THURSDAY, JANT3ARY 30, J941 TH~ CANADIAN STAT~?4&N, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Critficize Ehdstter of Agricuture During Counties Council Meetino Ilde sprcad between producer grat aJunior farinera' clubs. and consumer prîces ai fa=po- MnSirctt -stated that thc main duets came ifordeep dsuion thing rigit now was Uic arousing au thc meeting ai tic Agriculture ofInhtereat in Uic boy andyun Co mmttee of Couhties Coundil. man iiarmlng and Uicejunior Thiclo. James Gardiner, Feder- fariner Compttosesrvcd that al Minister af Agriculture, was =purpoS e .ilt hit would b. a assalled by W. A. Smihai Mur-.mi tak ask them ta forega -ray township as beig incompe- their grants. Tic Junior farmner tent ta exprss o0n on tarin Work big carrlcd on. by Dcpt. matters Mot o Uic discussion ai Agriculture. acs goigta affect ~arase out ai study af a number af Uic fanera ai ten ta lMten years résolutions from otiser county fromi noar and it was vital that councils, and covcred mast ai thc the yaun farmer le Sept interest- curent fan problems witi par- cd. Mn *Zrrow cxpressed.agree- ticulan référence ta Uic returis nient wIi tcheopinion ai Mr. on Uic fcrnuing industry. Slrctt an'tic matten, but doubted "There ls too muci gavernment if thc Young muan, due ta thc dictation ta thc fariners," declared scarcty of help an the farni, Mr. Smiith. "ýWe.are bclng logis- would fid tizne ta do tuis junior latod, graded and inspecte toamaer wonk. Tic genéral feeling death, ta give jobs i 90 pet cent af theccomMlttce wcs nflccted in af thc cases ta wlito-collared mon. Reeve Goadlng's observation Uiat It ls getting that I can't i, an it would bo unarise toa slow thus eggUnlssit a radd,-i extension work, on whlcl 50 mucl milk unlesa it is pasteurizea. Wby tinepse.benseti h at can't I brig ungraded eggs home olpe irom the store if 1 want to? i cm Recommendcd Grants thc anc tiat cats Uiem and I pay Grants ai $100 ecci aere re-q for theni. Another thing - tise commended to the Northumber- Hon. Jlm Gardiner is 'batty' when land Cheesemakors' Association he says that tiey could grow and tic Durhami Plouglmnen's As-1 wieat Out West and selI at a -pro- sociation. Tic statutory grant ai fit for 40 cents. I doubt il Mn. $500 ta thc Northumberland Agri- Gardiner ever turned over three culture brancl was endorsed, as1 furrows i0.. lis lite," sald Mn. well as $30 ta the Quinto Seed1 Smith. Fain and $100 oaci ta tic Junior( NO Action on Egg Gradfng Farinens", Clubs ai Northumber-c Tic Agriculture Commnittee took land and Durham counties. no0 action an a reÈolutian from. At the Novemben session last Eigin County Coundil whici op- yean tiecocunties council endors- pased the restrictions on Uic egg cd a résolution calling for coin.- grading régulations in prevonting ponsatian for rc-acting feeder cat- the farmner from taking in i histei T.B. tests. A letter froni eggs ta Uic store and thlagig e Dept. on the matter, arlici them for merciandise.e ingn ad been referred ta thc Agricul- Storeeepes To lame turc Cominittec, explainedta Starkeeers o Bame suci compensation wouîd not P. H. MacMilan af Campbell- serve thc purpose ai kecping i-t fard stated that tic starekeepers fectcd cattle aut ai tosted aneas. had brougit suci legislation on Mn. Nelson declared that tiere thcmselves by their failure ta was Uic. temptation ta brlng in t candle eggs. Reeve Sfrett said cattie froni outsido thse iestrictedF tisat egg grcdig lmproved egg areas, whici wore infected, test « Production and that it was a case Uiem inside Uic rcstricted area af improving thc grade,ý ai eggg and rocelve compensation for witl resulting better pricos for tucm. It scemed taa inucl ai a Uhim. Ho lad no quand lwlth "racket" idea, lie said. thc grading régulations, le stated. Fund For Power M4achlnery Tic committco endorsed a re- A letton frani Uice Chief Ac- solution fram Elgin wlichb:red onta UcDp.tat od tlatsoliersbe scd ahyg and Bridges committee pointed0 and larvesting * tinie wlerc no out Uiatas Uic practice'ai a 50% ]E labor was a onllable . subsidy on power operated velu-v Discussingbacon prlcs, .es ci as graders, etc. iad been Nelson ai Percy township expres- discontnued, it aras now praposed sed the opinion that duc ta itah rneUemncl iu er ,AOw pnices fariners woulci 50 cur- ]y amount based on thc opcratingy tail tîcir hog production tiat time ai the maciinery. This inE tlere migit become a scarcity ai tiane would approaci tic value ai ]c bacon, so muci BO tiat Brltair iceapparatus. WIUfithtichesul-C iigit iind it lard ta get ail sicé sidy, municipaities required thc h required. Last yean tic packers sctting up ai a fund ta buy noad ] stocked up wmi cheap bacon fram maclincry. Tic Municipal Act t tic United States witi obvious would not alloar funds ta ho car- f results, Deputy-Reeve Nelson stat- red aver from year' ta year whcrep ed. Dcputy-Reeve M aceM il1, an itey iad been abtalned by a levy I pointed out tlct thc goverznent for a spccific purposo tuat ycan, S pricc-fixing wcs pcgging thc price and ta operate such a fund an tc as fan as thc fanmer aras concenix- cmcndmnent Woud have ta be r cd but tiat tiere was no change mrade in Uic Municpa Act. It was W in the store prices. poitcd 'out that ti would notA Study Fixed Prices apply to présent equlpment an 81 Tiec cmmittee studicd tic ne-. wllcl tic 50 % subsidy iad al- solution passed at a msas meeting ready been recelved. Tic Camn- ai farinera at Hilton in whiiclu dis. mlttce accordingly cndorscd Uic approval vies expresseid of -Utc proposai ai sctting up ai a fund L présent fixed pricos On bacon and ta talce cane oa inxancig Uic pow- farni Products, tic resolution aiso or madliinery under thc ncw plan. stating tuat it was unfairta cxpect Standing Conmmittees the farnmers ta exist on sudli a Tic Standing Comaittees acre level. Tic fariner was willllng ta sclected as follows, tic first i bear lis just ahane of thc Wan cf- oaci committee being thc chair- 01 fort but Uic farmling lndustry mari di should be decît wlit on thc sainie Finance - Devltt, Box, Bail, l basis as otior industries, nead tic Burrison, Ccrveth, Dodge, Kdiley, s résolution. MacMilan, McMlllcn, M a r r i s, l Percy Goodlng af Brighton Marrow, Nesbltt, Payne, Perrin, township explained Uic purpose plckell G. Rosa, W. Ross, 1Md, 5S of lae meeting at Hilton. Slrett, Shleld, Stepisen, Tin iln T, "Tic meeting was callcd ta sec Troop and Woodley. tu wlat could le donc about prices. dciae- hedBalCle It was Uic blggest mingofSO ' -FhelsB l elti',, farinera I ever sa at fflton. We CarveUi, Ciapnan, Cale, e acre satlsfied alih tcepnîces De ît~Goodlng,Keiley, Mncnief,3C beig paid by Great Bitain.and MarriM arrsPa'rw esn were llwidlng ta help al we N:sbtt,P5a cye thaugl, i wiat w ar enios wre Troop and ~olY. - cace gettng or ur rodce nd hat Raads and Bridges rue was bcing asked itue stores. Bal, BoUs, Brown, Burnison, ai Tiere is tiat big spread betaere Calver, Canrveti, Dcvltt, Dodge, ac producer and consumer wti Goodin , Hariden, Keicy, Mon- ge samnebady i betareen gettn i criai, aorris, Nelson NeebÉit, Per- profits.Tic govcrnmnent soul rin, Plickcll, Raid, W#. RaSS, Slrctt, ni stop 1n and p ut a stop ta that Smnith, Timüih and TnaaP. ec spread in pnicea, aras wamt re ILgisiative and By-La as - th farmners icît about it. If Uic fanni- Flerd, Bail, Box, Brown, Calver, er ,ers organize tien Mr. Gardiner Chapinan, Carveti, Cale, Devltt, be ail listen ta yau," declared Reove XKdley,, MeMillen, Morris, Nés- ti Goodig. bitt, Payne, Pascoe, Patton, Pernis, in Reeve Sirett urged caution an G. Rose Rowe, Smi, Stepien, thc part ai Uic fanera i dealing Tlmlln, àrroop and Waodley. 00 wlth this grievance. Agriculture - Nelson, B ail, fil FarnnsHave Grievance BofggsCle, . Canvcth, Devltt, co ",We fanonrs must stop car...l- ied, Gaeding, Harnder4, Kdiley, o ly lest wo be accused ai tring ta obstruct tic wan effort. Nover- ticlesare lave a gievaýnce. Noar the Hilton farzios'-meeting. i KeepYoug Frme IneretedWAR SAV INOS L. Kdlley ai Hastinga, pro poued CRIIAE custthe ui nts siii vicathei cta Uiccontsi iesa edaof thc iact tiat thc war would malpeI-THSDVTIE M creasing demanda an funds, and ~ AVRIEE suggested tiat penisaps it miJgît le advisable ta dolete tue uul MacMilan, Mancnief, M o r r 1 s, Moro, Nesbltt, Patton, Perrin, Plokel, Prouse, Roare, Sineit, Trnihi and Troop. County Praperty - Bnrown, Bail, Boggs, Box, Bunrison, Car- LWARDEN ELECTED ALONG STRAIGNT PARTY LUNES As annaunced i lst week's Statesman Reeve G. A. Edmond- stone ai Bawmanville was electcd Wcrden af Uic United Counties of Northumberland and Durhsam, de- featig Reeve T. G. Shield ai Ca- van by 24 votes ta, 17. As usuai Uic vote for Uic war- den resolved ltself into typical county counicil polltics and Uic council again justifled Uic nlck- naome ascrlbcd ta it af "Tic Little Panliament." Tic voters lined themaclves up on straight party sides, Canservatives votig for Conservative and Liberal for Llb- oral. Tic Conservatives had Uic rnajority in Uic house. Ta satisfy the. curiaus ones as ta who's who palitically this is how Uic ropresentatives votcd: For Edmondstone: Reove W. J. Baggs, Manvens; Reeve J. A. Box, Port Hope; Reevo C. H. Calver,j Campbeilford; Reeve C. P. Dcvltt- ai Cantwright; Reeve- Roy Dodgc of tobourg (2 votes); Reeve Bd- mondstonc, Bowmanvllle; Roove P. Gooding ai Brighton township-, Reeve L: E. Kelley ai Hastings; Deputy Reeve J. L. Moncrief af Port Hope; Dcputy Reeve C. G. Morris af Bowmanvillo; Reeve W. H. Morraw, af Munray township;i Dcputy Reovo W. H. ;Nelson ai 1 Percy townsip; Reeve E. J. Nos- bitt ai Brighton village; Deputy 1 Reovo R. J. Payne af Cavan vil- 1 lage; Reevo T. A,.,Reid of Clarke 1 tawnship; Deputy Reeve G. R.j Ross aifBrigiton township; Reeve i W. J. Ross ai Seymour township; 1 Dcputy Reeve W. H. Rawc ai Sey-j mour township; Reeve J. L. Tlm- 1 lin af A]nwick township; Reeve c W. J. Troop, Colbarne; Dcputy( Reevo H. G. Woadloy af Hope township, and Reeve C. R. Burri- t ýson af Hamiltan townshp1 For Shlcld: Reeve E. W. Banl of Millbrook; Dcputyr Reeve W. Brown of Cavan; Reeve C. R. Car- veth ai Newcastle; Deputy Reeve T. H. Clapman ai Cramahe; Dcp- Llty 'Reevo W. Cale of Hamilton township; Dcputy Reeve Allanr Fleld aif doaurg; Reeve A. J. Harden ai Hcldimand toWnship; Dput Reeve P. H. MacMillacn ai eapbllford; Reeve T. A. Mc- iIlen ai Percy township; Deputy Reeve L. C. Pascoc f ai ~rlington c township; Reeve R. Perrin of S. c M(onaghan township; Reeve W. R. r Pickell ai Darlington township; 9 Reeve W. R. Prouse ai Hope town- E ship; Reeve T. G. Shield af Hope c township; Reeve H. Sirett ai Cra- nahe; Dcputy Reeve Smith aif M'urray township; Dcputy Reeve r A. Stephen ai Hcldimand town- t ship.S e LIFE INSURANCE HUGE FACTOR NATIîONAL INCOME Lfe- insurance. companles paid in out to Canadian policyholders e Iuring thc past yean $167,780,833, fi the annual repart ai Federal In- r surance Superintendent G. D. Fln- fi layson K C, revecis. t] Of l~is hugke total only $48,'122,- li 59 wcs disbursed i deati daims, t Vie balance was made Up aifama- turcd endawments, $22,564,984; M Llvdends paid policyhalders, $29,- t] 879,447; annulty contracts, e41,- h 885,373; dlsability dlaims, $3,264,- il 309; cash surrender values, $59,-'s 094,724. *P The sum ai *1,483,472 was pald, out as dlvldends by tise insunance fi onipanies ta their shareisolders. ai There arc 0,419,707 life and si annulty policles i force in Can-% adc, their value totalling $086,- 3j 987 15,the report reveals. pi dosttuting Uell "big busi- 4ý es"I Itheir totalbu, cacn umulated insurance savlngs of ai ei people are siown by thc Fed- $1, rai Supcrlntendent's statistics ta $1 c stil growing. Lcst yecr tise 21 total insurance i force itise Do- $4 minion increcsed b y $38,353,386. g1 As campaned with thc $167,000,- DO0 pald out I Canada lcst year, mi gures in the report show tise M :ompanles 25 years cga paici out ta nmly *22,000,00. s ELP United Countied' Farimers Formu L- Northumberland and Duu1 Counties Counci Frlday end=r thse recommandation af thse S cl Agriculture Comnutteetde a branch oftheis Ontario Fedet tien aifAgilculture b b mc9dl the counties. A meeting w111 b ca]led at Orono for thse Durhdii farmers and at Warkworth le~ the Northumberland farmers.' Reeve Harry Slrett ai Cramai tawnhlp poited out that If Is 1arm 8s eomakear"y ishd way with the govêrnnient,th must get organlzed. The mW, dlfiiculty with the Ontario F1 eratian of Agriculture was thg failure ai the county branches *< get arganized promptly. It W51 suggested tiat Mr. Hannani, pré. sident af the Federation, be In. vited ta address thicouxity meét. ings. W. Cale of Hanmilton tawn. ship rccalled that efforts lad beer made in the p~ast ta get thc farhs' crs arganized, withaut an3t per- manent resuits. To thus, Hl. Nel- son ai Percy township replled thal politica isad wrecked similar or- ganizations in the past. Coi. F. D. Boggs, K.C., informed the cauncil that a client lad farm land which le was willing ta sel] ta thc counties for $4 an acre; rbferred ta Reforestation Commit- ,tee. A letter from JT. T. Field, caunty court clerk, requested ad- ditional filing cabinets for lis of- fice; referred ta Uic Speciai Pro- PertY Committee. Council ap- praved ai Uic $91,000.0d1 county road ecstimates for 1941. W. J. Ross of Seymour township and R. J. Payne of Manvers werc ap- pointed ta thc Reforestation Com- rnlttee. Percy Goadlng of Brighi- ton township was appainted -a rnember af the Road Commission for, a term of Uiree years. W. J. Box and J. L. Monièrief of Port Hlope were appainted ta Uic Cli dren's Aid Society. OUier appoint- sients were: Special Scisools Coin- mitte, C. R. Carveth, Newcastle-, Special Caunty Prapcrty Commit- cee, L. E. Kdlley, Hastings; Boaid of Management, W. J. Troop of Colborne. Council approved af a motion that tise coundil approve ai Uic proposal that Ontario Hospitals. Act be amended se Uiat Uic perlod of 20 days be extended ta 30 da"s, 'or Uic time in which indigent Patients' accounts can be checked. It was also recamnicnded tiat hospital superintendents g vce more definite information regard- Ing place ai residence ai indigents. MWake Survey of Fam Labor Ian McLeod, agriculture repre- sentative in Northumberland, ad- ressed the council on Uic mâtter, of f arm labar. He infornsed Uic nembers ai Uic council tiat Uic gavcrnýmcnt planncd a survcy *arly Mn February on thc subjcct of f arm labor. Thc Departxnent. wanted a clear picture ai Uieï situation and-would like ta seed nectings, 11d in cadi aclool seçr, tin. A questionnaire would bd! cent'aut t a cd farmner, The gov- ermnent wbuld grant their year's stnding ta students who started vork on Uic far.m'at Easter. En- quiries. would also be made ta determine if soldiers couid be used in farin work whcre tîcre was a sisortgge aif an. labor. Another itsm n anhUichighly- riaunting legal tests of Uic Wool- er school dispute was autharizcd for payment i he ic ll for *822.45 cndered by Mn. McCarthy, K.C., for his services In Uic matter ai te appeal againat Uic judgmcnt In Uic Wooler and counties' legal tangle. Counties Solicitor Col. P. D. Baggs, K.C., gave an opinion on te question of liabllty for Uie ospital maintenance ai ,a found- ng baby at Coiborne. Col. Baggs 3tatcd Uiat Uic Children's Aid ai aort Hope should, pay. Tise Finance Commlttee con- ârmed, paymcnt ai Uic following icounts whlcis were lncurred dncc Uic last session: Administration oi justice $3,- 156.63; maintenance of indient )atients, *1,943.87; education, $6,- 16.95; county raads, *14,446.25; ýgistry offices, *370.24; prlnting id postage, $ 06.33; county jail, Î06.50; municfipal governnient, '011.00, intcrest an lbans, *2,- 1,M30 cebentures and lnterest, 141.06; loais repaid, *44,000; ants, *16,275.00. Tic Roads and Bridges Com- nittee recommcndcd. that Uic éunicipal Act be amcndcd so as 9Permit munclpalites sctting up inklng funds te finance purdhase Plan to Help mcal lederation 'COIJNTIES COUNCIL H HT LY DTSCUSS SHOSPITALACT e Indigent patients' accaunts, ai- e-ways a sore point with the various luincipa,,ties of Northumberland and Durham countiés, came i for ~considerable discussion at the session af the counties council, a pallegatione being made that out- B ide hospitals were takig advan- tage af the Haspital Act ta blud- «geon the municipalities into pay- 71Ing for indigent patients, i many *instances befare they could inves- tigate whether a municipality were liable. Counties Clerk and *Treasurer E. L. MacNachtan em- *phasized that the offenders were * fot the hospitals in the counties but outside hospitals such as To- ronto. iReferring ta a specific instance, iwas stated that aithougli the aid age pension cheque had been turned aver to the hospital While *the patient was in there, there was no apparent deduction made i the bll presented ta the munici- pality in cannection with the amounts received fram the aid age pension "If that is the case the haspital was getting the money by fILs pretenses," declared W. Smith of Murray.. Check Up On Accounts si W. J. Boggs af Manvers si that hie knew of another case where the. ald-age pension of a ,patient had been turned over ta the hospital and as far as he wast able to learn, there had been na accounting af it.3 "It is time the counties got ta- i gether and had this thing straiglit- ened out. You are only allowed twenty days under the act ta check up an an indigent case and the twenty days date from the -time the bill leaves the haspital.t In many cases twenty days aree flot sufficient," declared the coun- "ies clerk.a «'I suppose it takes quitè a whle t checkUp on an indigent patient "àway up oi ne corner of the f township, but an election time if a voter was away up there why they would get up there ta. him and bring him down ta vote in nod time. I think that our hospitaly here in Cobourg would gladly co- aperate i checking up on indi- gents accounts," stated C. R. Bur-V ýrison of Hamilton. t "I have flot been referring ta the county hospitals in Cobourg,.t Port Hope and Bowrnanviiie. I i had reference ta the hospitais out- i side the counties," cxplaincd ther aunties clerk.N A. Reid ai Clarke advisedk each township council get ai- ter its clerk and see ta it that lie- chrked up on ecd indigent case iIbnthsified time. v Aboifsh Grand Juries $ The Legisiative and Bylaws s Comniittee endorsed the resolu-5 tion of Hastings Caunty CoundilP recammending the abolition ofn grand juries and the reduction of petit juries from 12 ta 6 members. Also endorsed was the resolutian af Haidimand that funeral ex- c penses shouid be deductcd fromL the pensions ai aid age pensioners. $ The xsolution of Peterboro Caun-s ty Council that aid age pensions be paid ail who have attained 70P years regardless of their financial o condition was not endorsed. TheU commlttee favored the resalution h af Kent County Council that thc railways afford free transporta-9 tion ta service men gaing on leave. Byiaws Paase4 Thse counties caundil passed the ffwng bylaws: Aut0rzin the borrowig ai $150,000 ta meet current expendi- 9 turcs pending thc collection afif taxes. County offices commission- ers were appainted. as follaws: Eat Northumberland, W. Troop 91 of Coibarne; West Northumber 1and, Alan Field of Cobourg; Eastr Duram, J. W. Box of Port H P West Durham, C. G. arisa Bowmanville; jail and cunty ri of nea powrer equipinent i vica ai thc gavernmcnt no longer giv- inir a subsidy at time ai purchase. aoundil thon adjounned fan tue s ession. SMASH Wk.t Systematic War Savings W~iI Do 1 $ may bring d<oaa a GermaisPlane for h wiU buy one round of 5P' 40 mmn. anti-airerait sheils, $ il stop a Hua antis five machiinemmgun rts. '$5 ahIlt a soldier f itht for yen altis 100 rounds of rifle amniuni- tien. $ 1 wli stop a tank antisone round of .18 or 25 panaders abois. $20 buyu a omanonade for four 3.7 Incis ati-airerait s»eila T DONATED NY THE CANADIAN STATESM.I i. buildings in Cobourg, Roy DodgE Of Cobourg. .Futhen appolntmcnts natif ici by bylaas wene trustees in higt. and continuation sciools - Bow. manville, H. Goddard; Campbell fard, A. Tionipsan, A. Armoui and W. Smli; Cobourg, A. ID Spragge; Coîborne, A. J. Dance Newcastle, H. Toms; and Pari Hope, B. Davison. Corn Borer In- spectors - Northumberland, W Osborne, Caibamne; Durhanm, N McGil ai Millbrook at a salcry ol $3.00 per day plus 5 cents per mile. Caunties Council memberm on haspitai boards - Cobourg, C, E. Burnison; Port Hope, J. Mon. cnief; Bawnianviile, F. F. Morris. J. F. Georgc ai Smithuield as appainted auditor ai tiecrciminal eus c cunts along ami H. G. Wa ofa Hope taanship ata salar a$4.50 per day plus mile- cge ai 10 cents per mile one aay. To Repair Bridge On motion, it wcs decided to repain tic Hendersan bridge in Darlington this year. Tic muni. cipalities ai Campbeliford and Hastings acre ecci granted $50 ta assist in lighting tic bridges there. Taenty dollars echci aas gnanted ta Alnaick, Hlarnlton and Brighton for bushing ice roads. Ahl other grants arere refcrred ta tic June session. Thc $200 item from. Cobourg General Hospital in connection anti the foundling baby ai Coîbomne was reicrred ta tic Finance committce, tic Cil- dnen's Ali1 Society disclciniing any' liability. It aas decided ta carry over tic equalization af Uic bridge rate as thc amaunt aras toa smali ta make it ararti ahule making a icvy fan it. 1*91,000 For Roada Estimate af tic expenditures Raad Supt. A. S. Miller amounted ta $91,000.00 as folloas: "Estimate ai thc expenditures rcquired an tic counties naads for tic yean 1941 is approxiniately Uic saine as spent last yoan. As yau ailI recall, Dept. ai Hlgiaays reduccd aur'last yean's estimates upon arlici tuey aould grant sub- sidy fain $100,000, for ahici a bylaw aras passed, ta $90,900.00. "«Even et $91,900.00,waici is thc amaunt noa requested, are-ail have ta restrict aur expenditurei ta oniy tic banc necessities requin- cd ta keep the. systcm in reason- ably goad condition. Tiere is an item ai relates ahici appears tance in tus year's estimates. Wlile the Improvement Act speci- f ies tiat relates for any yean can le paid an or before Uhi lt ai Apnil of tic folloaring yoar, Uic Municipal Act requires tiat all doîts le taken cane ai witiiin tic yean tiey arc incurrcd. To cani- ply ami tu hs and aisa assure tic municipalities cancerned tuat they aill redoive ticir relates arithin thc yean in ahici they paid their ahane ai Uic raad lcvy and dan therefore pracecd wantI applying it on paving debenture payments, it ail l e neccssany ta pay 1941 relates arithin the cunrent year. We have ta pay tise 1940 relates by April 1, 1941. "Maintenance ai roada ailil e continued aiti tic ialloaing principal ostimates: Cruslod gra- vol, $3,000; calcium cihi o r i d c, $14,000; pavement îepairs, *7,500; snoar removal and sanding, $11,- 500; snaa fonce and poats, $2,500; poarer grader operations, $3,500; nea construction unit aperations, $4,000. 244 Miles of'County Rtoads "Thc item alici is most diffi- ..ult ta estimate is anoa removal. Last yean aur estimates were $7,000, areas are spent about $12,000. Wc noar have six snoar- Ploaring units, five aif riici are Our oan powrer vehicles, anc bing in reserve. Tiore are 244 miles in tho caunties' road systein. Wc have 28 noad foreman, 3 powrer grader openatori, 4 truck drivers, ,a construction unit foremnan and a crusher fonoman."1 1941 Estlmates Folloaing is Uic list ai estimates: Cruaied grave, *3,000; pit run gravel, $1,000; ano rnernoval, $10,- 000; sanding roads, *1,500; snoar oence and poats, $2,500; ditcing, $1,000; dncgging, *1,500; power grader aperations, *3,500; arasi- outs, $1,000; pavcment repaira, $7,500à calcium ciboride, $14,000; deate 1940, $8,300; bridge ne- pairs, $2,000; concrete culverta, $1,500; steel culverts, $2,000; guard rails and road signa, $200; relates 1941, $8,700; brushing and accd cuttrng, *2,300; near grade con- struction, $4,000; aire fence and land, $400; undcrslung blade for truck, $1,200; maclinery repaira, $3,000; toois, *100; insurance, $1,- EEESH WIEBFED LAMB fRmSE POUR loWuS laTu .. 23. wSfr.' - lb. 25e PENNm- OASV DIJEBOA 97 SHORT Xun ROAST vium. & VEOTaILa NO. 1 ONTARIO POTARTOIS, GRAEFRUIT* CARROTS ORANGES NO. 1 COOKING I Owued and0 peraet b0ts m Ainea PSOc& Tes Ce. LAd. Marshoq Califor Nav lb. 23e lb. 19e - lb, 20 Freah Im ported E I Curly Leaf 2 lbo.. lA edl.: 801 2 for 9 6 Ib.k fI la DoL 29ile 100; intereat on boans, $2,000; com- pensation, $700; supenlntendent'a and office expanses, $4,800; noad comniissianers, *1,200; and un- foneseen expanditures, *1,OOQ. To- tal, $91,000. Auditor's Report Tic pravisional, auditor's report shoaed that thc preliminary cu- rent balance sicet as at Decembon 31, '1940, cansistcd ai cash on land and in thc bank, $3,288.16 and ac- counts receivable af *50,987.25. Liabilities included banS boans of *40,000.00; accounts payable, $12,-i 680.73; accrued intonest on banS boan, $797.87; higis and continua- tion sciool surplus, *6,657.02. To- tal lichllities, *60,051.62; generai deficit, *5,776.21. Tic preliminany revenue state- ment for thc yean cnded Decein- ber 31, 1940, aras made up ai in- came items ai surplus, *8,534.64; caunty rate, $*223,553.41; adminis- tration ai justice, *4,541.04; ligI- ways grant, $47,249.11, making a total, along anti other items, $288,918.22. Expenditures - Ad-1 ministration ai justice, *20,562.52; jail, *5,289.80; grants, *13,700;4 clanlty and arelfane, *28,112.44;j delenture ddt clarges *87,629.08; - education, -$7,729.75; general ad- ministrationr, $22,211.85; roadsand bridges,, $101,328.13, m4king a to- tal of $294,059.13. Budget Comp.risoa The prelinxinary budget coips- parisan for 1940 showed that i the revenue accaunt, bucigetted caunty rate was $223,533.00; se-, tuai, $223,533.41; excesai 41 cts.; surplus iorward from December 13, 1939, estimnatcd, $8,534.00; se- tuai, $8,53400; licenses, fees, etc.,, actual, $240.00; excess $2«0~00. To- tal budgetted amount, $232,087.00; actual, *232,328.05; total excesu ansount, $241.05. Expenditures - Uncontrollabie charges adminfistration of justice budgetted, $16,500: actual, $16' 021.48; short, $478.22; charity anti welfare, $32,800.00; actual, $33,- 947.46; over by $1,147.46; public and separate schoois, $8,600.00; ac- tual, $7,729.05; short, $870.25. To- tal budgetted, $57,900.00, actuel, $57,898.09; total short, $1,348.77; total amount aver *1,141.46. Total expenditures, b udgStted, W22,087.00; actual, $238,104.26; short, *2,207.27; over, *8,224.53. Deicit, Decemnber, 1940, $5,776.21. A&P LOW Everyday Prices" DOMESTIC or Easifirst Sbortoning 2i ii. 235c SALMON Horseshoe or Sockoy. 'ion21< iu'à39c PEACHES l IONA Tini 12C P&G SOAP 3 DIItic 0 CLARK'S SOUPS Tsorsea 6c PORK & BEANS CIark's 2 Mrns17C KETCHUP Clark's 2-BUS. LYONS TUA Yenow Eiri 5 R0SES FLOUR 27c COMFOIRT S0AP, Bar4c JIF FLAKES pka. 19C COCOA Cowan's Pwfectioa Mn2Se CHAN WÀAX TI5R CHIESE 0 lb.IL23e ild Ili. 19c 3-»MINUTE OATS 20e 1627C 1627r .l1C RHITLE $20 buya taracomplte rounds ai 1.5 lachs Hoarituer iis. $ buYs enougis fuses te explode 20 shelas or Alree complote $50 rounds of 6 Inch Hoaltzer abols. $ 75 ahi pravido a deptis charge to drap on a Gemman U-Boat. ahi Prvide a 500 tIt drop over Bllan r Brecistea- $75 gaen. $100baya thnee 9.2 ncis Hoalter shella or 2,000 rounds ai 100 Srvice Arme Anunatton, qUim ,UV'- WAR SAVINOS à,- EA 1 %. 1 ' 1 ; -AN) TIM CANADIAN STA BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE 1PIV fili. susi qp&ç