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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1941, p. 7

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FEBRUARY 20, 1941 TEE CANA~IAN STATESMAI<P DO'WMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN I LlltdBeets *bunch 5S 'menta. k' t , ae 2. ... 8f @'o' v B.Ail ne-Infarcemenis ion tac Ac-. t23 .., lf Sulilan 90 dLarg tive Army fraps tac Resonve mut, Sec "Look Out Llzzil" at Hamp- I1L W w* m prie. unoe. Oaes 25e2'r9Cofcousen eeror unaemlPc b ut. t Amssion 25"Te ane. I fA <( A I L AM I lrm HIiseut prevailins uawket N vi Doz. Thse same practice wlll 11e obscrv- Ladies Bible Ciass, on Tucsday, ~ A~ as w U tndertake Active service A Wan Saving Lo st Heir Pa rty HA e S limpoo. stee nos* I oranges_____ 2 zed. Onl y sucs ai tac members Ec RVE wilU be taciuded nta tacin nnka. willl 1e seid by thc Home & Scisoal & L~out a e sCo sadian ____________ Club mi SaUina Scisool on Fida, , iUonbai1ndî, aura Secord uUyl hn 9 W Unzlp youn. purse, nemnove Hit- Pcb. 2lst, '7.30 standard ime. A Candies W eie catos. ' Stamp at tac door. Svig was held in Slnwson's Arcadian H ow tC.S.I.TesoptHOeLan Court1ro Cnrsth ln JOINT MEETING WL AE SOCollilcIllorn ta Gunin h làa rt. Paul's and Trinity Canadian i ~SOCALANDERONA ~2uuayarnagf abu-wdek.Hwveh ratcl&ucat ion Now Widely h1lnnuidoter MIsBet dgrla~stlg*tPhoTrto pntte wek-wll f ot b e bleta tae y ,eO ng eyt akE n n a joffyGirls Tandng ledrgther Unu w ek. oeeh.d inSch ol Trinity Sunday School. About frimnds in Toronto. end with her parents, Mr. end eiannfrsoeUn.Inh n is ua anapldi menlie Mr. dauit af Brock- erysn ag Iss Helen ,Pritchard vlsited lVr5. G. L. Wagar. v is n chare the C.N.R. ahe dety ia peiadwasco relatives in Toronto. Mr.H H ,,nM. evy xrssOoce u tcd by aioSt. acn-' Mns. Plsie Reddings ?ntain ay J. Dillin«, Mr. Wallace'rg_ Thé% editor has recelved a lettoný..T i,-.WA0l he VMta. ll n-oakj1 "A Regular Reader." We will S- ý r.1,i Senn T#itTo= D ewJl3my ÔMara gladl4y publish the letter nrovid- b ure cuand Jse' ~viited his parents,Dr and M'rieed Newtan read a stary. Ruth Ae-Aslcina vr2 atr Dr. , Seion andEre D cens af the Mari. lng the wrter will iniarrnhe d- nethy led in prayer. Tninity C.G. iiatatv ooi Simo.boro hoce team, Taranta, spent tor of his nanie. An editar re- I.T. leaders werc ini charge of ne- i~l.Jack Wylie, Toronto, spent the weeed wthMr and . Mr. celves scares af ananmos letterscrtinRersenswesev UW TH AN the weekend with his mother, Chas. Depew. eperyyearfor ubliation.w cRd iefrhlc m renship rle SUNESTE Mro. J. A. Wylie. 'p.R .Cobs .... go itota he waste paper basket. asred arw haind hemting clas- Mr Tas DstnTrnly Col Rant G.r vlsle 1118 wlF andIt is amusing ta ses how fcw peo- cd with "Taps." 'Semltine rrayt Mr hs utn rnt o-Batod iie i ieadpercally have the courage of ________ as lege, Toronto vislted his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. H-ildenly. Air- their convictions ta sign thein own aven *the weelend. cnaftsman R. Wallace, Saskatc'he- name to a letter for publication.GoderM ngrAp Mn. Ernest Ward, University af wan, wàs on leave with hlm. We encourage lettens on publice odsrM ngrAppe o vr on U ano rto , e 11arenM. Misses Marjorle and Madeleine topics under the heading "Voice Nani.d Director piefreeypre an Ms W F ar.Joncs, Toronto, and Miss Dorothy ai th& People." But ananymous 0 PiotesSpeelaVlesuBomLt Mrs. C. S. Rollins, Coe Hill, Joncs, Macdonald Hall, Guelph, letters appear taa much like a Of___ arn! Dmnants spent the weekcnd with Mrs. -H. spent the weekend wlth thein pr citizen hiding behind a fencc aR.C erinhw orno C.Cavenly and daughters. ents, Mayor and Mns. R. O. Joncs. the dark and thnawing Étanes at T Head Federal Branch Miss Gladys Jamieson, R.N, Mn red iRv at .passers-by. R . rin suppy Toot o, "Crr Windsor, has been vlslting 11r F. Banister werc pieased ta sec Thé following soldiers fram thce 66c, O Cnaa mother, Mrs. R. hl. Jè.niisan. hlm in town Tucsday and Thuns- Midland Régiment at Lansdowne fiii fteMntosad SAINR PCA Miss Maian Scott, Univcrsity day af this week. Mrs. Banister Park, Ottawa, wcrc home aven the O Suppl Dofathe Mnitisatd sia j ai oront, spet tacweekend and Barbara will soon be moving weekend. Every weekaqure heiniatdteppnmotPda Pka fSi-ea witIr lher parents, Mr. and Mns. S. ta Milibraak. ai the régiment is givon leave, h av im . erkaai Tntotpa M. Sat r. t.N.o. cEarchcrn, Ottawa, ithusf tthoyshae othe opru-as director-general af the priar-Eveoe Mn. and M rs.Nonan Elliott aend.Mrs. Jack Giffen, Mari- iya etn oeoc ot.iisbacDprmn iMn-Ok 5 and Jimmny, Peterbaro, spen~aeM.Wren Sa many soldiers wanted ta get off itias band ul, s p end f i- wknwihM.nd and Y aeM.Wrenat Bowmanville Fniday night that inadSupyisedng Aler Cle Mhristian, rnagara Fails, wrethe crack filer C.N.R. train be- viior ih e. !ýWpe, a-Officiais said the appointment 1~j npyLsa Ptbe.,tHCal. ateAry isitrse ih Asve.opnCa-twcen Montreal and Toronto stop- probably wrn be made ta the rieur SokNwfrFtr s ute.rol d HCharter, ari ,lslAe.ped ta let the lads off. Some ai future. so Fls a ihteCre miy Men who take a real pide in the men that wcre home F~e:Mn rksawlgeeama- Fais aswihta arerfmiytheir lothes wiil wdilcame 'tte Lt.-Col. J. C. Gamey, Major F. ZEMragern traur er an Go- ovr una CliiR.y.. îtes opplrw*hwl heanadDlnICl .Kl anadaand irecorerof atue r JoJwd- neg.Ae ovle .... ews that the celebrated Bdfid Lycctt, Sergt. W. Clarke, Cpls. T year Tire & Rubber Company ai Dartmouth, NS., is enjyn laecirtes, opp. .*h..él hehnad oaLIp.J. l an atdrapan ies. Uof aMG "j wl hspr nts, Mn a Mn s. edcity men, arenaW, our gannon, Ptcs. Clarence'Bell, Dickofthrcmais *ath Cauchnts Jo.nndton' abe atyou. Litt le, Alec Lyle, Lau Lyle, Sid ' Alcx Colville. derman'ls. -- Casbauirn, Sammy Wilson, John Ho first joinod the Goadyear Phon 5 Bomvle Miss Alice Lee, Taronto, and Orfoharrpre aeaGeaBbBrL igno,. .. Company in 1920 with the légal Mr.. HrnyLce Coour, sontmiiak taidotit let wck orm Tampon.andRogrs..................................................................dfourcn, atorfou yeas sa thc weekond with their mother, whn..esa...r.Lw..Lgh.r....i.h.mat.......rg. ' . .. . barnister. During the first Great Mns. Seia Lee. w n e sPtawaGrLwaiws Lta ta n e ofsethu mst fa acdrivu-- -.War ho senved as captain and ad- had a&oçttnatMismn Miss Gertrude Wagar, Umiver- However, we neglectod ta repart for War Savings is ta be seen in. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . jutant and inter. as major with _________________that Gnr. Jixn Kane af the same tac decorated windaw ai The Hy- *ta 12 attlinCandin E- umnegwe abiewt yspent tac woekend with-his dia Shap. Very skilfully Jack . Born et Toronto ta 1891, ho was af rednae.Lodautyws famiy ere. Cale deorated it with patniatic educated at Upper Canada Coi- best man R o* Alice Jacksan Mission . Band motif making thc ontire show ý loge, Toronto, University -ofTo- At ta1 eeta ttcKn * met ta Trinity primany ciass noom window anc blaze af brilleant cal- r'~ onto and Osgoode Hall. Edwente, hnmte eev o n Feb. 17th. Meeting was open- or. In taececntre is a sign roadtag c aagw ita lewt *ihquiet music. We then sang "THIS, an THIS?" with arows - atcing a n osg ipn a littie child like hie," fai- pointlng ta two picturos - ancea :of. Lieut. Dennis Weds raes. iA, owed-by prayer by Miss E. Pick- a guarded pisaner standing be- MirMoyWIi ses.____________ ard. Aftor tac nall call thiere was, fore Hitler and his henchnien - _______________ THETIRE a play leriod. tac other, ai King George and ~ r~~.~Aqitbtpct edn a BOWMANVILLE. Tim Garton, manager ai Gar- Queen Elizabeth. Cauch, John- .s .......AlenuietauAil Saweint nglican tan's bus linos, is making another stan & Crydenman and Chals' solemizitin AtSainsoanlica aditontahi fee a gblc o- argealo -a-r-dsp-- d-Church, Taronto, on Saturdey, ... ... ... ddiionto isflet o puliccon Gaag alo Mtur diplas d- Februery. 15ta, by Rev. T. W. ~ o voyances. Chassis ion the new bus signed ta boost aur economlc wer .' Müsýphy, when he united ta mer- Thi,~g' -Ft. -Sa isl alneady in the garage and work effort Others have alsa, decarated FEERUAEY s0 - 21 -.22 wiii have the pnivilege ai oven Seinite Store, Hanny Allin, and Reformner wc praduce herewlth ta aour war effort. The lower cut sponsors these types ai practical Mrs. Noreh Wilkins and tac laie greater service wita comfart. Mason's Insurance Offîceý two cuis showing establishmnents shaws the setup for domestic sci- education. Bowmaniville Board ai Fredenick Wilkins, Toronto, and Sudy 73 .pm E ER OL F-L Y NN Fan an entertataing evening see - in a letton recelved by Dr. L. B. in secondany schools in the town ence studios and fhe practical ad- Education recently miade a smali Lieut. Robin Eugene D ennis, "D" à hiCottage," ta St. John's Parlis Hall tac Duham County Club, tram a iurnishings, tools, lathes, etc., for ai education are ai great import- facilities. The abave *cuis may AF., Ottawa, son ai tac laie Mr. ImI u lg0 Monday, Feb. 24ta, at 8.15 p.m., directar ai tise famous "tPunp- tac active, pnactitalVUàeofaiyautas, ançe both today and during ne- ofier opportunity for furiher and Mns. J. Dennis. The groom J~P wLth a Rooa" tai Bath, Engiand, tac lat- Wiso, ere this war is aven wili takre construction times. The presont study and discussion. . was iormerly stationcd at Bow- Un.~ A H WK cast inam Christ Church A.YP.A., teratelSas o a escapcd LIplayed by J. Clements atn 'T EOAH W ' siswa una SholOrhstr at GeSpnian smsoug s alis U1.A dng breakfast was served. The ville, tac bride ware a beige and Tebie ie nmng yIAGLSI Osaaenda cAmison 25ce.Tebie ieni araeb with inatnac.Adiso 5. e-i ebr cta Bribsto ba s u-ding bnlde's niother was becomingly brown dress, beige boucle coat ber mather, wore a pastel blue hhvobeen sitta 8-1otleaitcgbratyallBaituonsiiyla0k -Caeryttlned in black 'Schiarpeili crepe made on fitted linos with brovin ensemble,,street longth, with longERAL BrouIs Marshal-Claude Rata okedrivers ai Gartan's Coacis iered severoiy. "There ta Bristol wlOkickacos-is n cr bavrmmad nônaceso-coat, with niatching bat and royal b iepuo a ië éidthe whl fi on wnecked and. many cisurches and A pretty ee#g v.digwas. sage, ai Talisman - rses. iea. The couplewill reside ;nleacssnead hudr ev er.ý â b 'in g g od : W. ydt ingdn glo nghe w i t"v eil.t e w dH ongt ric oo Ësa go.W W bw a-O t a ia iga r-èià s aA R M A N L YNsà .NS h E~t~lJ~ L. Mt~7~1'tu w b~ I~ Ibd'Wlth goad Pe uta ul dns .M ho "me * he solmnzed on F b uay 4th at F~ io wcdsgt p t u i-' ht,, O tta a« ne'a d wlfeic ai' S e- ______________ nasqn~. 'Natty uifinsa e St au' WMS e a the m ta r~ itcdy rivn oo iMs 'hsfîeFb achm itacbride, Concession ance<opcn toasugges to t tac 18th. In tise absence ai Mns. W. Street; wisen Geargina Maurice Mon.- Tus. -Wed beat kind aibrs poilaish¶o use on H. Carruthers, Mis. Harold Fer- Cavcnly, daugister ai Mns. Hl. C. Mo..Te.W d tac buttons. guson presided and gave taec call Caverly and th- e laie Mr. Caverly, FEBRUARY 24 - U5 - 26 The stillness ai tac nlght was ta warship by neading some in- Bow nvle caethbrd broken Sunday evenlng by tac sputing linos an "Living tise Chr~ is-ofMavillW., boceme htebrid "NsonCN Thse epic story aofilihi'Rtom piercing cal ai tac lire siren. tian ic thraugis prayer." Te of r.fRsselrD Pnandthel"IA M O "' Howcvor tac 'amail blaze at tac acnîpture was ncad by Mis. Burg- aiMn.R usadi oktPry ev.d tclt I ReoIF If OA PL L S totanariais*Supe7r-test station, King' St. East, master, iollowed ..*ltis prayer y Davisors PartRenSy.IPTvONSidney Sp tnusse ootefire. a.Robt. Hetherin.gton. Mrs ais o__________________________the___ i ir'enif e" m ng ised all. thesliurea- Alex Coiville sang a ioveiy solo; The bride, given ta manniage by men leL o the salTisat presence ai "1*was for Me,", accampFled'by hon mother, looked iavely itaa I ,&dES U EYY mthdrcasedof ta tre ai nofsly.Mis. Rota Dudley. Ms. G. Chase faon lengta gown ai white French C rf- IadIIéraey o po ne msAuryElliott, daugston av an in&qKtmgresding on sheer iaslsianed ta Grecien mans- _________________________ - aiMn. nd is. en Eliotw "Livin'El es ai Korea." nnrwlta full blshop sîceves. Her of r. ndmrs.Le Eliot, asRefroslýsents.,were senved by iingontip vol aof Brussell's net was 'LOWES hn rau bring roui prescriptions ta us*rau eau ho aasured ai the finest Nora Sear-Rber Tylo piturd t ta scia pae.a taeMi ieldidntaplace by a headdross ai Possible resuits. Each anc la carefulir stulied and aceunatel illfel wita 80 EESNGOTHSKNHS Conra Veut- Nasmova Globe and Mail iast FrIday, pnion r ie tordVii aio a tacth "At Homo" at Victoria Coi-" orange blossonia and se cannled PRICES teflstanul pureat ingrédients. We speelalize I tais work. Lot us onul ABSOLUTELYML OPWT H New an Shrt eatres loge wisere shis asocial directrus forCOND aprcascadeobouquet aianpink rosest Nes u Sor osurs This functior s lataechibef eventin ECON BTNS. and carnations. Miss JoséphinefoyorpsrItofl1sddelr * A Box of SxCksOI T tise callege's social scason ad RSR E O Cavenly, sisten ai tac bride, was L _AR GA N anci RESERVES FOb idesmaid gowned ta a pale ptak B R A N ACTIVE UNITS Fe cÏi&e tle ia we- Haliboraugm 9 13 'h r eckline and blisop sicevea s> ~ ~ oI 0J Laxative Brm1unn New instructions issued b y Na- %9th matching sweetheent bat. 4II.25,P iiIftIIIIi CoUfiIpouUIU 87c Tablets - - 24- 4 ~~~tional Defence Hcadquarters at She carred a noiegay ai paie plifk MeaIs Pahm ---- 5 0Ottawa set out definite and varied'barnations and fonget-me-nais. II,.um D'êIe I - ' duties ta 11e periormed by Resenve' Little Ellenor Berton, nies. ai tace% Vaiiuuiii otlULIs '37C LSO WWIunits ai 'tacCenadian Army ta bride, made a chermtag flowon AMZI11N relation ta tac war, girl in a gown of baby blue tai.. IMA33c*E It la directed that Reserve units fetta wlta rini trim, i>uti sleeves 50c Dodd's Kidney Pilis * 3 cDsnetn which have iurnisised active bat- and sweethart neckllne wltis BeuifiTube FE we ouby'iv-8.pak.fu 11. taulons; jb@ttonies an other corm- matchlng sweetaeart hat tninsned Eoeps Teib IriliIat LxM l ak i e - Uit Beatifl Tmblr FER honyoubuya 'a l pakeg 0f,, ponient#ýof tac Active Arnsy wifl wita ptak and blue fonget-me. Ul*u u -. 3O 5 - - ~~~pot be ýsoblized ion active Per- noto. She cennled a basket ai snap Iei~SIUzPwes --1eAoai a~r i i aAA A E vice vrsea, union ahilo taon dragons and sweet pead. The Silt odr rmte "aý. 3 7 Qot Vour St Whiio Th*y w't!, qelifqqand suitabie.organ1zed groom was supponted by Mn. Pred j 2 f O sa or 5 s 8 5 Laot R~~~eser#imuits have simler actIve M. Ggidner. Coout01hanoLxSop --2oro PalmlYt, ~lciptihg'uhaits ta tac Army. 4 9WÇE C8k m$11 o.22e0_Lux_________for____ erresponsiblt s M. -.E.C or mnplayed Ws lto ---41K-eo ot lwule - . ~~~~ Second19attaBns on units la he!d tac wedding muaic and düning tise - AN ai ahClUs ---4 KeeoTot oW 1. I se.-- 15-89 I ta 11e, taprovidu nelfacmiyts algnlng ai tac register Ms ~.Mediumn Sin 154' Nive reg-1.9 ~iu01 fo iontel7nactivM counterpanta oXw)Otbsy'NibOls sang I Love You _____________NlOtlfI 1~ iq~l - ~ '~3~>Pkg' enu ah er'unsno avn IM*. SetbhCoral Cigarettes 2t's 250 as Ciark'î at Tins mobelor tionF14 theservicmhve uM a- ,-.,ï 25 Z cOa in2me19GI ~~ #~ Bernes iSo aèes rmay reonalliy leBas -- ' 7 iso aussPu I -b L. ýrmuAay,20,1041 THE CANAPIAN STA=SMàe ]30WbL&ýý, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN 1 il -

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