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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1941, p. 4

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By Capt. Elmore PhilPOti devclop imagine bettirig4 war. W. Italians less mov Mnst .1 - forcsaw <FOR UNION NOW *erigineers arc at thse other end af preci5ely ',tai bouL ta yar go e .tn the scale. 0f these 39 per cent and denr Jua aouta cerag I pet werc for, 46 per cent against, and "7111 thg a day in Western orinro th 15 per cent doubtful. long Lard Marley, a most unassumung and sensible Britishi stateaman, 1776-1176 Ini theî whose naval ranigshows in an e » ltispugis anedactons. We were Tise rumerologists have tise Tisera tû tuki4 about the Union Now pro- laugis an me. A few weeks ega I sisal pesai which I was advocatirig on a wrýte an article expressing lecture tour. Lord Marley was amazement because s0 meny peo- And thse doubtful about it. He was afraid ple were cisanging thei rinames ber, *t i i was too fer aiscad of tise eccording ta tise advicc of the- times. riumerologtats. I found ouI after Laut wcek I sec that Lord Mer- that article that tisere were even SOL£T ley spoke in New York at the more adhérents ta that strarige )JI blggest démonstration yeî in fav- scisool ai tisouglit than I had in- our of the plan alorig wtagin ed. Naw I am prepered to Dorothy Thonipson, ClaeBo.t=e admit that there miglit be some- Fri Thomas IIJann, famous German thmng 10 t. novelit, 'Pertixax, most sirewd Fate neyer played amy mare of al French columnists, and ludicrous trick ta confer number Dear Mc Clarence K. Streit. 1776 on the bill now before Con- Js Wisat has brouglt sa nany gress whtch will take the United kioW t pol ochange their opinions States into thse war i cvcrything tise Hoo] about the practicability of tuis save ianpower. surpr.ise plan les that it ta a vital neces- Most of us shied our memory ai England sity.Tie expérience af Norway, dates i histary aiter we quit tue bar Sweden, Denrmark. Belgtum, Hol- scisool witt case and permanence. and yesl &and and France, proves beyond Soie people can remember 1066, that Ed. 'oneha ofa doubt that tie re- Bttle af Hastings, some cen re- boat tise manrgpart Of tue démocratic member 1215, tise Magna Carta, fiialiy world lias but two cliaices: We but ail of us in North America Wb.nmar cmntad togetuer or go clown one espectelly have isad tise numbers sec anyc Iby one. 1776 branded inddlibly into our loaoks su That ta not on1lr truc in tue thinking apparatus. For 1776 was to grow short range situation as against tise year of tue Déclaration cf isad a p ffler. It ta even more truc wlien Independence as every magazine arc stat ornue coniders tue line-u thistacaver and every oatar lias taid likeiy to folow, tue fns itit SO very 4tli ai July. ýtse> a1 lwar. Now by siseer chance 1776 bc- cammng1 lOne thimg tuat amuses ne about cames tise number af tise bill fun I d the objections ta tue Union Now which ends the era afi trdepen- blackoul prqpoul ta that tue opposite- itance, nat only for the United union fi argments are used ta figlit it ln States but for cvery nation, great Welsh,]1 dlftrent courtries. Ini tue United or siail, an tise face ai tue Ed., Tec %" testie isolatônistasSay that earth. . Mac Ha "bi la a Britiis plot. ln tuta Tise age af independence ta hi but tountry tise jingoes 'say tuat it is over and the age afi irterdepen- ta came an American plot ta sabotage the dence lias begun. Nothing can Wcll, Passpre. change il, nothing cari stap il. Tise show se In tlisa country, and even mare ifacts have forced it ta came ta dan't wc lEnld, tue opposition says 'Pas- soon. the S=ae wi neyer go in on it. MA4DE BY MACHINE In the States, as I know iran tue efidence af my own cars, they Tise greatest politicai. changes isay exactiy tise opposite. In Can- whicis take place in tise warld, Fram Ci ada anc cranlc clique says that including those cpnvulsions we N Ibis is a benkers' plot ta restare ceil revalutiaris, are nat made by the gold standard. On the very wrilers or orators. Théy are made erM aieday the Saturday Evening ferr areby coomi face Poot, greatest champion in ail the which apply so slowly and steadtly Arrive woridofai tue gald standard, OP- tuaI they are riat always apparent tue boa poses the plan as a Britias sciseme. ,ta hunan beixgs. what aC Feur ever heard ai tue obscure chicken "DOCTOR KNOWS BEST"I Engliali ciurcli clergyman who hle a lî was 50 distresaed by the.poverty and a c fExactly wliet do tue people afi>aiflita parishioners. Englis tex- this on1 the United States tink ofi tutatile warkers, tisaI he thougit aout brought .plan? We do nat need ta guess; an invention tilits spare ttne. tO teS what sanie ai them think, for tue That littie invention revalutioniz- ber tuat Congress -ai Anericen Proies- ed tue textile tndustry and was *iin uch an slana lias just announced tue re- a sense tue forerunrier ai the -Wc dE suits oi a poi conducted anong wliole niechanical revolutian. tue way physicians. teachuers, editars, cri- It ta tue necisenical revolution lots wise gineers and other sucli profès- fer mare than the change in any- for tue sioriai people. 0f tuese no less body's tuinking hici lias ruade wasn't e. Chan 52 per cent favour lmn- bill number 1776 mark the end ai The sf mediate fuil political union ai tue tue ege ai independence just as a dandy English speaking peoples, 30 per clcarly as tue year 1776 nsarked didi't sIq cent are oppased, and-13 per cent its bcginning.1 "dandy." do. hot knaw what tuey thinis. First the steain engine; later isanmoe] Thse fires show a geograpli- tue internai combustion erigixe, canveni mal variation whtch proves thel complete witli ecraplane, lied tuewrnt thse refilizati«s<, i necd for effect ai shrinkirig distances th largý uion ta felt nost kechy oewicli formerly' kcpt'menaar ficers-h nearest ta the actuel world dan- The warld is bemng pusised to Highland . gr. he ariusdistricts rank as gether et an ever-increasmng rata.lied becsi vaiaus l Thie saine tuing ta happening The oaIs Favourind Union Now: New Eng- ietnc atonTahepend i i land 59 per cent; Southern Stte ur own generatioin in cities and Ts r 58 per ceit, Middle Attatic towns - tue lraffic congestion feeling i lni'farces tue creetion ai a new kind ail I hec States 56 per cent, Norths Central a a i re.wr u States 39 per cent, Rocky Moun- oBcisi nd ail te cmigsa g ecrei ,tain States 37 per cent, Pacifie ing of this present war, wliat I see ig we h Coast States 34 per cent, ta tis-tue warld ai tue future inion us 1 Doctars end educetars are nast lias got ta have world gaverri- witu suc favourable ta union, 60 per cent ment. It lias but three cisices, clamps, ,votng yes. Fifty-eight per cent ofi t cari get it by tise route indi- flying, MUl tue editars faveur union. Tise caîed by Marx. Lenin anid Stalin.A4 soc ______________________Il cen get il by tue route indi-teby __________________cated by Hitler, Mussolini anid ailurPe tise imitators ai tuose twa. Il cariand sre .get il by a comion-sense exten- tsr sien inta tue field af international tue slip gavernment ai tue principles fan- fix tuen iliar for oenturies ta the people hind the ai the Brittali Kingdom .and the tsnoS American Republic. the, Se INTEGRITY lispires your trust! 5ou buy where you, kuow kat honesty la tihe f irst ide. Where You're certain we Yeu are gettlng ail tiat oq pay for. Gartou'u la et o le reputation tisat brle premred T-ON'S RAUGE K ingSt TENNYSON SAID IT JusI 99 years ega Alfred Tenniy- son wrate whaî was nat anly a magnifictent poci. but an as- taundimg propliecy. That was, oi course, ini Lckkiey Hall. Thet poei net anly predicted tue coin'- ing ai tue acraplane wisich wa tuen but a figient ai tue imaegi- nation, but predicted tue very war and vcry palitical situation whicis naw exista. Par wisen tue poet "dipt inta tue future as fer as tue hunan eye could e," lie "ierd tue iseavens -filled witu shautmng" aid reported tuaI "'tucre rein'd e ghastly dew frai tue nation's airy navies grepplimg in tue central blue." If, as every- anc expects, Hitler uses poison gasin ixltainvasion ettempt a- -gainst Britaix, tuaI gai wtll des* cerid exectly as Tennyson fore- saw, sprayed firn tanks in Ger- man planes. I have written nany tirnes rec- ently tuaI when we tase lise ai- fensive eg Inat itier we willl have ta ep= a a corubination ai milltary altack aid revolutionary action in tue countries under 1111- ler's lied, Tennyson in 1842 fore- saw "tue standards of tue peéopte plunging turaugis tue thunder tri."I Even more astonushing lie ioresaw tuaItue attack woulâ ILight Save$sSightj I I k '41 - * lI.EECTRIC co-s camne I foin day thse puri fighingi neatis th great. W land aft nothing thumbs, and nati taa sick. We tai on landi time fr< camp wE Yesterda Scotty C Our fc sure m: meals, e Weg secs tairimenl wc hatd it wasi Englisisq fast. TisaE -if a g Canadiai I'm su in a wi ta thee i that. Wisile I suppos As yt v tngs hei them. Write~ from soutis to nortis. I that we would be safe in on that right now in this 'lien we dlean up ori the i i Africa we will doubt- re on to Itaiy itself. -important of ail, Tennyson rthat thse wer would end Ly as it must end if freedom iocracy are to survive: e war-druzn throbb'd no ger, and tlie battfe-flaga were furl'd parllament of man, the leration of 'the world. te corrinon sense of most i hold, a fretful realm i awe, ekindly earth shail slum- ,lapt in universal, Iaw.Y )IERS'_E>TTERS om C 18048, R. J. Hooper 2nd Field Battery, R.C.A. Dec. 28, 1940. lther: a few limes to let yop that the otiser editian of :per family errlvcd in En- safely yesterday. Was I >d to hear Ed. was in à!Paddy Welsh came into racks riglit across the road erday lie came ta tell me Land Elgy had got off the iday before lie did. Ed. landed riglit neer Lew m-Iwas neyer s0 glad ta rne in my life. He really well; I notice leie t tryirig a moustache. He said they pretty good crossirig. Tliey tioned orily 16 miles from 1will be able ta see hilm bit. Ed lias 20 days leave ta hi-ie will have the id getting around in tise s. We.liad sort of a re- for a while wtili Paddy .ew W., Laverne Kimbal, Id Bird, Jack Parker and rt. I was surè glad ta sec itwished lie didri't have over.1 I want to go ta a variety o I, must close - please rrry-we'll be seeing you Lots of love, Ron. 585 L-Bdr. E. B. Ilooper, o. 1 Artillery Holding Unit, R.C.A.,CASY Base P.O., Canada. [tiser: ,ed here 0O.Î'. We got off àt on Chistmas Day and Christmas we liad! We had L(in thse shell) along with laf of bread, some cheese .oûple of apples. We ate board a tender which tus from. our troop slip shiore. l'il always rcmem.- tdinner; wc didn't expedt aîyway didn't sec >any action on yover. 0f course we saw Ln tise boys began ta run Srails-Im darn glad I one of theni. « p we came over in was [Y though Fm afraid we ceep in that part tisat was We, awung ix aur little ýks, far, -f ar below. The ànces on tihe slip, for us, so. hot, mainly because of 'e number on it, Tise af- kad 'thesetaterocimand tise iers tise bunks. Tise slip = a luxury liner in its day. er ships whicli travelled were old and quite slow. st day aut I lied a fumny in my stomacli. That was, A; soie of tise. other boys ite sick thoisgh. I've neyer ch large waves. One marri- had three port hales break sA wave slapped the aide .,li force, it knocked the boîta, and everything )n as it happened one of rs asleep in lia "cuddler" ,out, grabbed lia lifebelt .atcd "we're torpedocd" - was funny at the timeýbut )isad ta be slowèd down ta m. We got 80 rmiles be- erest of thse convoy. Lwonder the Scotch like eotland. Boy, if you. only te Christnsès morning wc i te ivr.Aye, it wvas a , an2 d tse sun siinir' on Ypie hsand. the UtIle village tuckcd away-be- he hlis-il sure laoked, Vc werc anitious ta be Ôri ter 12 days on board witli to, do but twiddic aur unleas yau drank beer, ; any1did that, they were ok the train imnsediatelY fimg and Édidn't 105e any m Scotland dowm. Tise re are in ist Ibad so faer. ay I met ail thse, boys but Camerom. foad lias been O.K. but I Lave la ail, Bd. Deer Sirs,- May X express my sincere tuaiks ta thse Bawnanviile Brandli ai tue Legion for 'tue parcel I received et Christmas. Il was deeply ap- preciated by myself aid tue boy's I shared il witu. You sec it was ratuer e customanritue barracka roam ta pool aur etables. In tuaI way we could have e fair mneal now aid tuen. It's a real treat ta have soie reai Canadiai food. While I an wrlting tuta letter il lies suddenly struck ne tuaI posslby tuere might be soie read- crs wiso miglut be mnterestcd in e soldler's ithpressions ai England. Baafler being here ciglt nanths I wfll air tisci for you. I hope tuey are accepted merelir asilm-I pressions ai a mere sapper and' NO DANGUROUS SNOW.AND ICE sulppléeg on oradn9o tanln urd »Wwh. you goS In or out faé a w, Ch . vr.let ,quippid wih 'Concemied Sahey SteqrnV No d"JUMPING ON'$CAR ... hg rdrem, b4 vead- aus or by umwnps-wvdUh ait thii. uége'rt o eh grector 0ety for vop, patrmwof. 4wfr ol 6AFRR, JASIM, ENIRANCE & OUT onsply epsiiidem ond tek*om osetop out - net two -@Mier up lote 0 . cror ow evn on te'* pavement. YeuiI dd t mué sa*WU,mégdr therefore flot treated a picture. Ini the first place, If Iw student of hriutr love Englmnd. Their hsejes.;,~w ers and Iawns are marvel1,I peclally their fiowers. Tet' *t tain colora so rtch arid deèq ha the colaring of aur floWU15\at home have -a faded, drled ont a> pearance in compafison. ~hl hedges are beautifuly keptt u of mnany differen.t types, aithôugis they are a nuisance at thmes, for wile walking along a couüuitry road they confifne' e1 ,road. One always lrnajines e must be somnething wortha=n on the other aide which makoseýyu wish they werenI't there.In$e tawns tlicy give thse ImpreslM of being there to hide the=d*b- ness of thse houses, whlchijli were a builder, I would hide My- self in sharne., Their homes -,r. definltely poorly bufit and Wl aut. Their heating and 9d tatroctous. AS orie anâ4 V.M.C.A. workcr cxpressed,' 4o thing warks from thi tolletsupW, Now to, look et ariother gtof Engliali life. If yau wcre a con- noiseur of drinks one could'thor- oughly enjoy living lierer. Thgr beer, wine, wisikey and gin :wýe perfect enough to satlsfy thse moot. discriminating tastes. Oh,. I Émbst not forget ta mention their ddJd . Welsh cider is really delighttil. It's got a wallop, too. As a smoker here I hVe my troubles. I have expernented wtth many brands of Erigisis to- bacco and I ani stillitn a fog try- ing to puzzle out which une la suitable for a heavy smokcr who lias a throat miade of nerves and tissues. You draw one puff and end up by wonderixg whetier>it was smoke or a brandy thisat got caugit ti your tbroat. 4 Thetr cigarettes are confusizîg, for by the time you figure out how mnany cigarettes you get for one anid six of aone klnd of No. 2- size. and compare it wlth another brand with more ln a package, at one and four 'of No. 1 size, you really dCu't- knbwhwich h the more expmnsl' or the better brand. Notthat -it matters, for they ail have thse sameé saw-tooth edge. You èan't get fine cut that; you can ri lI& acigarette wlth. Asa shoppér, one accustomned to the courtesy, and efficiency of Canadian stores would be dlsgust- ed with the abrupt mariner you are tý,eatedby the clerks here. For the social dlimber, Englarid would be heaven, as onie could al- ways flnd somfeone tai whom they could be où à higlier level. It seerns that there are dozezis of different social levels one could, aspire to if they reaflý were in- terested i the whole. thing. I will give some idea as to how they persist'in séparatirig you ,into a certain class group. For Instance, in their theatres thse seats range i price from a sixpence tor nine- pence, to one shilling, one and four, one and six, 2 shillings, 2 and 6, and 3 shillings. Theseare carried out i ail their theatres, se that practically as soon as you buy a theatre ticket you're label- ling yourself as being in a certain wage-earning class. The saine applies i the pubs. oudrink in tise public bar, a glass of aie L5osts, sixperice. Thse saine drink fron tise same barrel taker in thite saloori lounge costs you seven pence, and ti the pri, vate bar eiglit pence. The whole thing secins ridiculous. The trains are thse sanie. As f ar as the English people irividuafly are conc;rned 'I like' them, and Eriglisis hospitallty is perfect, especially wlien, you éon- You'II f mnd Concoaled Safoty Stops ( instoad of running boards) utoach door of Chovrolotsfai. eus Fisher Body . 0 thoy look botter . .. they stay, ceurnor . thoy provide. safer,,easisr, more cern- fortabi. entronoe end exit And rensember--only Chevrolet, ainong ail low-priced cars, has this quatity feature! Tegethér with many other exclusive advantages pravided by Cluevralet at no extra cot -.. effort- savirig Vacuumn-Poer Shft... coi- fart-increa.sing De Luxe ICrie-Action thrifty, dependable Valve-in- Head Engine.. . it places -Chevrolet -Generel.Motars'No. i'Car -years ahead for years Io corne!' Sec your Chevralet dealer, today. aider~ that ti aharlig wfth yau they are using their own rations. Erigliali soldiers are shy and bard ta get acquainted. Hle Is al- ways the soldier, rar too mnuc so. As a people tey are slow anid pay too mucli at titon to trivial thnèthat don't matter. Every- thinghas to b. donc accordlng to saine conventional routine that Is definitely antique. Engllsh women are deligltfully brusque and straiglit-forward. Eglisis girlsar charmI g. Tiseir hair lias a mnarelous sheen and their complexions do riot rieed cosmetlcs. Thcy are fer more in- telligent than the men. They arc direct and capable. Their ankles are lndlined to be a littie too large, posulbly from rlding bicycles. They are more ful breasted and have better figures. They don't dress as well. Their taste in clothes seems dull arid conserva- tive. I- thtik that ta because of tise climate and clatises must be ser*iceable. 1Tiseir food is terrible. I oncle %ead of a Frenchmran who said t tteEnglishman dtdn't have a stomach. I'm beginning to be- lieve him. Everythirig sems to be mcid. Seasoning ta aomethig they don't seem ta use properly or at ail. Restaurants are also -ter- rible, i fact they ail seeni to be tea shops, except possibly in Lon- don. Well, I believe I've rambled off quise a few impressions so that is enougli for now. If you are In- terested ti any Cther things here why Jet nie know and I shll try to give an unbiased pi&ture. Give my regards to. everyone and hope that the Leglon will keep up the good work. As I write this I cari hear thse drone of some of our bombera headed towards tise continent with' their load of presents for Jerry. I haveh't heard»many of his to-niglit, so NO0 DIRT OR MUD, The. Sufety Stops cire In- aide the. cor - fully con- coul.d end prnptcted whon the deans or* doi.d -se noturolly thel tuy mué dmenr,mucd d*ro. NO "SITTINO OR LQITERINO"ý qver returo te yeur oau end fljrd a straner-er etronmhrs-slttlng on the runnins hoard? t can't hoopen hors, fer Chèvre- lot hot ne ruannnq hourde. SMARTER, MORE MODERN STYLINO The. elUmnado tle 1visleU r unning boards " up" car dogn... okes t sUmpUe, nectar-and hherefere mer. attractIve, moe.p leauing te the *y*. WARI fSAVIN&S«Work for Victo,7y, Lend to Win" I ~:- *"'-. ,. Plegrefor War ahg TEA ROY NICHOL$' COURTICE possibly it wfllI be a quet nigfit. We are quite close to tue channel, near enougli ta hear the sheiling, anid actively engaged tri preparing e liot receptiori slould Jerry gel t00 ambitious. Sa IIIl say goad- bye form'ow. B25239 Sapper Ernesi Dent, 2nd Fld. Coy. Royal Canadien Engineers, Base P. O., Canada.' Obituary Ha rvey Ciis,. Orono The furieral ai the laIe Harvey. Curtis was iseld et 2 o'clock on Tuesdey aflernoon, January 2 laI. Follawing tise«-service et hais ate residence, Main St South, tise cor- tege ptoceeded ta, Orona ceneterY wisere intermerit was made. Rev. Mr. Littlewaod, pastor afi Orano United Cisurcli officiated. The late Mr. Curtis was called ta rest Siturday, January letis, in hia 78tis yeer. Deceased was the youngest and arily survlvlng1 child -of the Iate,2 Mr. and Mm. Wmn. Curtis (Han.P~ nais Hallowell). He vias boni in Darlingli*i Townsip, near Ty- rbane, sud ivcd an hie fat.her'a hisetead'ufttil puxc.haslng a edjot±slmg farn wliere lie rezmainý- cd until 1927, -wien lie retired t- Orane. He was married . on-,-tise 18th ai Aprfi, 1906,10 BUte Euéêl- ley, ai Clarke To*vnsbl. -Thée laIe Mr. Cutis 'was e a, aw1â supporter oi tise Untted Chtéh* ..dtok an active ixterest in thse affaira. Lef t ta nourri lis los are i jicioved wlfe and:miy fr#ieâtb.. Honarary'bearers werc Mesur.. W. Stees errMat.J Your lovixg face, we hope ta sec again Wisen days haveepasacd away; Sleep an, ciear, one, aid taise yoesr rest, l2cy tmiss You moat wio loved you best. 1 p L. 1

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