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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1941, p. 9

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Y, FEBRARY 18,1941 TE CANADIN ST.IWMANMVILE, ONTAIOPAENN NEWSj Phone 40r16 vateC. Wood vlsited in New- l èé boys who have beeft train- iln Peterboro are home. The now plough cleared the road Suniday evenmng. Mis Rena Bal l spare opera- tor at Central. John Grady has been on the slck list. We understand Charles Glen- *,ney had his car stolen Frlday. Mrs. Crane visited In Bowmnan- ville. The pawer was off for an houx *durlng the recent stormn. * Mm. Tomnllnson is vsiting her parents. Mrs. W. C. Ir'Mitchell visited in Klngston. * Mr. Kenneth Dean visited with !his sister, Mrs. A. West, recently. Mnr. Vera Mllson, Bowman- viuéý, viited Mrs. A. West. -Miss Jean White la assisting Mis. J. C. Gamey at the house and post office. . Rev. Littlewood was unable ta go ta Ikrby Sunday because af b]ocked roads. There was A meeting of the lI ssUre tasty j breadi every,f time i 1m always, rpure.. mAiff lm CANADA L4KP1, Scouts lest week due la lb. cemni- val felling an the saine nlgbî. Congretulatlôns la Mr. and Mis. Neil Ralney sud Mr. and lvins. R. Berraball on the birlh of clhldien. JiCongratulations ta Mr. sud Mms. Jui Major (nee Betty Clough) wba werc quletly marrled i Osh- awa th. latter part of st 'week. Shirley Porter sud Cerman ,Cornsh won the box ofai choco- lates et Ihe rlnk Selurd-ey even- There was. no scbool ion th. junior moom (of bhc Public uchool eMauda.y as th. leacher was laid up wllh a ba:d cald. L_ Over- 300 attcnd-ed lb. Mesons' banquet et Newcastle, Ffld-ay cveulug, ai wbam 48 werc from Omano. r The regular monlhly meeting ai Park St. Sund-ay Scbool teecb- * ers and officers was beid Monday ,veunfg. ci Nw shlvesbave been erect:d hem, disuley ai books., Messrs. W. S. -Cobbled-ick and Thomas -Lewis did lb, job /- sud d-id lb well. *Did you notice the beuty ai the. carlb aiter tb. Fnid-aysnaw- 9storm? - a& did yau groan as you 1stanted sbovelling th. heavy feUl ai snow? 0 J. Wannen's horse men away If Puidaýj afler beinq scared. but Was capturcdet Charles Millcr's; enot mucb damage was donc. Mr. Wanueu lu lb. mail minu. Miss Annabel McKav. Toronto. nic.ce of Mmm. J. R. CooDer and Miss K. McKay, whle vislllug heu nnrentîq. Mr. sud Mms. H. G. Mc- Kay. Coîbomne. 1.11 and broke Ibm ..eboues lu ber rigbt band. Aiter cburcb Sunday morulng ct nresentatlan ai a box of choco- latps was nnale ta the Libnarisin, with R, E. Looan deliveriug the. Arld-ress sud nrcsenîlug lb.eguIf. The surDmlsed reipieul meuaecd ta reqzn out "think vou" Rnd hen riasscd erouud the chocolales. W. bad lh. privileLle ai sceino q niclure ni O.C.S. students and +-.rhers, laken 16 vears or 50 ano fldpy cvenin~e t the literary -mee.Ing, sud il Pmoved inlercat- Ine ta nol oniy past but Preseul students. Among the naines lu 1h. 301h casuelly list lu lbe Toronto Star anpears Ihat ai Spn. Robert Har- vey Graham Vannalla, who lu semiously 1in. The iwarcsl af in mentioucd la Mms. A. Jackson, ,Clarke. At Sundey Scbool. attendéd by 99 lu spite ai blocked roadu, Men- ley Littlewoad gav, bis monîhly n-dsslouary Ielk whlch Pnov.d la b. mout interesting. This ine bis halls was on th. wank lu the North Honsu Mission field lu China. Mms. W. Armmron's, clas was the banner'c éWètlird don~- secutive Sundey. The fluaI ai the L.O.B.A. seules ai card parties was beld Manday cveniug. M1gb score prizes werc award-ed la Mms. H. Cantreil sud MAb. wesI, whlle low score prises wcut ta Mrs. Ed. Dean sud Mis. Robt. Glauville. The-presentatian. "vas made by Mms. H. Lowery. 1.uncb wes semved. The 14 montb aid deughter ai \iru. Boycbuck, Orana, was bad-ly ,calded Fmldeymoinomlg, Feb. 7th, by weter frain a baller on the -stove. The cbild was Iaen ta Dr. McKcnzie's, wba unfartuualelY was ouI an a case. The niothen lhen bad the cbild takeri ta Bow-ý marvilleHospiIel. The Boyohucku arc new mesideuts ai Orono. Roads wcre blocked Saturday betweeu Orono sud Newcastle. Mr. Drmnd was the entime staff aI the beuls as thetwo clerka could fot gel lbrough from Bow- r. manville. The mail aima was de- layed until Monday. P e a pi1e stranded at Newcastle arrived, haine about 5 p.m. by team. and sleigb driven by M. Harcock. Sa, lu spile ai tl)e snow plough, Orano was truly isolated- - or shauld we say Iceolated? Orano Y. P. U. vislted- Newton- ville Y. P. U. on Tuesday cvening Land gave Ibispragrein wbich was lu charge of Eldie Rowe and Roy Berry.* Twa duels by Muriel Ten- nant and Nana Wood, and two b$, Mms. Cantrel and Mis. Phasey; two neadings by Elsie Rowe; vo- cal solos by Colin Taylor and Stella Bust; cornet solo, Manley Lilllewood; toplc by Rev. S. Lit- tlewood. Recreatian iwas canueut- cd by Oona. Lunch was semved by Newtonville. At Wolverhampton Ladge, Sons of England, the follawing afficems were lustalled by tbe District Deputy. W. J. Berr-y, ard afficems ai Wellington Lodge, Bowmau- ville: Woshipiul PasI Pres.-S. J. Hall; President-Gearge Mar- lau; Vice Pres.-W. J. Hall; Cbap- lain-W. B. Hoar; Se'y.-Treas.- H. A. Milîsan; Cammite. men- Ivan Farrow, George Cooee, S. Gardon, J. Bail, S. E. White, T. W. Jackson; Inner Guard-Clarence AlUn; Oulen Guard-R. Brancb. QUILTING BEE AND SUPPER AT A.Y.P.A. MEET W ed ne ad ay aflemnoon,, lest' week, ladies ai the congre«atian ai St. Savioum's Anglican Cburch met for quillllg and bad supper. Followed a progran by lbe Young- cm generallon assistcd by several not s0 Youing, except lu spirit. The progrein wes presidcd aveu by George Mitchell, president .of tbe A.Y.P.A.. and cousstdoi e- citations by Sonny Jordan. Bobby, Wennsu, Chrissie Jordan, Thelma Jordan, Belty Jordan. Helen Lewis; vocal solos bv Mms. Mary Phasey and Connie Mitchell; and- a vocal duel bv Helen Lewis aud Canne Mitchell. Mrs.- J. Morris plaved thebb latter tbncé items. Mms. H. Murray pneseuled guifs tè the iollawlng regulan attend- ants et Supdey School on behalf of the Sunt. IR. H. Allen wbo was Rbsent: Chrissie Jord-an. Thelma Jordan, Cannule Mitchell. SannY Jordan. Helen Lewis, Beltv Jor- dar. Bobby Wannan, and Haace Ynrk. Mms. Murray conducled a cnn- test in which al l ook VarI, and e auls conlest perticipaled ln by nnly the voungsters. 'A prize ion the wlnner was awardcd- te Chris- sic Jordan. A periad- ai games followed' wbiie th,- n1der onPs quilted. 'ai- ter wbich the nvenin« Pntertaln- ment cWesd .wlth. a lunch. Newcastle Stud.nft Gaueste of Ouono LitrarY S.cIty New caslle Continuation Schaol pupils were gucats of the O.CS. pup ls t their mgular Liteuery me9vbng Fidey evening, although not mary weue able l a te ad- vantage ai the invitation. The first part of th. meeting was lu charge ai Puesident Rich- ard Morton. Il consisted ai the singing of 11O Canada," a iew word-s ai wecanie by the chair- man, Feading ai minutes, readlng ai the OeCiS,. the scbool paper, and a few womds frain Rev. Lit- tlewaad wbo spake ai the changes ine.bis *lime in schaol discipline, church discipline,, and aima set Gen. Smnuts befare t4e studeuls as an exemple ai wbat cbuld be accomplishedilulearning. Certl Stepies, leader ai GrouP 11, was lu charge ai the remeinder ai the prograni. The gnoup sang flThe Lard ai the Maple." Carol Staples gave an titeresIing read- ing ai eeily resideuts and Inci- dents ithe eeily iii. ai Onono. Ruby Allen favored with a vocal solo. Muriel'Tonnant nead an article ou the ubaoting ai a chic- ken (wbo would.striy ont hem property) by an irate nelghbam ai the owncn, esuting lu a court case. This prose was dramallzed- by the iallowluig studeutu lu the foin ofa apantomime: (Owner ai the cblcken-Mariou Çao r n i s h; Cblcken--Gwen Tonnant; Nelgh- boui-Kathleen Ard; JÙdge-Don Staples; Juuy-Sevemel boys. Caral Stepies fevored- wltb a piano sola. NexI wes the drama- tizallon of an old tira, apple par- iug bee, with the following stu- dents taking part- Bob Cooper, Don Goode, Marion1 Cornisb, Ruth Goode, Ruby Allen, Muriel Ton- nant, Kathleen Aid, Gwen Ten- nant. These studeuls wero dresu- others' wanld, Though iti may ual on yours and sud ou mine. And may be sanie day a sinall rift lu tb. cloudu,9 Will filler lb. warm sun's raya througli; And- tfié road wan't secin weery, 1nom dreamy, non long, For th. sunsbine wlll banlsh the 1blue. Sa keep riglit ou trudging, tbough weery aur feot, And- hope for the glad- brigbt- snime d-eym; VWn lb.eils'willl be levelled-, .the noads wlll be smoothed-, Our lives wlll bc fllled- then wllb pnis,. -RALPE GORDON. 62ý'Crewfomd- St., Torontbo. SPORTS NUGHT AT" OROMO ARENA Geily decoaaed wlth numerqoi9 flagu, Omano arene wes thé'seene Fmlday of a -vemy enjayable sparlW nlgbl. Proceedlngs starled at 8 p.m. wlth races. W. J. Watsodi arnounced snd awarded the prises while M. Hl. Staples staitdll races and acled as Judge. Wlnners weme as falaows: Bon-" 10 and undr-Dean West; lilaP' 10 and undcy-flanna West; ]ýoyq 10 to 15-E9dgar Mlddleton; Girls 10 .10 15-Betty Linton; Open, gents-Elmer MlddleVah; O pen, ladies-Betty Vanflusen. Next came the specil prises. Mis. Flintof ec&ived a prise for bleing the aldest lady an skates, but anly two were brave enough to tmy far the prize. NexI was the oldest man on skates. No con- petitors. The prise for the best lady skater wes awairdud to Mis Phyllis Lowden, and for The best gentleman skater ta Ross Wood. Eunice Middleton and Gardon Watsan were awamded the prise for the best couple. P. M. ILunn was the judge of the last. théee classes. Lest but flot. least camne -the berrel Jumping. The prize for Ibis was awarded ta "Sonny" ose Wood. Gardon Watson, undéfrat- ed champion, was jud«e, and the prise was donated by P. M. Luttn. The et af lb. evenlug, from. 9 to 11, was spent lu ardinary skating. REPORT HEARD AT RED CROSS Omano Red Cross held ils month- ly meeting Thursday evenlng. Minutes were road and ado pted, and comespondence ead. Thé lat- ter included letters qi thanks from Messrs. Bigelow and Mor- gan. Mms. W. Armstrong gave a re- part ai her wark amnong th1e H. & S. Clubs lu the interest of the Red Cross., The puicbesing corn- milIce report was given by Mms. J. C. Gamey, sbowýig' that 63 upindies of wool hed'be used uluce August. A card of wood pucbased for the lad-go as part peymenl ai their kindness igiv- In tbe use ai the roan was omeied paid for. Mins Davy gave the wokroamn report, wbich show- ed- the making af quiltu ta be pro- gerngand a new quota of arti- clrefo refugees expected. Mms. IL Murray gave the treasuie's report wbich showed a balance on band af $818.47. Sevemai dona- tions were acknowiedged includ- #pg. $8.16 from. the Women's In- Lockhart's School -Eyesight Education. No. 9 agalu prov.d their abililyAn Mesonic banquet aI Newcastle ounffciy YPebruany 7th. The numben ai ByTuc Masonic guests catencd ion wasCHT c aven 300 sud bbc nuniben ai Na. 9 Optometrlat staff was about 60. A substantiel Rym.nhi sun was realised by th. clWb which will be devated ta speciel .Seuls club activities. The yearly run- Disniey BIdE. uling expenses ai lb, club are tek- (OPP. P. O.) ;en cane ai by procecds rminheicOshawa enînual Valentine Dance. The ban- quet canvenen, Mary Baweu, wlshes ta tbark all those ai the Numfber 164 section and alsa any aIliers who assisted lu putting thc évent aven. e ou maey séy gta- youasel noM Co-openation was excellent as c f ycsac isrgt -I ave noBu did much ta kecp thingu ruuning symitiploofeyc avrien."Bt rntuathly. Salurd-ay marniug, de- saitc mv htae cct .~pte b. lizar, asligblaaofper cent of th. people ai Amnenîca .; eape t uadaneigh oualo. have deicclive vision sud that 'Nommu9pye al undta a he l.only thirty peu cent are w.ariug omus joball of waugd hea glasses ha correct these defects. seoud g jnena f g aîb, ing p.I es And ai that thiyty per cent uow an deay' asthelegb juI wslwearlug glasses auly a verY sinal ecacbed home an daikhe su sctlled proportion have had their eycs ;iýche hoe a daknes sttld.cxamined recently enaugh la b. SThe third Uine maad was plosed sure biset the glasses thy are ta maton trafiic SalurdaY alter- wearing are efficient. nobon sud part ai Suuday. By Tests for th. U. S. army pnov- Monday morning' lb. road was cd that ovcm scveuty Peu cent of1 passable allbougb bcavY. lb. youug men exauiu.d- adi Wbeu Chas. Glcnucy icit lb. sub-nonmal vision sud thes. men *Hall lu Newcastle Friday night 10 were youngsters in lb. fullest go haine b. iound bis car missumg. vigar oaIllec. fle reportcd ta Mr. Garrod sud A praminent jcweluy factony ai tficy searcbed tbe tawn tborough- Plainville, Mass., faund that 83 Iy with no succeus. The licous. peu coul nceded glassen. Aller nûniben was eported ta police in blug filted lbey bad an lucrease $ge surroundiug aiea. Saturday ai 28 per cent lu production, sud ;roning th. car was discoveued'lb. presideut attributes this al- a sldcroad near Iawn wheue il raout entimely ta th. corection ai Ube cu ab sdon d. Appar ntly bbc glasses. d been driven soinè distance Inclustriai Aniemica must cdu- suýd brauglit back iiear towii. cae itself ta lb. importance ai the Sanie minor damages were donc cycu 'afinldustry. Industriel mane- but, iortunately, they were flot as gers sud- employers must ealize extehsive as they samelimes are now that correct illumination, in such cases. correct placement ai machines, Durig Satunday nigbt's bigh sud correct glaises ai cmployces ýwiud e bydra wire brokce t Rus- cspecially arc factors xi produc- sel Osborne's gate, ceusing a par- lion wbicb cannaI wiscly b. lial bleckaut ai bis bouse lights. ueglected. _______________(ta b. coulluucd) Lake Shore, Clarke Kendal Yes! W, bad snaw, wiud-s sud Mis. A. Jackson is til vlsillug blpcked oads just like you, aniy wilb ber daugliter, Mrs. Honey, et we lblnk, a litIle worse. W. bave Milliken. had no visitons except those who Mr. sud Mis. Walten Thirteli, arrlved by plane. Two aeroplanes Clarence sud Miss S. Thitoll, wbo circled- overbead Manday. The 1.11 for Toronto Friday wene un- anc with engiue trouble landcd-in able to gel back haine until th. Mr. Sam Wbile's field, then bis plough came thraugh Mand-ey. companlon followed bis exemple. Mms. McCaister and Morley ai The trouble was found 10 b, lce Elizàbelbvllle arived home early whlch had- formed wbcn il had Sabuiday inamniug enroule ta To- been necessauy ta mako a forced .ronto, with e caload af Iuikeys, lapding sanie days befone. When *but could proceed no iurthen uutil ,tey gaI lb. engin. thawed Outl late Manday. they had no dificultY lu agexu Pte. Waiter Wright, Harry Far- taklng off as il hed proved #n cx- now sud Harold Thirtell became cellent lard-mg field. llr.d waiting for th. snow plough, Mrs. CUinI Brown beld- an H.&S. !s0 they used "Sbank's Panica" Club Committe. meeting Fidýy over th. dm11fts to gelta lb.h higli- evenlug. The belp-matcs were alsa .way Sunday. irited, so e veny pleasant lime The beavy snowfall Friday sud wes- speut. the. high winds Saturd-ey causod The ladies are ail invitcd- ta au. of the worst blockad-es since Mrs. W. Baskenvill,'s la scw ionr the suow plougb came on our the Red Cross, Wednesday aller- roada'. Sund-ay cveryone was busy noôn. dlgging theinscîves ouI. ______________A single track adomued the.rmid- dle ai th. road, neither car non cuIter trying il up or dawn. A KEEF TRUDGING watcbful eyc was kept la th. soutb ' sfan th. snow plougb but il did Oue wcanies ai lii, as anc trudges ualappear 1111 at. Monday. lb. way, a Ou stammy Fniday evenlug su For the noad lusa b ard sud SO enjayable hlm. was hcld et th. long; ecr n ac u nb h The pebbles and cabbles sud bard- ech ets."dane puton ythep up-hill climbu,aiGut"Te"By"lp 9ýon't make il a real merry sang. Ped- lu sud looked- alten bb<r ex- penses, sud so were able 10 edd And sometimes tb. wind will blow the proceedu $15.00 ta aur War bard lu one's face, ________________ At athens, bleak relus feulu - stead; There's alway4 sa much tb keep , holding anc back, Sa litIle ta belp one ahead. But back ai lbe damS sud lb, deep, N E We knôw tllat the sun theme docu shineI iuurguyan srxNoism "t .9' COCOA 00 NOURISIIINQ ClIPS TOQ THE POUND Victim's Fund. The total handcd ;in up MI1 Tuesday amounts la $55.25. There are til quite a few ,pames we would like te sec added 10 th. list. Mrs. Hilditch held a Bingo perly i hem hame on Monday cevening ta help the pupils of Ken- idal ralae saine money for the War Victim's Fund. They succeeded ln gclling $6.30. Starkville No service at Shiloh an Sunday last owing ta storm and oad blockade. Miss Wray spent the weekcnd lu Peterborough. The Farrow girls attended a party n Kcdal, Friday night. Thsdistrict, like many others, wilnessed the warst storm, for some time. The roads were al blocked aller a vcry heavy snaw- faîl and wlud. Sorry ta report Mr. Jacob Hal- lowell quite 111 agalu. Mrs. Silver entertained friends and same neighbors ta a goase dinner on Sundey of last week. Several af aur men folk were opeffing oads an Manday. Mn. H. B. Gilmer lost a valu- able yaung hors. the other day. Mrs. J. Clysdale attended the funeral of a friend in Oshawa on Monday. Mmf. H. L. Trim ai Oshawa was unable ta eet home on Saturdey owing ta blacked maads. Mm. and Mrs. Sid Hallawell were in Bowmanville an Tuesday. lest wcek, and called an Mr. and Mms. H. Lyttle. No school an Monday lest as il was impassible for teachem or pupils ta get there. Mr. M. Shtuke visiled friends. li Oshawa. Manile Grove This community wes shocked on Sunday morning when Il be- came known thal Mr. Ed. Panke, naw working lu Goderich, had passed suddenly away. The sym- pathy of this communlty is ex- tended ta th. bereaved widow and family and other relatives. The funeral was held an Tuesday fram the church, a private service be- lug held at the bouse for the lm- mediele femily. Miss Betty Snawden, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mmr. Norman Plugle's. Services an Sunday wcme wlth- dmewn an eccount ai bed oads. Mr. Richard Snawden of Osh- awa, fommerly of Ibis comniunity, sis mak>jng rapid progreus ater len aperation an on. eye in To- ranto hospîtal. Officers af Maple Grave W.M.S. Pedent-Mrs. L. C. Snawden; lut Vice Pres.-Mrs. Ross Stevens; 2nd Vice Pes-Mrs. W. J. Snow- den; Rec. Secretary and Press Sec'y.-Mrs. Cecil Jeffrey; Tfeas- uer-Mms. J. D. Stevenis; Chris- tian Stewardsblp and Finance- Mrs. A. Laird, Mrs. W. J. Snow- den, Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Mms. M. Mundeyr Mission Bah& Sec.-Mrs. Ivison Munday; H1elpers-MIas Helen Melcaif. Mmr. Ross Stevens; Baby Bard Commiltee-Mms. E. Twist, Mms. C. Rundle; Assoclale Helpers Comm.-Mms. C. Green- APPLES WITH BAKED HAM 1 alile of uncooked ham 2 apples (about 1 jj inches thick) % cup brown sugar 1 teaepoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon butter 2 teaspoons vinegar Trim rind from, ham. Mix mustard afid vine ar together, and" red o -ahm. Slice applea thinly and apread li layers eon hm. Sprinkle with bron augar and dot with butter. Bake lin a moderate oven (350" F.) until bain is tender-about 45 minutes. PARK STr. W.&. Park St. . A. met Tucsday -afternoon. U~ri. W. M. Stutt toak charge af the womship, period, ivhich opened the meeting, and read the scripture. Business per- iod followed. Mm., Porter gave her report as Cary. Sec.- Bills were ordered paid. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Mr. .Rolph and Mms. Hoar were appalnted to look,-into the matter of the flower beds. Mrs. Porter gave a reading, aiter which Mrs. Menlor, conducted a conteet, as- 9 sited by Mos. Brown. The meet- ing closed wlth the Mizpah bene- diction. Plans -Coniplsted -For Hugo Drive Chamber of Commerce beld its regular meeting Monday evenlng. The miain Item af business was maklug final plans for the War Savings drive wblch, lakes place Feb. 151h and 101, and i wbh Il lu hoped'al wiil co-operale. We mlgbt add $1200 has aimeady 1been pledged. It lu also planned te hold a township drive aller the village drive la flnished. -A big thermnometer by P. M. Lunn's store will show the way the money lu camlng i. The village has been divlded int sections and 1canvassers appalnted for the wark are as follows: Messrs. O. W. Rolph, W. J. Rfddell, N. F. Porter; H. A. Clarke, C. S. McLaren, Mac Srl, P. M. Lunn, F. O. Cooper, R.e. Logan, Armslnông, C. B. Tyrreil andiMilt Morris. The rest- of the meeting was af a routine nature. Clarke Union Congratulations te Mr. Neil Rahriey on. the arrivai ai a baby boy. Next meeting of the Home and Schoal Club wlfl take. the form -of a social evenlug. Evemybody welcomê. The recent sulam baseumade 1he noads ainiost ipasuable for cars I th1 section. Mr. S. D. Souch, wblle warking i the waods feUled, a tres on bis littie dog, Scotly, klllng hlm. Il la needless ta say 'that Silas feît badly. Mr. and -Mms. Colin Sith en- tertalned 'friendu ta dtnnen one evenlng lest week. Miss Elleen Souch, teacher et Harmaony, dld fiqt get' back ta achool 11 Mondey on account ai blocked moads. Coldi ce Demi Gd ter TDitrai frrned Vieka Way If a cold lias "gne down, aa ingcaghlgmuscular rnarobus orIittn lanoe "Mran tubes, ses whats .a Vjlou a- sage' can do for your Wlthtlrn noretrogre- ment, the ~utce-an -=ao affctinofely' PUETlapoub ,itae psaes wtrotlgmedicins vaaW..SIUMinAW chust and bcliea 'wrrmn poltce or pincter... .rA FTIVMmlrery rIgt v mlReuts delgt eve TO GET a O'VapoRubbMassage wlth ail Its beneftts - massagel VapoRub for 3 minutes on fl(- PORTANT RM-ARZA 0F ]RACE as well asn Iroat anid chst - spred athlck layeron=ht SMR to une genine, tlme-teuted VImeS VAPORUS. ham, Mrs. F. Abernethy, Mvs. E. W. Foley; Supply Camm.-Mrs. F. Swallaw, Mrs. N. 1. Metcalf, Mmm. F. Abernethy, Mrs. H-. Evans; Communlty Fvriendship Comm- Mrs. Step hen Jeffreyr, Mm. IF. Ste-. venu, Mrs. . Coilacutt; Mite Box Sec.-Mrs. R. R. Stevens; Talent Maney Sec.-Mrs..W. J. Snowden; Missionary MoDnthly'Sec.-Mrs. H. *Freeman; Pianlsts-Mrs. C. Run- die, MIrs. C. Snôwden; Flower Comm-Mms. L. Callacutt, Mms. C. Snowden-, Aiditorrn-Mrs. R. Wor- den, Mrs. M. Munday. Mple Grave "Ouie News (By BillieSedl, Grade V, and Harry Snawden, Grgde VI) W. are very buuy planning for aur "Save and Win" programme which we are holding in the S. S. basement on Frlday, Feb. l4th, at 7.30 Standard Mine. Admission la: "Buy youmself a Wam Savings Stamp as you enter." A good pro- graim lncluding aur P"triatic Op- euetta will b. given. No persan car afford ta miss th" wartime special. We want Editor James ta corne. . . . For the past weeks we have been mlxing flour and sait and muaking soin. maps on cardboard. . .. We wereshce ta hear of the death of M.Pni We extend ta the f amily Our deep- est sympathy. War Savings Certificates speil wealth . The New Order lu pov- erty. Auctioneer EL" ULEUR Lleusd Auetieneer Specializlng i Faim, Lvestaek, Implements and Furniture Sale 1TERMS MODERATE Phone for Teins and Date te: Bowmanvllle 2428 Western Canada Spocial Bargain Excursion FIRON ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA. Coing DaIIy F.b. 15 - Mer. 1, 1941, Inclusive Return Limit - 45 Days, TICKETS 000» IN- Coaches at Fares Approxhmately 1 1-8e Per Mile. Tourlat Sleeping Cars at Fares ApProxluMaelY 1 3-Se per mile. Standard Sleeping Cars at FareAPProxlmately 1 5-Se per Mile. COST 0F ACCOMMODATION 1* SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL. BAGGAGE CHECKED - Stopovers at ail points goint and returning. SIMLAR EXCURSIONS PROM WESTERN TO BASTEEN CANADA DURINO SAM PEROD. Tickets. Sleeping Cars Reservations and 91 information trous Mny agent. ASK FOR HA:NDBII T-L CAN ADIAN NATIONAL LOW PRICE I LY, PMRUA.RY 13, 1941 THE CAiqADL4N STA N s t 'V t] c ti il PAGE NnR DRY CLEANING THAT SATISFIES Coatu - Suits*-IDrouset 75Ç Each Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company, LimIted Phone 419 We Cmli For and Delive

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