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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1941, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TEE CANADIAr# S~*'ftSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO TEURBDAY, F3~t~ARY B, 1941 AM MILVEIEN, LEADS LOCAL LIONS CLUB Alei HOCKEY LEAQUE SPORT NEWSply eg h , ey Wit anyanoe game t LET-TER FROM KNULMDU Mrs. Arthur Haiot ha. sent us the foflowing leiter for publication: Ta Lord Beaverbrook, 1M1instry ai Afrcraft Production, Whitehall, London, S. W. 1 Dear Lord Beaverbrook- a s nio I INe- Por low sarked the Rough Ridera on ta Firoo r0edlsPInwad ZfylELy euA Tho' of these writers yau may flot have heard, U.U w aS " iOii ~ care'7 aginatthe 'lfos.pTe lean, aafy"Ta us, you're well known, quite a household Word; score w01 2-0 wlth JaaciiPoîcenlaabrind new Unian Aduit Bbe lssmt tHeny We're a north-western port, of uninntion*ble ae Boys' TeU s Lone l1 Exhbition bSt goals. l te n t a&. **t0*5 oershtomn, Blackbday vnd g AL Butai over the world bas ipreaifar aur faine. Hawkslnaclose_____ a. Vs New catalogues have arrivec so T. Cowln werc eected Temper- For ecd traveiler that conmes up the river so fine, noilte__m toLokcha oer up Cnvats wtaurSlmo dock ta ehecki wtme aretStocy, eanRice ~~ and Lemon made the scores for and get the parts for a ful uni. as Treasurer. Mrs. T. Cowling An u.bsshpg:thelt i oelne CocJean Pattinsan. in two attempts. Eric Mcflveen av edngadascilee- on aur faniaus tlmeplece's fourteen-foot inger. H.S. basketball aquads Friday C.C.I. Seniors: Mary Rogers, 1; was the only player ta make a Paprc etasaenwb inguc was ervcyd f iaoly iddckI el ouwer pou, nlact weanglher,wt and sIhe Canine O'Connor, Betty Asbdown, soea heHw o.handled bjthe public scho& u~1pUP ev. A. F. Gardner chose "The For'tUs bigger than ."àen", and la ot watcbed y a crowd. blckteda igblen ~ 1; Kay McCaig, 4; Guards, -Jean The final gaine waa a walk- lis. The Scouts WlU h&vtI khargc Broken Vessel" as bis s'ubjecet for As a thnepiee it's perfect, and we ail now know The senior girls i a scheduled Richards, jean Duitan, Jean away for the league leading Ran- af bundllng and dlsp osn f the Sunday afternoon. That aur dlock "-can take h," and stilil it will go. gaine with Cobourg drew a 21-21 Heenan, V. Phillips, Estelle gers. The Buildogs provcd ta be palier, sa if yau have m"y Id count wjiil the junior girls went Kwn .Lgtun opposite ta their naine taklng st pazicra, get in touch wtthqea Y .U.mta En fle f A few nighta ago, an alrinan called "Jerry," dont tetn a 316aan inC.Lgtunneo YP.Ume tEhsilnn dobe sai tne sc of23-nior Girls 15-3 defeat. Don Gllhooley net. the achool chfldren and ,tww y l Monday, Pcb. 3rd. Camne and dropped bomba that wcrc meant for aur ferry;' thesane chol.JuiorGilsted 9 for tic Rangera and Lux- call and get i. A nilsaionaryr proami was glv- Hc's a pretty poor abat, and bis bomba fell qulte wlde The baya playing exhibition The junior girls gaine was not tan 6. For Uhc Buildogs Stutt (2>) *een et the Sunday Sebool session 0f their mark - but bore let us wblsper slde- gaines lost bath their baffles, thc as sensatianal as the anc betwcen. and Colwell (1) made goals. The Scouts , and Cube o the wxtb Mra. H. Ashton in charge. senior baya baslng ta Knox Col- their aider sisters, nevertheleas Rangersansd Rough Ridera bave tawn bast a close fie" lest Readings werc given by Mrs. T. Inx front ai aur building ane fell with a crump lege, Toronto 36-18. The junior praved interesting hi thec lait bath camPleted the first four wcek mn Uic dcath afi.Mr ý M. Cowling and Mis. A. Read, sud a That shattcred. most windows, and made people jump; lads took anather defeat grace- biait. After out-scoring Bowman- gaines ai Uic achedule withaut a Cotton. For thc pat sevéra,"aru duet by Misses- Bessie Blackburn And even aur dlock lbat sanie ai lts glory, fufly, ibis Urne froi WbitbyWith villeinthe UicâiraitUby 14-4, thc basa, and on Saturday bath tearnis h.eha. been orloyal secrotary- sud Elleen Cowling. It's, poc face was pitted - but here cames aur story: Uic overwhelming score ai 34-8. B.H.S. lasaies rallied in thc lasi mcci ta decide wbih la the bet- treasurer andouanc af the best Viaitors: Mr. and Mis. Frank S*n*Girf raine ta outscare C.C.I. 12-9. ter.. advacates ai Scoutlng heil .Ho Sandersan and fami r. D. Oar dk<int stop, for tho' abatcrcd and scarred, If Uic Senir Girls Mararet McDanad sud Helen The icani standings ta date: always fufly coapcrated theUicHiggins, Toronto, ai Mr. R. Sn-utkpio an t tpwr wsbre senir grls an cepUP WghiwereUicchif pont et-W L Pts. leaders and arty taak cntrusted ta dersons... Mr. Douglas Fontaine, hb7ieeaPt Gotalt sd les Kegon" thc pace thcy arc, sctting in their tera for B.H.S. Rners ----A 0 8 hi c<e ws lndld wth heut- Mises Ruth and rulMcNei, And knaws that these '"Jerries" fl epwhatthey'rc aowlng. firat two gaines it looks as if they B.H.S. Juniors: Phyflis Trimible, Rough Ridera -4 G 8 mnos tfhtciency as only a mm ofa Toronto, ai Mr. A. MeNel's...P Sa we swept up Uic pleces, decIdn that aul wli sail- right Uraugh for a 2; May MeDonald, 8; Helen pliera -_ ý__-.2 2 4 bis sterling qualities could fuifil. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley ai Mra. Sbauld buy a sauvenir tawards Jcrry's fanl. chamiponship. Individual stas Wght, .6; Joycc Buttonsbaw, Hawks - 1 3 2 Yes, baya, we bave lot a reel Hcrb. Bradlcy's, Enn i.Sonacinuarsndohaane"nms" were hard ta pick on the B.H.S. Marg. Rawc; G ueards , Narah Spit pires _1 3 2 frlend. Sona-aoraoe n ok aeSe a teai but Shirley Camnpbell and Pagan, Marg Nichais, Irene Cun- Bulldoga <- 0 4 > *0 To ask for a plece ai whte. opel dock glass. Pabty Dusian were Uic main scor- ningbm, Willa Werd, Laurane ers, ecdi inklng 8 points. As a Scouts and Cuba 'hed joint Burketon "Airght,"iwe replicd, "wc'U obtain saine for yau, -sa th -rspain u- ep meetings an January 30th. The If van will eacb give us a copper or two, usul icgurdaplyig - C.C.I. Juniora: Laura Hulier, LOCAL BOYS reason for Uica.r....nb*aa 'Uiceccn iias r n r. Tahbus pae Msenai Uicheknd ha lfl ued ic Be ie orb gaine seldom. reccive credit14; Marg Capel 2; BaraaRicb. stO À oe rmpo tcn iiea r n r. This wcwplaenoftae Uicfnd ailed "Spietle,"c ie for their efforts, howcvcr 'w dson 2; Elleen Goode, 5; BREAK EVEN viscaht a d aesfi prO=e-C. .Pai n et etn vould like ta mention Uh i ht- GuadRuth Stiilwell,.ég WITH PT. HOPE ary orthis part ai Uic province. Mr, and Mis. F. Edwarda, Toran- nhe maney rolled in, bath In silver and cappor,, lng battle waged by Magart Brooks. Betty Pulerton, Doris___ Cuba ai Uic 2nd Pack put on a ta, Mr. suddNi-a. Walter Cochrane, And wc chuckled ta think i would speed Jerry'a crapper. Starey i toppita cheCobaurg Thonipan. attacha. Officils for bath girls' gaies- Sbawing much irnprovcment splendid drill and thc let Pack Jean and Harold. sud Miss Ailcen We saonhad ta flnd>a much bigger Uin, Bety shdwnwasaustad-Refrc, MryCuninhanBa- ver previaus gaines,*bath BHS. gave anc ai their jungle dances. Rahin, Bownianvillc, Mr. sud Mis. Par no anc had thought sa muçh cash would come ln. Bebaya' basheibail earnstput upeaeA ganeMary Cunnipgamd Bocw-cx Mau, le sud Ada, Mr. ing for Cobaurg scaring 16 of manviile; Umnpire, E. Stwargodf'bagtants-Pt HopaA aewas olwdthnpayetalh ic andiMra. c.Ra nin Js apbaebuy ae dock aifUie<'instrument" type CIw ave1 points. BH.grsCbug twa exhibition gaines played bere baya frOin Mr. Janes.. lh. Scout Florence Rahm, NewcastleMr And weI pray ihatith's pilat iwlU bear a chermcd lie, noh euneay owit Pari Hoe SnirDosTucsday night. The junior bays, prograin cOnsisted mainly cg kccn Walter Rabin, Enni killen, Miss He'l shoot dawn for you lots qi MM's and J'o, boeresn ebplary 21t. PonoHoe Coieorontshocdalthough thcy werc mnuch amafler cOmnpetitian between. Uic two Audrey McLaughlin Union, Miss 'And soon tcacb these Nqzls ta mI dthqir.bad weys. Bh S. enirs: ay ustanK8;xU c .S. enioronfto, kse than their bilside apzianents, troopa. Mr. Janes, ina acouncil fine Merle Oke, EM niskb n sdMr. SetbMisB liad Marlo nicon ayd ;Shirl8 ey BaI icnyogtrs adidn'trkswshawed cansiderable marc enthus- chat, urged Uic baya to. get ta J. Avery with Mr. iH. R.... SetbMisEHflad Caxnbdll 8;Merln Hapcr2;ofbefre. eorg Crwfor ~ aunithan Uicy bave ta previaus work sud wta marc bad an sd Mr. N. Huldson witb Mr. E. Strong, Po at eir nla ot Guards, Jean Woodward, Îler-graduate aoflest ar S B.1LS. gaines. Part Hope won 31-21 ia..ese -h ne -fra. nikle . r.VyeOh ___________ anws ltdlyonc ai Uic Tbe BH.S. scniors realydld frnis. Rev. C. R. Spencer ebosed awa, et hMrs. E. Caughifl's . .. Mr. balance ai $27.91. W. A. Treas- sud faund ber. mucli bettor. tastas ufo i egetan hisle up sud "p ut on ath meeting with prayer. H. Hause, Oshawa, se~ home. .... uror's report sbowcd a balance on y. p. U. are holding a croklnolc -------------Most ai Uic members ai Uic Knax show"asd we aroiit aaying thet Ms csihaathaa~ n sd ai $110.30. Secreiany ai thc party sud treasure t-ail prograin tean is canefrin ic~ usi because Uiey won 49-21. At Miss Irene Sharp sud Mns D. iKay, W.A., Misa A. Mountay reportcd on Thuraday night.' * heamdstrictaie Uic Che ass khchUer- iUi3an Uclca . Toronto, with Mrs. C. Sandersan. ic heactivities ai thai socty.- The riynpathy la extendéd ta Misa B rown sud Sîcinon werc Uic only undewe but ance they started a a wa, with Mr. J. Gatchl. .. Miss was given by Cburch Treas. Mis. Uic death ai hier fathor. ishi a slin t Uicleaue. ads ere hie slw tagottng £ClLMOfl. . r. sd M. D.GetceilOah-trcsurc's rportfarUic hurc Suse VaCand, BMr.avJ.bE. * orera for B.HS., Brown stnking amoathor warking teamn la very The Junior Red Cross olhand Rb aleBaksok ud1r . .Elat, showing that ail ob- R 1aiofUice18 points. A ile prac- seldoin seen. liai only did tUicMesain e Ucbaya mccet bithepub- . O r.d eiey Riharda, ai ov me.ltinabad e en mnet sd aMajor . Dulne sud Uc POts _________ tice wouldn't bean"inisa thUicregulara give a good aceount ai lie school sud hnit on war work. ...M r. iE wa r HRlchda Bw-am i acersrcmalcd fordtanda.lonae o e1t TI RE _____ Bowmnanvilc camp. themiselves but Uic second lime Congratulations ta Mr. sud M manvlCongratMula.tGi.onse aficr oreel.teEfo B.HS. Seniors: Brown, 12, ahowed there wasn't ruch choice Elinor Bradley' on celebrating Sorryv ta bear that Ewàrt Breck, Uic Sunday Sehool: Superinten- Cnrtltost r.E BOWMANVILLE Sleman, 6; Tamblyn, ColvifleMe- between Uic two line-upa. their 27th wedding anniversary.RHCapiT orwntoscaiIsoleratitnent-gar G ibsa ; rAs-s. iSan; ai sooo h r i Red Cr7an. a - iveen, Underb ll in, Wheeler, 'This Prldny B.H.S.baya mcci The Y. P. U. ai Enniakiflgn s a ingutrco e fogna reiàry-Mlss ea Lthanguebo; SICasbaurn Clar-ke, Mitchell. Oshawa nta e chcduled beegue Haydan combtaed met et Hadan ls Scy & Saurdy Knox ëollege:. Moorhead, 10; gaine 'et B.HS. gymnashuin. Jan. 2Mt, wih Vice President 5 Asat. Scy-Gerald Stitsan; Tes- Frîdy& auday Morrisan, 7; McKay, Porguson, 2; B.HS. Juniors - Symans 2i Miss Ruth Stevenson preslding. Sympathy ai Uic community la chers ai Primany sud Junior Cia.- L k h rCak IMDUART 7 - 8 Wcir, 13, Jobnston - Crawford 4. Edgcr 10, Rowc 4, Mitchell 1, Me- Rev. Lackcy taok charge of thc cxtended ta Mrs. W. A. VanCamp ses-Mns. H. Philp sud Mis InaiL k eoe C ak Refèee, H. Jackmsu sund D. flveefl 2, Siiiiriock, I. Br-owni, _____an_____ _sd family ta theii- bereavement. Hlckling; Missionary Supt.-Mrs. Rcn iios r IMs Double Fauiture Jackman, Bawnianville. Southey, D. Perguson, Moffat 2, E.Mrs H. A. Ga rai; Ha Dt Le. fldcdsudDoeen Mp -Mr. . . ulI; radlRl-G ave t Les. AM... .Mr. Robi. "Ou To n "Junor Boys Care. Sui icl aa, BusimeàsDfr c<1Nestieton -r.J .Elot copne i o .A Ou o nWbitby baya praved ta be toa Part Hape Juniors - Staplea 8, ___ Mrs. George Johnston; Chair Lea-MtiacopndbssnA.. ssarnilItbig. for Uic diminutive BILS. odgeon 12,. 6, Minaker l, ____________dcr-Mrs. E. Gibsan; Organlt- Marin ta Toronto F....... Mr-. Ahe-number froým Nestlcion ai- Misax.qax - - . ans Ohaa lt M. u suad. After a brave effort in ic2, lungard .2, Pulford, Newto ~ LgltnddUcS ConvenonA nuTis p agrain P.wJohs' ,iOhandcredM:an Willam olin---igu",gotkfirt laifta okccp Uic score wi- tSculttheS.-pe, Martyn.liel and in a reasoneble distance Uicy Referce - Jack Calville; Um- i niBcktklatTudy Readings by Misses Della La- Thrwaaveygdatn- ceakcncd badly ta Uic lait heaitpire - D. Jechinan, Bwmau'ilc. ILG. V. <bOULU, , .SI LJ Congratulations t .an. Mis.thangue, T. Preeman sud A. suée aetUic card party lest Wed- "Charie Ch fls adscedroan 4-8-re . hief S eem n iorsve x B-rBrownIiito 20,tr Perey Pbilp on thc airival of e aunj h etn a ls nesday night considex'lng Uiccon- Barse Slctr Ioay young son. cd wI Th etmeesudgprarlos- dlthon ai Uic roadsansd Uic nuin- "Charlie Chan's owe and rown wee chiefSlernon 0, G. MnSari-y1 Colrepart 351n.oFredt ry-owhich Fluney-wad scrvedinsudne rberraittyoung. of koug wfolasreIaway scorers elthougb very hile scor- ville 2, Tamblyn, Alln 2, Undor- Bank ai Commenrce Bbdg. lnwahbi n i ik ii scaluneh sspe wrkng T candndedmoa Murder Cruise" tette. This Friday cvcning. bath bourn. 1- --II.-______fth____iy awie heldesae sn t boys tennis mcci Oshawa in Uic port Hope Seniors - Bongard 1 ~,R.~hextciided ta Mrs. David Jahns ta mateial ta make twa layettes foi- Sarrnllca ynaim 1,Cttr , hUic4 mih1 W RRtedeath oailber father, Mn. JohnBrts abbe, locl gmieshin.11 Cotcr 3 Wbcle 4 Silth1, Bariiter, SoliclIr Notai-y Wa acatt, Bowinanvillc. TyironeBrthwabbis Sidney__________ B.H.S., Junièrs: Siurrack, b; Whitec 2, Trait, Thompson, Kearns, Solicitor for Bank of Mont-cul Visitars: Mr. Ralph Emierson, .-Mrs. Gordon Marin bebd a Edr~oe, 4; Southey 1; Fer- Bilikb.Mnyt on - Poe71Tootwt i aet,1r sd M- eadBad od quilting ai lier haine Seturday ai- Edger. Ri , , Mney to oantPhono791.Troetoullih lasbaringsdan.aa- Mon. - Tues. - Wed. guison, Brown 2, HaI-ncMe- ÎRiee- Dan Mason, Cobourg; Bowmanvlfe, Ontario- Mrs. M. Emerson. . . Mrn. Kenneth vsiM -. ean Ma. Bradd . do by on he ta l engdn hlveen, Mitchell, Maffati. Umpire- D. Jechinan, Bowman- Seele____ler_____nin-______M.___ . . rad.edbyh9 t he Red Cross. urkCT1 -1 -1 harJuniorsHare7;-en, 6;_vlleu_._MASONB.. ey. . .Mr. sud Mna. Robi. Ewers, Mr-. sud ira. Alx Annis, Osh- Roads are. again impassable for Burhar, MHaden 7;GrenBarrisier - Solicitar Miss Nana Porteaus, Oshawaeta awa, Mr. sud Mr. Levi Annis, car. 2; ligt,4; uatrî1, ; lisn.Notary Public*-Etc. 1fr. C. H. Portcaus'. . . Mr-. Doxald Toronia, visited ai My. Arthur John Mitchell has bed Gennian Thy rveBy Rfee, ac olile Upre OR ST RTE MLaw la ait is branches Emerson vislted Mr. Launance Annis'. measles. Nouglas J _____________ le.PLAYS. H%__fic________uo__ Mlom.I, r ndMs Ry M. n Ms he ow n Th"tlro Taylar sud famlly, Blackstock, BIUy Lakcfield, visied fiends. Meke yoursclf an honesttmin, Ng Hanor la worth is danger sud On Saiurday, Pcb. list eg Phones: Office M8; Home SU8 wlihMr. sud Nis. S. Malcolm... Mr-. sud Mns. Clarence Woo an sd thon yau may be sure thai wihlis cosi, sud UIceis worthless with- Burrs' Court (Oshawa Aces cee- Mr. sud Mns. Harold Whccler sud visiied their deughter Joyce ta Uic there la anc rascal boss in Uic oui honon-G Bernard Shaw. braicd Uic fini aif Uic month by Dentaltanxiby, Oshawa, visited lber fa- Sich Cbhildiren's Hospital, Toronto, wonid.-Carlyle. GEORGE RAT Do your worh, be hanesi, kccp handing Doug Taybn' Tigers a thor, Mr. D. Hokin... Mi-. sud ANN SHERMDAN your word, bcip wben you centlie 6-2 t-1anùnnDR. J. C. DEVI!?Mia. Mervin Mountjoy with Mi-. IDA LUPINO fu-.P.Mra.Fcntans gfie work in gaal rab.- miltnt:Dir. MW. Slaaox Wm. ....... Mr-. Lai-ny Hard- HUPMPHREY BOGART Wc enjay ourselves onby ta aur bcd Uic Tigers ai many abats that Graduate of Royal Dental Col. castle visiied Mr-. Henry Thomp- News work, aur doing; sud aur besi looked lke sure goals. wibile Cook le ge Toronta. Office: jury jubile. son. . . Miss Cana Crozier with doing la aur best enjaymcni. - Uic Oshnwa flash peppercd Pick- EgBomnllezilc i Roedl ToronoiMa nd . MiaNrma Jacobi. ard ta goal wlth shats froaral 9 axa. ta .6 pmL'dal, oc Tnna i.adMs ____________________________angles. exeept Sunday Harny McLauahlin sud Laurance, The Bowianvillc baya dEd. nai Phone 700 - Bouse phone 8u Miss Shirley Patient Lindsay, Mi-. play their usuel gane sud X-Ray Equiprmet in Offic and Mer. Kenneih Lamb, Fenebon Osbewa's smooth working for- Falls, visitcd lira. Cecil Wilson. I U Tward ine af Turner, Brisebols DRLI . CE N DR EAN1 HsuAIS IS ad Cook had Uic Tigers coin- (Toe) » ad Ptewcaatle, ont. R Y~ L A .NG *plctcly diso-ganized. Over-aga' Store, Newcastle. Cadnius Coas Suis - D eu. ean, Cnway bsudlng oui no 0 a.m. to 9 p.m. Visitai-s: Mn. sud Mrs. Chai-les Oea# shaa ure , rs-Henderson, Toronta, spent Sunday 75dI, OhawhTrne 1,Brie- bas5Ç oo 3 Wls 1 Bw- Funeral DlNrectors, wihMn. sud Mns. Russell Bnown. bois1, ook3, elsh1. ow-. .Miss T. Fi-cemen spent Uic manville, Wright 1, Wiéidge 1. PUNfRE DETR S - wcekcnd with ber parents, Mr. erni Brielai, Cook, Wclsh, Service, fai'h=boni- wde'y sud lira. Harry Freeman, Bow- Oshawa Laundry, & Dry Cleaning LmuasawFna,1nr- F . orsC.vl.Miss ary H, aw Bvei-aioch. Bowmanvillc, Clark,mavl..MisneHckg comnp8n7, Limbed Pickard, Bird, Collicu , Sheehan, Modern Motor pnment, Àm. manvifle, avor Utce......... Phone 419 WeCa For and Deli'ver Wos ilhWthrdc nlf; tdCr ia Gog alrl l iigfr- erce Canay.phoane 4M0or 784, AMiiant 5M. enidsin Ltadsay. A nurnber frorn bore ettendcd Auctlncerthe S. S. Convention et Black- TIED FOR FIRST ' <One o theaer menaiu BLM obunity pessed away lesuee UN CH RCN LAGUE IOUii Au@te~ier lnx the persan af Mr-. ThomnasHy - a, Hiaptn - Outrle land, et Uic age ai 75. He bai - , ~ *~..Another iwa achedules ai Uic Spoclaliaing in Pen3, LivIs sbeen tan111 ealth fan mrneUiet Lions Club hockey league werc Impbementi nd PUiture SOJAS but Uic end came as a sbock ta plaed durtag lest wehk. On Wed- EU OEAE frhends and noighbara ta whom OSHAWA, ONT. Parking CondIMtle Pfrday & Saturday mERRARTY7 - 8 Lai two day.t.e iire h jeansette MeDe" Félixon udd REVIVAL PrIday NIght at I 1 "lAngels Wash Their Faces" AnSheridan - Ronald Reagan ,The Deai End Kida Monday~ & Tu esday PEDRUART le - il Pul Lebg& h ariof Time' IThe RaMparts We W1tch"I A ea of thouaands GoldeR Fleecing " Lew Aire - ]Rit& Jolunson Leon Errol,- Lloyd Nolan Wed. & Thurs. FEDRUAIT 12 - 18 Lady With Red Hair' Mirlai HopUin - Claude Raina WIth "The Mysterions Mr., Reeder" WIU Fyffé - gay Walah Frîday &Saturday ME BRUARY 14 - 15 Put that date down idThe Son. et Monte Cristo, Louis Haywad - Joan lennet Georgre Sandera ad aal cmrrylnsompmniesrey oit eai for the apedallaedsevices they louaandfthepeapîewhoworkfoe weicame customers Who have aUV., mutor boraw for persorl neduw fth# cominrly, o i, swb am T RI àL VS LON" IILVEEN, MmSaer me of zig Yod" er s' s sfd >eie M CAXADIAX ËMISSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT . M"Mmm »»ý"Màm &ou"

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