p THE CANASMIÇ _________________________ I achool lu mmv of their sportlng Fiace» Occupied and Unoccpied As "aile by ce mnInvaders Although negotiations naw go- Ing on may brlng About drastlc changes ini the governiment Of y Trance, Up ta the present the ad- minstration af that country han been quite different from that of other countries overrun by the To begin wlth, the country la dlvided into Occupied and Un- occupied Frarijm by a Uine cirflng from the Swiss frontier near Geneva ta the Pyrences an the Spanish border'. Thus the whole af north-east and northern France and a large alice of western France, and the whoie af the coast Uine of the Eniglsh Channel and thç Bay of Biscay are under Ger- man mlitary occupation. This atea încludes Paris and the main cmercial and industrial areas and leaves less than hait af the total -area and on]y the Mediter- rancan seaboard ta the hands af th. Vichy governmcent. Occupied France is'dvided in- Busiessfirectoryj Legal i. . v.Goum, . 6.LL.D arster Solicitor, Notary i2hone 351 Bank af Commerce Bldg. Eowmanville W. IL STEIK flarrister, Solicitor, Ntary Solleltor for Bank af Montreal Maney ta Loan - Phone 791 !Bowmanvlllc, Ontario 1" C. MASON, BA. Notary Public - Etc. Law ItAUailits branches Office immedlately cast af Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; Hfomne 553. Dental Assistant* Dr. E. W. Blson Grâduate of Royal £en tal Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubile Bldg., Bowmanvifle. Office houri 9 a.m. ta 6 P.m. dally, except Sunday Phone 700 - House phone .883 X-Ray Equpment ta Office DL IL O. DICKSON (Toronto) adNewcastle., ont. Ovez.. Langnlan's Store, Newcastle. Office houri: Saturday only,, 9 am. to 9 pm Funerai Directors Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modem Motor Equipmcat, Amn- bulance and Iiivalld Car. Tele- -pon 4O-M-,r 4;-Asuistnt 1?. III ENTERTAINER heure RALlE GORDONthe. w.aleftfly verstile e n t e r- hiflez, fer Four next etertan- mont. Ulustrted elromafre.. . Adrm - 1Mb Crawf.rd Street. Tomnt. ta five zones, ecdi th regula- tions ai its own controlling Uic movemnent of refugees and igidly prahlbiting mymovement ta and out ai sratc arcas. The Gem- men admniaitration fl ahUicterri- tory la under Uic supreme control of Uic Army. The Chief Adniinis- trator s ssistcd by a Homne Min- ister and by an administrative staff under Uic command ai Gen- eral van Stulpnagei, hcad of Uic German military administrationl ta France. This administration contrais Uic activity ai Uic French civil and municipal services, ai- Uiough French courts continue ta opemate - cxcept ta canes whcre1 Germaus or German mnterests arc concerned. Nat inciudcd ta these five zones1 are Alsace and Lorraine. In spite ai Uic iact that Uic Armistice ternis made no mention ai any cession ai these provinces, stepsi have been taken ta tacorparate Uiem itthUi Reich. Large num- bers ai Lorraines have been ex- peiicd, under protest from Mar- shall Petain, and there have been efforts ta Germanize Uic educa- tionai services and tadustry. The civil administration han been plac- cd under men directly responsibic ta Hitler rather than under Uic army. I December it was an- naunced Uiat Lorraine would be amalgamnated with Uic Saar tnaa ncw German district. Custamas barries bctween Uic Reich and Uic two provinces have been re- maved, accardtag ta reports. The governmcnt af Unoccupied France was not stipulated ta Uic - Armistice, although Uic Germans ciaimcd contrai ofaiamaments, acrodromnes, shipping and other thinga. It was even provldcd that Uic Frenchs government rmlght choose its own capital and Uiat if Uis wms ta be Paris, arrangements would be made ta have both areas administercd from that centre.. Marshall Petain realized, lowevcr, that he couid better pre- serve his tadependence ta vichy Uian ta Gcrman-accuvied Paris. In Uieory Uic French gaveru- ment exercises internai contrai over ail France, but inaicot com- munication between thc two arcas la aimat non-existent. This separatenesa la cmphasized by Uic tact that the Vichy gavernmcnt la represented ta Paris by M. de Bni- non, who is called Uic "Ambassa- dor ai France", ad represents the 1Foreign Office. Marshall Petata's actual powers ta carrying on Uic gavernment ai Unaccupicd France do flot dcpend an the ternis ai Uic Armistice which grantcd him ex- tensive self-government. Thcy de- pend entirely an has bargatalng power with Uic Nazis, his chef cards betag Uic French ficet and Uic French colonies. As yct he han not been able ta prevent Uic export ai whatevem supplies Uic Germans want, athaugh he has been able ta ýrefuse permission for German traaps ta cross Un- .occupied France. The business Uiat considers il- self immnune ta Uic neccssity ion advertlatag sooner or later iinds itself immnune te business-Derby Brown. Advertistag la Uic essence ai public cantact.-Cyrus H. K. Cur- tis. Advemtising la Uic key te World praspcnity; withaut it tadaY mod- cru business wouid be paralyzed. -Julius Kicin. DRY CLEANING THAT SATISFIES Goals - Suits - Duese 754- Each Oshawa La.dry & Dry Cleaning commy iie Plione 419 We Cmli Formaudei INSULATE YOOR HOME!I THE MODERN WAY WITH adW± The New Fibre-Rock WooI n~e fuel Il "sart zimYsute or of aplyal t. Abli rme .qulckly end eaaiY applicd by any Intelligent workumn. -Il sIL velJble inUwSrc forma: ki bulk for use on fiat cellhzig or paeklng ito eoMd 'en , lI bats for betweeu raft=lra lqplng celingi. hIgranulated W001 %am poMUrg in lnaccuiblc wafls. Mresml m=y b. lnslaffledwltut fuis or bother jayour present home or in a home umidez' con- #ut .Sg easy la Ainqeo te handie you cmn do *i job yourself if you soder. RireaUme t yaur honle la iosulatedi with 4i.r«ck wool fibre. Aok for au etimate on 00 oetand quentity mequired igit away. I& Rtot proof - Vermin rrooi 'c Proot end Basily Applicd OUI611 Lumber Ce. Ltde PI las., 3,' OVEREASLETTE From Mrs. Colin Crombie, Edin- burgh, Scotland, ta her aunt, Mrs. W.P. Hall, Boianville: I hope ou will all b. together for thce( istmas festivites cx_ ce pt, ai course, Jack, who I hope wili be wlth us. How is Bowman- ville? I aiten Uiuik it wouid be a nice place ta, be at present. May aur iuck continuel Rlght here wc have had nothing worse happen than shrapnel ln aur garden and a fcw bombe ina nt1ghbour'5. lt la sinipi amazing how aiten bombe have licen dropped near herc but have fallen on fields or empty arounds o nthUicwater. Of bombe aropped ic hezoo Uic only casualties were three love-birds killed. I went ta Uic south aiEf ln with Colin where he was training. 1 had an exciting time there and got quite expert at danhhing tt shelters. I am busy with canteen work and will be even bunier now as we are gettiag more mobile canteens which drive around Uic country- aide with saup and "hot dogs" for the outlytag camps. To-day (Dec. 5th> we had aur first snawfal.--and oh, it was caid. Tel Kay and Hilda they are lucky flot ta be here an wc are flot ta get any mare silk stockings. We arc rationed but till able to get everything wc nccd - x- cept onions and lemans,., things which can well be donc wlthaut. Also we dan't get cream any more but it's 50 mucis better for the figure anyway. Laurie and John tralned an fire- meni and anc thing they have donc wus ta give us many a good laugh. Can you picture thcm, aifail peo- pie, sliding down greasy pales and jumping fro second storey win- dows itt a net? Jack and Jirs wcre ta Coventry and saw some lite dawn thereand eritertaincd us for days with star- ies of their experiences. Incen- diary bombs feUl six lcet fromn therniand Uiey rau - back itt Uic hotel. Jack ran so fast tata Uic swing door that he found him- self out in thc street again. Colin had his anm badly cut when windows were braken ta lis billet. I wondcr how long this will go on - what is ta store for us ail? Anyway, wc know that Hitler & Ca. have much warsc ta store for theni. SOLDIERS' LETTERS Hece are parts ai lettes which have been rece«ed by Adj. J. D. Hart, Saivatian Army, from localC boys overseas, tadicetiug Uic goodg work tUic "other arnmy" la doigng thc war: Prom Lieut. J. Sclby Spencer: Thenk you very much for Uic par- cela' wc received in good orde. Yau sccm te knaw wlat Uic ammny needs mont. Socks and chacolate bars are essentiel -for long route marches. Thse S. A. ove hcre in doing its job well with Uic travel- ling canteens and geucrous gits; Uiey look aiter Uic amnusem~enlt and canifant ai Uic boys which We have no time ta do. Ta-day la pay day and Uic boys are gatag ta tawn te get something goad toeat for a change. Prom Pte. Ro;nald J. Hooper and L.lBdr. G. M. Hat: Thank you for your appropriete gits. Socks came ta hendy and We nee get enough oi Uiem. 1 can assure you it was very decent ai you ta think ai us and we wan't"forget It Thse S. A. la dale a wandcniul job hclping te *in this wmr. If it weren't ior Uic Army things wouid b. prctty duil here. Thanka e million and God bless yau al !V Prom L.ICpi Ernest Hunt, C5343, EHeadquarters -Co. Na. i Can. Holding Unit, Cen. Armny Overseas: Your gits are mail wclcamc and sure Ici pte cisenr us up these limes. Il certainly does get tiresome waltlng for somethingta do. I aiten visit your canteens hec - thcy anceic.th n ta my way ai thlnking. ords cennat express 10w mucis Uiey mcm teous..1 From Fred C. Tice, C18681, 4Ui Field R.C.A., Can. Army Over- sean: The boyrs cetelnly appre-1 ciete Uic fine wonk Uic Salvetioni Army la doing heme sud ini Can- ada, and. Uic splendid parceis we ncceived. W. are ail reedy ta do aur bit fan Canada as îaan as Uic lime cames. Christmas la nearly an us once mnon.and aur thoughli turn agein ta Canada and thIc lov- cd ones wc ici t beind. Tlenk yau agein. Duty Fr.. Fer Soldhrs' Parcels A bondai wareisausc, where dutiebi. parada fram ovenicas are clemed an behalf ai Canadian citizens scrving lI Uic Britishs Navy, Army and Air Force ar ta AIIicd farces-ta Uic United King- dam, les beca establishcd In Chel- ses by Uic Canadian Legion War Services. WIithUiecoc-opergtion ai Uic headquartcms staff ai Uic auxiliany services branch et Canedimu Milî- tery Hcadquartcns, Uic Letgion la able te provide verlficatlon ai Canadien citlzepshlip on beheli ot those acrving ia other then Cana- dian naval, land or air farce units. This permits Uic forwamdlng ai parces duty-free te sudh service meni. Severmi Uiousend parcels lave been famweded by Ile Leglon sicc Uie wareisause apened lait December. CeaI ai malntaining personnel sud operation of Uic establishment la borne entlmely by thec Cenadian Legion Wer Ser- vices. yourself some bombe now, Yom nu y "Maul" Hitler: Don't Jet aurfilgistemadown, Hitlers Huns are, backlng theirs. Make your 4ollars ImIk now, Spilfire will dliver your M«- 1-NATY or Nelmon ê ReàlàoI4 for sixteen yema. plnq Plains Road Schaol,Eà who dled et bis home Oh ftb ta ha 4rd yer., M&. Be>t was thc son ai the >elu Mrs. John Reynolds, Ela attended Uic BowmnanviUe:.2 Sohool. Obituary mm. Samuel Bray One ai Uic aider residents ai Eust Whitby Tawnship, Busan Brmdslaw, wife ai Samuel Eiray, pasdaay Thursday .c'vening, FébruarY 13Ui, at Uic iamlly resi- dence, "Eraeside." Mmi. Bray was ta hem 83rd year and hadt pot en- pyed good health for sme ycars, but it a n]y durug- ti.pant ten days that hem condition be- came seriaus. Born iAncaster Township, M&a. Bray came to a Et' Whtby Township mter herm mmriae and han mcsid inthUiccommu ty for silmost sixty years, whercse was1 favorably known adbn vd by a large cirledeativ sand mc- quatatances. I former ycmrs aise was an active member ai Enfieid United Churcis. 1Besides Uic 'beeaved husband9 se la iurvived by a daligiten, 1 Miss Irene Bray ai Tarante, and1 three sons, George, of Osawa,9 Frank ai East Whitby Towniahip,1 aud Nanman ai Toron te.1 The funcrai was hcid from Arm-1 strang's Ftneral Hame, Oshawa, an Monday, Febnuary 17th, withi service canductcd by Bey. R. H.1 Wylie, ai Columbus U nlite d, Churcis.hInternient, was at Eldad1 Cemetery. Pallbearers were S.j Chas. Werry, Clarence and Haroldi Wery, LuUier Bradley, W. L. Mountjoy sud Gea. W. James. Mdarlon. P"ro Aguncourt Continuation Scisool students and staff members >teak' part i a bnifservice iollowing Uic dcath Februmry lSth oais Marjorie Pmyor, -Frenich, -ad, l teadher et Uic ichool. The service was conducted by Bey. W. E. Kibblewhite, of St. Timothy Anglican Church, Agincourt. Miss Pryor, ta iailing health stace Christms, when se sufer- cd a nervous bremkdown, died in a private hospital ta Toronto fol- iowing a heart attack. Prior ta going te Agincaunt Miss Pryar taught in Claremont Con- tinuation School. When she went ,to Aglncourt, spart from her teachtag activities, se took an active intercit ta scisool sports and msa Bcd Cross work. Funemal services werc heid In Cadmus United Cisurch, Cart- wright TawO i whichis athse late home aiMiss Pryon, and where ah. la iurvlved by her fau- ;ter parents, Mr..and Mni. Faillas..- George WIght obituary was publlshcd headed 'George DeaUi' wilch sisould havé been 'George Wght'. We regret Uic mistake and republisi tise abituary wlih corctions.-Editom. Thc demise ai George Wight oan Jan. 24Ui rcmoved a well known ]Darlington citizen. He was boîi4 on Uic aid hiseted et Pnowi- dence and when a lad moved ta Tarante where he attended Jar-vis Coilegiate and Uic Model Schcxo. Tise iexily later moved ~ Poassta, nean Narths Bey. Xý. Wight taught açisooltaiGr. County and on Christian lue="] Hec was ittnseiy unterested lui religion and was bath minuterI and Sundey School teaciser et *~ latter change. -M hiealth for#e hlm ta an autdoor icé ad hle rl turncd ta Uic aid homesteod wlceele took char gecand was e~ camiart te lis, aged Parents. " On Decc 21 1921, nc was marIà., ricd ta Miss dtierine M. Schl Inte Uc urcis et Hmpton. HeI aurvIved and maurned by bis wif e, three deughters, two 8on1 anc brother, John H. ai Toron~ and Uimee sistera. Mm. Wigltwe wldeiy knawn as a genuly 14>- ligiaus citizen, isusbazi nd md is ther, sud bis passing la moune by Uic wisole community. Nelson H. Reynolds Nelson H. Reynolds, principal of Plains RIoad Scisaol, Eut Yorm4 for Uic past 6 y cars, died et WW home, 437 Ontario street, Toronto, February iSti, in bis éSrd yeux. Mr. Rcynoldi(had been f,~or tise. put Uimoe or four Mpont% à&. Beynoldswabarn et Som lina, Darlngton Township, son of the late Mr..andMUn. John 10 Î. nolds, where le received his earl. education. He later attendad Bow- manville Higis Sobolan md t11 g raduated frein Tomante Nora lime et George Syme Pubc Seisool prior la b.camlflajrgIl' pami aiPlains .Boad, one E^# YZork townsip'& aiat 90110o18. ihteofad i ladcb- pal eâ*lath bOf » events. Mr. Reynolds wua a meimber id pUt aen i the board of directors of the Danforth brandi af the Y.M.C.A. and was esecial- Iy interested ta the work ithse summer camps. lie was a past president af thc East Yaik Teacis- ers Couneil and champion bowler of thc Teachers' League. Mr. eynolds wu'alemisa apast presi. dent of the Riverdale Kiwanls Club and a member of Sher- boumne Street-United Church. Survlvlng are his wldow, Elmna Clark Reynold- ancesMnHoward, on thq statt ;i John à. Wllcox School,; one daugister, Barbara, at home;tbe siaters and four bro- thers, (~)Mis. Reg. Summer- ville, Cerrywood, (Mary) Mn. A. E. Whitnafl, Toronto, and Miss Besde W. Reynolds on thc staff af Petrolia Hospital; Normnan W. Reynolds, on tic staff cf North Toronto Collegiate, ýJoie ph Rey- nolds, Toronto W, John Reynolds and James R. icynolds, Hampton. One brother Gordon predeceased hlm. Nestleton Visitera: Miss Norcen Cook, Broaklil, wlth Miss Jean Mal- colm... Mr. Frank Wilson, Oshs- awa, at home.. . Miss Elien Em- erson, Brooklin, Mr. Edgar Emer- son, Valentia, with their parents. ..Miss Genevieve Beacock at Mr. Wesley Beacck's... Mr. and MrsA Kenncth Samells with frienda ta Lndsay. .. Mr. and Mns. L. Job- lin with Mrs. Geo. Johns.. . Mr. Nelson Mmrlow with hae son Alvin in Wh. . .. Miss Evelyn Mar- 10w with her isters intahiawa. Miss Jean. Malcolm was ta Osh-. awa Saturdiy trylng'hem Thcory exam. Newtonville Againat a background ai ferna and canaa Mlles, arrangcd in Uic choir lait and on Uic communion table ai Uic churcis, Uic marriage ai Marguerite .Anne younger daugister ýof Mr. and ÏLrs. lHrry Russell, ta Mr. Archibald Hindes McLachlan, eider son ai Uic Rev. and Mms. John McLachlan, M Clarke, Ont., was soiemized on Saturday aiternoon, Jan. 25th, ta Fort William Wesley - Tmhtcd Church. Thse ceemony, was per- iormedby thc graom's father, as- sisted by Uic Bey. Elgin G. Turin- bull, pester ai Uic churcis. W. M. -S. ai Uic United Churel met Feb. llUi with Miss I. Laing, president, 1h Uic chair. Quilting wiil be '¶ield at next meeting an Mardi ilth. Mrs. C. Morris was ta charge-af Uic program: Scrip- turc reeding, Mrs. Morris; Mns. J. McLachlan gave an interesting talk on "Maryr Moffatt" and misa a taik an "Dr. Tucker's Lufe ta Africe"; Mms. Cecil Burlcy cioscd wîth prayem. Rev. and Mmi. J. McLahu- were in Tarante Saturday wce le ofiicieted at Uic wedding ai Miss Mary Blair and Dr. Grant Hendersan. T hebwde used. ta il', tan Tuxiard, Sask., where Mr. Mc- Lachian was pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lockhart were in Toronto gettlng au arti- ficial foot for Mm. Lookisart. Thcy feel it la gotag ta b. highly satis- factory. .Mm. amd Mmi. Dave Dcnault and iamiy are naw settled in their beautiful new home beside has min property Just eet ai Brook Pcthlck's. Phlp Stephens han "~l~e /v<s ~ppgeù& EEsAx-sIl J U t~a cm be said proudly by hundreds of thousands of Cmnadians, who regu- larly deposit a part of their income in a savings account at the Bank, of Monereal. le isa mark of charcter snd distinction, indicating thrift, Persistence and a degree & success. We befieve in the encouragement of tbrift, as à fundamental of in'dividuai and national characer; duat is why we heartily welcome the smasl uew ac- c ôunts which are opened daily at out 500 branches. You are invited to start and maintain pur 7savings ac7COUAt Bt Oone of our branches. DAN 0FMONTREAL "A BASE WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOMUE" Bowmanville Brancht F. 0. McILVBBN, Manager MODERN, EXPERIENCBD BANKING SERVICB... the Oatoew of 123 Ye~rs' Ssccurfwl Oper~dan ~2 moved tata ha awn house whlch~home froni carlng for Mns. Rare, Haad and Mm. Stmnlcy Payne, Uiey vacated. Ncwtanvillc YP.U. entcrtained Uic Orono Y.P.U. on Tuesday nigît. A fine prograiniwas pro- vided by Orona, which was fol- lawcd by a social time, Newton- ville gmoup taldng charge ai thc games and lunch. Bey. S. Little- wood, Orono, addrcsaed Uic group on "Loyaityr." About 60 youug people were prefent. Mm. Chanci Hc1nan, Brighton, dicd et thc home ai bis niece ta Tarante and was buried frani BrigîtnPreibyterimu Church an ]PcbuaZ 13th. His wife, wha predeceased hlmn about two ycars ega, was formemly Maggie Joncs, aiter ai Uic late Hattie Janés. Their only son, Harold, passed away before lis mother. Mms. Douglas Ogden <nec Helen Stonie) las been seniouily il ta Oshawa. Teecher and pupils enjoyed a Valentine Pamty Friday aftcmnoon. Congratulations te Mm. and M Ronald-Qlbbs,.Stidbu 7 uathTý birtis qf a deugister. Mmi. Halgh'i graup of Uic W. I. leld a Party et Mmi. A. Bcd- knapp's Friday nigist. Master Teddy Lane, youugcst child ai Mm. sud Mmm. Cicland, Lane, underwent an operaton for enagd tonsils iBowmanville Hospital Seturdey and came Uiro' sucçemtfl. Teddy îla ual quit. two years aid. ' Miss Iabel Bruce han returnd Newcatle, who la naw recovcred.1 .Men's Club met Fcb. 12Ui, with president Frank Giilmer ta Uic choir. Laurence Savery gave an« addness an "WVhy France FeU."$ Recent Visitera: Mni. J. T. Pearce wli hem daughter, Mms. Waiter Graysan, Toront. .. Bert Stapie- ton and Bob Hughes wlth fiends et Camp Brden... Mms. Normnan« Samis has retunned ta Newcastle mter belng ta Torante. With Mr. and Mmi. Rg. WoadheM ad Marie, Toronto, se spent Uic wekend with Mm. Ed. Samus et Uic farm. . . Mm. Wm. Stapictan and Betty et M. George E. Ste- pletoan's, Part Hope. . . Miss Sybil Petembara, at Mm. Frank Ouiens'. Mn. brsuad 1Mmi. Daph Pmyneand Douglas, Toronto, et IMm. Reuben Paynes... Pt.Bill Hoakin Ot- tawa, was at home ... C. M. joncs was ita Tarant . .. . Mmi.. Tone Langitaff, Cecii and Harold Bur- iey ta Toronto. . . Miss Velme Cowan, Orona, with Mrs. Roy Smith... Bey. and Mmi. J. Mc- Lachian wi friendsaet Brace- bridge. . . Mr. Jack MeLaclilan, Havelack, et lame... Mm. Ken. Warc ta Tarante. Some flght - Uic mest buy cer- tificates. Pledge for War Savngs TUA -il ! caux, 1 -A