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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1941, p. 5

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THUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1941 TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAJNVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Nfames aid Addresses -of Soldieru On Active service Overu'eau 1 FolIowing la Uic Lions Club Omplete list of men serving Oerseas and hi Uic Navy fromn Bowmanville., If there are an>' e missions Or changes i addrcss flom the list please notif>' L. A. Parker, J. O'Neill, J. J.. Brown or V. Ott, (War Services Commit- te e). Gifts are frequenti>' for- irded te these men and thc ions Club 'nishes te make certain bhat Uic>' anlgo te thc correct aRddresses and thet ne anc la rau. ed. 'C 4464 Pte. L,ý Austin, H. & P. B. Regt. Base Pest Office, Canada. Gunner B. G. Beckett, 8th Better>' 2nd Field Reg. 151 Cen. Division, R.C.A.. C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. C 40572 Ptc. V. Blekeil, lst Can. ]Recce. Squadmon, 4Ui Troop, Base Post' Office, Canada. C 18665 Gunner T. Bird, 2114Ui Field Batter>', 4Ui Regiment R.C.A. Base Post Office, Canada. B 25288 Sapper A. C. Brown, lst Pioneer Betlh. R.C.E. Base Post Office, Canada. C 18673i Gulncr H. Cameron, 2-14t1 Betty. 4Ui Regt. R.C.A., C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. C 4463 LICul. R. S. H. Candier, I.C.D.N. Recce Squadron, Troop No. 2, I.C.D.N., I.N..F. Brig. H.Q. C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. C 5629 CpL T. Cubbage, H., & P. E. Regt. No. 1 Cdn. Inf. Holding Unit, C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Read TIii Fred W. Bray', Limited, Hanmilton, Ont. Dear Mr. Bray': On March 1MU I rcccivcd Chicks wbich consisted o! 255 pullets. Tbey ttaned out to be almýos cockcrcls in Uic flpck. As usuel and I 'nas successful I raising2 I1 hve eôh.ra1lkg hickEs bought from anothci bateler>' a ilYou bave ta teste Uic bitter te, Sn= gcttlng some cggsfxo 4 mons old and when Uic>' 'ne Ing 60%, o!f'nbich 50% 'nerej few cggs 'nclghing under 22 oun are ver>' large and Uic>' are îhe I do not liesitate t a se>' i reel mone>' mekers, BRAY CH!1 Yours1 Mms. Carlisle lias been buying Bra>' Chlcks for 8 straight years. Hem letter tells you 'nhy: Vigor and bigh livabilli>'4252 ralÉe4 out o! 255 receivcd) . . big, strong birç' eea, sfeady peàoucon yo! b ggs, the knd .Uat commai Uic big premilumi hi thc FalI. Bray' Chicks are Just Uic 'kind "ôu 'ant beneath your booru T1yll pa>' yeu F. 1 -I an aspberry JELLI Ti phone 855 Mf be out of The Carter, Blkery lu two i&kes. Then drive lke niad, for the res g'.lying for us v4th knives, forks ked spoons. Thoy know mia sent me for Raapberry Jelly Roll. SPECIAL UNIIS WEEK Y ROLL' m eachJ1 mBwI B 39606 Pte. G. L. Carucadden, A. Co>'. 2nd. Cen. Pioncer Base Post Office, Canada. B 25239 Sibr.,F. Dent, 2nd Field Ce>'. Royal Engineers, C.AS.F. Base Post Office, Canada. C 5329 Cpi A. IL. Dene Hastings & P. E. Regt. lot. Cdu. Division, C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. B 94147 Pte. J. W.. Eaton, No. 2 A.F.W., R.O.O.C. CAS.iP.* ' *1 Base Post Office, Canada. ,B 1347 Gunper J. Flnc gan, 53 Batter>' R.C.A. Base Post 'Office, Canada. B 29096 Sapper G. C. FiMum-a, 2nd Road Construction, R.C.E. Base Post Office, Canada. C 5579 Pte. B. Gibbs, lst Can. Corps Protection Unit 7tb Corps H. Q. Base Post Office, Canada. C 11775 SISgt. A. -3. Frank, Ist Corps Petrol Park C.A.S.F. R.C.A.S.C. Base Post Office, Canade. B 89902 Pte. 3. F. Crlbbs, No. 5 Field Ambulance R.C4.M.C. BesdF Post Office, Canada. C 6040 Pte. T. Grahams, Hastings & P. E. Ca>'. No. 2 An>' Field Workshop Base Post Office, Canada.* C 585 ILIBdr. Hooper, No. 1 Artiller>' Holding Unit R.C.A. C.AS.F. Base Post Office, Canada. s Lette ra R.R. 1, Georgetown, Ont. Qd. 28, 1940 ni>' ciglith shipment of Bra>' sexcd White Leghorn 90% st 100% puflets as I lad anl>' 3 I found tUic chieks ver>' lard>' 252 o! thezn. rfor 'Q, yçars and Qui>' elles and Mmcc .rt-Uic aid sa>'lng, e ppreclate Uic swcct."1 n these pullets 'nIen they' 'ere Se 6 months old thé>' 'eme la>'- grading "A Large" wnlUi ver>' ces o ec dozen. These puilets e quietest flock I ever worked zt for li, healthy chicke and [CM ore lard to beat., bM. JAS. CAELISLE bighèst. returns if you start Uiem carl>' -. .carl>' enougli. ta get 11cm fuJ.-grown and leylng big eggu b>'Fa»l. Aise, you have moree te loah affer theun praper]>' -if yau start theni cari>' -. . .carl>' enougli te get then: peet Uic sterting stage before Spring work hegins in Uic field and garden. See-us for price and, particulars, or write, or plene--SOON. C. VANsTONE, Bownllih, L. BYAM, Tyrone, LLOYD STEPEENSON, qewoestIe, or JK HUDSON, Orono. The marriege o! Miss Gertrude Willlazton, daugîter o! Mre. Wil- liam Wllllanson and Uic late Mr, Wllllemson of Nestlcton, te r Mrs. W. E. Davies, Glan-y-Mor, St. Brides, Newnport, Mon, En- land, took plqce on Saturde>', Pc. eo, t thc home o! hem sister, Mmm. 15 Wcilliam Jeckman, Toronto. The ceremnon>' was solemnlzed b>' Rev. - Dr. Sehutt, assisted by Uic Rev. FSederlck Breckon. The bride, f Iven in marriage b>' hem brother- in-lew, Mr. Jackman, worc hlue chiffon. The bride's niece, Miss Marlon Jeckman, 'nes flower girl, and Master Harold Jeckmn wus mnt-barer. Thc happy couple îeiding et' their home on Orlol. Parkwey, Toronto. C 18654 Ljfldr. G. M. Mart, 2 114Ui Field Batter>' R.C.A. -Base Post Office, Canada. C 4043 Pte. R. T. Mayes, Hastings & P. E. Regt. Bese Post Office, Canada. C 405601 6fL G. Hollngsworth, Hastings & P. E. Regt. Xo. 1 Cdn. Inf. Holding Unit Base Post Office, Canada. C 18648 Gunner IL 1. Hoeper, A. Bt>'. R.C.A. C.A.S.F. 4Ui Field Reg. Base Postý Office, Canada. B 94448 Pte. F. Hughes. .2nd A>' Field Workshop R.C .O.C. Base Post Office, Canada. C 5343 LICpI. E. Hunt, H.Q. Co. No. 1 Can. Inf!. Holding Unit Base Post Office, Canada. C 18656 Gunner J. L. Kimbel, .4tb Field Regt. R.C.A. C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. C 4153 Sgt. W. D. Locke, Hastings & P. E. Regt. 2nd Echelon Cen. Militer>' Headquartems Action London W. No. 3 C 6078 CPL W. J. McKnlght, No. 1 Cdn. Holding Unit C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. C 5576 Ptc. H. McKnlght, No. 1 Cdn. Holding Unit C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. C 5576 Pte. Murncy, H. & P. E. Regt. No. 1 Cdn. Hold. Unit, C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada.' C 40579 Sgt. Imat. S. Morgan, No. 1 Cen. Inf. Holding Unit 'Base Post Office, Canada. B 94314 Ne. W. Paterson, No. 2 -A..W. 116 Unit R.C.O.C. C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canade. C 18663 LIB&I. .J. Parker, 4Ui Field Brigade, R.C.A. Base Post Office, Canada. C. 18556 l3nr. J. Snowefl, 2nd 14Ui Flcld Batter>', Base Post Office, Canada. Lieut. S. Spencer, Hastings & P. E. Regt. ,C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada.. 40539 Pte. W. . T erry, Hastings & P. E. ]Regt. C.AS.F. Cnaýe Base Post Office, aa. C 18681 Gunner E. fiee, 2 114th Batty. R.C.. 4Ui F4eld Regt. C..F.. Base Post ô?ffiee, Canada. 84512 Pte. F. E. Trcnouth, lst Corp Troop Supply, Columnn Base Post Office, Canada. B 9437 Pte. H. J. Welsh, No. 2 A.F.W. IR.C.O.C. C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. 83107 Spr. P. T. Walker, No. 1 Tunnelling Co.. R.C.E. C.AS.F. Base Post Office, Canada. C 18655 Bdr. L. Wiseman, No. 1 Cenadian Artiller>' Holding Unit, R.C.A. Base Post Office, Canada. C 18538 Gunner K. B. Wood, No. 1 Canadien Artiller>' Holding Unit, R.C.A. Base PoUt Office, Canada. C 18657 Gunner R. J. Woodward, 4Ui Cen. Field Regt.. R.C.A. C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. C 4237 Sgt. W. R. Wright, No. 4 Co>'. H. & P. E. Regt. lst Cen. Inf. Holding Unit, C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. C 6212 T. R. Wright, Hastings & P. E. Regt. lst Cen. Inf. Holding Unit C.A.S.F., Base Post Office, Canada. Servlng in the Nay K 5084 H. H. Hunt, LP.O. H.M.CS. Skecne, ____-.- -. .-., ---. ? ----t--r---rs nd l----~ Dr. Birks made a solemn pre- * A sentetion te Bert Parker who las b. À EB R A recentl>' become a grandf atler. 3c1 Th onetwbl ac Bet clalmcd hOUCH JOHNSTON &CRYDERMAN, Ltd 1 LIQUIIE ()ý- PTlr glfte-nes a canBe-a croked 3 ~~~had ne use for just yct. pa* Poe" * * * nopthroocd progrem llaan 1on 80King Street TISIOVEnid for 1 Uicenext mectlif wlen the'District Governor wlllspeek. ____________________ "FISHEEEI1'S PATROL" FOUR MONTHS TRAINING PERIOD MOIS I MAHA & PLOW EVERYDAY PRICES S Replacing. the original 30-day 17,cnIa ~ ~ .~ Aclt, ythfran of a n de r G A EF U T iE2 te National Resources Mobiliza- - ~ ~ ALE POIAtlte rtofanwfor Elf YMRTin 98 months' training plan will begin IE UD about March 15, when it is plan- JEWIL SHORTENING 2 »& 25C ned to cail up between 6,000 and 6,500 men, and the saine number .each month afterward, according 10tA 4 Sievo 4 to announcemnent made this weecPlcs1W o b>' the Prime Minister.EV P MIK > 5 ' s. Those to be called, 'according to E A .M L[A & 4c 3q1;e 25 young men as the>' reach the age -m .. CATELLI 34_0%. I of 21. There wifl be no exemp- PI! I 0MUTTII tions, though postponements. may IRHeb 21iB Review i the different districts. O The four months' period of TER MOTHER PARKER'S 32Cb trairning will be divided into basicLal C training for two months and ad- U N vanced training for a furthcr two ___________________________ 22___ .patrol Fleet f tue oyp months those who volM LADufnteer 2 A' "Fishermen's , ~~~and are accepted for the Royail ~ ~ ~ < IGRu N IE Canadian Navy 'plows through th i ngPacifie. These sal i n A Forwil e oyi '- DO KAIR COFFIEE 1-lb.Seo 3 9C desl ke oughy nttie s hx.o er q aye a d n softe rshai Forcwill beNva owir1- Columbia Coa.t. Force schools. The others will go CNETAE to advanced Training Schools CNETAE Sh w spathy of ail goes out to those who where special training will be proM A &a .Supsa' Suds ZPkgs. 37c Sh wsmunher passing, while the in. given in the particular arm of the 01M Dakvl7 PLOXI _______ spiration of her li1e will remain service to which they are posted, m eO ESn~,7 neest Saturdey as at beniediction to those who preference being given as to theic M hit this section with &evasttn knew her intimetely. brsiich of the service for which Nou s m v .ia force. Shakespeares "As Y ou The funeral service w as con- ach w ould lile to qualify, as in-L e It a p s a e ab u l y t d att e f miy r sdei e o f nr , eril r , i n iR&ys r-I m1 blasts" but the 28 people who Wedncsday, Febuary 5th, by her vice corps, or ordnance. MM M M CUZCO 9C werc accommodated at thc home minister, Rev. Sidney Davison, At the end of four months, and P O U PARD of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard assistcd by Rev. R. Patterson, unleas the recruit desiresr to vol-11 r»19 ovemnight and heu oÏ Sunday Cannington, a fricnd of Uic femily unteer and la accepted for soniePi were not thinking about Shake- and Rcv. J. U. Robins, a former active unit, he will be posted to a C A K E DOG VBarZTis 19 speare. The>' lef t cars stelléd on minister of Trinit>' United Church. reserve unit and will return to 3 0" 1 5Br t h ghway and had a week-end The interment was made in the civil 111e, being hiable tol recail if TOILET holiday and farm bhospitelity tiiet Bowmanville Cemetery. he should be required for serviceCHRY]U 0029aks9 compensated their initial disay. m i Canada or for additlonel train- * HERYLU 08 ZCaes9 Motorists from Kitchener, Heznil- ing. * IELTANA ton, Cobourg, Millbrook, Belle- Robcrt B. Riugs Ce S ILAEP DG ville, Galt, and other points made A native of Northumberland GDUE pr 1Tï nof rww frlends and thanked host and eounty and a pioncer fermer o!f.41s.aaeGLE atc orIcm hsesfor a real good tinie. thc West, Robert H. Riggs pessed B t ed Tere were commercial traveflers, away February 2nd at thc homeC A VNG air-force imen - and even Dr. ôhi duE st, is9W.H.Ca-AnR SAIlvein BthsS Dae fBomnil cudniruthers. He was in his 93rd ya.CmuiyCu edisFb s CERTIFUCATES get tbrough. The larder sustain- M.Rgswn et ye.Comnt lbhl t e-REGULARLT cd thc unexpected onslaught and Mr igwetWs early in ruery meeting ini Uic school, with WAR SAVINGS STAMPS AVAIL- Derlington epples got a great big' file and settlcd on a farm intheUicprsident Ralph Glespdli AML AT A & P FOOD STORES hand. It wes thc worst blizzard Southcrn Manitoba before thet Uic chair. During Uic business hereabouts since Paul Bunyan aea was served by rail. In 1902 discussion a Pot LucX SUPPer 'nas pasedths aywit hs lu o. e retircd and lived in Vancouver decîded upon in thc near future, & P HI-gh Quality M eats pessd tis ay ith is lueOL ntil 1911, then maede his home proceeds ta be used for 'nar work.A i Pasadene, Cal, for Uic next Mr. Clinton Bigelow hed charge twenty-six years. After tic death o!f.tbe programn which opencd ROYAL BRAND - MKE.TENDEE8ZE of bis wife more than threc years wlth a short devotion by Mrs. f Obituary _ ecm oOt e inWe ILL ______ ~ g hecam t Onero to live Bigelow. Marion Werry ledIhit cwol or lb With his daughter and until sick- commntysngn, leiwic bDD Hl ncss con! mcd him to the bouse Mrs. Howard Brent and Mrs. Ross George Death about a yeer ago his stately figure Poolcy favoured with a piano The recent demise of George was familier to ail his acciuaint- duet. Mrs. G. Rosevear then re- BI E OA TL19 Dahrmvda well known ances and many who saw him icited one of Edgar Guest's-pocms BL D R ASlb19 citien.He ws ~ taking bis accustomed walks which fitted in well with thc sub-T lb Drgon i l oee tizen. H - vern y day. ject of Uic evening. George Rob- r l fl5nl IL.1 dence and when e lad moved to He was a faithful worker in thc erts played three vcry fine solos .1 61 Toronto where he ettended Jervis Mctbodist Church and wes the on hi cornet, accompned by n nu tlOBfDV I lb Coilegiete and Uic Model School." last surviving member of hi Mrs. Pooley on the piano. i-vnm -waivvuLBER n bel L .' The faenily leter moved to ffamuly. His daughter, Mrs. Car- Gucat speaker for Uic evening Powassin, near North Bay. Mr. ruthers, and one son, Dr. H. W. was Mr. Charles Cerruthers who V A lI~ Death taught school in Grcy Xiggs of Vancouver, survive. mntroduced his subject "Wliat is V A O AU EEnEEy" County and on Christian Island. O Feray4,v.AR. Wrong with Fern>ing," by giviné a ____________________ He was intensely intcrested in 7Cragg conducted funeral services shortreicuntaofUic worengs o religion and was both nitAister here and'interment was i Van- Uic County Council. Hie leter cem- é andSunay Schol eacer t Uc uerB. . Pllbares 'erephesized thc importance of UcstFhtea d V geabc an.Sndycholtechr t hedove, .C Plleaercore mmunity purchasing as rncny- Tattér *chargé. 'MI health forced. cnrs. C. M. Cerruthers, J. D. WarSevngsStnip an Ceti hlm to an outdoor lif e anci be e- Cerruthers, Wilfrid Carruthers, ficates as possible. GON CMATC turned to thc old homcsteed Ajex McGregor, Elgin Taylor, and AferMs.Rssl Wibthd LINOWER " WWE E*Is . 17c cfr hetok hi age an s acas wcdf~i, an bumorous story e- gaiee D SFreh, Imported LARBIGERO. DNCEES Zfor 13c comfrt e li Mc ~acnts ____________ of bean begs 'nes enjoycd by ail. On Dec. 21 1921,'ne 'nas mer- b, G A E R I o 3 ried te Miss datherineM. Schrier ReGfor23ewreseve in Uiechcurch'et Hampton. He la LIONS CLUB RrsBmgeond ere srvcd by RntEFR ioTrw ls survived end nîourned by bis ___ r.Bglwadhrgop ED O SOtroGonl~ 0 wlfe, thrcc deughters, two sons, (9ofltifluCd rom Page 1) 5 MJACM Fresh Curly Leef Zb.1Ul7C one brother, John H. of Toronto, Aîihyba en.yrofe CUONANVLDz and threeIsters. Mr. DeaUi ws exclaim: 'God Amgt la enORANGECS CLF3L AELO wiel nonas a genuinel> re7 too mucb for us'." __________________________ ligon ciiznhusband and fa- One. way in which 'ne can build Mrs. Floyd Dudley visited with ~w . u~ ther n i passing ils mourned for the future, the speaker went Major F. Dudley et Ottewa. A & P FO O DI T O R ESa u b>' thc whole conimunit>'. on, la to sec thet w'necnioy honiest Pte. Walter Park, Ottawa, et F. à___________________________ administration in pollUecs. L. Byam's. ~. ~*blcoik Wc need toda>' men who are Young People's Union hcld its Mrs.P. . TrbUlock originel. men wbo hold dear Uic reguler meeting Thumsdey nigbt Just e littie pest Uic midnight ideels of brotherhood, citizcnsli in thec churcb vestry. Progreni hour o! Sundey, Februamy 2nd, and law," he said. . opcned with a short worsbip ser- one of the old and honoured resi- Mr. Seywell concluded bis i- vice conducted b>' Uic president, .was taken b>' Mrs. F. Dudley:L about Uic snow that feUl on dents of Bowmanvile, i the per- spirationel address quoting thc Miss Evlyn Bell. Followed then a Subject, "Miss Marie Kim i Thursday night. son o! Mms. Christine Trebilcock, famen iei nes o! "'Invictus" whicb Treasure Trail prograni o! stunlts Kore." Day of Prayer et Mrs. F. License plata collection came widow of Uic lete Paul C. .rrebil- adlmfrebly sumnied up thc coin- and questions with prizes for ail Dudlcy's on Februer>' 28Ui. out very well wli Lloyd Skin- cock, pessed suddenly ewey, in plete challenge of his remerks. 'ninners, conductcd by Lomne frn eolNw e n ly alrcmn u hem 88Ui year. The wishcs and thanks o!fUice Morton. Art Richards took chargeIt 'sreed het 'Newshold ondop.Lloydayo collccd 12 utn Mrs. Trebilcock 'nas born in club 'were voiced by Lion George o! an informal crokinole progres- I a gedta esol ntp ly olce 2 n Bowmanville, Uic daughter o! the Davidge. çsivc and Uic enjoyable cvcning belp Uice'ner effort b>' buying 'nar Allyn 117. .In al Uic whole school lete Mm. and Mrs. Robert Sinclair, was fittingi>' ended with rcfresh- savings stamps. So fer 'ne bave collected 342 liccnse plate for thc and 'nas unlted in marriege to Mr. "Kenny" and Bria ments. bought quite e few. Here are Uic Red Cross. Peuh C. Trebilcock in Uic year Net less appreciatcd than Uic Glad t4, report Mr. Wiln Viue cnies who have bougbt theni:_____________ 1875.. address 'nas Uic clever entertein- al ortr ohshm fe Glenn Brooks 4, Lloyd Skinner 10, Mrs. Trebilcock is survived b>' ment ut on by Brian Flaherty al ortm abshm le Gregor Freund 4, Vemonice Freund two sons, Dr. Frank and Artbur J., anid bis, ventriloquist's durniny spending several weeks in Bow- 4, Bille Dudley 1, Donald Dud-mo both o! Toronto, and b>' four Kenny." Most o! those present mevhehoptl ey 1, Dorothy Skinner 2, Jean s daugbters, Mrs. H. F. Hutcheson, had not heerd youthful Mr. Fla- Rev. Gerdner preeched a fine Dudley' 1, Allyn Taylor 2, Bruce DPN A L ., Toronto, Mrs. Norman Hamle>', herty before. Witbout becolning sermon Sunday momning. His sub- Macdonald 4, which comes te ea Peterboroughi, Mrs. J. G. Adamn rhapsodie over Uic performance jeet "Teking Risks for Christ.' total o! 33 'nar savings stamps, or * and Miss Margarçt, both of town. of a dummiy one could truthfully There 'nas a small attendance. 0w- $8.25 in two days. Three sons pre-dcceased bier, Fred, sa>' Uic two skits given 'nere car- ing to thc bed roeds. After Thursdey nigbt's ver>' Paul and Norman. ried off in Uic McCarthy-Bergen adso wegtutndme The late Mms. Trebilcock during tradition and proved bighly en- Tyrone W.bard nowuile ugy otout enmad ber long and useful 111e 'nas in- tcrtaiiiing. "Keniiy". conversed Tyrone W.M.S. met in Uic S. S. Then 'ne raised in bard combat, t e te d n a l w r h a sad w tt ly w ith is b oss, san g "T ill o n s on F eb ru r >' O i. M eetin g w ith sn o w alls. A fter a ard lo e Uc Uins it n re b au phe ights o London Shixe1 op ned with prayer by Mrs. Sid fig t one fort 'as ruined. We M AGIC 91vs, 1k tifu and od . h ns a 'ni nx' and wexed delightfuly Hoar. Reading, Mrs. Goodman; should lic ver>' glad that our littie tedrtxu and trustcdfin ndcuslor oiginal in some off-tbe-recr Devotional, Mrs. Hoar; Prayer, frlendly fights with snow balls en mn> eoleinal nakao -reersabout members of Uic Mm. Hogso; hor Bsinss renotUn tbse f-r-e'.1 .Yi' NHE CARTER FAM ILY Baker.fer Twe Gonerona 1- - - - - -- a 1 THUMDAY, P£BltiuARY 13, 1941 TM CANADIAN STATESMAlý ÉOWMANVnJE, ONTARIO PAGE FM

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