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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1941, p. 3

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IU »EADNWRTFOR YOU Br loba C. Kfrkwooi This week I wamt ta speakofa ruther furnius. book - a boal :first publiahed 45 years -uago. Ycl it la a book which, 1 icel certain, is known ta iew ai mny reuders, Its title la "Thc Bcd Badge of Courage; its author, Stephen Or4ne, an Amcilcam. Tic book la about n youth wbo waa hi the -Americun Civil War, onùtUx or, lhern aide. It tels oi bis ceward- ice and oaitUicocnquest ai this Icowardice. In explanation ai the jkmeaning ofiheUictle: Uiche r l badge ai courage ta wounds. Ir s you have iyaunds, then you have un autlentlc badge ai courage - 'Provided, af course, that yaur waunda lhavc been recelved lion- ,erably. This youth, whosc story 18 tcld in Uic bock, recelved buli Hit HEAD COLO Missr-y Faut! .1fyu aremsfferIngwitb discmiata ai a hedcld, enJoy therdsef a comae when you use Va-tro-mol. 3-purpase Va-tra-sel la no effective be- case it <lacs three Important things- (1) ahrinka swaflen mernbianeo-.(2) Scoies IrrItatlon-<3) helpa flush ou thc nasal pasaes,clangcoIn :nucus. No womder Va-Ira-ml a Amer- Ica'a Most wdely dmsimedicinel If use nttme, Va-Ira-mo eaiVI c ~ w t AS r10 a one wound, and nat an honorable A anc. He wus a fugitive frorn the et scene of battle, and was struck on nthe head with the gun ot another M. fugitive. Others thought that ti 01 wound *asthe result ai a bullet 3n fired by the enemy. Inised, the is yauth hMmdcli told this story, and ie 198 lic was nevèr chailenged or r, dlscovered. Ini the end, however, 1. he showved a remarkable valour, *s and s0 washed out the stain ai Le bis lie. ,d This book descriptive of, a sol- If dicr's cowardicc and of bis re- re cavery ai courage bas been given - ta many soldiers wbo bad neyer Lr been I battle - this wlIth the i- idea of fartlfying them for their y 'first experlence. in bloady war- Lfare. I propose ta, make extracta * fram the stary, without commnent. J CÉ For days the youth made cease- less calculations. He tinally con- clud&1 that thc anly way ta prove himself was ta go into thc blaze, and then figuratively ta watch1 Ma~ legs ta discover their rnerits1 and taulta. Ie must have blaze, blond and ýdangcr. Sa be fretted for an appartunlty.t The youth bad been taught thatt a man became anather thing in1 a battie. Hie saw his salvation i- such a change. He feit an ecstasys of satisfaction. He feit that he É was a. fine feflow. Upon bis ici- 1 lows he beamed tenderness and c goodwiil. He helped a cursinga camrade ta bind up a waund afi1 the shin. But Uic iiing began lb somewhere an the regimental, lime.1 Into thc youth's cyes there came a a look that anc can sec iii the arbs f ai a jaded horse. He threw dawn a his gun and fled. On bis face wasa -the horrar ai thase thlngs vwhich tJ he had irnagined. A duil, anlma1«ý p TE~ CANADrA.* ~ f - INSULATE YOUR HOME! THE MODERN WAY WITH ~ AI1RSEA L The New'Fibre-Rock WooI neefteI Il savis pays the eut Airseal can be quickly and easily appled by any~ inteligent workman. It Is available' in three formns: Ln buik for use on flat ceilings or packing into odd lcaks. Ini bats for between ratters or sloping celings. Ini granulsted wool tor pourlng. làiacsuible wafls. Aimsai rMay be istl4 wth0ut tuasor bother " iyour present home or'Ifiè 1*'ei' strucUion. Sa easy is Airseal hi bandie you can do thc Job yourself if you se desire. Make sure that your bomne is isulated with Airseal rock waol libre. Ask for an estimnate on thc cost and quantity requtired rlght away. Airseal la Ro;t Proof - Verinn Pi'oot Fire Proof and EasiIy Applled She dppard&Gili tomber Co. Ltd. Phonue 715 Bowmanvln Lie et-relc- s ly H DR v el hia saul upon that other ilag. peoasesalon wauld be high Ré.li plungcd like a mnad le at it. Mai owm emblcrn, verIng. and ailare, was wlmgimg rard the ather. Thc rival iur-bearer was flgbting a last iggle,.*Over bis face waUic ceh ai death, but setupnt ;i tedark and bard lies aif pcrute proWIhthis ter- à grlii ofremolutionho hug- like rebellion aguinst Ms feUl war hin Uic abstract, and fate ai within hlm. He diflot dcci necessary that be shauld bec leverish over the passibilities Uic ehsuiftg tVrenty-four tli Hie cauld leave much ta char lie was now a man ai cxperler lie remnembercd bow sane -ai men had run irom Uic but Thcy were weak mortals. As hinrseli, be had ficd with dise tion and dlgnity. in Uic regiment was a pecul kMmd ai hesitation denoted in1 atttitudce is Uichemen. Thcy wq worn, exhuusted, baving slcpt1 littie and labored mucli. Th roiled their eyes toWard Uic vancig battie. Sorne shrank a tllmcbed. The youth began ta fia with rage and exasperatian, a scawlcd with hate at Uic. swirli smoke thalb was approuchingl a pantom flood. Yesterday liact fought and fiat rapidly. wus uprtant that le shou have ime for plysicul recupez tion, and lie wishcd ta rest. Thc winds ai battie lad swà ail about Uic regiment. The flam bit hlm, and the bot smakc bro cd bis; 1kmn. Once be, in- bisi tent bute, was ulmost nione, ai was firing whcn ail those ne ,himn lad ceased. Hie returned lis camradcs and tbrcw himse upon Uic groumd. Thc ileutena was crowing, and caflled out the youtl, 'By beavens, if I hi ten Uiousand wlld cats like yo Icould tear the stamacl auta th war in lest than a wcck." Pr, sently the reginient seemed draw itselt up and hcave a deE brcath. The yautl was unawai of the maclincry ai orders th. startcd the charge. The youth re like a madman ta reacli the woc ciaore a bullet could discover hir WiUiin him was born a fouimes a detpairing fandmess, for th fiug whidb was near ÎIm. It wi i creutian ai beuuty and invulni ability. It was a gocicess, radian that bendcd its form witb an li pcriaus gesture ta him. In the ma scramble lie wus awarc that th colour-sergeant ilinched sudder ly. He faltercd, and theni becur natiaubas. He made a spring an c lutch ut the paie. The colaui ergeant was dead, and the corps wauld mot; rclinquish its trust. Thc regiment feUl back ta th tolid trces. Presentiy it resumie ts march again. Thc yauth wer along with sllpping, uncertai cet. Rie kept the flag erect.- T! wàay secmed eternul. In the cloud ad haze men becumne pamic-stric ken. Men rafi hither and thithei 3eeking with their eyes wuyso ?capa. Thc youth waiked stolidI rInotae Uic dst ai Uic- mob, ai rith, hisfl4gihis bands, heun rnhsciousiy ussumed'the attitud, )f Uic éolour-bearer ini Uic figbt o rie prcceding day. Thc twa bodies ai traops cx haCed blows. Thc fast, angr rgs went back and forth, Thq auth ducked and dodgcd fori nie and achieved a iew unsatis !ctôry vlews ai the enerny. The, ieemed rnaving toward thc bl. eglint step by step. Hie scatec fiseli glaomily- on'Uic grounr vltb bis fiag between Mis knees :rsently Uic blows ai Uic an Uoanlat began ta graw mon Ibe FlnaUly, when Uic mei lackened ta learn ai Uic iight eycud se only dark, floatini nake. Tic Impetus ai enthusiasir as theirs again. To Uic yout, here was, a consideruble joy ir ausimg upon bis pcrfoirmancE urig Uic charge. As Uic regiment lay heuving arom its bot exertions, Uic officer rho haci nanred, thcm uas mule- rivers came gailaping along the ne. Tic news that Uic regiment ad been-repraached went alang ie line. Presently they began ti 'lieve that their efforts had bec: led liglit. Several men had camne lurrying p. Their.faces cxprcssed a bring- 4 ai great news. "O Flem,ý yei st auglitaheard!" crlcd anc af tem eugcrly. IlHeard what?' Ed Uic youth. I"Weil, sir th' Ponel met your lieutenant right rus, and he suys, 'Mr. Bas. ruck, by th' way, who was that d what carricd th' ilag?', and c lieutenant, lie speuica up right ray: 'That's Fieniin', and hc's a mùùlckey,' he says. An' Uic coi- li, lic ses: 'Ahemi ahem! Ri Ieed, a very goad anc t' have. eke' th' flag 'way t' th' front. saw hlm. Hc's a good un', set ýcalomel. 'You bet,' ses thc Ltenant, 'he and a iciler num- [Wilon was utthU' lead'a th' irge, and howlim' like Indians 1tIi'time,' le ses. An' thi' coi- cil, li ses: 'Werc Uiey, indeed? cem! uhem! My sakes,' le ses. cIll, wcll, wdll,' le ses. 'Those ehmmdUica-drail--ne.'c'r rewas some long grass. The youth ed nesticd in it and 'rcsted, 'rnaking H. G. Hutchesan, Port Perry: ,ta convenient rail support Uic tlagw Dear Mr. James - Going through mi His iriend, pubilant and glarifled, some aid papers I came across an rie holding his treasure with vanity, oid letter fram New Zealand dat- i-came ta hlm Uiere. Thcy sat sid ecd 1881 and addresscd ta my fa- ic- by side -and congratulatcd each ther by a man who had gane fram 'r, ather. Toronto ta the orient same thirty Oi ycars carlier. The address, which lIy J C X reads as foilows, implies that he ad The existence ai shat and sheil hud same* misgivings as ta the n- was in thc past. The yauth bad Uttie burg ai Bownianvilc bhaving de dwelt in a land ai strange aqual- rcmaincd on Uic map. Of ling upheavals, and had corne St. John Hutcheson, forth. He had been whcrc there' Bowmanviile, x- was rcd ai blogd and black of Near Port Dariington ry passion, and he wus cscaped. Sa an Lake Ontario, ie it carne ta pas that as he trudged Canada West, a fram Uic place ai blaad and wrath British North America. [B_ his -saul changcd. Hé feit a quiet Hie shouid have subscribed ta ey mumhoad, nan-assertive, but of The Statesman and kcpt up with ue sturdy and strong blood. Hie knew the march ai time. d Uiat he would no more qual be- d fore bis guides wherever thee. s. should point. Hie had been ta ootJu.1,14 n. touch Uic greut dcath, and found Pear Friend- re that, -after ail, lt wa but Uic gréat, Just Uiought with sa much coni- n dcih. He-*ssa-in! 4tdv y re thé- tarner these dams t, Ththuefo e a Ucenclased selectionmight gîve Theyothsmiled, frUic wth public samething ta Uink 19 that Uic warld was a warld for about. Should ail Uic furmers go mI hlm. lHe had rid hlrnself o hai :srke ik Uicunosjâ th red sickness of battle. He turned o tie ieohruinj in naw with a ltalstbr where wouid everyanc get Uic 'e~ ~ ~ ~ ~e ai trnuimoe' irt ragesfooad ta eut? I have lad this poem skis, res mc 0W, ever sice I was a littie girl ut cool brooks - an existence ai scho, down in Uic dear old Hom- Lg sait and eternal pece. ,ada ubm Durham County Girl. 9 _iTeEdtrsM i The king Te ayrm oer land and n The lard may live right rayaily, 9Janùary 27,b1rta, pride, '- T. llerb McCready, 27, 1941.e Thé saior roam o'er occan wide. hAlta., Star H-altback on thebidgc But this or that whate'cr befail, Cmanville Football Teamn 1901-4 Tefre ems edte çretes.-an Dear George: The writer thinks, Uic poet sigs, I have had this express order The craitsman fushions wandrous On ZnuYdcsk for a week or more things, It but alter reading your mticè ta The doctor heals, the lawycr delinquenta n he UilIat issue ai plcads, your paper I Uiought I had better The miner ioilows Uic preciaus Rget busy and mail it befare yau leads. *really got taugh. But this or that whatc'er betull, S Everythlng out here sccms to, be The farmer be must fccd Uiem *garng along about as usual, ai ail. *course wc are Much ashamed ai Uic Alberta Prernier for Mis at- The merchant lie may buy and titude ut Uic conférence i Ottawa. sel, Personally I believe that Uic The teacher do bis duty wdl people ai Alberta on Uic whale, But men may toil Uiraugh busy 3Would be verY much i avor ai days, thc main parts af Uic Report, but Or men muy stral Uirough pica- having thc' klnd ai Premier and sunt was5, Government that %;le arc unlucky Prom king ta bcggar wbate'er enaugh ta have at chepresent, thc bei ail, wlsh ai Uic, general public was The farmer le must iced Uiem not even conuldered. Be, aur pre- ail. mer, aind Uic ac rom Ontario, Tbe iarmcr's trade is anc ai warth, ceinl baga. gratteam ofHé's partner witl thc sky and I hope you are well down there Hepartneh ihUiu n rain, And no mun lbes for lis gain. TO ALL STATIONS IN And men muy risc, or men muy fanl, WESTERN CANADA But IL farmer h utfe Uiem ail. SPE IALBAR AIN The farmer dures Mis mind ta spcak, EXCUSIONelihas no gift or place ta ek Excu tsl(IÏS Ta no man living nced he baw, - Thc man that walks bebind the GOINO DATzESpiough DAILY FEB. 1à TO MAROR i1 Ià lis own master, wlate'er RHTURN LIMI«T: 45 days. bciail; And, king or bcggar, le icedi TICKETS OOOD TO TRAVEL. us ai. IN COACHES , Gcd bless Uic man wha sows Uic Excursion tickots good In Tourist, whcat, Parler and Standard ahaIeinn caras .h id u nl aiso avaIlabie on p.yrne0 lightiho i nds u ml, uand fruit and higher pauage fares, 1pr .ie meat; fa.rloa0 or aiepfing car.ac0ommoda- May bis purse be leavy, lis heart ROUTES - Ticket. &aad goig via Hia cuttie and corn, and ail, go Port Arthur, ont., Chioago I., or rgt Sault Ste. Marie, retr nt rviht man ote and line only. Generous let fail, apalnalroutig.God bless Uic sccds bis banda opti al outi te.For Uic farm er he mnust f ced snypoittleCaadail.he Lilly E. limit c 4ona8&Jcation ta Conduotor; alse a oaos, fIl,Ui Sault Ste 'Marie Mloh. iret Steclis h very backbonc af Iu acoordante. QUtbtarl*f$ OfUnit.- Uicaritaments industry. We muet ed States linon. dlvert mare steel frorn normal 8.-80.6-20 peaeUrnme uses to more vital Pull Partloula r rm any agent. need.-H. D. Scully, Steel Con- CANADUAadN PACIFIC Wrtim 'BOWMANVILLE, ONTAUO ri 'cM ncrE uice 'tbg Lttle 1fai icre. iliai the vre bul ad- and amm lina like It )uld era- et hi- and îar Sta self tnt ta ad his ýre- ta are Wat ran ds his 'as nit, iad lie ene id r- )se satt: axure 7ue snopscioseawe chesta, and try ta imagine wc are ti shouid bave no Christmas dinner. mot scared af anything, but wbcn "Wby warry," Uihey said * 'If you we heur bombe failing. cîoseiy we idon't have Christmas dinner, you say: "Now then, don't be a cow- ti idan't have indigestion." urd"l and stufi tome mare catton 0: One af Uic purty stayed ut Uic wool in aur cars and slcep in be- d, store ail last migît on telepone twecn them. For me it isn't dii- a duty and A.R.P. (air raid pre- ficult as I arn a soumd eleeper, but C cautione) and anc ai tic others Uic other night I wolce up with a ~ ~hairman, Wartirne Requirements ~oard. -that the gallànt men of the Army, Navy and Air Force ... now on the fighting front... nced me on the inagncial front. They nced munitions, material and equipment ... and only by my money which represents the production of war materials can this support be secured. They are my protectors. They cati to be their provider. t- -that .l by liard work and frugal livig ... by LENDING ail I can to Canada. can1dom part t help to win the war and establish our future security. 1 Pledge -that I will forego the purchase*of iunnecessary articles *... however small the cost... no matcer how well 1 arn able to pay for them ... which take labour and materials away from the great taslc of providing goods needed to win the war. -thalt this wil require liard work and miany dollars -that NOW .. .starting tuis month ... 1 will put a definite part of my income aside in War Savings Certificates. 1 will have it deductcd regularly ... each wek... each mont .. . elier from my pay envelope or from my savings account, by arrangement with My employer or my banlc manager." (Sigucd bjy) PabibodIlr- -7.Ç.-7- ww've- PAG TU=>' "Irealize &hat Canada now cails on me ... to join i a great National Savings Plan... necessary to win the war and vital to mny own safety. A metailurgit i a Canadiail gun plant using a pyrarneter- reader. This instrument, when directed at malten steel, trans- poses a visuai reading of liglit in.Iensiîy inhi a direçt Fahrenheit temperature recording. Thus qual- ity le guarded in Uic manufacture of Canudian guns. ged lis preciaus ilng ta hlm anad was tumbling and etuggcring in his design ta go tic way thel led ta safcty for il. Tiase in udvancc ai the sc*npering blue mcm, bowling cleers, leaped ut Uic fence. Tic yauth's friemd went1 over Uic obstruction in a tuufîblimgl beap, and spramg ut tle fiag as a panther ut prcy. Hie puled ut it, and, wrencling it iree, swumg up its red brilliancy with a rnud, cryi ai exultation, even as Uic colour- bearer, gasplng, lurclcd averi-a final -throe, andi stiifening con- vulsively, tumned lis dcad face ta Uic graund.r Alter thc mcn had cclcbrated esfficicntly, they scttled down and I wauld like ta wisi yourscli LIP'LTT T71mu lost bis home thc sume lilght, was an orstaff, ahl thut is best forH iI K bombed out and sormcbady rana the New Yeur. - ENGLISH LETTE up Selfridgcs Store and said Mr. Yaurs sincereîy, Thoraughgood liad been bornbed T. H. McCreudy. To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chup- out. Hec bas had Uic bombs very - man, liampton, from London, close before, wlen learing ane England. . caming dawn, lie suid ta lis wife: To the editor ai Tic Statesman: erDdaMrae: "Pal. this one la for us," and Uiey -Dear Sir: I easevendo'cak uay ven made a dive under the table, but At tic risk ai laboring a sub- ti u n woarco und Uic tire it knocked dawn tîre buses op- Jeet wiicl las been discussed be- awuiting tic sound ai Uic. siren, pasite, tînt time. fore 1 write you <mare or lesa wlicb tas about duc naw. Many0 When I have beurd tlem com. tcarfully) tlese few limes. tlanks for kînd thouglits whicl mng down I lave suid Ilduck I was present ut a concert in inspired you hi scnd us such nice down," but before 1 lave finished the tawm hall last Friday nigît butter for Christmas. We were Sa saying this we lave fit the and was again struck witl thc run very plcased with it, eapccialy tremar ai the landing samnetimes - dawn condition ai Uic building. as we usually eut aur butter ration Uirec quartiers ai a mile away. 1- have not heurd fromn any source durlng Uic wcek 'end and put ail Last niglit was a bit lectic, but -that redecoratmng thc hall is plan- aur imagination ito Uic margar- when wc leur low flying planes !lIed but I would lice hi say why mne for tic rest ai the week. , wc say tao ourselves Uicy arc aur Ithink it should bé donc without Wcll I wiil tel you whnt a war figliters up. When we heur Uicm delay. I know you have na power timne Christmas was lice, lere i ovcrlead .wc icel snfer because i tiltmutter but if tlis letter London. Tic day before Christ- Uic bombe* do mat mali straigît could be publislcd it migît be mas is a quiet anc for us ut the dowm. rend by "tic paweirs tînt be."I store, ta we "go gay." Tic wark- We receivcd Uic box ai butter Frankly Uic state ai Uic audi- roanis pack up real work about you sent on 'December .21, aurJ torium ta sud tînt no arganiza- mid-day and -have gramophones wcdding anniversary, and we tion cures ta puy rent and use it and dancing and Uic workrorns wcnt out ta dinner in Sala tic as tiey arc mot aniy landicapped are gaily decarated and cach sel- foreign quarter wlere iod is i the presentatian ai n perform- ling department takes its turn ta reaily well coaked and différent, ance, but Uic whole state ai the go acrass Uic street there ta drink Tien we.came home by under- SPlace le a rcflectioii an those tînt ta everyanc's goad lieulth. ground *lcrc the people wcre uise it. I went out ta lunch ut 12 n.m. down for the night. There were I believe it ta be mIlse ecanamy with a party fram Uic ncxt dept. Christmas trees and decoratians for the town cauncil ta leave the ta ours and it was a gay and jaily and Uic mew bunke looked very hall like thîs. Tic chandeliers are affair toa and ai course we man popular because thc people can- dimn and fallimg dawn; thc seats into several atlers from Uice store, mat heur thc guns or planes and are uncomfortable; it le draughty ai course, samebody's licalti lad it gives a sente ai security I sup- and dirty, ail on accaunt afitls ta be drunk and we amly lad tbree pose, whicl is certniniy a myth8 age and lack ai repaire. Now 1 quarters af an bour out. One af ai warfarc these days.1 don't know wletîer econamic tic fellaws lad a glaqssoai "Mti- Wlen we got on tic bus ali- Pressure ai Uic war le sufficient cr's Ruin," as le calicd it. side lights wcre out ta we kmewC excuse for letting it remain lice lie said ta me, "Have samne there was a raid an. Soalater ar- tibut I do flot Uiink it ta. ducks." It makes you ta hhappy riving lame wc made came te,, New plaster, decoratians, tenta Yau will wunt ta cry ail the alter- Tien off ta the elelter in tic gar-b would make it thc mast saugît- noon. lie is lame but a vcry jally dem far tic nigît, witl gas mnsks after place in, town for entertaiju- flwainleey, G4ll ne n rm and my big tinc mente and recituis. It ta no exag- thc aid girls wbo upset me this ai butter under tic ather, juet ta geration ta believe tint tic bail aftermoon."1 make sure it watn't bombcd in h -could weil take a new leuse on After lunch I ladl messages icit tic niglit.e lite. 0f courte the citizene af Uic for me in Uic dept. saying "Tic 1 rend cxtracts ai your letters towm would bave to puy for tic waolen dcpt. wants ta sec yau." tt omne ai my friende, and wc alI improvements. It migit even ndd Tien anather. "Yau are expected snid "lWeil, you tee these C t- a littie ta Uic tex rate, but ns a in Uic waricroomn for a dance,"' adin and Americans Uiink wc v business proposition it slouid mot nd even Uic Staff Cantrollers are n brave lot." And Uicy sny f be undertaken unlese tîcre le a and Directors forgat their dignity 'I'Yes it'sfunny, but tley n il semr rèasonable expectation tbe bail and jained in Uic workroomn par- ta Uiink wc arc short ai food, P itseif would taon puy for the re- tics. Some ai'* Uic feilows wcre wlcn rcaily its only Uic butter novation in rents. leaving ta go into Uic air farce and sugzar tînt gives out rnid- Forgive me for takimg up the and nrmy. At four o'ciack, which weck." Wc neyer go aver thc tea space, but I should grentîy like le closing time, tonome ahUicpurty or bacon ration anytime. Eggs are ta sec a littie enterprise in this wcre waiting outaide for me and certainly short, but we get every-C matter. said "Camne an, just ten minutes tling else we want. ti Yours truly, over ta tic cale for a cofice." I Weil, alter rcnding these Can- in is jump andlt was only a piece of 9shrapnel outaide the sheiter. The r. sand bags had prevented it enter- ding the shelter. We have ta have y a look around ini between Urnes eto see if any lire bombs are tal- -ling as they make the same noise yas shrapnel. t I must tell you about Mirs. Bak- er, a neighbour. She is so proud oi the glass in ber windows that she must put a Christmnas tree, rail decorated up in her windows. LMost af the others, like ours, ewhere the houses have been dam- ;aged, are patched up affairs, wood , raofing, feit and brown paper. Wc shail be very pleased ta wclcome Miss Kay Lake, R.N.,.tof Toronto, when she arrives. But it won't be too nice for her camlng to a house with ail the ceW down and the plaster af the walls failing down everytime a bomb falls near. But the worst mistortune was when my budgics and canarles died of shock. We couldn't go into the country this Christmas to sec Yvonne, as travelling is bad, with only two day's holidays and it was hardly fair to travel when the Govern- -ment wants the trains, etc. Wc had two cables frorn Swit- zerland. They are ratlaned there, and rather short of coal, I be- lieve. No, I did not remember that you stayed at Tarantoafater the Great War. The Itaians must feel a bit siily with the Grceks seeing only their heels ail the Urne. I sec that my brother Jack is dying ta get over here. He looks prettY good in bis picture, lIn hs uniform complete with parachute and etc. I guess he wants hi show it off to his aid school pals and friends, especiaily bis '.winga." Wdil, Goodnight! The Jerries hav orgotten their appointment :omight and na siren yet, anyway. M4any thanks. We are truly grate- fui for your kindness and the best present imaginable. Lots of love ta you bath. Gladys and Ernest. The purchase of War Savlngs Certificates gives ail, Canadians the opportunity of discharging an individual responsibllity. -W. H. aomerviile, Joint Chairman, Na- tional War Savings Committee. The cauntry's ability ta provide the materials of war dependa up- on the wiil of the people hi re- duce the cansumptian of goads and services.-H. R. MacMillan, P"l"A.J

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