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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1941, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESII~N, BOWMANVILLE, ONTÂRIO THURSDAY, FEBEUAR~4~, 1941 7ýÏEstabutshed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER WIth whlch ane Jnvorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. U yicurs' continuons service te 1the Town of Bowmanvilie adDurham Couatiy. Memberof 1the Audit Bureau 'e 0f CIrculationsu SUBSCDIPTON RATES $ a Year, strictly ln advance. $2.50 a Year ln 1the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1941 An Unsavory Mess The Town Council bought some free pub- licity for Bownianville when they licensed siot-machines despite appeals from citizens and church and warning by the Chef of Police. But it was bad publicity. It reflected upon 'the charater of our citizens. When the city press reported police raids on several places of business, The Statesman got a call from a former Durbamite, now a city resident: " What 's wrong down there?1 . .. you were surely aware of the Attorney General 's warnng. We were obliged ta say: "Yes, we knew of it-so did the Counil; yet they licensed al'ot-machines and, cynically, knew they were1 doing just that, but they salved their consciences by issumng receiptu as '.amnuse- ment machines'." They bought dishonor, becaine partners ini crime ( a C.C.C. offense) and stultified the good name of aur town ct the price of tainted dollars. They knew what the out- corne would be-fines under. the Criminâli Oode. There la only anc deeent, honorable tfing remaining to be donc. Refund ftie icense money! And make publie apology ta citizens. Ethies alhould compel sharing fines because they were ac- ocasories before the fact. Concil met after raids and summ-onses but did nat even mention the matter. The issue la not clDsed. The Statesman made its stand and the public 's -stand perfectly clear in advance of Counil's decision. Scores of citizens have openly stated that this la one of the moat shameful tbings ever perpetrat- cd upon the town of Bowxnanville. The Counil's duty la pcrfectly clear. The Canadian Pacitic and Unity In this issue appears a pictorial suinmary of the history of the world'a greatest trans- portation systemn, The Canadian Pacifie. This year, it celebrates its sixtieth an- uivçrsary. No other systemn in the universe eau match the speed of its growth, from early, dubious tirnes when both finance and population were scarce, down ta the tim.e when it aehicved ita present eininenee. Today, this vast transportation unit of Eppire serves a rnast vital part iu the war e rt af the whole British Commonwealth of Nations. If has siiffered grievous losses upan fthc oean-but it carnies an, unruffled and immeusely moving. Canada and the Em- pire are thus r.caping the benefit of the res- olute enterprise of aur far-seeing fore- lathers. * The Canadian Pacifie is fortunate in hav- ing at its helm the direcfing genius of one -of Canada 's ablest executives, Sir Edward -Beaty, G.B.E., and upon the Directorate ;are twa natianally-known sans af Durham .County, Col. R. S. McLjaughlin, President -of General Nofors of Canada and Mr. W. N. Tilley, KO.., oufsfanding consfitutionai. lawyer. Bonus and Ballot Box Thc provincial fever, wc presunie, will soan rmn ifs course. If may ual be long now, ince rumar precages a strcngfheued regime at Ottawa. * When Ontania 'c "Man ou Horseback" ne- * ccntly adirecaci flic Harsebreeder 'c Assoc- * iation lu Toronto, the iclegafes muaI have * beenu mrnwht bcwildered wleu fhey were mflicîci wifli a political speech and suoflier blast ut Mackenzie King. Farmmrs in fIls district fao, are bcwiider- cd. The grain uni beci ctîle fariners won- dcr why their tax-rnoncy la faken ta mub- idie dcee proincers. Whole rilk produe- en aretamking thei mmc question. Those vlio Ao flot ahip to Toronto wonder , wlicn tliey * yl gel flie ise in price.for 11cm r odiiet *"t was graulci la mefropolilan ahippers. .êni al ai Ihem complain tht thc cast ai the ffl-page advertisement ou the Sirois ,,. 1>pu a ws unwarrinf cd, high-h«nded ,ffversion ai Ihein tax-maney, Tley wander w* hils melf-avertiaing squares with flic ai the picture "Canada aI Wr." ..And ly are saying, emplît ieally and vjonly that Ontmrio's Premier seema cecceciwif h fthcballot-bax flan They suggcct tht the bonus idem tafmnlabor uni other items ' traiprouction uni make vote-' More Trees L. RuIstonand G(Jenral zeturned froin Engluni. -cet vicfomy by 1942-43 highromi fa if. Yet pnepii'e for a long, Vs - thc limits ai des- fruction over Britain. Before flic present year lias far advanced we may exùiecf fa sec detcrrnined affempts by Hun raiders ta heap muin upon ruin-possibly witli employment of poison gis. Some weeks aga we spoke of fhelicees- sity ai building a glass industry for post- war needs. Now we suggcsf refoarestatian upan a national scle as a great post-war need. No matter what the frends toward inodernistie architecture, there wiIl be huge demands for lumber and timber front Can- ada. By fine and axe we ane slaughtcrng aur timber resaurces. Beyond demande for slip- building will be found fithe rneudous needs ai pact-war Britain. Hece, tas bu- perîfive present paliey we should. begin naw fa caii upanthie resources of Governint Foresfry stations aud the stocks ai private niurseries ta replace the deeirnating innoads upon aur primary building necds. This is one of many things which, as post- war problema, necd marc thouglit ad at- tention flan at present ia accorded. New Houses Needed Within the pastfefw weeks fliere have been a score ai callers at The Statesman of- fice, whieh lias becu open evenings, who have aàked: '"' Are there any hanses for sale or rnufin Bowmanvillet" These people, mosfly, ire warking in fac- tories in nearby towns and lu Oshawa, where housiug accommodation is taxed ta cîpacîty. Many say, tao, tht they preler ta establiali homes in Bowmanvillc. Enquiry reveils that there are few, if auy, properties avaiable. This demîud will increase sharply when the $8,000,000 plant opens near Pickernug. Then again, reccut reports arcefliaf Britishi firins plan on moviug fa Canada and there is prospect that, if gone affer, wc may if- tract anc or two lacahly. This all sumn up to flic advisabilify aiflice Chîmber ai Commerce -or flic Industrial Commiftee ai the Tawn Council discussiug fhe mitter-or if lasf f aking a census ai preseuf housing avaiable. Oshawa lias undertaken ta cl ity pro- perfy cf a 10w rate as a stimulant ta mnceas- cd liausing. There may be existing buildings and vacant lots owued by the tawn whicli may bc offered cf attractive pnices fa in- dividuils or a loal syndicate and construc- tion undertiken fa ineet this growing de- imad. There may be eiisting buildings which eau be eonvcrted ita apartfrnts at com- parifivcly littie,' expense. Discussion and enterprise anc necded. Cabinet Reconstruction Press runiars tend towîrd belief tkatfthc Federal Cabinet Miay undergo ifs second change since flic general electian last spning. The neci for if sems incneasiugly appar- ent; but tis finie if should naf be. in flic nature ai a neshuffle ai portfolios or a con- tinuance ai dual-pairtfOlios. Any change ouglif ta be aufriglit recon- struction. National opinion is that flic lime lias arrived for levafing saie aiflice youug- er, dynamie, dollîr-a-year 'business execu- ±ives ta Cabinet status and individual res- ponsibiify. Rumor persista that Harvey Ik MacMilan and Raîpli Bell are harnprcd and resfielci and on the point of resigning. These are not crin-chair men and fhey cannaI long accoin- modate thernuelves fa an arm-chair tempo. 'Wallace R. Campbel an James S. Duncan retirci from flic scene. They couli and shoili have becu retainci ta mccl National necis in flua crisis. Under flic Warfime Measures Acf, whicli confcrred unlimited power upan Mr. King, flic ordiuary pracesses ai aur deraci sefup eau be suspended, insfiutly ta accoin- modate flic inclusion ôf mnuoa action in a war-time Cabinet. There la no neason for furtlier delay. Events will soain force flic issue. Prompt reconstruction will spced war effort and aiso effectively chut off erificism fia provin- cial demagogues wbo have been harnpcring naflier than lielping. "IIThey Die But Neyer Surrender" The above licading lias typified every baffle tht Brifons have ever fouglil. If was Once sèttici, ani tht fime is coon if hîni,, flicre wil came action, cwiff and sure. The day aifthc pacifistfand defeatist la ai- most gone among Engîluli speaking peoples. Churchill'c message ta flic U.S.A. ouglit ta. silence ail gloomsfers oppociug flic Bill. And Bitishers will kcep an dyi4g with no thouglil ai mli ouf or surrender. Durham County farmers wlll meet if Orono, Februury l8fli, ta creafe a Couuty Fedenation ai Agriculture. They will asuemble lu Uic Town Hall at 1.30, 1. Standard Time sud there iisouss sud cnacf plans for a self.gavern- ing Union. And Ibis Durham unit will affiliate, directly, with thc fiist salidly faunded, effective, Naioinal iarmcn's arganizitian - The Canadian Fedenaflon ai Agri- culture. If is by no means Uic firsf if- Ieinpf if organizing farmers. Il la sinply Uic first organizatian. oi its kuindfrom coast fa coasat wbose voice la heard, hecici, sud ne- spectei by ail gaveruments. If la groaW'ng sud expanding day by day. Farinera, if imt, arc close toachicving what thcy bave grop- ed for dunlng flic pasf 60 yeirs. A Wartlme Necesty Some mîy question why Ibis la discuscid under flic heading - WAR. Toc auswcr la periectiy simple. There la no more iniport- sut factor itheli whole war effort Ibmn that ai agriculture. Il is surely axiomatic tt werc arL culture ueglected it"-l..nt4 picture ta Uic point wbere ffn ers no lonercauld prospýe and produce, Iey would b e cd back fa mere individual subsis- tence; Ibere would b. no food for exporf, and wthout adequate faad stocks Uic armed forces wauid fold up and quit wifhin 24 haurs., Therciare, legifixnately, thus cal- umn demis with agriculture as re- lite cd fa wr and agriculture la Csuîdî'a great est single enter- prise. A Diffrent ScIai Organizîtion ai a fammr's Un- ion differs fram industriai rg- zatian. Unions wlthiu indus arc usuilly oppas'dby tadustrial lata until Ucey attain strength and, prestige. Toh thcy are nespecec - even fearci. But fl4ere la no anc opposmng a farinera' union. Indcci, lat ely, we fini political leaders getting behini Uic mavement - but few arc. simple cuaugb ta believe ta politicians do sa fron ultruistie motives. Thcy want the f inn votec which represcuts anc third ai flic vating streugth ai Canada. Fariner arganizationa lu Uic paf bave f ailci and fallen be;t. cause Uiey nilxed in polities or1 because their leaders were poli-i ticians. Toc present Fedenif ion la kecping camplefcly dean ai Uce pitfflls Ibat wrccked previaus if- fempts. Only Farmers Au Executives Thaf la wby Uic Durham Fci- erafion, acting -=ner wise coun- cil, will elect4tanai executive ai- fices only genuine dirt farmera ai abilify, experiencce, driving farce, and' hari-heaici common enue. Na one, directiy an tadircfly, who reccives favors or emaluments fram any gaverinent bas- any businesson flic executive ai a purcly fariner organization. Toc. reasons arc perfcctly apparent; Uiey dare ual acf with Uic ful farce ai their convictions sud Ibere la danger ai Uic entering wedge aif palitics. Opportune Time No marc favorable opportuify his ever presented itscif than lisa vcry baur, fan Uce strang sud speedy organizition ai farmers. Hence Durham farmera are for- tunaf e ta taking aivaufage a9 Uic apporfunify and trend ai thc Urnes. Now, baw wlll ts square wifb aur war effort? Vcry recently Premier Kiug'anuauncci. a speci- up in mobilizition ai aur anred farces. Hon. Angus MacDonald, spcaking if Oshawa Chamben ai Cormnercce, Fcb. 10U, sai: "Bc- fore Uic year la out we shahl have mobillzed 300,000 men, und we ahail have in England, fully mnm- ci, more men than we bai dur- mng thc firaf fire yeurs ai Uic laI' war."p A Betler Break« This speei-up la significaut. It mes intensified production ta agriculture, sud fa achieve Abat toijts fullesf if will b. necessny ta lay downm a policy wbich will mesu a beffer break for agicul- turc. Toit movement ilailrcady unier way and if la wbolly duc o thictief Uitfarmens have b.- came anousci. Toc weigbt ai their protest sud opinions bas impresa- cd goveruments sud bMUiOftawa sud Quccn'm Park are hsstening toamake mnenis for Uder former Indifférence. Rtepresculativea ai thc Cana- dian Federation ai Agriculture, oniy ncetly, wene eceivcd vcny respecfuiy by u l Cabinet af Ottawa.. Thoit Cabinet now reilizes more iully the needa ai agriculture and steps wlll be fmk- ,en la case tUc burien sud en- courage production amang Uic farmers o andii. To assure tUichy wili ual fônget,ft la nccessny fa pnes fanward concentediy la complet c an effective arganlzitian. Toit la why thecocming meet- ing aI Orono la Uic mosl import- ant event for furmiers ever to luke glac wi thin thc Couuty. And Il veny defiilly lnkcd with aur war effort. Let us gel back afitIl100%. I amn a one-dolaàr bill. I was plelgd." Rie ueemed to be very once quite a handsome fellow, happy about if all.' clean and criep, aud made a louji As I now belonged -ta the Gov- rustie wherever I went. Naw 1 erment, 1 soon found mysel arn aid and worn, 'With ragged along wlth a lot of my brothers, dog-ears, and I cau no longer golng ta a amal Machine.shopa make rny preseuce known, for 1 ayent for some tools anddi. have lst my voice. But I arn ere 1 was again placed in a pay proud af my worn condition, for envelop and given ta anc of the lt proves that I have been around, 1oo-maers in payrncnt for an fulfilling rny mission in 111e. Haw- hour r so af his higbiy sklied ever, Il is not af my early M1e lime. Ini that houn this tool-maker that I would like ta tel you, but had just complctcd a very coni- rather af fthc last few manthu plicated gauge for testing shells, only. . î tht, in a way, part af me was One day, flot se long aga, I now on thc way ta a munitions found myseif travelling along the plant.- The tool-maker took me street in thc pocket of a min who Cime la bis wife and she used me had received me in bis pay en. la pay for smre grocries at thc ,velope. He met a friend who said corner store. The storekeeper "Corne an, Charlie, îct's go ana' passcd me on ta a farmer, from have a few beers." .- But my new whom he had purchased a few owncr rcplied: "No, Bn Y h ave baga of potafaca. sometlblng important ta do this , was now out in Uic country, aiternoon and beuides I have a eway from thé noise aud bustle new use for niy spare nickels and of the clty, but 1 was stil dotag dimes." iny Job. The f armer gave me ta Sa he kept angolng, sud pre- bis birci min as part af bis wages scntly he turnecin ta ahUi Post for helpng hlm ta produce Uic Office. Here lic pulled me out of foodautfu se .necessary at ail his pocket and hauded me ta thc limes and marc espcclly at fines man behind thcewlclçet. The min like these. The birci man spent gave hlmn four War Savingu me at thc general store in Uic Stamps, whlch he pastcd in a littie village, whcre he baught a ncw folder. As h. leit Uic wlcket 1 pair of averalis. The vilage mer- heard hlm a: "Only four more chant gave me In change -to a pais- and that will b another anc com.- lag motoriut Who bai topped aI hits gasoline pumap, and agaun I was on my wmy. Whcn Uic motorist rcached home, tai a Northrn Ontario town, be usci me to hclp pay for a ton of coal and Uic coal dealer icpaslted meinthe Uicbnk. Prom Uic bank I traveilci ta a minlng compmny's office as part of Uic pay-roll, and once more I was ta a pay envelope. A miner recetved me for bis libor, far do"u in the earth, turniug out Uic arc frorn wbicb. nickel, copper and goli are cxtracted. The results ai bis Wrk would sean be playlug their part in winulng Uic war. 1 feit rather proui that I hai been usei for ts purpose. The miner. turnuc me aver ta a sboe store wben hje bauglit a new pair of boots. Prom Uic slioe stor~e 1 went ta a cartage agent andh from there ta a garage. The garage owner maie a t4lp ta Uic city and uscd me as part of bis fare, and the ticket agent passci me aut as change ta a min who was goiug ta Uic 'Pacifie CoastI. I liked if very much out there and aller much travelling arouud in hotels,- stores, luxnber camps and f lshing boats I aI 1aI found myschfin th ae pocket ai an officer in thc R.C.A.F., wbo was rcturning for a short furlough fa bis home intahUic mt. 11 When he got home he gave me ta bis litte girl as a preseuf. Like any other liffle girl, there was a laf of things she wauid have lked ta buy with me. But she was cao a vcry wisc Ilîfle girl. She was vcry proui af ber daddy and she knew Uiat if he was ta do bis bit sud return safcly fa Uicm he wouid neci Uic best equiprnent. possible. She rcalized that she couidn't buy ts cqulpment her- self, but she did knaw of a way she cauli help to buy if. Sa she baught four mare War Savings Stampu for ber baok and once more I wms on my way, hclplng ta kccp things moving, bciping ta win Uic war. I won't tel you wbcre I am now, but if you'll reach in your pocket maybe Uhat rumped bit oi paper you pull ouf, wifl be me. If if la, wan't you please sfarf me on my way again, because Iilt have a lot ta do. CONCERT «PIANIST TO EXAMINE LOCAL MUSIC STU DENTS Viggo KilhitUc dlstinguisbed pi ta who was bornisud educat- cdii Dennirk, wveut to Liepzlg .ior further study, cnjoycd a suc- cessaul ten-year cancer in London, Engluud, und ion mare thun 25 yeans bas livedint Toronto, will conduct cunrent examinations ion Uce Tarant o Oonservafary of Music, in Bowmanville on Feb- ruary 22nd.1 Acconding fa thc lita Dr. ILaw- rence Maou, notei music cenfle pif thc Toronto Globe sud Mail, the fortunite cincuuistauces whicb braught ts notai artiat fa live in Canada are as follows: "In bis 201h yuabilstLandau ifebut calblialici hl BUICK engineers have ooncentrsîed their 1941 creative thouglit ou provid. ing greater sud more flexible power in thge angine itseli. They have doue thia tlrougli Fmasuj. design sud Compound Carburetion - and what they've sooomplished for you bouls down t10diii: Yom get more Poweer - f rom the smre- size enginea as lant year - power dtt geta you off like a bullet sud -aweeps you Uýp a hili like a figlter plane "going Yogm gel more maflage-from ail Buick engines snd ea ll peçda - as mucI es 10%y to 15% more miles per gallon. Yom gel greater Safety - from quick pick-up that lifta you aurely out of iglit spots, sud from the fulsud immediate braldng power of your engine. Yom gel more dependability - from a clissais thalin isean, simple sud direct in design - uncluttered by intricate meclianjm that are lard tb service and diffoult to, repair. Lookakeadl You'Iliappreciato tdm wis- dom of iuvesting in a Buick-die mont advanced car in the world. and.Il wms there the lste Dr. Vagt bath heard andi heard of hlmi, and Invitea i hm l become a meriber of Uic staff of Uic Toronto Con- servatory of Music. "Since his> arrivai in Canada, he has becu continuously before Uic public ns a concert piaulis, play- lng i ta ml Uic rger cilles frarn Moutreal to Victoria and as far north as Prince Rupert and Pece River, wlth a particularly- thor- ougli covcrlng of Ontario. Hie bas 8 c olltwlth Uic Toronto ~ymphoüY lOchsta at least five esmc, as wl as wlth Uic Promne- nade Symphony, thc Vancouver Syrnphony, and many others. "The largest audience be re- cails hîviug facci numbcred a- bout 10,000 when he- playcd In Buffalo at Uic celebration, of 100 yemrs of peace bctwecn Canada and Uic Unied States. l"Arong Uic well-known rtit who have been his pui1 ie Frances Admukta, Mona Bates, Louis Crerar, Kathleen Irwiu, Ida Krehmn, Wlion Kilburn, Max Meller, Mary Morley, - Florence Singer, Gwcniolyn Williams, and mauy others. - '«As lecturer, teacher, musie- ologlat and player, Vlggo Klhl' contribution ta the mrtistic de- velapment af Toronto, Ontario and Canada bas been naf oniy ouf- standing but ammst unique.", Co-aperate with Britain, ta down Nazism buy your War Sav- ingq Certificates naw., j D)ON»J BE CROS8 w1TH "'M Please don'?WW08 'WltÙ: the klddies, The yofgthingu rMay flot knaw JuatwhatI~ our intention or what you want then to do. Their littie brais aren't deveop- ed The saine Us groWn-uPS are; It may be you expeet too much, Too mucli frorn Uiem, by far~. Sa don't be harsh wlth the kddles, Be flrm, but always klnd;, You need not loue yourtep, To reach a littie niIÎieI. of course they'll nccd correetlng Fpor am* misateps theyufltakà&i But aid tem, lead thern1gu1 Don't make their wee hé"rt break. Don't whlp theni whcn.youre - angry, You'll sorrow Inter That you wcre harsh,,andhaàt$i, -When guiding them x:long. Be patient with thernm~ ai Don't cause ther n They'll soon grow Up a~~ér WIU wlsh them snla~ Suppose some dreaded Should lay thern on t.r~~ Ah, then regret wIUize é Por angry words yoit'emud Sa don't be cross witliheb kdl es, Tliey need your lovemal -hcn TheYlre dolng thbng they 'shouldt, Sa kindly lead them then. -RALPH GOR~DON. FIREPLACE PiRES are alwcya dlieery but* neyer beaveyor without a soreen to keep tle naPPing pcrka frorn causing damage to your floora or rug - or perbapu atarting a macl fire 1 mInsre today i a wdll known, dqendabl. atliokmiût inour- anc. Comnpany. J. J. MASON &- SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bolymanvmel R. p NUTSHILL PICTURI of Today's Most Powerfui Sftndurd-ProductIon Engin.ý kba urePof power ln the suick engin*, b the FIRUBALL deign whld, compacts the fuel charge loto the chape of a fiattened bail. coaund the spark Fired from its heart uinder Ihigher prueure,eo0h charge lots go wMthheuviear walq that extractqmare power fira. e"ch dia of fuel Ampllfying fhb bIoComnpound Carburetion, ln whlch the usual gorge carbureta b replaced by two amaller mixers teanied ta wak tother. Only oue af these corburetors funmtons la nmal drlving. hIe other out& ln automati cally wheneve Wfb needed to provide extra Power, uliuts off when tho need b pcot. Re- suIt, actually mare-pawer frfin le. gaSoline. "Von for Victoy Lood te Wie" .1- - - - . W~ W W~ W'WM45418 ROT NICHOLS COURTICE Mon"pWR A. TRURSDAY, PMUARýt.4là, l"i THE CANADIAN STATICE3L46N, BOV;NL&UVILLIC, ON TAMO . PAGE TWO

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