1941 I TWO THE CANADIA IAN, THURSDAYI fl~f Eal la he 1854 j AN IND1EDN ESAE Wltb whlch are lacorperated The BDwmanvlle News, The Newcastle Indepewfent, and The. OronasNews. 85 years continuons service te the Town ef Dowmnvifle and Durham Conty. ~ Member ef the Audit Bureau 0foreul$onh SUESCRIPTON RATES $2.00 a Tsar, utrlctly in adance. $250 a VearIna the United States. GRO. W. JAMES, Editor. THURSDAY, -FEBRUARY 6, 1941 A Tribute te R. M. Cotton One of the strong pillars supporting the life of the cornmunity bias been taken away' in the passing of Bob Cotton. Hle was truly a gMat servant ini its best and Christian sense. Hia fine spirit had a passion for ser- vice that undoubtcdly sapped' bis none too robust physical pawers. Âlways ready to assist every organisation that called upon hlm -for aid, lie neyer sought thé limeight but gave painstaking care ta, working out every detail that meant the succesa of each umdertaking. Men such as he are the essence of demo- craey. -W. must develop f ar more of bis type if aur way of lite is ta survive, In the meantim.e Ibis conununity mourns the.ios af one of its most devoted and unselfish citizens. Unlted Strength Needed Sayi Raiston Sumring Up impressions of bis recent visit to England, Hon. J. L. Ruiston, Minis- ter of National Defence, told a Dominion- wide radio audience on Sunday night that the days and weeks ahead cail for the mast united strengîli and linfaltering e n e r g y which Canadians cau master. He said the reason the figlt or freedom will be won wMIllbe only because Canada, as weil as Bni- tain and ail those associated with ber wrnl stop at nothing which cenueffectively be donq to ensure the overtbrow which threat- ens the world. Beware National Reaction There is grave danger ahead. The belief gains ground daily that the ilun will soon launeh an attack upon Britai, which for sheer frightfulnesa wiil overmatcli anything ever previously attempted. Prediction is that poison gas will be used as prelude to atternpted, invasion. Strategy is ta shatter m&orale and force a dictated peace ere help can- arrive from Àmerica fully to withstand the shock. Only tumeecau reveal the. plans of Europe 's madman. If this attack does came in the manner predicted-then what must be the reactian in, Canada? Looking around us day by day we musI admit that we have nal yet came ta the consciousness of what total warfare means. There is littie change in daily routine; there are no apparent sacrifices; there is stili a placid delacliment, a self-indulgence, an unawarenesn ibtat reflects the absence af in- spired leadersbip. Few will deny these Irullis. Where then lies the danger 10 Canada sbould this sudden frigbJfulness descend » npan Brilaint Our belief is that there is danger of such £a udden revulsian ini publie opinion that il mnay dlestray confidence in aur present sys- -tom. of koverAment and lead ta introduction of dangerous Ialk tending toward danger- oua experiments W'bich wil be even worse ±han the mont inefficient farm af democracy. Il is time for 1he. press, generally,. and politicians paticularly ta gel away from contraversy and begin a campýign Ihat wil hald and steady public opinion when the cris is cames. Federation of Agriculture. Repart of Salurday 's meeting ai fermera aI Fort Hope appears in Ibis issue. Discus- 'ion of a Federalian witbin tbe Counly, sud plans ai organization -have for monîlis pust, &ppeared in tiese calumna. Tien 100, ini al nieelings af farmens wiene Dr. J. B. Rey- ý.,Aoldo bas been present, lie bas discussed the pter at great length and witb greal clanily ,4Uolwing upon ail tuis came lie impact tawhieh forc.d lbe Landau confer- fron liaI meeting bas stemmed tdrive toward intensive organiza- er Canada. Iand Counties' Councils bave the mavemeut and shor1y we D urbam fedenation, dircctly thie central Federation wbich Onadian fanners iran coul tao ,.dJ No., lb. Canadian Fedeaion ÇMainet at Ottawa sud farin 'plsoed nquarely before aur 1 4aterg in a way liaI presages À ÏeomAgiulture. iuut~air Sa ful-ine staff and Qtow here ianm prablene can 'preoeixted ta govcmneu t e.olycfetive way la 10e pno#e~P itis alônisbing. y o corse, but if ahi e pmbers, lie cost ~ob ~ asseasment of 'brWl i s as ru..as Gardiner Says This- 'A Canadian Press dIspatcb, anuary 26tJI quotes Hon. J. G. Gardiner, part-timo Mid-! iter af Agriculture: «An iinprovexnenî in the agrîcultural situation cannaI b. expecced until the war us balf over or until victory is in sigb." On January 27th, a staff writer on the Globe & Mail quotes Mr. Gardiner: "Farm prices should b.. higiien al along the line. Plans now being worked out should result in satisiactory farm prices for the war years." Sanie of aur fanmer readers bwvc enquir- ed whaî al Ibis means. Sa we shaîl do aur best ta explain in the liglit of recent evcn'tn: Il will b. recalled liaI hast sum.mer Premier King pnomised 10 relieve Mn. Gardiner from the fuil-tume portfolio af Agriculture wben lie gave bum the full lime portfolio af Nat- ional Wan Services. Mn. King did ual keep bis promise. The, agriculture portfolio was neglected. Thon camne the embroglioata London where 2000 farirs gave Minister Gardiner a bot reception. Next came Mn. Hepburn 's blast ov'er butter and the bonus. On top of ail Ibis Mr. Gardiner hastened weslta meet a funther barrage. Sa amidst ail these dis- tractions lhe neleulleas press extracted Ibese contradictory gftatements from Mr. Gar- diner. kn tics. circumstances, therefore, il can readily be understood how even the most astute ai politicians, mare conceriied with polities Iban war, should b. jockeyed int these stutteriug generalilies. Evidence thus accumulates that the need exists for im- mediate appoinîment o! a mi-lime farmers' Minister ai Agriculture. Order Seed Early The lime is ber.. ta begin thinking about gctting a supply ai seeds and sced grain for lb. 1941 crop. "This caution may well be consideredby farmers and townspeaplc alike. There is prospect tilit Ibere will be considerable ne- duction in crop acreage Ibis year and the country is flooded witb nusty grain, due ta threshing conditions hast fall. .Hence, il will be necessary la lest for germination ta b.. sure of a fair crop grown upon iimited areage-for feed wiil be need- cd. Tben there is a labon sbortage which means there wil be 11111e Urne ta praduce the average ai vegetablen and garden truck. For Ibis reason, townspeople would be welf advised to plant every foot of back-yard s pace ta assure supplies af vegetables for tbcniselves. The prospect, locally, is Ibat scarcity af production will sce prices'advance sbarply if tb. town-depends Ibis year upon supplies fnom the country. Bvèryone should reinem- ber liaI the war ie stili on and Ibat every- one sbould work at sometbing every even- ing., SThere is no more healtbfu nor usefl oc- cupation than ta gel out evenings, with boe and rake, in tbhe garden-and equirt leus gasoline along the bigbwrays. We recam- moud Ibis editonial ta seed dealers in 1h. district as well. Twelve M oves In the midst ai war lb.. political build-up goon an in Ontario, week by week. It ranges £rom the general la lb. particular, witi the. farm vote as the main particular. Let us survey the scene, that we niay bel- ter assess tb. allegalion Ibal -a provincial election is in lb. oiiing. nere are 12 items 10 ponder: 1. Tii. provincial bye-election aI Ottawa. 2. Tii. provincial Liberal Association neets. 3. Came a blasl at premier King. 4. The butter-peg and cheese bonus. 5. Organize!1 Farmers, we will belp you 1 6. The London conference and Mn. Dewan. 7. Coniirmed ebeese bonus; le rise inmilk pnice. 8. No cul in Municipal gants-yet. 9. Monetary reforru; blasî aI Oltawa. 10. U.F.0. appeascd. Mr. Oliver ta Cabinet. 11. Gel on witb the wan. Ontario will ca- operate. 12. Pull page "ad" in ail Ontario papers. This is an intposing array. The press and public expect furîber enlertaimnent ai Ibis kind.*Il makes headlines, is exciling and amusing and lesIds la cross-roads specula- lions an la when lb. ciection will take place. Ticre bave been ambiguous denials that an eleclion is in prospect, sonielbing ai the nature ai Coolidgc 's "I do nat chaos. to run."-But unless sudden and viciaus an- siauglit breaks over Bitain'ta shake and sober us ber. in Canada, wc may as well get ready ta acconinodale ourselven ta tic logical outam.e ofal Iis Huey Long stufi. Observations and Opinions. Looking tirougfi files ai The. Stalesman fan a year ôr Sa back il is amazing la note lie number oi iigiway accidents and fatal- itieg in Ibis vicinity during lhe summer. Msuy af lien occurred aI Preetanval., Stanley 's Bridge and Kurv Inn. Dcspile bad driving conditions na serions accident-, bave been recanded 50 far Ibis winlcn. Al Ibis seema la, show thal accidents are nainly duc la ieavy lrafic ecombined witb specd. Kurv Inn bas been somewiat impnavcd since thén, Stanlcy 's Bridge now bas a warning igit wich uiadaubtedly prevents iany ac- cidents, but uQ precautians have been taken- at Prestonvale HMn uspile af the fmd that Oshawa Cauneil and a Bowmanviile Cor- oner 's jury recomnended lie nemoval ai the dangeraus curb fran lb. Higbway tee.. W. write Ibes. few sentences now iapinç il may somewbal ligliten lie tank of neorting accidents when suim.er again cames around. r 'j '>4 "Aw-come an-just le ot u leaddhem dawfi the where 'me' girl friend lives!"l neut blck-that's1 .1 la thedDiauaatPast IatheD ia«m puI IL FIFET YBTARS AGO -. TWENTY-FI V AIS AGO from The Canadian Statesugâ, Prom The Canadian Statesmail, Pebruary 11, 1891 Pebruar7 10, 1916 A gentleman wha desires that From Dan Douglas iu France: bis namne nol b. made public, has Christmas parcels continue ta pnesented ta tue, High Sehool came In. Sone tue worse for wear Board $300. ta b. used in any way but ail veny welcome. I've just it secs fit. Donations amaunt no seen Pte. Oscar W. Pingle ai, .tue ta $1500.. Canadisu Mounted Rifles. The new sot ai. chines obtaincd Mr. W. M. Honeey aur actogen- la England have been hung,,mi arian, but active police magis- the. taweofaiSt. Johns Cu-rchtrate, hefls us that two'of aI s sud now pa ot euiu nephews are aI the front, Rev. melodies.. Bort Saund on Harold Harsey, Ottawa sud Serg. of Mn. N. Saunders now insParley Harsoy. Kingston. thon each day ah 12 alclock 1100n J anuary Session of Counties sud the music la really -h ln.Cauncil will ho remcmbered for Rev. Dr. MacNab dsrvsgreat thelcnghh of time required ta prals for obhal.n sucha valu- eheet a warden. It took au evenlng able set of chines. > session sud tue best p art ai the To the editon: Belag la your foilowing morning ho fore George tawn Manday I was surpblsedanod Greer, ai Cobourg reei'ved tic hanniffed et hearlng -yankoee requfrcd 19 votes ta b. elected. Doodlo played an tuese beautjifu $60000 will h coutributed ta the chines In St. John's Churah. Patniotic Fund. 8urely tue veuerable nectar 0IW Po ete rr n hn t knawmgly sHowp.Fletcher of, Blackpool. nlad cilaoyal(Slned>Royaty. ta the editar: My Dear Cousin: China Weddlng: Febuary. 2nd, Do yau know we have liada Friends af Mr. sud Mn. Isaace vieil from Dan Douglas?. . . Sev- Tabbs surpnised them ou theo c- oral alnships have passed ovon thie casion ai their 201h wedding an.pac. t l a fne thing ta se.... nivorsary. lckoo is busy wfth the troopa again, we have tweuty thousand Alterations are being made intrfnn here and marc coming the pulpit. at St. Paulea Chur w is av wohu th ti bm h hab. oxtended to shortiy. W lohv w hu make oan fr tu choi bcb aend convalescents.- Lait week mak roinforthechir ehid wa submarines were nat far the. minster, tram us. We have hocu havlug Fil t Yeaxs Marricd: A hait very rough wcatuer, nifneweop- century ega ou tue 301hoa Jan- ors are trawllng for mines tuat uary one af, Guehph's best citizens may have broken loase. Evcny- Robert Martin took unta hiseif thhng Cnadisu intenests us uow. a wiffe, Elizabeth Kennedy andi they have dwelt la the town smnce Towui Council: Town officiais that timo. The. annivensaLry wa appolated. . . Waterworks ta b. suitably celobrated at' the Wei- run by a commission. . . "Belat-? ligtan H9tel ed accounts' passscd. Fonce vlew- Birt: Senin-Nar aydners appointod wero Harry AlUn, on tho 3rd imat., the wîte aofBxno n Aphr.nh Rd. Shemon, a daugiter. Mn. OnFobruary 2nd, 40 MHgh School studeuts. and heachers as- Died: Cown-In Clarke, On1 sembled et tho homeofaiMr. sud Jauuaxy .30tu, Alexander Cowan, Mà. W. E. Joweil as a surprise age 30 years sud 10 manths. ta clobrate tue blrthday af tueir Died: Hiins - At 1h resi- daughter Ruby. Thoy presonhod dence af C. AI. Cawker, Bowmsun- Ruby wltu a Pearl pin. ville, on February 3rd, Sarai EnnfilhoMn: od ncie H1 gnluhn61hye. ftozmPte. Miltan Sanderson says Died: Creoper - In Bawnan. they'ro wonklag hlmn hard ah ville, on February 3rd, Florence, ilngntau - nlght and day classes., infant daughter af Herbort ad .. . Bd Thampsan la la Toronta Minnai Creoper, ege 10 weoks sud attendlng tue funenal ai his brotu- 5 dayn. er-la-iaw. . . Miss Grace Slenon Chiof Jarvis gives tue foloiog preslded aven tue Loague service. repanVaof cases tried during 189o:,Te tpi was taken by Mrs. N. SIealing Fawls, 3; Larceny, 2; As- D). Rpath; te War talk by Pte. seul, 7; SeUlng Liquor, 2; Via-. Her "rt McLauMin. . . Mns. Rer- hation ai Crooka Act, 3; Drunk, 13; , Bl rown ccebrated ber 86th Druuk sud Disardoniy,, 13; Dis- blrthday Saturday sud la knitting obeymng Board ai Health, 2; Drunk bier 501h pair ai socks fan the andcinlacharge oai bans, 3; Dis- soldions. anderhy Condct 4; Using Obseené Ehopozor: Rev. R. A. Delve sud Lngg, 2; Vagarsuts, 4; R. EeOsbarne altended tho fun- Breach ai Lottery Act, 1; Animais oral ai, Mr. Anson Tayhor ah Running at Large 5; Non-Pay- Blackshack, 'Manday. . .. Pte. ment af Wages, 1; Keoping vic- Piokeil, Montreal'was hors Sun- iaus Dag, 1. Forty-five convictions dey but beaves soon fan thc front. were negitered. Hampton: Mr. A. B. Cryder- Tynane: Pe ter Werry's hanses nifo'e famlly sud Masters Wah- are necovering fram what la con- lace and Ernest Porn have had siderod by campetent judges ta be the meases. tue mont malignaut caseofa dis., Zion: Ladies' Aid wa heid aI temper evor ..... . A large sur-' the homeofaiMxi. James Carueron. Prise Party fron towii w5ah atAl were saddeued by tue acci-, Chas. Nobles. .. Mn. R. Cawker dent w*Nh happened thal samo la spendlng a fow days here pniano mnln tahoir treasurer Mrs. ta leavlngfor B.C. JiKnlht. RHer many frlends will Enfield: Mn. sud Mrs. John Har- be glad ta know tuat she sud hon ris wene nuxprised ta sce 55 twa 49ughters are ipravlng In frieuds 'cme ta bld thon sud Oshawa Hospital. Mn. Knlght was Mn. sud Mri. Raines iareweil burled an Satuxday. before tuey noved frain the. community. Alex MeCullaugiH ONOR ROLL was ciairman. Kendal: WhaI we would like ta AWARDS FOR see-Our citizens pay. more at- WAR SAI NCS tenti on ha shovelllng enow; young mon discontinue haatin# sud yell- Lias are beiug prepared, quar- fn n te 9treets at might; much tonly, ai business f lmms in Ontario god resuit fraln tue lato revival whlch show their standing lan e- iQvces;mny more thi le Igtlon ta; Wsn Savlngs participa- coucil R.T. ai T.; ti Libemal lion through pay-roll deductions. candidate la West Durham elect- Honounraiol awards are given, ed by an aven ehsig majorihy. od ivradbozi re ...A lady uIn.a= vmlo s g bere od ivrsdbozl re pocket book anc day hast week, oi menit ion his drive howard whlch.was pleked up by a citizen vitoriy. who adxoltly deuled having iaund The istent liatifssued embraces 1. Il was nated tuaI i. began la thc ±naority ai cities and towns epend money freely sud after aof Ontarioansd cantains lie names some work on the part aio an aif 253 campanies that have won amateur deteclive tue p urne was awai'di. rocovered. It contalned upwards, Bowmanville, s0 ian, ha. ual ai1$50. appeared upon thi.Ras. Il What Othors Say~ attend these important nWetlag5 at which first band information ean be gained. Our members who htave t>een ln charge the. past iew ycars have donc their best but at masht tues1 spend 100 niuch tUnie an the smal- 1er mattons, 0yerlaokjng the more Important questions. In lime. a staidail interested will be pleased ta have a labor union ta assist the worklng man. mhe McGiII Estate has eaiiied aur tawn treastlry a lot af nianeY, but ta date I have yet ta sce a prapen accountiflg of this affai' and taxpayers have very littie knowledge la respect ta Ibis piece ai praperty. Our pavcd sidewalks alsa necd same attention. Alsa aur towfl hall could stand cleaning Up on the inside. If caretaken is under- paid why nat raise his salarY ta' a suitable amount. and tien, no Dear Sir: Being a large raeyYer n l Bow- manville your artlc es la States- mïh are of great Intenest ta me. Certainly pleased ta learn that ah least ane other taxpayen hasn fot given uP hoPes af aur tawn being lmpraved. In tii.' tirst place our, town managersý and ratepayers do nat cooperate in many ways. One.ugestion would b. ta hav ftable IIumber of rate- ceuncil wtth the idea aoftrylng ta help our members 'la heir taska. The. Chamber af Commerce cauld be of great assistance with ather ratepayers, la giving af their tiras ta suchi an idea. Very few ever Planne8dAdveitising BRINGS RESULTS Newapapermen are often asked as to what percentage ~ sales a local merchant should devote to advertising. Studies made by experts give the pecentage of grosa sales as follows:. Departnent Stane -2.3 % Grocery -Stares -_--1.0_ Meat Markets - 1.0 % Drug Stores 10 Hardware Stane - actual oxpeudi- turcs -.1.001o -roamended___ Mens Wear Stores 33 General Merchandise ---.5% Shos Stores --- - -.2.9% Chesulag and Dyeing -.% Jewelery. Stores -----.-3.1 % Elecînical Shops-.---.8% Furnitune Stores ---56 Fhaists Musie Stores % Restaurants -------31 Tire sud Aulomohive -1.5% A close study of these figures may prove a bit of a xievela- tion. Yet you do not need to, leave' the main street to see that the stores that are spending approximately these percentages in ad-' vertiing are, with few exceptions, the stx»,s which are doing the business and which are operating at a profite 'Odd, is it not? But may we recommend. most sincerely, if you are con- templating a change in your advertising p'olicy, that you plan your advertiing expenditries six months to a year in advance. consiier ýmost carefully what you wvIsîh to accomplish by your advertising. Select the advertising media which seemn most smited te gaînîng that objective. Decide hoW much you should spend te achieve this end -and thenhapportion that expenditue tO rover the complete p'eriod of the campaign. For that, to ouxi positive knowledge gained through hard experience, is the manner in which advertising resuits are best obtained. Yours, to ume, ~be ikun ttirn This Newspaper is a mtember of the Audit Bureau of Çircula.tionse ... A copy of our latet circulation state- mont wiIl b. furnished gladly upon request. MORE PROM DURHAM (The Financlal Poat) If we are flot careful, thus column wi become officiai boos- ter for Durham Cpunty.'Havlng na sooner flnlshed the story af Durham Countysi achievements la telite'insurance * field <M. F. Chrsti prsidntGreat West Lite; A. N. Mitchell, president, Canada Lite), we nouW learn that Newton, J. Landerý, managlng director oathie Continental Lf Ca. and president of the Canadian Lif e Insurance OffIcérs Associa- ln lanothen Duîhani County pracuct. Haw many more are there? Or, let's put it another way; what other county cgn boasaI as much quallty and quantity la the M1e insurance field?, January 15. 1941. excuse could be of&ere4 for the hall being in such.i a dlttY cOn<li. our tire hall coftaltte should have englae lSpeùt= daiIy ta prevexit' seriouis amch as occurcd durlng ths wihter. A weil wnlttefl article appeareci In The. Statesmai lIately, teUing the gaod qualities aif Our t0wn. Every statemnelt was correct, e- peciallY the explanatian aboutthe peaceful, law-abiding community we Uv. i. Our noad ansd streeha are well and carefufly taken cure of. Some street ,stoP" signa are down, but saine are beiNt repalred. A stop sign shauld be placed at Ontario and Qucen Street corfter. if, yau sce fit ta draw attento ta any af thèse tactsthrough useful papen, do sq, othmArw1e will nat feel verY MUChI hurt. 1%!kpayer. m 1 Ê Two TEE CANADM KAN,: * 1 à4ý , , ý,ý ý 1 Western Canada Special. Barga in Excursions FROM ALL STATIONS IN EASTrERN CANADA Golng DaIUy F.b. 15 - Mur. 19 1941,Ynlusl~ Return Llimit - 4.5 Dasys TICKETS 0001) IN- -ePrne Coaches at Fores APIroxblDny 1-S1eale Tourit Sleeping cars at Fares APr3elmately 13180 per mile. Standard Sleeping Cams at Farea APPrexlItol7 1 #-0 Per mile. COST 0F ACCOMMODATION N SLEEPING CA"S ADDITIONAL. BAGOAGE CECKED - Stopevers'at a&l Peints$ge0bg.aMd returnlnt. SIMILAE EXCURSIONS PROM WESTERN TO ZASIZXN CANADA DURING SAXE PEEOD. Tickets, Sleeping Car. Reservatiofl anad &ailnormationfrû any agent., AsK FORa HANDE .ýT-16 CANADIAN NATIONAL-