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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1941, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT BAIS. Team Wius in Tough Battie Cobourg Lads Sent Ont to Couque: Local Seniors WIn 42-17, Jun- iors Loueso, 0 obourg b Tunie of 80-10. Bawmanville b6sketbail teams broke even with Cobourg i two scheduled gaines played here Sat- urday evening. The "At Home" the nlght before didn't seem ta have much effect on the senior team, defeatlng their opponents from the county-town 42-17. The Junior lads are flot as used ta staylng out so late and they were beaten 30-16. Senior (lame By defeating Cobourg Saturday the Senior boys won the league titie. This la made possible thro' the Oshawa Senior team dropping out of the league and Coboulrg hasn't suificient points ta equal Eowmanviile. The lads from down east knew it was almost a hopeless game Saturday and therefore went out with the spirit of raugh-house urging them on. Cobourg and Bowmanville have bath been noted for their excel- lent teains, bath the way they play and their sportsmanship, but aiter Saturday'a game Cobourg int ta be compared with the local boys. With stiil a llttle of their rugby training in their system, Benson, Bennett and Jones led the Co- bourg attack. As usual Siemon and Brown were high scorers for B.HS. but it was flot much of a gaine for individual scoring. Tain- blyn of Bowmanville and 0. Ben- nett of Cobourg were bath put off the floor wlth 4 fouis. B. H. S. Seniors - Brown 10, Slemon 14, Tamblyn 3. Mclveen 7, Casbourn 6 Allin 2, Wheeler, Clarke, Underii. Cobourg Seniors - Benson 10), Hininan 2, Jones 2, 0. Bennett, M. Bennett, Anderson 1, Irwine, Rlley 2, Oulaken. Junior Boys Bowmanville Juniors ater their TORONTO 1000 Rooms witk Bath Ides M low OM 82- PER PERSON MU e U Il* dd l L IIY INI I suicide defeat hn Cobourg at thc first ai the season looked imuch better against the same teaminh thc local gyxnnasium. Although thc cauntytownena badly outplay- cd themin h the first half 19-7, hn thc last halu the local braie suat- cd ta go and wcre only ouiecorcd by paita end the gamne 30-16. Lndsay Mitchell and Don Rowe were the outstanding scorers for the B.H.S. teamn. This week they play iOshawa. B.H.S. Juniars-MitcheUl 7, Ed- ger, Rawe 6, Mclveen 2, Brown 1, Southey, Fergusan, Moffatt, Sturrack, Symona, Cowan. Cobourg Juniors - Maie 8, Barge 3, Mulie 6, Dawc 3, Peter- son, Bevan 9, Corbett, Rawlings 1, Huttan. Referee - Douglas Jacknman. WEEKEND SKIERS FIND PERFEC SKIUNG WEATHER A large number of skiera spent their spare time over flic week- end on the huils at Burketafl. Weather conditions were ideal but thc anow proved ta be crùstY and hn saine places had gane as far as1 !ce. Several un ortunate sports-1 men and sports women were bad-1 ly shaken up as well as sustaining1 facial injuries caused by the sharp crust. Skesout on Wednesdayr- ported the snow conditions ta be perfect athough the weather was a little chiliy ta stand tmn for very long. This week the Second Battaian Midand Reginient R. F. meets hn Part Hope ta hold its third ski meet and tactical workout. RANGERS FINISH IN FIRST PLACE STILL UNBEATEN After two pastpaneincnts the final sciiedule ai, the Church Lea- gue hockey achedule was played Tuesday night. Don GilhooleY's Rangera completed their sciiedule without a deicat when they won a 5-0 victory frain Roy McMul- len's Rough Ridera. As hn almoat every game Gilhoolcy sparked his team on ta victary scoring al 5 goals. In the initial gaine ai the even- ing Smaky Hayes' Buildoga de- feated the Spit Fines 3-0, with Wilcax nctting 2 and Cowle the final counter. The final- gaine between the Fliers andt Flying Hawks found the latter a much better teain ta an 8-3 score. Scores for Hawks were nmade by Stnike 2, Mellveen 4, Childa 1, and Martin 1; for the Filera, Rundle 2 and Bird 1. w penalties were handed out h nthis igaine, anc each fa Bird ind Run- Jdie. DO YOU enter your door witk the uneaay feeling that - if Ri4re should corne ta, your home-you would not have enough PirO insurance ta enable yau ta rébui]d with- out a long delay? Insure today ln a wonl known, dependable stock f ire insuran c ompany. Je Je MASON & SON. INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 1681 Bownianville ta weary laborers. Since thisser- vice started early ih January has been tised and appre~1tedby everyane. It is aperateci bý the Carter Faxnlly.1 RE& D DE8GNE THURSDAY, FEBRUART 20 14 THEn (!ANADITAN S'AI'ÉaiuAN.OWMANVI=, .ONTAIO Tom Carter la on thse leit, an thc right Uic new lunchwaoI that tours the Goadyear factoy several turnes a day dispenshngI sandwiches and cooling beveragea PLAY-OFFS START IN CHURCH LEAGUE With Uic completion af Uic Church League hockey achedule on Tuesday night, two teains are tied for third place, Fiera and Blying Hawks. There arc aisa twýo teama tmcd for iifth position, Spit Fires and thc Buildoga. When thc positions are finally won the play- oifas will commence. lu has been decided ta give Don Gilhooley's Rangera a bye into the finals, having won cyery gaine this year. The second and faurth teams will play off ta meet thc winners ai thc third and f hfth teains. Play-offs commence Sat- urday so it willb. wisc ta have al teama on hand at 9 ta see whcn they play. ~ .Ps Rangera 5 0 10 Rough Ridera 4 1 8 Fiera 2 3 4 Hawks 2 3 4 Spit Fires 1 4 2 Buildoga 1 4 2 Enniskillen Visitors: Misses Danalda Gniffin and Isabelle Raisi at Mr. H. Rahin's, Burketan. . Miss Gracc Sanders with her parents, Wdll- ingtan... Mns. W. Sheppard, Mn. Alex Taylor, ZMon, Mr. anSý Mns. Bruce and Nancy, Oshawa, at Mn. S. Pethick's. . . Mn. O. Ashton, Mn. and Mns. G. Beech at Mn. I. Travell's, Oshawa, and Mr F. Bil- lett's, Scarbara Bluffa. Sympathy ýs extended *ta Mrs. F. Wcrry and famiiy in the death ai ber father, the. bat. Mn. Wm. A. VanCamp, Cartwright, aiso ta 1th. iamily ai tise late Mn. Arthsur Wilson, Burketon. Our Young People met Tuesday evcning in thé church basement with approximately 45 in attend- ance. Those taking part in devo- tional were Rev. and Mrs. H. Lackey, Messrs. Allan Wearn, Fred Stannard and Lloyd Preston. Remainder ai prograin wasin charge ai Misses Bessie Blackburn and Winnie Tnewin, who opened their part ai Uic prograin wîth a right goad old sing sang. Read- inga were given by Miss Blanche Degeer and Mrs.ý C. Sleman. Chorus was sung by cight ai the eastern gWang accompanled by Mns. A. Read. A splendid niissianarY paper was given by Meta Degeer. Vocal duet by Misses Winnie Tre- win and Blanche Degeer. Mizpali benediction closed Uic meeting Next weck w. wiil anl journey down ta Haydon. Wedding bdils are rhnghg. Tempenance prograin was i charge af canvenar Mna. M. Stain- tan. Reading by Mns. R. Ormis- ton; vocal duet by Misses LornE Ram and June Ashton; Mn. J. A Werry gave a teniperance ta]k t( thc children. Our ladies have had two quilu. inga n heUic ast wcek, completini five quilta. Maple Grove Visitors: Misses Mildred Snow den and Jean Jarvie apent tii weekend hn ]ingston and attend cd Uic $clence formai "At Home' aiQeWns... Mr.5and Mrs. Brucu Waad and d"uhter Nancy, Osis awa, at Mr. .1.D. Steven'. Mx and Mra. Gordon Watson, Mn. an' .Mrs. Wm. Glover, Miss Barbari . Glover, Toronto, whth Merobisiez .Mrs. Fred Wood. . . a Southey, Town, wi Miss Munie Stevens. . . Mn. and Mrs. Wrr Coolidge, Guil Lake, Sask., Mrn Ethel Powell, Mn. Wmn. Jordar Oshawa, vislted Mrs. H. R. Fole3 . . Mn. and Mrs. R. R. Stevenl spent Uic weekend ih Toront vislting their daugister, Mrs Ra Snawden. Mlas-Yvonne Wood entertie a numben ai girl frienda Saturda toaskatlng party in hanor ofhi loth irday. Everane had vcry enjoyable Urne. See report af "Save and Wln concert i another columnn. Maple Greve Seel News (Bic Doreen Jeffery, Gr. VII) Mis Muriel Kelly, aur farine junior rain teacher was preser at aur Save and Win nigt... Mary Grace Plokard ai Uie Junlc raam has moved ta Bawinanvill ... Mns. D. Robb was unable t came and ieach music on accour a. block-d -oada .W hra AV LUNCH SERVICE AT GOODYEAR J. Albert Çole . 1 In characteristic pose-Mn. Cale wha la Chief Draitaman wi Goodyean here la picturcd above. His ice, anc might say, can be divided into two, parts. Hlaving warked 22 ycana at Uic saine position he la now iigbiy, skilled at his profession. While not at the factary he loves ta ppend his Urne noaxing Uic woods, fishlng. huntlng, sWuxnmifg, skating. Of witer nigits bis hobby la wood warking and metal working. Hle has built imiseif a boat, tnlm and neat, and recently complcted a inetal boat. Albért has a yatmng. son, Donald with whom he mnay be seen taicing many a hike Uirough Uic wuods behind îûs home on Scugag Street. DIRECTOR Colonel 'Hubert Stethem C.Mt., D.S.O. Director of Internment Opera- tions and Director af the Prisoners of War Information Bureau. - Blank-Stoller Ltd. Photo WHEN TUE FROST IS ON THE STMAWB'EY (Dedicated tSthe bernies who are clever enough ta avold the straw- berry garden parties by hlding lni colci starage and comlng out lni winter ta tlckle the tastes of strawberry eaters.) when the froat in on *the strawbtry, Aiid the June-time sun la hlgh, Màdlng weather paradoxic Now between--the earth and sky; Then the strawb'ry lies go coniiy, Snugglcdi its wooden box, Wlth is brothers and its'sisters Where an abattoir ice-locks. AUl unconscious, lnert, quiet, Ini a frazen coma state- Sclentiflc hibernation For a use at later date; Artiflcilly pratected Wlth a tempfrature no law, When the frost la on the strawb'ry, Far away fromn where they graw. Then sorne hostesi December, $eeks dessert af speclal mood, Buys the berry and is box-mates, Newest phase af frozen food; Gentiy thawsj those frozen berries Back ta plcklng time af June, Calor, taste, and flavar, normal Fitotaeat wlth silver spoan. Yes, the frost is an the barries, Ini the mld-June harvest tinie; Then thcy lie i abattoir4ge, Later ta return ta p rime. -PLLH GORDON. 628 Crawfard St., Taronta. BACKACH E OFTEN WAANING e MM -fnbM .11a c w Dods Kdnoy PIliI o0rMer Citizéns Krite From England hnd Calflornia, U.S.IA. Through the kidnesaandco- ;ey aEhys D.Faibairn, Ta-r .nto, wldely knawn Durham ounty boy, we are privhleged ta mjblish extracta froin letters he ,as recently recelved from twvo ýomer citizens ai Bowxnanvlle. Ira. Margaret Evans ai Scotland Éa sister of the late D. B. Slmp- mn, K.C. Tom Fairbailrn who la y oungeýr brother aif~ and miss Fairbairn ai this town, spent îany years ih the ail business hn Mexico, but la now reslding hn California. Ini readig these let- ira bear i mid they were not wrtten for publication, soa just consider that where personal re- ferences are made,-The Editor. 2260 Midlothian Drive, Altadena, California, February 7th, 1941 >ear Rhys: W. so enJoyed your lateat let- ter and the enclosure froin Mar- garet Simpsan Evans. Telka re- marked that anyone writing in the spirit aof Margaret's letter would Lever grow old. My first recoilec- ion ai the Stimpsons must have been quite an event as f ather was in tala and mother looking like a fower wlth a "1conveyance"l from. GHavera at the door ta take thein to a bail at the Slmpsons. 1 must have been pretty sinall when this took place as 1 do not remember the «"conveyande"l pulling away, the supposition la that I was pack- ed off ta bcd. I can atil sce Margaret and Alicia standing on the stepa af the High Schaol with Margaret Allen, Margaret McLaughlin and our Darder, also one Louisa Quick cames ta me, a slater ai Eaisy who was a great friend ai mine. I expect at this Urne VIwas still attendhg Uthc achool ai Cath- erine and Mary Julia Welch wth the former trying ta beat aomce French huao Helena with a rulci and Helena bawling for ail she had in her which was consider- able. I went into Miss Coleman's ciasa When I firat went ta the oic school,- then ta Miss- Hambly anc Miss Thomas, the. latter making a pun which rolled us in the aisleca Wiilie Spry had corne with us uli froin the lowcr clasa and Mm& Thomas remarked with a knowing sinile that he should be a spry boy. Then on ta Master McTavisl where I learned that the Credit, the Humber, the Don and thuï Rouge were rivera iinding theii way into Lake Ontario. AnniE Haines was in this clasa and henu she remained being beautiful anc attractive. Miss Moorcraft toali us an and iinally R. D. Davidson and it was at this time the achool burAed down and shortly after.1 was sent ta Toronto and the Baw. inariville sehoai da*3s ende&d- I have a dijn recollectian ai thi Simnpson girls having a pony carl ta take them ta and fram schaoo 1 remember Daîsy Wailbnidg( -quite well as she livcd at Dave'i when attending High School, bu' she was a niece I think and cain froin Newcastle. I saw ini las, week's Statesman a picture oi thf old Wailbridge home, anc- af thg fiat buIt in that section. The Dave Simpsans had ai electnic doorbeil the saine as ours and the bricks froin the aid schac provided good sport as anc use( ta tic a string ta a brick, hangi -on a Simpson doorbeil, beati acrass the road and hide behin( anc of the trees in front o! thi Fisher place and watch the maid came and remove the brick. Ti high spot ai spart always taoo place at dusk whcn anc wa hurryig home for "tea" whicl was aur ev ig ea . 39 Sinclair Drive, Larga, Ayrshire, Scatlant December 15, 1940 My dear Rhys, It taok a war, a newspaper, an, dear old Peggy Allen ta deligh ,me wli a letter froin yaurself - :my vcry firat hera! - I expcct w Lwere about 8 or 10 ycars aid, whe La pink-cheeked, curiy hcaded bc sent me a Valentine whlch we treasured as probably nao othe thing since. I expect it becan :grubby and ton, ih course c tie, but uts mcmory la still whl ;me. That aid Hlgh Schoal was ri sosbefor -a lot af plcasar wcR ai ta-b-ca _ --Atur. 'terrible bombig you cauld i gn.On. fine woman Iknoww Ina a tead homse lpaking a ter a =dden frlend. A cru egved in the roof i thc front, a] she rushed down tg sec if i couid get the lnvalld out at t back, aùmd there, outilde the ha 'door a turne bomb had imbedd, t;..However, ah. too* heUico sud just as ah. wési la drousi gown and slippers, ah. got the frlend out, somchow, wrapped hi 1. Package fer Packaige Sweet' Caps are yolàr best cigarette buyl a blanket, huao another houe 10w- er down - and anly in tunel She borrowed some clothes and went off ta her daytime job at the Cen- sor's office. Ita sismply? aainiah- ing how they carry on - but thcre's vcry little laughter theso days. We mean ta wln, don't we? Yours mrost sincerely, Margaret Evans. But NothlngHapponS' In an editarlal entltled "Nothlng Happens"' the Unitd Church Ob- server this weck declares that "statesmanship demands that aur country's leaders strike boldly and cffcctivcly t the liquor cvii."1 The editorlal states that 1"froin a sense ai patrlotlsm on mandiai and ecanomic grounds as wefl as on moral grounds, church leaders are determlned that somcthlng must happen ta reduce the sale ai beverage alcohol."1 Highflghts ai the editorlal- are: '<Hon. Mr. flsiey wants us ta be revenue producers. One wauld think that he, knowlng af the thrlvlng *baaze busiess, wauld want a larger share afitls profits for the war effort. But nothlng happens. "Messrs. Gardiner. anid Hepburn and even Mr. King himacif have shown a keen iteresthI butter ai late. The Governinent plans ta conserve butter, as ail consumnabe gaods rnust be conscrved If the wai la ta lie won. Liquar la the prlvilegcd ce thon. Ini regard ta booze, nomhn.happens. Saine manths aga the Cardinal and Bishaps ai Quebcc lsaucd a letter an' tempeance. The Great Roman Catolic Church in Can- ada'a French-Canadian Province trled ta cail a halt or at least secure saine reduction ai sale. But nothing happens. t "«Neyer before has Canada had *such a splendid body af men and women-in uniform. Unfortuntely, for the sake ai Governinent re- *venue, mcrcasing amaunts ai bey- erage aicohol are bcing placed be- fore thein. The Governinent should restnict rather than i- crease these sales., Such la aur rcauntry's prayer. But nothing ehappens. "The record ai Ontaria's Attor- ney-Generai was under fire in, 'Londan recently. Amidst the cl bombing raids, thec Pivy Cauhcil c spoke hi strong wards about Mr. a Conant's failure ta enforc.e the ;Canada Temperance Act ini Hur- pon, Perth, Peel and Manitaulin Is- s land. The authanity was from the g foot ai the tbrone and every loyal y Canadian' thought such a royal h edict would be heeded, even hn ;Ontari. But nothing happens. e "Last mid-summer clergy ai Lr every leading communion hn Can- e ada, Protestant and Catholic, sent e delegates ta, wait on th Federal d Cabinet. Six members ai thia k supreme parliamentary body re- 1ceived the ecclesiastica. It was i1 widely publicized, giving heat ta I every true temperance worker. -But nathing happe ns." Consider this: Since you smoke for picasure, you Ibuy thase cigarettes which you expet to give you the greatefit picasure for your mnoney. ARamokers do! Now the fact la that more Canadians Smoke Sweet Caps than*any other brand. Why? Simply because they id that Sweet Caps give them more pleasure than any other cigarettes. Package for package Sweet Cape are your beet cigarette buy. SWIUIT CAPORAL Cigarette * "TA. pmrstfoermn i dich tob«cm anbe amohetl are detcrmined that something must happen. This determiniation, shared by Protestant and Catholic alike, wiil nat be denied." M-64185 ~w j Gotinand. LET'S0GO RIS YEA R CHANCE ira7/ jrd& 8GIN Lunher Co. Limitsd s 'VIlBowmanvle mes ,,Up,, ~ p..., SFiO, Tii.,., UN p.u. BUICK FRSL DOIS ITU ,Mpdern vosla.. have higlu octane ratiags ta permit higluer compres daons wfhout "pino." Note hew this pist, whlh co bue d onl>' ln vlve.- ln - hod ngin telle # lh e fuel càg rge lut th e shae of a f lapien i bail thut cent ers argund the aqew, smaller, type spark plu#. Fired a* lOs very heart, more highly compressed fuel lots g9 with suicl full.forcd, "" wallop that any asollne of 75 octane rotlng <now avalaobleaci tandi- fuel prices> may be undlted IflI-p. engine. Any fuel of 80 octane rating serves ln the 125- und 165-hp. engine«. ROY NICIIOS - COMMTIE joý TT V J 0 When you lif t the hood of this spright. ly 1941 Buick, notice how mauch engin. Icorna up under yaur- gaze. That long thrusting bonnet is nueded-it's brnm-fulI of v.lvet.srootli, mioropoise-balanced power plant. And it hou..., ini the new FmBALL Dyna- flash engin., thie sweetest end suddenemt and moit serviceable mobilization of horsepower you ever gave the guzi! Buiok ila abig car, yes-a longer, roomnier, broader beautie thn ever bfore-yet 10 nimuble and nifty in action you'1l diink it 'bhas wings on ita wheels. It jets into stride with a ruah - it este iles on th. open road widi the appetite of a umali boy for ohocolate cake. Sa try ouit the "Beat Buick Yet"-get in and get golng. Why nat drap in sud sam *yor Buick dealer today? A GENIRAL MOTORS VALUE A Nickel a Day Keeps the Ges- tapo Away. 1 fýý Pl,

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