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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1941, p. 6

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~AGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESI~tA~q, BOWMANVTL.LE, OHTARIO THUIISDAY, FEERUAEY 6, 1941 *Zion lits. Chas., Naylor entertaiied the C.G.I.T'. girls at lier ýhome on Saturday.1 lirs. Russell Perklns had a W. A. quilting at lier home, Tuesday. Qulte a few attended the hockey gane at Oshawa Ai&ena on Satur- clay night between Oshawa Jrs. and Guelphi. Miss Emma IKillen je improvlng ,after lier operationi for acute ap- pendicitis i Osha*a Hospital.. The congregàtional meetkg was held on Tuesday nlght. The- re- ports from the different depart- mente each sliowed a balance on biand. Mir. W. R. Rabbins was re- elected as Elder and Mr. J. W. Balson as Steward. Mr. Luther Pascoe was also elected as Stew- ard. Visitors: Mr,. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen at Mr. John Shackelton's, Bowmanville.... Friday, Feb. l4th BMMBERt TO SEN» A CAR». W. bhave flous front Valenine Gifts B»ok, Pictures, CU» namd (lams Party Decoratlons a"d supplies. WOOL .SS our wide assornnt of colours.ami hinds. WALLPÂPERS 1941 Paliers la New Patterns and Colourlngs. Speelal Reumants ma" Boomn Los. J. W. Jewel Il MG se" Phone m56 DwrnMVill HAPLE LUAF LARD lire. Reford Canieron and Jean at lit. S. G. Chant's, Toronto. ., Mr: Percy Bryce, Toronto, Miss Amn- ber Sonley, Osliawa, t lir. Fred Cameron's.?. . Mir. and lire. Anson Balson and daugliters at Mrt. Vic- tor Parkln's, Kinsale. . . . Miss Velnia Balson lias rcturned ta Kinsale alter spending a month at home..., li. and lits. Frank Pascoe and daugliters at Miss Ada Pascoe's, Toronto.. .lMr,. and lirs. W. Hulatt and Victor, Oshawa, lit. and lire. W. Scott, Black- stock, at Mr. Russell P.. . . . . lits. Russell Stainton and Grace at Mr. Bernard licEwen's, Osh- awa. . . lir. and lirs. Stanley Coverly and Lloyd, Ebenezer, lit. and lits. Miorley Flintoff and daughters, Maple Grave, at lir. Wes. Camerons... Mrt. and Mis. A. T. Stainton visited Miss Bere- nice Stainton at Peterbaro. .. lir. and lits. J. W. Balcon vislted lit. A. J. Balson, Solina. lir. Balson is able ta be up a short tmeecd day. . . Mr. Stanley Stainton at lir. A. T. Stainton's. Maple Grove Mrt. and lire. R. R. Stevens en- tertained their brothers and sis- ters on Thursday evening in honor of their sister, lire. James Wood, wlio was 75 ycars young. This community wishes lier many more happy birthdays. Miss Ida Stevens lias rellrned from visiting at lit. Elgin Mun- day's, Stirling. lir. and Mme. F. C. Davidson, Oshawa, at Mrt. H. G. Freeman's. Misses Eleane Ormiston and Louise Foley entered Bowman- ville Hospital this week ta trai for nurses. We welcomelMr. and Mrs. Stalk- er and family and hMr. and lire. E. Smith, and famfly to otir com- munity. Miss Betty $nowden lias suffi- ciently rccovered £rom lier acci- dent to return te lier work in To- ronto. Maple Grove Sehéol News (By May Wright, Grade- 6, and Etel Budai, Grade 8) Ini Maille Grove two or three familles have the German meas- les.. .. Our school le very busy at present planning and prepar- ng flic "Save and Win" prograin Feb. 14. This is Winter Fait plus! as we are planning to put on aur Patriotic Operetta and there will be a demonstration af echool ac- tivihies in a new 1941 Save-and- Winniake up. We have new mur- als, new yells, ncw slogans, ncw posters. "Save and Win" Nighti j free toalal but bring along a quar- ter ta get by the dQoar man. You will be asked te buy yourself a War Savings Stanip. Place: Sun- day Scliool basement. Time: 7.30 Standard Tume. Sec "'Comijng Ev, ents" column. 20 LB. PAIL HADImirA Ann Page Pur. Orange Pe l mE& E u us CATCHUFLISY's SUNLIGHT souP Au IPAGE 5wOffl DRIU Do.lHc]AMI WHGLE I R.OUR~KEL 24.lIiag~3c a". Ilif lb.2OeCcent, -34& Duo 83Ç L.73 33j.23C m 1~15c . 22C. 10 a.,s49c U25c re Suces lb.,i3c 1 tT 11 C UIT IBD IWTl2c Jt'a Delicioçtei Mc"AIlSI N - - VEGETA9LES Fresh Crisp POTATOES" laico 23e s unches 17e 3 lbs.. lc daz. doz. 17c 23. 3*. HOSTEL -SKI-ING POPULAi-ý,tN QUEBEC 46]qosteling" ie becomlng in- luge. Certificazes. The party om- Quebec. At the hastels the youug ~Icreasiugîy papular .,h sisted af youmg people tram Mont- peoplo are provlded for by hous Canadian youtli. Above aresee real, Toronto, Quoboc, Hamilton parents", lu the <caseocf the Iron mnembers of a party of lhostelora" ani PhiladoîPhia en route o te311l hostel, Mr. mmd Mrs. Tom, Dhatogra.phed l theC la 0fle tho New Year hollday' ski- 'Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deni- lug at, Iran ENul Youth Hostel tan, chairman and seeretary tee- Pacifie Windsor Station, M9,ontreal, near West Shefford lu tic tam- poctlvely of tho Province of Que- betore oneofe thrco linge posters ou ski-ing district of the Eastern bec Youth Hostels -Âssociation advertlslng the sale af War Sae1 Tawnsbioe ln the Province of.11, 'ere leaders ai the Party. soiina Visitors: Miss Elizabeth liowatt, lit. Frank Mackay, Whitby, at lir. Bryce Brown's. . . lir. and lire. Joe Chapman, Hanmpton, with is. R. J. licKessock. Miss Helen lietcal, liaple Grave, at lit. S. E. Werry's.. . lit. Chas. Hawsam and Mary at Messrs. Thos. and Jack Baker's. . . lir. mmd lits. Ralpli Davis vieited Walter Davis at Mliltity Train- ing Camp, Newiarket. .. lir. and lire. Jack Reynolds and lamily i Toronto and visited Mrt. Nel- son Reynolds who is setiously il i thc General Hospital. .. lit. J. W. Balcon and Jean, Zion, at lir. A. J. Basons... lit. Donald Yel- lowlecs, Bowmmmnviile, at lit. N. C. Yellewlecs'. Sympathy ai Uic community le extended to Uic famifly of Uic late lit. John Wonnacott "ho former- ly resided here. Remember the United Churçýi Brotherhood at Hampton Churcli on Wednesday niglit, Feb. 12Ui. lit. J. J. lidllor, Orono, will be -the guest speaker.'à Y. P. U. met lionday niglit with Miay lierriani, Feilowship con- vener, ik charge ai Uic program. Worship period was conducted by Grace Trul, liarjorie Groat and Francis Wotten. "The best things E af 111e are--Pree" was the theme for a vety inspiing address by lite. Franik Gilbert. A piano duet by Gladys and Ada Ydlaowlccs and a pianb solo by Annie Patter were enjoyed, alter whicli lay led incorne relay gaines. lire. Frank Gilbert entertained ciglit'ladies Saturday alternoon at a Lost H-eir party. Salem Rev. Gardnmer delivered a very. hlpful message at Sunday aiter- noon service mmd the chair rend- ered appropriate music with lit. L. Coombes taking Uic solo. Y. P. U. met Wednesday even- ig, Jan., 2MU, kic heschoql house. Tric president occupled MeI chair. *MiÎss BR,iThompson' lied charge af tic, rogram: Bible relerences, -M. *.Squalt; toplc, by Mr. L. Coombes; readinge, lire. L.'* Rich- arsMis .Burrus andlMt.- P. Blackbur*; plane solo, mise M. Coflacutt; violin sèlection, Miss D. Winters,. Games- were conducted by Mrt. F. Blackburn. Attendance '24., Frlday evening an entettain- ment wase~hdd in the churcli un- der Uic auspices ai Uic War Loan Savinge when Uiceschéol chidren rendeied Uic liret part ai Uic prog rain -and mmcli credit le due Uice cholars and trainers. lit. Staintbn nmd lit. Ç. Carruthers were thc guet speakers in Uheicn- teret oai the Loan, and Uic Y.P.U. g ave a one-act play whicli was well rendered. Salarfl friends were very pleas- ~dte lern tliat 3mt. L. Welsh as returned home Itemn Bow- manville Hôspital mmd maklng. a rapid recovety. lit. andlits. S. Buttery and iamily visited lier parente, lit. and lits. Lancaster at Newton- ville on Sunday. lit. and lire. L. Annis mmd Mar- lyn, Toronto, were gueste aifli&. and lie. W. Cann and lit. mmd lire. A. Minis, Tyrone. lire. W. Sympathy lu extended ta Uic beteaved f amily aiflit. J. Wonna- cati, Providence. Ladies af Uic East Grcup ai Hampton W. I. were entettalned et the home aiflire: R. Knox on Tuesday aiternoon of this wek whule daing sewing for relief. lit. andlits.. John Cater mmd son Raîpli, Tarante, Mt. mmd lits. Evcrett Cain and sanAlan, Orono, and lir. Albiert Catot, Toronto, vlsiied utherparents, lit. and lire. F. Cator, an Sunday. Enifield Visiters: Mise Vera'Stinson has returned lrom visltlng friende i Pontypo.ol. . .-lir. Jamie Starkj hopme -frein 0Osawa. .. lit. mmdJ lire W. Bowman at hie father's, Pat ery.. sr. L. C. Pascoe at lier dagter's, lire. Hugli Beaton, Oshiawa. Thc Red Cross work from here for Jaziuaty was 5 quilte, 2 pair Pyjamas mmd 10 p air of socks. . A numbee ai foxes have 1bein seen #round lately. Saine farmes's trled ta capture*;oome but 4 fIe fores ceem, fo'have thcéli of te deal.j Our mail service hu net beei so good lately. Thc past two weelu we had no mail from Saturday till Tueeday. The Woman's Association met àt lire. H. Smitlis on Tuesday, Feb. 4th. Readinge wcre givenby Vera Stinson and lire. Sicemon, wliile Bessie Pascoc Save the teple. On Sunday thc sermon was based on a comparison between, the 111e of Peter and present -day members ot aur churcli. A large nuinher were *absent awing te roads and weather we presunie. Enfleli Sebool News (By Margaret Smith) This ie thc firet ncws that we have sent this year frôm our echool. Grades V and VI have. been studying Radisson and Gra- sielliers. Grade -VIII lias been lcarning cf Charles I. In Science V and VI teck Expansion of Ice. We put a bottle af water outeide and it froze and Uic ice camne Up througli Uic top cf thc bottle. We call that an expansion af ice. Ini lianual Training we madea work bench. It is 8 feet long and 20%' inclies wide. Wc put curtains on thc shelves. We made a flour scoop, cliecker boardý toothbrusli holder, and a pot holder. We brouglit thi~ngs from home ta show the athers. We brouglit match holder, vegetable peeler, liat pin, snare wire, patate ricer, sugar shaker, pin holder, gravy ladle,j string halder, taothbrusli holder, tomato server, apple caret, wdlx.-e purse, calice grinder, anddarr egg- cutter. . .. We had a Red Crossi meeting for January. Wc made 32 cents. . . . We arc making a scrap book for clippings. . .'. On Wednesday same oaithec clildten on their way ta echool saw tWa foxes. . .. We have taken out five desiçe ta make roam for our work bencli. Kendal Visitors: Miss liatjory Patton and Miss Myrtle Fans, Port Hlope, were at their respective homes here. . . Miessrs. Sai n md Jack Bryson spent Sunday in 'Oshiawa. ..Miss Clara Seens le wiUi lier sister, lire. Reg. .0lt. . . li. mmdlire. Harry Mercet mmd lit. CecilMercer wlth lire. George liercer on Sunday. We arc glad te sec lirs. Mercer up andi ataund Pte. Albert liavin, wif e mmd baby, have been vlsltlng at Brantford. Our congratulations te Gerald Cornish who lias secured hie wings mmd le now home on a icw weeks' lea've. lir. Aylward Little lias given up hie teaching duties at Ctooked Creek mmd secured a good job in Hamilton. lir. Lamne lartineil undetwent an operation for appendicitis in Peterboro Friday' evening. Hie condition is- favorable; hlis pro- gressing eatlsfacterile. Thureday cvening Uic puplus af aur iliree local schools and other local talent put'on an eniertain- ing concert in aid of the sale af War Savings. Stamps. -Praceede ai $26.00 were boer than aptici- pated. lits. Hilditchlield a Bingo par- tY at bier home lionday evcning in aid of Kendal War Victime Fund.. Thc lund lias now passe Uic $25.00 mark. Help it alQng by your donation! Thc proceeds ai Uic cuchre -and old tume dance on Ftlday, Feli. 7Ui, In Uic hall, are te lie added ta Uic fund. A ratier unusual happening teck place Thursday 'whcn Uic snaw plow, gong up ilirougli the nartow winding road un Uich swamp west af Kçndal, elid off Uic road and could hlot be gai eut of Uic, mmd until Uic pow.l caterpillat tracter' plow arrlved from Mlillbtoak. The lack 6f frost I Uic ground lias been a drgw- back for the big hydra trucks asi weil.1 F. C. VANSTONE *owmanvllle F. r..' YAM Tyrone R. L O.YP S YEPIIXNIeON 4".AK MIJfON Orano0 COUNCKL MEETING <Cantlnued from page 1) cost of maintenance for -indigent patients.,- Reeve Edznondstone: "Let'e te- fer- this te our solicitor to notlfy thcrn they are liable." Alter proceeding with several minor matters of business a by- law was presented and given Jts several readinge appointlng Glen L. Martyn a member of the Board ,of Health. .At this p oint the Reeve teck the chair as Mayor Jones had te g o to another engagement. Council- lot Jack Gunn asked for beave of absence foi six weeks as ie lias te undergo an operatlon i To- ronte. Granted, with regret. 1940 Police Report The report of Police activities wlthin the town was quite good compared with other years. It ie a characteristic of the good judg- ment displayed by the Chief that the number of convictions closcly approxbnated the number of charges laid. -Offences: Breaking and enter- ing, 25; Attempted Breakins, 2; Petty Tliefts, 38; Automobiles Stolen, 7 (ail rccovered) - Bicycles Stolen, 3 (2 recovered); Locaî Ar- reste, 24; Arreste for other De- partmente, 10. There was an increase i the number of break and enterlng offences owing to the fact that three boys bloke into ten lake cotae noeng. The three weeappreendedan the goods recovered.. Reporte and complainte investi- Rated were 472, none of these being of a serious nature. * Charges ami Convictions Charged before liagistrate, 44; Convictions, 40; Dismissed, 2; Withdrawn, 2; Prosecutions wcre as follows, Liquor Contrai Act, 8; Higliway Ttalfic Act, 10; Criminel Code, 26; Accidents involving automobiles withln Uic tawn limite nunibered 64, Uic property damnage being elight. There was anc fatality by fire.- Number af summnons servcd, 92; Five auto- mobiles were recovered for other departmnents; Doars found unlock- cd, 52; Tranelents given shelter duting Uic winter, 509. As weed 'inspectai'Uic Cliief made a regular inspection oves' Uic tewn and weeds wcre kept under control wih'litile labor caste. As Sanitary Inspecter leien- vestigated 27 complainte mmd cal- lected 21 samples of milk and creani for Uic Provincial labora- tories test. He put up carde for contaglous diseases when notified. Under UiceIPefence ai Canada Regulations, enemny aliens regist- erd in this district numbered 85. lionthby reporte, and records lot Ottawa -have ta lie kept. Chef Venton also rccomxnended that several "stop" signe on Uic higli- way and on Scugog St. and Man- vers Road be erected. Concludlng hie report Uic Chef expreésed appreciatian for Uic splendid coopetation from the Inayor, membere ai council, Pro- vinédal police stationed here and others wha gave Mini assistance during Uie year. Fire ChIe7ls Re port. Duin g,rortdaniae by fetbald , Fre Cef LcsHoprreprte. There were lam,23 irsOout-of- tewn calls. The fire lose was not exorbitant consldering that at least two of these'blazes dld ex- tensive damage te bouses. The brigade li five practices last sumnier but more are recom- zncnded by Chairmàan Abernethy for the purpose of fanliailzlng several new members aoflice bri- Blackstock St. Jaohn's Anglican Çliurch an- nual vcstry meeting was held at thc churcli on Jan. 27th. The re- parte showed a liberal balance in aIl Uic organizations. Olficers for 1941 are: Senior Wadens-Ira Ar- gue, Harty licLauglilin; Junior Wadens-Harold Crawierd, La- verne Devitt; Treas.-Mrs. (Dr.) J. A. McArthlur; Vestty Clrk- Laverne Devitt; Auditrs-lirs. T. Smith, lire. F. Wiilani; Lay Re- presentatives - Fred Willan, T. Smith; Menibere ai Vestry Coun- cil-lire. A. L. Bailey, lire. J. A. licArthur and thc Wardens. SThe Uirty-ninth annual conven- tion ai Uic Cartwrighit Religious- Educatianal Council was held kn Uic United Churcli, Thureday, Jan. 30th, alternoon and cvening. Re- ports were given fram the various Sunday Sclieole in ail depart- mente. Addresses were given by Rev. F. R. Vmderburg, teptesen- tative ai Uic O.R.E.C., Dr. R. P. Bowles and Rev. D. M. Stinson. Lunch was setved by Uic Black- stock Sunday School ladies.' Mise Norma Hooey, who was teaching at Grace Street Schabl, Toronto, lias resigned, and will be 'i the editorial dept. af Presby- terian Publicatips'e St. Andrew's rHosm. Toronto. * Sncere sympaeliy of Uiecocm-i munity le extended ta lire. W. A.1 VanCamp and 'family on Uic death1 of lir. W. A. VanCamp on Sun-c day marning, Feb. 2nd. lir. andlite. Harty Graham and Verena, Toronto, visited lire. Henry Mauntjoy an Sunday. lire. liountjoy le mmpraving favarably. ' The village was a busy spot on Sunday when thc 2nd Midlmmd Regient liad dinner at Uic Atm- aunies after their skiing trilp. Boys fofliheMidland Regument,i R. F.,.tralnknghI Blackstock Wed-1 nesday, niglit were given a pleas-i ant surprise when ccffee mmd liot1 dogs were served by lire. T. Ven-j ning mmd lire. R. Crawford. Af-i ter a liard night's drilli tus deli-, clous repast was cettainly appre-« clated. Eriniskien Vielters: Miss Shirley Patton, Lidsay, lit. mmdlire. K. Lambl, Fenclon Falle,lir. Wm. Lamb, l4estleten, ai lit. L. Lamb'e. .. lit. and lire. J. A. Barrie mmd Murray, Newtonville, at lir. Wm. Wright's. lit M. md lire. S.- Turner and, Helen ai lit. Wesley Oke's. .. Miss Margaret Dalton and Mr.I Orville Ashton ai lit. T. Sii's, Carwright... lir. mmdlire. G. Beecl et lit. A. Bceclis, Union. Congratulations ta lit.mmd lire. Fbed Billett (nec Rea McGill) on týe arrivaI ai a fine baby boy. * Thc msionaty programme on Sunday motnlng wasin charge af Uic convenor, Miss Ruth Steven- son. A solo was. given by Ralpli Lamb, mmd a letter was read in part by lits. E. Wright and lire. j. A. Werry from Laura Hambly, Mission Band held theit meeting Sunday marnlng. Meeting opmmed by. singing "When Ne Cometh"; rcading bY lire. L. Asiton;,Mrst. eryteld a stery ai "Two Little Cumu"O signed by Danalda Grif- About 40 members were pres- cn a Young Pcoplc's on Monday e 9ln. Thc devotional waei cHarofa Misses Jeesie Knox mmd Eleen Cawling. Those taking pari werc lire. A. Rea%, lre. Ctosman, Jessie and Elle;n. Re- mainder af prograus was in charge of Miéses Alice Stevenson mmd Lorraine Page. Readings by Miss Jean Burt mmd lits. Lackey;teplc by lit. Moore; piano solo, l ire.H licGill; v9cal solo, lire. E. Wright; Mtzpah benediction repeated, ai- ter~~~ wllNainlAntheus was s~g Ti me iwlfl le ai Hay- donnx cko Tucsday even- WA. was licld on Wcdneday latrnn thUicchurcli basement, lwiPesldeni lire. W. H. Moore ptasldng. Hymnn; scriptute mead- kgo by lire. Moore; prayera by Miss Souci, lits. Slcmon and lire. Harding. In thc absence aiflire R. Ormiston, lite. E. Werry had chorg eoairemainder ai pragram: n , by lire. Slcmon; vocal COý so0oe,Ub2ir. E.Wright; teadings by Mins Souci; vocal duet, Joyce Mc- GI»,ffld Alian Werry; readingo, Floue 8U Mie. IL MeGillI and lits.J.A. WW. bymn; Miapal oeicln AND SERVI& I wrL Hlnds le Sale KrushenSi 2 Dotties 45o Eind'a qCream Kuce a 100 peIdlits vacuumn Hot Water A.S.A. Tableta Powderu J Otte j BoUles 9c 2 for 25C 39e 39e Chls Nerve Food 49e Creopbos For cougbs Compouni 87e e . S e Pinex For Courlis Llfebuoy Seap 3 for 17. Cutex Nail PoUah 25c FILMS DEVELOPED FEE 1 25o Noxîerna - - - 19e. Save 100eon Eaeh 1.11 150 Nommera -- .59e Colored Prints le Extra Hospital Bize Noxiema $1.10 STOP YOUR COUGH White Pine & Tar 25c - .500 Nyal Nosq Drops - p, 50 Pinol Expectorait 25o - 500. Vlck's Nose Drops -43e Duckley's Mixture 40c - 75o Vlck's Vaporub - 43o Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 49o-73c Buckley's White Rub 43à Pertusuin'- 59 o -98o Vaporlzlng Salve -.290 Laxacold tluskey's .0011 Tablets wil stop fa o that DrSoeToa head coldFrta r oeTra Per Box 25c 10c - 25c Ph9n pR CO U . NCY PVLm. 8, D igade wlihroutine and te acquaint Uiem wihfacteties, echools, apattments, etc., in whicli Uicy miglit have te. fight a blaze. In this cannection, a deputation of two, Recve C. R. Carveth and Councilor H. Coucli af Newcastle outlined an arrangemenite coun- cil for close -cooperation between Uic iwo f ire departmnente. Details wiil lie warked out for the mnutual benefit -ai Uic two comniunitles anmd It le expeèted that when an slai le turned I at Uic other brigade wfllb.hI readi- mess te aid them. if neceesary. As usual Uic Dcputy Reeve in- troduced a new and useful sugges- tion before Uic meeting was, over. This trne lie asked that Uic oemeterY cammittce c on sid e r whether any perpetual care funds or other aniaunts-miglit be avail- able te invest in War Savings at thie time wlien Uic governinent le making an effort te increase un- terestink fils iorraifinvestment. Afriendshlp Uiat makes Uic usclul, for whicli tesson I sliould prefer a prudent frlend te a zeal- ous anc.-Addison. *Sale of Boys, Suits For Young Men Age 6 to 18 W. have taken from our regular stock 13 of those suit. and arm seling them out at a1 sacrifice .. We describe'a fewbélow. REDUCED TO HALF PRICE 1 Double Breaqted, mixed brown 57 tweed, size 35, ret. $11.50, at- .7 1 Single Breaated, énixed grey tweed size 36, reg. $7.95 at 09 1 Single flreated Halifax tweed 6 ohz. 30, reg. $12.50 at ------__.25 1 Doub le Dreasted, brown tweed sise. 35, reg. $8.75 .. t Pure humanity, f ri e ndsah ip, home, the interchanige af love, rbring ta eartli a foretaste of hea- yen-Mary Baker Eddy. L In love ancelias nced of being 1beieved, in friendship of belng understood.-Abel Bonnard. iàfe lias nio blcssing like a pru- dent frlend.-Eurpides.: E VAN GLISTIC TAERNACLE you'are w ete MMlterReiv. C.- .Lynu Wedneudy,.S8p.m.- DmESTUDY,. Frlday, '1 pair. JUNIOR CHURCH Sunday ila11 . suniay 7.30 p..subiet-' MWat Màst a. JUin Doob. o? 4.38. Singer .flool Worsted Special Red-uction' on Ail Ladieos" Hats We are off.rlag te tMe wefl dreused ladies ef Bowlmvilîe and district our entire stock of bats at speelafy reduced »ries. Corne la now md Pick out yours. Reducod* as Iow as 59c SALE 0F COATS and DRESSES We aure it ti tnuurg to offer a large nmlmbr cf coata and dress t greatly reducod prioea. Be. our wlndow display for Quee remarkably fine olothes at low prices. IUCH'JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, Ltde - .. Ring strtt 'e 'wtfo e >1em~a 2.75 Los, com ;-0,119 dg, .1, JPAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATrbSbtýAX, BOWMANV=ýE, ONTAýuo THMDAY, FEBRUAItY 6, 1941 1

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