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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1941, p. 8

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PAGE NIGET THE CANADIAII STiL~SMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTABIO TNURSDAT, JM~T1AR~ 80, U4I SPORT SENIOR BOYS DEFAT COBOURG JUNIORSLOSE S BH.S.* boys broke even in Co- bourg Friday evening wben Uic seniors dcfeated C.C.I. basketball eqa3521, and Uic junior baya *sufcme n of Uic worst defeats 'I Uic bstory of Uic achool 48-12. Ms aiwaya Uic Cabourg gymn provcd a jinx ta bath B.H.S. teams and Uic Countytowner's aystem of guardlng certainly was an ad- vantage ta thein in bath gaines. Aifter a cloe irthlf Uic B.H. Squintette widcncd their mnargin tcinch Uic gaine. Scoring in Uic giewas llmited to four regular playera, Brown Sleman, Ca Iville and Gilbcrt ÀMcivccn. Brown wes thc blggcst seorer af Uic gaine but was alsa crcditcd with mis- sing Uic moat foui abats. Bensan ai Bennett, Cobaurg, were bath put off with four fouis cacb. The gaine la just a forcsight wbat Uic seniors are baping ta do this year. The anlY other teani in Uic. lea- gue, Oshawa, bas bast most of their players with students going ta work in factories. Bowmianvillc: Brown, 14; Sîcmi, 10; Tamblyn, Colvilie, 4; G. MeInveen, 6 3-4; Undcrhill,AI elin Wecler. ëcobourg: Parkinson, 2; Benson, 2, Joncs, 12; M. Bennett, 1; An- dersan, 1; Boloter, 1; Davey, Ir- vine, Rcilly. Refemees: Bob Lucas, Cobourg; Juniol, Gae It la a grievous matter ta re- BOWMANVILLE- Thurs. - Fr. - Sat. irAN. 30-3si - IEB. 1 Double Featur. Dr. Kildare's Strange Case" Lew Ayrm - Lioenel Barrymore an su aeiseDay Thie Lambeth Waik" LUIpinoLa»e - SemUr Bicha Poua DAYE Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Thur&. "Boom Town clark SpemSe GAI" TRACY 4Çlsudette .R1eddy COLDEET LAMABE r k EW$ port thc junior gaine, when they wene beaten by Uic terrifie score af 48-12. A little practice wouldn't cxactly burt any of Uic boys on Uic junior team. as none of thein qpre experts. Edger, Erielcnfveen and Rowe were Uic main stars for Bowmanville. Maize aid Bevan were main scorers for Cobourg. .Cobourg: Parkinson, Bevan, 10; Mulie, 6; Barge, 8; Meize, 18; ïDawe, Peterson, Carbett, 6; Me- CaJg, Rawlings. Bowmanville: Mitchell, Rowe, 3; Edger, 4; Brown, Mdflvecn, 4;1 Cawan, 1; Sturrock, Moffatt, Lamn-j boumne, M. Stutt, Southcy, Fer-1 gusan, Neil, Harnden. B.. H. S. Girls Tie, Lose in Port Holpe Part Hope girls taok more thai their ahane of hanaurs in twa scheduled baskctball gaines play- cd theme Fiday nigbt. B.H.S. jun- ior girls werc dcfcaed 16-8, whilc Uic seniar girIls gaine was tied 16 ail. Bawmanvilie girls look as if they bave Uic making af two good teains aid under Uic careful instruction of their new coach, Miss Burnaby, P.T. instructar, they sbould go. places. Senior Girls The senior girls met soaMc tough .appositibn in Port Hope. The ff.hi aide tawi bas always boaated ex- cellent girls' te-mainad it lsaa cedit lia Uic eowmianville lassica ta came out with a tic.- Mariai MacDonald, Patsy Dustun aid Shirley Camnpbell were Uic main point chasera faor B.HS. Mary Keenns wes elinost Uicanly scorer for Part Hope,gettlng 12-ai their 16 points.Th gaine was coin- paratively dlean, P.HJLS. getthng 4 foulsaid B.H.S. 3. Bowmanvillc: Forwards, Patay DUStan, 3; Mariai MacDonald, 7; Shirley Canmpbell, 4; Marman Hooper, Jean Woodward, 2; Mar- garet Storey. Guards, Jean fiee, Eilecn Coucb, Jean Pattinson. Port Hope: J. Rosevear, 2; E. Brown, F. Stalder, R. Swcaier; M. Kearns, 12; K. O'Connor, F. Hodg- son, L. Smith, D. Dodd. feferce: A. Armstrong, Port Hope; Umpire, M. Cunninghamn, Bowmanville Junior Girls The junior girls were not quite as fantunete as their aIder istr. Howcver Uicy played a goad gaine aid a 16-8 defeet isn't *quite as bad as Uic junior boys' defeet. Joyce, Buttonsba* aid Helen Wight dhii4ddUic 8 Bowmanvilie Points, while Pcggy aid Betty O'Neill, Uic twins, worked ta- gether ta bring Uic P.H.H.S. team on ta victary. Bowmaiville: Marg. MaDon- aid, Joyce Buttonsbaw, 4; Helen *Wght 4; Marg Rowc, Nonah Yaai Mamg Nichais, fraie Cun- ningbham, Wrilla MWa., Laurana ~Sleep. Port Hope: Peggy O'Neill, 8; Betty ONeill, 6; Doris Jennlng, 2; Marg. Keami, Helen Brewn, Enla Rowden, Marg Faim, June Robinson. Merg. Sheeban. LIONS CLUB, HOCKEY LEAGUE Two gaines enpleyed MHion- key League et Uic public uchool rink. The flnst game, Sld fui- dle's team deteeied lmmuy Nlck- erson'. 5-4. The scid fixture Gilbert Mdflvcen won aven Don Allin tauich tune of 6-4. A. W. Bobert Kent was Uic referee of- ficating. Il4 ' GOODYEAR HOCKEY TEAN DEFEATED DY FORESTERS On Saturday Uic fast stcpping Godyars bandlcd by Ken Hem wcntdown fan their firat defeet before 'Doug Teylol -Fard check- ing Fanesters. «*The teenis met on Orono ioe, aid provlded Uich cleaicat aid fastcst game ai Uic sesan with a final score 12-14 for Farestera. fay Fice scored froin. Uic face- off for Farestera, Nickcraoî tied it up, Ham soloed ta put bis teain lni front, ahid Normie Thanipson pickcd upa oose puck aid scar- cd for Foresters, glving Virtue aiother chance ta save. ÉÜist par- lad ended 5.all. The second. perlad ended wlit Tireinen two up, ani t hi iid freine Foresters taok Uic lead which Uicy neyer elnqulsbed. Nlckerson. Hetely aid Ham car- ried the mail for Uic Tiremnen, eecb getting Uirec, three and five goals, rcspcctlvcly. Hlgb scorens fan Forestera werc Fice 4, ThOmpson 2, Bird 4, Woods i goals aplece. Maurice Conway bandied Uic gaine in a splendid manner only twa Penalties were given. Wright drew four Minutes aid Walsh 2. Fomster's plan ta have two 9 hos bckey teems play exhibi- tion ganies in Orano, wbeni Dusty Claus' Oshawa teain wili meet Jerry Birds' Bawmianvilie girls. Goodyear: Nickerson, Heam, Bal- son, Virtue, Shechan, Weish, Hatcly, Sumnienford, Richards. Fanestema: Bird, Taylar, Thomp- son, Wright, Fice, Callocutt aid, Woods. LOCAL PLAYEIR SHINES AGAIN. The naine aiTom Depew was again in ehe es heUicTa- monto papens on Mandey. He Played two games an Saturdey aid sconcd Uic winning goals i bath matches. In an oventime gamne bctwecn Guelph aid Uic Marlbo5»s Tommy scored' Uic first goal In Uic overtime. The score was 8-5 for Marîbaros. Un- fotunatelY Uic gaine was poorly maiaged, resulting in a maugh- bouse I which Depew was given a4 bed gab aven Uic eye. Hawever aiter ho was taken off Uic Ice he retunned ta spark Uic team on ta victory i the oventime perlod. lie centalnly la econken for punishinent, playlng two gaines i Uic saine day. The second was wli Uic R.C.A.F. Seturday even. ing wben be popped i 3 gala ta defeai stockyards 5-1. These teains are hi Uic West Tomants Mercantile Leegue wi gainai beig Played et Reviha Gardens. Sohena Reniember Uic Football Dance, Fcb. OUi. Sec 'Canmng Eveits." Visitora: hMn.. S. E. Werry wlth friends in Toronto. . . Mr. aid Mrm. Charles Howsain, Port Par- ry, et Thos. Baker' anad Walter Parrinder'.. . . Mmm. Howard Couch, Majory aid Eileen, Bow- manvllle, et M. Maurice Baker'.. ..Misses Jeusie aid Grece Ycl- lowlees, Oshawa, Mn. F. Wright, Bowmanille, et Mn. N. C. Yeflow- lees'. . . Mm. Herbert Wright, Lake- field, at Mr. N. C. Wotten's. .. Mr. aid Mmm. Percy Dcweil, Kinsale, et Mr. H. E. Tink'a.t . . Mmi. Jane Buaet Mm. Cecil Bush'., Oshawa. ...Mme. L. Amnoit aid Francis Wotten vislted friendui Toronto. ..Miss Lena Tayloar, Bowmnai- vlle,et Mr. E. R. Teylam's. .. Ms.. R. J. McKessock, Mr. aid -Ms.. Bryce Brown, Miss May Merriain et Mm. Everett Elliott',, Oshawa. ..Misa Doris Leach, Teunton, et Mr. J. R. Klveil's. .. Mr. aid Ms.. Enneet Larmer aid famlly, Black- stock Mr.aid MUn. Ruoseil Stain- tan, lon, et Mn. A. J. Belson's. Congregetilnai meeting- w a s hcld Icanjunctiai wihUiceY. P. U. on Monday nlgbt. Pearl Leach, Y.P.U. Pres., taok charge' oi the wanshlp perlod; sanîptume neading, Mmm. Bryce Brown; story ai David Was well told by May Memiain. Bey. W. Reckbain then pncslded. Gretiying reparte wene given, lnitesperscd wlihthese musical numbens: Vocal solo, Pearl Leach; piano solo, Helen Langmald; mouthangai aid pilana music by Harold Patter aid Frai- cis Watten. A. L. Pascoe was ne- elected as Eider and E. R. Taylor as Steward fanr 5-year torms. Francis Wotten aid Pearl conducted e contait elter which lunch was served. 1 Six Camnes Played At Church League Six gaines were played Satur- day morning ini the Church Lea- gue hockey schedule at the public achool rink. In the firat gaine tic Rangers dcfeated Flying Hawks 11-0. Don Gilhopley accounted for 10 coun- ters and thc extra goal waa put I by F. Luxton. Films took Spit Pires 2-1, Bird getting both goals for thc Filera and Welsh the lone counter for Spit Fires. Third and final gaine af thc postporned sche- dule, Rough Ridera won over Bulldogs 1-0, Roy McMullen mak- mng the score. Starting Uic regular achedule for last Saturday, the Rough Rid- era defeated Flying .Hawks 2-1. McMullen and Lee were scarers for thc winners and Don Childs made thc score sheet for Bronka. Rangera kept up their wlnnlng streak defeating Spit Fires 4-1. As usuel Don Gilhaoley led, Bis teani ta victory wli 4 counters. Welsh made thec only score for Spit Fines. Final gaine between Filera and Bulîdogs 'resulted in a win for Filersa ater 5 minutes of' overtime. Kilbatrick and Hooey made counters for the losers, wbile Bird and Lemon were Uic winncrs' goal-getters. to be cantinued) Haydon Church Board met Tuesday ai- ternoon, Jan. l4th, and lii the evening the congregational meet- ing was held. Rev. A. F. Gardner presided. Several excellent ,re- ports were given. Election of of- ficers for the Sunday School are. Supt.-C. Avery; Asst. S#upt.- 'M. Slçmon and E. Stephenson; Secretary-Mrs. C. C r oa Man; Asst. Secretary - Lloyd Sleinon; Treasurer - Mrs. T. Mountjoy; Librarlan---Meta Degeer Plsnist -Blanche Degeer; Asst. >nlt Wlnnie Trewin Beginners' Class Teacher- Ms E. Stephenson; MAst. Teacher-Misa Blanche De- geer; Prlmnary Teacher-Misa B. Blackburn; Mast. Teacher-Miss J. Knox. Lunch was served. - Mrs. A. Read entertained a few ladies ta a qullting and. téa on Wednesday.V Rainbow Girls' Class met at Mrs. Henry Ashton's on Monday. The evening was spent in' knit- ting and lunch was served. Mr. Geo. Riggs and Mrs.. E. R. Ormiston have~ gone ta Bowman. ville for the winter. 1.1 1 Visitars* Miss Laura Phlllip, Toronto, with ber mother... Mr. Wilbur Blackburn, of Peterboro Camp, with bis parents. . lï Mr. Roy Chaters, Mies Lorna Th*àp- son, Toronto, at Mr. W. Thomp- son's. .. Mri. Thos. Cowling and Elleen with relatives in Toronto. .Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompsan and Earl at. Mr. F.'Osmond's, Bow-. manville. Contributions have been sent ta Telegram War Victimis Fund by the W. A. and the Rainbow Girls' Clasn. Blacks-.-tock At the Orange District Lodgq meeting on Jan. l4th, these offi- cers were elected: W. M-Rupert Byers; D. M.-Cecll HMI; Cbap.- BRey. E. P. Wood; Rec. Sec.-Len. Joblin; Fin. Sec.-Oscar McQuade; Treas.-Henry Thompson; Lect.- Laverne Devitt; Dep. Lect.-Wî1- mer Fltze; Mlarsbal-Herb. Swain. There were 4 lodges out of 6 ru- presented. At'%the Scarlet Chapter beld January l4th, these werQ elected: Wor. Com.-Leslie Th ominp son; Dep. Com.-Earl Dorreli; Chap.- Herb. Swahn; S cr i,b ê-Hen r y Thompson; Treas.--C. P. Devltt; Lect.-Carl Wrigbt; Dep. - La- verne Devltt; Herald-Cecil Hill; lot Con.-Leslie Brooks; 2nd Con. -Stan VanCamp. Stmnford Van- Camp joined et this meeting. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mru. 33/4% O. ueri*sd ernm SSTEIRLINC TRUSTS CORPORATION SL EEP tue AWAKE REFIESMEI Poisns *Bd wss4 Muno-yooe t' a189 111h7 6 " ol m ehdh7<Doue' "q dusy b»la-k, vu tale m i iaimb i fl s ua7 0 te 1*.. I14 P.dd's KIdnoy Pillta ght Educatin Efrit imcy C.It.Tgck 1 Number 189 Visitons: Major F. Dudley at home. .. Mr. Edward Millson aid frlend at Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore's. .,. Mr.' and Mrs. W. J. Turner,' Markham.. Mr. and Mrs. C. freson and Doreen, Toronta, at Mrs. F. Dudey's. .. Mr. Lamne Mortaon at bis home in Langstaff. ..Mr. and Mra. Otto Freund In Toront. .. Mns. W. T. Wondcn wiUi ber sister i Oshawa. .. Mns. Jae McRoberts, Long Sault, with Mra. W. Miller. ., Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Luke at Clarence Bradicy's, Ashbur... Mrs. Horace Hall with ber sister who is a patientIn the Western Hospital, Trnt.. .. Mrs. E. A. Virtue witIr frienda in Toronto; aid Dixie. .. Misa Winnle, Brooka, Harmony, wiUi ber par- ents... Mr. Frank Tbampson with friends in Oshatwa. Mr. and Mra. Lloyd'Webb at- tcnded Uic funeral af bis uncle in Pontypool..- Mr. and M.ns. Byron Moore are bath conflned ta bcd wi a train- cd nurse In attendânce. Miss Joyce Waodley was remov- cd ta Uic Slck Cblldrcn's Hospi- tag Toronto, in a acrious condi- tion. She la slightljr improvcd. Congregational and S u nd a School meeting was, bcld Jan. 23. Election of officers and teechera was beld. Llght-luncb was servcd. S. S. Offleers adl Temhers Tyrone Sunday'Scboal Officers aid Teachema: Hon. Supt.-A. W. Annus; Supt.-Albert Huas; MA't. Supt-Clarence Woodley; scc'y. -Percy Hayward; Trneas.-4tussel Wright; Young People'. 'Cs Mra. G. fosevear, -Mrs. Et. Glas- Pell, MissBll,. L. Mortsan; Prlm- ary Class-Marlon WÏèry, Mmm. G. Bren, Mja. R. Hatherly; IlU Try ClessMrs.A. Hilis, Mrs. C. Bige- low, Mirs. H. Brent; Beginners Class-Mrs. L. Brooks,. Mns.- L. Hoakin, Mns. W. McDonaid,,Mms. F. Dudley; Wide Awake Clas- Clarence Woodley, Francis Thompson, Clintôn Bigelow- Bible Clas-L. Montsan, Mrs. N. VWaod, lcy, Mns. Sld Hoar, Mrs. Hughson, Mrs. L. Goodman, mns. iR. Wright, E. White; -Home Debt.-Mrs. R. Scott; Grading Officers - Supt. pnd A'st SuPt - Cradie Bai- Z&S. vv.cDonaldMns. G. Rose- (rear; Misslonamy .upt.-Mms. f. McCullough. Mns. H. Sk in nenr; Tempernce Supt.-A. H. Brent; Missianary Treas.-Mmrs. R. Vin- tue; Libraians-Marie Thampson, Donothy Wright; Piaists-Mrs. R. Virtue, Helen Werry, Bessie HiUs, Mme. W. Miler. j.1 Womeisuinstitute TyrronQ W. I. met et MUs. Floyd Pudley's on Jan. 22id wlth Presi- dent Ms.L.' Goodmanenhei chair.,The moll cell was I"How we are beneflted by meeting ta- gether?' Scripturé was read by M. Sld Hoan. Speclel collection wa taken ta bel p iurnish a Ward i Uic Canediai Rcd Cross Hospi- tal Ip England. Mmm. Otto Freund favored wlth Folk Sangs, accom- piigherseli an Uic guitar. Mr.Floyd Dudley gave an inter- osthng talk an Ucthe eaid Work ai Stephen Foster, aid all joined i singing saine af bis most pop~u- lan sang. wlth Mms. W. Brada et Uic piano. Roadings by Mmm. N. Woodley aid Mn.. L. Goodman bnought Uic meeting toa eclose. Mns. H. Sklnnen's group eerved lunch aid a social bell-boum was enjoyed. a"d Cross Report R~ed Cross aid War Rciugec Cammittees wlsb tota k tUe people ai Tyrone aid vlclnlty for their donations of mono7 aid lime aid good clotblng dummng Uic peut year. The Bcd Cross Com- mlttqe under conveneosbp-of Mr. F. Dudley turned aven ta Bow- nianville Bcd Cross Treas. $124.40. Kn=iln Commuittee under con- ofenbp iMme. f. Scott have turned i 120 pairs of sacks, 13 sweatrs 9 scanis, 7 pairs mltts. Sewing àomnmlttee bave made 29 Pro. Pyjamas, 2 qufits, 2 blaikets, 12 lies' dresses, 12 waists. Le- dies af Uic Institute made aid sent 240 lbs. ai raspbcnmy jam. War Refuge\Commlttee have, un- dem leadership ai Mmm. McCul- laug b aid Mnr..F4. Cooke, mode aid collected 16 pro.ponts, 4 quilta, 3 pro. stockings, 2 pillows, 16 dresses, 5 skirta, 2 slips, 5 sweebcs, 2 ladies' caets. Boxes bave elso been sent ta soldiera overseas. The school cbildren wli Mr. Mortson's help bave worked very bard callccting peper aid othen wer metenial. TYrnie Sehool News (By Glenn Brooks, Grade V) We- are very sorny thet we haven't wrltten aiy ncws necent- ly. But wc arc back again naw wli saine happenings. . .. This w«&k we recelved a amail check ion coilecthng smre wrappera. This money whll be sent ta aid thc war work ai Uic Junior Bcd Cross. . . . Sanie pupils are cal- lectIng ald license plate, ta belp bulld war matarll.... The pupil are working on two murais, anei science aidaonei social studies. Bc .Rd Cmos. progfram Fnlday afternoon was as fa laws: Glenn Brooks asked saine geneael know- ldeueation,. Bil Dudley ea ahealgh stony, whlcb was readw cd bi' jokes fnom Victoria Sytnyk. There wasa esang by four Junior grlu aid truc or false questions .Don Dudley. Progrein ended evth e geogrephy match. Poor vision la one ofai Jfe'u most aggravating handicaps. It mars efticlency, interrupta aient thInk- lng and when bainpered i cear thinking #be mmnd becomes slug- gish and duil, work bmeuiaa worry and an effort. Lack of. S- ercise of aiy kind la sire tb Iead ta a condition of dulinesa of mind oy Inactivlty. Ihis makes It casier ths under- stand that subnormal vision will contribute ta inaccuracy and faige and no matter wbetber it be duc ta fault iworkhng jemdi- tions, inproperlilgbting, hmproper use of ei eycs or in corrected vision la anc af Uic mot notice- able causes ai.fatigue bath to Uic persan and ta Uic cycu. Wbene this fatigue, weakness and strain contribute ta 'muscle trouble Uic nerve and muscle trouble and Uic accompanying strain i seeing re- suits in reflex disorders; Wfpro- perly treatcd and corrccted, Uic relief for nervaus disarders of Uic digestive system, beadaches and vertigo. -Congregationai meeting ws .held Mondey evening. There was no Young Peoplc's pnogram lest week. Executive oai Uic chair beld thein 3meeting et Mr. A. Wearn's wheme business was discusscd for Uic coming year. A dainty lunch *ai senvcd by Uic hast aid bostess. Mr. A. Wearn bas been appointed choir leader aid Mrs. A. Wearn, orgaiat, for 1941. Our Young People'a amalgemat- cd with Uic Young People, ai Hay- don an Jan. 22nd in aur league room. Thèse taking part in devo- tion- alwom. Mimses.Lwn a ar, June Ashton aid Larraine Page, Misa G. Saiders aid Mns. G. Bcecb. In place ai remainder oi prograielection ai officera taok place. Dpughnuts aid cafice were senvcd. Meeting next weck will be at Haydon Chumcb. Visitars, this week: Mr. and Mms. J. Borowdale, Oshawa, et Mr.. J. A. Wem'. . . Mr. Herbert Wngt, akeleld, et M.E. Wrlght's. . . Mr. W. . Smith, Pçtenbono, et Mrs. Elle Smiths. .. Messrs. Oswald aid Floyd Pctb- lck, Toronto, et Mr. S. R. Peick'u. ..Mma. S. Peick wlth Moa. B. Wood, Osa. .. Mn. O. Ashton aid Miss M. Dalton et Mr. S. ptod- mani's, Port Perr.. . Mr. lBruce Ashton, Peterbora, et borne. Vstors, last weck: Mr. aid Mms. M. Montgomery and Jean, Saline, et Mr. A-Ibert O ..., ' » Mn. aid Mn.. G. Werny aid son, MimcaMr. aid Mr.. J. »rown Cid ifamlly, Newcastle, Mr. aid Mns. E. Ormistan. Meple Grove, Mr. aid Mmm. KelihOnanIston, Oshawa, Mr. and Mn.. L. Ashton aid famlly, Haydon, et Mn. R. Ormst. . . . Mr. end Mme. M. Musterd aid boys, Uxbrldge, et Mr. F. Dorland's. .. Mr. Clarke Stevens, Cartwright, et Mn. H. Stevens . . . Mr. Arthur Becch, Haydoi, at Mr. G. Beech's. 1~ Sale 'Ofl1Boys, Suits For Young Men Ag 6to 18 W. bave takon from oir regubx at" k18 of um.-ait anad ane seflhng them oui ai a iaorioe. We de.crlbç a few bdow. REDUCED TO HRALF PRICE 1 Double Breastel, ndxed brown tweed, sim 88, sýeW. 811M, a e7 1 Slisle Dreasel, mixel grytweed 3,98 aise $8, ret. 01-95 st ---- 1 Single Brobsted Raillaitweed ie Se, reg. $12-50 At -.- . _ _6 .2 5 b- 1 Double Broueasa, brown tweed 4.38 Siule Breated AU wool worsted 2.75 mise 80, reg. 08.75 aises 24425-8, ret. $5.50 SALE 0F COATS and DRESSES W.e m M oontunuing b o ffer a l anmber of coa te i &reouesai greaily roduoed prios.. l0« our windvw- dimplay for th... romwkably fine. olothes at low Prime. COUCH JOHNSTON -& CRYDERMAI4, Ltde Phome 88 mmi tues Zion Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Staintan et Mr. A. J. Balson's, Sauina. . .. Mr. and Mms. Percy Clarke, Grecnwood, et Mr., Nor- mai Lcac's. .. Mr. Michael Ku- zenko, Peterboro Camp, at borne for Uic weke. ... Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Glaspel,, Miss Norma Glas- pel, Mr. aid Mis. Tracy Glaspel and famlly et Mn. George ilta, Oshawa, . . Mr. Sid Worden, Ebe- nezen, et Mr. John Stainton's.... Miss'Pcarl Leach, Saline, et Mr. Normai Leach's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glespel, Wbitby, et Mr. F. B. Glapl's. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. T., Staintan et Mr. Norman Down's, Ebenezer. They also visit- cd Ebenezer Sunday Scbool... M.Jhny Smith has gone ta vlat in d near Springbrook. Mrs. Ray Camerai bas been il wli the -flu. Mr. Lloyd Stainton la lmprav- ing nlcely sunce bis operation. Remember Uic Football Dance, Fcb. OUi. Sec "ICaming Events-." Mr. J. W. Balson visited Mr.'A. J. Balson, Saline, wba la imprav- ing elowly. 1 Nestieton , 1 Nestîcton W. I. willmeet et Uic borne ai Mns. Jas. Forder,, Feb. 5Ui. Prognani hi change ai Mns. D. Davidson. Rail call: '"Memories -ai Girlhood." Dernonstratian by Mns. G. Thompaon. We welcamc Mn. aid Mrs. f. Hoakin aid femily ta aur coin- munity. Skating Party and beai supper under Uic auspices, ai Nestlctan W. A. wa much cnjoyed., Visitons: Mme. Sarah Gilchrist, Shaity Bey, Mms. Jenniè Kirk- WaoMr. Stewart Malcolmn, Ches- le;, wihtheir sister, Misa Mary Malcolmn who was quite sick..., Mns. Wrn. Semeills wiUi Mna. Henry Mountjoy, Bleckstock.... Mr. and Mrs. K. Sameils, Melville and Anna, with Mms. Gordon Stroîg, Pupple Hl. .. Mr. John Armstrong with bis. daugbten, Mrs. Wesley Campbell ... Mm. Neil Malcolin i Toronto ... Mr. John Teylpr wihbis sisier, Miss Mar- ian Taylor, Toronto. . , Mr. Grant Ceampbell aid Miss Evelyn, flind- say with thein parents.... Mr. Meivflle Henry, Oshawa, with bis sistons, Mr. Frank aid Mme. John Wilson. ... MUr. Andy Marlow,l Peterboro Training .camp~, wih his uncle,-Mr. R. W. Marlow... 1&. John Nesbitt,ý Oshawa, wlthg his parents. Cadmus WA. and W. M. S. met et Uic home ai Mrs. J. E. Eliiott. Presi- dent Mrs. H. A. Galbraith took Uic devotional period. Ladies de- cided ta finance Uic tuning of. Uic piano in S. S. room and also ta scnd $5.00 ta British War Victims Fund. A crokinale party wili be held in Uic near future. A new rullng was niade asking each boat- cas ta be responsible fan Uic ci- tire lunch whcn meeting la held et ber home, lunch ta be reatniat- cd ta sandwiches aid cake, tee or cofice. Groups werc draftcd aid plana will be undem way to begin Uic year's work. Readings wemc given by Mns. M. McKee aid Miss A. Mauntjoy. Lunch was servcd. Visitons: Mrs. George Fowlerlis spendlng a iew days ln Oshawa. ..Miss Marjorie Gabralth aid friend, Peterboro Normal, with Mr. aid Mrs..H. A. Galbraith.... Mn. and Mrs. -Clarence Parr,, Mr. Gardon Brown were i Toronto. ..Miss Annie Mountjoy spent Thursday in Toronto. Ermiskillen NEW LOW .PRC irioGIILD 'OUR5ELF Up M NK -rlE PURE MILI< FP H OEN AC DAIRY 4 D'RY C LE ANI1NOG THAT SATISFIES Coats *Suits - le 75Ç Each Oshawa Laundry à D ry Cleaning Cop uLmitel Phone 41r We Cail For Mdl Dellve Clifford R. McGill (nec Mies Grace Mountjoy) on their mar- niage Jan. 25th. . The euchre party at tte coin- munlty hall Frlday evenlng was not very well attended4 on account of bad weather. Mrs. T. Samdls won the ladies' prise, and.-W. L. Scott aid W. Marlow played off for firat, the latter won. Proceeds were sent to Telegin imund. , It in wlth deep regret that, we lee ' of the death af Mrs. Ro- b e.Arilil (Ida Perr), a for- mer resident of this village. She died;et Guelph Hospital on Jan. 24th, anld wa burled at Grand Valley on Monday. SympathY Ja extendcd ta the family of the lete Thomas H-yland who diêd on -tan. 27th. Tyrone Si1ve hMm hi. dely HALIDORANGE UOMUMWNisetWyf Tmldu HoUbut Liv. 01 Children need more vitamnins A and D ln wlnter ta makes up for lack of, aummfer sunshine. GEve yaur kld- dies a dolly dose -of naturol vito- mins En the. faim af Haliboronge. That wIll heip ta keep themn strang and, healthy. Halibarange pro. vides the essential vitamnins A and D cantalned ln Halibut Liver 011 and alsô vltamnin C found ln the. fresh orange julce. Et Es deliclous ta take. Haliborange Is twice s rlch ln vitomnins A and -D os Cod LEver 011. Aduits, too, find Haliborange bene. ficEal Ii wrk o ff w inter's OIS Haliborange isa eal eath restarer. ALLEN & BANEVRYS CO. LIMITE»' Linih.y QOnro. : 1 é12 TMMDAY, JAXUAee, lm-" TIM CANMMÈ «AitSMAN. BOWMAMUY, ONTARIO 'PAdic =Ger JI t t 1 t

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