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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1941, p. 1

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VOLUME 87 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., Wth Which Are Incorporated The BowMnanvillel '*Shod NtIHave eSie Under Next Terms of Peace Senator Cairine Wilson States War il elght- ens Sense of Respolm- stbility - Speaks to Women's Canadien Club. A falth for the future for Cana- dian women was given members - of the Women's Canadian Clu Monday afternoon w heard Senator Cairine Ottawa glean fromtit dark situation a hope frtédy after the ýwar. "W. should look for allies even i countries now under Hitlées domination," she declared. "There are thousands in the occupied countries and even in Gernian3 who are determined their land shail throw off this yoke and exist once again in freedoin. The un- speakable hardships t h r o u g N~ which they are now going only' make them more determlned to taste liberty ýonce again."1 "As for the future," continued the Senator, "we should see to it that no peace treaty can be fram- ed that has ini it the seeds of an- other confllct. The men who now flght for us are not the. men Io franie the peace. They will be worn and weary after the war. We should bé ready wherever possible to help them, penhaps ta make slight concessions to the vanqulshed, to remove sllght causes of friction, ta build for the. future."" The trend of the Senator's ad~ dresew ïmfbcillarly intere dlg b pota Uanadian Women since she is d ±lgused not only1 In the political realin and as an active worker on innumerable socleties but as a.-wffe and niother. She spoke of gowmunvllle wlth particular warmth -knowlng tisi town as the h0iê .of the. late Senator Robt. Beit. At the outset of her address on "'The Privileges and Responslblli- ties of Every 1Canadian Woman,'ý sh'e ppinted odt thtt a g«eat wïkak- future, she sald., là.-fauud ita he attitude et J. B. Pnlestly snd. others who contend. tuat while tue British people are ùnuutd as onie against aggression they ubôw Uitile bitterneas tawardi'tue ank sud file in the enemy eoun*H s. Tuey lay the blame ratuer 'at the feet o! tue pelitician6- and leaders in Germany. Referring toaa recent address by Sir Nenman Angel, the. speak- ttdfGdýon page 6) RED CROSS SENDS MORE FOOD TO WAR PRISONEIRS Tue parcels of food for British prisoners et war in Germiany which the Canadian Red Cross le shipping everseas, will soon be increased froni 10,000. a week ta 20,000. Tue British Red Cross has requested tue Society in Canada ta double its shlpmnents, Dir. Fred W. Routley, national commnission- er announced today. Ta acconi- plish tuis, tue Red Cross ta Mon- treai le prcparigte pack 10,000 pacl eek t keep pace wlth Toronto'a figure. . , Tue firat allotment of 8,060 food Sarcels, despatched lest moutu, as reached Liboni safely accord- ing ta a cable received fremn Colonel Iselin, International Red Cross repreiantative tuer.. Tues. wlll b. forwarded lmmedlately ta Geneva via Marseilles for distri- bution in German prison The number of parcels paàk. in Teronto te date naw tôtasls 48dQ and this figure is being icead at a rate o! 2,000 a day. 1 JOURNEY 0F LIM, LIKENED TO TRIP ALONG HIGHWAY ?orbes Heyland Heard by Trin- ity Young PeOpIl 'Union An Engrosulng Addreus. ~ !Life"l was tue tige of anwjU- oriclc1itessage bght riity Yeun People by F 8be Hyland,0 local fruit grow- er&otuhleader a4$d pblic prt ed citizen. mhe story of the h#ghwy cf the., world is parailel' to the histo of manldnd. HlghWays are bo tue forerunners and tue resulti of progres, h. declared. But tuer. a-re otuer kinds of hlghways than tue paved stretch witu which we are familar. There were tue roada of anclent tiiie which bore tue tread of tuies travelling in sorrowful captivity and in migra- tions; tuer. was tue Via Doloresa down whlch captives of Imnperlal Reome were taken-it was stalned wltu blood*and tears. The hlghways ef commerce are net tue oniy ones we know; tuer. was tue hlghway ef deatu which led Napoleon te Moscow and aver, whlch uis ai tragically return- cd, brôken. zavld Livingstone velled a hIighw a y a! life ough Africa leavIng behlnd hlm 0y. good. mhe Kaiser dreunit cf cding a highway for an evil SN se from Berlin, n t car lng many suffered In Its creation. tye C.P.R. in Canada was bulit a lofty purpose cf olýng Many provinces in an ecôn- Nowdays tue' new inethod cf t9o eu b uedfor ed orcvi. H~~tlerg cesrce asort !* ar .;, meace Uàtaada or theV U5a'waU. ý"As we go doàwn tue road» et lite what klnd cf guide posta 4re we going te leave for tuose behtad us?" >Mr. Heyland asked. "lOui ancestcrs lett Christian 'signa' te- guide us. We can follow tuese If we take tue trouble ta locate tueni. Also w. find many of thee guide posts ta literature, in tue lives o! persans we have respect- ed. Each individual is responsible te sec tuat neoniishaps occur on this road et lite. And if one should see anotuer in difficulties he should help i along juîst as readily as lending a hand te tue matorist in trouble. Ih h good te. take a. guide along tue strange road. God is tue guide who has always been able te help indivi- duals or nations needlng help aiong tue way., Mr. Heyland cited Instances frein hstory where he, aaw divine intervention veuchsated for, tue cause of ight as ta tue evacuatiou o! British troopa frein Dunklrk. "hit would b. better,"1 he sald, "if tue man ta tue 'lieuse by tue aide of the.roand1bhad go tata tue stream cof lite where' he cauld benefit hlrnaelf and ethers."1 1 I hua concludlng simule tue speaker potated out tuat mast as tue bUis on a hlghway appear fornildably ateep at a distance, but are net so bad when one ap- progches, se tue. troubles of lite gràw les s ad vasitéh'at tueF -1 luý:approach of Christian yoU ii. foregolng, taIs was cousis- ,tent wl tue tI*mrnço! the. whole meeiln ding tue way turough prayer."f'l *appropriate solo was sung by Miss Marian 'Dudley and the entr, meeting was in charge icf Miss Doris Dudley. Fimaucial Statemeut of Hospital' Indicates_*Mch Activity in 1940 Attendance Omanl et .Agmwal meeting - seoretal'y 0. S. Meln Reada .Reporto--mny Grnts Aoknmowledged. Tii. annual meeting of Bow- manville Haspital Board waa iicld in tue council roonu cf tue tewn hall Fridaypvening', wltu Pneui- dent J. O'Nelll'prealding. Tue Eed wus re-elected imçd tue of- eswlll b. allotted at1Qbe uext meting. The dlreç -.'*are J., O'Neill, E. W. Crawod, W. J. Dudley, F. O. Mdflveep, F.e F. Morris, C. G. Morris, R. R. Stev- ens, a representative tram the. Medîcal Assoiation, anid ture nre- presentatîves frein the Womcn's Hospital Auxilliary, Mrs. A. R. Virgin, Mre. J. B. Stutt sud Mrs. M. A. Neal. Auditans'are AI"x Lyle andi L. J. C. L4ang8. Secretary ca.. açjpre-' sented tue iff~lal ta ement detaill149thed ~PItsintQ and cose ý8 e opitamaintenance SALVAI3E SCRAP ON SOLDIERSY AID Women's Auxilary o! "D", Cy at 14. bl-nonthly meeting on val- enttne ulgiiitanSt. John's Pani Hall, declded te tari a Silvage Campaign te rais. tundi as tue Auxilary igolng te include ta lis war -wýx4 "al "Bewmanville bays on Act e Force sud 'ID" Coy. l8t ~~Lv5ga~ork will b.~ ~ *n noIl&,i&,nin ora-l Midlands Paradef4C The. Mdiand Reginient, atationed ai Lansdowne Paris,, its tirai parade tureugh the streets of Ottawa ai naon Thup u4der tue auspices of the. Ottawa War Savings Commi UzpVota shows Capt. B. Quifnn of "B" Cay. froni Norm 5 l"tfiie Ceuotaph, while jn ,thdlower Lleut.-Col. J. C. Gai M4 iMuowu lemlng tue utade, followed by Reg. Sgt. MÔJ$d on hus tàt ai LCBurnese, Aqutant, an his _Whle tue editer of Tue States- man was in Ottawa Tuursday h. -,hd tii. pleas4rce ofseeing tue en- tire sirength efthte lit Midland Reginient, parade turoùgh tue streeta of tue Capital in support of tue governmezt'u war savings drive. Comments wgre heard al along tue streets of the smart ap- pearance o! tue.afficers, N.C.O.'s sud saIdlep.g, Almoat«'& theussude men march- ed past tue Memonial at noon, a salut. tote ination's clead ta tue last war, led by their commsud- ing efficer, Lieut.-Col. J. C. Gam- ey, M.M. Tue rear o! tue celumnn was brought up by the. unit' strength of niechanized equip- ment, 28 carriers et various de- scriptions sud 2 niotorcyclisti. Two regimental bands were paa etftth. parade, the. brasa band in tue =edn section, tue drms and bge a littie fartuer bacis. Tue motor vehicles were liung wltu 'bannera urging upon tue, citizens oethte Capital tue neces- sity of full support o! tue Domin- ion 's war effort. . Company commandera w e r c Maj. R. S.- Gamey, H. Q. Co'y.; Mai. K. Hall, A Ca'y.; Capt. B. Quinn B Ce'y.; Mai. P. J. Bige- îa,6Ce'y. Maj. F.,Lycctt, D Ce'y. Aiong the otuer officers were Capt. R. Burnesa, Adjutant; Lieut. J. Haynes, Paymaster; Lieut. B. B. Dawson, Quartenmas- 4cr. Tue Midlands are statioried at- Lansdowne Park. MOBOARB BARLEY PRIZE WINNER AT TORONTO Garnet B. Rickard, Siiaw's, won finît prise on Nobarb barley at tue annual Ontario Provincial Wlnter Fair held last week in To- ronte.1 The. tain reported tue largeat list et entries ta lia history, wltu exhibits tram ail sections of tuei province. Tue second distinction camne ta tuis district when Gennet was chosen as reglanal Dinector on tue Ontaria. Crop Improvement Asso- ciation at Its annual meeting. Enterpniing Durham County bo s forge way ta the top aàrotsiply b4y stlcklng te tue terni sud deing teir job well, whic otuers flock to tactonles te become lest ta tue shuffle. iiàw êlýl.ïwoniSu ndayniltttic lvageli% ary ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Btlut.,hnuPr.r tic Taberal au pnlvllegedt ai 8thi p t.m. haveoas guesu-shaker 1ev. D. N. Tue Auxllaryurges everli ,.Buntai,'Tarantoe,General Super- mavilelay te beconie an a tw interident o! Tii. Pentecostai As- member aud help niake certain nô seniblies cd Canada. Brother Bun- BowmniUe saldier willl. lack tain brought greetings from, tue comtorta. Fdllowshlp froni coûat to canai. Stan naow ta save yaur rags, His message was ou tue Medel pltl apietc.,sda ui-Çhurch of tue Bock of Acts, and ,;ary memp>er wllcaf sud make big >rnansof expenleuce sud dear arrangements ton collections, Inil1IIthe tiWord of G Cc ass- ed bs essgetomake a deep Save Oui 'y To Vlonry¶-Buy presit. Miss, ve Ou WeyTo, Vctor,-Buylme elyi Wl'a Cartiaes, .,* POlg" ans. lvl -010. Peace naw reigusaet tue Goed- yeqr plant. Goodyear empleyees, represerited - ya',ý Maurice Crook sud Frank. Piper, met Company s'presentativns -E. H. Koken and Secretary, at Osgcode Hall, To- renta, lday, Feb. 14tu. -Justice Gilisuders, chairman a! tue Conciliation Board, whicii had submitted recommendations for cansideration efthte disputants, received the above delegates at Il arn. sud the pact was formally signed. Remnained anly tue forniality e! addiag tue signatures of the. ne- maining menibers cf tue Eni- ployees' Comxittee, Ray Fry, Ted Large sud Arthur Kilpatrick. Thes. signed aitue Goodyear plant Saturday, Feb. iStu, in tue presence of Supertatendent A. M. Hardy, who wisiied everyonc geod lucis for the future. Emplayees sud Conipany each retain a cepy efthte agreement sud one le fonwarded wltu Justice Gillanders' report te tue Minister ot Lkbor, Ottawa. Thus concludes, in harniony, a dispute whlch has been carnled forward aince last fall. DURHAM MILITARY OFFICERS HONORED At,is recent meeting, tue mem- bers d tue Canadien Mllitary In- stltt#e elected ta is directorate for thyear two widely known Dunhani men, Col. Lorne T. Mc- Laughlin, G.M.C., D.S.O., V.D., and Lt.-Cai. (Dr.) Jabez. H. Elliott, a Hampton old boy. Patron e! tue Institute is His Excellency tue Rt. Honi. tue Eanl cf Athione, Gavexnor-Gecne r a sud commander lu chie! ta Can- ada. becomn eonzdwdl n usualyagdsiglhdcm pany. WAR SETTINO AT HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL AT HOME' "On Ta Vlctory" wua tue tueme oft thc decogtions'at tue annual Higli, ~hol "At liro" el ic n tuel s~tniuflday, evaniug. Aha cnhrg o studeut4. d grown-uü>UfIbçdtue hall to difce te tue scintillating mugle of Doug. Olaffe's Band. Tue humerous carteopeofe Benltty sud Adolphy ao4gwitu tue other wer draWlngs were ex- ecuted by tue art studeuts of lIs sud 2nd Forme. Tue stage wlth curtains drawn back was done in tlmely deceration advertlslng Can- ada'. war efforts. Ail tue patrons of tue achool agreed that t wus one o! tic best "At 14omes" tue scicol han had In nome yearo. kOTARIAN'S LEMAL ~NOWLDGE SMALL S NIL-INFACT ~ouiuefor Olaims Every Dog Entitled to One Fre Bite Without OWner Be in g Liabe. Seldom at a loss te know what q o next, Ross Strike, only sur- rving member of the Rotary Pro- rarn Comnttee, dug . deep into .h pocket afte ail had enjoyed ie Friday luncheon, and breught rt a sheaf of notes which en- led hlm te continue the 'Legal ~uiz' which proved se papular Rhen he mntroduced It a few ~eeks aga. Some of the amazing informa- ion fo tconiing as h. questionéd , tarians ta see whether the3T ~ossessed any vestige of legal mowledge, were: that a dog is Ititled ta one bite without the wne befigliable, whether he ieina private or public place; ihat if littie Johnny throws a Êton. through a window the. par- nts are liàble for damages; that f the sparks from yurbonlire ause damnage t o a neighbour's roperty the tldy nei*hbour is r.- sponsible; that one may say pret- ty bad things about others with- ut being -convicted under 'the, law, as long as the statements are iot of a maiicious character and bear a faint resemblance te the truth. Other matters of legai Practice touciied on whetted the uriosity of certain Rotarians and It was reported they adjourned te M'r. Strike's office - but the after- neeting was not '<on the house." Prizes for excellenèce, and other- wise, in the.bowlig sciiedule were presented te Frank Williams and Geo. Chase. Continuing the War Savings drive began last week the club again started six lucky ganiblers Rlong the right path ta complet. a Savings Cerifçte. Winners were ack McIKeev 1 Louis Dippell, MIorley Vansténe , Wes. Cawker, Dave M&rison and Bob. Corbett, for wheS 1W. Devltt dr.w the. Lucky ti oý, HIGR PERCENTAGE PLEDGE IN DRIVE FOR WARSAVINGS Olmpaign Manager Reporte ,Progrem up to Expe"otain -Factory WreA1moat 00 per e t mhe drive this mont for pledges for War Savings Cerifcates in Bownianville has been iiighiy successful the Campaign Manager, W. L. Paterson, announced yester- day. Pledges intheii town have exceeded expectations. On. of the most gratifying feat- ures of the. campaign, Mr. P>ater- son said, was the response froni factory empleyees which has been almost one hundred percent. Tii. schools aise have fully cooperat-1 ed with the resuit that 'stace last June $682.00 wortii of stampa and certificates have 'been sold in the public schools alone. Last week's report released by Princi- pal A. M. Thompson shows'that of the. 535 pupils enrolled 280 have pledged themacîlves to save $239.05 per inonth ina tus manner. Last week's. actual sales totalled $118.50. Not within memory has the, community turown itself so wholeheartedly behind a mnove- ment. The men and wemen on the. War Savings Camniittee arel giving prodigiously of their tme ta see that everyane is given an apportunity te pledge ta buy cer- tificate. Aithough funds for tue campaign are non-existent it is common knowlqdg. that the. meni and women behind it have will- ingly given from their own poc- kets ta help tue drive aieng whe- ther for advertising or transporta- tien or some otuer necessary pur- pose. Aithough the. prçsent drive fer pledges will sean be, at an end the. local comm.lttee bas no inten- tion. of relaxtag its activities. They know that 'the need will likely b. greater'in'the future and will cantintie te urge citizens ta invest ini tue best security tai, tue world -ini Victâry. 1 *Oý,r.v6 Save apiih *ï av iangu OupaigjOped !NE « L fl .Wfth $35-00 in BtaimpsBe' T.Iyè è Bruce Cotter, weli known New- Mapl Grve choo opn.dtuecastle resident, struck by a car lIate Saturday night, suffered fac- War Savings Stamps canipaigu tinjalinjuies, and severe body tueir section Friday evening with bruises. He was treated by Dr. a big "Save and Win" Nigiit. mhe J. A. Butier. .: niglit was a big success with $35 Apparently CotWter had been wortu o! War Savings StamPs standing near the. highway about seld. A very fine crowd w5.5 te cross whep two cars collided present including Miss Kelly Of at tue main initersection. of the Leaside, Chie! of Police Venton, village, anc striking hîm down. Ex-Mayor Ross Strike, Ex-Reeve Fallowing tue accident Off icer D. George Annis, and other promin- P. Marris was called. He said tuat eut people. the statements o! those involvd The hall was decorated, dispiay- in the accident were somewhat ing murais and posters which ail contradictory as ta whicii car uit pupils had been busy working on Cotter. The drivers were Wood- for tue occasion. row J. Harris, Toronto, and Percy Stanley Snowden was chairman PqLtton, Orono. and opened the entertainnient bY havlng tue pupils sing O Canada, atter which Vera Smith gave a Weekend guests witu Mn. and readlng written by herseif and Mrsj Mo Brslin wene Mr. and altr Mrs. -Maurice Fogie, Mrs. Stark- Tue chairman tuen explained mnsdduhe aoTnne tue object o! tue night's prograni, after which tuer. was a sing sang. Ellen Abernethy, representing tue h r oi B e d : girls' sewing club, gave an ex ho-or re d planation of club activities and flnlshed with a talk on what iiadFo n u lS e1 County by way of erganization for * War Savings. Ronald Breaks gave wnyfuqaltbrdfsh a reading. Jin Callass described.Ten-!uqaltbrfs- how the stamp hobby at school ionably pedigr.ed, healtu inspect- was ivig wy taWarsavgs.ed, Sherthorn bredlng stock are was ivig wa toWar avigs.ta be auctianed at the twentietu Catherine Campbell gave a read- annual sale o! Durham County lng. Laryne White favared witu Sherthorn Association. a solo "Till the, Lights of Londan Shin, Again," followed by a rend- This sale takes place Tiiursday, ing by Marilyn Panke. Axnathor Feb. 27th, at tue Lovekin Farni, slng, sang was followed by Bel- 3 miles east o! Bawmanvile and fard Panke's speech on Murais 1/4 mil. soutu et Kurv Inn. and Posters. Jahnnie Bothwell These are the turnes for beef - made many laughs with his read- cattle men. When other lines cf ing, Johnnie's Mule. agricultural production meet de- Billy Smith intreduc.d the. Ma- pressed prices and succumb te pie Grove Monthly, stresslng the pegs and bonuses, b.,! pnices iiold fine work that their Monthiy and ta steady or upward trends. Tue Editor James of Tii. Canadian Durham County annual sala has Statesman were doing in the War attracted an ever widening circle Savings Campaign. He finished O! buYers. wltu an act showing what the twa Local farmers witu any inten- papers could do with the. man at tion cf entering tue bee!-cattle tii. bottoni o! our troubles taday, industry wauld be well advised (producing a skeleton o! Hitler ta be on hand. Pnices at recent freni copies o! the two papers). county sales elsewhere indicate Greta Snowden gave a readlng, tuat tuey may enter tue field at "Tue Fate of Peter Pink-Eye." a cost well within their means. Bert Snewden led wltu uis violn Al efthte entries are quality stock in two darkie selections. presented by experiencedi, out- Jack Munday lntroduced hi standing contributors, as tue fol- Sr. Booster Gang-Donald Smith, lowlng suxnnary 'indicates: Harry Snowden, Bulle Skeldlng, The offerlng cf tue contributora Kay Lycett, Harold Stevens, and comprises such well known strainsc Bort Snowden,. who cach g . a of Shortuorns as Lavender, Rose- Meit on why people should *'>et woed, Resebud, Missie Mayflower, îane Savings. JohnniqY th- Melba, Orne Blossorn, Rosalind, wefl~ç~ abg hlwlthtIr. Princesi Julia, Claret and otuers. B 1 trang whe gave thre. fine Laoklng turough the catalogue yqflg on War Savings. we find, John ffler is offering a A resolution was passed that tue well bred junior yesrling show fonllvng iie tue oes te taise cane helfer frem tue grand imported of ~ar Savinga for tue conimuni- bull Collynie Royal Purse, and S:For the. School--Secretitry- T. Baker & Son a prize wlnning casurer H. J. Brooks sud îeach- red bull calf of model type andi ers; Canvassers north of highway, conformation.1 cut of marsh-lt-R. R. Stevens, J. B. Leask offers a resu 12.- J6hn Snowden;,North of hlghway, montiis-oid bull cf excellent con.j weat et marsh-lot-W. L. Snow- formation by Glcnburn Boxer; a' clen, W. J. Snewden; South o! tue good red 12-months-old bull cal! kdifhway - Clifford Swallow and cf the sme stratnansd by tue sanie sire; a choie. roan 19. <Oontlnued on page 10) montiis-old heiter, bred te Beatu- Durha* C<mtty Feieratiu 0f Agriculture Lucm At Orono Meeting Tiuday DUd Ton Get Orne? Al. droped into the. Editor's sanctum, to-day and said: "Here they are - and out they go with this week's issue." H. was refer- ring to the flrst flight of sub- scription account slips to be sent out this year. If there are any errors, Ai must take the. blanie, but we are sure there will be few because he is both painstaking - and persistent. Just how persi stent he can be will be revealed ta those who for- get or ignore these slips w*hÎch, have taken niuch of hus time to check and prepare and whichIxe sends out with confident expeeta- tien-. Al says: "You think the blizzard on February 8th was some storm- watch ime shade that if people fail te cooperate ini meeting these very moderate accounts." So we suggest, in the interests of axnity and good business that you do flot forget - nor toa long delay. Editor. VALENTINE PARTY 0FAUXILIARY SWELLS FUNDS The Valentine Card Party held in St. John's Parishf Hall on Feb. i2th, under the auspices of "'D" Coy. Auxiliary waa a réal success. Nearly 150 ladies azd gentlemenci enjdyed the evening. by'playing thefr favorite card game. Guests were received by Presi- dent Mrs. C. R. Spencer, asulsted by the Party Convener Mrs. V. Ott. Mrs. S. Beckett and Mrs. C. McMgnn welcomned the five hun- dred and euchre fans ini the Sun- day School rooni becau4e thé. Par- ish Hall couid not atço-mmdate th~e lar- rt.Iidacippropriate prise o~ ar SçJngsStamps VÈ aadé~thé-hi=hscorers. The luçky cup prize was w'on in the Supday school 1'oom j9roup. ei)* refreshments ýweira serv- er 'tonener bu. aif s t Ger-i Sdecorated ta carry eut the Valen- tine motif and Cupld guarded the beautiful iced'two-storey Valen- Uine cake wiiich was flanked by tail red candles in silver hoiders. Mrs. Spencer made the draw and Nellie Parker was proclainied the lucky winner. Approximately $40 was raised by the. sale of tickets on the cake as r.ported by cake tickets conveners, Mrs. B. Parker and Mfrs. Wm. Tait. Proceeds froni card party, cake raffle and ail money-making ev- ents that will b. sponsored by «D" Coy. Auxiliary will be used for comforts for ALL Bowxnanviile boys and "D" Coy. lst Mland Regiment. ,Upwards et 100 Goodyear em- payees jeunIneyed, te Tenante Sat- urday in chartered busses te, see the. Ranger-Lents hockey game. This happy auting foilowed lin- mediately upon final signlng cf the. agreement between employeea sud compsuy. rui Groom Entrie.a !ebruary 27th TO NEW POST B. C. B.rkinshaw General Manager and Treasurer of the. Goodyear Tire & Il bbçr Co. of Canada, who wiU a polnted direct S19 priorities4rnéfi ment ni'anci Spply to ~p; a red Rosebud hoerS, 21.inpeth old, and brdto t sakeae A. J. Howden - A bi red 17- nionths-old bull o! tu* Lavender farnily and by the Imported sire Cellynie Monsoon. He is regdy foi heavy service. H.Mari Osborne - Two heifers, 'l istera, good onea, one a red and the other a dark roan. They <Contlnued on paqe 10) Premier King. Impres- sed WIth Work of Federation, Baya Dr. J. B. Reynolds - Cen- tral office ln Ottawa Planned. "EFesolved: That; t ts represen- tative gathering of. fanm people, recommeidste tue; various rural or , a union in a Dur- ej federation cOf Ai- cul %Ifrm a commlttee rpresenq vtative [xof 4 tues. groups, ,d ta consider ho.w finances rnay be secured for thée support of a Canadian Federation of Agricul- ture, and te Ivy down a policy for future action." This resolution was presented te and received uinanimnou ap- provai cof ever.200 frers and - f arn women who assemblad ln Orono Town HaUt Tuesday alter- noon te diseusepban for formlng a Durham County Federation of Agriculture. !Xetices had been sent out, giving tinie and date of meeting and consldering tue state cf roads andlack cf farmn help, attendance mare tuan met exrpec- tations. Ail sections efthte ceuzity were represented. E. A. Sunrs Agricultural Representative, who consented te act as previsional secretary at a previous' meeting. in Port Hope, gave a resume cf what, se far, had been don., sud suggested, tuat, on show of hands, Reeve Prouse, ef Hope Townéhip, Who had preided ,at Port,-Hope, con- tinue as chafrman. This was 'as- sented to. Tue, chairman's welh'tming speech. complimented tue audice on is turnout, and evident en- tuuslasm and the. agenda of the day got under way Imnmedfately. Dr. J. B. Reynolds, ln the key- note speech, urveyed the. whole set up etfl Fideration as already exisft.nt tbnoughout Canada and stated tue raons for a tarmer' unioita a 'UWày tuat wus clear, delegàtes at'..OttavfWansd thât, hen<ièforth, organl*ed farmera wltu a central office ut tue Capital would recelve equal or even bet- ter hearings than tue lobbies ef Labor and Industry which had long been on tue Job, snd otten te tue detrlmen't p Agriculture. A. L. Baker, smîpciate editer of mhe Statesinan, was cailed upon. * (Contlnued on page 0) MUSIC DIRECJTOR ADDRESSES, HA &S. Bowmanvile Home sud Scheel Club met February 12tu, wlth Prealdent Mrs. C. Robinson in tue chair. Tue meeting waa well ai- tended by motuers sud teachers. A special collection cf $20.42 was taken fer tue British War Victims Fund. Miss Cole won tue prise for having tue moat mothers pre- sent freni her rooni. Tii. local club has been asloed by tue Ontario Federation et Home & School Clubs te niaise for ahlpmenita England one layette of baby clotues. Thtis matter bas been attended te. Miss Helen Morris displayed a knited quilt made Iby uer pupils as a contri- bution ta war relief. A splendid progrm follawed cansisting chiefly et musical nuin- bers as tue meeting, under tue 1eade jpof Mn. Hood, was set 1 ' MiWe nc ght. Tue pro- grex ,-blèited of: Piano sole, Ray )u vocal solo, Arlene Northi- cuit; reading, Miss Cra?_; sud a splendid address by M.W.B. C. Worknian, tue speaker efthte evening, entitled "Mugic as h Teach hi." Mn.,Workmnig-emplia- slzed tue tact tuat muaie. h tue language o! emotion and tuat a resi singer muait eed what he or she sigi. *Refreshmeuts were served atter the prograni. ht i hoped tuai a growlng interest i wllbe taken ta the Home sud School Club whlch iu dolng such splendid work ta aur comniuniy sud for Britlih WarVictimi. DROVER FLERS AFTIER CRASH GereEs7wrth, Trýeutnhad 1age Ee eexei f$8t00donc tous car rySuaymnn. Eliworuh hacf2eucaledte Betu any te the home o! uis aunt, Mrs. Davis who had Just dled. He was In the houa. when he heard a crash but by tueUie h. gai eut on tue street no otuer car was in slght. Calllng Provincial Officer Puice Morris, Bowmsunvulle, a searcli was mnade for thceallier car. Atter foUowing teacks ,tlntue newly talion uncw about turc. miles he located a car conslderably >damn- aged belenging te a local orches- tra player wiia whcn questloned siaied he had reiurped trra dance a few heurs before. The Newcastle Independent, And The Oromo News )AY, FEBRUARY 2Oth, t,941 NUMBER.8 .k

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