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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1941, p. 7

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àtEUSAY, 3%BRUARy 6, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Iý- M. Miss Marlon Scott was home for tee weekend. M.and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock were ta town Sunday attendlng ,'Mr. B. M. CottoniVa uneral. Mr., and lira. J. D. luker, ~kvlle, spent theeweekend an r.Gus Bounsall. 'IaC. M. Cudlip has returned te Hmiilton aller o visil wlth ber punsthee Mises Alita, Beech A e.1-. Mrs. Corp. Edward Cook bas gone ta Niagarà Polls ta attend the funcal 0f lier sister, Mrs. Seymour. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Weslawav attended. tee Hughes-EarIy wed- dtag aetee Park Plaza, Taranto, lat week. Mr. and -Mrs. W. C. Pcrgùson ottended tee funerAl of the late Arthur VonCamp, Cartwright, on Tucsday aiternoon. LAC H. K. Colmer spent a few days wlth bis moteer and bas now19f for the No. 4 E.F.T.S., WndsofrMilis, Que. Msr. Charles V. Hoar, De La ENQA.GEMENT Mr. and Mrs. W. ii.moore, En-* niskillen, announce, he. engage- ment ai their younger daughter, Elsie Ions, ta Pte. Floyd W. Beck- cet, D.H.R.C., Niagara, son of Mr. aid Mrs. Oliver Beckett af Shel- brooke, Sask. T~he marriage ta take p lace quletly tee latter part ai -Februasy. SHE'LL BE Thrilled. Flattered With a Fine * * * * Corsage $1.50>up. for tile VALENTINE DANCE Nothhngwiil speùmore FLOWERSt$ M"LIwE-tR Sim-OP ilon. 77m ad le . Salle Collage, Toronto, spenl te weekend wite bis parents, Ms. aid Mss. E. V. Hoar. Pte. Charles Sumnieracabès o: the Prince Edward-Eastags Begi- ment la home on two weeas leave from Camp Bordai. H. L. Goddard bas been Sp. pointed by Counties Council as sepresenlotiva ta tee Board af Educalian for tee ensulng year. Mss. E. Bannatt, Mss. Chas Bail and Fraddlc, Osbawa,.PIe. Petar Hughes, Taranto, apailtee week end wllb Ms. aid Mss. G. E. Pritchard. A C Roy Swtaddlls, B.C.A.F., Cam P Bordai, and Eric Swlnddills, a.C.A 'P., Gal, spent; weekend leave wilb their parents, Ms. and Mss. J. H. Swindells. Mr. aid Mss. A. W. Pickard aid Mss. W. C. Ferguson spaît Sunda7y aitarnoon wilb Ms. and Mss. J. E. Beacock, MyrtIe Station, il being Ms. Beacock's 80te birthday. Congratulations ta Dr. William Tannait, D.VS., Bowmanvile, on bis elavation ta tee presidency af tee Ontario Veteinary Associa- lion at tee annual meeting ta Toronto last week. hI let week's paper il was manllonad ta tee article "A Trrip ta Nebraka" that George Wrrsy wos a third yaar dental studaîl which should bave raad o fourtb yeor dental studaîl. Mss. Douglas Cartes visitad Ms. aidMrs. Harold Dawson, Peter- boro, aid raturned home wite ber husband, Corporal Douglas Car- tes, wbd had weekeid leava from Petarboro training centre. Grocars olong front street hava bean, ieaturing bealte dicta ta their windows la cilice Canadians ta est proper foods. Most ai the foodstufis faaturad are -grown in Canada and will serve a dual pur- pose in building hesltey bodies aid supparting Canada's wor ef- forts. Lack of Coordination <Contlnuod from paie 1) ation aI present la be o malter ai grave concrni. An arrangement worked out wite the activa farces ta Canada wauld be ai immediate halp. "We have a badly balancad economy juat naw," was thee spcaker'a coîcluding observation. "In sanie ports ai tee country teere la unemploynient wblle aI othee points there la a dearte ai labour. Sanie means wil hava ta be iound ta remedy the situation. Il may aven be a National.Gov- arnment. No ana con tell.,, Alteougli the Attorney General bas nat bein accepting speaking engagements ta recaîl mantes ,due » tee pressure ai work, thee Canadian Club was privlleged ta hear bis timely message, wben lie broka. tee rule ta came ta Bow- manville la speak. W. F. Bickard, M.P., tatroduccdhim, givtag tathee audience, moal ai wbom knew Ms. Canant, several interesting focs ai bis 111e. Principal L. W. Dlp- pall spake for the Club ofiering a vote ai teanks. The meeting was beld inthee Balmioral Halel. CHURCH NOTICE St. Paul's United Church-Bav. ;A. B. Cragg, M.A., Mlinister. Sub- jec: il a.m. "Wby Blaeeta Jesus"; 7 p.m. "Wbal Are We Flghling For?" Complate unity cf ohm is thee traditional condition af genuine and sicere frlandabip. -Cicero. ______________________RICHMELLO SOUITE Coffee - lM. 3c DODMINO Shortenlng Ton » » lb. 65c t ;for;23C PARDd2tnsU ________230_ Dot & Cat M PERI. R P d o Grapefruit 6 - à5c S@Bp Florida Cocoa RITZ eALAD IDressing Pearl Bariey PotBariey. White Bran Çorn Moml ontmemi RoII.d Ofts WhoatI.ts GCraham*Fleur Ibs. 25ç SCIAL AND PERSONAL. la destroy tee old dlreçtory and carefully consult the new one be- fore ploclng couls, if thee wrong number' nuisance is ta be. avold- ed. More thon 1,300 books have been prlnted for Bowmanvllle alone. Altageteer, nearly 15,000 volumes wilU be dlslrlbuted, be- cause tels edition aloa g oea ta Osh- awa, jort Per F, Whltby, Brigh- to ootg, eor,ç, n4 Port zý-- GOodysa anumcum To Ail Hourly Rated, Employees at flowmanville Factory: On December 5th, 1940 the De- e partmcent of Labour at Ottawa % uthorized a Board of Conciliation pursuont ta the Industrial Dis- ,f tes Investigation Ac ta lnquire eoterates of wages and work- *ig conditions at the Bowmianville faclory. This Board of Confila- tion, conslsting of the Honourable Mr. Justice J. G. Gllandersi Chairman, Mr. F. A. Brewin and~ Mr. Victor A. Sinclair, lX.C., has been meeting since January 20th last and upon January 25th the r Board recomniended that Wale crates be raised by the sum ofc per hour; that the present war bonus now received by Bowmon- ville cmployees be continued and that certain bonuses be granted 1should cost of living increase. Although the wage rates paid by the Company and disclosed ta 1tee Board of Conciliation compar- cd favourably with wage rates paid by the Company's competi- tors ta employees eflgaged in making similar. products, the LCompany was pleased to accept 1each pf these recommendotlons tand tee suggested wage Increase was mode effective as of January 20th. The Board of Conciliation now recommends that tee CoMpany enter tato an Agreement with ail its hourly rated employees. The Company is pleased ta accept this recommendation and has approv- ed theeterms of tee Agreement drofted by thee Board of Concilia- tion, which draft Agreement is ovailable to you for your con- sideration. The Board of Conciliation has appointed two of your fellow em- ployecs , Messrs. Maurice W. Crook and F. Piper, toaoct as its representatives for tee following purposes: (1) To ascertain whether tee hourly rated Bowmanviile cm- ployees approve of the terms of tels Agreeement, and if sol (2) To receive nominations for tee purpose of electihg a Committec of 'not more thon five employees who wiil slgn tee Agreement on behalf of ail hourly rated employees, which will act as a Grievance Corn- mitlee representing ail hourly rated employees ta any furteer* negotiations which may take place with tee Company. There is a provision in. tee droit Agreement whereby teese rep- resentatives will oct during thee currency of tee Agreement or until their successors are elected by you. The Company endarses te Board of Conciliations choice of Messrs. Crook and Piper to re- present tee Board and believes teat teese two men will honestly and sincerely endeavour ta obtain z aadequate expression of tee daires of tee Bawmanviile hourly rated emploýrècs, fihtry, Wlvth re- spect ta tee terns cf tee Agre- ment proposed by tee Board and, secondly, wite respect ta tee re- presenlatives who wil oct on behali of tee employees in ils qýgegalioions with tee Company. e Company requests that each *Bowmanville hourly rated cm- ployee extend full ço-operatian ta tee Board ai Conciliation and tee Company by carefully cansidering thee terms ai tee proposed Agree- ment and tee fellow employeco who wiil be elected ta o ct as representatives. Adcquate provision wilU be mode ta permit ail haurly roted employeco ta express teeir ap- praval or disappraval af tee draft Agreement and ta deposit with Messrs. Craok and Piper thee nome or nomes of employees whom teey wlsh ta nominale and eleot as representatives. Yours very truly, E. H. KOKEN, Vcè-Presldent In Charge of Production. Bowmnanvflle, Feb. 5, 1941. (Advt.) Courtice' The Courtice Hunt Club met again last Saturdoy under Master of Hounds Fred Courtice. The bag was one red fox and 10 jack rab- bits. Pedigreed Old Jim, a 12 year fox-hound. led Fred, Archie Muir, Jack Crum, Couch Courtice, Cecil Robinson, Lloyd Courtice and Bunny Osborne ta tee kil. Fred and Archie, both past 70 came bock ta tee rendezvous fresh as dalsies, where a lunch of cheese and refreshmenls was served. t WoRlc Committe. EI.cts 1941 Offloers At a meeting ai tee Women's War Work Commitîce ta tee Bow- manville Bsanch of te (anadian ReBd Cross Society thesé offilcers * and committce conveners were i elected for tee ycar 1941: Presi- - dent-Mrs. V. H. Starey; Vico ePresident-Miss Ethel MorrisAt-. -sistaît ta Branch Treasurer -Miàîs eMabel Borland; Secrtry-Mifl -Helen Cryderman; Cutting Con: emilIce Canvener-Miss F. M. Gal- ibraite; Kiîtting CommltteqCon-. 1 vexer-Mrs. D. P. I-cnry;ewlng sCommlttee Canvener-Mrs. J. O9- i Neill; Social Commilîce Convener L-Mrs. M. M. Gerry. a The following la- suninarybio ctee articles and supplies mode by r the commitîe iromn November - 1939, when il began ta work, up 1ta December 31, 1940: 1 For the armed forces, 7933 items, such as sweaters, sax, 1scarves, mitts, etc., for bote sol- diers and scamen. Hospital sup- plies ai 15 different kinda totalled 31572 in comiorts and conven- . ences. Jam shipments tatalbcd 12496 lbs. Cloteing.of ail kinds for refugees, bath for. womcn and èhildran, totalled 1400'items. *Il is evidant that womcn ai tels district engagcd -tanBcd Cross rwork are holding their own in patriolism and production wlte rany district in Canada. R. M. COTTON (Contlnbed'from page 11) manage a large estate where cil- rus fruits and pineapples were. grown. Fram 1911 ta 1916 he con- tmnucd as estale manager and then the blood ai bis ipsbears isusged througb bis veina and he relurned ta Canada ta jota bis Mjesty's forces. Ha enflsted at iBarrie wite tee 1571h battallan aid wcnl ovenseas. Befose return-. ing he scrved ta a dozen units. His service ta France started a dozen illnesses whicb have dogged hlm ail terougb 111e. Ha seturncd fram Eîgland ta 1919 suffering from exhaustion and pneumanla. He attained the rank oi sergeant. while overseao. ,While ta England Mr. Cataon rcturned ta tee scenes oi bis youte and teere senewed a romance whlcbh h'ad starled ' years before. In 1917, test romance. culmInated ta tee marriage ai Robert Mandera ,Cotton ta Helen Checkly. Aller teir returi ta Canada teey set- tlcd ta Hamiliton wbere their onby. child Helen was born ta 1920. Then Mr. Coton was asked ta take over bis old job ta Cuba but declincd. Instead lie teck a numn- ber ai courses between periods ai =easand recuperatioantate bpiaand aller leachtag itaa Business College for a short lime he became an accountant for te Grimsby Matons until teat com- pany sold out.. Ha teen became accountant for tee Radiant Elec- fric Ca. and test Vas an important happening, for Bowmanville be- cause il was bis association *!th' teal firm which brought him here laIes whcn Alan Camipbellb-of Bowmanville purcbased the busi- ness. Il wos nal long until tee worth ai Bob Colan became known in tee comnsunity. He -took an ac- tive tatercat ta St. John's Anglican Church and was soon made sec- retary-treasurer, an office wblch lie held for one year, iollowed by twa as Warden.. For il years he was a delegate ta tee synod aite Diocese of Toronto, and bas had speclal honora ai servie on tee Diocesan Mission Board for many years. He was tee first prealdent aithee Bowmanville Canadian Legion, an office whicb he filled wite distinction for four yearsan d since teat lime bas been frequant- ly recognized for, menitorlous ser- vice. Hie bas been 'tee secnetary and gulding spirit of test organ- ization since ils Inceptlan. His copacity ion work was lremend- ous. Also active In Masonic work lie was a member ai tee Santa Fe Lodge A.F. &A.M. Royal Arcb Masons, Cuba, a *PasI Principal of Palestine Chapter, Royal Arcli Masons, Bowmanville and secre- tory of tee local cha.ptes. lHc was also a member ai, te indoo Koosh Gratta, Hamnilton. I 1940 among tee many offices he held in addition ta bis pnivale wosk os accounlant and segular tasks as Police Court Clerk and Justice ai the Peace, he Wos sccreîary of the Men's Canodiai Club, Chamber ai Commerce, Red Cross Society and last Augusl was anc cf tee Chief Jeistrars for Durham, a task which overtaxed bis strengtb ta an alarming extent. Alteaugb neyes *actve ta poli- tics he was appoted Police Mag- 0erý ices characlerized by unsur- pàssed devotion."1 George, R.I. Igob Cotton wos fond of good reàding, liked people and likcd NI1ute honesty in those with WI%=nhe dealt. He wos always sàtttMtive and helpful with every- eftýwhether in a business or4per- dolâil way. Much, much more -àoiid and should be said. Truly ld*Xiie was his monument. 1 .ilhough fully aware teat his might bel brief, Mr. Cotton Sspoken of his awn demise 3 calinness. One of bis greot «is a s music and he desirèd thot'the beauliiul sang "My Task" >*. played at bis funeral which *,Mheld from. St. John's Church e 30Sunday aiternoon with. hdreds of friends ottending. ~pesenaives irom many local ô ' hizations came ta pay their 'urespects as well as out-of- Iown legionaires. Mr. W. F. Word, Zone Commander here, represent- cd the Provincial Command of the Lipon and representatives of the Provincial Police were present. At ýtee solemn graveside service1 nmfmbers of the Oshawa Legion, eo,.3 .... dropped poppies * ï ndMs Checkley, Hamil-1 tan, ottended the funerol. 1 Dozens cf beautiful floral tri- butes surrounded the casket at the front of the church and were borne by Mr. Cotton's friends ta te. graveside. They were fromn te. Bowmanvjlle Legion, Boy Scouts, Comrades of Christie St. Hospital, St. John's Church, Bow- maWilles Hospital, Bowmanville RdCros, Jerusolem Lodge, Pal-1 estine Chapter, The Bond, and thei Chaniber of Comirxdrce. Polîbearers were H. D. Moses, Wjn. Tait, Alex Lyle, Fred Hoar, Ross Strike and Dr. V. H. Storey. COMING EVENTS No. 9 Home and School Club Valentine annual dance and card party in Orono town hall, Feb. 14. Gallaway's Orchestra. Admission 40c. 5-2 South Darlington Girls will hold their annual Soitball Dance at1 Pidduck's Hall, Courlice, on Fni- day, February 2lst. Everyone wel-g corme. Admission 25c. Pleose note1 change cf date. 6-1 Durham County Shorthorn As- sociation will hold their annualj Sale cf Cattle, Thursdoy, Febru- ary 27th. Further porticulars lot- er. 6-19 Corne 10 Maple Grove "Savè and Win" Progrom, Friday, Feb., 14te. Demonstration, entertain-1 ment, music, potniotic Operetto.i Turne: 7.30 Standard lime in teq Sunday School basement. Admis-j sion: Buy yourself o War Savings1 Stanip aItee door.1 Be Patriotic! Play bridge, fivet h dred or euchre, Wedncsdoy, Pcb. 121h, at 8 p.m. in St. John's PnhHall. Party under the sus- prees o! "D" Company Auxiliary. Everybody welcome. Admissionj 25c. 6-1j lb' I Iff hmme i Prescriptions a Specialty ALEX IMcOl-REOR Laura Secord DlUCS.l Phone 792 C4ndiesUIV We Deliver OFFICIAL VISIT PAID LOCAL LODGE Manday cvening Bt. W. Bra. O. W. Rolph, District Deputy Grand Master ai Ontario District paid bis official visit la ,Jenusalem Lodge. A suitable wclcame was axtended hlm by tee Warshipiul Master L. W. Dippell and te large number who ottended. Oie degsee, tee Fellow Croit, was 'coîferred an Bro. Kenneth Werry. At tee conclusion'ai the even- ing's business tee lodgemen did justice ta tee fine reireshinents pravided. NORWEGIAN TALKS CCentinued froif page 1) anc ai Germany's secret waapons. Numerous inleresling questions were put ta tee pilat offices. Why the invasion? They tnadad ta gel the ports, irai are supplies, the leet (which they ioiled 10 cap- lune) aid ta obtain bases against Bnîtain. The speaker was on bis way home lnom University inte States aItete time and went ta England, jained the Briish army aid than was transfesred ta the Air Ponce. Conlinuing ta answer questions ta bis pleasing manner Ms. Waer- ner expressed tee opinion teal the British should bâve made a greater effort ta bang anto Nar- vik. He doubts that any iran are is getting out ai Norway now, as- pecially since wtater bas set in. Letters whicb be bas been receiv- ing wite fair ragulanily via U.S.A. seem ta indicate test tee shortage ai food is not IoQ seniaus.Ibis winter. As la next wiiter lie could not; say more tean as for as be is concerned tee war won't last that long. Norway aid Germany bad al- ways been on gaad termsanad il was a favorite resort lar Germai tourists. Many Germais were more familiar with bis country thon the natives but teey used Ibeir knowledge againat the coun- try during the invasion. "Tiruly Germany must bave traded butter for guis," he said, "for tee invading troops were s0 cages ta get some ai aur butter teey aIe il like beasts." (A voice frmmtee audience): "«They must have gaI pretly led up wite teat butter for thcy don't core mucb for Greece now!"~ There ara 500 aItete camp "Little Ncrwoy'" where Mr. Waer- ner is stationed. Mast ai ten were sailors. Ha was with te first group ai 17 fliers <ail teat was lait ai tee Norwegian Air Force) who wene tene wben te .camp was founded. The camp is entirely financed by the Norweg- !an government whose marchant fleet is still actively oparating having four million tons an te high seas. This brings ta con- sidarabla revenue. Gold assets ai Norway ware removaid from te country in lime. Canon C. R. Spencer acted as chaitmai for tee evaning. Inte interval whila waiting for te program ta begin he choractanis- B U LB S SOLEXoch 2111 23, 40, 60 end 100 woe. LUXOR 2 for 25é 30 end 60 weIs King Street ticaUly antertained wite some amusing stonies. Ha also tool te opportunity ai paytag tribute ta B. M. Collai who had appeared with him on tee sanie plationni but a faw wecks ogo ta cannection with a soldies's concert. «II feel very humble' standing here ta- night whera ha stood, 50 short- a lime ago," ha said. A musical program also was a fealure ai the evening with te H.S. orchestra, under W. E. C. Workman's direction, giving sane good selections and includiag vocal duels by Owen Nicholas aid Melville Dola, instrumental duels by Misses Louise Osborne and Hazel Bundie, a sala by Miss Dosothy Nichais and two nurn- bars by tee Lions Club quartette, mode up afi Max McGragôr, Rus- sel Osborne, Geo. Davidge and Wilfred Carruthem -i . . At tee close ai -tee eveiing Mr. Waannel, aid bis companian from Bowmanvlle 9-maztob NEW "Little Norway"I wese 'taken tée the Girls' Club roama wbere a racaption was held aI wliich ware mambers ai several clvic argon- izatiorfs. These offixcars provad tbemselves papulr - wite teir grociaus maniersanad their eager. wil]tagness la answer the multi- tude ai questions on Narwoy. ALp- praval of teir good sportsman- sbip was evident .by tee tere hearty cheers for teem *bich: fol- lowed the singing ai ."For They Are Jolly Gaad Fellows," wblbe tee Narwegian ilyers cul te uge cake, iced ta partray teir flag ai Norway. Mr. Dippel aid Dr. Bonny- casîle ascortcd thernian a taur ai tee Higli School, aid once ogoin teey ware greeted with a barrage ai enthusiastic cheers from te studants as they were intraduccd frem tee auditorium stage&'The ls- remataden ai tee evening was spent in dancing. SPECIAL STOCKTAKINGVALUES! Wonion's Flanneotte. Pyjamas and Gowns: Iluded lu ti.a group a re a good var-. lety ot styles and colora.Every ane in worth a dollar or more.7 Sles Smal, Medium and Large -7 7 9 For btal Coul oit Wear"1'SNfUGGIE" Vests and Panties Knitted tram Blended Wool and C@tten Yarno, hi a Smart Rlbbed Pattern, whilch gives great elaatlclty. They provide warmth without welght or bulk, and fit'the fig- ure te perfection. They wasil and wear well tool In Creain or Bluuil Rose-Smafl, Medium and Large. 49e to 79cPRGAMN WE HAVE DRASTICALLY EEDUCED PRICES ON AILL 0»» ITEMS 0F STOCK IN PREPARATION FOIR STOCKTAKING. Caîl and Sec tile Values We Are Oftcrlng! Tou wlll bc Well Repaldl Sheer Pure SILK ROSE 69ec A Irregulars of a Famous $1.00 Make. Lovely 3-Tilread Chiffon, Fully Fashloned, Silk to Top and AIl Sllk Foot. Lovely Shades. SiZesS /2te 10% You will be wlse te get several pairs wilile yen cmi. 7WAKERSTOEJýNIE

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