'y I ..y Iisei. wb-weuny7oolleaipes sud I cou- aIdmar.d Ibm csliug 0f Ibis coufereuce Itho. vas beiveen us s gueat divansily of viev as ta tlb. viedan ai baving sncb augaflening ai ibia Urne, JuassYlg ibai Z d ual~~~~~ Mhn nbiaigaY cabinet seret vicb I an avon a r rspect. I1f0or ouitaopibe viev ibsi it vas vy doubtful vbelber il vould b. vise tb bave a conterene l an atins.", HON. ADELARD GODOU' PRIME MINISTER 0Fp THE PRtOVINCE F Qt5IC. VoL 2,ag t(The Prime Ministens nema nbvr given in prnch, imfallowtng la I EU" sbtranslation> : M THESE s IT IS PARTICULARY IMPORTANT ai this critical phase of our national if e thaitihe people of the Province of Ontario should be given te facis and allowed io base uheir consideions and judgment on tem. There je very itile doubt.thai in many instances opinions8 have been based on speculation, pro paganda and rumor. Tine siaiements given hereWith are laken from the. Ofjwia Reports of ste Conference as published by the. Dominion Ammuffl 7 F i RE.. 'THE f 1 , OWMANMLE, ONTARIO PAGE C"Im 1

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