SIX TEE CANADIAN BOWMANVILLE. ONTAmO THURSDAY, WE~RUAE~ 20, IM - ,. . v i. tetest oai ~s importnt depatt- ~.. etec iBlan1 nl n s Ii iPbf 5ae iePrice.$ 12.00 YMontor$100a . ment, le b.laig superintendent, &pc ttestgl.m fgi aibig o u Saturday Iuue, Includins Magagin* eto,$6 sr rD IH OVu Africa, China and Greece is aur Cats" at thoir mratait --Und M D I8 OYU issionsny Department aif SS, f ight au. well. Bymon was flot tue t-h-r-I-i-i te nts tiineos Introducory Offer, 6 Issu.. 23 Centq MENU lins. C. Warren; Y.P.U., Treasurer ~ ia Q aIt aeu u tu.t i oac an................ - For a Chiange in DiOt ABronW...lisT.ate; . gle In a iorelgn country as lis Ads------------- -'Mission Band, lits. J. B. ABeyeu ----------W---S---n---Sta-----o- Pros »oUvery nolda; Auditam's Report ai Trea. -v .ý-1érely ta deteat Hitler h ual V IC T OîR SAMPLE COPY ON REQHT surem's books, Will Wilbur; Chuxch ~ ~ enough; tue taak ha ta unite al _______________________ Treasutet, H. Petons, who report- - -----n ontisfo o ~~::smsî:;:gp;i ~iiwrn~ "e ~~ P o gammocracy. IIow littie. aven u WSoi.Ua .5R IVeforestai.SWE4N at.D5ioa l Nece@@iL in ARéLI,,E@e«i~<Lofl elhPrrounertanotmset-uis _____ Of la British Commofweath 4 Vistera: <r and Mm~. Frank seen by the qeakerIn a rc o o T itV u't Gilbert at tfr Ross Le.'. - trilb to the Stte.owever, tew ron...Mri. and lira. Bryce wn ..n situation In this.reset radl with relatives in Toronto afld 8t changing. Thi eople woetr k.yan . ath rdayfliagera . hoc-ed the war for one reason and YuU sUred abm9 it Uft IS 9>lhift k gme Sray n Kght. . Misanother are flot the smre whio qflow andîb at rrami Toronto.. .. flght. We. fight for ail. Hitier ~h ult . rc Unt. H eIP ,Br seeka to destroy - klndness, fam- neyMr.H.oe. .d Babara Bur- ily lie and freedom. He, nor a"y te on, atn B arbaevea ndu r .-lke him, can ever etn ulhte " E 'S CJD J El OIL B.T. O LI E OU C. ........ Miss Lulu Reynolds, couraend eoina rllh*A ML Kasupton, wlth MuMr o At the conclusion ofths ail-too- th. 78 . à* . 1'eW Lb. iw..u BCkOCmiss LaTaylr, briet inspirational address Presi - ____-_____-----___________ Bowanvll it is.sW.eT.Tayr- dent 1frs.A. B. Virgin thanked [lwt r .T a-Senator Wilson on behaU eof the Mec. 'ne o' 2081 cuit at Oshawa Presbytery in u. £CItC 32c 33c at Klng St. Church on Thursday. H sia Don't forget the War Savings <Contlnuod from page 1) Chase Nerve Ilool1190 Lost Heir Party at SolUna School, Mr Feb. 2 l.t, 7.30 Standard Time. for the past twelve months, the Pieure Tonfte Tablais 49o Ris many friends lier. were r mryo hihi a olos seen.tUc pwe saddened ta learn of the death of C smm r of whc foflow: 590 -iss1Stomch-P$1 er.49 Nelson Reynalds at Toronto. H.eecipiGiant Size Krusohen 69e received his primary educatian TwnafBoxnnill 7000CIfO at Slina schoal priôr ta becamnlg Received from patients $13,282.30 Beha'Pla 3-49 asuccessful principal of Plains Reitind on alchl, soap, eca' 49 3 9 Road Schal, Toronto, for the past drunms, etc. 1.4 Mlaet2e47- sixteen years, during which time ,?Donations __3_17.04 A i se e 2Woo4e-7 S. occasions have shawn a cantinued Tw fBwavle 700 lnterest in lits "home taWn." Si-n County Grant ____ 500-00 me yolds, Barbara sud Haward, Tp. of Darlingtan 100.00 GuARI) AGA1NST cRenlsymparbaraexandcHadt it.Cash on hand ___ 90.98 C Siv -M also to lits brathers, Jack and Jim Balance in *ank 284.53 Reynolds, and other membérs of ~Barrowed fram savings- 1,100-00 WampiOs Exrmot 1 bis faniily. . Ayerst 10D A94LiLiveï Women's Institut. met last Exedtue 9 Thursday with IMn. S. E. Werry 1Epndtue $7,4.8 il, 4 o..11id-l os. 1.l preslding. Prograin was la charge .Total chèques issuedHalibutoi.dL VIS- h Tk Nv eI aa Of lits. W. Dewell who delivered for year -$16,879.45 500d» .00 fLImine a talk an the childhood ycars af The. urgency for a reforestation This exhaustive repart and sur- tatian 'by turning barren sand nervatian and reforestation, and Cash on hand - nil 5 --150oforminas sd iam Queen Elizabeth R. lits. Frank and conservation programin laDur- eBlnei ak714 aieane 70-. 9 dirt an eitwinutharer -en h ont yearlaa surevey dBSc.F., Ontario Forestry Brandi. perty. The. United Counties of but neglecting an asset- which .$7608 ae~~ jp .030 9 .9 27 _____________study ini orest canservation and The above photos show what Nor- Northumberland and Durham would mean tuousands ai dollars Savinga Bank Amcunt .Rot, at Vauum ù,b. Absorbet g7i land use alang what is knawn as folk County is accamplishing la have sa fan only been half-lieart- ýrevenue to bath the rural and a Receipts 26. 15 Bottin Cotte» Fitttngn the Wilnuat Creek Drainage Area. its progressive pragrani af retares- ed la their erideavours ai con-- urban citizens of tues. counties. Balhnce iniBank$ IAdetails on tue "Lite of tue Queen." surcitso 1988,ad ex- cantesta were held sud a bountiful Ple Payment - 1298.70 39J 39 u '. W Inn r Patriotic sangs were used for Hampton pedirep $1.2.lnho evdAnac 2888, PInerPaynments 129.70 .... 19 1-alapr gopsinging. lins. Wes. Yelaow- BanktU. 1612 ucho eve.Atndne2. Interest -ons- 54.15 lee gae adeonsratonan ue istor: lt.sudlir. M rl. Wilbur was appolated te ,Visitors at service Sunday, MrB5flk Im n exes h-___ .10FILMS DEVILOPIED F les av adeontrtin n he Viitrs M. nd?&. il.Finance Comniittee, G. Armour W. Maffat, Orano; 1fr. sud lits.Prnuionecsg Are Hors! preparatian of vegtables. Lunch Whteand sons, Orono, wth1.-1er and W. E. Stevens, as eiders àud X. Squar, Shaw-'s. Trnt a! Bonds ____ 873.39 Pho neo . COWLING, D WPli Sintested and C.G.T. and theît leaders, Mrs. Cawling, Toronto, at home.., . Fsu its patents. $177.9696 . .rmm I. Hardy sud lits. Wes. Yeilow- Miss Vers Kersiake, Toronto, wB Rev. W. Rackham spake appre- lits. W. Cann, witu lier daugh- J Epniue Sunworthy lees, held a successful crokinole at home. .,.lit. and lins. aieyo h.opraino i e.MR4. niTrno sere oCret$1100 Up-te-date Patternss t 10w party in the church basement, nuond Burns sud daughter Bar, chang itecoprta a elis .AniTrna. ~ ..,e on tacuron41100 Friday night. Ther ere eeabout bara, at S. Kesyso isB» rganizatians and repotted on tue lir. F. Blackburn gave hia cagsn p .5_________________________ Large t0Ck o RanI sixty persans present sud prizes trice Leach, Osliawa, witu lier btrns, eaas anae u.Shlt aetn at r- c mtue tarin ai War Savings sister, Miss Wilina Leacli, sud at- omembe 'rswhciwereapts foi1os ay aite n n a n d n ora slac aBnk-.4 Durham Federation tht. eeksr inw amlt AFew Boom 1Lets Left stHt Stamps were awatded to Pearl tended tue funeral of Nelson Rey- on uecicut:7ati.291; Vprgiensu cndisd ut Price. Leach sud Bruce Taylor for high- nolds. . . Miss Yvonne Williams, deatlis, 10; marriages, 8; te*al 'gerved, making a jolly tizn. ,7.9polinloguzta n est scores. A canundruni menu SaUina,- witu her grandparenta, zmemberahip 405; money raiseci be' .ý lits, C. Colwell entertalned tue Combined Statemepnt . .Iudfrn pg ) uthrn Nwlth h terehnlp added zest ta tue refreshments Uri andlits.. S. Willanms. Mr. Sunday Schools $1,003.00; Mis-. Zast Group of Hanmpton W. J. on- Receipta >tootlnorganionatsheha naPln NowIs4~ ti. teitebenUPwblcl conslsted ai sandwiches, Jim Mifl, vsited lits father at siens, lncluding W.MS. $940.00. Tuesday, whlle tuey were quiltlng Bal. on hand _ e' 90.98 tactlercn otcah a ried inO ~ ?P'br'*MO Iitilpickles, cake, ice creani, tes sud Christie St. Hospital, Tornto... through mid-week organizations, for. Irelief work.Bal. il anskcurrent__ ;284.53 dnt fth ada ed witu H. H I . car e imeSts ôf. ansudmre less edible anti- Miss L. Reynolds,.witu lits. R. $497.00; total for ail purposes li..Srngos a valuable Bal. la Bank, sains 26.15 dn iteCaainFdr Tio, ts Pte.laed rn cls e rceswere $1000, ailPascoe sud Miw,.lýpgarth, Salins. $,4.0 os.Receipti, Current . ,.17,265.38 sdtâreetteapntoed MrTed ay' etig t uacp iA L C o which lias been sent ta The.. Misses Ceilq, Pptit sud Gladys A vote ai appreciatian was exr. Receipts a, n&-- 1,750.14 for preliminary organztin i ed a e codwi eo Pains, na~eIsand Telegrani British War Victinis Cliapman, BC; manviile, at W. tended Rev. W. Rackham, and- Baker also stated he was autiior- léd ept ete rra ~Eeninre snt.odtuat politics shoui beal are urgedt i ur t1pm of igestqu lity. Ms. Bryce Btown9 citizenship lirs. Luther Pascae sud baby and W. E. Stevens conttibuted t'wC W. A. met at lins. E. Bradleyrs Total Expend. Current-$16,879.45 campletely clissociated froni tue Standard Tm. et llgbet qulityconvener, la cliarge af tue pro- Miss Miarion Johins, Zion, Miss literany nunmbers "Half - way. on TIlutsdlay. Bible reading was Total Expend. Saviags- 1,103.25 activities ai tue ptoposed Federa -____________ grami. Devotional was taken by Jean Jolins, Bowmanville, with ding,,avedaStict , alsecn,. mi yMs . l nadD-Bal. la Bank, CSavlags 761A.4 in Hre Yeilowlees. Piano ol y is. Elmina Jolis. . .. in u dolee aveasud Sic ai,"sud Kion. rea by its. C. ieon sd D- Bal. la Bank, Currns , 761.4 in ___________ 1%0WXeekr 1p ft tiaRey 0 sol enoyed. ris. John Reynolds, Salins, lin. «There'U Always be au England',mg egiven by ltsFW.-$lC.718ian Pr ist eresentaPtiebor vety ably pr.Yelowle- eReynolds, an MrenNragedeyold, siAeapBlack-st wDuegahaui Th, wa ad Mns tioedBlck-si,* ' i t.reU. pe1uj.,25 sended the, topic "The Criminal lnansd lins. Jo. Reynalds, Miss Bs tue campany having been fr-1 . 1 DrawaýAtS i h "eh MC a Remade. KatlWeen Baker -,V.iitnel, lins. N. H. Reynolds, bnjoyed durnns' faeni. tn and an instrtumental by M 1,làti]s Dept.,,at tue local Good- chairman, - ,çane orwid .10n un cammuriity -singlag. Readl- Howard and Barbara, Toronto, _________ dCo5mi.Acftt detu yean plant, John P. Callaglian hlas sPOlk, efl. tlnt, bu u mgbyflen Blsa. l t s . Sommerville, Cher-- ditectjon aiflits. T. Cawling Wa55 accepted apsta nNaaafraino i.Peterboto Fedi- Regalar 150 et conducted a ipefling be. tywoacl,, lir. Russell Reynolds, ~ejyéd sud lunch was served by FaUs. Before lits departute John eratlon. Painta brOught out by lit 2 r2 cToronto' Dr. J. B. eynolds and Miss 'Mieen Cawling's group. was presented with a-,black les- P.attersan turow ligit an ways White Md clourel Obituary and lMr. Hanington, Plains Raoad Rev. Garner liad a<ificult witu 'hia matuer, Mr. R. Aston, stra ui agb teofiedefinitely la getting down ta busi- SERVIETTES ___ Public School, Miss Kay Houston, tim. getting aver tue iîy roacis ta Leaside, wha hs setiausly ill. Next mnonthly dance at tue ness. Applause testified -ta Mn. (801»pakae> egua le ett» ~,turaToronto, at J. R. Reynolds'. . . .the Sund5y service. Thç choir UnssGrace Tnewin, Toronto, Godyer iliee linlatue Re- Pattersan's populanitY sud sliowed i lituPctre eua uMotnB esMs. Fanny Clarke, Toronto, with was la full attendance ar 4' ir. wlth her parents.ceaouHllnFe.28uttetatiesstifvrbyrmei - ïor ~Dçdays thete passed ta test in Bow- . . lis. L. Cavetlyand daugliter l W.m VedaPt owmanvi esta.akGalwy u it en ed at esepthecnnu White, Pink and Pale Grec» manville liospital Richard lMorton lins. Fennel and s9n, Tarante, Y.P.U. meeting Feli. 12tu open- U i Mil Tor.o rchesta.of thpedet i -e epcosensu suLESad lis brother Robent, who lived lit. J. A. Ç e and Don- e with tue president in tue chair. licar nts.Ttno ___________a u meig-"epeto ew miles nortu of town. The ald, Bowmnanvllle, êt lir. C. W. Prayer by Rev. Gardner. Mssion- wt e aet.poltics"ý-which' augura weil for igir15 blit. swho d lits.e haBbnt SoAshs Wn, ClMuas tue hi succesgamio cargeof.Mwh . Meanatianalr AshonwMuslhetscc»s oathvlnglenatonal.. eutf lèfr 12e taken ta the liospital earlier. They brother Arthur Clark sud lir. Squair. Bible tefetenes, lits, L. E. BuadUey's. . i rsnigcuncils, farmet or- of the onowI eii ee m'Xe i..106wil be much nissed la tue cer- n-sd Mrs. Clarence Yeo before tak- Richards. Topic was ably taken li.rNrman Hall sud lintan, gasniztins un inSe, the sLemo i ie ueC NE orLN Se~ munity in wliich they have lived lag liii position as assistant man- fram tue Mission Study Book, by Oshawa, atls.D Graham. Ellilott, af Welcam,. as well -as a ter pamilyBkey teady sud willling ta do a n.lgh- manville. C. Collacutt; teading, lits. E. SlTe4yon t vfueilo ntttalsok te mtrnen S ilFrTi barly deed.. We .xtend sympatuy ta J. R. Doidge; moutlýorgan selections, somne ice sud broke is leg, at fao i taszalnpisuso TEKS WBEEL The double funeral frani North- Reynolds la tue deatu ai lis bro- lin. B. Danch. Tme meeting was OSAAou, as gene ranior ations escusWion cutt & Smitu's funeral liame Feb. tuer Nelson ai Toronto, asa ta unhaddovrt tercra adu.B. rssa made. Agents tor New Servie lth was largely attended sud lits. Nelson Reynolds (iotmerly tuan coaminttee sud Valentine ticles have be ett Bwa- Je i rf .B usn ae ut L -- Cleaners tue tlowers froin nelghbaurs sud Elma Clarke af Hampton) and' ___________ ville In tue last three maontus: -13 Pwtblg Cenditioned Beeves ai Municipalities appoint L e E, JO N T N S eteeni in whldli tue lrotliers were afternoon was largely attended, p.bospat,8enskunas, two men each sud tliat--tlie Presu- G.ts. held. On. brother Jinu ai Cavan burial being la Hampton Cenp. 2 boys' sweaters sud a gi t 2 Érdy&Saturday dent sud one otuer ai each exis- faiM iwémir O'Nel, . Haki, W.Mar, J Be ureta ee LaokOutLis - ,imslAunger, wool canvener. muni at bis greatest tue countyý canstitute a provis- survieX.s. iaewn : R. MkJ. B uet setokOu -Aeryy. mal th fn-Boarcâfor tue puipose of BOOK T OREUK Tabli, F. Tabli, L. Graliz, D. ziell presented i y Ladies' Bible e. Mi t .Ar t teWlsnded tuen- H D O YSBYF codutn eifomiv an Plios 61 ~Sanderson, J. Mauntjoy. Iter- Clais at Hampton, Feb. 25th. Ad- s **eIU a e nhrWisn t uk- "UD O ' A " ouutng piitritv asu I i 65iBo ton, on Mouiday sud called on lir. paul. Muni au pierre Radisse» paign i wtu li view te eulgo ment wam made in Hampton mnission 25c and 15c. W bV IN i H. am hi Gene Tiersiy VirginàaField large su, attendance as possible cemeery TI Y..U.meton rldy. lieLaird Cregar J obn Sutton fortue ealocsanzation on___ warship service was in charge aiofc1 Eileen Wray. The Cail ta Worship Revival rsay at il *ù WllirId I'-sy r *h W-ek was read by Ted Kersey. June I FO R IU apwè Blackstock, ptopoued 01bc Ge"selread tue Bible lemon. Mn. "FOURpaGIRLS tbatI - ' -euiSfed at ~ntinued WHITE"pageO1)REIg Faulkner gave a- rea<ling. Bertha IN W T once.. Baker suggested tuaI Arorled in prayer. Marjotie A S kW.s4the pinion Iliat lie voe, Rc -Ka al ReeLyn ;ta 0ni Alin ,teck -chiarge. ai tue prgram. wass-elale FpqLt and skilied qte 4 , better te con-..a*wwlsrrbs al 1n0 Readings were given by AeyHorn P A S ., tuLté tenticqu»iaffae, à h tt and Florncea si. . Mr n t n s th te future weuld show Monddy & Tucsday j .o . n.muggestIoau mtmory Wh'toc a soo. Teir4rvéut- rythoc ' PjUARy 24 p-88 xfi, Q eMtbsun.'--" b F nlywt)md4cain i orniwa poned ibYR -v. fltk . u 'r o -n Prf ln'mtincl4' TRUPMAY, rMUA« 20, IWc SIX THE CANADMN Il , BOWMANVUZ..Ê. ONTAMo