PAGE NDlR lA v- enl? A at C 'grAN~AnTA14 RTATESMAII. BOWMANVUML, ONTARIO I _______________________________________1_____1 * ~~~~~~~Starkville EPR IEPEIETCadmus H WD Visiors Mis Gwn Glme isMr. and Mrs. Gardon Brown, Visitrs: iss wen Glmeris yMrs. I. Whitfield and Ross, Ta- YOU I E T hotne from visiting ini Newcastle. ronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mlrs. A. Dabson and Mary were Mrs. Russell Browni. Toot...Faen arrow Mr. and Mrs. Tenny SameilsBE 1 0 O NNWWU in Bethany on Sunday. .. Miss adMs nzHcln pn u-.»o saeitree iln is w0tma Hallowell lu in Toronto... an/'~dyatMs J E. ligstt'Su ndmAnyaeth eipsfr t mnakes the average persan boil), Mfs Wray was ini Peterbara .. . . .S.dymathy .J E la expres t rsaipnd obernommsekn Iloia n Pro a nd the mercury was utili rîslng. &l ira. owlland BleMr. -, ' ; Syampad sexpthedeth rs ai -np,kn-ey Ni I F~riday afternnon pupils of is Port Hope. .. Mr. and Mrs. War- lie Stewart) in Saskatchewan, feront tal etl heei~hw Poe4r6reft Carson and iamily jaurneyed alsa ta Mr. George Fowler an the ever, jutineamonwchs Phoo 4r16McDowell s room had an enjoy. to Bawmanville . .. Gordon Trim deatti af his sister, Mrs. Campbell doctars areta emno able pGatys ihonre pai St.e was in Toronto ... Gardon Lacey, 4' of Lindsay. wamgn ee ece xrm i Mts ROY visited i Toronto ieGmswr lydb h Peterboro Camp, visited here. . .pasnofMroePre agwihuahtycln ackMerer ~ ~45 pupils and their 23 guests. A Eymond Farrow, Whitby, was PThe c f or ity was shac e ith masbet aeaelh ÈàakMrerhr i ye. Valentine box wlth Mins McDow- home... Mr. and Mrs. Lew. Halo- Th <muiyws hced ail< r P'rIg.I Cobbledlck la out .. enland assistanits playlflg the pat ~ well and family visited at Mr. and grieved ta hear of the untime- colone ici eicfsi t a a fpastmen followed. Sandwiches, * ___ hos. Fals'... Rab. Farrow, Part lhigh uchoofMtseacher t Agnor, etetionesst U e Musons met Thursday, putting cakes and eandy were served. ar.iAr.u Frrw,.ama.ile.o Fbr arylSh inaet hnomre wich sep teyubaasem ona niiton is Foster's room had their Val- an rhrFrrW omnile nFbury1 narsthm n a Twelve iram Orono attonded entine exchange fromi a Valentine were guest at Mrs. Clysdale's. "' in Toronto. Mariao came irom .ii as igrn l-elh h Anioh .&.S.CubThn day ox and enjoyed a treat ai coak- <» the Old Land ta the home ai Mr. aiDaIScaus fcntptini ako Mr. O W. alphhas een n th presa t a thir rom. ith iewin t tea.and ns. eredthaFillawher moetredithou lare boel. elie Mes a.dWcandy. Woagueuen oe the qDave Armstrong celebrated his sefudara oeadb-cornes onl hnta mitr a slck Mr.tM._________basa__positionycame loved as one of the iamily. * Miss Agnes Waddenl la home, r .Sutahsapoiin*Her great ambition was ta be a W]a Kucsnde agi.PARK ST. UNION I Oshawa. C. P. Fell teacher and to, reach that goal she Kncenonas eeamira Sand Somerill______ hi Miss Sopha Shutka has been on worked hon way through Albert wich Sandy SomervUnieonuited hisManday evenlng - the sick lust. President ai the Empire Lufe In- Colege, Bellevile, and Belleville Shealtaelndd W]ctj brother, T. W. Soramerville. Unsin caretng rartMil Mr. Bert Tnim has a sick cow. surance Company, who ptune oeit hn h band hon eprprto, ebrnhbc Miss Ea Bouc yisied hon~ wasla chage ai argart Mil-~ '~ ictor Farrow has a sick horse. the Campany's report at their an- Uppen School and later hon Non-motrtahelgebeLTe Mru A.Fonestr.sng Mytiw e i, tformern-nual meeting la Kingston on mal. Setuh w er t . ti Mnl ateteagaci vauto ter, MsR. pesdA. t a dcde a a __________ . asmahoenl aten t h A..PA.hed apGrty la vite Bowmanville Trinity Union Febuay th. Janetviîle, thon three years at the etre rshnbsaduoi tihe S.O.E.hall Tuesday çvening. ta visit the local Union an Marc ~ Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. ato hc ep efuhyu 'r.W. H. Rowe has been visit- lt. Elsie Rowe was ap painted LockIart sS cfolOiatdethfneaaiNsnDungusimsecntud kidneys n ieadassah Ing lna-Newcastle. leader &oi the Blue group ta ne- ......_.. Reynolds. hoatde sdoti~hnB. idn onbodtemo h Miss Edra Bout and friend visit- place Franklin Tamblysi. Baong<gta She taught four years at Bruice sn hc rvescntpto toMineu, and two at Claremont. e ed Mrs. . Bout.Watad oand uent f vMnisAsP AKICAThe second big evenlag for No. Sudbury as a shepherd. Thon laut September she accepted t e y is mut fIr. Charles Walker was home an e t vclde.9IsK section, followlag closoly on the Mn. and Mns. F. B. Ginspel, Mn.apstonlrgnontHg hnareuire eda pasubr leave, mt ok ~tot Lf n ciip fierltapi 6(rsa so ncp ialk ppeheels ai thse Masonlc banquet, was and Mrs. A. T. Stalatan and Elloon Scisool, but since Christmas con- cs icnt indpnao h M. H. Staples attended the Ag- Donl a Mss ycupaltaoca Brw umaplsthe Valentine Dance, Feb. l4th, inMr. and Mns. Ray Scott, Oshawa, tnncted flu and pneumonia which individua, ~ nehat n ricultural Convention la Toronto. fa;,arod wlth a piano solo:' Mar- rn.I sptofuleatM. and r. R. C. erEbn with a former heant condition she gbveenrsandtieds Elgisn Seymour, Toronto, visit- janie McLaren and Mangaret MHn. Cook tapioca with alt and milk in top cf double boiler until tapioca weather and cauntry ronds in pon ezer, attended a birthday party' failed ta survive. sol letasaet condition we are pleased ttaeprcaver.FoseranodimeKeron Te anealtericewg hsv o rve ed relatives here. son and Glen Hancock gave a lutasre. 255 paid guosts. Music b y Galao- on Fob. l2th, when Mns, Snowden, frcm Cadmus United Chuncis on mrig Mr. Rowland Smith began work dialogue whtch concerne te CosadprappiuSic three or four claves i each. ArranIge a' Orchestra. was wel recoiv- Mrs. Stalaton and Mrs. Scott* an Satunday, la the presence ofai Yu anbu Kuube foma Inl a munition iactory. work ai Miss Mackunnon and the apples ln buttered bkg dish Filcavitisa with sfugar and pour cooked ed and thse merry crawd danced clebrated their birthday. hast ai friends including teachens clnug sta-Zcnd7. Ron Pattersan was homo on assistance teeded la Konen. Hazel tapioca aller applea. Ble 'lna aifoderate aven uitil applesareZ tender. till a lnte houx. A "llucky spot" Miss Grace Staintan has had the and trustees from former scisool leave. Winton favored wit a reading. Serves 6. dance was won by Miss Velma flu.scin.RvD.M tsospk Worship periad was conducted by If ualng peari tapioca or saga, souk ila mornfa the mnilk for soverai houra Cowan and Mn. Chapman. -The sin hs. ternD..steabtison , poke nc lins. Roper, -Toronto, vislted hon. Margaret Millson. Scripture was befare cooking. lucky tickets were drawn hv. Bll Mn. J. W. Balsan and Joan visit- la lgest' tensdaiothmion tondsanewa ede ie uoa sisers Ms.r.,. amy.son.b M. WC.r ndGasar *eobnsn nd is Lta e Mr. alon t owanill eiiiony nddeatin a te3.teByon oteher Bey S Ltte odatened a aianincdetMri tale aodai ss -Roisn-n Ms et imlwonk ai the lhocalled away min.ndMsTieDona1 Pnev.Sby teitloag la Osha ofanMncintim n ted by ofMrie LAsAR O60's were S. Borland and Jas AIl pnîzes were two Wnr Snvings Hospital. -hon prime. The ilawors were mout MB'a Prsyeymeigi saa akno a edb yteP A A O KBlette.Tise finit stary, iront part, Stnmps. Durlag this mont ai beautiful and numerous praclaim- Billy, LIeslM. .M iln 1Miss Ella Muir la visiting hon Smith. Prayers wene oiiered by AT ANT lOCH H..S. was àt ane tue a saloan conduct- the Wnr Snvlags Drive we feit lag the isigis esteem lan which de- Cobougr n.Bcn rde n mother. Maria Hancack and Margaret ____ d~S oln;i asoia t pnizesofaithis nature would Cour ice ceased was held. The flower and IV.Je slwll ia Mr. Bruce Waddenl la visiting Milison. Atoi oe&Scsa lbuxed Sfrand tue as nmeybe meut appropninte and, la giv- ____.. MaudWaeMnWlacWdo relatives hors. lubutze fr athelsd rallnir bearens were Fred Wilhan, Creigis-Tnna relaive hee. eldtheir first reguler monthly and dreuumaking shop ofz wnei ng them, we would be ndding aur A record crowd nssembled at tan Devltt, Laveras Devitt, Joe Several mono Ononottes have Vahntlno paus*v meeting aten election af officeru, Miss Lakemnan (who aftenwanda Club's littie bit ta tise National Pidduck'u Hall Fridny evening Bradburn, Harry Philp and Henry Y. P. .mtTusa lh secured jobs la Bowmanville and on Thursdny evenlag. Durng tise becamo lins. John Dunsiseatis) Drive. These prizes wene la charge when a dance wns held lnanid cf Thompgan. Palîbenners were Os-. wit t isinrycnvn1 Oshawa. At Mission Band business period it was revenled was proprietreus. James Ander- Of Russel Osbornne. British War Victims Fund, which car McQuade, Glen Gibsan, Non- Wesley Hfal hrea iepo Miss udreyCoope isasbeenthnt te club liad lnendy becomo son, before starting business la Ia tise basement ai &te hal a netted $58.50. Music wns uuppliod man Edgertan, Gardon Brown, grami. Tewniialddts appointed Valedictantan at tise ,Mission Band iseld an enjoyable afflliat<ed with the hendquartens,. Kendal, kept n grocenytee zdnme ftalsa 50 n 5Ob Jc an n rhsrClarence Parr and Victor William- uciptur I ussnalgb O.C.S. Commencement. Valentine party Monday- after- thnt tise regular meeting would the printing office cf J. and J. ai ouchre weno la progreus, in Oshawa; Ai. Fletcher and Orches- son. Intorment wnu made at Cad- Wesley Ha rgaiaee Newcastle Y. P. Union held n noon. The juniors piayed games be tise 2nd Thursdny ai tise mont Cutteil was there for a turne, and change cf Mnu. George Bawon and tra, Bowmanville; Courtice Boys' mus Union Cemetery. with aradgbyFakTm- skating pnty la Ornn arena on and enjayed a feast ai cookios. with childnen getting n hali-holi- la more necent years J. L. Tuer Mns. Blewîtt. The pnizes wero Band, and athens whc came frcm The sympathy ai the commun- son; accianslci b o Monda evenng. .At four tise seniors met and held day tnat day. Glen Hancock, sec- kept the pout office in this build- Wan Savingu Stampu aiso. Higis Toronto. Robent and Leanard tty lu extended ta Mr. and lira. Canieron( n.L adnngv Grnac evMicelsubdatBw a much more elabanate program rtary, rend tise minutes and cor- ing whichis l now utllzed as a .scares la "500"1 wre made by Ms. Fowler called off for tise square Meredith Fallis nd inmily an te tise topi;AtHmlalaae mav ihellnk Mond a and under tise canvenanship ai Mar- nespondence. E. Harneus gave the tenemeat - building. 'W. E. Davey and Stan. Grahami. dancing. AH services, and tise hall, untimely passlag ai one who had with a naig mavil bn Mndyan ue-janie McLaren and Joyc!e Cornisis. trensuren's repart. Mns. Wm. Arin- At Lodge Wolverhamipton S.0.ý Consolation prizes went ta Mns. wene supplied gratis. meant s0 muci ta them and ans day ai luit week. Stonies were given by Marj artestnong addressed the gntisenung la E.BS., fittlng referne was made Chas. Gibsan and Sheidon Moi- Drigo otalLau h a ensc epi h Congrats. ta Mn. and Mns. R. MicLaren and Anna Stapies; paorgrst,()mnsgaRdt elu isyhdssandb at ui cr ocr asDarlagtan oota csfll Lnue aw ho had eofen src sl te.utl Ssmith wiso celebrated thein wed- solos, Wilda Haoey and Betty Lia- Cross unit witisin tise club, and the deat of John Dnvey wiso died meby Mns. Graham, and con-spnodascesuldcetchci eaiedsrc. ding anniversary Feb. 14t. tn edn Kathleen Gnmsby (b) pledging the club ta buy sa Jan. 4t, 1918. Bna. Davey was a solation went ta Mrs. Alden Gib- Pidduck's Hall Thunsday evening. vo lire. 0. W. Rolpis attendod the and Larraine Hobbs; récitation, many War Savungi Certificates chater psember, havlag joined son. A lunch wns served under Ms.Gog Joicassne bp17rLsn Aelur Agnîcutunal convention at Ta- Grace Hudson. Games were con- each manth. Dec. 3th, 1890. Hoeisnd iilled sev- convenorshlp cf Mns. Edward turned frcm Oshawa Hospital SpHami n - Otd ret.vened by Anne Stapies and Betty yMrs. Coata, presldent, who ral executive offices. and for Dean. where she underwent a successful servicesZong la l'ansn' LIvssteeP1 Litaont lnh o.cnes-presidod aven thie part ai the nany years ras a lodge trustée. Tise dance complotes aur largeoapération. ervites n ud ay were qucoiteIpeetaadFnitr as Lt-Col. J. C. Gamseyanid Major Lnoadalnhwsc wniisfrteya ak hrBwavleHs elatnthned, takcnnditi onsiad- TPhoMDEAT weked er.ton and Helen Wood. iatt, convener aitheprognain ion BreedeX's' are-' and we will have a substantial pital, la ta have the cuit remaved mucis sickss througisaut the Bwavle2 Mrs. ndH. lnwiioseut ethe evenig.Thse 0h0o gave- a President -S. Joue, Newcastl; fiund for regular and spcial ac- from his an the week, but isis community. S. S. session wns car-- Live and Lear= club members CHANCE TICACHERS choruMisSmit a neading, Vice Presdent-A. J. Tnmblyn, tivities. rime abteaseCton- arefot ast isolen5possblytnt ied out as usual. Saturday aiteroon. AT lins.H.*Cantrel nid ins. MryOrona; Sec'y.-Treui.-A. Artisuy already wonderlgaota"on uti otytpsil.Young People's Society met E eih d cto Scouts mtTlinyngh 1týMs. Victor Hancack at the Piano, A. Pawers, W. J. Bragg, Rabt. Ste- there mny be news concerninlg England, nsding un Red Cross an mnterestung tallc. and a vocal etTtuada ng One s' hundrdSRE cldueanwd ibsn -Nwcasi ;Dlrdtar- ~sltointyfteisner fturae. i Tooey u lsLonon, husay nibt. ecuy lFodge LO RG F unday Scisoa-oldlog w lth lins.. W ash.gtonO ke.I wlU teais , Lrao. AnI. s uatr s cime agalth r. W.te Tise toplc "Home" was abiy don; Audito-A. Stanton. 1r ne ans geld last year was veny' George Welshis luhavlg elec- C.G.I.T. and W.M.S. -meetings- wn ehrai. rsrng' ls gi enih presented by Rey. Littiewood wiso sûtesuful and tise ladies hope the tricity instaled is the home. wene poutponed for a week. me wiil again talcs charge oi Visitons: David and Norman A sewlag bee ion Red Cross D Aman5 ,the winners in Jr. iarm- banner cases. Mrs. Drunimond deait wt tis subject under tires niCark eti wenttice O ntari's anez eltean nteneting so nid hea gsL1)Tauit cuedb s5~omesucis event. Bothwel, Gardon Barabail, Pet- work was held at lins. A. J. Gay'sCtT c fi entcBo otnnan thrpromised an gave toekena of't wod (2) Training of chil- _____ a-t week the War Wonk Com- erboro, and Pte. Robent Bothwel, and a quilting held at lins. Frank Ot ,a *wiso won in earlyoati. recagniton ta Mont Richardsoa, dren; (3) Tise quallty ai religion. Rcn iias o. ullpmte und at rn e uguowtGog enIdu. Ruadîs s. Antioci Homne & Scisool Club Stella Best, Dawn lioffatt and Ho ciosed by neading sections ai at John Patton's, Kendal. .. IMiss Crase tise ialowung completed . . Mn. and Mns. Josephs McKenzie Mn. and lI.Jes Artt yapi p .at a neet. tis vieek ta decide Mariaori McLaren ion belag the. "Cotter's eaturday Nigist." Et aieOiaa ii en service knitting: 5 pairs socks, 3 and son, Toronto, with Mns. Mc- Maxwel's, visited at Mn. Blake pa o EtaDllmseshwaBId rla onwhnt ta do negarding War S av- firut cnes ta be able ta repent the A quiz' conteut wui coaducted tives. . . Mn.anid lins. G. Pallard, iselmets and ans scari. Otisen com- Kenzie's motiser, Mns. Thos. Ad- Oke's. ngad Red Cross work ' bocks ai the Bible. Tise latter two by Mia and Glen Hancock, wit Lackisant's, at W. Holmes'.. Mr. pleted knitting la now ready ta ams. . . Pte. Ramer J. Sibbitt, Mn. and Mns. Ross Pearce visit- The embrs i Pak ied. SoseMs.rob Hn-h.aAgdes, Ohawe atham. .tur ln, ns wel ns a quiiit. A Camp Bondon, lins. Sibbitt and ed at Mn. Foster Snowden's, Ked- . (1.P ~ Teten now 'mmeof Par "snado un the personnel of th.ebstaf.A udrekrnesam Bban_._____,Ohaa a hm. Ms teans M h c, fr.H.Cotnini in. n. na ithelatMnW spindle cf wool has been obtnined sans Biîly and Fred, Toronto, wtt non, and ielped celebrate ln.Ohw St. Churcis Board o twrs ru. N. F. Ponten, formerly leader coc Phse y. opreuentang tise Mrvi nsMarnahe.l. M. an. froin Newcastle Red Cross and Mn. and Mnu. George'Reynls... Snowden's bintisday. Board ai Trustees, and tise Zlderse aitise Primary, naw teaches tiseMary Pae ersnigteMris ors...M.ad0HryWre n oga k wsro ntaled at- tise Sunday a a tns sxt ladies, and Messrs. Bort Robinson, Mrs. A. Bedwin and ins. C. Bed- some ai this isas been given out. Gordon Barrabali, Peterboro, wtiH ayWodnidDulskeN be16 seric. n. . . ogan det prumry suent, i o-GatMiat vlnHnsuwiBonu tM.F k Oas quilt isas been turned ita Mns. Banrabal and his parents. were visitonsla Belevile on Sun- mormg sric.Mr . Missoganlyn antday. Thveyneodore RBrwns, t r.Fsevelts Necatlgadvesheriàredy by.Ts anid Mrs. Wood took tise in esgist. MissMyte T ai tiseor-nd Boy. S. Ltttlewocd the mon. . . Mn.anid Mnu. B. Whitney, Olive N'wcsiend ioe l eay temrngate mer assistant, la in charge o teThe meon, utGan ..ftan ldy, a w.Adas.....Uon thelayette i rgrs-«W. R. Nichois, Sydney and patra ph ey etnn Tie Wonn ain nthem. Z1iflV~i-rod s E dna . ho luit ansup, pniWed that evon A'numnber ai farinons attended Iest ailt te w ws ibqe t the-ofv-erodnsMswn u rn i tW nts apresu- Dlackstock H~ enb. Nichosaisnd MnuWaltenragais o ns "twu i TeWnSvnsStampu and Victor Hncckan is , .te uprirsing.snt lwyQuilte ttuwno w fbanetm-der attended the funenal ofaimtitIgtmyrtun Certifiate Drie opend with Myles reupeliian lirways efareros' meeting in Orano on and dance activitis. Nlo enlshl nTrno Cengtf icate Drie apee th M ylsar olg o.know ion ho dtd not know that Tuesday. .S mtaMr JhLr- RvGe Iin Wlirso mi meenotud c un'ssor au£herses isnd na eyebrows. WMS e tMs onLr e.Gp nie tlamstown, t cpiosemdtaestng watced with een tuntre st.A N A ae i otsa ign, Why isas it been necessary ailn *mer's Feb. 12t, wit.President wui gueut wlth Mn.nd n. a i.Osdytyrn lu p.m. n tmpentre$00st.Atnid cAR Y amand ida ovely lusnh ig-winter ionrua inany dazens ai aur * lra. Jabez Wright pnesiding. The Frank Worden. atanavetem tlauglton 3pmateprtrof$00wsNO. 9 HA&S. ndsaciadaso l lnc il- o en n at nt d oa si ni-Bible studyanid prayen werç giv- lins. Bitan Werry viisted ho n a regtstered (apparently RHi tle r . E E EN nlathe reut ai the evening until onCndn ont ejshgZion b n AJtn Blmotiser, Mrs.HlerToronto. on nsa ntbl,,sdndIte ME RYEV NTnsaniy mtdnlgist, ater which a ah ra t thé_____of mne- nzed rtint A.amstlng wRllse tez dispensed ta tomi homes. tuin planta in an ffota get cal was answened by ani interest- Mn. anidlins. Gea. Edgar and matteriontolywsInbe Orano Twn Hal. artlsicallywork? It wauld take n gneat deal Visitons: Mr. Ciiford Johsns, lag article taken from the Mis- Miss Rolnan were Suaday guesta ta reate in u ol decora Townt ballo, hartu, c i uof pace ta write al nsweru ta Calumbus, at Mr. Wes. Camenon's.sinyMotyTeWodDa at Mn. Harny Wilcox's, Ramptn evaueelttons.uoea W T N D U st~~dramers, h and n reepape D NDDITA T this question. Ons mlgist ensily ..Mn.nid Mrs. Refond Canieron ioPayer Tome - Thy Kindom G ondonnd Jack Pickell, De- ta amyitr ivsoeatr WID!~1YIi7IFfLVU sisades on thelilghs was the scene beo becauue yau isaven't purcisas- anid iamniy at Mn. Chas. Vivian's, Came) will be held in the United trait, visited relatives hors. waràsgtm iu ara pc VDlihil ML 55Oa a gala event Enlday evealng HAPPENINGS ed' enougis War Savingu Centifi- Hampton. . . Mn. and Mrs. Ivon Cisurcis on Feb. 28t. This mont Mns. John Luxton, Providence, tacles, hc loal pndn EA ~ whI No. 9 Home and Scisoal Club cates. Depnive yaurseli ai some Gerny and Artur, Toronto, at betng tise 20ti annivensany ai the and Mnu. John Montgomery, Scar- entireynwwn t e a !1IWI liii el ita axntMal card party anid Front The Orono Newsu"of littie things to-day anid buy more; Mr. F. B. Ginspell'u. .. Miss Bore- society, plans wene made ta hald bora, visited at Mn. W. R. Nichais. no ideahwbafflt dane.February 21, 1918 you mnay nave ta do witiout nec- nice Stainton, Peterbono, Mn. and n ne-union at n laten date. Mns. spetale.1 Ia tise counicil ciamber carde esities if you mail in your duty Mrs. Roua Les, Dae aisd Bian, Jabez Wright wns la charge ai Ty wui utulIgtts wenela ragesuwtt hnnrs i ~cave-la in the cellan ai the naw. Dan't think because tise Kedron, at Mn. A. T. Stntnton's. thse prognam. Mns. E. Larmer nian nd biteonncus i wwr Drizes betng: Eucbre -lins. Ga- isouse teaanted by Wm. Genry aceanirails betwoen you and Hit- Don't fonget tise War Savlag lis. J. Wright sang "Juet When lm nundermined tise founidation anidion that you are quite secure. Fan Lout Rein Party at Sauina Scisool, I Need Hlm Most." lins. Earl Dan- Visitons: Miss Adelaide Amni cluuinsniakw deswu 5b a die' hlgirs. A.lin. EDa ovetunned a large case cf fruit, be ys from it 1 Buy War Savings Feb. 21st, 7.30 Standard Tme. nel gave a tempenance itemn. Mrs. R.N, Toronto, wt hon iter, teristcagadeiaitwude Mn. andielins.wFreds.Camerais and Boy Taylor teck tise study book, Mn. A. W. Ani....Misses Aud- ta t iac n olo e i ve laIs' 10w. Mn. Gha m; ib-beofheg anumer cfgsemTs i ertfcae o-aelen visited Mn. Lloyd Staintos "Courions of the Cross in China." rey and Evelyn Davis, Bowman- yetwawolyinrtofhtI son; lmer'sisiissStn.J.maW.15aie a t oleu isuss i t menu ow Rben Miftt village anid it iu suppcsed at anseBand Ms .W asna o- Bey. D. M. Stinson closed the ville, at Mn. Walter Park's.. . wnsntseigTseeclcio maienha l, dancing asejy time a well was located in tint Bro'w'n*s manviile Rospital, tise latter hav- meeting witis prayen. A valentine Misses Ruby Martin and Winnie ai thise! nec ie eake ed ithGalowa's rchstra part cf the cellan. It leit a isole ing an openation an iser foot. conteut was conducted by Mns. W. Brooks, Rarmony, at Mn. L. sympat ihti iaaety lucky anies weewa n by Lhen a otants la ts ep.hous e f t her Bn rOaiew S awsR.& . lb.v Mr.d nenivsaandono n A spcai itm a n botdrmw thoai te ,MnLWeVitu.whre ta rmo e e phdia Kimbail nd Bthe Roinc ,wsie__.... __________MHsJanornei&nid Mr s'. L.n-caketitnd twnnty canderookMn.. CirceJamesiyBissone aueaidekenyli oidùn a mais. -&plyettes con-uced by-Rame ad.- A fine Vaentine Dance as Byrin Mooennid relativs-in _e.rlmenlly stu11dM 'V~~~frxe Eohge-fTlbrng otis .Ms i lls e latoteropuedMs e tpen Mony bock Ifa Il à Àawm. à1 1 114 I.U. vtamîn D Wi e ieaIs atr ntaa t .so ip eqsued the Ou. LLW- URy Q uD r eadhng, music, nature studY,anidWellington Farro toas ieowViagta badMis ronds encesaVMe-b Mssae. ~ e,,, ~~<> handlcnmft CanadianiClub la Bcwsanille. VItr~Ms Foec c t'a aone succesaful wmy to sui Mns. R. Allen ausIstod bit lins. Mugi ~Wylnsa Farrow, Miss Jean Lmughifn, Toronto. wltis hon par- branchial Iritation nd cougl, - ToetaVpRuMsae"wh Wr . Aerln is iscussio n.a PTENDEn.CRrec Trer in.ents. . .Miss Aileen Mountjay, W.tSmlns nlâdisus iosn oni Pein. In rF Careow, Burnle, s îRN, luis avîng nmontis ai isli- lIieemuscular sarenesa nid tlghUlima iltabefa-aagVaRblr Biais n is ilo nWingtobbn nid S ineyMorlewTETU E days wit hon rparents. . . cdean clagglag mucus and niake 3 filaiuaonMPRATI- Billnded Lecrt'dSiR.&nSy lBrownkleyCarley, Cavan, wlth lins.breathlag casier. muA( H AI swl sa h article an digestion. atne okaV .&S lbOke Aconfeut on-.isearts and a trea- dance in Onono.C Marlow. . . Mr. and lins. R. Resuits are so good witis thls MORE cheud batteapacatik sur_____o___________an " lmdm Wllan and familly, Toronto, wlth THOROUGH treatmlent (perfietd by layeroVmRuantecet d cupide wee enlayed. Thse prIe V lin-Ms. Wm. Steele. Vicicu taff ai Doctars) because thse vewthsmd clai. vi i went ta Greta Mercer. * Fortunes nUh. uirm, I se mSnl ple dvertiain9 kmppuitice..d-vapor action of Vicks a wya enme-ou esete teno n o rmslserved by te anuLOUP. .% a nu-would remake the world.Stiuart Invet in Vlctony - Buy War VapoRub more efrctively ... tou ic VPRB hteo, e . s Chabyte bis. LU or*01oNW ISavlngs Certificates.