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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1941, p. 1

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VOLUME 87 BOWMANVELLE. N. ;The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News SDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1941 NUMBER 6 0 C.1. PRINCIPAL SSHOWS ENGLANDY ais country Prej nier Relates it, Modest Young Pilet Officer 's POWER IN POETRï A.LE O'Neill Thinka Eh.m BhOldhoTerrorlaedIli Bubinùsuion., bWe have produced the great bodraigaod literature i i World' s history and. 1 believe th hs ane guarantee that oujr demî racy Will survive and there w. *lways be an England."1 That %he faitli Principal A.- E. O'Nei Oi Oshawa Cailegiate outllned the Ratarians. "Lately I have bet lTeading paetry whli lias <lvî nie new confidence ithe destir Of the British Empire. If we lia, ta face tac Worst anecacaz onten Plate I'm sure we will aee tbrough."P Quating several poems Whlc he tliQught Partlcxilarly ap rol riate and helfuZ1f: ' el pounded lita phllosophy Oai "Pool gnd the Wàr.," Our grmelet da ger. taday h in cxal lgrace an natianality, lie said., xe impa:ý ant thing. ig our irmxediate ar Icestry and aur spirIt4W hlerita& Wc ha ve a fine tradition whie 15 available ta no others. Foreigm ers must miss many fine shade af meaning in aur ,literature.ý Here tic speaker quoted Wordsworth sonnet WrItten ait] trne Napaleon threatened ta ju vade England. But for thee ntlm tian af its date hi hearers nilg Weil have teougît it wrttenb1; Yesterday ta express prescut da: sentiment. Anoteer paemn wrlttei by an American at the sanie tin expresses the idea teat tliey ar inevitably an aur aide. Even Priestly wha beieved be fore tais y*r teat tee Engiid race was decadent has liad--goc- reasan ta changels nilnd. W, can draw strength irom -oetry Mr. O'Ncil said. He teen -quatec tee immortal lines -aofRupea Brabke, wha diçd hItee east< the Great War: "If I should die, thik only thlî ai me: There la a corner ai tee forelgr field That is farever England>ý9'ý Britain is taking' moretda than lier enemica dreamé'd.w passible. Tley teouglit the coul conquer England liy7terzo±. lb*u la teeory which wlU probab» work in reverse much bétter. The speaker deplore'd the trefi' af teaught which uprav thtmg ance immediate 'rewar.Afe, i t hs over tee British Empire wil be praud af its scars af battle.'Thme wil always, be an Emgland, if not i corporeal farm, masi certainl: eternally in a spiritual existence. --and day by day theetrend of battie h showing a turn in, the favar ai victary soan. Mr. O'Neil was introduced by Principal L. W. Dippeli and Ro- tarian Len Elliait tendcred tae vote ai teanks. Jae O'Neil ai Goodyear was present as guesi af A. M. Hardy. A letter fram Major Lyceit was rcad by Secretary Cunningliam, in which he canveyed thanks tram "D"ý Coy far the receni en- tertainiment and ateer favars te men lad eajoyed during tleir stay here. lnuu- l.Tuuc Pluube Instail New Officers i.4 .Ct n r ýA meeting of tac Coniedenation » Loyal TrucEBlue Ladge, No. 474, t wms beld an Jan. 20te la tee Sans aio Engrand Hall; wite tee W. M. Tic tawn ai Bawmmmviile suf- WII>ELY XOURNED Sister Mrs. Dadson preslding, as- fered ils greatesi basa la years sisted by D. M. Sister Mra. Hayes. wtl île pasng, an Jmmuany 30th, Falbwla te buines a te faiRobent Mandera Cotton, J P ologc tac e baiow n ssaificer echurciman, saldier, i È a t or n'ai lode hefolowngoffcirswere worker for almaosi innumemable Installed by Ena. Fletcher, DD good causes mmd a real -gentleman. G.M., and assisiod ly Sisier Mrs. o otnhdtl i ar JÔhionof oroaton odg, T- anon Spencer ht was ina desire ronto, Sister Mrs. RUits ai York 10 "die la hamneau" and le lad District, Sister.Mrs. Short ai No. teat wlsh iulfilled working up ta 55, Ophmwa, Sister Mms. Ina Foi- themlaste te service ai lia lest, ai Re-Edha Lad ge Na. 493 country, lis cammuniiy and man- mmd Ena.- Short and lla inaal liakid. Mm. Cotton was anmlron staff af Na. 55 Oshawa. go iie. owsacai len Tiose officers were instailed few people in tais warld who for thee ean 1941: W.M.-Slater -have scores. af irieads and no Mra, Dmdsan; D.M..-Sister Tom- enemies. Haviag inherlted a fine lUnson; Rec. Sec.-Sister Ada Dad- tradition fron is parents - lis aQa!; F. S.-Sister Fletcher; Treas. fateer was a member of thc Cald- -Sister Burn;Ciap1î* n-Sister %tream Guards-Bol Cotton en- Kemp; D. ai C.-ro. Wllcox; on- hanced and extended teat tradi- ductor - Ero. Fletde Jr.;* laition tenouglout lie varled and Commlttee.2Bno.Olvr 2nd ICon. colonful cancer, -Ena. Dadson Jr.; 3rd Com.-Sis- Il was in Darjeeling, India, Mr. ter Mms, King; 411 Com-Era. Cotton was bora on October 5te Burns; te Com.-Bfo. Marris; In- 1887. The firaiteree years ofai Bide Tyler-Ero. Dadson Jr.; Out- flfe were speatinl India and Egypi aide Tyler-Bro. Marris; Auditors froni wlence le eturned ta Eng- -Ero. Fletcher, Ena. Eymm. land and wlte Ils parents livcd W. M. Mms. Dmdaoa then teank- In tee famiy lame ai Worcester. cd tee officers for thest loyal aup- Iens lie reoelved lis educatian Robert Mand.wu Cotton Port during 1940. Short speeches mmd as a resuli i lof m Everytlimg lie put ile lmd ta t wemdcby the new officers sciolarshlp took a course la clviiiThespasing aofMr. l and visitons. Lumc6 was derved service wank aitee Victoria xI- ~opr mmd a social evening was cnjoyed. titute. altton an January 80th leavesa a Ray thenecssay f ga Inthelit ofcîvic mmd sacial Ravnglaid - uen.aryfa a <P a tee tatiUnie can do Havsir a c ae~ uldation, 1. Caftaon reaUized theIq elet il Havstr o ceae nfulambition so i any Englial ___________ swing, remping îlotr crop. A lange men have, oi securlng a ipbInl number af men are wonking bote London, heari ai theeEpire. Mo management and aperation ai tle ai Vanstone's Milipond and ea i iln Job was la the actuarlal de- nunsery business. Viating a aster Y tac lake rcmaving huge cubes ai paniment ai tee Refuge Assurance 1ddîl ae~trl loe. Thc quality mmd tee size ai Company. I Me$îl ldte Enoenwia er- i tae cubes a upposcd ta le ai cx- ha 1910 hele b ngad msaet, hlm ta go terCuba tert- cellent quliy accordlmg ta ane Canada and setled sai BldgewgtoCuay, retp vetera'n narvoetqm. Ontario, wleme le 8 dedthé (Ooninued on page 7) a L 1, M=UaM edWO AA~LL U J eU11U1 -Spoke Good Englisb. Sameteing ateer unusual lin entenimiameat was presented by the Girls' Service Club Friday evening wlea Pilai Officer Waer- mer, anc ai the yaung tudent pilota ai the Narwegian Air Force in Training mi Taronto, relatcd ta a largo audience tee stary aithee invasion ai Narway. Tic intereat ai tee lecture waa nat anly la the matenlal tels young mmm presented, for many were alneady familiar with thee main fadas, but la tee adde<L la- formatian he gave, l pnosented wita a smncerity,, nalvete anct clan wlilch closely lield has audlencc's attention. 0 i i i c e r Wacrner speaka good Englsi wIih a light accent wich addcd ta lis talk. FramUie ta tino lic *was ai a bass for tee Englsi equl- valent ai a certain teritee aud-ý ience gladly lelpcd hlm oui.. "'Narwmy was only prepmred for, peaco," le aad: "W. laed only five .gaod figîter plames ai the Une and an arniy ai 50,000. Tic Ger.1 man Invasion was a greai shack ta us. hitdcveloped thamiteylad lad troops hldden la theelds ,ai slips outalde île harbours just waiting the, word ta land. Tic firai siga ai anyting iwmong was. ,whea a troap shlp *was iarpedoed ind sunk w tagreat boss af i Ui. Ârour camtal batteries did good ( work foZ a Urne luiteere was noa organlzed eistance,"1 Tic speaker saald îthaone ai the <nemi difficubties confroatlmg thc Britlis was tact lanabîity ta find suitable plane bases la Nom- way. Germmy lmded large nuni- bers ai. parachute troopa bchInd the linos, many ai theeni sguhsed in vanlous ways. Planes whlcî trmnspated 29 troopa caci mmd landed two divisions la tas space .of a few loura were dcb d as <continuei on'page?7) -C Says Lack Of CoordinatinCKDA#CU rs Iehreen Police and Army %heatens Our civil Se«Cuily A*torneY Gènerai Pre- CUSWTHA licte OuLtbreaks of SOTN THA Rolds-Wats to Pre- ài Pare Now Againat Ml BLACKHAK31 hs Eventualltles.HA K 3- ta. nyOntario for civilzcrî against Afier Exoittug Game. ive Passble enem atma was=srs xi- scd by Hon. Grdn D. aat -it tee Attorney General ai tee Pro- Twenty-fve eomaillcBoy viace,jlia talk before tee Men's Scouts, Cuba ad Leaders awthee ic Canadn Club liere -lait rught. Toronto Ma ple Leafa beat Chicago Hon. G. ). consait, K. >P_ Black Hawks, 3 ta 1 at Maple ex. 1fr.nCanant'bg by revlewing Leai Gardena Saturday nuih. ai Oshawa, who la an addresà Z'tc .1onennt made during Scout leader Cliff MaeNalr oai-tee Mens. Canadian Club try thc firat ai teh re by tee Prime thee Satesmnan staff waa busy for nesday eyenlng tl ipè la Minister and Mnter ai Deicace days arranglng tee annual ai- n_ frcoprton aofauress iid about theeextension oai r a r ar ikt a enscrdi edfrcoéaino u ýreffort èu a arTcktlabe ~~ and defeace forces for ge ge . "hsbl very. gratifying," lie tliusiasts lent their civil securitil against enýiMt [chsai. Xb newauld have tixouglit mobiles ta transport tee byst cks a-. a year aga isvapaibeOr the gaine: Lt. Col. Lorne T. Mc- ls navY wiiL~ doubled, thee hird LDtghliEnie Lunna, E.C. dfvision ntvse eas oon, îwenSoutheySdLti r rc U E E a ty-ilve e aqrosj ~Marris. Thesé public spiltedclii- he and 72,000 more mcn a year cal-. zens eniaycd the gamne and thee à a. [n-. cd up for mllitary service.' Can- huge excitemeai af tee baya, mmay praiessional hockey ar thec inside h "Iarn mast cancerned about ai tee Maple La Gardens. UtCivil sècurlty i Ontario. This Thase wlo attended the gaine Plreliminary Meeting at Pi Wy functian ai goverrneat lias been were winners ai a recent cam- Hope Explores the Whq en given ta eadli province ta carry petitian arnangthe variaus graups Qpii nc oui far itself . At tee firat ai Uic ai tee organization and tee boys Xe war thee situation between civil werc iuily repaid for their extra an mib liir owrws ps effort Put farte ta win ten a Tuesday, Fcbruary 18th, at1 e-aile Te. militia- cauld anly be t htate garne. Standard Time, in Orana Tci il requisitioned by anc man - thee te baya laed a sectian ta them- Hall, fanmera fram every. Tai id Attorney. General, Naw the law selves and wite balloans, peanuis slip af Durham Caunty.iix le iasbee aren eacMPawer and sliouts ai excitement, attract- tô elect pravialanal aificera far provincial afficera te enliaitee cd attention widely arnong tee CauatyClamber aif e1ultun ai61the ihtia. 'We Must go regular hackey fn. yfliis5ed Tiy cdduan i a 41 rt1e." n aoilng ai the fast pace of tee lirnlnary Meeting la part ,ope- , Mr. Conian4,,outlined the pro- WDmm d kepi; watdli on braad- Saturday, called by Reeve Prou <rosase ar ai f répariag for amy cahier Poster Hewltt's cupala. ai tee Agicultural Commutie éerentuaHies .6 -vllamdenc When te <mm was over-they Caunties Coundil. SproÉranms. YWhlè.e ;j iaîiing the'iukld Foster for autograplis Rpe ie raie ai an alirh1se pointed oui and héOobliglmgly responded. Sa o.Smea giut ht waa, possible we woud e th tese Scouts and Cuba wîo were Rersnive was appointed grp a~areltet o â jmtbrgqIe'of -~Iln rLecaS ta wnhad prvisiama secretary ad enOrmnua<fîoz=1b lx ara eir teainiwon and they came Councils, mIl exlsting farinerc nautica mrakegit cancelvie that home wlte prlzed auiagrapha-.aa ganizationa, .Women's Assoclatti '~Cgmadâ- mgît be boubêd Thi they won a il aong thee Une. and ministers. ai dhurches ~wl YWould beaà ceanty ýif thee cm was a tired yet happy bumch the Idea ai brinig ita atieauq we4eta etablioh bases theaOfbaya who arrivod home laie ta ai every farmner withli thc cotpnl 44,1pésiaôaidox0. t tee0 transmit their expeérience ta ar At Saturday's Meeting Dr. T ~ 4axtx sab a UlnYJ naadt lm i who. ReYnolds gave an iour'a addr là elmmndc thee uting possible. whlch very ably exploe s aqgilce saom- gnie Invliiicidai ait- hale ques"n. Hel 'e l 'lt, p et gunu0ta ni o~ LOCAL MEEICHANT fanuiiar with famer'organmzatl t ase ofitse obJec .be- IN SIKI ACCIDENT the days ai the aid Grange, a y tivity. Therefore iW is af-iméle wrned thaiteeh prescritF importace thaitee servces of Severe cutsa about tee nase were eratiaxi slould kéep cdean ai Pc] Our fighting forces be mare readi- suffered by Mo BresUin, ski en- tics or h waild' be'doomed;1 ,ly available 'ta combat sud ai- thusaanmd local merdhant. Mr. cxplained'why. tacks. Present civilian organiza- Brealin wloi la oted for lis turns Mr. Summers pravided a liai Y lians leave mudli ta be desircd ocn skis taak an unfartunate spill exis organizations and ledj -1 Teel ocoriaigfc whilc oui skllag an Wednesday discussiton ai plans. A. L. Bakerc Zher jsnô cordnatig frceaternoan and -was rusled ta the Thc Stateaman staff told ai mci- Sbetween Ontaria s various police hospital whcrc le underweat an ing Prealdeni H. Hà. Hannam ren f utors. We diredctnt rallimg peratioptastick lis nase backentlr anid Presented tIc Federi 1 uhri adiettimf r j on lis fae. IHe was attended by tina appraved plan ai argani - eMergency,"1 Mr. Canant , s:9 Drs. Austin and Rundlea nd was tion. s "Thia latee supreme weaknesa M rcleaaed fran the lioapitalThurs- Dr. Reynolds warmily campl L, ur civilian securlty." a mrig.m edTeSiatesman ioùr th s While makcmg no suggestion aiof______f_ ree space and leadership it ha *anythlag as stringeat as martial given in mantes pasitaward th law, tee speaker declared tee situ- Misà Geargina Caverly, bride- mavemiem n d caratd <Contlnued onpfge*7) to-be,*was the guesi ai honor ai wite tee attitude ai theeCity pres ___________________a Party given by a few friends ai whlch largcf lgnared farm, pro -theelame ai Misa Louise Cale. biems unu aamething sensations Thase wla attended tee party develaped, sudh as tee recen are F r r ce Were dreased la antiquated cas- meeting ai London. pa ed T pu ce tumeswite thc modemn duco fn- Since onlY anc press represen Il R ish applied ta thc facial features. tative was Present on Saiurday,1 raoÎol of aCaverly was presented with wa uggeated teat ail paper ~auoà. oaNr ay a number ai canaaif foadatuffa, carry aews ai theemeeting o un itnately theelabels werc ne- 'thc lau Iins. hi Si roj li- ihi his ro. ral eni il on a PRiuzwTSr REPORT Chief S. Venton 0who presented'in his annual re- port statistical evidence ta show à Bo wmanville lias been a norniafy 'lwabiding tawn during 1940. tlAlthough he was called upan ta' answer hunrdeds af calis during the year no crime af a serioui nature accurred. n of Agriculture P0w TakIng Forai LIhsiChanged Subscriptian accaunts wil be mailed next week ta al those whô have nat paid up for 1941. Our lista have been brauglit up ta date as ai Jan- t'uary 23rd, and these show twa things: First, a fine re- sponse from those wha gener- aily pay in advance. Second, a disregard af aur many re- quests frarn many af thase wha have fallen behind. There is ane sure, way. af avaiding *these ye»olw account slips; that la, ta pay up befare Feb. 1Mt. Next revision under Audit Bureau requirements, wiil find cancellatians an ail those who diaregard the noti- fications tsent out. under the cir=tlst.Yur coperatlan is repcfiyrequeste. holà ir. usce ad or- ni- 1- Tue mmd space precludes fulC m lw v x f 'the main ihing la, lecp tee Orana mneeting in imnd; boiter atiff cut .n oui the heading ai tais news item resi PoamEdal- 'mmd pasto it la yaur laita be sure you will be on lmnd ai the atructive Courses - Dimplay faneipratetgatliering oai Handiwork. lamrsi hehsor fDurhiami___ County. Fniday, January 3 laI, brought e tle Hampton Short Courses la dý TRINITY W.M.8S, Home Ecanamics and Agriculture etoa climx at lsing exorcises S February meeting of tee Wom- durlag tac aiternoon cansisting ai em'a Missianary Society ai Trinity a short pragram and aflernoan ehurdli was held an Tuosday ai- tom. 'ternoan, wite Mrs. G. F. Purdy's tgraup la charge. Mna. PurdyMs The prograni apened with -a few S. Davison and Mrs. P. Cakling caitosts, and a discussion an a set oacI made some contribution ta ai slides an Home Beautificatian t te fine devotional service ai tle by Mn. George Ragera, Assistant beglrning of the meeting. Mi Instructor ai the Boys' Classes. Wnmired Bonnet dellghted tease Tic chairman, E. 'A. Sumnmers, p rosent witl lier rendering oi the ding thc course af the proceed- tbeautiful sala "«Whcn I survcy the inga calied upan severa ai te Wandrous Cross." Mrs. P. Cawl- guesta among wham wore W. F. lag gave a very camprehensîve Rickard, M.P., C. G. Mercer, M. eviow ai tle Study an Karea. L.A., Mr. Oeo. Chase, District Dir- Tic business session was la chlarge ector Hydra Electric Commission, oi tle now Presideat, Mrs. M. J. Rev. Mr. Rackham, and Mr. Evor- H-uicîlason. ton White, cauncillor for Darling- tan Township. A hearty landclap by tle stu- MISSION BAND dents was île responso ta a vote TO HOLD PARTY of thanîs ta île United Churcl fo se aio Sunday Sclool moins, the Darlingtan Township Coundilj Alice Jackson Mission Band and Clerk James Hogarth, Mn. met in tee pnîmary clasa raom Gea. Chase, an behali af tac Hy- on Manday. Tic meeting waa op- dra Electric Commission whicl cned wlte quiet music, tien, caîl wired tle hall for an electnic ta worship. "Jesus wanîs me for stove and reinigeratar funnished a Sunbeam" was sung, iallowed for tle girls' class by tle Baw- ly prayer by Miss Pickard. col- manville Public Utilities, and ta jectian was taken. A worship al athers wlo ssisted ta make story was told by Miss Pickard. these Courses possible. Minutes wcre read mmd'île rail A very pleasing- item was thc calcd. Ia tle business session it dress parade in which the girls was declded ta have a St. Pal- wore tac garmenta they lad made rlck's party instead ai a St. Valen- duning the course under tle tutar- tlne's panty. A atudy story was slip ai Miss Phillllp. A solo by read by Miss Pickard. Miss Kathleen Baker, a readng Machine Operators Say "uîity" ' TwentyDollars and Costi Lvaed Wu. _Mesàge! The National Canipaign iç nqw an; the drive ta raise waz money for national preserva. tion. The Darlingtan Cam- niittee wiil start early next week ta canvass ail rate. payersand residents in the Township far pledges by way af War Savings Certificates. Mr. George Annis is chair- man af the Township War Savngs Cormnittee, alsao whom serve without remu- eration, and ini this dire criais, a cordial and patriatic recep- tian and response la request- ed af everyone when canvas- sers cail. We must WIN this war. Ta do s0 we must save, sacrifice and LEND! SECOND MIDLANDS ENJOY SKIING r OVER WEEKENI Over the weekend the 2nd Bal talion Midland Regiment, R.)1 îmet at the Bowmanville ski club his at Burketon for their secani ski meet. The outing in charge a "Dl' Company under Major P. E Jobb, Bawmanvile, was undoubt edly a huge success. In the marr ing the troops trained an ski practising tactical work, and ii the afternaon were given a frei hand ta enjay the hiis sauth o Burketon. Men and aificers under thq command ai Lieut.-Col. A. H~ Baunsall, O. C. af the regiment camne froni Campbeflford, Mill braok, Cobourg, Oiernee, Par Hope and Bowinanvifle. At nomr dinner was served by 'D'» Camp any at the Blackstack ArmaurieE under the direction ai Lieul Leitch Scott, Cpl. Bull James anc Pte. Mo Breslin. ?&s. T. Venning and Mrs. R. Crawfard, bath o Blackstack, graciausly assisted ir, cooking the deiciaus repast. The boys af the Blackstock pla. taon assisted in serving thc pari and beans, hot dags. Die and ice cream, coffee and pepsi-cola be. aides other delicacies ta the hun- gry soldiers. Donatians for the feed were re. ceived frani the foliawlng Baw. manville arganizations: The Baw manville Lions Club, Harry AlUn, Stanley's Cale, Edmondstone's Meat Market, The Carter Family, Ernie Lunn, W. J. Dudley, Aie, McGregor, Caronatian Cale, W. C. Caverly, Cold Springs Bever. Agriuuean. Court Baya Couaoil HEu No Aîuthority to Grant Licennes to Promises. IIh doubt tamany people play tiese aloi machines for amuse- ment," remarked Maglimtate E. A. Goa wien sevea local mexi ap- eared befome lia Tuesdmy marri- ngchamged wlt4 keeing a cani- mon gamlng house. "Thc public >baya tese ta see if teey can. beat %hem. Tic icaptaion ta <gamble is partculamly sinon g wlte the youngen ladsanmd h have lad euaes where teey stale nickela ta f1j thzn.Most ai us can'itai- 0 IL Als te court las icld that no municipal council las #uteoiy ta licenso preiaca. The qùestion slould le settled once and ion l. Tic 1mw should eltlier permit li kinds of machines or none.'I Whilc mdvoctlng lealencyini sentence Crown Attorney Harry Deyman added teat tle machines were lard ta beat aine. te evi- dence af tac aficer wlo played taon slowed le only gai retumas la iwo cases mter about 28 tries. "Twenty dollars mmd cas," la- posed thc lenci. Thc accused mil plcadcd guli, offened noa defema., aaked noa questions mmd none showcd a ne-1 luttancé ta pay the flues. "Tiere are no outlaws among 'ITicy are ail good citizew. îWs tac machines that have bcen cmausin.g tee trouble." tc c c m -.0, NoMajor Crime Here am 1940 -Louses By Fire Are Kcept Leow U.S. Rents Cut Couacil Hears MIDLANDS ARRIVE Glen L. Martyn Appoint- AT CAPITAL CITY -counic<o 0G uIntn C~ Geta Leave of Ab- HAVE CLOSE CL sence - Will Undergo Operation. BHailed as "Oart 1roopu- Thc Urne: Monday 8.25 p.m. Arrive in Ottawa Bafe and Thc place: Town Coundil Cham.- and Sound. bers. Thc communicatian before te Trop of tic Midland Regiment member: a reply frorn tic Board aopedsalain tofEducatian re turning ouitee arrvedsafly a Ot"a alaie Uight la iront ai teHigli Sdîool Thursday aiternoon. Thi la durlg cnersrecammendimg replace t t nmantDuadasmmd aiU asheîd bputraumd the Glenga Higilaondaat Lana- light. d ne xPk, thc Scatties having " aiisy'a ata"rs maved ta aacw ares. " ol aýn ota"rs Thc boys in tic regimeat hile îponded Mayor James wlte con- realized haw lucky tley werc in sîderable 'iar Let ten puil ,s arriving safely. As Uic traap trin dawn te fxdo utis idWas pulling lata tac Union Sta- ihirk teaiayone turning ouite oftin ai Ottawa a break ccurred light hould b. prosecuted.", af ini îe truck assembly oi thee iird "hit mgt e btter ta grease tcoach frani the end. It resulted the polo" auùggesed W. J. Martyn. fram wlat la known la railroad Having surnmarily dealt whth 1-jargon as a "hat box." tn egiymte ie m Thc journal droppcd ta thechelique ai $958.20 rent revenue nground and jabbed into thc snow froinithe McGiII Building was !e and earth causing the coach ta rccelved. Drn cae m ifsludder and bal. Had tle break Noveiber 31 offices were vacant. eoccurred a short time before In December five werercmted. l L a far rate ai apeed île coachi tee total number ai offices late t, wauld lave been pitched off tee building?" 1-fracks dragging allers witei. 1Hi Worship: (mter a confer. 't Hawever the train was barely ence with tee clerk) "«I can'i aay nl maving and a tralrnan. scnsing off land." -wlat was wrang, pulled te 5emcrgency card halting the train. Library Asies Increaaed Grant Brassanmd bugle banda lighten- Qabelali of tee Public Llbrary d cd thc thee mile marci frain thc Board Rev. S. Davison addressed 9 station ta Lansdowne park wlere council rnaking a plea teat te If tic mcn arc billeted. The Ottawa grant be incrcased tels year by i Journal reportsa "members çf the $150 ta enable teem ta continue unit looked a littie sad. Armny re- tee experiment inltlated by te -gulations forcod tIcin ta bave Lions Club ai glvimg free privi- k behind a number of regimental leges to juveniles for trê-_ e mects-a sleliaad pony, a goat mantia. 1He pointed ouiteai tle anmd a Great Dame."1 grant lad nat aaiy been greatly -Living accommodations aitee rcduced in recent y cars but ît Park are coasidered ta be the campared uniavorably with teat betfrmilitary use. Each aman gven inoteer tawns a qa -maîtresses plus pleaty ai blanketa. Reeve ECdmnaone Im The meals arc on a par wite ethee rquei o eierr 1 taîe 's lest institutional meais servcd in finance comniutîce for conaldera. 1tee county. Abave ail, froni tee tion wite theateer grant.", Car. x reporta that have been circulating rled. arauad twx, the men are more Toinuaceaetsir Liablliy and Property Inauramoe. 1w1a wled ta Misasina LE. iconmoiisCour ea as at year. A praPosal froi' tee represexi- llàmptoin tative ai tac Casmopolitan lI-. enths ataurance Service for plmclng com- ROTARY SPEAKER ercd along with tee estimates. The Canadian National Instituts for tac Blind requcsted -permis- sion ta hld ita annuel tag day. Counties Clerk e Snt Daci Accouat "Thc statute on tuis nimier reads quite plinly ta me," said .... ....tee Mayor cornmenting on tie rotuma ai an accouitfrom, Clerk OfaiCounties Cauncil for hl tee .~*,, .:. <ontnu.d on page 6) * Two Forms Present À Fine Literary Show An cxceptlonally fine prograni was îointlY Prescntcd by Com- mercial and IEB Forais Wodmcs- day aiternaan in the 11<1 chool auditorium. Witeh -arald "Fate"' Casbaurn la tee rale ai Master ai Principal A. E. O'Neill ' Ceremionlos, proceedings aimtcd af Oshawa Coilegiate Institute wite tee Commercial forisang who tald members af île Rotary ta the tune ai "Tic Ferry Boat Club that no matter wlat tle re- Seronado.". suli ai thc war .England wi]i. Uve "What Are You Sdiling?" was farever la the treasures afi ts île name ai a akit portrayed by literature. Marian Macdonald and Ruthi Hut- chinsan, siowlng low the modern hausewifc doesa'i givo tee maie by Mrs. C. Warren, and chorusos a chanet e odi de by groupaaigirls mmd baya con- w, mmccota eandlacig clud ed tu a p art ai t ac p r agra n. " S o t A n r ca d n i g was brought in ly Helen Tigie, Miss Jean Scott wha was ia Frances Rawe, Louise Wilson ad charge ai tic Girls' Clan iaao Margaret Mactdonaid' doing La- aven thc servlag ai a dainty lunch Cucaracia. Violet Barrettmmd in whicl she was assistcd by a Ruth Hutchinsan aitete plana loy- number ai thc giris wlth Miss board played 4-Two Gultars.", Phillip and Mrs. E. A. Summera "Thc Purpie Bcdroom", the pourmng tom.manIeontesowsapa Thc singing bi Auld Lang mneaianIton e sTiccntai ar-a wi -.l9.ilg ad inean aiersw __vey odmmdnu - 1 c c e e v e v ri 4 4 Wfth Widéh'Aré- lincornarated Tho- Rnwmjanvg 1 llw le, !jeneral meeting an March loth, ea time and place ta be agreed -gan, which will be addressed by

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