TEURSDAY, FEEIIUARY 6. 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAKi3OWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAEFV DOWMNVILE HURHESREPORT 0000 PROORS AilMlcat., cal1 o ..Cap i. e1er-fr-ofmyhe1tI h1..ilwhIddf.,."MTNG fari for saving. piease f111 it out gara recently. She was accom- MIucnateow-e ha t ho . w as refot- o y alrhk a _____W 1 EITICand return to school by Wedflés- panled by her cousin, Miss Mam deiiml ald for sevoral Your frlend and Rector,daoftswekeelf wrnvl. H Ave jeen Raolbsd dWeni. M. ebte was appoint- C. R. Spencer. ,W Bowmanville Womero nsttuts War Savingus tainps and Cor- Mrs. S. D. Souch is visitlng Mrs. ____ M d' lt ~Imprtat I whih my~q~ ~ ~ ' eldthereglari~iotlg u th tificates are for sale in theac hooIs S ydney Morgan at Trenton. Mrs. T1i~ At t mwsetwas aut rwt o- Ao iorrz otan t tm ont -' l hom egu M is. lo. oile. .TthesnPrnipl.Morashowill rmuer hin ______ ~ toct as era,.r Anoher tm s<, r~ ~every Thursday mon " oranwfl etinwith her Th nniial meeting of St. An- r tconvene te pesi'o Mr.figures cf e andai thunuary Sme o hu.thale g oliod, A.M.atte, rnciplfohre a wie e hm deitPràbyterian Church fuwas gwiatoie oprhb iue ftefnnil ttmn n 0h ihago te-frawie wa okesfor distribution to men was a glft by Mns. Tait and Mis. we hieBlf - ,dnce. . W. B. Pallard gave OORPEG OPeied wlth the paster Rev. W. cf the congregation who enlisted; Cute f owstcfata inn tm soai er, fIie apo o <'dols orthoNe Mr. h d, slie Topsonwus in the BV ke o ndutlg osorthiopescfthe Frayer for Peace Although total receipts for the m mb«l IL ' , Il." r.Leon Dumas gave a solemnly underftaeiat îritlatwokwihhinu 0f WarhlP. e d ndthrou e anclda lgt sdecroase, ls t t, - fv iuetl nCretmonth commencing Feb. 1, 1chine finlshlng Up the odd Job. Ij1 the chair and called o raue on the church roll,1546, baptisirs isfactory. lddCe onto Mhs.Colenr aslc a aig tmau Ie .Ptosns ta Present reports. Te mst10; marriages -; unrala 3. TTota l otlRcepuAea rvnio.Ms lieoeport Svig tap a istdat r .Ptesn pin ncn tat lecinsfre ______orthe _____$6..04._$,091.5sang un appropriate number initeBWmnll PbiMolo. 1r. and Mrs. Saunders, Toron- lsn fn nhcolletieons an-recit o h er$50. Church ..3,0 153 nWIMER - her usual good voico whlch was Signature cf Pledgor, ta, at his father's, Mr. Arthur - 1941 were won i advmnçe cf the Missions 0 - 01.76 - flluch uppreciated. Mis. Fred *------ - Saunders. previaus year and ail allocations 'St John'. Ch.urch Choir . 32.88 Abide wlth me; faSt flUis e' Baker, convonor cf the wool corn- Signature of Parent, nad been reached. Altar Guild_____ 12.91 eetdwt mte; eotdta h oa f--- Tk Four appointments were made Cl»sesYear WItI Men's Club 100.31 Thevoarnesdee n;Lord, knitted aorte ttthre t ortha cf "Tke Vtitamla rlendWilh ta the Board af Managers for a Splendid Baance W. Guild -____512.22 mBlrths recorded here lest yesal- al thre-yar etod:A. orhcut, nA Y P. A. 194:12 When othor helpers lait, and ooifr 0one member knitting eight paim Br_____________lu__er gin Col. L. T. McLaughlin, R. Coch- T'he congrogation cf St. JohnosA.Y.PA . 94.12 orts fiee, of socks and soie othors four Ne tn il have incroased substuntially aver with Nli sacul fZi rafl undR. Sutt.Anglican Church received wlth Rector's Relief Fund c2te.e00eO mie. Mis. Mina Colwell was made Nefigurk O te orthe addth taonds Trafon h ate un The Wamen's Auxiliary repot gratification reparts proseited' at Junior W. A. -___ 64.9Ô m.pisec.* O h ohrhn etusad Bakery. raised ta ussattecur lehdok t analmeineel nayCentenary Fund 14.00 Swift te its close ebbs out BWSan honorarymember in apprecla- a uhlwrfgr.Wiei rAt th e clste c uc ok theanua meeting 1~ 7h o hel f atuarngy s'Bbe.ls - 1 ltledy tien cf her donation cf a beauti- Visitais: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur du a temptatian ta camment onSPCA Inembers ntet thngelutionMmture beimngafBoihys'Bibkle --- 2485: Eartle iy gowdim, its gIo#es iubridge cloth ta the Institute. Redknapp and Alfred wlth Mr. W. these figures released by Clerk A A together os ofcceomnting heuround m em bers a alare ofselllng B aticketsEarC hester'sw TheO shaw u are.elM rs.tiH.tsR.esArexOsLwa.e Mw e.refrainex Lybecaureeain eTau2 fig ______________fTor aetorsCaonapenereuer.utortales8-3T0a t angI ean e: na aon nthis bridge cloth-the draw ta Gardiner, Cvn hhe itrVrsur uhtlcytig n Th_______ le forhCavnngSpendecre- Tst o aas ,8-.0To a ngI eadecay1 n madie ut the next meeting, at Mrs. Sici. Hutchison. . . Mr. Roy standing- by thernselves thoy vo Stsal.M m e ies forthe vriu gand s Liabil$tis0.8n.l. ThwocanetntaieMrs. F. C. Calmer's, on Feb. 27, Berry, Orono, ut Mis. J. Wades... littie true indication af their $330.81of Ohe vurwho ochangeut net, 1abeund the proceeds te be used fer Mr. A. E. Syrnons andi Inez, Mar- origin or direction. S Pal*M nb .s gave their reportsI The new War- ___________-______ t me.wur purposes. rish, at Mr. R. J. Rowe's. .. Mr.' a Hear Fine Reports dons for 1941 are: Roctor's War- I need Thy prosenco every passlng . Mrs. C. Robinson outlined the and Mrs. H. Osborne andi Alan, Town cf flowmanvilie Th _______J A. Lvn;Vsr What but TYgaecnfi h War Savingu Certificutes for gara, Mr. J. T. Pearce, Tarnta, . 1940 170 58 39 can aies teSind. -W. F. pesn- MayParcels tempter's powér? Bowmianvmo u nd trecanvae M r. and Ms.Walter Graysan andi 1939 141 71 4art St als ntdCiurcn a Os Ltelle, LawyP.Depow, To PrIsone ~Who like Th ssII inY gulIiesd were appainted ta help in this Donald, Torotot Mrs. J T. 1938 140 -79 4r2acg greatonherjietIt anua Oca LBeleLaryCryderman; ___ ta bwr.Pac'..M.R atn ae Hnsyi n ato l- Bk churngchuas n plnid finan heClluon. o fSdsmn-HryThrougn cloud.. and 5111h1fl,0, O A 500 andi ouchre will b. helc Shore, ut IMr. G. J. Stapleon's... Hnsyl n atc i- Dkr o w Gartei meeth sin hus ay niht tat atheCnonoro idse -Hry Appraximutely 28j000 Redi Cross i ubide. wlth me. in the Sans of Englanci Hall, an Mr. Ray Grant, Chathamn, with hlu quence. We persuade others by ?hene55E'iale condition huving endeci the year 15icu-cuinms rdSih n en neres usleýIz with more than $500 baith bal- Athough impossible to detail parcelsaf food for Britlsh incluci-hth poced t g ance. The total budget of the year. conributians which have made ing Canadian, prisoners et wur &im 1four no fo, wlth Thee at h tnd te Bri th Wahe preeud amgo ousnsMr. GFre Mitllh nitti.i aretorele.Hz app roxiniates $3,400. the splèndid finoncial conditiaon Germany have been shipped from te bleus; Iltarthnorts H.War mvtii voteFund s.C. M.Gorge cCn Oshawa. . Rev. A. R. Cag wus In the of the church possible ibis yeur, Toronto dopot, ondi 18,000 of these Mis have ne welght, an .tone oMras.tW.h ebbseada vto.Ispe and M rs. . . Marritinw.. ________________________ chair, and ater beglnning wlth a one item of $60.00. Is worthyofaf on their way overseus, Dr. bittoiiiess. !tuk t h ats ac t-Ispce.n1r. .A atn hmprayer dnc reacllng et note us itwu ralseci by Thos. Fe W. Routley, natianal cam- Where - a death's sting?, whorê, ers. Tea wuu serveci and a social Brighton, ut Mr. Wilfred Mc- ucipurhomua fw earsCartwright thraugh a great nusoner af the Canadian Red grave, thy victory? 'hithuLcnldeith etig a. .rev.nd rm rt J. M- reviewig the yeur's wark. One anieunt of diligent labour gather- Crass, rePOrteci yesterdàay. I triumph still If Theu abide withLacnra urnefamFat ilHIERE ARE SOME NA UA L deuartinont in whlch there ~la ng -and selllng wasto newspaper. The parcels are sent frOmf New me. School ChiIden Miss Mollie -McClellan has gene ra>mfo e~asin u hey n pjresenting lis report Canaon York an American exproinerhuTh rosbeoteyn. .. 0Toronto te wark. f5'. .11~ pepl' wr, e tte.Spencer remarked that it lu dfi- t ibnweete r clasing eyes, ?&eang Ms.CciBueyl i.* ' A * d' m~ WE epesrk of inclivd rans-goc ie hsOhc ranitesover b3T intoiflatianal Red Cro55ss iethogh glocin, andý For War Work On Friday night a conct con- L o Iw C ' Jost ~ ~ I 8 tin eeto ie ytethe future of th church. Twe representatives wh~o moo te sies ___ sting mastly af local talent wus treusurers. Evening Auxillary re-<t' esweeas>Pi otnirseuevy U n- Heavel o rn eg brealcs and: ..put an in the comniunty hall ta hc uh coipts 4$201.85; C.G.I.T. reeit whlch contributeci te muke this ors. The parcols gote Marseilles er'jWs vain shadows tise:, Teachrsondi pupi% thraughout prmoto the sale of War Savings hc uns $28.2;nssinBnd$922 * the bet report I> yearu, .an an a RedCross shp whlch ?pr-In lite and death, O Lord, 10bide Durhum are enrouing fo ar Laipu. ,The program wus us foal- Woma n'1 a-AAsocatian $748.97;Clb, and $512 frein the Guild. blochade. Thoy are thon Put a- Sund Shee $26.5; M & . .In hld report the Rectar saici: bourd a Red Cross train bolnd for. The warld awes a great debt t tiens and on appeal issued by Ea nm"byo the wconoflthpupi1ls;ui "The terrible test andi trialof a. Geneva, and their distribution tae a titdetRev. Henrv iP. P ncialThompson iwhich may viuna er p the wmone t hoe.ayOn"Al Funci $366.25. In thislat te viclaus war presses upon us with the primoera lu handled froni ibis for melodiaus hyi rw_ýfn response in otiier centres, itle gearput an a andT lay"A Potaoes yheallocagivinas a 330hplu s . increasing intensity. Lot us an Point.', But the author hubs joined thé "This week marks the begin- piano sale, Jean Camnpbell; enter- -Vtb~o ait cenar total et o $3630 pu 0. p support the undertakingu af aur About 5,000 of the food aroels bond of hyninistu wha are piow ning of a natian-wide drive te tainient by "'Charlie McCarthy"l 75 lb. bag 90e ep ot al f$3Sssin3 We0er country in this confiet whlch lu, whlch left Toronto recentiy are beyend aur thunku. Ho dled in, interest the peopleocf Canada in under the direction cf Brian Fla- sRaggrt ofwhenSsio W weh r e n vory truth, a conflict for those aboard a ship carrying American Nice, France, Navember 20, 184,7. the purchase of War Savings herty, Bowmnanville; Mr J. J. Mol- Mi. anltredwhnnoune tardthev. 1inga .whlch wo hald te be yrlce- Red Cross supplies te Europe. The shadaw et cansumption W"s Stams and Certificates. Your lor, Orano, explained the purpase Carrots 5 Ibn. 25c 3tns 25 gregation that ho had accepteci a less. The strengthening of aur The puroels cf food, oach, et uyon him during the later 3yeffl ce r xetc apomt f'h ocr;terudnab __________ church's wark lu ane'cf the vItal w1hcnan ufclnl a-c i . enthusiasin in ibis cause uniong Mrs. LionelHuesvoasle ways by whlch we serve the cause ancecl diet te last a prsnor a His dactars liad ordered iiin o the beys andi girls. Hazel Reid. Onions 10 Ibo. 2cne. ~ aao cf the Empire and bolp huston the full week, are being puce .4 in To- louve bis pastorate in Devo sl~ Fer thein it lu mare thàn a put- _______ _7 day when the kingdams af ibis rnau h rsn ue h n osuhi ho e e that riotic duty wbicb each in his smanl old C~anue er le .aur ord un of biSt h r ios bsbenoentufees usu et.enarrl te Clark for. s prt fesei woldbeam te indoiscforiginal output cf the deoa, which change et cliniate m*gt wy cn peUori.onpar a!iber elb. 25c ourLor an -o hi Chist wa ýa -jasttemoranythetraining in citizerYuhip they can inUno "i 1jam grievoci indeeci te 'tel5,000 parcels a week, but the diseuse. Betore gelng ho wus v* ibirsa ho tandhtthe alue !____18O.lig8 au tmyalthtulWurdonB . ,ahnr u be pe panxiauq ta ineet bis taitul ulla uig nic suig Mr. andiMrs. Gea. Cain, who Ma roi5b. c ~ 111, but lt ut n* ber.Ishianers cemore and a responsibliiS for themselves. haeenvstngherautr l%-.=-.desed that. -obildexi as 'at Mrkham; have returned home. LreWlrDna lU saine years yet t-ekespn plylng the food, ut the direct ré- Supper. "Thùs, ad i rein « 'I as adults pledge theinselves We extend symputhy ta the LagWht a m dld Influence felt. quest cf the British Red Cross, brance-cf Me." . sPurin9w regulur saving. The ainount friends of the late Robt. Thomp- en 5Ib.2e wa "Onthewhoe, nt eur- bs wosewor alng hes lnos-w wero selemn nand. memorable us.o, ibe decided on ut ter due son who passeci away ut the ripe otgrelac luIi seen many brlght spots in the lite Britain bus been harnpered by ho ston lbheborder land be- consicieratien by bath parent andi age of ninety-one. Bobt. liveci in Ben Ioo5cwkrefauing 15 ifer of St. john's. We were greatly enomy air-raids. tween'bsfini on eurth andi pupil. The saving sheuld bhoasnîl iis district for a gooci many years okg pwe.Wbnttrmoefo pleaseci ho have the soldiers wor- bis friends abovo. Wheii al had iheougb toeonsure eucb living up andi was a goaci neighber and fri- Fige 2 Ibo. 25ca hgeldit sblp wit us se mny time in GOOD uai raireoelved fram bis bonds the bread, t& bis plecige, yet large enough te endi, always ready ta do a kinci- e__________ 1940. w th u e o a luetielis O DH AT , and wine as* takeofe the dying bç warthy of eacb individual. nesu. 4, c~~~~f wark I amn sure they wlll have ' SN C SA Y Lr,~ortreite bis home These who have Penny Bank Mr. Hector Bowen solci a valu- W ~ U T ~ W k aur pryors.Up ta he prsont T WiN HE w ~ completely ex ha a u e. HsAcceunts may sigu a Bank Pledige. able herse recently te Mr. W. 4 IN'YA 1 V ta e h tce he Intercession Services bave ___ sti'ength cf 'dia gn u Iný such cases .the aniaunt plecigoc Rutherford cf Iirby. ARII RYA ~ ~ aUh bee wn ttnddus are the ob is niind was smul active and, inlalu taken eut af the account ut the Master Murray Patterson huci bommnon ervicnes. peHdory A t the presont lime, millions cf bis study thiat evenlng, ho wrote banlc ut regular intervals. The an acute attuck of uppendicitis THE CORNER GROE1 CamunanSerics.I lea fr ollrsar bingeit on ina hsbm wlhbsbc m a t Bank Pledge that can ho recently. greator attendance at the 7.30 sor- chines Wn n nitaswlth ehbuiesl aoie lluotn5ii taken lu fer $12.00 a yeur. Miss %Eileen Souch visiteci ber1 vice Tbursday evenins. te detond aur country but there l a n vnn yi u a eo uteHnu lcg osn i.R ced tNa - "i lugratlylg tarelte e a rowlng realizatian that il aur wîtnliteeelge ie have paid aur allotInent in fulldeence lu sta b. adequate, gacci bu we miust not rosI an aur ours. healtIf wll play an important role. We wlll ail have ta inako sacril- Good health in turn, ls-de51ondint diDypICeY AaxIlaOrY fices next year. .1 te a largo extent, on godc nutri-AcIe Gru "We are indebted ta. my Lay- tien. ______ rou reader Mr. Phillipu' for taking the A t the beginning af the last summer services t no expense ta wai', a German r aideor wus slic- th~e congrggation and personully I ceatul for some manths in sik- An enthuslustic group cf fom- J.J.FLTT unES ia gratetulta hlm for bis help. ingcarcjes cf food atulls an route inine active war workers as- To ail wha cantributeci I uay fromin orlca te Europe. The sembled In St. John's Purlsh Hall, TadC...Sldi thanks. Germen sailors baci ample quon- Friday evening. January 3lst, for Phone 1%73 "During 1949'1 made 693 pare- tities cf facd but In spîteocf tihis, the regular meeting ofthe o Rele, Ontario Shtree bial visita, attended »82 meetings, they tinally becume se M1 tha~ t in en's AudhirY cf !'D" Coy. Mdc- Phono se$& andi gave 180 addr"ues. Baptisins was necessary for the raier ta ga lanid Regf. numbered sevenhteen, elevon were into New Yark Harbaur, whore It The presidontL called the meet- DOWUL&NVMIIiLkcantmmeci, and nine were laid ta was lrntetned for'the balance af ing for 7 'clock istead of the reat. Sevm cou p les were. mur- the war. usual lime, 8 a'clack, te enuble red. 212 attendctcomuna n New York doctars wore cglleci memibers present te heur the lec- * ~ Etri Dyhd12a hitns in ta investigate the cause cf the ture an "'The Inivasion af Nor- e t% 1We were anl terrlbly shccked ut sudden Illness. They founci that wuY." the tragle pussini an, Enter Day while the German isllers baci Meeting apened by Mrs. C. R. af Tommny os. Ho gave the large enough food ta eut they dinet S noe, aisdent wlth a prayor. f lag at the frant cf the church. have the rigbt kinci. When the M. 1F. The rea2 the minutes e! "'Expenses have been kept down rlght foocis were acideci te their the previaus meeting, alter which, ta he awet pssblemar. Olydiot there wus gcad recavory. Mis. Wylie reviewed an autstani-. tethes conweexpots'utetherp.rosnty Since that turne, there bave been ing raurrsrpart, stating she rate <4 incarne. It wculd bMeaine trernendaus strides in aur knaw- had recelved salral 'danatioiv IfIrcld coAntnfribute lbrcugb 1h edge of foccis in their relation ta frein the Liens Club. The trous-~ thoirWar Eonorn caure wll ho U u zdi kwîuga e wthis Çompany and ilu public insur# today in a wfll knowin, dopendablo stock fin givon te thoso who desirf'to take welcome as active memiiera. Mak ae lwslbîch Se Inurno ornou. aiianta0 oft. Sucb a course i adate te attend the next ineei psareal par toaCanada'. Oth andi will continue oach Thure- r membors endureci the war effort, wlth Miss Dorathy Eciger, phone o te .C.. station Tbursday 403. norning te bld the boysaof 'ID' Je Ja' M ASON* & -SON Poe~a a o ota or Coy. Au Revoir and Good Luck. selfana yu -ar an euoate liethat lu lwt ngri e NS R N EAGENTS mon; and wllbeut Ibis .11 ether ter thon lb. mlghty; and ho that INSRA CEeducation la goM4 for iiothing.- ruloth bis spirit thon ho that tak- Poe61Bw avle Htchcock- eth a ciy.-Praverbo 16:32. P, PhoneU 1There are seapons whon te be Thore le more heoesin in self- atm 1demanda m 1 beonial tbm nla d dofearm.- -=7,-7--7,17,1-77';