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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1941, p. 7

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- 5U8AY, FEERUARY 13, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESkAIi, OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PG EE af war, supplies Canada's defie- JOHNNY OAEUOK iALLB 1]FO MORE CERTIPICATES lined what steps have been and L. W. Dippeil of Jerusalem Lodge, CO U O V NT iency., should be taken ta eliminate Bawmanville.______________ Editor Gea. W. James, wha re .. .. whooping cough, diphtherla and 'After leaving the tables an re- euae ogA .&A . turne Tuesay frm a tip toscarlet fever from the town. Too paired ta the large assembl hall e SOCIA AND PERS NAL 1rneTu~sa~yf~rn tnpta 'few have as yet taken the treat- above for an entertainment by Six lhodWiernAtHoe ]Phone OU yracuse, ew YoricWashingtonmedar-M c PIlONS ~ and intermediate points in the J»4$mnt against smallpox and whoop- of Ken Soble's accomplish at hlta a.DST - United States, left for Ottawa . ..0j.. ilig cough. ists. Everybody enjoyed iturn NoceCotie e'srth- Ee Sas Htir nvathiwlh prets ~ ~ Vednesdaye night as a representa- Sanitary inspection of restaur- tevclnmesb w iteho ilme tMpeGae ailr-Ivs nwt i aetM.adMs v f the Clasa "A" Weeklies."~-. ants, slaughter houses and dainiesgl, tesoswthpa-ccr War Savin s. Harny AlUn. 1Last night's.gaine af the Lions reuedspsiad lmeg a in. d ady matimt, the reath-tak- 'umrLewis LhternesPet- ,Ptes. John "uins Cm, Br-Club hockey league was postpon . eus isoaiad lmbn hs dionacomantimttetby the tai-Fday.erur Ss.t831.. aWtun w ner n oon i t.nand e y, ýBued due ta sof t ice. These gaxnes ...,..*~,.~Aoft fslre eecn ing feats of the young lady oe fTrnoNra col awawa washi twn, lokin fit denan~ eorg Bu>s ~ wU beplayd an rida evelng. >« ~flnxed b the oardas ltthyeB.osate croblesantthegui __ s Rthwere recent' vie sitons -lcompanieddson Fricf the gentle An 1vn~LotHi at "-home 1cr Toronto; -was van.' The playoffs wlfl tant Wednes- * o m à n beheld byfteheomee&tSehan Aoinerfthema n . Com s lhle . L aevstn tday evening if Monday nlght's 1giFRE K CCD NTwîh t.mnyCub tSlnaSho ocndy Àicathe weekomendu u.A . ae, vstn S aesae M do chdlThis program ithitFeyClb lt .0sadr re d hIn tw an a sh ort leave. homde during the week-end bliz- _______ACCIDENT_ encores concluded, the level pr- misoneubaWrSaig zar, ota if bawnotontion of the floor was cleared 1of stampathdor lir . got tww, hnkuly a h ac ars tow i àii, quchairs and ail who cared to dance wasPhoe a enb. o n le etaaa hnfly iahane RNT H R H...(Collle rmpg for an hour or two ta the music wa om fwdasonlav. Sgt. Steve Phillilter, who has HAS FINE YEAR ...~ -, tîlgtesainmse' f of Barclay's Orchestra. The nulCrtn rknl MX. Matland Gould, North been home with 'the smuinps, the enaertainment commit ateeCuy ilb hl nFbu 13ky, 'la visltighen parents, Dr. leaves* to-day ta rejoin the Mid E O T H W iîce . wh w era resp nsibe o te- Clutb h co os t73 and Mn. G. C. onnycastie. lnds atOtawa.Ail this occurned in the dBnk as lightful evening and saw itpm.Sadr Ti.Amsio Pte.HeryRoenry" oy:MiddCd. ea.W.traam blheizeznnad anr eg at a a --e thtbizzrd addisuptd he hrughta tshhayp edig wre:25 Przeswil b gienandne 'land, Regt., Lansdowne Park, Ot- lst Mdlands has returned ta his meeting of Trnity United Chu!,ch m,~hdosstmadtle alfihtBa.J.L rdemnouselfesmnssevd2- tawa, was home for the weekend. unit after visiting hisý family m~ wah held January 29th with a__' in the waiting roomcaes fo Osborne, Chas. A. Cowan and F. Mis etySnwenv'ste M.Bowmanville. large crowd of interested mem fireplace. The railway snow plow W. Bowen. Caet MpeGrv "Se and Mrs. Normani Pingle over the Help Smash Hitler - Invest in bers in attendance. .ep .___.__.___. weekend. War Savings. Prior toý the meeting, while the the crew did not knaw t-ley had and Wi"1onm FiaFb reaclied the village station. 1 4th. Dmntain ~trai Miss Georgie Caverly and Miss Mns. W. H. Carruthers accom- congregation was gathering, Miss .- Tafl arlze LJLary ment,mucptrtiOeeta Dorothy Nichôls were, weekend panied the bady of hen fathen, the Phyllis Challis, A.T.C.M., favored T_______ lyedTime:7.0Sadrtienth visitors at Whitby. - late Robert H. Riggs, ta Van'cou- with a medley of organ Selections Before the storm had really got- SundaySho aemn.Ams -Misses Ruth Jamnes ând' Loise ver, B.C., and Wiin spend à few in a very capable and acceptable - into' its stride Saturday afternoon Stella May Mason Haddry alan: Byyusl a aig SuekOtroLde'Clee ek hr.manner. ail back roads were blocked. A St-amp t -i or Skuesy, n'aro Ldis' oleg, wek thre - Meeting was, called ta order by funeral sclieduled ta take place ta Aft-er an illness of only a few ________________ Whtby, spent- the weekehd .'with Mr. and. Mrs. A. E. McTaggart the pastor, Rev. Sidney Davisan, Hiampton Cemetery liad ta be weeks Stella May Haddy, To- Mrs. Oea. W. James. and Donald, Toronto, , Mrs. D-' who was also t-he chairman. With post-poned. ronto, passed ta lier eternal rest Sergt. Jack Aflin, Petawawa 'Morris and Milton, Oshawa, were him on the platform was Dr. J. B vnntafcwsprlz in the Women's College Hospital. MlltArY,,Çamp, spent the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Mc- C. Devitt, Secretary of the Official ed on the Kingst-on-Toronto H-igli- Word of lier deat-l on January m ,u ___________________Taggart. . Board. AIt-er the apening hynin, way. Pract-ically every farlin- 31st- came as a great-sliock and IIa a Mn. Daniel M. Douglas, Peter- Rev. W. P. Rogers offered prayer. Offenbach, by Mis Mamaon Dud- B A D F houa e in this vicinit-y gave shelter brouglit-ta lier many friends in WiV u L t bora, announces the marriage of Melville Dale .and Owen Nicholas îey. BOARD F ,iFU H tapersans wliose cars were in t-le. Bawmanville a profound sense of ~ebrasn hýs daugliter Huda Ethel t-o Mn. favored wit-h a vocal duet, "The ih.Oebsdvrwoevh-ls.mi Alexander Clivas on Februany Bat-tle Eve" by Theodore Bon- Repart- ofthe Choir was given -dtc.Oebsdie hs eu os who stavceted141 a etror.her withatdepyapr- force of the gale deciared lie saw husband, one son Jack, lier father, porS tdt.~Tu ae 45, ae. hosad eklyatendaerhpwst start-ed scliaoi. The Nurse, over a hundred cars in the dit-ch t-wo sisters (Lena) Mns. N. S. B. mn oSb ee1w Il r. Rev. D.-N. Buntain vous of'-retired fanmers who set-- Business was called for, result- farmly gaod. W. E. C. WorkmanMs eaTyogvsfu al e-enBwavleadWi-J.a.m .tpes, Toronn to, an(one)Mn TORONTO tle t-le world's problenis, lias been ing in a bevy af most- encouragmng Organiat and Choir Leader, was' days a week at the Public Sdliool, by. Transport trucks were in J.BrtC. htpeTrato nan prUn.Bis iht st ciosed for an indefinte period. A reports, slowfng marked advance alduo-frafe d e checking up on ail phases of t-le greater difficulties t-han private bohrC H. Mason, Bowman- aetfxeb7nepr S Général Superintendent of sign st-uck on t-le doar st-ated froi n alt-le various cliurch or- cale poke fteiorae odstHe chldren's health. Last- year she cars. The "bot-tle neck" cunve at ville. One sister Flo predeceased moie rss Tsr au the Pentecostal Assemblies "Session çlosed for Stock-taking" ganizatians. rninst-r of Prehit-Sanc ftu- found 116 dhildren lad need of Stanley's Bridge over the- C.p.R. lier in 1910. Mns. Haddy was the waltn fo urwtba- of Canada. we-yntie MsmDnliPryscrtry0 try ndofreaie te ly cu-dental attention by t-le end of the tradis was t-le scene 0f continu- daugliter of Mn. J. J. Mason and tog ed bruhlb weeky ntic. Ms. onad Prdy seretry f ay, nd ffeed fe tiely hait- of these were corrected. oua traffic jains. Twa loads of t-le late Mrs. Mason, Bowmanviile. h willspekspe th k aSorissenof r. ndMorris, oma'sonssiofr Mr.etasgdesions.ert-liehaveWoman'satendMbussionarys ad Socak et-ye adsuggestions.nduse Morris,'wlio was taken ta gave a comprehensive and inter- Dr. C.-W. Slemon, chairman of ed ta itlisey ae of enat-ed-buspaengrerers ad t-a wallc fr e l iv ced a nobef ntue- EVANGEJ.ISTIC- Bowmanvile Hospital Sunday for esting story of the year's wonk as Missianany and Maintenance Coin- Plc a oeta hycudet eehrhm n e TABERNACLE p end citwaorpértedonesoray embodied in t-le Aternaan Aux- mittee, was pleased t-a repart tixat-reasona. Po hlic ld mre t-h an tley cuetsre lie r.lame as nd ler S. TA E N CL edii«tiws eote êtedyiliary, Mission Circle, four Sffil- $2,500 had been subscnibed t-o this The municipality of Bawman- do indlnthe affic jreain d urc iel noi.ns.Hady a benKI~Bok gS. 7.30 ~- to be coming along fine. iat-ed groups of- Canadian Girls fund, which amount was the saine ville la - doing considerable t-o We -lesy laedadt-i igely kno in Bowma.nvie Sinday,7.0pm t Major P. H. Jobb, 0. C. of '«D" Ini Training, Alice Jackson Mis- as last year. This, in canjunction. icleck tuberculosis bath by active wind decreased Sunday noan t-le hliaving b oka een ugit u lere I ]e. sure ta hear thI t reat Company, Midiand Régiment-, R.F. s!<o' Bond (gis), Sparling Mis- witl t-le contributions of t-le' inedicai care and by contribut-rng extent of lavoc w~rrougit- by t-hei the life of t-le Met-lodiat clioir. preacher. at- Bawmanville, is i Brockvilie sion Band (boys), and t-le Baby W.M.S., maies a grand t-atai of toa atter-care in needy cases. The blaw could be seen. Drifts t-enSewaat-clrin-ie u- fat- a t-wo-week course for coin- Band. Total nembership is 327, mlssionary givinga $3,340.00. anoat progressive st-ep in t-lisan-weefetigisilim le day Sdliool and active it-le wori ____________________pany Commander. Corporal Gord. and givings amounted ta $840. Re part- of thle Womau's Asso- direct-ion is t-le tests wbicli are raads in ail directions givng o te Epworth League.AD 'Vl _____________________ as e-rnCe frofm"a" o-weeyly appoin. t-d prsoidnthae ed- ciation was given by t-le secre- yayconduct-ed at the HigI abundant- proaf that- t-le good aid I of onto ae was a leader of ZIL I basretrne frm atwowee l apoined resden, scce-t-ary, Mrs. P. E. Greenfield, and-ISchool at- very amaîl coat- ta t-le faaliioned winters" are not a t-îing a W.M.S. graup at St. Clair Unit-- -course in Milbrook. ing. Mra. S. Davisan, wlio laa>giv- showed a year of unusual activit-y Board of Education. of t-le past. ed Clurch and a member of that Pt-ca. Phillp Pattrick, Stan. en t-wa yeara of fait-hful leader- on t-le part- of lt-s 12 circles, with Ml upyClurdli. Her untimcly passing P E A E Dunn C.CassdyJimKennedy ship t-a t-le societ-y. toatal receipts of $1,260.00, most Mkspl.lae a ntelf ftee W DunnW.JC.eCassidy, Jim SpcnURHAM LODGE oraeav os a n in the iearftse Tho mas Lyle, and Lt. Chas. Oe.W.Jmenuc-tesu-of whicli was devotcd t-a rcducing - The Rotary and Lions Clubs D R A raia-asadi h ens~ Wuda al plgt cmweesoeoft-e of"" rsbmt-e lsreot, whlcl t-le durch debt whicl now stands cbntribut-ed ta a fund whih sup- hler frienda that- time cannot. fill. 701 iardt taSwn f or he (y. lame on leave Yror their showea receipta of over $6,013.00. around $1,100. This organizat-lan plied mii t-o needy acloal clild- (Continued from page 1) The beautiful floral tributes and leitl'o IoIa. nefqarer a -nstheearHe spoke *ords af appreciation lias set- for its objective t-le liqui- ren during the eariy mantha of nunierous other expressions of wuldnnhv ad o Ot-tw qa te sint-anbePark, and coimctidatiou t-o t-le congre- dat-ion of t-lis indebt-edncs-b 90 iicnuita alg nciimnadpoae -i oast- sympathy, slowed the iigh cat-em of peaainbfr~W pleased wtl life in t-le barracis. gatian for their layait-y t-o, and t-le end of t-lis year. It lsarnaime- thé town with 1300 quarts a day t-o "The King." The next- was the in wlidli Mrs. Haddy was leld. ntbilfyu ans at u ~~Dr. Raymnond Rogers, wîo lias gerlerous support of,'t-le cause, ing t-le amnount- of Wori wlich ila being consumed,,making thc ex- toast t-o "The Grand Lodge," pro- , Tue funeral was lield at TL.5 bln lldUnu iapii been on thec cîciica iner.i and also compiimcntcd the cane- accomplisled by the, untiing et-ceptianaily good average of 7 pints posed by Rt. Wor. Bro. W. F. Funeral Panlors, Yonge St., aO- i safof Colunmbia University, New t. e, Walter Woolley, for hisforts of t-licladies, t-o wit-,52 p« 'persan per day. Xiedo by Rt. WorndBreo .W.d on ductr in te sevicJ.E.i tle W1 H IM OH York City, las recentiy joined t-lepesangefrs dgnili- quilts werc made and quilt-ed, 122 dtbyR.WrBo 0 W.Tdem Tue local water suppiy con- Raîpli D.D.G.M.ervice DnfthdsNfr staff of thc Welland Chemicel position, and lis willingness t-a toweis embroidered, henînid and tms-o eGaeA(RRlp, DDGM or Ont-arioDis- presence af many friends rmORHANS adCompany, Niagàne Falls, Ont-aria. hclp wlenever called upan. Mn. sald'971 pairs of socis, end 686 tfiet-bGaeA(Rcorded tit Followed, a toast t-o "The Tarant-a and out-ide places. Inter- andDr. and Mvrs. Rogers' spent - t-le Woliey acknowledged these kiiid oflor garments were made for the est are the higliliglits anly of Ladies," praposed by Wor. Bro. ment- was made in Bown-anville E ED Othe Rom weken wi-h ls prenta, cv.words with t-lat usuai beaming Red Cross. Oîd woollen grents t-le splendid repart whicl yeanly Dr. J. A. Butler and responded t-a cemet-ery, Rev. S. J. Davison per- w IK17 EVery ~W. P. and Mns. Rogers. , mefla. were caîlected, cleanedý and wov~~sosta omnil aac0 by Mrs. W. Harold Gibson. The forming the burial service. u N Pkeaaln and is htintive' PaS- Mr. and Mns. William Nelsoni of J. H. Jolinaton, Cleni of thecenonlt-o 25 beautiful lange woolen thé healt-hiest places i Canada in fourtl was a toast- ta "The Visi- Friends of the f amily acted as L L tent ~ Ol .Bowmnvllb Ceenrs ad ~ Session, aft-er a few aprapos e- blankets at a cot af $65, and Y,1 clt-o ive).*tors," propased by Bro. J. W. palîbearers: Dr. W. Rat-tle, J. M. Ei»g, . - Bomnil of _s xis,, rcported for. t4: Girls'giv~en t-Refugce work. -A totlacpeention of communi- Bredley n e~e - yPWM rwE .MCeln D. Pot-t-en, ___________ aaieImnOxlewua.BguuCo. attended Uic- annuel convcn- MomigHour, UcBfeoèt 30clso ick, shut-is-an e ediseases the M.O.H. out-- Matt-. ackson, Oshaewa, and W.M. Jack Todd and Jack Abeil. You'li l ii,-jour Primeat». We tion of Cicaners and Dyers et- Ta- P'und, and The Session. Girls' liospit-al wamds adds up t-o an enor- invite ybu So Inspeot our as- ont-o, Mondey. Mr. Nelson pur- Manig Hour, under thc 'capable mous amount of personel wori sortment bfore non ýbuy. clasede new machine for c en- leadership of Miss Gertrude Dew- and happy fllowships. Many im- SPÈCIL ROI! LTS A<D ,ng dresses wlucl is t-he very lae tenci, las lied a succesaful ycar, grtant- services werg pérfemmed _______ REMNANTS OO N LOST 4» is in<iand veiuabiy eenncs wt cmesipo 0, and ne- -t-le- Woman's Association, of - V L A 11 .wFoCmfaanUtIy GoderidIli end modrnplat.ceipts $62.Tlirougl t-l e id- wllcl Mns. T. Wesley Cawker ilaO YOUR V L N I YBAR'8 PAP ERS.. A record trp o rhuand & um of Benevalent Fund, e wort-h- t-ho popular anid enemgct-ic presi- ____ eturn was made by Nrhut&whili service la performed by dont-. WooI- -SmiO's funeral coadch during t-le assist-ig needy cases, and, pro- F R. Kersieke subniit-ted t-le W.0leigît of,'tUicment-Storm. Tue viding Chrlatmnas cheer. Receipts report cf Uic nominat-lng commit-- Aunbia r elnrye n~~ round trip af 416 miles was -oc- were about- $94.00. Report of Tue t-ce for Uic Session, and these an incr oraseeuf CawlingaioEadinOsrinine baRoyor-Mc- SLsiUn KntcaUeL hat thIlh ua homeme ia, the lte E. C.Pak of Meple mcmnberslip now stands et 980, Crydeninen, Roy Webber, P. R. Britein la st-lUmat-rosa of Uic Ray Dil]ing, i'ab@nceocf Chas. Donald, W. P. Corbett-, John HeUl- - if I J'Isees. Evidence of t-lus la thet Sein Mason,- pesented, reports of Uic yen, G. L. Wager, W. J. Berry and L W S J. vv jew en Stewart rceived afew daysago, Sunday Schooadl e ol, heDonald Purdy. e-ea npOteWPIESTL AMl E "E go,, heevy sMtpment of mne1 seedS. Brotherliood, and,Young 'p1e's for nointn committ-o f UiceIa tfl U I L ]%ne UO înqV S lasa, a e-saver becaluse Whole- Union. Reports révealod thet an Stewards, and these were eiect-ed C ADE geell reshort, cf these organizations are function- for thnee ycans: F. C. Vanstone, wa mf stocks. TuBn teih i eldst ing wel, land gave credit-ab1e gc Dr. J. C. Devit-t, F. F. Morris, M. V LE TN AR'. maaw _________________________________counts af their activîities., S. Dale, F. R. Kensaeke, Dr. C. W. .S E I A E TN S O T E T Memberslup cf Sunday Sçhool,- Siemon, J. A. Cale, S. R. James, of wlicl D. J. C. Devit-t 'la UicRay J. Dilling and Oea. W. James. 2 Lb; Heart-Shaped Box -ý, $1.50 rw - devot-ed and well-lovcd Superin-. Mr. Beteman in e gacîoua man-*OurnTcRAO tendent, now stands -t 467, and nom, expmcssed t-o Rev. and Mrs.ChlrnsMx re- 25 SO *p u g y , recelpts $512.00. School has 50 Davison and faenily, alse t-o Mn. _____________Mixtures___ 25e__-_50. teachers and efficers, and a wdil- anid Mns. Worknîan and Louile, R glrA sriet 0 O .0 3eCrg--------5 equlpwcd' libnary i plege of El- t-le deep appreciatian feit- by Uic Llfebuoy Sa e i mer Ux. congregation, of their efforts t-o 3eCtxPlse 5 Cradlo Roll is i change of Mns, lielp, and eadineas t-a ca-aperete,35 ue _________________________________ Ray DilllIng, and las e member- and give leadership iail Uic un- MUPJIU Greeting Cardsansd l I u1u ubeFE hnyo u /-b akg f slip of 40 babies. dertakings oftUic durcI t-o deep- YOUR FAVORITE VALENTINE c sctf hUC * Beatifu Tumer P~ whn youbuy '/2lb. ackae 0fTuere are four groupa of Cane- on its spirituell ife, and t-a pr-1)Cms w 3 99 -mot-c its genemel good. This cx- I SALA DA-. TEA w-9 Veste Spango as Super1ntendent, pression of epprecietion was soc- tigeohVtansfm * Oc~Gt Vour Set WhIIe They Lat and a memhbership of 55. Tlese ondcd by Milt-on Wight. VITAMINS: Are YeD. getigeog iaisf girls raised $33. Rcv. Devison -and Mn. Wori- TOI LET SOAP your feod te keep yeu in A-1 shape? Net iikeiy-fer verY Dep ron Sz.Ti Ldes Bbl laaMisLot-ema, onbehelf of their families INA NEÀrffW WRAPPL? few people do! In meat cases a reliabie Vitamin Produot Domestie ~ * lSc M. Jackson president-, las a mcm- ~ rcpoa-dUcit f- la needeil ta supiilcment your dieS. StarS taklng one now. - ~~bershlp of 70, and riised $30 for 800 îfeîowslup, and pledged ____ Mcea 01mnt - 2c 5 * in ad fr . pr anew their loyelty and deotion mA L ICapsBbFod -3fr25 Missionsg Iander$25auforC the Great- Cause of bringing in ACAKES pametes 1.00 - .8 -3.0 mun' 1 Mire l gSae rU 21repsesios. His Kingdam. M T IpImeLs---~Glant Krus a - 9 * ~ *t. ~' a Tins Brotherhaod lies e membcrshl.p At- ibis juncture an attendance _______________ Wamnole's Extract - -1.00. 2 - T maeb oe25 f 25. with Nel Mutton as presi- Ënntesqt-was canducted by C. A- _--------------____ *COFFRE *.îeoted Rips withitb : Va-tro-noli *ITomatees lb. 19c Vatro-l dO Invictus - Help our Empire t-o Irittin;<3 hip prevail. k Larg Staika 1 h lk a o lf i broatmna eflo nvts loop. i oadhst Give ail lest- Britain fail. l" -01Courtesy la love in trIfles, and LuaScr R O hn 9 or IW onS wlreIa- a etthug Is e elve R etnos 'l->ýv 1 -r lve ' thug ICandi.. f =ýM 1a *8 » outerfeit5 nMay abouîl4 cdcuntesy -iu-il -ànot--G.orgi Jac6con. ob i j

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