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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1941, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STAZCgÏtL4N, BOW;MA2IVIlLE ONTAIO TUSAJNAY814 tori Canada Special Bargain 'EXcursions ALL STATONS IN EASTERN CANADA ahg Delly F.b. 15 - Mar. 1, 1941, Inclusive Returai Limît - 45 Deys %ICKBTB 0OD IN- Co t Pares Approxlmately 1 1-Se per mile. Touls~Slepis Cars at Pares Approximately 1 3-Se per mile. 8 0-Pllard Sleeping Cars at Pares Approxlmately 1 5-8e per vo" eJr AGCQMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL. -Stopovors at ail points going sud «. FO ROM WESTERN. TO EASTERN * 44 ING SAME PERIOD. ~ ote..Iu<vallons and al information tram - DBLLT-16 later anuoucements.... Tic boys bave been very industriaus the pai week redecorating their base- u.met. They are going ta paint n murais on thc walis of under ses e Ife, etc. Hampton d_______ 1_ Visitors: Jack Cowling, Toron- Sta, with lits parents. .. Mr. Reg. Rackliam sud Miss Eilien Thomb- son, Bowmanvile, ai Uic parsan- age... Private Bruce Hogarth ai J. D. Hogartls. . . Mr. sud Mrs. iT. Salier, Toronto, visited at F. G. *Kcrslakc's sud Mr. Thea Saltcr's. Mn. sud Mns. Wilbur Burueti, Oshawa, wth relatives. . . Mr. and Mns. L. Trul sud son Frank- lin ai Mn. Gea. Crowtlier's, New- casle... Miss Rose Ellen Anhils- tic, Brantford, sud fieud, ai Mn. *E. Anthisilc's. .. Mns. Geo. Paru- comb visited friends lu Taronto. Annual Womcu's Institute "At Home" will be icld Fcbruary 6tli, wlieu Rcv. A. R. Cragg, Bowmau- ville, wiil be speaker. Red Cross crokinole panty wil be licld Pcb ,4th. Remember Uic Football Dance, Pcb. 6th. Sec "Coming Events." Caunegational meeting of tic churci wll be hcld ou Friday eveniug at 8 p.m. Sympathy la exteudcd ta Mn. sud Mrs. Carence Yea lu tic death of ticir infant sou. Mission Band met Mouday ai- ternoan. Anabel Adcock was sclected 'treasuner fan Uic year. Bian Damant iook Uic offering. Ethel Gibert read a pzaycn. Carol Cnsig uýead tic mcmany verse. Mrs. Rcynolds read a story, fol- lawd by a prayer by Shirley Pingle. A Red Cross meeting was ield Jan. 2lst, wttiMn. Barran, presi- dent, lu tue chair. Meeting open- cd witi prayer by Rev. W. Rack- hain. Mns. W. Grccuaway was appointed secrctary in place of Mns. J. R. Reynolds. Dischission rcgardiug cailecting af mauey; Treasurcn Mn. C. E. Harn report- cd $220.05 sent lu ta Uic Bowman- ville Brandi. Report of work doue by tue lacal society was reccivcd. Messrs. C. E. Horn, T. Chant, R. Kuav, L. Trul sud G. Barran werc appaintcd a standing coim- mittee ta arrange fan social gath- erings for tue wiutcr, first one to be ield on Tuesday cvening, Pcb. 4th. Meeting closed with the Na- tional Autueni. Mn. Joe Brcwertau, Mn. sud Mrs. Wesley Myens, Rochester, N. Y., attended Uic funenal of tic lsttcr's ncpicw, Biily Yea, infant sou of.Mn. sud Mns. Clarence Yeo, sud speut tic weekcud with rela- tives. Y. P. U. met ou Friday. Worship service was lu charge af Madlyu Wilcax. *Call ta Wosiip, Gwen Cavenly; Bible lesan, Edith Rackc- bamn; ncading, Tiehua Rabbins; June Geisel led lu prayer. Muriel iSmit toak charge of Uic pro. gram: Rcading, Donotuy Pingle; Miss Brown pnesented tue tapic; Dorothy Adanison favoned with a piano sala; Helen Pingle read a poem. Salem Y. P. U. meeting Jan. 2lst was Ild lu Uhc achool bouse, witi tue presideut l intechcair. F. Black- burn was lu charge of tuis pra- gram: Bible refereuces, W. Tay- ior; tapic, P. Blackburn; piano sciection, Miss M. Collacutt; vocal solo, G. Burrus; neadinga, Miss B. Tliompson, Mns. F. Blackburn sud Mns. H. Barrie; mautiongan - selecti'on, B. Darcli. A iorscsioe pitching contesi was held. A number from Salem Y.P.U. eujoyed Uice skating panly held ai Wiitby Weduesday cvculug. East Gnou p of Hampton W. I. eujoyed a silver tes Bttheicbomne of Mns. L. D. Sykes ou Tueaday afiernoon where tic members did knitting sud scwing for relief pur- posés. Many Salem fricuds regret the seniaus illness that lias befallen the fsmily of Mn. C. Woodlcy. Sympathy la extcnded to the bcreaved fsmily af G. Wight ai Providence. Brown*s Home and School Association hcld a veny successfu dauce sud cleared around $35.00. Tic win- nens of the spot dance wcrc Mns. C. Turner, Browu's, aud Mn. Rus- sel McNeil, Oshawa. Mn. Lloyd Stephenson, Oshawa, was winuer of Uic Red Cross quilt. Sciool, wc èsa waà vcry amali r- arc fra-me -set lu n-s"p-aclou-s Ia-wuns. - presentation of ike uuiversity stu- Acquaintanees lu Auu Arbor dents, as thc daq, previaus ta our took tis ta dinner lunithe "Michi- arrivai an cstimatcd 2000 lefi for ean Uniou,"' comparable ta the thc Rase Bowl Game - cf par- University cf Toronto Hart lieuse. ticular intcresitat Lincaluites this oulv buili marc aiong thec hues of year, which was the occasion cf an liotel. Iu il anc hibraries, swîm- their firsi Rase Bowl Game. ming paols, balirooma. diniug The couveution itself ws Dec. rooma, and ouest roama. Tic Uni- 28tli sud 29ti. Delegates wcne versity Buildings lu Aun Arbor prescul from 23 eblleges lu the anc fan tic mosi part 6f brick sud stales, ours beiug tic auly P~ana- are marc congncgatcd than lri~ To- dian anc reprcento4. Tiey camee ionto. froun Californa sud Portland, Ore.-,In Detroit, boulde villing reIs- FING PLANE le Obituary OET it Mms Henry Bickford Wilson Thc deati occurrcd ai Ottawa, Saturday, January 18, of Jane Maude Willoughby Wilson, wi- . dow of Uic late Henry Bickfond Wilson, formerly of Uic Bank of Montreal, Smtths Fall, Ontario, su ad ster of Uic late Mrs. Dantel g.Galbraith. Mns. Wilson is survived by two daugiters, Mrs. Enest Humpli- nt eya of Winnipeg sud Mrs. Fred Taylor of Ottawa. -Thc funenal service wss held on Sunday, Jsury l9tli, ai Trnuty Anglican Church, Coîbone, with interment l ic heWiloughiby fani- lly plat ai Lakepori, Ontario. Chas. W. Hastings Ncws of the suddcn deati af tCharles, W. Hasings, which. oc- curred iu Oshawa Jan. 17Ui, 1941, 4 came as a distinct siack olt many friends. Decessed was boru in Hampton on May 2, 1877, sou Canadisu factonies anc humr of Uic late Mary Annsud Edward tiese days as Uicy turu out inerci Hastings. At the carly age of thir- lu which Uiausauds of studenta iccu lic tcuded masan for thc laie Commanwealth Air Training _Pij Edward Trcuouth. Later lic atari- c d wonking fan lis fatin uhUi Canadian pant are siown asmenb rmanufacture of waoden pumps. used for training bomber crews. At that time, power was supplicd by horse, sud Uic aid pump shop gna i et istG. was situatcd aven Uiecreek by the gnew orkthC ePhiAldnt, a. bîsekamiti siop. In 1905 thc ma-. ewYrkCty, Phaelpha, on cineny was moved ta a ucw shop tUic casi, Houstan sud Dallas, ai tè bak 0 us aus. AtticTexas, au tic souti, Buffalo, Chi-' death of lia fatuer in 191, hé caga, Aun Arbor sud Minneapolis iook oven Uic business sud cou- ou tue nanti, as well. as many iuued until 1929 wicu uis inter- marececctrally located places -as est turued to Bobesygeon. Tiere Louisville sud Creigiion. he buili a numben of summen coi- We wcre pariicularly intenest- tages sud carried on a modemn cd lu ticir army draft program, tounist camp, suad ihey lu turu lu aura. As a On Dec. 8, 1897, lic marnied matier of faci, thc first questions Ettie Maud Glfford wha survives askcd werc - "How la tic wsr wlti four cildren, Morley of affecting Uic Canadian dental stu- Bowmsuvillc, Lamne, Frnksud dut?" "WVhat la ilie Canadian ai- Grace <Mrs. Merwiu Cryderman), titude toward Uic U. S. stand on of Oshawa; two brotiers, Frank tUic war situation?" Mason af Frieudsiip, N.Y. Dr. I miighi state licre tic position Lamne Hastungs af Philadelphia; of tic Canadian uuivcrsity ahi- sud two asiters, Mns. Chas. Wlllis, dent aitich présent tue. Tho~ Tornoansd Mrs. James iiicof Depi. of Defeuce states tiat until >Saskatchecwan. suci urne as it deenis fit, tic undergnaduste shall continue ta-ý - ward lis dégrée, aitich same time taklug such mulitary training as Trip te,.Nebraska pncscribed. By sa doing, a clags of men 'specialized lu their ne- (CentInoue #rom 'page 1) spective ficlds, wiil be available ta reuder Uic ultimnate lu scrvice. capacity sud one could not but Esci undergnaduste lu tsking feel, tiat should our Canadisu military training automsatically nailways sec fit ta ina'Ugurate suci becomes s mcmbcr of Uic N .AM service, thc popularity af rail tra- Tic Médical sud Dental studeuta' vel would lucrense trcmendausly. jolu wiUi Uic understnigta t By tsking thc Racket an oppon- an graduation, if of:ec adm tunity was given'of spcudig tue mission, they will accepi. night sud part of the« nexi day Tic systcm iu vogue lu thre witi frieuds attendiug Nanti- States la somcwliat dissimilar. Thc western Uuiversity. Tiese baya undergnaduate may be calcd fan live in Abbott Hall - Uic uew his ycan's training befone gradua- dormitory complctcd* ts pasi tian. Tic prospect for thc gra- f ail. lu their owu words - "One duate also differs. Hie will not liuudred sud icu dental students neccssarlly be acting lu bis Ca- are living lihai North Western padity as a dentisi, but may ho University tuis year in thc new piaced in otier branches of ser- 20 story Abbatt Hall," believed ta vice. Tis, ta our lie of tiaugit, lic tic tailesi building uscd cx- la a case of not utilizing ta thé aclusivcly as a university dormi- bést cf- ticir advsutagé Uithe atory. ternal ai lband. Housing 850 studeuts ou tue Tic dental studeùi gradustin Uutvcrsity's Chicago C a mp us, aithe end of Uic prcsent semester, whcnc the dental sud médical expects ta lbc given a diploma lu schools sud thc achoal of iaw are anc hand sud a uniform in thc lacatcd, thc uew building la 210 othen. Ticy arc laokiug forward feet tall sude cosi marc than ta ts year's service, feeling it L$1,750,000. will be a splendid expérience sud h lt i a city lu itsclf, witi shopa, that thc pnogram of prepareduess -libraries, diuing raoms, launges, is esseutial. -exercise facilities, indludlug bawl- Tis bringa us to Uic attitude ing alleys, squash courts sud a displsycd taward Britain. Tic ýrecrestuonal roof garden aitich people of Uic barder cities sud the d teuiji faon level. - casi sud wcst coasi whom. we met e. Tic building was named for wcrc decidedly pro-Britishi, tho' " Wallace C. Abbatt, founder of feeling that a policy of non-bel- "Abbatt Labanatonies sud lis wifc ligercucy was besi, while those lu ,Clars A. Abbatt, from wiose es- Uic middle west werc mnclined ta- taie Narti Western University ne- ward su isalatiautat policy. ceived Dec. 1939 tue gifi of $1,- Pra-Bnia spirit vias evidenced L500,000 fan use i médical, chemu- uot aioue by conversation, but by cal sud surgical research. stickcrs ou cars, Upion Jacks waru Tic arrangement of Uic build- as arm. bauds by ladies, sud Bene- eing is dcsigucd ta fosten a frieud- fit Balla. Yly, informai association amaug Our biggest till came whcn d studeuts, faculty members sud attcuding d mavie lu Cicago. *alumni. Studeuts lu tic Dental During the ucwsrecl, à picture af Sciiooi live ntue sixili, seveuti, thicng sud Queen ws flaslicd *cigliti sud ninti floors of Aliboti ou tic acreen. Chcernug sud ap- *Hall. Esci nesidental faonr se- plause was spoutaneaus, whole- commodates 56 studeuts, lias twa iearted sud pralouged. Neyer had *showen rooms sud a lange lounge we wituesscd sucli a tliing and* offading lhc lake. anc f cli strngeiy elatcd. Arrangements permit members We migit alsa mention a litile of tlie 15 fraternities which liad incident whih occurrcd an Satur- actupicd tcmporary nésidences day night lu Lincoln. While wau- near tic campus, ta have a floor, dering arouud for s brcath of air, or part of. a faonr, fan their cx- we visited Uic,'"Cornhusker," their clusive use. ncwest hatel. Tic Saturday Night n Tic akyscrapen dormitary la tic Club, camparable ta a Country deiglith structure ou' North WeÉt- Club, was holding *thcir negular Lenn's University Campus. This dance. Not wrslimg ta pass up au Lextensive building pragnam dates opportuuity ta licar a gaod dauce iback ta 1926 wicu tic Mantgom- baud we "cnashed. tic party." Iu dery Ward Building, Wieboldt Hall, a very short turne we fouud aur- sud Lcvy Mayer Hall were ereci- selves lu conversition wt oue cd. of the members. On learnlug we %oVuIO 'J UV wU Get Afer Distrmu * IDJPT?«4 Vickg Waj If a coid bas "gone dowuIl Caus 1- Igautn, muaculan soreu orlraIn upper broneims tubes, see whst s"a 3Ru a sag" eau do for ;vaol WIt tbs mare iliarough treat- mutho POuitice-and-vapor -ato f VieaVaRub more elleetlvolY PIET ited air passages wltli soathurg medicinai vaprs..STMULATES choit and & 0k11(5warfnnsroultie or pIaster.,.STIR ma sry night awaytRosulla deliglut even aidflendof VapaRub. TO OUCT a "VapoRub Massage" wlt ail Its beuefits - massage VaPaliub for 3 minutes on ni- PORTANT? RI-AREA 0F BAOK as- weflasuilinoat sud cest - SsprAd a thiek layer au chest, caver witu a warmed clotli. n ts nauegenutue, time-tse VImm8VAPORUD. mng a tune of pramiàsed vtctory basing numbers of training planes swlll be instructcd under Uich lan. Iu this photo workcrs lu a mbliug an Avro Anson machine tives, it was our prlvilege ta be gucats of Sauiuy Dtebert whose baud la at Uice'"Wonder Bar," Thts happened because my pal kuew a young lady in Detroit who iap- peued to live ucxt door ta Mr. Diebert. By Uic sanie good fortuxe, we diued anti danced. at. Uic Statler ta Uic music of Miguel Radrequer- ez. Very hospitahie, tuese Ameni- caus! To Uic uninitisted, Chicago was a place ta be explored; Lincoln a city ta which wc hope ta returu; Detroit and Anu Arbor - just a step from. home and very frieudly.. But on zreturnig ta Toranto, we feel, despite many fine fMatures obscrved in variaus achools sud numerous attractians offered, Uic University of Toronto can wdll be praud of is place 'in Uic field of lcarning, and tiat toas Canadian, there is na place like Canada. Thank you, Mr. Editon. Newcastie* PIre (Centlnuod trom Page 1) jburned. Dr. J. A. Butler rendered first aid.' Pixed Stove at Nlght Late Monday nigit Mn. Brown had put on a couple chunks af wood to last Uic nigit, sud lie said at that ture evcrythiug was lu ordcr. He said Uiat Uic aid ladies had caught their clathes on fire several tinues before but no hanm had been doue. Thc house, kuown as Uic aid Wallbrtdge place, lias a distin- guislied iistary. It stands ou High- way No. 2, just cast of Uic village, sud la known ta have been built .~but 1l819. Rev. iAnou Green PTeld thc ftrst Metiadist services there lu 1824. It possesses a fine array of antique furuitur-. A hand made grsudfathcr clack standing in Uic hall l a mrked 1825 sud was sill ticking awaY witi but a few seconds variation from tue correct time. Zhe old ladies hqve'lived. lu tic house for nuany yeurs sud were well known sud loved in thc district. Bath werc able ta do iliclr share of tue iouseliold' duties lu spite of ad- vanced. age. Mrs. Hcrb. Brown suad -lier daughter, Mrs. Gardan Watson, told of long acqtlaiutaiïce wlth tue old ladies, pratslug Miss Thompson's apparent sacrifice of her life for her compauton. "Ili was a terrible aight," Mrs. Watson declared. Thcy werc just éover- cd in flarnes sud were bath badly burned ail over." .Chief Constable John d6rrod of Newcastle was called sud Officer D. p. Morris of Bowmianville lu- vestigated the circumstances ai tic tragcdy. Crown Attoruey Harry. Deyman lias not 4nnounccd that an luqucat will be hcld. ROTARY CLUB <Contlnued tram page. 1) ests. For instance, lu '1872 tiere was a f ar mer' s organization kuowu as "The Grange"; tuiswqs alupplantcd by another known. as -Patrons of Iuduatry' whicli, when thre Laurier Govenmient swept inta power lu 1896 had put 26 candidates lu Uic field. Tlircc werc elccted but even that did ual -dAmpen thc ardor ta try ta $et help politically. A t lasit the provincial goveru- monts seem ta be takiug a ser- ions lutereat In Ui>ç farner, Uic there ever si1nce. For Ut--ic ast de- cade Mr. Chant lias oWned aud opcratcd the Hampton Creamcry. Hie rclated many liarrowing and hilarlous expericuces cluring his ycars drivýng Uic cresm truck up ta the Urne he suddcnly entcred Uic cresmery as butter maker. The movies. showed tn detail every utep in butter mamcluginua speaker stated. Five Provincial Ministers ofAgrcultre attended tihe Canadian Feeration of Agri- culture meeting ln Tpronto last week. Dr. eynolds gave a concrets example of the fact that, agricul- ture must prosper il the town ta tprosper: In 1929 farmers bought fitty-two million dollars worth of iruplements but three years later that bill was slashed ta a mere six million. It is flot hard taosue then, the intimate interdepen- denoe between rual and urbaft prosperity. The work of the new P'edera- tioný of Agriculture lo along two Ues: first, Education and second, actively urging the government ta do somethIng, constructive for agriculture. Forbes Heylafid, one of the Ro- tartans interested in bath phases of Dr. Reynold's discussion mov- ed thc vote of thanks. He was i- troduoed by L. W. Dippeil. Iàttie business was transacted but a suggestion froîi Wm. Fla- herty re a diaw for War Savings Certificates through February met with favorable comment. Presi- dent Fred Hoar presided. Gucats were Col. F. S. Routlcy, Toronto; Ratarian in Reynolds, Port Hope, son of Uic speaker, aud Rotarian Geen, Oshawa. Soldiers' Concert <Contlnuod ?rom pae 1) iuterpretive dance nunibers with professional precision. Mildred More, formerly .starr- mng with Luigi Romaneili, was a songstress wh«e commanded re- peated encores. Jack Melville, the comédy jugglcr, got rounds of de- scrved applause. Harry teanied with Slini Burgess in comcdy aud "wisccracks" that surpasscd last fall's performance. That man Slim is a natural. Their sketch "Deade- mona" sklrted thc risque aud "screamed" the audience. So too did their Mexican sketch where Taurus was tossed to the tune of hilarity. Aud paciug it aL was that piano maestro Ray Cald er. In ail there wcre twenty-two acts, ecd separate and unique aud ail worthy* of much more space than can here be accérded. Intermilssion was featurcd by commuuity singiug lèd by Harry. Wardcu Edmondstone, just re- turned that cvening> fromn Coun- tics Council, invited all to hits home for refreshments after Uic show. Rousiug cheers met Harry's query "Ditt you like our show?"r Memories of this cventful ntght wiil linger wtth Uic Mad Midlands, as thcy move forward to grtm.and stirring scenes. A grand chorus "Therc'il AI- ways Be an England" foilowcd individual presèntation of each artist and artiste - tien: God Save The King. EAS'ERN STAR (Contqflu@4 from page 1) Found; Assoc. M., Sister Cora Rice; Assoc. P., .Bro. F. Bowen; Sec., Sister Miflie Edger; Treas., Slster Annie Bounsall; Cond Sis- ter A. Fouud; Assoc. Coud., gister Hazel Gibbs; Marshall, Sister Eve- lyn Jamideson; Chap., Sister Ruby Cox; Organist, Sister Reta Dudley; Adahi Sister Editi Joint; Ruth, Sister Elcanor Chambers; Esther, Sister Mary Jcweil; Martlia, Sister .Tessie Marr; Electa, Sister Mary Jamieson; Wardcn, Slster Almira Ednuondstone; Sentinel, S it e r Alice Hait. About 75 attendcd Uic Instal- lation and Uic banquet preceding. Sisters of Uic lodgc supplied a delictous repast. GOLDEN WEDDING <Contlnued fram page 1> Jennie Swaiu) attcndcd thc wed- ding 50 years ago. Grcctings and letters were re- ceived from Mr. and Mrs. W. J. awaiu, Grandview, Man.; Mrs. *hobt. Horten. sud Mrs. 0. V. Carley, Cavani; Miss Martha Tay- lor, Godcrtch; Revf. sud Mrs. H. J. Bell, Kingston; Miss Mary Car. ley, Toronto; Mrs. Cryderman and family, Bowmanvilce; Rev. D. Ptlflson Mrnsd Unr. H. Van- Camp, CvI. sd Mrs. Fred Willan, Mrs. M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and Jack, Mr. aud Mrs. Creigiton Dcvitt, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jalinston, Mr. W. B, Ferguson, of Blackstock; Tic Scarlet Ciap- ter, Henry Thompsou, R.B.P. No. 398, Cartwright District. L.O.L.; Mr. aud Mrs. J. A.. Werry, Mr. and Mns. E. A . Wcrry. Enulakil- modernu creamnery sudh as is aper- ated by Mn.fAobliin l Whitby. Lion Rass Stevens lutroduccd Presideut Chant sud Charlie Bartlcit moved a Vote of thanks. At the bcginuing of lis tslk Mn. Chant was javially prevcnted fram gctting under way by thce smngiug sud clueening of has fel- low Lions. Two important items of busi- ness came in fan discussion ai lengi sud ar. announcement of wldcspread interéat regardlug anc wll ho made nexi week. Vice-Presideut Stuart James wss lu tue chair. DURHAM CLUB (Contlnued tram page 1) ties - whilc farther nati is found a nidli agricultural ares. Associatcd wtt Dr. MacDou- gall's work, sud largely thc resut of luis efforts, are the School Cars, tuai are uow a marvel of educa- tional value. Hundreds (where ages mingle) lu isolated sections, Woud, but for this apportunity, reccive little training un our language and citizcnship. Many people lu tic Nat refen ta this great wark as h4viug been engin- eered by '!The mani who peddles brains," Amuongat tic interestiug views of tiese School Cars was one coutinlng a large tablet sent from Euglsud wiUi these words, "AIl tiugs brigit and besutiful, Ail creatures great sud smali, Ail tiuga wlde sud wouderful, Tic Lard God gave ticm ail."' A picture af historie interesi was a fireplace, ail that was lefi of a bouse wherc tic famous Drummand imnuortalizcd 1"Haki- tant Life." Miss Auld of Ontario radia fame was sali. . Arnongst the visitons werc Mis N. M. A. Mller of Toronto, anc of the membens of tic Car Sciaci Auxlliary, -Mr. Orme Gamsby cof Onono, sud Mr. Taos. Baticu. A bouquet 'of spring floweis adorned Uic supper tanre. It was anuounced that a Nor- wegiau Filer wauld be the speaI er at the Fcbruary meeting. WALLPAPER New 1941 Patterns, Sp"eol flargains i lut year's remuants and roomiots, WOOL Our new "«Valour" WooI for soeks, gloves, searves, etc., la provlng very poeular. 4 oz. bail 69c Wlde range of colours and kinds ln wool for home use, VALENTINE-S Valentinea for eve ry onae , fniendsansd family, young and old. Ask for Coutt's carda. J. W. Jewel do ]MG p'V Phono 556 Dowmanvlil Ci-ARRED RUINS te11 a sad tale of destruction, yet- any wise property owner (oue fuily insured lu a dependable oompany) will b. able t* s tant at ouoe iu rebuilding iIh ds *troyed home.. Inaure todsy lu a weil known, de- Pendable stock fire Insurauce Company. J. J. MASON & SON' INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 1/> Bowmanvllle Whon We test Your EyM You are Assured Absolute Satisfaction lài Fit Qaty and Price. Prultalves11ruschen Balte 22e -39 çGlant Bise Dodt 's P s9 33ecue MilsifiNaft PoUah Pinex !Iàt V HID' coiSALE I Nd.9OVA ELPTA2L5T RlhluMneaseu 2 for49 40e -NTA75cA HIDI e AE OA AP AS.T 7 9e -ON1.39CREA 3oU fr 49c 50c WOODBUIRY FACE CREAM Both for 47e -. 15e HALO BHAMAPOO -~ 39o COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE Ail for 40c h uaranteed to Stop (Cougbs or$00 creophos Mn hetul Refundel$1D LARGIE BOTTLE FILMS DEVELOPED. FREE 895 P. R. C OWLING, Phm. -B: Pirmpt THURSDAy, JANUARY 30, 1941

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