PAGE TEN TEE CAN~ TESMAN, EOWrLANVILLE, O1~TARIO TEUBBDAY, The Newcal nea Phone Clarke 1114 Mr. Jas. Tliompson, father of Mrs. W. H. Cooke, lias been quite ill the past week. SMiss Margaret Pearce lias join- ed the staff of the local brandi of the Bank cf Commerce. Messrs. W. VanDusen, Alec Adair and Eric Gray are still busy wlth the ice liarveat at the Lcwer Marsh. Mrs. J. Scott Howard and Miss McIntosh are spending a portion of the wintcr at the Windsor Arma, Toronto. Mrs. David Grey is spending the wiutor with lier brother and ais- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adamse, Burketcn. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Baxter (for- merly Miss Betty Montgomery), Port Hope, were Sunday guesta of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Philp. Mrs. W. H. Gibson lias returued from Brampton wiare she visited »&. and Mrs. Hutton and her ycung grandson John Alexander Hutton. Mr. Allan Howard ieft last week for Mexico and Centrai America on an inspection trip for Confederation Life Insurance Co. He will return in May. Gnr. Arche R. Martin of the R.C.A.F., Fingal, Ont., recently of Calgary, Aita., paid a short visit ta hits parents, Mr. and MIrs. Par- naby Martin, ou Sunday. Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, was also home for the weekend. The "Newcastle ta Newcastle" VIar Victins' Fund, inaugurated by The Newcastle Basebail Club, had neached $150.00 by tie first cf the week. One of the latest ad- ditions was a $5.00 donation from the Newcastle Girls -Softbali Club. Reeve C. R. Carveti, CommiAs- sboner J. E. Rinci and Manager H. S. Britton of the Newcastle Hydro-Electric Systemn were in Toronto on Tuesday attending thc O.M.E.A. Convention at which Mr. Grattan O'Leary was one of the principal speakers. We are sorry te report the con- tinued illness of Mrs. Geo. Eil- beck. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eilbeck and Mrs. Ida Stinson and Miss Frances, Toronto, have been dowu on weekends and Mn. and Mrs. Bradford Kay, Mirs. Leroy Haii- uer and Mrs. Rd. Turner are up fromn New York. The Higli Scicol Literary Soc- iety entertained 25 members of thc Orono C.S.L.S. at tie scliocl on Friday evening, Jan. 34st. An enjoyable time was had by ail. Thc local "Lits" put on a play, senved refreshments and conduct- ed some contesta in whicli every- bodY mmgled and became well acquainted. Newcastle school's junior hoc- kysquad, managed, coached and taported by Principal Hugli M. MeCdIl sud Mr. Coad, Bank of Commherce Toiler, turned the tab- les on their hitherto Orono victars last Tuesday week and won their first ganie, 4 ta 3. They played again- on Tuesday evening of tuis week on the Oron ink, but the score Is flot yet to hand. A meeting of the Newcastle Cornmittee for the Promotion cf the sale cf War Savinga Cetifi- ~1 SWEEI 'CAPS!1 $1.00 senis 300 ID SWEET CAPORAL or WINCH-ESTER cigàretes or Si .0 mil send sither 1 lb. of OLD VIRGINIA pipe fobacco or 1 lb. of SWEET CAPORAL cigarette f obecco (wid, Vogue papeis) te Canadiens seving in C.A.S.F. over- seos only. Aiso ta Canadiens servini in the British Force in, the. Uni;eJ Kingdom. Our responsibilit y ceoises when parcels are delivered te Postal Authorities or other carriers. If parcels addressed ta Cainadians in the C.A.S.F. overseas cannof be delivered or forwarded te addressee delivery wil be mode te O.C. ai addressee's unit. Il parcels addressed ta Canadians in the British Forces in thme United K(ngdom cannot b. delivered or forwarded f0 addresee, delivery wIll b. mode to Headquarters of Canadien Auxiiiary Services, Lon- don, for distribution ta Canadian Troops. MO5 semis 1,000 cigemsltes teaun individuel oe unit. .Sadvu emftance, wltii number, ~nk'adne, and unit cf fthe *y~ oen"$ sta SWEET CAPS, -P.Q, Roie6M0, Montreal, PO. cates wlll be held this Thursday evening, Feb. fti, in the councîl ciaxuber, under the clirmanship of Mr. R. S. Graham. Final ar- rangements will be made for the every house cauvass whicm wil socu be under way. Reckoning the present population cf Canada as 12,000,000 and the present ob- jective througlithe sale of Certi- ficatos belug , $120,000,000, thon the average amount cf money to be spent by eacli penson in the purchase of War Savings Certifi- cates should b. $10.00. In other words the 700 people of Newcas- tle, to do their full share, shouid purciase $7,000 worth. The Trafi Rangera were busy again last Saturday at their Sel- vag. Campaigu, gatiering up waste maternai and scràp and cast-off stuif. On. of their big- gest finds was at the home of Mn. and Mrs. R. S. Graham where they were given one big dlscarded furnace snd part cf suotier one. The Purdy, Pybus, Hoffman gnoup found a real treasure trove at Harold Allin's blacksmiti shop wliore tic brawuy blacksmith cieerily greeted the boys sud in big leatiern apron pnodded around in searcli of old liorseshoos and ail kinda of iron debris. It was hauled in higli spirits 10 the Pybus back yard where tuis group's pile is steadily growing bigger. A truck will pick up al the assembled collections in due time. ST. GEORGE'S CEMETEET Financlal Statement - 1940 Receipts Bal. brougit forward -$ 75.76 By Dues -- -44.00 lut. from Endowment Fuud* 65.20 Burial and otier focs -- 23.95 Bank Advsuce -------~--- 25.00 $233.91 Expenditures H. C. Bonathan, seed sud mower-parts __$ 7.59 Canadisu Statesman, prt'g. 5.94 A. Nîcholas, trocs 18.28 Thos.,Spencer, labor -- 127.82 Douglas VWrighit, aigu -- 3.03 Repayment of Bank Adv. 25.00 Sundries -2.45 $190.11 Balance on hand __ $ 43.80 $233.91 Total amount of Endowment Fund, $2,630.00. Intermeuts i 1940, 3. Cemetery Trustees: Bey. D. R. Dewduey, D. V. Howard Gibson, C. S. Hornocks. BOND HEAD CEMETERY Financlal Statement - 1940, Receipts Bal. brouglit forward __$ 52.94 By Dues___- 46.00 lut. on Eudowmeut 66.46 New Endowment necelved- 40.00 Iron Firepot for Churcli -_ 23.08 Mr. Bradley 2.00 Sale of Graves - -- 33.00 Î263.48 Expenditurea A. Niciolas, labor --$123.37 Endowment for. te Syned.. 40.00 Iron Firepot for Cliurch- 22.75 M. Eilbeck (mowar) 2.03 D. Wright, igu ---_____ 3.28 Thes. Spencer, labor . 5.60 Sundries ---- 4.99 $202.02 Balance cn hand - --$61.46 $263.48 Total Amount cf Endowmenî Fund, $1,680.00. No. of Inter- monts 1940, 3. UNITED CHURCH CHOM ELECTS OFFICERS Tic United Churcli Choir, aller its regular praclice ou Thursday evcuing, Jau. 30t, iold a business meeting sud election of off icers, wththte pastor, Bey. B. E. Mor- ton, presiding. Officens elected werc: Presideut. -H. M. Allun; Vice Pros. -Wlbur Bakerville; Sec'y.-Mrs. Bakerville; Treas- Mns. C. B. Carveti; Social Comm. -Mrs. H. M. Aflin, Mrs. W. J. Maloey, Misa Louis. Hlancock, Boss AlUin,. Wm. Aflin. Thc treas- urer reported a donation, grate- fuily neceivcd, of $15.00 frcm tic funda cf the once popular but now defunct Newcastle Commuuily orchestra. Part of lhis mcney lias since licou spent for new music. Menibers of thc choir wlio ware playema ithe orchestra in its flcurisliing deys are: Mesdames C.t A.C a anws sd H. M. AlUin; Mesans.t H. C. Allin sud Wilbur Basken- ville. MANY ATTEND TUE FUNERAL SERZVICE FOX SAWMANMN THOMPEON AND ANNIBEL SWIM Thc funenal service ion the laIe Seai Anu Thonipson sud Anni- bel Swim was held in the United Churci haro on Thuraday afler- noon, Jan. 30t, wtt a large body eof neigibors, relatives and frieuds 1from tic sunrounding country epresent, includiug many former àmembers of Miss Thompson's Sunday Sciool class at the Lakje Shore, aie and lier brother, the late Asa Thompson, having found- ed the Sunday Schocl just 50 years ago this commng spring. Bey. R. E. Morton conducled the service witi the choir leading in the aing- ing. Ho took as an appropriaI. Iext for his funeral discourse, I Tim. 4:8, Gcdliness is profitable runIe ail tiings, having promise cf tie ic etiat now is, and cf that witch is to comne. Wlth the other 1relatives in the mourners' pews was Canon B. W. Allen, Rector cf Brampton, who came down for et.e secondUie sitar roturning 1home ou the Tuesday evoning. As tic aged ladies liad livcd 10- gether and died, almiost logether, tso were they burled together, iu )the family burial plot in Bond LHead ccmetery. Tic pallbearers Lwerc Robt. Martin, M. G. Wclci. 1Howell Rtowland, Wallace -Holmes, ;Herb. Brown, Alouzo Cowan, Ir- Lwin Colwill, Fred Graham, J. E. Binci, Harold Gibson, Chas. Gib- ST. GEORGE'S CHURCR VESTRY MEETING Heartening reports cf the past ycar's work and tic fmnanclal standing of the varlous dçpart- monts and funds were presented at tic annual vestry meeting of St. George's Churcli, held in lie parihhall. ou Monday eveuing, Jan. 27th. Boy. D. R. Dewduey presided and opened thc meeting wit prayor. The following officers wero elected or appointed for 1941: Churchwardens - D. V. Howard Gibson, Cecil S. Horrocks; Lay Delegates to Synod -W a 1t er Crowther, ciairman, L a u r e n cee Gaines, WIallace Gibson, Donald Gibson, Geo. Stephenson and eth- ara te be approved; Vestry Clenk -W. Harold Gibson; Envelope Committee - Miss B. Mclntosh, Misa Cora Bulear, Mrs. Gco. Cnow- tien. Following is. a bnief summary of Uic financial statemeuts pro- sented, eveny fuud except Mis- sions, whici is not expected te do so, sliowing a balance to tic good te begin 1941. Warden's Account - Presonted by D. V.* Howard Gibson; receipts tirougli offerings, endowments and Parochial Comm. donations, $13 14.60, the revenue' from on- dowmeuls being $441.58. Mission Fund - Preseuted by C. S. Horrocks; gonoral recoipta and amount fonwarded, $320.93; 'col- lected sud forwarded for Western Clergy Fund.$33.00; total $353.93. Olive Wilniot Sanford Memonial Trust - Presonted by D. V. H. Gib- son; bank balance and interest $565.88; exponded $282.66; bal. carried ionward $283.22. WIellngton Foster Rectony Trust -Pnoaonted by D. V. H. Gibson; bank bal. and int. $106.33; expcud- cd $13.72; bal. forward $92.61. Rector's Pnivate Fuud - Present- cd by Rev. D. B. Dewdney; bsuk bal. sud collections $28.69; ex- pended $14.17. Sunday Scioci - Preseuled by lie Bedton; bank bal. sud collec- tions $46.28; expended $28.65; bal. forward $17.63. Women's Auxiliary - Presented by Mrs. W. H.- Gibson; recoipta $179.88; forwarded sud expended for supplies $172.73. Girls' Auxiliary - Presented by Mrs. D. R. Dewdney; bank bal. -aud receipta $49.24; expeudilunes sud donations $43.38. Panochial Commlttee - Presont- ed by Miss B. McIutosh; bauk bal. $22.84; neceipts from. bazaar, gar- den party, supper, etc. $263.27; expenditures suad d o n a t io n s $183.49; bal. forward $102.62. Aller Guil - Presented by Miss Audrey Horrocks; bal. on hsud $5.15; neceipta $7.50; exponditunes $6.14; forward $6.52. Men's Club - Presenled by Her- bort Brereton; bal. on iand $3.71; focs and collections $6.64; expend- cd.>9.56; bal. forward 79c. uentcnsry Fuud - Presented by Miss Mclutosh, 1940 contributions forwarded to Diocesan Treasurer $155.15. The meeting closed wlti ne- fresinents and.a social period. NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH' CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Tue cougmegational meeting of tic United Churci was lield in the S. S. Hall on Mcuday evening, Feli. 3rd, wien officers cf every department preseuted intenesllug reports of activities sud finances cf t.e past year. Boy. B. E. Mon- tan presided sud opened wtt de- voticuel exorcises. Mr. J. E. W,. Pilp, Clerk cf Session, gave lie foilowing staliatica: Baptisma, adulta on profession cf fait 6, children as pneseuled by parents 9, marniages 8; burials 12. Wlien Mn. Philp nead tie foilowing lisI of those wio lied dicd duning the yearai alli te meeting stood whie Rev. B. E. Morton led i a prayen of sympathy sud consolatiou fon thoue beneaved. The Deati Murray Butler, who as e meni- ber oi lie R.A.F. paid the supreme sacrifice ion loyalty lg Canada sud Thc Empire. Mmm. Margaret Ross, Marci 1. Normanu Alln, Mardi 9. Miss Loulsa Hedges,*AprIl 12. Clarence T. Betty, June 21. Gea. E4ward Banciard, July 25.1 Mmm. Babils Blanche Dudley, July 25. Mm.. Ane Gladys Bradley, Chas. Mdadson Eddy, Oct. 20. Mmm. Elizabeth Beman, Nov. 1. Mms. Mary Schmld, Dec. 14. Mrs. Mary Lord, Dec. 16. Mns. Edna Aune Rutherford, Dec. 26. The clark reported a sligil net - - osepb Tomié' tInl the deat cf Joseph Toms ini lia olghty-sixth year, ou January 14th, -there pssdodnce - wiose wliole active lice was vivldly in- 9lerwoven lu the pattern cf lt icrse-drawu vehicles days. Frein oarly msuhood to hus aieug days when the moton car sud teé truck~ wene inexorably crowdig the horse and lis liarneas off the roads lie was a teamater. He hauled supplies sud produce of ail man- uer of kmnds for farmers, grain dealers, coal mon, sîcrekeepens, corporations sud ail others wic liad ta have, commodilles handled in volume. Those wero the days cf big crops ou tic farns and lie could speak lnulhfully of th. lime wicu lie dnew caa ta tmarket from Wesley Walton's farm (no* owned by Hermon, sud Welustein) >wlien tey ran from the.liresi- ing machine-at the rate of 100 bushols ta Ilie acre. ' The late Joseph Tomas m r in Orono but inhist youth the family moved 10 the farm n li te Base Line, Clarke, now occupicd by William sud Baden Powell. Two cf the boys cf Il-al nelghior- hood at thatIlime ware Josephi Coulson and Bobt. Martin, still living. As a yout Josephi Toms also altended the Trelawnqy Sun- day Sciool aI Port Granbyý whero' John W. Bradley was a açilar. Iu 1885 lie matriçd Frsa* - tnice Eisou sud tcok up.7~re keeping lu a houseoppopsitefSu' monsl' carpenler sliop,,a part cf which stil survives as Mn. sud* Mns. Breretou'a reaidence. Some lime sitar, themr home was buru- cd when their firsîboru son, Har- old, was a baby. They tien mcv- ed into the bouse ucw owned asud occupied by -deceased's nephew, Mr. Arthur Toma, whene tiey liv- cd until ticy bougit tie *'flue brick house ou Churci St., whose' only occupants now are deceased's daughter, Mra. Mark Allun, wlio cared for 'lier invalid fathar 50 falthiully sud devotedly lirougli- eut lie sovon sud a hall years following uis psralytic stroke, sud lier daugiter Evolyn. Mrs. IbIs predeceased lier husband in 1916. Thc lwo sonos strviving are Mr. Eric Toms, Bellevile, cf C.N.R. Water Service Department, sud Mr. Howard J. Toma, cf lie J. An- derson Smith Co. sud Ciairmian cf the Newcastle Board of Edu- cation. The funeral on Jan. lOti wgs conducted by Bey. B. E. MorIon in the preseuee cf relatives and a few neigibors. Axnong liose pro- sent from a distance were deceas- ed's bretonrs. Mr. Jack Tom, Pickering, sud *Mn. James TOMS, Agincount. and the laîter's son, Mn. Boy- Toms; also Mns. Lanca- shire and son, Mn. Howard Lanca- shire, Millbrook, sud Mn. sud Mrs. Eric Toma, Belleville. Interment was made in lhe Toms bunial plot, Bond Head Cemetery. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for lie position cf Caretaken ofi-tie United Church, Newcastle, wil lie neceived by the underslgned up ta Wcd., Feb. 12t, lie lowest or suy tender net uecessarily accepted. Information negarding duties may b. ohtained from Mr. J. W. Glenney, Chair- man Proponty Commitîce. Hl. R. Pearce, Sec'y. Officiai Board, Newcastle. 5-1 Hampton IVisitons: Miss Nons E. K"ersiak, Teronto, was home for te week end. . . Mr. Harry Oowling, To- rnuto, wit lits parents, Mr. end *,a- Jt *.-t r nur . . . suJnoco .tflSU Ciapmau sud Celile Petit, DoW- - manville, at W. Chepman's. Miss Jessie Knox, Hsydon, at home. . . . Mr. Gordon Sîctuon, HAdn E.Blt MsdC.Miss'..ta Brwn A.E.don, ad M .Jis'. .-Brown. wt iienda iToronto. -.Mr. J. R. Reynolds with frienda i To- routo on Sunday. . . Miss Mary - Niddemy hem returned from To- ronto. . . Mrm. Jno. Mils spent the weekend lu Torot... Dr.. sud Mmm. W. R. Horn sud Mrs. Jaccb, Port.Hope, aI W. W. Horn'u and Mmm. B. Avery's... Miss- les- sic Hogarth, Bowmanville, gt J. D. Hogrt's... Mr. sud Mr». D. Plêckiam, Ecwmanvlle, Mr. and rs. R. Burns, Oshawa, et'Unr. Jas. Burns'. increase icht;rch *besi and also in the riumnbr'Itfamilies to whom the c4iùrch ftùtnIýers. J. H. n'ose, W. F. iIiÔkad, M p, Howell Rowland, F. W. Îàowený, Clarence Allin were elected to the Comxittee of Steward for three Years and Gordon M<tln for one year. The committee ýconsista of 15 members Who are elected for three years and retire In rotation, except when vacancies occur. Officers and Standing Committees Elected Finance Comm. -J.' I. Jose, chairman and secretary- 'A. O Parker, treasurer; J. ]M. *. Philp, J. W. Glenney, J. W. Bradley. M. & M. Comm.-J.. W. Philp, treasurer; W. E. Beman,._ H. E. Hancock. PropertY Comni..-J. W. Glen- ney, Fred Graham, A. O. Parker, W. F.. Rickard, M.P.,'1rs J. A, Butler, Mrs. H. M. Allin.* 1 Pew COnun-Elowefl Bowland. and Howard Allin. R eeco r dlng9Stewa,$Lrd-H. R -Pearce. 7 The meeting condluded with re-; frealiments served 1by the ladies. Obituary Llvestock'For Sale FOR SALE - 12 YOUNG PIGS 8 weeks old. Apply Dr. R. E. MeMuilen, phone 2435, Ha-I? ton. a- FOTË SALE- - 8 YORKSHMR pig 10 weeks old, and 9 York- shaeiregs 6i weeks old. Appiy Geo. Benetin, Hampton, phione 2612. . FORl SALE - OUE 13 MONTH old Holstein bull from 4.0 % sire and 3.8 % dan.' Goêd, type, fuUly, tested. Noble Metcaif, Maple Grove. 1.f0-1* FOR SALE - YOUNG TOM Bronze Turkey Apply Henry Vani de BéIt, B<. R. 4, Bown- ville: 6-1* DEATimS COTTON -Ini Toronto, Thurs- day,..January 30, 1941, Robert Mânders Cotton, Bowmanville, aged.58 years. Interment Bow- manville Cemetery. HADDY - On'Friday, January 31, 1941, at the Women's Col- lege Hlospital, Toronto, Stella M. Haddy,. beloved wife of Charles H. Haddy and dear mo- ther of Jack. Interinent ln Bow- manville Cemetery. RIG<QS - In Bowmaliville, Feb- ruaty 2, 1941, Robert H. Riggs, beloved husband of the late E- ion Rigas and father of Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, hln its 93rd year. Internient~Vancouver, B. C. TREBILCOCK - la Bowmanvllle on Pebiira'y 3, l941, Christina M. Trebilwcok, wlfe of the late Pauli- C., TIebilcock. Interment Bowmanvlfle.Cein-tery. VAN. CMP - In CatWright, on IStýd 1 P, y 2,1941, Wil- 75th .r Interment at Unionl Cemeèr; ééks1oc WONNACOTT - In Darlington, February 1, 1941, John Wonna- cott, husband of Flora M. Tay- lor, aged M5 years, laterment in Bowmanvllle Çýetcry. . N MBMORIAM IVES - tnilbving memory of ôur dear father, William M. Ives, who passed away FebruIary Mt, .1938. in our -tearts your. nemory lingrs' -; Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is. not a day, dear father, 1That -we do flot think of you. --Sad]y. iised by Sons. and VICE - lui loving memc'y of a deàrly beloved - husband and father, Walter Vice, who passed away -February,9th, 1937. Fondly loved ýazd deeply mourned, Day by day we mniss you more. -Sad]y missed by lis lovlng wife and, farnlly. Card of Thanks Mrs. Cotton and Helen wish ta express their sincere thanks and appreciatiôn *to, Dr. ,H. B. Rundie and to theïrfriends and -neighbors for their many arts of kindness. and exprOssions of synipathy du- ing the illness and passing of a loving husband and father.j Woirk Wanted WORIC WANTED - YôUNlqG girl desires housework by the *montli; experienced; can fur- nish references. Phone Dow- manville»238; 6-1 Encornie Tex H AVE YOUR INCOME TAX Return ccftpleted by an experi- enced auditor anmd accountant. Ail types c f accotLiiting and audlting work completed. Al necessary statements fu1hn1hed. B.XK Jackson,,phono 603. 6-l* Radio Repairs RADIO REPAIRS - ALL TYPES of tubes tested. Cail 575, R. Quinn, King St. East., 6-1* Weekly Feed Special W EE KL Y 1EED SPECIAL - C.I.L. "Windsor" Fine Sait, 77e per cwt. Offor good until Feb. l3th. F. C. Vanstone, phione 777. 8-1 Cornetty CORSETRY - CORSET FITTING and adjustment by experienced corsetier. for ail types cf fig- ures. Reasonably priced. Agents for Hoit Renfrew & Co. Ltd. Est. 1837. Mrs. K. Baird, Mar- jorie Kay Shoppe. Phone 661. 6-1 For Sale Frstu's Moum FOR SALE - BEPAIR GARAGE,1 Passing 0f Old new sud usod parts; gasoline Membôr f Lodg an cil service; wreelng; to- M.mbT o U.dg. gethar wtt seven noom house wtt modemn couveniences; .160 1.Saturday, Feb. laI, Mn. John foot frontage, deep lot; situate 1Wonnacolt pasaed away at lis on King Street, Bowmsuvile; home near Bowmanville sitar a choice location. Owner's healti long illnesa. Mn. Wonnacott was resson for selling. Termsniseauh bomui Devonshire, Englsud, iarranged. Apply le Mns. E. V.. 1875, but came le Canada wt lits Scobeil, Insunance sud Real Es-' 1parents when lie waa six years. cf ta Agent, Bowmsuvîile, phono' ago. The family nesidcd lu King- 474. 5-2 stan, Ont., for a short lime sud thon moved to Bowmanville. Mn. Wonnacott spent lais lie lu Bow- manville sud vicinity and was Notice emp loycd for ton yeanrs as mana- Th nulMeigo te gerpcf Mca'mil. Ho became TeAualMtigc 1h a memberof te Canadisu Or:der Bowmanville Hospital Board wM I cf Forestens 38_years ago, sud wag be held in lie Council Chambers,1 inltialed inlo Court Bowmanville Friday, February 141h, aI 8 pa. whare lie las always been a mena- General public are invlled. 6-2 ber. _ _ _ _ _ The funeral was held aI Morris' Funeral Chapel, service being -MIDLANDS ENJOY conducted by Bey. W. Backham of Hampton. At thecocnclusion cf LIFE IN NEW CAMP the service tie mjembers cf the Canadien Ordar cf Foresters tcck charge te' perfomm the lest tra- 'From Syd Cashouru C-65503, tonnaI rites. Tho pallbearera wene '"D" Coy Midland Bgl., R.A.F. Mossns. F. Jenuiugs, W. Hender- Lasdowne Park. Ottawa, Ont. son, L. ,Barton, E. Tomlinscn, L. Dear Motion sud Famuiy: Earle sud rM. Conway.. Arrived here safe sud sound 1Mn. Wonnacott is mourued by loday aI five o'clcck. Radl a good lis wlfe, Mrs. Fiera May Wonua- trip dowu sud if you tik ycu cott; tire. daugiters, Mrs. WiI- have snow i Bwmanvllle youm fred VIonnacott, Lambeth, Ont., should soc Ottawa. There is -sncw Mrs. David Johns, Nesîleton, Mn. packed six foot higi ou lie boule- J. 1F. Hazelton, nàwmanville; îwo vardsansd roadways. VIe have soa ns, Howard cf Dixie, sud Gor- grand quartons, spring lieds, sort don of. Oshawa; one sisten, Mrs. E. of maîtresses, sud your blankets. jHancock of Orno, and one bro- Ie lied a fine meal on lie lier Nrman who reides lia tic train sud our auppen aIt te anm- S tales. curies touiglil was perfect. Il was Wonacct ws napetoddark liere wheu we arrlved. I am Mr. WnaotwsrsetdaIt te Salvation Anny Canteon and loved by ail wio knew liii and l la a grand place. snd is.absence wlll ho felt by The boys gel a real many. fmom lie different townM. C9bourg closed ail thc stores sud factprtes aud gave toem a civie farewal wtt bells ringing and wistles * a iblowing. .j The tempemature iS 29 below eno iglit. Xrs P - M Janusry 3lst. We are duty Coy WHA1PUft AN ~I2N tday and ail the men are on MO N W '< ITWH atiges. Il comes oncehI four ,-rS FM dIays. Tey have four-bon mon on OLU U OAIR1 guard. You should sec leien. u OLL4 Pè~ AIR 4. spect sud change guar& . Itlei 'AND FUL4.0 really nice. We allihave skis sud we do DELII4Tevenything possible ou thern. Have heen dcwn tirouglithe clty sud accu ail t.e famous bulld- Don't fonfet to send me The Statesmnan.I may b. seeing you next weekeud. Love, Syd.1 tlelp Wanted WOMEN ADMEMW WAMTED- W uldyu lke toewn a busi- lft ail xclulvedistrict? Seil two hundred guaranteed household necessities such as S9pesàEtract, Food Producta, Tea, offee, Farm necessities eetc., No rlsk. Thlrtày day triai offer free4 W. help you realize nice profits. Proposition sent wlthout any obligation. JITO, 1435 Montcalm, -Montreal. 3-4 WANTIED - GIERL FOR GENER- ai hotel work. Balnmoral Hotel, Bowmanville. 16-1'I FARM HELP WAN'ED - FOR Dalry Farm; good teamster. Yeaý round engagement with good home and wages. Prescott Bros., Enn)skllo, phone,2151: S Art ies For Sale MATTRES & COFORTERS - Inher Spriug, Marshall, Beauty- Rest, sud aUi sprlng mattresses rebuiltll Ie new. Ostenmoor and, layer felt maltresses cleaned sud rebuilt, aIme vouverted lnfýo iuner spriig màllresses. New coverngisaupplied if necossary. Fegthir beds wasied, stnipPed and made Int do-wu cômforters, fineat Euglis# down-prooi 'me- tentis usc. Elderdowns necov- ered. Special prices now. Phono 362. 5-tf-4 FO1n SALE -RUBEER GOODS Sundries, etc., malled, postpaid i plain, sealed wrapper. 80 % les. than retail. Write for mail- order catalogue. Nov-Rubber Co-, Dept. X-2, Box 91, Hamnil- tan, Ont. 3-8 FOR SALE - SUPREME RANGE suitable for surmmer kitchen; also good work horse, will ex- change for cattie or -hogs; aise for sale 30 bags small potatoes suitable for seed. Phone 2335. CÇARS FOR SALaE - 1935. PLY- rnouth Sedan; 1937 Chev. Coachi; 19à8 Chev. Coachi; 1941 Pontiac Sedan, demonstrator; 1929 Pou- tiac Sedan; 193-4 Olda. Sedan; 1939 Plymouth Coach. Apply Chas. Britton, P. O. Box 374, Bowmanville. 6-tf-1* FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F spring rye with smali percen- tage of oats, 70c bus., Apply ArchNe Tliompson, R. R. 5, Bow- manvilo, phone 2400.. 6-1* .For Rent F'OR RENT - 5 BOOM APART- M~ent ail modern convenlenceq, bath, Fess Oli-Burner, and gar- a 'ge. Rosit reasonable. Possession Marchiat. Apply to Mrs. A. 'Tait, Division St., Bowmanvlle. 5-tf-1* HOUSE FOR RENT ý- 6 BOOMS, one storey, liard- and.soft water, hydro, garden, good repair, 2 miles west Scugog Road. Irmme- diata possession. John Jacks, Hampton. 6-2* FOR RENT- CHEERFUL, 3- roomed *apartment, ou King St.; also furnlshed room; reasonable rates. Apply Box 107, dlo The Statesmn. 6-1* FOR RENT - THREE. BRIGHT unfurnished h ouse ke ep In g rooma upatairs, other down- stair conveniences. Use of gar- don. Near Higli Schooi. Aduits only. Mrs. Jane Garrett. 6-1 New Phone Number NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER - Our phone nuruber In the new telephone book is 2876. Please memno for quick service. White Rose Service Station, Bcwman- ville. Dean Hodgson, Proprietor. 6-1 Room and Board BOOM AND BOARD-CENTRAL location. Apply F. McIndoo, phone 894, King St., Bowman- ville. 4 Agent Wante VIE RAVE AN -OPPORZe with exceptionally good earn- ings for a reliable manwlbn to go lntô business for hasi as manufacturer's agent. pply giving full accoant of experi- ence and dependabllity ta Boxj 106, dlo Statesman Office, BÔw-. manville. 6-1 Watced WANTED - HIGHEST ýPICES pald for serab batteries. Whenf Dyorneww* -n stalled "Wilard Trouble Eind-i erMahine" G. P.Jaion Tire & Battery $hop,IClnand Silver St.. . 46-tf For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - RAME lieuse on Ontario St., 6 zrooms and bath, garage, V4 acre. Ap- ply X. Passant, Duke St. 5-2* ROUND TRIP Fehruary 7 - 8 - 9 Bowmanville to TORONTO -- $1.10 HAMILTON --$2.05 CHATHAM $5.- GODERICH -$4.U OWEN SOUND- $4.10 SOHEMIER -$11J5 SUDBRY --$7.60 and many Intermediate points. For Train Service, Limits, Etc. Consuit Agents - Procure Dodger. POOL TRAIN SERVICE Canadian Canadien Paclflc National See Our Cards For ýVALENTINE'S DAY A large assortient ,ooe : -fïom lt i5 ne ch lRoom Lots, of WALLPAPER For Bedromi, Kitchen. at Living Roos at - Ba rgta 1n Prices. Many bave fron 10 te î0 roua.' NEW WALLPAPERS FOR 1941 Suntested and Sunworth7 are aill innow-Come ln and me the new colours and patterns. JOHNSTON'S 1 BOK STORE Phone 651 DowmManie1 LOWEST DRUG, PRICES MILK 0F MAGNESIA....l6e o. .230 LIFEBUOY SOP4P 2 cakes Ilc DODD'8 PULLS .....,...... 33e ASSEA. TABLETS......10.190 SYRUP HYP0PHQSPHITEt'18 oz. 69o PABLUM ... . ...... . . . .. . ... 5 AIB.S.&C. TAIBLETS........ 100s 9c HOT WATER BOTTLES .......39a 2se NOXZEMA.......... eS VICK'S RUSB......... ........ LEB.D.O. CAPSULES ........ 2519 HINDIS CREAM .........2fer HALIBUT CAPSLES ....... ol@ 4e LUCKY STRtOIJE BLADES.......s iDootor's Prescription. 'IIed Correctly by QuallfeulDispense. j URtY vBLOVELL When iVe Teut Et«. It ]b Doue !roeLy Phome '778 omvlI MI ~ k tliWard Residents i*tduring th. week of Vobruarv $g~jvllngwar savint workews. CWoa urupport là, l'ORON S E-01EBRONZE Ilrn"to, uegrey gander, Peleuykthen range, sud one Que- bec cook .stve, Apply Mrs. Wmn. Wade, C6irtice, phono Oshawa ý 1: -1- 1 1 PAGIC IMN THE CANA ýTESMAlq.'BOWXANV=M, OXTPMO r c t f a y ti T"PAY, 1