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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1941, p. 4

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THURDAY, PEBRUAR là, PAGE FOUR TEE CANADIAN i, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ______________________________ i - laE the Dim and Distant Pasi j Frem The Statesmau Fies *TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Pr'm The Canadian Statesman, Fcb. 11, 1916 From Dan Douglas i Sunny 7ranoe: "How big amn I? Weil take boitf an inch in length as mny limit and you're flot far out but a crowd of us cen sure make a noise. Just asi t gets dusk you'il hear a buzz and l'il keep this up tiil I light ,where I want ta, on thc nearcît sotI cen find-I'm a mosquito." (M.D. also encloses a clevcrly written parody on onc of Burn's Rey. James McCluxig, Winnipeg, Maxi., passcd ta rest an Jan. llth. Me wap a brother of the late Wm. McCluxig o! Bowrnanvile and -father-in-law of Uic famous auth- 33/4% O.Gurntn Te a4 egalIInvestnt f«i Trut F"nd UqeooditioaIIyGu.rantod STERLnIGTRUST CORPORATION4 SIE - -O or Mrs. Nellie McClung. Hlm wifc was a Durham caunty girl Miss Eliza Amne Mehurry, a! Cavan. The officers o! Uic Bowmmiviile necruiting league have dccidcd ta discontinue the ptactice o! asking for rccruits ta stand up at Uic meetings and asking Uic young ladies ta fi11 out 'carda with Uic names o! thase they Uink shauld go. Letter from Miss Bruce in Eng- land ta Ue ic l's Patriatic Club:, The ather day wc came acrass Uic channel it was very uncertai travelling there wcrc 50 many enemy mines and Uic enemy was an aur scent. Girls-neyer hilnk for a minute yaur part la smail; if you saw Uic boys iaokig for their chacalates and cigarettes just like babies-" Golden Weddlng: Mr. and lirs. Chas. Hooper, Tyrone, celcbrated thc fi! ticth annivcrsary o! their mariagc. Hoaper-McFeeters: On Februay l2th, 1866, in Uic Metho- dist Parsanage, Bowrnenville, Miss Eliza McFeeters was marricd ta Mir. Charles Hoaper, by Rcv. Ed- win Clement. Many o! aur yaunger readers and football cnthusiasts wil re- member Mansen J. Bradley, Les- kard,, who attended B.H.S. about 1907. 'He writes: After getting my B.A. i 1914 I took post-graduate chernlstry and last May was awardcd a !llawship by Uic Uni- veraity o! Illinais. I was turned dawn twice for war service and landed down here in Quebcc ta onalyze finished explosives at Uic C.I.L. plant. If this place ever goes up I wan't be dawn tiil next July. Prom Orona News: Fred R. Paie>' in his selectians, was good as usual. No matter how aften anc hears hlm he always appears ncw and therefare probably is. hia Lot's Uook et OIdsmIle's -Hydre.- Ma* Ddivel Do't ihiumk it's lest a Fluid C.uprig Dnt Ihink ifs oily an Awitcnuk Tmansmilioe. -Ifs both M A- ý . 'combined t. bring you il. uudst ddii.g s la the o ildi Y.. si.ply jàshirt fthe ~ end (0 accleat. ý 4plGoors .éuo.p t.uoilcy. l moe' X * dd", 's 4 gooe lhvo l It's toduy's hiuws éMug za 1 Trprtll1 * Beuaunbo-Jst amc kiod of drive às cmpletely auconatie, hma no clutch pedal at &Ml and na esrcquîres any manual cpe- stion even fat quack acoelestion 1 That is the original Rydra- Matic Drive. More than a fluid coupling, aoethan an autusaie iransmisaio it is a ombinaü of o bota. It siplilles drivng ... atep up peroeS... an& saves gsi. Ask your Olduméil dWaer for a trial.AGN^ MT* A A0IEA OTO MI <&AT »4akmiK C/ a W,.Ayaff ICUPCM9TU 1 A mff MLA MUTIl AUSe, Dm -OVEI vol neul iaSTr.TI -lue? nu aICLEafimi POWE UATIOS -"Ns A $MISAL ,uo%.Up «MI, ALWAY Umm lm am onu ».m wNimm TES Y ES Y ES I ES ES TE ýNO 1 NO 1 R N ISOME I SOME a Courtice secret a! taking wli the public. Mr. and Mns. W. H. Pcarn at- tended thc funeral a! their cousin Mrs. Gea. Hezzlcwaod, Oshawa. Deceased was Annie May Kniver, niece o! Mrs. John Reid o! this tawn. She was born i Oshawa 39 years aga and taught schoi some years befare her marriage. She leaves her husband and two smafl boys ta rnaurn her loss. Frank Water deciarea it was 20 below at Courtice. Highcst re- cord in this town was 14 below. Anather honor has came ta W. Norman Tilley, K.C., Toronto. lHe has been appainted Bencher o! Uic Upper Canada Law Society. Hie is a son o! Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Tiiley (Bcech Ave.) Birth: lI Bawmanville Pcb. 10, ta Mir. and Mrs. Hersche1 Hooper, a son. BirUi: Moore: At Enniskillcn, an Pcb. lUih, ta Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, a daughter. Ebenezer: A flutter o! excite- ment was caused Sunday by Uic rumar that twoaearaplanes were passing over this village. Possibly it was anly twa brilliant pianets, Jupiter and Venus passmng each other li the heavens. Cartwright: Obituary-Taylor At "Pairview" Parm on Priday, Pcb. 4Ui, Axison Taylor, in hlm 70th year. FIFTY TEARS AGO Prom The Canadian Statesman, February 18, . 1891, Robert Beithislac6iosen as Lib- eral standard bearer. The Causer- vatives have again chosen George T. Blackstock ta cantest Uic rid- ing. After the meeting they semr- cd delighted ta have faundc a mon willixig ta -face certain defeat. Another letter from "Royalty": I do nat sec that Uic Revcrend Canan being 39 years an incum- bent o! St. John's is any excuse for playing Yankee Doodle li Uic sacred edifice. At Uic present tinie when nine-tenths o! Uic people af this Dominion are chargcd with dislayalty it la an outrage ta aur1 patriotic feelings ta hear Uic maîti adiaus Yankee Doodie ploying on thase lovciy chmes. (The above. was in axswer ta ts letter which mwc equate in part. At this distance itlook asif bat partiei'were a littie "off"). "Sirice The Statesman has passed huao its present honda its character for reliabiity and respectability hasq retrogradcd ta a fearful extent. It la mcmi and uxscrupulous a! whichq it has given abundant evidence in, Uic past. The iast proof is fur-1 nished in Uic anonymaus letter1 fram snivelling «"Royolty" . Howevcr, such a 10w nindcd mis-1 chievous print shall neyer agate enter Uic precincts of Uic Rectory1 as it wiil undoubtedly hcrcafter1 in many quartera "Istink in Uiec nostrils o! the peape."-A. Mac-1 nab. Bey. and Da Sir: I have ques- tioned my son concernixig Uic charge a! playing Yankee Doodie. He admits truthfuiness but cx- plaina he had net Uieicat. idea a! disiayalty ini tact he had neyer heard a! it in connectian with such a aentimeint and only stapped .playing Uic air when he Uiaugh 1 he had na right ta play accula music, on Uic beils. Hoping this rnay !uily explahi hlm position and case Uic mid o! horrtfied "Roy- alty" and exanerate yaurscif fromn ail blame. J. Saunders. On Wcd., Jan. 28Ui "Ryland," Darlington Uic residence o!fMï& Wm. Lcask waa Uic scene o! Uic mariage a! Miss Bila J., youngcst daughter o! Uic late Wmn. Lcask, ta Samuel Walker a! Hope. Rev. Mr. Leask, Toronto. uxicie o! the bride, officiated. Nestîcton: A picasant event taak place Pcb. 4Ui, at Uic marriage o! Miss Emma J. Oldfield. at Uic home a! her parents ta John H. Miller, of Markham. Bey. J. Ken- ner. Blackstock, pcrfarxied Uic ceremony. EnxiJgkilcen. Pcb. 12Ui, Mr. and lira. John Staixiton were greatly surprisc!d ta find their house taken possession o! by friendsaend ncighbours. John, Barton, chair- mmi, calied upon John Young and Miss Moud Hayes who prescnted the hostess wlth a beautiful hang- ing iamp, fancy pitcher and cheese dish and a teacher's Bible.. . Mir. Philip Patter, anc o! aur aid end rcspected cîtizens, Mced 85 years had Uic misfartune ta slip on Uheicle and fracture Uic Uilgh at Uic hi p joint. Mr. and Mrs. Patter quietiy celebratsd their 60th wcddig anxivrsary a few days ago. Newcatle. The entertaiximent by Uic Hcartseaseeand Comrade Club-hi he usicHall1Pc. 1UIf Iturity. Thug, $4.00 buys o $5.00 ICertificate, $00d buys o $10-00 Certificate, etc. This rcturn aven- aes ot the rote a! 3% compound- Idhalf-yearly. WYar Savtegi Cen- tificotea are negistered in thc name o! Uic owner - are non- assignable and non-tranafenrable - and con be nedeemced et stated prices any time otter six months from purchase date. The lmit alaowed i 1941 and sach succeeding caiendar year for anc persan ila ocash value a! $480 .00, with o face value o! $800.00. This securit>' wos especi- al>' designed for ts market, Uic iow denamlnatiouis beig can- venient for sinal negula pur- choses. The feutures o! registra- tion and capital appreclation en- cauroholding until maturit>' and lcurage cahing Uic Certi- ficates for mion or unimportaxit needs. PAGE POUR (By Alpha Pinoli) Much la said these days about warld pawers, marching soldiers, bombs, ice j ama, carthquakes, cy- clones and other ways o!, ccstruc- tion. While we are anmed at these pradigiaus forces db we yet realize Uiat, greater than any a! these ila thc hummi wil. It la a memorable day 'Wvhcn Uic littlc child says: "II wi" or III will not."' The mathcr's heart la awed b>' it. The child has always thought but naw its persanalit>' for Uic first time asserts itsel! in a décision. A new wlhas been intraduccd into that home and it wiil neyer be qulte Uic marnme again; for better or warse. 'the giory and danger o! home- 111e lies in Uic play' and. interplay a! free and ixidependent wills. Wc arc in danger ta-day af over- looking the power o! Uic individ- ual wiil. Wc become sa fascieatcd b>' Unions, Ordci!s, Ladges and Federations while Uichéidividual becomes ieaa and lcss andflnally sinka down feeling that he la the victim a! forces ami<c'ircutstances over which he has no control. How frequenti>' wc talk, -about aur dispositions, and olir clrcum- stances, aur nature and aur fate that wc seidom Uink about the passibilities a! aur wifla.' The world ila changed by thé action o! huinan wiUls. The leaders, con- queror aend rcdeemcrs in history have ail been mcen a! gigantic tenacit>' e! will. They made cer- tain cholces and decided that de- fixité things should come to alsa with Uic resuit that Uic streani o! histor>' turncd inta that new chan- nel. Think o! what John .Wesley, Matin Luther, Abraham I4icoln have donc and fliausaxids o! others Uirough their wiils. VWhat- ever we aecompDash" umr.dlb flaw frra décisive wiil action. It was Uic custom af Jeans ta place tremenClous emphosis on Uic wil ,"if any man wwlfls"(John 7- 17). Hlm firft question was "What1 wiii Uiou," mand his last words wcre "Be it donc onto Uiec as thou wflt." Through Uic wlll nations risc and f aIl. The trlckle lames itself in Uic srnail strcam, the strcom gives Up its tin>' quota ta Uic river and Uic river is ultimately lastinh the mnighty, ocean. Healthy thixik- ing la absolutel>' neccssary to hcalthy living. Our will la Uic rnost important thing hn aur lives for it meulds aur character , ad détermines aur destiny. Thene la no farce aven which we have con- trql equaili compeilirig power af aur wlll. When lit entera aur 111e it works as effartlessly as gravi- tatian, as tirelessl>' as time, ase silenti>' os f e, and with results in aur lite as wanderful as sprixig- tirne. Wc create aur awn world, ws choose our food, our companlans, and more than thia wc select aur Uioughts. aur feelings, our hops We détermine aur disposition xi Business irectory Legal ML G. V. GOULD, B., L14L. Barrister, Solicitor, Natary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bidg. Bowmaxivilie W. R. STRMK Barrister, solicitor, NotCry Solicitor for Bank of Matreal Money to Loan - Phane'191 Bowmanvlle, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicîtoi Notary Public - Etc. La&w liaitailsbranches. Office immediateiy est .ot Royal Theatre Phones:, Office 688; Home $03 Dental BIR. J. C. DEVI'T Alataat: Br. 2. W. Sinson Graduate of Royal Dental Col. lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubgbc Bldg., Bowmanviie. Office houri 9 a.m. tao 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 70 . louse phane 888 X-Ray Equlpment i Office,, DR. a. 'O. D1980BN (Taoret.)uMd Newcaatie, ont. Over Lan- -an Store, Newcastle. Offce hours: Saturday only, 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. Funeral Directorsa FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any bour, axiy day F. F. Morris Co.. MoaIern Motor Nquipment, AmI. bulance mnd Invalid Car. Tolo- phone 480 or '784, Maistant et. character and the whoie tane and tendency of aur 111e. Wc rnay have trhorbid feelings and strangle them. We rnay brood over dark rncmories or banish thcm. We may enthrane Christian forrns of tUiaught and emotions or dispel tUiem and hand UicelClngdéin over tat maods whlch arc sombre anid to ideals whlch are pagan. No matter what out~ tendencies may be wcacm curb them if we wil jregardless of how turbulent or ad- verse aur circumstaxices. Wecacm conquer by thc power of aur wiIl. What of Uic future if Britain, thc Dominions axid tUic ther free peoples'had net, said ta thc fae "Thou shalt not pass."1 "One of these days vietory wil end aur sarrows, Faith in Uic future its jays we may borraw, Par there wll be gladncss i Uic golden Tomorraw, One o! these days." SINGERS AND THEIR SONGS Wrlttcn spclaily fer Tue Statesman by well known Durham boy, Fred R. Foley, 123 Lake St., St Catharines, ont. THE SHEPHERD PSALM The greoteat hynin book Uic warld has produced in ail Uic ages la Uic Book o! Psalms. As we consider Uic rich heritage that hasw caille down tO'q..sfrom Utiis source we tind its expressions o! prayer and pralse have found their caunterparts hi Uic hearts and i te csangs o! pious oula ail down Uic hlstary o! Uic. Chris- tien- Church. Lamantine sunia it Up incnebeautitul paoagraph: "The books o! Psalrnulsida vase o! perfume broken on ic stepa o! Uic Temple and sheddlng -a- broad its adora ta Uic hearts o! anl humanit>'. The little shepherd has became Uic master a! Uic sacred éhairs o! Uic universe. David. la Uic Psalnuiat e! Etcrnity." O! ailUichePmalms Uic best lovcd and Uic anc that has been Uic sustaining comtart ta. numbcricss heorts la Uic Shepherd Psalm,- "The my shepherd, I shal nat wmit. He makeuls me ta lic down i green postures; he lcad- eUi mie beside stiil waters." It has had maxi>' interetig intepIfreta- tiana. Par exompie, i 1542 Wed- derton transposed ht thus: "The Lord God li>'m Pastaur gude Abundantly me for ta feid; Then how can I be destitute of eny gude tbing i my neld?" F rom-en aid Psalm book print- cd in 1040 we have this 4uaint phraseology: "The Lard ta mec o Shsphcrd la, Wmit theretore shall nat I Hie in Uic fields of tender grosse DoUi catise nies down ta lie. To waters coum mes gexiti> leada, Bestares my saule doth hec, Hie doth i patha of rlghteouaness For his namesake Icade mec." Perhaps aur finest mod.ern ver- sion la by Sir llenrY W. Baker, publishe4 i1868: "The Klig of lave ni> Shepherd la, Whose gaodxiems f aileth neyer. I nothing lack if I arn bis And He la mine forever. Where streama o! living woter flow My> raxiaomed saul he leadeth, And where Uic verdant postures gr,ôw WiUi food celestiai feedeth." But Uic time honored selection from the Scattlah Piolter, 1650, la gerhops loved by greater nuni- bers and sung o!tener than al ather versions corbnhd. No pen hqs ventured ta ýtauch an change these five beoutiful verses. h loaa perfect poern: The Lord's my Shepherd, M'Ilnat went.. nie maketh me down ta lie I potures green; es leadeth me Ire quiet watersby. My soul He doth restore ogain; And me ta walk doth make Wlthhi Uic paths o! nlghtcouancss, Even for Hlm own Name'm ake. Yeo, tEough I walk i death's dak vole Yet wIl I feaflanceI; Fan Thou art wlihme; and Thy rod And staff me canifont stili. My table Thou has !urniahed li presence o! my focs; My> head Thou doit wlihail anoit, And my cup ovcrflowu. Gaodnesi and mercy aimlni>' l! Shall sureiy !oilow nie: And i God's house for everniore My dwelllig-place shail be. Amen. COMPENSATION The law of comnPexislcà, is a mlghty funny thing, It works all day, it sita Up nights, lt's ever on the wlng, In silent retribution., 6or1'n compensation dear, It neyer ceases. laborixif through ail the live long year. If some one plays anmze a deed that I consider rneant Of course my early training was that I shouid flot show spleen, Nor try ta even Up wihhim by matchlng Up the score, For soon, or later, he WMf get his bumàps and then smre more. He'il run againots oneother gink, and get an awful joit, 'Twill make hnm tilnk that he's been hit by one big thunder boit; E'cn shaek absorbera ý,ouldn't stop the force of that sad biow, Old Compensation d14 the trick to let that feilow know Tht Li a't get a wiwth meanness. and his ways shoula mend, He'il nha ave t call a hait or Camp. wifl get hlm in the end. But should some fellow'hand me out smre reai nice roses red, The chances are that 401 be cornpensated 'fore I'm dead. It's IiIcely I shai kcep iny brain forever on the rack, To see how I con findf a way to pay that fedlow back;' It's somcthlng like Kilng'Solomon fôund out ln certain ways, That bread cast on the Watcr wiil return in rnany days. Sa good oldl Comàpensation will repay yau back li klnd, If you hand out a shably deal, the chances are you'il flnd That some day you wl1n get a bing ta knock you off your feet, But if you do a kixidnedm you will get rich roses, sweet. -RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. Free and Independent Wiils Are Greatesi of Forevas Today Obtain C.ntu.ns In Fifty-Four Ca»s «Be sure youlre right - then go ahead," mlght weil be the matt4 of Uic Dominion Govcrnrnant Fruit Inspectars operatlng uxider Uic Ontario PCpt. af Agriculture Farmn Producl Grades and Sales Act. These Ontario inspectars asat year prosccuted a total o! 54 cases for infrlngements o! Uic Act and obtained a Conviction i very case. Fines totalled $1,075, and ranged from $10 ta $100. Two truckers wha gave faise Information ta' inspectars uxider Uic FcdeÈai Fruit, Vegetables and Haney Act, paid a total a! $400 mid cots.TruckcrS were Uic worse of- fenders in bath Eastern and Wes- tern Ontario, 28 being convlcted for infractions. Nine were prose- cuted i Eastern and 14 in Wes- tern Ontario, a report just ismued shows. Eleven growers wcre fin-1 cd, as were ten wholesalers in- cludig six rilitary depot con- tractors; five hucksterm, twa re- tallers and twa used-baskct deal- crs. Eastern Ontario provided 17 cases ail told and Western Ontario 37. là Produce bcing offered for sale under Miximium grade'accounted for 22 cases, 20 o! these being, for apples. lI fact, there were 34 cases dealing with apple infrac- tions, includiig .3 beiow grade; overfacing two;.marklng six; false Information ta an inspectar, break- ing detentian and ntbn-standard packages eech one. Other Infractions caught by Uic eagie-eycd inspectars under Uic direction of District Inspectars H. H. Ponton in Western Ontario and C. T. Stevenson, Eastern On- talao, werc short weight, failure ta stop for inspection at highway in- spection station, moving dctaied produce without authority, non- sandard packages, pinchcd-in ber- ry boxes, basket improperly filed, marks net, e!faccd, from uscd bas- kets offercd for, sale,. anid no. marks at ail. War "avings Campalgn This War Savings Campaign la flot a stunt. SIt la not Uic child of any gov- ernment. It is a very carefuily workcd out Plan bY traicd British econo-ý miats aftr long and before tW war startcd. This War Saving plan la npw in force i al UicBritish'countries at war. Our camnpaign i the field- cen only be as succcssful as is aur War Savigs camapaign. because the latter makes Possible Uic for- mer. 1 Unlesa we can make ourselves as strorng by voiuxtary means as the cnerniy has. by compulsory means, there con be only anc re- suit. It has three main objectives:1 To encourage everyane o! us ta make personal, sacrifices ta heip win this war. To,, give us an apportunlty outq Insurance in Force Increased to $3 8,682,622 Assets Incroased to -- Policy Reserves tncreased to, New Insuranco Paoid For and Revived--- --- Total Income o Payments to Living Policy- holders end Beneficiaries 10,131,642 9,196,409, 4,225,3*'1 1,555,643 74m7,009 Plilcyhalders have the additianal protection af $602,066 in Poid-up Capital end Surplus CH4ARLES P. FEU. Prosld.r,*' L t. DOYD General Manager N U 1 NcM LC0IqI.JO G. Y. OSBORNE District Manager Whitby, Ontario o! in care, no matter how small, cast a great many a! Uiem their ta build up a financial cushian for lives, their homes and their iovcd ourselves that we cen use ns the war. The people of Canada have only the test a! making a fcw personal To give the gavcrnment a sacrifices that thcy ixay have stcady, rcturn strcam a! mancy more money. available to put into day by day, week by week, month thei best kind of g investment. by month for the duration o! Uic -Surely that test v 1~not be tao war. rnuch ta ask of Canadians who It la the objective cf Uic organi- must cither help ta win. this !ight zation in Uic County of Durhiami ta Uic inish or pcrish. ta personaily approach every in -_____________ dividual during Uicernonth of Pcb- ruary ta give you Uie oppartunity ta pledgc ta your King and ta. NTRAIE your Country 'that at statcd and EN E T I R frequent intervals yau wiil lnvest Secure RALPH GORDON, thc a definite amaunt from your in- wonderfufly versatile en t er- corne li Uicpurchase of War Sav- tainer, fer yaur next entertain- ings Certificates and Stamps. ment Ifustratel circular frec.. The people of Uic British lies . A<Idea - may be appraacbixig their gTcat- 6Db Crawford Street, Toronto est test I a few wceks Uiat wrn _____________ "':T OAtTSEDO]:0,@ ... el 5S~~Ohap Hyd" 9-- fomwaten &c"ladel a wIue . b"ué? " 4." . -. 5th" » eU, met » ay7ei w 1840 AINOTHER YEAe OF Î0011 PRO8RESS S YS rE114 tiO II Il 11, 111, ! 1 , ý 1 ),ý 9, BOWMANVaM, ONTAIUO THE CANADIAN ic.

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