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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1941, p. 10

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TEECAIADIf MAN, BOWMANV'ILLEÇ, ONTARTO USDY The Newcasle Igdependent Phone Clarke 1114 A À A h A -e9,1 çF e l THE CiýLXADIANd TRUP.ýMAIYI Mrs. W. H. Pearce, who la con- ed the Canadian Holstein Friesian valeighlncel camne home f rom Association Banquet at the Royal Osaahoptllait Frlday. York Hotel on Wednesday, Feb. MISS Gwendolyn Gilmer, Stark- 5th, in connection with t-iM annual. ville, ta vliing hier uncle and convention. Mrs. Joue remnained Hon. Geo. S. Henry. SeI lh >hc ~ o dBRI eunt, Mr. and Mns. C. A. Cowan. in the city till the weekend, visit- producmgco adhe ilka ih a Ati Puic Sch1 pl,___Don______ Mrs. Cowan has flot been very ing relatives. shown a buter atesd o l.iaer ikhs Actingh Y'f OL-Tr omnll bp-FO AE-yu« m well.. ~~~~Mr. Rlph la ~miss Grace Her son, now at Mr. Jose's stables, -gae 1ea hgl nd okaiD .o n Ja- nuBarynOhv14, aMnlea jli aosplerniiae,3yenad Pte. Chas. h ieadwr fD. a nJnay3t,4,tM. Rbison, of the Mjtchlièn of tlà~ink of Commerce ought ta give a gaod account afiD, Nora h pn 'as ad n tne ,be S. JR SAEy 9 n on iu turned ta Camp Borden this manville, were unable ,ta get t n itehevtso tar W Moi' lnaor e wtan voa.gfo on ese o RoalReimntaiCnaare safOrano, bu Stuwalieoni aw- himseelf th yearstanorn.u s o?éyA lnfar . a N*anô o1aVon.MP . 'N.' lH. ?Pefei Nec Thrsur iera w wes'hoi Ooo as atrayanacon eent dsen pqn this section solo, self accompanied'on, Am= M RRSGe.- . . mon., klu23 day wit!i his parents, Mr. afid Mrs. of the snow blocked roads and soai ouf r tatdhreCsoF1 a. ln er ae o ika-______________' * ORSL ANME Gea. Robinson. paîd a friendly visit ta their fel- da y rni ad ket stlya a at tOoonr ~dyMcGI -MUTO nc Boys' Week, sponsored by the i0 n k iCmmreewlyet for twa days and nights. Roads evening, Feb. l7th. Axne4,the -traJnar 5h 91 Yorkshire PU n ek Ontario Boys' Work Board, wm m Newcastle. became blocked in everyr direc- visitons at thé meeting .w_ >Mr. at turandurc 5hPaso-941> R o ad. Ma wo wnkhsea conclude in Newcastle next Sun Owing ta thé snow blocked tion so that by late Saturday night Donald Purdy, Bowmanvll 'and aeURcsak nalo II ~~ lrnc isn .R ,Nw day evening with a boys' service roads inh aeSaescin teewsacneto icrs r.Pry5sse,~ ford R. McGill and Donathy ~~ ate - ini the United Church. Rev. A. R. Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes are trucks and busses on the, high- Gwen Gilmer, Starkvlle. GrceMansoter uiedt Cragg, Bowmanville, will be the staying temporarily wîth her par- way and a congestion af travel- - 20 YORIC-wreunte i spécial preacher and a boys' choir enta, Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Clem- lens in farm homes and in the the holy bonds oi matrimony by PIGS FOR SL Win1 stag. ence, Shaw's. Mr. Holmes la one Newcastle hotels. There wene 50 United hrhlW e their pastor,.Rev. D.1 M. Stinsan. -b <jsbires, 6 «wekadadncsw Mn ndMs J . aean fthe Shone's efficient young people at the Queen's Hotel, al Fb~meig fteDAH Mike Capkneml ét* Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Browni attend- farmers now working in Oshawa that could be packed ta at Elin- W.M.S. a ldChre ",New-___________ HapnRR.Bw nlfe and under present road conditions hurst and a full quota at the NeWv- .o nte7 Qa IBC -nNwaslF - he will have much less troublé castie Arma. Mr. Nanay Goheen, Scastiehasll oda, t.he"y 3. rda y EILBEC 94-,Tri Nwatie, FOeb-L getting ta wonk from his wife's raad foreman, >was out for 28 Mrs. Challie M oy, Fe in dowo'1t1941, MGeorgEilk < FSLE -PUE lRD1OL former home. hours without sleep, tryita chargs. Che rl ienc ok was ta wina helte erge Hol-steico nd af bohtetd The Senior C.G.I.T. Gnoup met clear as much noad as he couldchreThmetnoendb bck ahnOhye.Hotenelc,2yasaidu atth hmeaith ladrMn.wth the snaw plaw. A number ai singing the National ArithÈïà and Funéral from her late residence, Jta freshen Mrhlt look rtaheComeilof anhedledaev is mnas ptt og xas-having the daily prayer for ne'ace. Newcastle, on Thursday, Feb. Apiy hale RndeR.R. Irw wi 5onItwadneded tahime o put JohngkarduwoTr Iaddition ta the umuai lj is,13th, at 3 j>.m. Interment Bow- Aw ll, phan 4... enigFe. 5h.Itwa deidd nghas.hegn icknads Lhi Mns. Hare as ancei o f tor .aville Cemieteny. Bwai that the meeting on the Friday hsbe epn nterasti evening ai Feb. 21st, in National wtater and was at it ail night aiMcCide'sSetr Ort E -I '-- nFbru FOR SALE-GER EYOW C.G.I.T. Week, be an open meet- down Weicome way, fitaly wen* Hope, spoke in appreciationôf theMOR -n.joe, ray -*cmgfureraidet contributions ai the C.Gl4. girls i1, -1941, Byrn Thamas Moorener Riât oig tag ta which ail the parents and. ta bed in Part Hope on Sunday "a enybae ubn tiiiiiOlFrfehn15ha ac;~n frienda aif'tbe girls and any other iiianihg for a rest, It *as -report- bst gma nd the'i6 tse ta Jane Enierson,. age 77 ____yar old fxtrirdg el - tanterested persans be cardially ed that there were 50 cars snaw..besagasadtysath aa FOR RENT - 5 Rdom APART- bredâ. PhoreBwaife21. tavited. Failawing the business boutid up Kurv Inn iand Mn. Non- caldrvie . prb.t i eo- yFuera rohi Gsdn e o Drge R. Davi s, Lo 3 et ailBmo em candnlnce session a social period was enjoy- man Rickard's way'and aven 80 a evcM.Hr.Tin ra uea mbsatensdne ,Drigton 2 ilesnrh ibthFess OlBurner n gr o the eicoe turi a Ui thea. Uc aipture lessan and Mue. Mel- Tyrarie, -on -Fflday, Feb. 14th, at'Bowmanville>, wiil seil by public age. Rent. reasoniabie. Possessian 100Man Bo d MrdayeenaFe. the SnW lows grdiny ce ad Uclwldtapae.MssFx s 2.30 pa..Standard Time, Inte-actiona Ucpemises, an Feb- Mar st Apit Ms.A Modyevnn, e.1thaSowpos rdalycere h nd Mrs. Meilow gave tWo very ment Bowmanvilie Cemetery. ruary22 1941, ail his farm stock TlDvso tBwavfe ROOM ANDI] ECETA number ai Sr. C.G.I.T. girls, with highway on Sunday. tteetig aer foPUcstdyMRTN nluln ane, 6 head ai cattle, Tailocation.onpSt.F. Mclridoo, -their leader, Mrs. Irwin Colwiil, book "Coarades ai the Worîd MOTON-InBo avileHo- 8 pgaquantity ai hay, ail his phane-894, II tBwnn Do ' u s surprised Mary Schmnid with a Cu ! is egsi dat pttal, on Februr OUi, 1941, 1at npl irt, and a quantity HOUSE FOR RENT -O6 ROOMS, ville. 2 binhda patyat er ome -Ttrail Ranger News Items hrh MssFruo dèt Richard H. Morton, age 66 years, ai houseoid furniture. Sale at anc storey, bard and sot waten, witdyprya hFrdyhbuo orthe. -mein 1 exi-yith the hife ai Miss Meaa Kim and Robert. . .Marton, aMe 6412.80 p.m. Standard Tme. Tennis hydro, garder, good repair, 2 Weekly- ce pca Mary's birthday a rdy u o hejs etn 8m i ofKonea while Mis. MelaiV told years.> Interment ,at Hamrptonn.ash. J. D. Hogarth, Clerk; Elmer miewslSugRadIm- the mast carivenicrl evening was bers were prescrit. The testa Ion about Miss Maud McKittnhn, a'Çmt: - ibr Acimer - iatesessiu'o. Johacks, E EK Y DSPCA - or Marday. Alter a merry tramp the Patbftader Dcgree were con- Scotch nurse who wertt to'Korea. ._______________________-2___e osesio. oh Jck, EEL' through the snow, thc girls were ducted by the Mentor. T1*y ne- The meeting closed with prayer - N1 Hampton. 6-2* OystenSeIa l0 er c welcomed by Mary aI the door. sulted as foilows: Francis Jase by Mns. Hancock.. __________Th______________rceleu oodun Alter the gifts had been opened 9% Tayinsy Samtreundionslgned bs. aslceed Gouni e b.2t. ., and admired, games were played Breretor 93, Norman Dent 92, Ted BTLES -- TI lavtg mcmory aiisrcinofmMs alc Wne asoe in 77 - by everyore. Then refrcshmerta Hoar 88, Neil Brittan 84, Bob a dear husband and father, Miller,. ta sel by public auctior Notice weseved. Purdy 84, Murray Wallon 83, HwE pomh Williaim Harold -Betîles, who Tre on th p eesa miebrar a TD-HGETPIE Correction: In last week's ne- Kcnncth Dent 80, Buddy Bor- ntered ittarest Febnuary 18th, 'yaianWdedyFbur ANTD - HIGH ateTriCe__________The__Arm pont of St. George's Vestny a n'Jx.. than 77, Rasa Bal 72, TedPybus (untIiUd rosPta6>n130--2h, 1941, Uic s:foreand araand p a forscrapbtries.WheiTh i n t owaii etnga i alUPbr fun-Eoâbe. oe ry em beedb wIe-vise, cneam separator, set scesbe Xrayed byaur ncwly in- be held it]i oni hmes JJ.FETFES* Delegates. This la the 'way it cil 60, Grant Bail, Failcd, Donald They 1.ould be aslonished ttow ta ane d daugliter churri, wheelbarro* 15 grain cm achtac G. F. JTroublesand rid enenai J.J LT UL , hould have read: Lay Delegates Alldread (F), Kenneth Gibsoti (F) sec how qiickly, under -thclmi-ad ugtr bags, grain, 100 Shapachine."an. public are )nvGeneml0-2 YadC... ~ aSynod -Waiter Crowtber, D. J. Balfour LeGnesley (didn'tt abtesàtofrbcmb iecnare-eng e-feHOMSbus. buckwheat, Souvenir slaeTilven& SItrys. 0-ifngaant 'ios 873Gibson, W. H. Anderson; Sides- test). Uic pacî inarthee ecnaibe, g ne- TIýS'rIlovlng memary aof trScbkslvelnaryre; ________________ Stutin men - George Cnawlhen, chair- of Uic nation. my dean husband,. Robent W. coaloail stove, bath tub,, 2 bcdnoom Beaidg Holmes,. whoSpaestdmanayLawrensuitesesnWnglace PBchairs, parlorfArticleseForSalepREPORTERa- TObSERDPOEWE BeidneOtal SreI mn, Dald ceGines, Waeoace Young People'.UinBut Uic astonishing th laay 1at ai33.sutescw buildingsr, lirestiles'Fo Slerfiew Phone 2695 GboDcadGbaGerePal' no ~the total number cmplaycd-and -rayit,13.suite,-polalo sprayer, fonka, sho- bsnse n ui~ eùv OWBIANVILLE Stephensocandaomheheart blies a,,YcungePevelsshoes, rakesnDgrainncradierandiesOR SALEu- AoQUANTakTY,0Frais.rSlatiand rys-nedse - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I must tehnsrad ttrhtee YUngSS.Hllo Mod e- tiis figure is exclusive ai eiilisîed 0f a loved anc laid ta reàt; naker; and the foilowtag livcslock: go okn arI n ar- is ti: nellgwnsp OUI bave been Uic weather on state ening, Fcb. ioUi, with Miss Mar- 'above Uic level ai 1929. 311,000 is il e, yar, n al; ow g c. e fOi' I rt oftrod us pge. Il mu iec .C.SS. Hall ntMona v e-holttnhI 1,0 r mnysfae I hal ec cwitrced, 6.years, in cal; c40 snips .Batte!!,Duke Street, spane tiine rt owsa a of ic roda. jnc Lyett, residnl, t Uica substanliai a>iny ai workcns. n whîte hed, 6 ycarsotaecafi;h40 Bowmanviile, phone 2018. 74. i~ aLanBid * ~~~ Mn. J. H. Jase recentfy bouglft chair. The pnagram was ta charge représenta almosî half the t otal Beas ewscrea li ens. Sale'aI 1 Standard R_____________P ucaîus an 18 day old negistcred Holstein of Uic Missionary Corivener, Ed number employed ta manufaclur- béat. - uineermsýs. W7-iwna. Jcha. Brookdale-Flaide SALEe- W2stONTomnto, On- bull calf froni Hon. Gea. S. Henry win Hancock, who led in prayer. ing industries ta 1938. -v7-e2cbre y iw.Tnt.Tens ah.W. .Chlist R AwcEa 12 TO DRY lid epotrtsLtd,5Ae ai Oiale Lodge Farta, Todmor- The scrlpture ncadtag by Chas.In13,-t hebto ofte Kingsway, phn 4. a*Iria.7- den. named Governon De- Gleney was fallowed by a vocal I 92 1Ucbtoia b STEPHENS - I lovtag rnemony Kol Heinike and wifl be reaned la sala by Rev. R. E. Marton, Missdépression, 1,790,000 wage earn- ai a dean--wife and. mothen, FOR SALE -BABY CARRTAGE AttentQnLdls became Mr. Jase's herd sire. His Margaret Pearce accampanying. crs were in employmient. Recail Rasina Jane Stephens, wlio pais- Simoztora Sleand crib, wil sel cheap. Phare ~~ .IUUJUUu mallien, Callege Vlcw Floss DeKai Miss Louise Hlancock gave a rcad- fiommnt Uic previaus figure cdpafflawyFbar43.71* RSBCKEÔTEE'tLE was purchased aI Uic top price oaintg, The Saviaun aI Uic World, by given a 286,00 UcnumbU« i i17Ui, 1940. 'ý<,. Sotou~~ O AE-BcaUiy. Silnl myn Mn.J.D.GaeGuepl, nt, y RckrdYangFuleran Jhnemplayment ta October oa' this GdknwtDtsurhssifr scati ountySroîdis2 nnuA. moCARSOSEda 193 5 Pv Cali; on buitnesaa ere le $500.00 aI Uic dispersai sale ai William Yu Plero.are. 4ke ta sewa u33.dcato wl hl is20hanul Mr . D Gae, uelh, nt. byRicardconductcd a aing-song, yean. This repnesents a net.,ta- ing, otSea-17Chvoc;Pon.5, _______________________________________________________crease ai 1,07 1,000 more wtnSs Ta Uchawn lad acir e ai Puncbncd Short- 1938 Chev. daacii; 1941*Ponlac cmplayed 'in Canada inaOefflr ,c pb hrn Thdg 7> 27tl1ý,*anWtr199-a1- s*nnWne g ________________________________________________________1940 ta comparison wiith >*tqer -Sa He closed lier wcary eyeids, e "inF1IAOT y P tige Sedan;1934,01dm.'Sedan; 1932. No anc can measure .ztat,, And whispcrcd j'Pcace Be9 Alex Prout, localéd % nmlle' south 1939 Pyout Coach. Apply SLSE ~ E - i ________________ Iis means ta human happiness, Thine" ai Kunv Inn on Higliway No. 2. Clias. Bnitton, P. O. Box 374, crease, your nan cln 0 health and conlenîment'aif mitd. -Sadly missed by husband and Thene wiil. be oflered IbirteriBawmanvl]e. O-tI-1* Familex prdct:t'lt ni T e S l v n ofte Y a tiposbet niaewa t fmy.buils and -eleven lieifci', some ai es,. meçlne;esnesÏpcs The SeIliug Event of theprouctivTeapa il far ly.whicli are bred. This la a very MATTRESS & COMPORTERS - claeset.ahhoemp- I' S epncscnts, aI icast, aiiran ai oieofér adwl*h buton laese Store 8Lm 2 billion ta Uic National Incoýne. <ards of Thanks .exception arc ail rmtaaccredited IRersI, r ashallg matsse fndedIf a c, s~tno a VàThese ai&è astounding figures - Mrs. Wonnacatt and îamïy iy herds and rnegative ta Uithe od ebuit like rcw. Ostermoar and failure. FMILX 7 I i-' Uicycomandattntin -Uic ta xprss hei sicer thnkstest. They have also ail been in- layer felI maîtresses cieaned ment, Monte.7- H E R E - m~~~~~tensure pnogrcss and record Uie and appreciatlan ta Dr. V. H. eocuSled a prevent. orhip ie' r eulas ovre aa 11L E31st nteasuremen~t. Sîorey and Rev. W. Rackliam an rd m . aI1.0sT. FnBcatagu inner spring mattresses. New TI 1940.lbe increase in the ttal ita, their friendsanad neiglibours Wite Chl e s, l7,"2wn- caverings supplied if neccssary. nùmber emplayed was gregten ionrIluir mary acta ai kindness vle - Feather beds washed, stripped Uhnr ir any allier year in Cana- and expressions ai sympathy dur- and mantd dreEilial down-pnoi nia-er D IRNAD Y SL Ediar history. By Uicerd oai Ibis theicillness and passing ai a ____________________ t enish. idowns nec av- ArD9lc1 l ~u a year, Uic total nunuber employcd iovtag limbard and fathér. WANED DA LABRERc ced'. Ecid~les ow. Pre - Radiés. - ir munitions work will probably WNE A AOES rd pca rcsnw hn -----_--_________S A L E b. incncased by aI leasI 50 %. 1@hé *Mns. W. A. VanCamp and -iam- Must be stnong, willing work- 302. 5-tf-4t' Tubes Testc SiPic increase in total cmpioymnct wlll lly wisli ta exterd their hearticît ers. State expérience and bour-Auoad ______________ be greaten than that which lias Uanks and appreciatll.on for Uic ly wages. Apply B ox 108, cla FOR SALE -RIXBBER GOODS Aut dos .14 u it 19c Buget aken place in 1940 and will again acts ai kindness, messages ai Stabesman Office, Bowmanville. Sundries, etc., mailcd postpaidledSe uhbWrepuaa ________________________lal surpass bbc record of any previaus *sympathy, and beautilul 'Iloral 7-1 ta plain, seaIed wnmpper. 80% Iga uorda ycan in Caradian listanT. tribubes exlcnded ta theta ta Uic Make your dolars Iak now, lcss tantalu. -Wvritufnmal-ReUr SACHAINTALES Rguar25 sseThese ltigs are thc measure bs ai a klnd husbard ard father. Hitler understanda "'Hurricane" oDe ctau. K, ov-Rubben l- King 5t. E Poo11 1-.3cm",INTALEele S.of war. The concrele proof a of ________________toCa, Dept.K2,Bx9,am- FRENCH BAIN what bas aclualy been accota-_________________________________________ 1Cplishcd ta bbc expansion of UcLs ______the_______________________________ 19e' production ai. war requircîcrita; tOST-MILITARY POLICE PIN, RIL ACUU BOTLES dilional expansion ai industry, sake. Finder pîcase- elurn ta o.whicb lilie indirect neault afi l Mrd. Stanley Beckectt, Ontario m 19eZ.A tta--A39C devclopmenl ai aur wan effort. Street. 7S* ii rr 4 SQUARE GLYCgRIN AND) LADY DAMNY CREAM. In 1940 ta isas been accompliàhi IO N~e r BOSE WATER . ced aI a lime whcn Uic wholc drawr up wiharganizatians wba*m .um m .. 19e 25e ~~~~~~~~~~standard ai living ta Canada hasusUihalwneyieoadE Wm uiI ]RS ebeen raised. The Caradian peo- uthald reby dthe BaIdS M MN Reguar.5e1Batis pie have worked liarder, pnoduéed wdbre e eiptac-oactiorfN R S R N AT R S I G 4-SQUARE FRIAR'S -R.eli ru0e Bottlmare, and bave enjoycd a bighlierwmaken or thuis uesotio BALSAMstandard ai living ta 1940 Iban la PINE AN!) TAI n rvasya iterhsoy Communications werc rend fromi _____________________________________ os. - by phve ol yeoft feir Ui ,7. ntania Smicty League asking pcr- 43e Thof ae But wY emrds th*P imission ta presenl motion piclures gnEES B.o ain. IrBtc r d teans which was granled. NeiliYeilow- u1~y 1 ROIE-euls25 ier rwn.I h n h iu ee.rgrigcnrc o in A E -3 On RegularAdvert.izod Prc PUR ESTR - Rena25Rke' wiîî caîl for a réduction in non - turing was leftithic anda aif 2 -2pr eat,- lnidconsumptive demanda norder,,t0,Property coma-itle. BoUeIn 2 1-8 io os ~ Sc ~ 89eCOCOANUT WIL suply Uice ven grawmng requuec. aer- 190 meStA ofOw-r- spector's report was .read wlth mo. 90met a wr.-only minai' suggesions .which1 X)f PUM19e have already been acted tapon. POWDER -200LDY :It PackageS e OuaSeP.Board u>fEducation'- A rsutin was paissd wlicn. 9eLD AN TSUSPunstest - frata Banki ai Commerce. A cota-, Md-KALTRUT LIVER OIL <Contlnued from page 1) mtle ai Trustées Edgen, Paterson

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