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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1941, p. 1

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VOLUME 87 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THUItDAY, FEBRUARY l8th, 1941 NME music EXAMNR Vlggo Kihi Rcnowned on threc continents for bis artistry as a planit, mill con-' duct Toronta Consîàîérvato>o Music examinations i BowIMn- ville on Feb. 22. Mr. Kihi has been a distinigulahcd member o!fthe, T .C.M. iscult>' for over 25 ycams. WIVES TO MNIT TRIGGER IMT FORHUBDIES'ý The monthly meeting of -the' Soldiers'. Wives. Auxiliar>' wai held Tuesday evcning at the home o! Mrs. Tainlinsan, KCing Street. Anid the cick o! needles and chatter Uic meeting was called ta order b>' the president, Mrs, Nell Wilson. The neeting wgs opencd b>' all singing Gad Save The Klnig, Mrs. Sarah Brownx at thc piano. Mrs. Iva MçMann gave the min- utes oi lest mneeting. The roll cail with 26, present. Mrs. Wilson then took Uic busi- ness session. It wai dccided to knit trigger .mitts for the boys. It wai- moved by Mrs. Iva Me- Mann and secanded -by Mrs. Sarah Brown that Mrs. Winnona Clarke be the representative ta Uic Red Cross. The ncxt meeting la ta be.hcld at the hopxe of Mrs.' Jennie Xami-, den, Onario St.,, on Mardi 4Ui, Mrs. Harnden's group ini charge. Two new members wcre wel- comed, Mrs. RBeria- Bathgatc and Mrs. Bessie Purdy.* Lunch was secrved anid an an- joyable cvenlng was had b>'ail. n EXRZ MSCTJSSION ON CHEIESEDISHES Xil i t b, the Toplo of Next The Nutrition Classes opcned on Tursay venng, eb.6th in 4he Hfydro Shýop.About' elghtY ladies were pesent. Mliss M. Ar- cher and Mrs. W., L. Patersan demanstrated twa cheese dishes, which alang wlth ather two prizes were won by Miss Margaret Aflin, Miss Beatrice Gay, Mrs. Alldread and Mrs. Mahobd. A skit showing extravagant and ecanomical buying was put an by Miss Archer, Mrs. Earl Cunning- ham and Miss Marjarle Bradt. Mrs.. W. R. Strike campared buying -bulk and canned fooda, showlng the differénce ln price and-the calaric ivalue you can ob- tain -for lesa nioney. She gave a4 lot of information about cheese4 whlch shauld be used mare in aur . Canidtan homes. . The, next lasis lo n Thuda evenmng of this week at El a'cock 'i the Hydro Shap. The subject la Mdkk Milk Praducts, Milk Soups, and Milk Desserts. All ladies of the town wiil be made 'welcame. BU.'H-S. STUDENTS FORM CLUB FOR CAMERA ARTISTS The first meeting of the newly- formedi B.H.S. Camera Club was held last Thursday. Principal business of the meeting was the election of officers-, Honorary President. Principal L. W. Dippeil; President, Brianx Flaherty; Vice -President, Patsy Dustan; Secre- tary fIra Jackman; ,Treasurer, Shirley Camipbell. 'The purposes of the club are ta increase intcrcst in photography, increase the individual's know- ledge of photography, ta boost the parent town and school, and ta promote -fet ,advancemcnt of photQgraphy as, an art and as a science. Mr. 'Firederic Gardner of the High School teaching staff spexit the weekend with hi, ¶arents at St. Thamas. At Lionsand: Cubs inulDinner C. Dean Rodguon Talces Over President's Chair - Brima "diugar Bergen" Flaherty Amuses Fathers aiid Sons With Original Ikits. Fathers and sans met together for dinner at the Lions Club Mon- da>' evening to Iear an exception- al>' well-balanccd prograin and observe Uic annual "Father -and Son" nightr For serions conider- atian an outstanding speaker bought a sober, lnspirlng. mes- sage. Inx lightcr vein a' yauthlu ventriloqulat dlsplàyed Witherto undiscavcred talent%efore Uic de- lighted audience. About fort>' sans and acting "4sons" ranging inx age from three years upwards were - introduced. The Lions and their gucsts werc privileged ta hear Stephen Say'- well ai Oshawa as guest speaker. He was lntroduced b>' Rev. A. R. Cragg wha gave a brief outline o! his dltinguishcd work with yugpeople, his work in Uic Osaa K wanis Club, in his Mis- sion church and ins business, "Wanted-A Man" was Uic sub- jeet ai Mm. Saywefl's challengig rcmnarks. He descrlbed i graphlc language the qualities Uic lptter world ai the future wlll demnand irom its leaders. Menx o! courage, vision. uprightness, sincemlty, mcen who are prcipared ta take advan-1 tage o! their opporturdtie ,Are the type of leader the worrd la claxnoxing for. The entire future' ,o! our nation has, and wlll de- pend on Uic brave souls .wiUi these1 virtues who ise up to aid It i time a! need. Mr. Saywcil clted Instances *-froin histary such ai Uic destruc- tioý ai Uic Spanish Armada wheme the great leaders Drake and How-. ard were the mcen o! thc hour set- ting out to keep Uic fée from Uic shore. Nature took up Uic destr4x- tien and aided England s0 thatý oni>' a remnant af Uic migixi> enein> fleet returned ta Spa. «It nia>' wellbe," he said. "ic niight>' totalitarian states nia>',yet (Contlnued on page e) FIFTH COLUIMN CANADA'SDANGER r &rinit> Woman's Association met Februar>' 11th With Me. T. W. Cawker preslding. Miss L, Bennett and Circle we'e i charge Mrs. G. L. Wagar read aripture of devational srcvlce and prograin.1 and Mrs. W. P. Rogers off ered1 prayer. A vocal duet was beauti-( iull>' rcndered b>' Miss Bennetti axxd Mrs. V. H. Ott, accompanled1 b>' Mrs. D. Morrison. A mot i- tercstlng address on "ICanada's mot dangerous fifth column"l was given b>' Rev. W. P. Rogers. Reports o! Uic varions circles were presented. ENGLISH KUDDIES TO BE HELPED 'BY LIONS CLUB The Bowinanville Lions Club la uniting with others throughout Canada to create a !und for Uic support ai childmen in England. The "Princess Elizabeth Fund" is a naome suggcstcd. Although.. arrangements have not been ful>' worked out, Uic acheme hai already received ap- proval at Ottawa. A portion o! the revenue o! the local club wll go ta, alleviate suf!erlng in Uic Old Land much hi Uic saine way ai the wdll known War Victinme Fund is adnministercd. LOCAL HERDER FINDS DEMAND FOR HOfflEINS Alex T. Muir, herdsman for Uic Elderslie Fans o! Archie Muir & Sons, Courtice, reports a ver>' subcess!ul yeam with their Hol- stclp herd. Lait spring the>' shipped five show heifers ta Santiago, Chile, S. A., as part o! the selections made in this district, for cxport. Inx October Uic>' exported f ive hcad to New York State that won griËes at local faims and at Peter- oro, among strong competitian. Darlingfoh Township and Dur- hans Count>' are becoming, Uim' Uic enterprise o! Uic Muirs and other outstanding Hostein brced-j ers, one af Uic cheif centres ai Ontario for ,damestlc and !orcign bayera o! purc-brcd, accredited, Holstein stock. SALVATION ARMY CIVE$ ÇCLOTHINQ' BRITAINS mm Co-apcrating wlth Uic War De- Urmtment o! Uic Salvation Amry Canada, the. local, Barracks, kwhich laài charge 'o! Adjt. and Mrs. J. D. Hart, held a tea and showem o! Infants' ciothng Wed- nesday aternoon. About two hundred gnd fort>' garmnnts wcrc donated b>' Uic scores o! !rlcnds wha attendcd. These wlll ail be forwgrded ta headquarters lin To- ronta wltbin a few weeks - Uic brie! dola>' Is tao ,others an apportunit>', to include tbir glfts i Uicshipinent., At Uic tea Mms. J. Tait pauredi asslgted b>' Mrs. J. naird, Mns. T. Hayes, Mrs. W. Paterson and Miss Ileen Large. Mrs. H. Bartiett mc- celved the guesta whllc Mrs. J. D. Hart and Mms. G. E. Pritchard recelved shower gl!ts. Adit. lgart had pictures taken ta record the event and show the coplous dispia>' o! littîs gUfts the warin-heartcd peopie o! Bowman- ville brought for Uic uniortunate chlldren o! England. Board of EducatinMae Orants For Manual Tra p D.HAS.Library ndScec Board to Cail Special Meeting ThI& Month to Fix Estimates for the Year. to<it is a rotten Uing when Uic coundil refuses ta cooperate wlit .the Board o! Education," stated Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, chairman a! the Board. This remark wai forthcoming aiter a letter was read from Uic town clerk stating that Uic town refuse ta do'axxj- thing about Uic llght outslde te High School and tlxat anyane wha -remaved it would be prasecuted. Meeting o! Uic Board was hcld in Uic Public Schaol Tucada>' ,evening. Herbert L. Goddard at- ~tendéd his firit meeting as Caun- :tles Cauncils representalivar, Only anc member of Uic Board was ab- sent, Trustee Fred Crydemman, gue ta in hcalth. ,Nunierous changes were made by Uic Sanitar>' Inspector Dr. Blrks in his annual report. At the High School new slates are need- cd in ail Uic lower scixool forma, a new couch in case ai illness and glass baffleboards should be pace- cd on Uic windows ta prevent drafts and would not cait .a shadaw over Uic studepts as Uic tin boards do now. Playrooms and lavatories ,should be swept more oftcn at1 the South Ward Schaol. Lightig at Central School la inadequate and the matter o! Uic children's eyesight la an important factar In hcalthy bodies. The repart' also iecommended that fountains be changed ta angle type ta prevent lips ýbeing placed an Uic fountain, humidit>' at Uic Central School la Also not up ta standard. Thc Board gave power ta Uic Property Comnmittee to delve inta the changes recommended and bring in recomniendations at next meeting. Trustee Arthur Edger, chairman of Uic Property Comnxttec, stat- cd that his comxittee had takeni action ]xi several emergcncy case". A boiler at Uic Higix Schaal de- vcloped a leak whlch wai !lxed,1 cogilng wai repaired hi Uic girls' luide-room. atB.H.S.,, and'-a br kenu wlndow repaired at Uic Sotie Ward. As rccommended b>'thUic board at Uic lait meeting ncw1 dcskswere instailed lin 1 room1 o! Uic South Ward Schoal and1 new blids were erected i Third1 Forin ai B.H.S.1 Dr. Harold Ferguson will sel lot at Uic rear o!fIihouse for4 $250 stated- Trustee gdger. if this1 new land is purchased H.E.P.C.1 poles wiil be remnovcd to Uic out-1 sklrts of Uic prope#y raccording1 to an agreement drawn up inx <Contlnued on page 10) Bachelor Brothers Die.igt Hospital On Same Day U n u s u a 1 circunstances sur- raunded the death o! two brothers 'lBowmanvillc Hospital lait Thurada>'. Richard HI. Morton, age 66, and Robert J. Morton, 04, bachelor farmers who livcd a fcw miles north o! town, wcre !ound b>' neighbors seriousiy sick with the flu. Upon examination b>' a doctar Uic>' werc found to be su!- fering irons pneumonia and wcrc ordered removed to Uic hospital. Shorti>' afterwards bath: mcen passed away within a few hours o! ecdiother. The double funeral, which wai ta be held irons the Northcutt & Smith Funcral Çhapcl Saturda>' aitemnoon for internent in Hamp- ton Cemeter>', had ta be postpon- cd until Monda>' on accaunt a! the furious storm blocking Uic Hampton hlghway. kildieu'Addueuqeo The address of soldiers ovér- seaham been changed to "Icanadian Army Overaeàs" lnstead* of Base Post Office, Canada. On another page we bave the lust of ail locxal men on draft overseas; as tbf. change hi addreas was not/ made un$Il Wednesdar evenlng the addresses were flot ebanged. The mail wilil reach lis destination under the old adiress but It is Jxùst as, wéli te change )t now. Al mail for soldiera ln Canada mat have the Dame of the place at whlch they are sta- tloned ln the address. ?LEDGETO UMfl,' FOR WARAIG The timne has now arrived when the maney required by thc Gov- eimment of Canada for the maci- ;tenance cf aui Navy, Ariny and, Air Foroe as weil as the puzrchase of War Supplies and thc building of ships must be pra«ided in a very considerable anxount byUth -purchasers of War Savings CetZ fiates. which while sinail indivi- duailly, when taken' colectivel>' attain to a large amount. These War .Savings Certificates can bc purchased in amountsconvenient ta persans wha have steady M- ployment or have moderate sized incones and if this appea meets ei response it should, then thic amnount subscribcd will. iorm a veryr considerable sum towardt Canada's total expcnditures. The utmast o! Uic financial-re- saurces of Uic Canadian péople. will be requlred ta meet war >dËý miands naw f a]lng on Uiceixatf<n. By comparison; what arc Uic sac- rifices we are asked ta make top those being made by thc hexrol -men and women o!fEnglad~ Thiink of Dunkirk. Thinix Of g aut mcen a! Uic navy, and force, and ot Uic army an ua many to sa few," la Mr. Churchill's graphic phrase in appreciation cf Uic personnel o! Uic R.A.F. Long nighit !lights, in cald and starm facing i-uthless beami o! searcix lights, and Uic pitileas shock o! bursting bambs, on Uiey go these tireless mcen; sometimes inx shat- tered planes over cold inhospit- able seai, wearily returning ta their bases. Haw shail wc match this heroic devotion? Wc are askcd ta back Uic heraic effort o! those who for us, are cndurig Uic fur>' and blasts of Nazi tyranny. We may nat havex large aniojmts at our disposal, but ,we shaU ut behind aur effort, a1 s pirit that shail glow through thec gloom Uiat xow enshrouds Uic world. By aur united efforts we shail destroy forever thc despot and tyrants o! Europe, and rcbuld thc temples of man's fredomn, and establish truUi and justice upon foundations Uiat shail not soon be moved. THANK YOU! The Editor, highly compliment- ed, acknowlcdges with thanks this Linvitation: Dear Mr. James - We ;shail be very glad ta have you present at aur "Save and Win" iNight, Friday, Feb. l4th, at 7.30 Standard Time, in the Maple Grave Sunday Schaol basement. We are enclosmng a complimentary ticket and hope you wlll be able 1ta coixie. Yours sincerely, Dorisi Stevens,- Secretary of Maple Grave School. . Many -ChildrinReceive Tgeatmnent Dy Town- Nurse, Report Reveals Annuil Report Ohovis Town, Nurse Ras Exceptionally Busy Time. Before pescntlng ni> report, permit ne ta sa>' "Thank you" ta Uic citizens o! Bowmanviiie who, b>' their kindi>' gestures, friendi>' siniles, and timel>' co-apemation, have hclpcd ta nake Uic dail>' routiîne o! Uic ycar 1940, a pleas- nt tak, and I sincerel>' hope that at leaitmie o! my efforts have not been i vain. Sool Activities Flrst aid or dressjngs, 901; Rapld claa maininspections 1156; Summer round up af new pupils 08; other inspections 3005; speclal physical inspections 422; vision tests 274; hearing tests 137; chil- dren re-inspected for observation 488. 28 ncw defecta wcre iound during Uic yea. 11 corrections o! deiects. 100 chlldren vlsltcd their faml>' dentist during the ycar, but stlll scores are leit who havc mouths that would shock Uic towxi dentias. Immninlatlon Compleci Diphtherla Toxold: School chul- dren 35, pre-school chlldren 20. Scarlet Éever Toxin: School children 34, pre-school children 18. . aby'*ClWne Weekly Thursda>' p.m. Baby Clinic: Number attcnding 48; total attendance 240. Field Nuralng. Visite Visita ta infant and pre-achool childrcn 169; visita ta school chul- dren 235; visita ta adulte 100. Maternit>': Pre-natal visita 39; Post-xxatal visita 30. Visitaeibehal! o! Tuberculosis, 35; visitaei behalf o! communi- cable discases, 49. Social Wel!ame visita, 12. 668 .!feld nursing visita wcre made ta 193 familles. Of the 668 visita, 81 weme for treatinenis or bedalde came. Unelassiied Visita Nat taken under care, 15; nat haine or not found, 32; speciai ac- tivities, 75; visite 10 doctors re patients, 43. Rlgh Sehool Activities Asslstlng M.O.H. wlth annuel T. B. testig. Thuirda>' a.m. Red Cross Home Nursing Classes, number egstered at beginnig o! termin hiSeptember, 60. Lena E. Taylor, Reg. N. REAK ACCIDENT &ESUTJJPTOF STORM TRAFFIcTIED UP 1Our in tatio'n at Newcastle Rurt - Plow Hurla Onow at Building. The worst blizzard 'in many ,Years lashed this section af On- Zario over the weekcnd, trapping mnotorists, causing many accidents tnd isalating ail the territary 'à,rth of Highway No. 2. Manday nlorning the starm had abated ,Waviding a chance ta "dig out", ,T*t the weather remained very cdld. One af the strangest accidents 14 Ontario rallway histary toak .Mce at Newcastle C.N.R. station turday nigt. Four members of ~e R.C.A.F. ad a civilian were 't by flying glass whilc sitting 19 the waiting raom. A railway oaw plow smashed inta a huge aund af snow on the tracks "nding màsses cf it flying against t#e east part af the station. The IWindow was shattered and bits of *lass struck the group. 4The injured were LAC J. L. mughes, Toronto, hand eut; LAC 1îS. Lockwood, Toronto, leg Ïashed; LAC C. E. Latta, St. *omas, injury to hip; Jacob Gol- * c, Toronto, cuts on cheek. ,atta's wife escaped injury. Seven dihers alsa werc unhurt. . Station master Percy Hàre, who *as in his office, at once coin- ftxunicated with Port Hope and Dr. Benson, C.N.R. physician, boarded the Montreal express ta go t Newcastle. Dr. Benson took teinjured aboard 'and treated thern while the crack passenger train thundered along toward Toronto. The station window frame was tôrn out by the impact af the Znaw and a pile ai snow was flung th e length of the waiting room (contlnued on page 7) Disease lu Deung hu--e Health of the Town Detter Durig 1940 M.O.H. Reports MAPLE GROVE MAN Whooplng Cough Can DIES SUDDENLY Be Wiped Out Dr. W. Edward C .- Panke, proprietar ai H. Birks Says - No the Sheil Service Statian, Mapie Diphthet'ia for Past Grave, died suddenly irons a beart Six Years-Town MiIk attack Saturda>'. hM. Panke for- nemI>' cmployed as assistant cen- Consumiption High. ainé"er a the Goodyrplvnant had for saine manths been attached ta the engineering staff at Uic Part Albert Airpart, near Gode- rich. He had returned for a short visit with his famil>' and leit on Saturday, through Uic blizzard, for Port Albert. Shartly alter ar- rival there he was stricken with a fatal attack before medical aid could arrive. Sympathy ai the whole cons- munity is cxtendcd ta Mr. Panke's widow and four sinaîl children. GENERAL MOTORS FAMOUS CHOIR AT NEWCASTLE The world renowned General Motars Choir, Oshawa, will pre- sent a concert ini Newcastle on Tuesday, Februar>' 18. This choir, appearing in aid o! the Red Cross et the Community Hall, is being sent down thraugh the caurtesy ai the company.. Last week this choir was given an exceptionafly fine ovation at their concert ini The Royal York Hatel, Toronto, and Ai l a privi- lege far the people a! tis district ta be able to hear such a talented aggregation. Eric Tredwell, wfl known baritone, Toronto_. andi Edouard Bartlett, vialinist, Osh- awa, will be the guest artists. 1: hrham Lodge Holds Ladie s' Niglit tCen Soble's Amateurs> Entertain ome and ,Sctool1 Club of 8. S. NO. 9,Poie Fine Meal. ite heavil>' falling snaw e prospect o! blocked roads on. Uihahmeward jaurne>', neariy 400 people converged on Uic coin- nxunity hall, Newcastle, on Frida>' evcning, Februar>' 7th, far Uic annual "Ladies' Night" o! Durhamn Lodge, A. F. & A. M. The opening feature was thc banquet in Uic large basement whcre 305, Masons and their ladies, sat down toaa sumptuous dresscd hain supper servcd b>' No. 9 S. S. Home and School Club. Ail the yaung menx and maîdens, sires anxd matrons, working smooth>' and efficiently in catering ta this fair-sized host accounted for upwards o! an- other hundrcd. The young but expe}ienced convener ai Uic club's banquet camnmittee, which won the Masonic brethrens' unstinted thanks and appreciatian, was Miss Mary Bowen, who has several like successes ta the credit o! hem cxc- cutive and managerial abilities. The growing of choice apples on a commercial scale la pcrhaps No. 91s leading industry. It was therefore natural and lagical that their club shauid serve apple juice as a lcad-of f beverage. It would tend to idcntiiy in the minds ai banquettera the habitat ai Uic caterers. Other items on thc de- lectable menu were: -scalloped potatoca, salads and jellies, all Uic tasty trinimings, and apple pie and Ice creain. Between courses Chas. E. Stephenson, Port Hope, led in spirited cammunity sing- ing, accompanied on the piano b>' Mrs. Lynch, Orano. At the be- izinnlng Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer, Bowmanville, said grace. The Toasts Wor. Bro. Lawrence Gaines, W. M. ai Durham Lodge, with other aificials and dignitaries, saine ironi neighboring lodges, on either side ai hum et the head table, actcd as toastmaster and (Oontinued on page 7) Goodyear Woukers Adopt Agreement As sequel ta last week's report under the hcadixxg "Goodyear An- noumcement," which carried points recammended b>' the Board o! Conciliation as a basis for agree- ment, the employees' Committec to-day reports the result o! the vote: For the Agreement ---368 Against the Agreement 12 Falled ta vote-----i Total 391 Among that total were 378 Un- ion mcen and .13 non-Union mcen. The majorit>' is decisive. The grievance cammittee me- mains the saine as originail>' con- stltuted: Maurice Crook, Frank Piper, Ted Large, Ha>' Frank and Arthur Kilpatrick. The rcmaining fammalit>' nowi la for the Cammîttec ta meet with; comban>' officiais before thet Board, presumably at Toronto,1 anxd seal the agreement.1 Man>' changes, bene!icial ta bath workers and campai>', have1 ioflowed upon the initial deter-i maination ta organize. ORONO MAN ý HEADS LOL WEST DURHAM The annual meeting- cf Durhanm West Count>' L. O. L. was held at Blackstock on Feb. 3rd, but be- fore the members assembled at Orange Hall the>' had the sad dut>' ai attending the funeral o! the late War. Bro. W. A. VanCamp who was a Past Coyinty Master. After the meeting was opened, man>' warthy tributes were paid ta the memor>' o! aur late Wor. Bra. as an Orangeman, a citizen, and a christian gentleman. A number o! items ai business and reports were dealt withi alI show- ing Uic Count>' Lodge ta be lxx a ver>' prasperous condition. Ad- journinent was made to the cons- munit>' hall where a banquet, pre- pared b>' L.O.B.A., was .waiting. After daing ample justice ta al the goad things prcpared, a fcw speeches and many thanks ta the ladies, Uic members assembled again in Orange Hall for clection ai officers for 1941, with Past Count>' Master Crcightoxx Dcvltt inx the chair. These aificers were clected: Wor. Caunt>' Master-Neft Porter, Oronoi; Dep. Caunt>' Master-Ro>' Ferguson, Nestieton; C o u n t y Chaplain - Rev. S. Littlewoad, Orono; Count>' Hec. Sec'y.-R. R. Waddell, Orona; Caunt>' Fin. Sec.1 -Earl Dorreli, Blackstock; Coun- t>' Treas.-Henry Thampson, Nes- tîcton; Count>' Lecturer-George Morton, Orono; Dep. Lecturerq (Cartwright) - Lavemne Devitt;1 Dep. Lecturer (Clarke) - Lamneg Wannan; Marshall - Cecil HilI ,, Blackstack; Auditors - E r n i e1 Hammn and W. Dave>', Orono. The. off icers were duly installed b>'1 Wor. Bro. C. P. Devitt.1 In his annual repart the Medi- cal Health Officer ai Bawman- ville, declared that the health ai citizens has been excellent during 1940. The anly disease which zeached epidemic praportions was whaoping caugh. There werc fart>' cases o! this disease but if par- ents will continue ta have their babies inxmunizcd with a new vac- cine the time will soon camne when *whooping cough wlll be alniost unknown, he sald. Alter a short business session ai Uic Board Tuesday evening in Uic Town Clerk's office during which Glen L. Martyn wai elected chairman ai Uic Board, Dr. Birks gave his comprehensive report.. For the sixth consecutive year Bowmanville has nat had a case ,oi diphtheria. Oni>' twa cases o! scarlet lever occurred. This record la due almaost entirel>' ta the pre- ventive campaigns against these diseases which wiil be continued inx 1941. The cost ai this health work tu the tawn has been $1596.90 or 41.5c per capita which inclndes the salar>' ai the M.O.H. $320, Public Health I1jrse $1000, Sani- tary Inspectar 795, Clerical Staff $25, incidentai expenses $27.90, and alter care o! tuberculasla patients $200. The numb* ,o! births for the year was 154 and there wai no miaternal niortalit>', nor has there ,becn for the pait Uirec years. The chief causes o! death were dis- cases ai ald age, thase o! Uic heart, arteries and kidneys. Cancer claimed twa lives, accidents and violence 4, pneumnonia 5 and oth- cm causes 6, making a total -o! 46. 'rhese figures are for Uic town only which includes 3850 citizens. Four infantsunder one year dled and there were nine stillbarn. Speclal services Fotyý-egbt -chAdwxjatndr -Uic Baby Cliniecocnducted b>' Uic Town Nurse ever>' Thursday al- ternoon and many others wcre examincd by Uic nurse before <Contlnued on Page 7) PASS "TATTOOING" AT SHORTHORN CONVENTION At the annual convention of Uic Dominion eharthorn Breeders Association, held in the Royal York, Toronto, Durham wai well represcntcd b>' President Cyril Murnford, Sec'>'. Charles Aluin, Ficîdman John Baker, Russell Os- borne, Eâml Osborne, Russel Richardson, W. F. Rickard, M.P., and others. A xxcw regulation, "tattooing" o! pedigrccd, rcgistered stock, wai passed, after warm debate, which adds considerabi>' to the expense a! sinaller breeders and places Shathorn breeders at the top o! the lst in self-gaverning regimen- tation among fariner arganiza- tians. Ficîdman Baker made a strong speech opposing the move but U.S.A. requireinents for ex- portaif breeding stock determined the issue. He aiso toak advantage o! the occasion ta contact breeders frain the Maritimes ta the Prairies with1 a view ta future sales. Mm. Baker1 was also chasen toasaist at the Peterbora sale, Fcb. 14. With prices holding well, 1941 promises ta be a banner >'ear far beej and breeding stock.1 'Hecilth Off icers Present Reports Dr. W. B. Blrks l*Ma Lena B. Taylor, Ret. N. Medicai Officer o! Health whose Public HealUi Nurse o! Uic report an the health o! Uic citi- Townx qf Bowmanville, who co- zens o! Bownanville for 1940 wai opematin<l with the M.O.H. and Uic enthusiasticali>' received b y Uic Board af Hcalth, has contributcd Board o! Health. He stated that nsuch ta make Bowmanvllle one milk consumption is hlgh here and o! Uic hcalthiest places in Caniada. that Uic doctors are now i a Hem report, which appears in an- position to wlpc oui another corn- other column, shows Uic splendid municable disease - Whaoping womk being carried on Inx ibis Cough. branch. SPEARS AT Y.P.U. Provincial Officer D. P. Morris* Inx an informative talk ta Trin- lty Y.P.U. Monday tald what steps should be taken ini Uic treatinent o! criminals ta prevent further offences b>' thein againat society. HUNGER 15 BASIC CAUSE 0F CRIME OFFICEvRSAYS11 19very Ca S hould Have In- dividual Care - PBom for Iniprovement inPenal SYB- *tem Described by D. P. Mor- ris. "The Treatmet o! Crimninagl" was Uic subject a! a talk given before Trinit>' Young Poe on Manda>' night b>' anc who hashad ample expemience inx that matter. Provincial Police Officer D. Price Morris told hla. audience that crime la the biggest business in Uic world and at present Hitler is Uie undisputed head of Uic criminal fraternity. Inx the United States during 1939, crime cost Uic nation fifteen billion dollars. Prom Uic carlicet recorded histor>' ai man a fight; has been waged to stop crime without avail. Figures show that crime in Uic United States la mucx hlgher per capita than in.x Engl ad. T..e ýwar fo fiâlit crime shouîd be conTcen-. trated on youth.- O!fUicenxany methodi o! pun- ishing and correcting criminal tendencies jail sentences are not; usuall>' success!ul, lin Uic opinion o! the speaker. Reiomm la Uic bet- ter aim ai law enforcement; offi- cers. But !irst the reformer should search out Uic elements that caus- cd a particular crime. The trouble knay be physical; it may be a txien- tai upset, or spring froin malnu- trition or juvenile delinquency. Saine idea ai Uic powerful cf- fect ai hunger in brcaking dowx morale wai given by 1%e. Morris when he stated that a man wlill rcadily lie aiter he has suffered hunger for 24 hours; he will steal aiter going without food for 48 hours; and may km lxi despera- tion aiter Uiree days without food. Therciore it is important ta re- member that Uic state o! mind w-hich ina>' oiginate froin an empty stomach hai an important bearing on crime. Saine American scientists point out that crime is on Uic increase because o! automobiles. liquor, cigarettes, dancing, etc. But« be this ai it may, Uic root o! Uic trouble la in lack o! home control and aftcn the blanie lies with the parents. Treat Criminals lndirldually Lack o! church training, home training, participation in coopera- tive athletics, failure to rcad good (Contlnued on page 5) RAFFLE BOOSTS WAR.-SAVINGS AT- ROTARY CLUB Inx Uic absence o! a certain member o! Uic progmam com- mlttee frons Uic Rotary' Luncheon Uic three co-workcrs on thai cammittce maxgcd themselves ai thc hcad table supportlng Presi- dent Fred Hoar who up ta Uic laut few midnutes o! Uic meeting con- !ldextly cxpected thens to "do their stuf!." Nothlng, was forth- coming. Howevcr Rotarlan Bil Flaherty saved Uic day b>' lntroducing and executing a scheme ta raffle off war savlngs stamps. Six wlnncrs oi over a dollar each can use this mone>' as a start on Uic purchase o! a five dollar certificate. The>' were Tins Garton, Norman Scott, Ross Strike, Frank Mcllveen, Harm>' Afin and Melville Dale. Sevemal ver>' smat posters adomxxcd Uic head table (for which Bob Stevens wai ilned) aaver- tlixxg Uice Ma ple Grave Drive for War Savings hi Uic! ormn o! a con- cert ta be held hi Uic schaol Feb. 14th. Sccrctry Eal Cunningham mead a letter from the Lindsay Club praiaing Uic work o! Uic local Cmlpplcd Children's Con- mtittee. Robert Culbert 'o! Uhi mperJal 011 Co. attended with T. A. Gar- tan. Hclp Smash Hitler - Invest lxx War Savinga. an;a With Whlch Are Incorporated The Bowmanville N~8 The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News

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