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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1941, p. 3

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T"IEDAY, flEtÙARr 0,1941 In the Dim -ad Distant Past Fvm The. Sta mmeaaFies TrWENTY-FIVE TEARS AGO I'oM The Canadia Statesman, February 24, 1916 Rev. A. H. Drunzm presidcd aI the annual St. Paul's congrega- tlional meeting. J. N. Lawrlc was ~appointed secretery. J. A. Me- yCîdilan la secretry. &ownshuip Sunday School Con- Mtion at Zion: The presîdent, E:. Courtice, presided and the service opeaed with James Jebson, SaUina, leading isang. Secrclary Mrs. C. A. Wght gave a graphic repart by means ai a chmrt. Miss Gladys Munday, secretary of the Girls' Patrioîlc Club, bas recelved letters ai thanka fram Dan Douglas and Col. L. T.Mc Laughlin. An entertainmeat was given in the Opera Hause by the Women's Patriotic League. N4'. Anthony Mitchell mmde a very efficient chairman. Miss Helen Martin and Mra. C..-A. Cawker and Henry Knlght sang solos. Prom Capt. W. H. Cooper, some- wherc in Belgium: The Bawman- ville platoon has changed much ai late. Immedialcly an reaching France, I was detached from -the duties afIintelligence and sniplag aficer and have not seen vcry much ai the boys exce .pt whca out ai the trenches. 0f the actual necesities ai Bic we have an abundance, but 1111e luxuries, particularly those appealing ta Canadians, are beyond reach at any price. Candies are always waed. Congratulations taO ea. W. Mc- Gil on passing exams. for degree of Doctor ai Pedagogy. Frienda ai Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Calwiil, Toronto, wifl be pleased ta know that their three sans, Russell,. Frank and Eddie, arrivai saicly in England an the 166 Pceb. Town Council: A ing was heid ta detine more ex- plicitly fire limita ai 6he tawn and fo regulate building withn the said limita. .. Letter was re- ceived iram W. F. Kerr, K.C., Ca- bourg, mutually agrçeing ta re- tire as town solicitor re Collacot case. D. B. Slmipsan. K.C., Winl again represent the town intis matter. . . It was brought ta at- tention ai counil that the Sey- maur Power Ca. was endeavorlag' TO ALL STATIONS IN< WESTERN CANADA SPECIAL BARN EXCURSIONS OOINO DATES iDAIY FEB. 15 TO MARCHIR1 RETURN LIMITe 46 days. IN COACHES Excursion tiockets good in Touriste Parior. and standard sleeping cars alto avaliabie onpaynient of elightIy higher passage farés, plus prios of Paror or sleeping car aooommodi- jROUTES - Tickets ff,oa4 o6nM via Port Arthur, Ont., Chicago, II., or sault Ste. marie, rcturning via Ssamne route and lineoUanly Generout optional routinge. STOPOVERS - wrill be aiiowed at any point in canada an the soins> or rturn trip, or bth, within final limoit of ticket, on appication ta Condutor; aiso at Chicag, MI., Sault ste. marie Mioh sand West, in accardanea wftii tarifs ig fUnit- ed States unes. pull particulars tram any agent. CANADIAN PACUFIC ta make 5 yeer contracta wlth citizens ai the tawn using their light and power. Hydro power may b. usadin6 Ibis section oaithe province wthin the next twa years accord ing ta statements mmdc by Sir Adi Beck sud council thouight iliadvisable for citizens ta bind themselves loansy Iang-term contracta. Brh: Humpage ý- Ia Bawman- ville, on Feb. 146h,10 Mn. sud Mrs. G. H. Humpage, a son._ . Eirth: Brookhmua - In Bowman- ville Pcb. 111h, *ta Mr. sud Mas. T. à .Broakham, a daughter; Ennisklllen: Milton Sanderson gave a talk othelic sund bis work aI ffingaon sud 'spake atrongly an the drink and tobacco cvil in the soidier's ic. ... J. E. Virtue, praprîtar oaithe machine shop, has gane ta Toronto ta en- gage ilathe manufacture af war miunitions, ieaving is father J. W. Virtue in charge ai the business., Ebenezer: About 5 o'clock an Feb. 4th a aumber ai friendàansd relatives ai Mr. and Mrs. Frank Everson met 81 their home la sur- prise them sud apead the evening, il being the occasion Of their twentieth wedding anaiversary. Speeches were madc by Messrs. B. Courtice, H. Gay sud others. Auction Sales Annaunced: Oea. Leask, Taüntpn; Oea. P. Rickard, DaXrbagton; CF H. Ott, Darling- tari; John Challas, Manvers Road. Auctioneers were L. A. Talc, Oea. Jackson sud James BishoP. FIFTY TEAIRS AGO Prom The Canalia Statenman, Febnuary '25, 1891 Preabyterianism in Bawmmn- ville dates back ta 1834 when a nutnber if t6e scotch, race becam e resideat i the vlcinityr. They erected whal was known a» SI.E Andrew's Church ia 1840. This church was burned about 1885. At the limne aif thcdissolution in 1844 the present St. Paui's churcli was formai by those who came ouI af the Church ai Scotiand and la 1846 tendered a cail taBRey., Alexander Steele. In 1849 a un- ion was formed w16 6te Ennis- killen church, the financial candi- lion ai the church not being strong. The preseat St. Paul's Church was built and occupied, i 1871. Editar's Note: W. have no part i thé controversy with Rev. Canon MacNab. No man in Bow- manville has tried ta pleae hlm mare in the. put 12 years than we have - samelimea at considerable incanvenlence - mand now we arc receiving aur reward. Why has h. emptied the viasaoairightcous Indignation on us? His letters have been decidcdly injurious ta the cause ai religian gencroy Fashia. pab1e ,Widdim ".,ublit - Fairbalrs - Miss Anna Kale Pair- mbid, aeçand dwnghler oa i J. E Fairbairu, o'Cg ste ansd Mr. Woaimer Chihr Cbitt, eldest, son of Col . 7 Cubitt, ex-mayar, were marrled, by Rcv. R. D. Fra- ser, pastor of St. Paul's. This mar- Étage unitod, two oaithe oldest faill@esi'tawn. Two &Isters ai the. bride, Miases Georgie and Maud,, acted as bridesmalda. Ouests were present tram al parts ai Canada. Solina:- L. N. Hogarth bas r.- turnai nome irom the dental cal- lege la Philadeiphia. ... Mrs. Oa. Wllbur intenda puttig stancwork uzder hec barni. She had a sand drawlng bee for this pu...... Election maltera are ý Waxhng hot- ter and hatter in thia vlcinltyr. Taunton: The cîcclors are In- dignant aI being aked by th. gav- e rament ta, go ta Eniieid la vole. Mr. C. Lander badly spralned AGATINGT SEDBA POTATO CRPB DJ)LANT Canadiau ttsidSeç oati lalad r. on pathe i.Ltn hr oaos ~efo grown beore. Produce bigger yields of0 t:os; that Mr more uaform in ise, smootlier, e = ,f better quality ban tuose rown froin ordinary seed-stock and avoldmsy of the csses diat resul: froin cisease. Grow Vpo= tos at wili grade Canaa.Noi. 1. Good secd pptatoes cannot b. selçctoid by app ace alone -The beot assurance 9of ge.uiang ,e edsta b4ana diton C.ft#/i Seed Pototffls. Ak -the District GOe,=un ro.çtossDhI**#~for fl nomto , ls o Este: 22lbtaj his kncc latel... Several harses have died from distemper whlch affected this ncighborhaod. Hampton- On the 186h inut, Mr. R. TalrZ n iaAda lark w;erc united la e hoybn a wediock.. . Misa M. J.WEbiotnws applnted tthe position ai argan- lat in place ai MIrs. R. Taylor, re- signd. . . The reformera in Ibis place are culllvating dloser rela- tion with their neigh4aurs. Com- mittec rooma are open and the leading dalles an bath ides may be seen there. Tyrone: Jos. Penfound and sons are cxpcctlag a buay semion i Mr. S. Binghamn's Slave Factory, a large arhount ai malerial being takeni a i ......Nineteca new members have been taken into the Division'and more are camlng alorig. -SINGERS AND THEIR SONGS Wrflten speolIy fer I%. Statesman- by weli known Dlurhama boy, Fred fIL Foley, 128 Lake St., St. Catharines, ont. PIROM GRËENLAIiD'8 lTr MOUNTAINS Wicrcver hymrna are sung throughout the Christia Church, pre-emnentiy stands lhe worid's renownd missionry hyma by Reginald Heber, "Prom Green- lsud's icy niauntains, Prom In- dia's cotai atranda." The stary ai ita arigla is aid but lways te- fresiing. In 1h. yemr 1819, a royal letter had been sent ouI asking that a collection be laken in al 6e Cburch ai Great Britain "for the propagation ai! thc Gospel iii For- eign Parts' On 1h. Satday aiternoon preceding thc Mission- ary Sunday, a few friends wcre discussing thc subjecî ai Miasiana' i tic drawing raam ai tbe Wtex- ham vicarage.. Among 605.e pre- sent wms Rcginaid Heber, Rector ai Hodnct and a aon-6n-law ai Dean Siipley. Suddealy the Dean lurned ta Heber and asked hum if he cauld write something ap- propriaI. for the service. Thc yaung rector retired ta a corner ai thc raom whilc tic others went artlalking. Amid the hum ai their9 conversation in a very short lime he announced that three verses were remdy for criticism. Tieclines we all i wth de- ligit sud immediate approvai sund la a iew minutes aore he con- ciud.d Ibis wondetifi hyma with the faurti verse, "«WaiI, wfl y. wmnds, HMs story,"1 etc. Thc hyma was printed liaI same cvcning and sung aI the service la Wrcx- ham Churci an Sunday morniag for the firal lime. Who cen cti- mate tie influence Ibis glanions hymn has hin the extension ai Cbrist's Kigdom an carti? Il la "the silver trumpet amaag ail the nailying bugles ai the Churci." The tor of helune applied ta the. iis' qutea inter.ating as àb& l tsael. la 1823 y lÏ'£fUhannah, Georgia, ne- celfred a copy ai, te wotds fram Englsud but kncw ne muslc ta fit the metre. Sic thaugil ai a young clerk, Lowcll Mason, inaa baak near by wha wms attrmcting some attention by hia musical compositions, sud wbo laler be- camne famaus. Si. sent hec son viith the words ta ask hlm if he would compose a tune ta suit the Uines. In half an haur lic boy te- turaed with 6he composition that doublai the fame ai bath Heber sud Masan. Wards and music were written an th. spur oaithe mo- ment but wilfl ast through the ages. Reginald Hcber'h devolion. ta missions wms netl hp service only,, uis whole heart was Init.I.l 1823 he was offercd,. sud acceptai, t6e Bishaprie ai Calcutta whlci prmc- tlca2ly put upon hlm 6th episcopal overg t ofIndia. He labored 80 strenuousiy sud sa succesafully i bis newfleld that in Ibree short yve ars he aclualy gave bis bIcf for Idib, lu 1826 h. icea iund dead i is 1bà. Apop exy was given as cause ai d"at but braugit on no dsubl by bis devoton -md en- ergy sud self-sacrifice In bis zeàl for ut Master. Prom Greenland'a lcy' mountains, Fromn Indls canal strad, Where Afrlc's sunny founlains Roil down 6,fir golden sand, Prom many an sucleat river, Prom msuy apaimy plain, They me st ta eliver Thiinsd tramerron's ehain. V/bat lhaugh the splcy bromzes Blow sait o'er Ceyion's ile, TAongh every prospect pleases, And nly man la vilet In vain with lavisi kindness Tic gifla ai God are atrewn; The beathen hi bis blindas Bowu down la wood sud tone. Shall We, whose sous are Ilgt.d Wlth wlsdom fii'o n hi Shall-wc ta amen benighted Tic lamp ofaife denyl Salvationt O salvationi Thc Joyful aound praelaim, TMl ,athh's rnemtest nation, Bas lepral Meaulai'a naine. Watt, watt, ye v4nds, HMa stany, And yau, y. waters, rail, Ti11,lkc a scaof glory, Il apreadla tram pale ta pale; TIR a qr aur rnssmed nature, Tic Lamb for sippers elai, Redeeer, ing, Creator, lIbliés ncturnp to neign. A;nen. n-p R ce r.1788-1026 GEUDW.E amT Oh! 910r1h. tplth ofi-a child,' Wh .alJy1'ovas ber L»rd;' rqni#4v Inw la HI. ord.toXiý Tgl ÉCANAD)iN STATESiit In The Editor's Mail Anguavilie, Man. Dear Mr. James: .Please fid cnclosed renewal for Tih. Statesman ta Dem 1941. While I have been absent tram the aid Counly ai Durham for the pust 38 years, yet I enjay the columans ai the home paper and arn always mntcreslcd in 6henews ai the aid home tawn and rural districts. The news ai 25 yearS aga and 50 yearsamgo tura baek the pagea ai hislory, wlth manY names thal are qulte familier, mand uniold the memarles that ohr wlsc would be forgatten, should you choose ta discontinue tee items'aI any lime from yourvau able publication. I look forward ta every Monday evealng, wben your paper ar- rives, and at no lime arn I dis- appointadinl reading the curreat news ai Enniskilien, Tyrone, Or- anoamnd mmny other hamietshI Darlinglon and Clarke. In com- parison ta other weckly papers,.I think yaur Canadian Statesman 13 in a clasa ai its own, bath edilar- iaily and letters tram former resi- dents naw living in il parts ai Canada and the Unitai States. May yaurJ journal continue ta serve its readers in the future as in 6he pust. Youra sincereiy, C. H. SImples. Cameran Falls, Ont. February 11, 1941' Dear Mr. James: For some mantha naw I have contemplated writing yau, pmrl ta infatua yau we receive -te home tawa paper every week via the rouadabout way ai home, and as long as H.F.0. keepa up in us subacription paymenta, we- ahail be assurai ai recciving the same la due lime. Then wbile 6n the aubjeccl we usuaily collet the lust numbera, and take 6cem la Ivrs. Alec Johnson <Marian Worden>i Port Arthur, so thrcc families are now readlng on anc subacriptian. (MIl bel you can jusl sec dallara floaling away there). But I msa was writing ta say liaI if space pcrmîtted, and you wcre inlcrested, I wouid be piea- ed in a future letter ta give some description ai my location and work aI lie Hydra tawn ai Cam- cran Falls on taic Nipigon River i Narthern Ontario. Being situated back inathe foreat oaithe Lake Superior country, together with lhe great taies ai ilsh which have corme outIoaithe Nipigon, I think I could describe in a littie way some ai the dmily life which goes on here. 1 If this intercala you, you can drap me a lace, and if not, you may rest assurai w. arc aiways glad ta. reccive yaur paper tram home.Gordon E. Osborne. 999 Bathurst St.; Tôrorito Dear Editor: A c=py yurpaper, in whlch you orie nc ai my composi- tions, was just brought ta my gi~lo Spptlcularly the te- marks a~ the bollôm. IwsIt correct your errar for the benefil ai yaur readers, nat that I serlaus- ly abject ta be mistaken for my brother. I ar nona "Brick' but a youngec brother. I think pechapa with«possibiy anc exceptioa I was the only anc of!the f aily who did flot go ta Bowmanville public or high school at some ltime or other. I gaI mIl my education aI Shaw's achoal. Secing I am wrlting ta make this correction I wMl send you the paemn I promiaed same lime aga and another short anc. I waa flnot -very well known around 'Bownmvile, h a via ng worked on farm ansd the Fisher- les aI Newcastle before going west about thhry-ane years aga wherc I was for about 30 years, camse- quciyv 1 founid great changes wh9n.Ivlslld the oaid unIs ai my y«itih, mter no long an ab- sence. Hôplng thiswlll er my Iden- 300 James SI., Ottawa, The tatsmaFebruary 1M1, 1941 OnSund -rmorni lestthe ist Battalin o e = n ]Regi- ment held lea first church parade I Ottawa, marchig to St. James United Chureh. To walch half-a- thousand mea tram theUnited Caunties sud Victoria march up the street and la ait with thcm in church gives anc a -sort oa i aI home" feeling. No daubt Ibis was the largest aggr.gatlon ai resi- dents ai the home districts ever la appelar inithé Capital aI anc lime. WIth caps removed hI church it was obvious that many af Ibase present were * velerana. Lieuten- ant Waotea, knawn ta nzany ai the Amarîican Isolaiiwtiolts reh c ause for ôutburats. Consent ta allow Brifain ta, carry her blockade op- erapoýnh ln this zone wauld misa givb .her an opportunlty ta do sont4tblng about the French Is- land of Martinique in te West IndI4 which la reporledly uncd as a POIl of tranahit>ment for French vesela whose cargo.. are seized by Ibe, Nazis whcn they rcach Fraupe, 4. Eritain wauld also lke the SflMA4vILL, ONTARIO ,"in was thoroughly enjoyedl by usi. The proverbial hospltality af the officers' mess la surely being upjield by its present members, sonze af whom are aid timers but met are of the younger genera-. tio ' heidthe4firsda> the Mldlandsc héé thir irt public march-out.t Onerhead planes droned and cir-1 éled. In part, this appearance was 1ný support ai the War Savings Cattificates cmmpaign. Accom-1 pned by bath its brass and bugle( bdaand fallawed by a long line( o arnsport, the regiment, in bat-1 .....order, marched two miles iromà aacks ta the heart af the city.( Onmight be slightly rejudiccd,1 btas I watched the Urnit maveE St the Memorial paying the cus-1 to 'ary hanaurs, platoon by pla-1 Iwas consciaus of a certain1 Much favourable commenti t os'verhard n aU sides. Lmter during the march an op- poertunity presented itself ta pass ÙW' ta the Officr Commaniding mna his Seccnd-iq-Command some of tlis Public appreciation_ af the 0 iat appearance and mrch dis- e rine af the attalian. .ýthe Unit isa fortunate ta have in-~ command one with the bmck- Iground af experience and abillty 01 'Its present Officer Command- ià#, A veteran af the First Great W*, his decaralions indicale gai- Iafft service in the ranks, and wilh cdnfsiderable ovehscms experience durfig the present war, he la qual*fied ta give efficient leader- sl.Several of the other senior Mfiers ai the Unit, and many af the other ranks, have also seen Previous active service. The Younger men have an appearance gf'alertness and ability. We hope1 to sec them oflen during their stayi ini Ottawa. Already same local1 men have jained up with the Mid-e lands since thcy arrived. S. F. Fergusan. P. S. - Many Durham County readers will be pleased ta learn thal Lieutenant Chas. Vcnning, af Blackstack, wha suiiered. a fràctured spine last September, at1 Petawawa Camp, is pragressmngi favaurably in convalescent haspi-À Wa in Ottawa. -S.F.F. The United States And The Blockade There are many ways In which the United States, even while e maining neutral, can be ai greal asÉistance ta the British war ef- fart. It must nat be fargatten that American diplamatic agents in1 enemy country have been af con-g siderable assistance ta prisancra oi war and the Red Cross, and American jaurnalists are naw vir- tUally the only reliable source ai pu blic inform4tion an whal 6s happening in Europe. The black- out of news from continental Europe which wauld follow an American declaralian ai war wauld have numerous disadvan- > Nverheess te neulrality ai the United States hampers in cer- tain way% that full cooperation with the Allies which seems ta be desired by a majarily af the Atýierican people. Coaperatian in »oic warfmre, which iasa im- pt -arta webpon at present, ias .me061c "short ai war" reported ta b. under discussion bath in Washington and London. ýent repal have suggese that this ;corpectian mit tak one or al ai 6efolloing frs 1. The United States might set 1up a complete licensing system for her exporta; just as Britain and other belligerenta have dane. AI- ,ready Washington has, af course, ,madle a license necessary for the :expart ai copper, zinc, and ather ;materials essential for her defence programme, but if this practice were expanded ta caver ail goods, :Britaix4 would be grcmtly assisted in her gigantic task ai blockade. The lcak in te blockade aver which the Minister ai Econamnlc 1Warfare i London has expressed officiai conccrn ilathe shlpment ai American gooda ta Ruasiti and ai Ruasian gooda ta Germany. It has been pointed out that Russia 1has suddenly become the third largest buyer ai copper inathe United States and the second larg- est buyer ai cotton, and that new orders for well ovee ane million barrela ai petroleum products for Rusala have recently been placed with American campanies on the Pacific coast. Russia ia belleved ta have exported about a million .tans aiofail ta Germany during 11939-40, and the Russian paper "Pravda", recently spoke ai ship- 1menta ai cotton ta Germany. It i6 nat believed that American pro- 'ducta arc actually reaching Ger- PALL IN! The lime is forming. Close the ranks Answer His Majesty's oeil. Every man, woman and child in Canada lias a duty to0 perform. Some will flght. You, toc, have a job to do. It may demand sacrifice. You are cailed on to help furnish dhe munitions needed to win, dhe w ... guns and tanks for the ary ... places for the air force . . . s1ips forthe navy andmercbant mrn.Guns and tanks and planes aad'slips cost money. You are not asked to glve-ycn are only asked to LEND your money. Thxis is soin.- duing you can do .. . somer.liag you, ms do. Ther. la only anc place ta get the anoay Caada naed ta wln dils war-from dthe people of Canada. A larg parn will corne fromn business firms and people wldu. large incomes. Tiiy will psy.high taxes and buy heavlly of War Lama Bonds. But more moue>' la needed ... a grea: dedlmare. S 10,000,00 a mondu laexpectid fri men, wamen and cbildrea who Invest ln War Savinga Certificatea. Work bard. Earn more. Save ail you'ca mad lend your savings ta Canada. BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTI PICATES, Budget ta buy thenu regularly. Buy ihem ever>' week .. . evey moad ... as long as the war Iassu You will b. formingr a gooabit .. . the saving habit 0. . a habit tuat wil benefit yau when victor>' la won. You win be doing a méal job ia belplng ta win the war. Publisbed by Tbe Wr Sings Comm 5*1.., OPtAis lo.w ZyWAR SA VI NOS (ERilFIATS.*. PAGI B1E R.gister.d Étg Gradlng Statiens One af the benefits oi the Reg- lstered Egg Grading Stations un- der the egg regulationa wiil be the impravement i egg quality required ta bring further pros- perity ta the poultry induslry through the stimulation oain6- creased demand. On. ai 6he chief difficulties in t6e e gg trade has been ta ensure eggs kecpmng their grade miter grading, parliculmrly. during the summer mantha. By being kept cool in the regiatered stations eggs will retain their grade Letter than in 6e past. Heat la anc ai the chief causes ai low egg qualily in 6e summer months, but wlth the establish- ment ai the registercd stations eggs will be kept at belaw a tcm- perature ai 67 degrees, Fahren- heit, this maximum oi 67 degrees being set because il is anc degree below the point at which eggs be- gin ta incubate. This care in kecping eggs cool will tend ta dliminate certain deal- crs who enter the market whçin it is goad and stay away when it la poor. If those dealers are cimninat- cd, it will be only because thcy do not sec fit ta assume the re- sponsibility oi equipping premises ta handie eggs propcrly. Regulatians provide that a pro- ducer may grade his own eggs for sale ta retailers or consumera, but now when he sella ta retailers he is required ta put his naine and address on the grade tag an the container. This is as a protection ta himseif. There have been many instances ai peddlera who have posed as producers when selling eggs ta retailers.- By identiiying his eggs with his name and ad- dresa, the bons fide praducer wiil assist in correcting a practice wvhich is detrimental ta his in- terests. United States ta take the same- what drastic step aif.refusing American part i adiities ta vesseis on the British blmcklist. These vessels arc those which have en- gaged in blockade running or which have rciused ta promise not ta trade with the enemy. Some American shipping and insurance campanies have already reiuscd their fadilities ta such vessels, but an officiai policy which would close not only ports in the United States but misa Honolulu and Manila would -greatly assist th e enforcement ai the British block- 12 Ruil et Hapodnes By Grenville Kliser for Happinesa la a babil - a by- product ai right thinking and liv- ing. Here are twelve rules for happincs: 1. Live a simple life. Be tem-b g seekirig and seifishncas. Make splciîy the keynote ai your daly plans. Simple thînga are best. 2. Spend lesa than you cara. n , This may be difficul, but il pays li,15.U s large dividenda in contenîment. Kecp ouI ai debl. Culivate fru- gaiily, prudence and self -denial. Avoid extravagance. 3. Think constructivcly. Train yauraelf ta 66ik clearly and mc- curately. Store yaur mind with useful thouights. Stand porter aI the doar ai your mind. 4. Culivate a yielding disposi- tion. Realat the cammon tendency ta want thinga your own way.I Sec th. ather peraon'a viewpoint. 5. Be grateful. Begin tic day with gratitude for your appar- tuaities and biesainga. Be glad for the privilege ai lii. sud work. 6. Rule your mooda. Cultiv. a mental attitude ai peace sud good-will. 7, Olve generauaiy. There la no greater jay in ice than ta ren- der, happineas ta alliera by memna ai intelligent giving. 8. Work with riglit motives. The highest purpose ai your ice - shauid be ta grow in spiritual1 grade sud power. 9 . Be intcrested in others. Di- vert your mind from self-center- AT YOUIt HYORO SHOP' edneas. In 1h. degree that you give, serve and help, wiil yau cx- perience the by-product ai happi- nesa. ugettutotyb 10. Liv. in a daytight compart- yourjugelrawotyb ment Tht labyeone ay t atrusting il. You ena develop gaod tme. Cnctat ie onedy a a, judgment as yau do 1he muscles tmeiatet ake e oat i-aif te body -, by judiclaus, daily medatetas.. akethemos ofexercise. To be knawn as a man ta-day. ai sound judgment wlll be much il. Have a hobby: Natur e orfyt study, wallcing, gardening, music, i orfvr golfiag, crpentry, stamp collet- ing, sketching, voice culture, for- Advertiaing la the genie which elg nanguage, cheas, books, photo- is transfarmlng America 66 oa grpy ocial service, public place oi comiart, luxury, and case speif ng, travel, authorsbip. Cul- for millions.W Aln btc tivate an avocation ta wbich yau can tura for diversion and relaxa- As a. profession dvertising la lion.youhg; as a farce it la as aid as 12o. Ke lset o. th e world. Thc firat four words and nduingbapincs dpends ever utîered, "Let there be light," primariiy upan close alliance with 1cOnstitute tchre-Bu a- Hlm. Il is your privilege ta share ton. His tboughts for your spiritual Thýe advcrtising man la a liaison nouriabmcnt, and ta have constant between the products ai business assurance ai divine protection sud and the mnd oaithe Nation. H. guidnce. must know bath befare hie cmii ePend upon yauraclf. Malce serve either.-Glenn Frank, .J/EERY CANADIAN FAMULY Cfj'TI 21ME we are AUL in the front line."- H.M. THE ING. For Each $4.00 You 0Get Rock $5.00 s 3fr$.00 $OOfer$$«0 $1 .00 ft$a $2810 fer $2010 $8000 feS $4010 $100,00 fer *$U.00 met.i& ae e,sd tmt-fv stco. whfr ees«ees It*me± S 8% cmuds tendowae, met sx mnthrudate ain buve, $0temte Uiavl wlc os-

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