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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1941, p. 10

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~~AGE TEN TEE CANADIA* ~~ MAN, BOWMANVIýLE, ONTAIOTURDY EIAIf0,l The Newcastle Independent ]ýone Clarke 1114 Mrs. P. F. LeGresley vlslted her sister, Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, Westan. Mr. and Mis. Woodrow Harris and children, Toronto, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Tios. Spencer Jr. L.A.C. Sergeant Archie Martin, Who now lias lits wings, Is home from Fingal Air .iTraning CapY an iolidays. -t Congratulations ta Pte. Albert Naylor, bfidiand Regiment,1 Ot. tawa, and - bis bride, Uitfome Mis Myrtlc Foster, Pantypool, on their marriage. Mis. Morton and daugliter, Miss Aniber Morton, Bowmanville, and Mr. Stonehouse, Toronto, werc Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mis. H. E. Hancock. We wish to announce the appointment of Fer gus E. MorriUl Agent for Bowmanvflle District. For DeLaval Sepâlators and MfUlqn PARTIS - SERVICE - PHONE - BOWBMANVILLE 2456 T"e DeLaval Company Ltd. Peterborough - Montroal . Winnipeg Vancouver TAKE OUR Tir!J Only High Qualfty 1%6 1 bb pena..7FM p yortank at Qarton'u zi' tIin EIODERI ElgEGINE DmXAND HGI E T GASO4flN, A minor ocàrburetor ad- ju8tment by 01Wr exper- iencod medbanioswlUgive your oar greater pep and effioieI,*v *at Iowar out p«r mile. CARTON' S GARAGE Phone 2666 - King St. Mis. Norman AllUn, wha lias been confined ta bcd ipet o! Uic tme since Uic fluet of Januaqy, la improving and is ajily'ta be up part of! cdiday. Harry and Gordon,.0otter, To- onto, vlsited their parents, Mi. 4g&llrf e Cotter, on Sunday. .bcd as Uic result o! being knockëd down by a car but had many enquiring caflers. Miss Helen Rlckard, Toronto, is iaving a two wecks' vacation, Uic first part o! wicli she spent with lier parents, Mi. and Mis. W. J. S. Rlckard. At the end o! last wcek sic went on ta Ottawa to visit frienda. Congratulations ta Mi. and Mrs. Wî. T. Lake, Lake Shore, New- castle, on Uic birth o! a son, a '1941 Valentine gift. lHc can't boast ta hua next aIder brother so much however, far lie was a New Yea's Day gift to Uic faîily. Wallace Houmes & Son sold two fat steers, anc approaching two and thc ather thrce years, to Robert Duck for $200. They were bought for a packing f irmn and it is belicved ts s Uic higiest pride paid for fat cattle in this vicinity tuis esn Bruce Cotter *as accidentally hUIy a car as a rcsult a! a cal- lonbgarf drivenby Percy Patton an W. Herts on King St. Saturday nigit. lIe received severe injuries about Uic face, especially ta lits nase. lIe was taken home and.ias since been under Uic doc- tor's came. Mi. and Mrs. Kcnneth Pearce, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mi.-H. R. Pearce's and alsa visited Mis. Wm. Pearce before leaving Uieir hause in Torontoa nd îoving ta Midland. Mi. Pearce lias been transfemred .frai Uic Bank o! Commerce at Oakvllle and ap- pointcd accauntant at Midland. >High School students with their teaciers held a Valenitie Party Pcb. l3th, and greatly enjayed an evening o! gaines and contesta, a voluniinous exchenge o! valentine carda and refreshments. Principal McColl and lits assistant, Miss Helen Smith, cntered heartily in- ta all Uic procccdings and gencral fun. Senior Boom o! thc public i sciool licld a Valentie Party i Uic canimunity hall Pcb. 12Ui, when everybody liad a deliglitfui tinie. Mi. J. Anderson Smith pre- sented cvery pupil with a vaIen- tie in the shape o! a War Sev- ings Stamp. Present with ticir supply teacher, Mrs. Pumdy,. werc hem husband, Mi- Danald Purdy, and lier sister, Bowmanville. Garnet Rickerd, proprietor and manager o! Durliam's Sced Clean- ing Plant, Shaw's, was in Toronto attending Uic Ontario Crop h- provement Assaciation'a conven- tion and, Uic Provincial Seed $how.. He was :an exhibitor a! ïeed grain and was. also eoeda lcctb. 5»f Uic AsociaIni Re at yw much',pgere abo ut bs l .inac any meeting atçthlcli he ts.invlttaspeak. M.and, is Thos. A, Rodger îetuuned 7 frai Toronto P iday cvenlng in company witi Mr. J. D. Coombs, former higi achoal prin- cipal here. On canaulting hua doc- tor howevcr Mr. Rodger was ad- vtscd ta take at lcast another week's rest. Mirs. .Donald: Purdy, Bowmanville, is accordingly car- rying an Uic wark in thc Senior Boom o! thc Public Sclioal as sic has tic past four wceks. Mis. Percy Hare, atcr attend- ing Uic presentation ta Mi. and Mis. A. W. Pearce on'Saturday evening, went up street and wliile' autside Britton's store fel on Uic cement walk. A bottlc a! mcdi- cie in hem le!t liand broke caus- ing fragments o! glass ta laccrate ber palm. Sice lso spraincd hem anklc badly. After Mis. Britton lied given lier !irst aid MIrs. Hare rqwuj PANCAKES ýan dSYRUP Pancakes uma h &hyrpi A tasty* breakfast ..a healthful lunch. Ncxt Tuesday lu "Pancake I1'uesday."1 Be sune sud have a good cupply of pancake fleur and ayup ... give the taanily a troat. Speclais on cale Thuruday, Prlday aud saturday, Fobruary 301h, 2let cpi 2udL SDN RIUVESPECIAL Sytmjp aple S"U I Syrup jug 3me Qt. 560 :mwI Aggt j'OMMs eady-Nlix For Duokwheat *1%. 15c Fiqur pkg. 190 OMPHR LUNN SP~W ~Gd ~I2e - 2 Ibo.'19 10*9al colorae Utiti10e Iueab - doz. 250 JNN BowmmmlU 'ýPAGE TEN BOARD OF EDUCATION Tic Board* o! Education icld is Inaugural meeting Pcb. SUh, wien Howard J. Toma was re- elected cliairman and Irwln Col-1 wli vice-cliaimman. Other mcm-j bers present were: H. S. Brittari,t Ross Dickinson, Rey. D. R. Dewd-1 ney, C. S. Hormacks, B. B. Le-r Gmeslcy, Stanley Graham'. These Standing Committees were struck: Pinance-H. J. Toms,E Irwln Colwill, H. S. Brtes: Pro-1 nerty -Rosa Dickinson, E. W. I Ficher, Stanley Grahani; Prim .% and Medals-Rev. D. B. Dewdney,8 was helped home. She and Mr,. Hare had thought of motoring ta. Kingston on Sunday1ýmorning ta, sec Jack iri the hospital, but atter1 lier accident this was impossible, tSt. George's Mcn's Club were hasts ta over three score guests 1at a card party in tic Parish Hall Feb. 5th. Proceeds were over $14 and the men were most happy over the success af the function which prafitcd them more maney than their total amaunt of 1940 funds. Wlnners of bridge prizes were: Mrs. R. W. Gibson and Ed- gar Kenefick, and of 500, Mrs. H. Coucli and Douglas Wright. Rev. D. R. Dewdncy and Mr. C. S. Horrocks attende Uic inaugural meeting of 'tic Board of Education first but àrrived i time for re- freshments. Newcastle Pire Brigade hcld a meeting in Uic community hall Saturday cvening with Chie! Geo. Gaines and Dcputy Chie! Fred Couch present. Aniong oUier busi- ness transacted was thc appoint- ing of two additional fire truck drivers, Henry BoWcn and Ernest Alldread. Therc arc always open- igs for volunteer firemen. A ncw cupola has been crected on Uic flire hall roof, in whicli Uic new fire alarm siren lias beenin- stalled. This will supplement Uic bell on Uic front pcak and afford an additianal nicans of sounding an alarm in. case of fire. The outstanding cvent in New- castie this week was thc Red Cross benefit concert in Uic Com- munity Hall by the General Mo- tors Choir o! Oshiawa under Uic« direction of Mr. Reginald G. Gèen, L.T.C.M., who is alsa choir leader of Simcoe St. Churcli, Oshiawa. Assisting artists werc Eric Tred- well, baritone, o! Toroqto, and Edouard Bartlett, violii!.,.Osh- awa. A great honour wags con- !erred upon Uic peaple of êNew- castlc and vicinity by Uic vîsit of this widely known and popular choir here. Over threc hundred people,' despite many impassible roads, were present. Jack Mare, medical student at Qucn's University, underwent an operation in Uic Kingston hospital Sunday in Uic hope of having a foreign substance, belleved ta be a piece of tin, renioved from anc Jung. It lias been causing him much trouble and pcrlods af fil- nesa for the* past two years, al- though the cause, until a recent x-ray revealcd a picce of foreign matter, baffled Uic doctôrs. The aperatian, a painful ane, was un- succcssful i its purpose at this tume, but plans are being made for Jack ta go ta Uic United -States, probably to Cleveland, Ohio, for' further exanatiari and an op- cration by lu>igrspecialists.& )4$on Bnd iet Fcb. - t wltW'agood attendance and Pe- aident'.. Miss Màry Toms in Uic chair, The roomn'was attractively deS>rated with Valentines. Mrs. Beman led in prayer and Ileen Al- lin rcad the scripturc. The cere- mony a! placing Uic Guide Post was led by Miss Marion Allin. When business was over and thc collection *had been taken, Mrs.j Bemnan toId an lntercsting stary o! "Mickey;"uÀamonkey who lived In Trinidad. Peograni consistcd o! a Valentine sang- by Earl Brown andDoreen Enwrlght and Claire Alun :rcad Uic story a! St. Valen- tine. Valentines pasted in. a post office box werc distributed ta ecdionc present and home-made candy was passed. BOYS CONDUCT CHUKCH SERVICE Boys' Weck in Ncwcastle. con- cludid with a service in the Jnit- cd Church an Sunday cvening, undcr joint auspices of Newcastle Trail Rangers and Uic "Young Mcn's Class of Uic U.C.S.S. Chas. Glenncy, class leader, conducted Uic service and associated wiUi hi was Sam Breretan, Chic! of Trail Rangers, wha read Uic les- son. A composite boys' chair of members o! Uic class and tic ranger camp led in Uic singing and rcndcrcd the anUicm. Jas. i Hancock, Bawmanvillc, assisted tie charisters and sang a solo, "Is He Yours?"1 Rev. A. R. Cragg, o! St. Paul's Churcli, Bowmanvillc, prcaclicd a rcd blaoded sermon for boys frai the cxtWistye ot tnt Imu A BIRTfl H. J. Toms, C. S. Harez*ka; ports and Field Day-E. WPï'lîè, mH. S.Britton. Mus. Mark Aflin' wàà reapoint- ed sciool Èttendaince oci and J. W. Bradley was re phted a membIer o! Uic 'Pub 0 .Llrary Board for a 3-year temrm. A splendid report'o! Uiheý'Iigh Scliool was eceivcd fram Ipspec- tom G. L. Gray. It was a tir* ,t class report in ëvery way. Hér'e fsaonc paragrepli: "I am pleasid 1<> re- port Uiat I !ouind Uic Wol* of this echool being camried on in & very efficient manner. Tic nov ;Prin- cipel, i McCall, andis assist- antMs Smith, arc capablo tee- chers and will no doubt $Ivc thc pupils tic leadership tiy require. Tic boys and girls are, a fine group o! yaung people wioqe con- duct and work show that tiey have a pride in their school and i . . Tic buildIng is dlean and Uic classroams- at'é tidy. Tic work o! Uce janitar la very satis!ectory." Permission was granted the On- tario Sa!cty League ta present tbeir îaving talking pictumes on Safcty and Accident Prevcetion i tic near future. Adulta wd4l be welcamed. Tic Board epproved IMlasýi4e- san's suggestion a! going Îheaed with soie prchiminary trlnàiag a! pupils with the possibility that meens mgit be pravided for tak- ing them ta Toronto ta slng in connectian witi tic Eastcr O.E.A. pragrain. Save and Win Niglu <ontlnued from page 1) Lloyd Metcalf; W. M.S.-Mmas. I. Munday, Mis. R. Jarvie. Tic first part a! tic progmani cnded with Rule Britannia,,fol- lowed býj fifteen minutes inter- mission whîci was taken Up by tiese speakers, Bey. W. C. Smiith, Rasa Strike, county organizer, George Annis, township organiz- cm, R. B. Stevens, W. L. Snowdcn and H. J. Brooks. A 55 minute Patrlatic Opemétta including av ec !ifty childrcn was given. This siowcd John Bull and lits Eipire's stand for justice against Uic cruel dictatars, .and was so realistic that many wce moved ta tears. Characters: Jus- tice-Christena Campbell; .Peace -Ethel Budia; .L ibe t y -May Wright; Herald-Bert Snawdcn; John Bull-Ray Munday; Canada -Belford Panke; Saut Afrlca- John Morton; Austrli-B i11i c Smith; New Zealen4-,-Pliui Ehi- ney; Indis-Jaclt Munday; es o! Uic Sca-Kay Lycett; Na~ sçcklng liclp o!f'ialand JIS- tUcé: Paolan Cbpi al qr Austra-L Iwis l Pde cm. ýlvaki - Wallffl BDo t h~w cl; Prance-Stanley 'Snawden; Nor-- way-Raymond Uundle;, Hollalld -HUarry Snowdcn4- ,D èéam ar r-. George Skclding; Zthlopia-Ever-. ctt Finhley; Gmicec-9illie Skeld- ing; Bed Cross Nurses-Jr. Girls; Boy Scouts-Jr. Boys;. A n g c .! Doris Stevens; Vpice of thc Ded -Joyce Abernethy. (yod Save thc King. Tic Meple Grave 1940 Winter Faim Directors who sponsamed tic "Save and Win Nigit" wish ta tiank the !ollowing: Tic co-oper- etion o! parents and teaciers; Gea. E. Chase for display room in Hy- dro windaw; Bowmanvillc Cuba and Boy Scouts for boan o! cuits; Tic Canadian Statesman for pub- licity; and ail athers wio ielpcd in any wey. Thce bove repart was writtcn by Ellen Abcmnctliy, Doris Stev- ens, Stanley Snowden and Billy Smith. CAUGHIL.L - In loving memory o! a dear husband, Edward J. Caughill, who passed away on L cbruary 20th, 1940., I mniss hlm, heme so very mucli H Fis preeeofi uems nigli, But Ihp in heaven ta mccl Whcme no anc says good-bye. -Lovingly rczncmbercd by is wif c Florence,_ J'ONES-In'lovig.mcmomy o! a dear husband and f ath er, Thomas Bomber Jones, -wio. pasucd away Febmuary 20,,1940. Notjuot to-day, but'evcry day' In silence we remembecmýî ;p -Lyingly rç.qerbemedîby wl! c Catharine Jq.ncs and daugliters Wliýnfred 4len- PEARCE-In Q'kdng xu1cor3r ot.a dear son and'b rother, William l ton Pearce, wio, passed awâhy àébruamy 22nd, 1933. " yercrmeibercd, sadly miss- id hy Father and Sistera. S'HOTTER-In laving mcmory o! aor dgar daugiter and sister, I;ree wha died February, 23rd, 1939. -Sadly missed by Mother, Dadie, Bull and Florence. WOTTN-In laving mcmory o! aur dea- Gmandmothcr, Mis. N. B. Wotten, Burketan, wlio peass- cd away Pebruary 24th, 1935. Thc flowcrs we placed upon youu grave Have withered and decaycd; But Uic love for lier wio sîceps beneath Shaîl neyer fade away. --Sadly niissed by Granddaugh-' ter Rena, Grandson George, Daughtem Lais, son-in-law Al- bert, and Granddaughter RLIlda. Carda of Thanks Mr. Samuel Bray and family wish ta Uiank their friends and neiglibors for kindnesscs shown ,during Uiceilness and pasig o! .Mis. Bray. Mrs. Byran Maore wislies ta ex- press lier sincere thanka and ap- preciation toall ar emfrienda and neigibors for their many kind acts, expressions o! sympatliy and bcautiful floral tributes extcided ta lier in Uic buss o! icýn loving iusband krIan Mm. and Mis. T. Donogliuéand !amily wish ta xrs their si- Lcere Uianks tatheir firienda and Lnelgibors for tic many acta o! kindness and expressions o! syni- patliy extcndcd ta Uieî itic louS a! UieleGinfant daugliter and siater. lin, IR. R. 4, Bowxnanvillc, (write or phone for catalogue); Assistant Sec'y.-Tmeas. _ E. A. Sumniers; Director-H. Earl Osborne, E. F. R. Osbarne, H. E. Leask, W. T. Baker, John Howden, Maurice Baker, Rusell Richardson; Field Man-Jhn~ Baker. Duncan Brown la, Uic auctioneer. ST. PAU LB WJL St. Paul's Woman's Association met February llth, wlth Lgaod attendance. Tic pmcsldcpt' prcmld. cd. Group No. 2 was In, ýIp'ge a! the Worship service and er6gram. LMrs7-.Hull sang a lavely ggo.Mis. LW. B. Pollard o! Trinty Churcli, as guest speaker, taok as lier uub- jet .it'1ighte for Uic Coming 4W'."U made it maut interest- Ing and expressed vlews Insplring much thought. Reports o! thc variaus graups shawed activities for 1941 had begun witi great I- teme8t. - WlhingWf NOT Make It Sa- W.Mu By WrSavlngs Certi- ficates. TABB-In »owmaxËQ - lHospital, 'an Mo~ay ~1941, DBATKS 1BEEC-in Bawmanville, Thurs- day, Fcbruary 20, 1941, Arthur Bccc, blovd hsband of thc late Lily Bccch, agè 64 yas Restlng at Uic home o! Mr. nd Mrs. Austin Larmer, Churcli St. until Saturday, 1 p.m. standard time, thence ta United Church, Haydon, for' service at 2 p.m. standard time. Interment at Hampton Ccmcetery. BBRAY-In East Whitby Township on Fcbruary 13th, 1941, Susan Bradâhaw, beloved wife o! Samuel *Bray, in -her 83rd ycar. Interment Eldad Ccmctcry. MUNSON-At St. Mlchael's Hos- pital, Toronto, Fcbruauy î7th, Howard Lyle Munson '(4th Di- t visional Train), belaved hus- band a! May Munson,. 1179 Broadvicw avenue, i hi Ui55th ycar. Interment Veterané' Plot, *Pie Hill Ccmetery. PRYOR-At Toranto,. on Fcbruary 13th, 1941, Marjorie Pryar, B.A. (schoal teaclier at Agincourt>. Intcrnicnt at Union Ccnietery, Cadnius. REYNOLDS-In Toronto, at his residence, 437 Ontario St., on Tlûirsday, Fcbruary 13Ui, 1941,~ Nelson Howard Reynolds, age 43 years. Interment Hampton Cemetery. WILSON-In Oshawa, on Satur- day, .Fcbruary 15, 1941, Artliu Edgar Wilson, dearly belov Lhuband a! Alberta Wilson, 4 bis 53rd ycar. Interent Pin~ Grave Cemetcr, Price Alber IN MEMORIAM For Rent FOR RENýT - 5 ROOM APART- ment,' ailmodern convenlences, bath, Pesa 011 Burner, and gar- age. Rent reasonable. Possession Mardi lst: Apply ta Mis. A. Tait, Division St., Bowmnanvllc. 5-tf-l* ,>HOUSE TO) RENT - WITHIAIL conveniences, in anc.'a! niccst locatians in Bownianville. T. H. Knight, phone 565 or 768. 8-1 For sale FOR SALE - 3 BOOM HOUSE located on praperty a! S. A. Burgess, Bowmanville,, R . R. 3, House must be maovedk Aply on premises, or C té. cibbon, Barrister, Oshawa"*, 8-1 WANTED JÈýCPER I E N CE D girl'for houscwark I Oshawa, 20 ta 30 ycars of age,. smal home, twio adulta, one child. Ap- plY Box 109, cla Statesman of- fice, or apply 100 Lauder Rdad, Oshawa, evenings 7 to.9 pm YOUNt MAN Và;, YOUNG 'eàAN 18TOGbleVEI fa fary. An écUôilnt ap- portunity to lcarn thc business and a good future assured. Ap- ply in own handwriting, stating age and education. Experlence not ilecqsary. Apply Box 110, CIa ThceCanadian Statesman. 8-1 HELP WA14- TENOGRA-. plier'fazi al Office ta coi- meceMMch17,'1941. Apply in wrlting'dnly, sating educa- tian, xperince (aniy) anýd salary cxpected, ta a*rM4e, C. Mason, Barrister, Box 418, B6w- mnanville 8-1 àAuction Sales -George R. Davis, Lot 13, Con. '3, Darllngton (2 miles norti o! ;Bowmanvifle), will sel by public iauction'on Uce premises, on Pcb- 22, 1941, aU is farai stock lndludlng harses, 6 lied o! cettie, 8 plgs, a quantity o! hay, ail is farn umplements, and a quantity o! houscliold fumniture. Sale at 12.30 p.m. Standard Tume. Ternis cash. J. D. Hogarth, Clerk; Elmer Wilbur, Auctioncer.72 Tic undemigncd lias ecelved instructions from Mmes. Wellacc Miler, ta sel by public auctianr on Uic premises onc mile nort o! Tymone, on Wcdncsday, Fcbruary 26th, 1941, the folIqwing faimn and houselhold goods: forge and anvil, vise, .creaî separator, set scales chuma, wheelbarrow, 15 graid baga, -200 bus. mlxcd grain, iQO bus.' buckwheat, Souvenir stove, licater, caok stave, nearly new; coal ail stove, bath tub, 2 bedroozn suites, dlning room chairs, parlor suite, patata sprayer, farks, sho- vels, ioes, akes;,grain credle and ake; and thc !ollowing livestock: cow, red, 9 years, i cal!; caw, white iead, 6 yeans, i cal!; 40 ions. Sale et 1 m Standard Tinie. Ternis cash. 2W-'n. J. Chalas, Auetionecr. 7-2 Shoethnm Sale Durham Couiity Sliotiorn As- sociation wilUliold is 20Ui annuel auction sale ai Purebred Short- liomna on Tiurs<iey, Pcb. 27Ui, et Uic Lovekin Pari accupled by Mi. Ae xZPout cated 144 mile souti a! eKum nna lgiway Nd. 2. Ticre wll be of!ercd thirteen bulls and eleven heifers, soine of wich are bmed. Tis lae vemy clice ofcmlng and witi but ance exception are all from accrcdtd herds and ncgaive ta tic blaod test. Thoy, have mIsa aIlbeen i. oculaicd ta preveni Shippig Pcv- or. Sale ai 1.30 S.T. For catalogui write *S. Charles, AllUn, Bowman- ville. 17-2 Democracy Noods Yaur Dollaru -Buy War Cerm!outes. Splad Lcss, Bave Mare - Wax Centlficatu. Dollars Mean Builets-Buy- Certificateis iw Save DMlrsta Save Demacra- cy - Puy War Certificate.. Attention Ladies! MES. ICK~EF 1TREESTELL Beaut Sal n nwcarrying on bsines anGeorge -Street. Ph one 43.7-2e Wanted WMD -MHG1EST PICES paldifor scrap batteries. When your.-battcry fails, brlng ut in ta b& XC.rayed by aur ncwly i- stalled "Willard Trouble Find-. er Machine." G. F. Jamieson,' Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver Sta. 40-tf Teà Cup Reading TEA CUF AND CARDS PROM 3 p.m. ta 10 p.m. Darch's To- bacco Store, phone 2884. 8-4 Weekly Feed Spécial WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL- 3 Grain Scratch (wheat, crack- cd corn and buckwlieat), $1.60 per cwt. Offer gaod until Feb. 27Ui. F. C. Vanstone, phone 777. 8-1 .Radio Repaire- RADIO PREPAIRS--PH-ILCO CAR Radios sold and installed. ',R. Quinni, Kig St., phone 575. *Seed. Cleanlng STAi E o OP lovc. Wan a . I Em Modurrmacifitn-i. le5i~ Pjione 2 CG- B. Atjules For iSal :CARS PFËý-SALE - 1935 pzV-. mout,. Sédan 1937 Cfiv- Coach,; 1938 Chev. zdoach-; i941 *Ponta Sedan,* deznanstrator; 1929 Pon-« tiac Sedan; 1934 Olds. Sedan; 1939 1lymouth Coachi. Apply Chas. Brittan, P. O. Box 374, Bowmanvllc. 6-tf-l M TESS & 0CORTERS - Zier Spring Marshall Beauty- Reat, and aIl spring iiiattresses rebufit like ncw. Ostermoor and layer fclt mattresses clcancd and rcbùilt,,aima converted into iner spring -mattrcsses. New covcigs suppllcd if nccssary. Feather beds washed, .strlppcd and niade inta down conifarters, flnest Englisi down-proof nia- teniais used. Eiderdowns recov- cred. Speclal prlces now. Phone 362. 5-tf-4* rFOR SAILE - RUEBER GOOIDS Sundries, etc., mailed postpald i plain, sealed wrapper. 80 % 7 less than retail. Write for mail- t order. catalague. Nov-Rubber 3 Ca., Dept. K-2, Box 91, Harnii- r ton, Ont. 3-8 FOR SALEi-128 BUICK STAND- .and, ioach, -good, condition witli newqb tpry, $50 cash. Apply kMuWp eeTabb, cia E. E. Patter- son, - -Newcastle, , phone Clarke 4414. - 8l FOR- SALE -QUANTITY, 0F *gaod potatoes. Apply R. Sten- ger, Enniskjl (~ one mile norti of Ennismbeion higWay). 8-2 Lost LOST-SPOTrTED FOX HOUND. FInder blease rctumn ta E. Pos- ter, Liberty St, S., Bowman- ville, phione 2884. 8-1* A stcady dlet o! CO-OP f e c d s during Uic various stages o! life o! paultry, wil mean less expense and greater profit ta you. CO-OP feedé meanr healthier birda because they are scientifically pmepared ta bring out Uic beat ln any kind o! paultry. There la a, special mixture for eacli pur- pose besides a number a! al purpose concentrates. Quallty Po ly co-oP. ulr Products F Buy from your local co-oieratlve TUE UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATWE CO. LTD., Dfstrlbut.4 byr SAM STEWART Bowmanvlml HOGO & LYTLE Oubawa M REXALL Now on Jury <Lvf When we test eycs 'l onilpri Phone 778 vpI M BOARDERS - APPLY TO MMS. Ernest, Turncy, -corner Scugag ýmd Odeil Sta. 8-1w ROOM AND) BOAR.D-CENTRAL location. Apn F. Mclndoo, phone 894, Kn St., Bowman- ville. 8-2* Shortuorn Breede (Contlnued from page 1) arc boti by the good herd sire, Glenburn Bambler. Cyril H. Muifard - A fine yaung roan Lavender bull cal!, and a nice rcd 9-manths-old Rose- bud cal!, boti gat by thc Russell bred lierd sire, Klaymar Beau. W. P. Bickerd, M.P. - A cioice moan 12-montlis-old bull cal!, frona an exceptionally gaad iilking- cow; a nice dark roan 10-months- old Roscwood bull cal!. Bt arf! by tic greet sire, Browndalc Sel. dction. cLcw Richiardson & Son - A choice mcd b0-months-ald bull cal! o! the good !ceding Helen !emily and by tic grand lierd sire, Royal Victor; e gaodmcd 12-montis-old bull cal! o! Uce rellable Broad- hooks femily. Bobt. Parmott &,Sans - A good dark moan 8-ionts-old bull cal! by Uic melieble lierd sire, Leslie Ho Bmoadhooks lIera; a choice roan 8-months-ald bull cal!, elso, o! tic good fceding Helen tribe; a desireble derk roan lO0-months- aId icifer cal! a! tic good old Orange Blossomai mily; a nice red 23-montlis-old. licifer by tic im- ported bull, Celmoasie Bondeman. E. P. R. Osborne - A clioicely bmed mcd 13-îontis-old Lavender heifer and gai by Marquis Pride. S. Chaes. Aluin - An outstand- ing mcd bull about 13 monitis oîd, out a! e fine cow and gai by the great lierd bull, Boyndlc Pamne Imparted; e low set thick dark i,ç4 l0%-manths-old bull cal!, alua out o! e fine cow, and got by tic sani eird sire. W.' L Mormison - A good roan 21-montis-old hoUfer by Glenbumn Commander by tic great Edellyn Favorite. Thus'icifer la brcd to, a grendson of 41vide fflon Arci, er; a chice red .12-montus-old helfer, aima by Glenburn Coni.& mander. This lielfer's dam is an excellent nilkler. Officers o! tic Durham Caunty1 Siomihorn Association are: I-on. Presdent--W, F. Rickard, M.P.; K. Mu mf o rd, Vice Pruldoni - John Ruckard;I, Secreary-Treaurer-S. Chas. AI-J MIME., Rooni and Board .1 .L a 1 - MURSDAY, PMUARY ÏO, Llvestock For Salie cdue ta freshen soon. âpp PSchw'artz, R. R. 3, Bo ville, phoane Oshawa 491Wi11 FOR SALE - TWO TOULOUSE geese and gander, goad layera. AStppl D. M. Kilgannon, Liberty St. 3omnvllphone FOR SALE - 14 GOOD YOPXl- sbire pigs for sale, 6 weeks *old. Phone 2557, A. E. Bllltt, Hampâ- ton.8- FOR SALE - 23 PIGS FROM à80 ta 100 lbs. echcl, aima 1 Yorksbire 80ppy-Abert His, Ennisklflen Ppone2496. - FOR SAL'E-1O OR 12 HOISTEIN and Durhami caws and heiferu, due ta rcnewi. Brown, W3Î LUne, phone 671. 8-1 FOR SALE - PURE BRED 11OL- S. in Cow ad cal!,blood tcsted,' Hoistein helfer, 2 ycatrs old, due ta freshen ardi lst; also Yark- shire 50W de ta farrow Feb. 20. Apply Charles Rundie, R. R. 3, Bowmnvllephone 2246. 8-1 Salesmen Wanted CASH IN ON INCREASED BUY- ing pawer with Uic oldest and largcst campany o! its kind I thc warld today. Be a Watkins dealer. A nearby lotcalty la available. If you are between 25 and 55 ail you nccd la a car or- suitablê travel equipmcnt. Generous credit furnshcd. To- day marc than ever doca ut pay ta have the 73 year reputation and financial strength of a $20,000,000 organization behlnd you. For full details write Wat- kins, 2177 Masson St., Mvontreal, Que. Dept. O-B-9. 8-2 SALESMEN WANTED -FAI- LEX 200 necessities are easy ta sell. Every hausciolder buys toilet articlce niedicines, e"en- ces, spices, c Low prices, guaranteed ùjality. Wliout risk. Information, free catalogt&e on irqut, Familex, 570 St. t s ri r a1 ti 1 c r t] b s i b b s N c y t e ti e -V THE CANADL4Êýl

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