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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1941, p. 1

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s With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanvllle Ni" The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News *le VOLUME __________87____ IOWMANVILLE, ONT., TAI SDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1941 Ditrict eoveIImm . UI hns 'y Honolued DyLocal Clubme ComeauVitaity of Clu Clifford Cotter, Ottawa, Secs ln Brief 0f'Actiý 'vities Spirit of Lion. Ism Being Carric Out. Tic Lions Club dinner Monda: nigit was particularly notable being tic occasion af Uic officia] visit of District Governor Clifford W. Cotter of Ottawa. He was fetcd i regal style by Uic Club;wM e banquet whici miglit welI .havE been served froin Uic noat note< cusines in Uic world, wiUi abund- ance of good fellowship and fur and with tic presentation *of a beautiful silver tea set UiceTnore rcadily to recail memnorles of'this vist to Bowinanvilllc. Mr. Cotter's contribution ta the evenlng wai also acceptable anc Impressive. Ris addrcss outllnec Uic character of a Lions Club by means af an exposition ai the code of ethica. After being intro- duccd by Past District Governai J. J. Brown, Mr. Cotter reviewed a bni whlci had been handcc hmn on Uic activîties 0f Uic local club. "'Your club t,"'lihe sald, "with- * out question anc ai Uic noat wlde- awake and progressive in my dis- trict. Tic nany activities af your club I sec listed here are a sure Indication of its vitality." Par- ticular praise was given Presideni Ted Chant, Secretary Vcrn Ott and Lion J. J. Brown. "Tic fundarnentala ai a club, as * I sec lien, arc good fellowship, responaiblllty, cooperation, initia- tive, enthusiasin and courage," cantinucd Mr. Cotter. What these qualitica dan do for a club and a coninunity when put i active practide was Uien *described. Getting together per- lodically for dinner stimnulates pcrsonality and dinner meetings are Uic obvlous and sane method ai creatingfellowshlp. In meeting like tis Lions become interestcd ivariouà )community projecta and devclop specM lfl skfpfor service." Tucy try tdkecp i ml' di at aU Unies that Menlà'tcwà~i judgcd y wh' by what Uicy d.To enid Lions acquire a lite more ableit ta cooperate wlth otrs Intiative Hsential A spirit ofiInitiative is another Inevitable developmnent of Lion- ism. Onie job weil donc leada .to another anid before thé member realizes it he may be, taking the lead in commnunity *ëlfare with admirable display of initiative. This characterlstlc marks a Lion. He.recognizes the spiritual truth XContlnUrid on page 4) ;"4 444 Loyalties Wider Tha u n aiu Needed To Meet Dictator': Thrat Patriotion Implicit ini tlanlty, et. Paui's Tolu Rotarlua. Chria- Pastor "Tue truc Christian is lita coun- try's niost ardent patniot,"* atated Rev, A. R. Cragg, mintter ai St. Paul's United'Churcli, addressing tic Rotarlans Friday, '"but JI -would le Uic lait ta say' that burn- ing patiottamn ncessarlly implies Christian loyalties."1. In an outtanding addrems on r-tic subject ai "Làoyalties" Mr. Cragg brougitminu>'sobering thouglita for tiecocnsîderation of tic Rotarlans. H.elias liad an op- portunity ta- observe at close range typical representatives 'of Euoenyouth sud was a% ta r present a general anlysti- f ' me of tic great loyalties or driving farces whlch young patriota clunig ta in tic ycars immediatel>' pre- ,ccding tic war. Tue impartance ofithta searching, tic speaker pointed out,, ta Uiat just ai tic measure ofaa is found in tic ciaracter oa istaloyaltica 50 Uic strength ai a nation la found in tuer claracter oaiIta people. Tiere wai a Greek he met at Cambridge - this young in had given up a promiclng career li law ta enter thc Protestant min- ttry - a course Uiat must have takeui great courage, for lie would nat onl>' le unpopular I hi is na- tive land but perliapa aubject ta persecution. lIe wai, above al elsc, a man wiha noble sud bunul- lng oyalty. - r Tuer. waa an Englti hlad, more or les typical ai thc najority. r wia secmed ta have no actuai loKalties. Before thc call of war albce Englsud's energies,minu> IMhlm lad no urge ta develop rtheir potentlalltles. Hic wua ty- * cal ai the lassitude ai soul whlch blanketed the nation -n hiei lait decade. There was the German, a man ai wliom Mr. Cragg liad'know- * Idue - lie waa a Chiristian and Àcould r'at apree wIi tth Nazi piloaophy yet intended ta return * ta Gernian>' ta preacli. r, Otier tyvpes ai bayalttes cannatl: be lgnored - tiere wui thc Scot- rtiali Nationallit, argient admirer wof Hitler, who wou1d I1k. -o sec ( Contnued on page ,4> j 40Y*W8Eo Alexander Culver Price wlio wai manager ln Hownan- vllle for thc Bell Telephone Com- iany fron 1906 ta 1911, wlll an Saturda>' celebrate hls iartieth anniversar>' ai a Bell employce. lIe ta now manager of. Uic Bell Company at Grimsby'. Man>' local residenta will recal Uic eve ai Victoria Day, 1906, wlicn Uic genlal Bell manager wai aumaned ta appear before Uic then magistrat., Mn. William Hors.>', a ver>' tern man, ion set- e ng off a gisutfilrecracker under eh niglit constable, Joseph Flet- checr. Tiaugh innocent ai Uic "crime" sud able tô prove lt, Mn. Pnice nr-orthceslieshdta subimit ta a seê lectur* on thereapan- aIbilities Uiat attacli.d ta 1Aê» i- tian ai Bell 'Telephone ma4»ger. Amang oUier thingatheic trate tbld Mr. Pic. Uhal a r,e sentalive ai thc telepione co'L iÀ pan>' siould not be on thec atreet at i unseenly haur ai 10.30 a'cloqk. If aur memnor>' serves us cor- rectl>', It waa whlle Alex Price was manager icre liat Frank Wlliams, present local manager, starled wlihUiceBell Company. Tual's a- long tume ago, s0 welil ,xal gureil out .in yeara. ROTARY MpEpAKil d Durhamn Central Agricul- tural Society la sponsoringa comlmmentary banquet to E. A. Summers, Agricultural Re- presentative at Orono Town 'y Hall, Thursday, March OUi, at 6 p.m. Standard Time. Speak- er will be Rex Frost, well d known connientator o v c d CFRB. As Uic scating capaci- a ty la ltmited you are adlvised ,e to secure tickets early fron d any director,:01- at Alex Mc- -Gicgor's Drug Store. Thi, i gesture of appreciation to Mr a Sunmera should neet with a >e hearty response as he has 3 given outstanding service in lits'capacity af agricultural e representative anid as a pub- cl lic apirited citizen. ci .LEGION 'BUDDIIES' rHONOR MEMORY LATE SECRETAR1 Tribute was paid Uic nemoi -of the late- Secretary of Uic Èov manville Canadian Legion Branc -178, R. M. Cotton, by Padre C.1 rSpencer on behalf of is comradf 3at their meeting Tiursday nigh " ,Mr. Cotton," said the padr t'was one of Uic Legion's beat fr ends who worked wihlits ever cnergy to tic latitheUi inter&% 3 f his conrades."l This very appropriate poci we read to Uic nenory of Conirad Bob Cotton: "And when I die 1 would nqt wls .LIA lengthy epitaph; Ido not want a headatone large, Carved wlth saine fulsome cliaff. Pick out no single deed of mine, If sucli a deed there be, To grave upon my monument, For those who corne ta sec. Juat tis anc phrase aifail I chaosi To ghow my life was fair: 'Here ail-th now a fellaw wli WP ao on'Uic square'." st. :ohn's HIl twas de emided. toch-tge idte ai mcct *ng ta the third Frlday eaci manth; therefore Uic next gather ig will'be hcld guiach 219t. Conirade A. 1. Lyle was ap pqinted Secretary-Treasurer fo Uic ensuing Year. The Brandi wi. iftforined Uiat Uic Girls' Scrvied Club ita now using Uic Recreatioe Rooms. Further business conistedor installation of 1941 officera b3 Canon Spencer and the decisiar to invite new nembera into thq Legion.. ARE OUESTSAT OSHAWA ROTARY Ini reportln te Oshawa Rotary club luncheon on Monday the Oshawa Times maktes these com- menta: 'Instead of the usual address on current events or some other in- teresting topic the membera werec given a rare treat by two young1 ladies from Bowmanviile. Miss Thora Dayison, daughtcr of Rev.1 Sidney Davison, minister of Trin-. c ity United Church, gave an i-J formative address on public I peakn, and Miss Helen Wil-r lia, daughter of Rotarian Frank Wlliams, dellghted the meeting with two d. fiult but w cil rend-I ered piano numbers. Both Young ladies were introduced b y Rotar- Ian George James, of Bowman- vinle, past presldent of that club, Misn Davison said there were three kinda of addresses-thc uim- promptu, the memorized and the 1 extemporary, and gave it as herv opinion the impromptu was thc a most effective. She did not advo- t] cate a speech full of funny storles a and jokes but rather that the C speaker know his subi ect, be sin- ci ceré and get to the point. As a fit- c ting climax to her talk she clted h an editorial from a United States r ncw*paper entitled "The Spirit of r Uic British People." 1 C )shdwa Daily Tues. Second Dattalion Needu More Men RecruitsMust Se Physically Fit Men cf District Given Chance LOCAL WOMAN To 'Save Their Coutry if OS RELATIVE 0F They Are Needed. AIR FORCE HERO Tie local conpsuy ai Uic 2nd Ategrm fo UiBits Mldland Reginent R. F. liaire- ArMite y iasfrome BrCana- cclved orders ta recruit up ta ful dianreltive hs o ing Of iCnr sength, as soan as possible.dan eoflygOfiri Abrout 5 e r edd uMarvin Brown Uiat lic wai killed havea meica catgor "A"an i a flying accident in England on hav a neica ctegry"A"an Friday. HI l a son ai Mrn. W. J. who would b. willlng ta go on Brown,TrotsdUcat active service if Uiey werc need- Ca T o ron, a ntive lak. cd b' thir ount>r.Township sud a nephew of Mrs. Men who jain Uic regiment now Tuos. Brown, Ccntre St., Bow- wlll le entitled ta al Uic privi- manvilce. leges given to Uic men who jained Afe motsao talraf i July 1940. This ta a splendid A e motsa hihr f chance for men ta recelve advance Innuncrable exploita aver France1 training befare entcring Active sud German>' was gîven Uic Service, glving then a better chance ta return ta Canada ai an Chance for advsuccnent and at instructor wlih Utc comnan the saine ie doing a mucli need- wcalth air training Plan, but i. cd service for theur country. refuscd. "I juat cauldn't sec my- Tiose wiio wîsî ta joîn tic self walklng out on tien now," Canadian Army (Reserve) ina>' le wrate is moUier. do so b>' calllng at Uic Bawman- FO. Brown wai on. of tic ville Armounies (Uic Badminton original members ai tue R.A.F.'s Club) durlng weck days, gr If liv- ail-Canadian aquadron. During rig in tue vîcinit>' ai Orono or thc Battlc ai France lic rccclved -Blackstock apply at thc Arniour- A~ve bullet wounds in lits right lcg les an>' Wednesday evcnlng. and escaped firan thc continent Aspeclal Company parade will only two day. before thc capitu-E b. hcId i Bownanvllecon Wed- lation. As wcll .aslita mather, ac nesday, March 5tli, 7.30 pan., at atater sud ilve brothers survive. t whlch tine ail men bcbonglng ta _________ Uic compan>' are ordered ta, at- tend. An Important annaunce-. AlIce Jackson Mission Baud will s ment concernlng thc future ai ail hold a St. Patrlck's Tea at Mra.r meni Ihei service ista ta e made L. W. Dlppell's, Monda>', Mardi at tIls tino. 17Ui, frain 3 ta 5.30 pin. 9-i STUDENTS ENAC, H.MKS. PINAFR AT LITERARY 5H Talentd flfth Porm < Fine Interpretation of bort and Sullivan Opert Another step in Uic adi~* ment of Uic type of liter~ tertaiment being staged at~ was made Frxday afternoon w Fifth Porin presented Ui a c t a n d U i c f i a l e o f G i l b e r t 1 Sullivan'a "H.M.S. Pinafore" TI entire form was in Uic produc$ with musical solos and choru1 of excqptionally fine qlualitycp siderlng Uic snaflness of the cëi keiti Sîcinon as Sir Jos4 Porter, K.C.B., caslly stoletI show wiUi his English accent a sisslfied airs. Marian Dudley ai Josephine, daugiter of Cpa Corcoran of H.M.S. Pinafore,-por. trayed by Bil Brown, fails it love wi Ralpi Rackstraw,0 deck band of Uic boat. Clais dit. tinctions prevent Uic two frofi being narried especially whet Josephlne's hand is promised .tý Sir Joseph. After many hea'1 breaks Margaret Storey as Butter- cup tells of Uic Captain and Ralpli Rackstraw being mixed whéÉ ic ywere babies. Thus tUi tarY ends with everybody happy' Other members of Uic cast in- cludcd Dick Rickard as Boatswaii Bob, Gilbert Mdllveen as Diel Deadeye, EdiUi Hendry as Cousin Hebe, and Lindsay Mitchell a Tom Tucker. Much credit for Uic succesful production goes to Mr. Harold Longworth, forin teacher, and Helen Williams wlio accompanied thc entire show at the piano. Due to sickxicss of Uic president and secretary, Carl Fisher and Erlb Jackman filled Uic respectivi posta. Thc ncxt prograin is to be pree sented by For In A. EXCELLENT RATINC MAINTAINED BY-, MUSIC STUDENT* The followlng ta a list of sucý cesaful candidates i exam1n*ý tions hcld recently by Uic Toronfq Conservatory of MusicI Boïý, manville. Th~e naines are arrang ed iord«btmet, S . 0Pianbo Grade IX-Honoura, Lawrence Morton. Grade Vif-Firat Class Honors, Collette Ferguson; Pasa, Marion S. Faley, Florence Shotter. Grade VII-Honours, Jo an Greenfield. Grade IV-Honoùrs, M a r i o n Dickinson, Edith Woodiey (equal). Grade HI-Honours, Jean Flet- cher, Ray Dudley; Pass, Bllly Dud- ley. 1 Grade II-First Ciass Honours, Kay Lycett, Francis Croft; Hon- ours, Pcggy Dippeil; Ruth Bragg, Joan R. Rice, Shirley Stephenson, Lorna Sudds (equal); Pais, Ken- neUi Davies, Rex Grant. slnging Grade VIUI-Honours, Marlan Dudley. Grade IT-Honours, A r 11i n e lorhcutt. Rev. S. Davison, minister of Trinity United Church, Bowman- vllec, preaented a moat interestig and appcallng addresa at the Fa- ther and Son banquet Pcb. 19Ui, at King Street United Church, Oshawa, entitled "Makig a Suc- cesa of Lufe", in whlch lie pointed out that to be succesaful one must have Uic real spirit of Uic win- ncr; to have a purpose, prepared- ness, perseverance and pluck.- Rev. A. R. Cragg, MA. Pastor of St. Paul's Unltçd a Church. Speaking before local a Rotarians, Mr. Cragg told how important is the need for higher spiritual loyalties. ORONO FARMER LEAVES ACCIDENT GETS $15 FINE A charge of reckless drlving was withdrawn against Percy Pat- )ry ton, Orono, but he was Iound w- tch guflty on another count of fail- R. lig to remain at the scene of an les accident when he appeared before ht. Magistrate E., A. Gee Tuesday rel morning. !r- The charges were laid follow- est mg an accident the night of Pcb. 15th ln Newcastle when Bruce Cotter, resident of the village, was ra struck by a car and badly injured. .e Evidence of W. J. Harris, the other driver lnvolved ini the acci- ah dent, was to the effect it was flot his car whlch hit Cotter but no , one actuafly saw the man struck down. Constables Morris and Thompson 'found accused'a car ln front of a house somne distance south of where the accident occurred and sdeclared Patton adnilttcd being e, involved. He was flned $15.00 and hocosts. 1DISCOVERElR 0F INSXYLN i i I 'I. a n n o 'i 'i y c k a i i i s ROADBED RTPPED BY BROKEN WHEE] NO ONEINJURED Accident Near C.N.R. Statiez Disrupto Traffio - Tram Routed Ovor .P.R. A broken wheel on a C.. freiglit train wrecked the road- bcd Of Uic double set of trackç for a distance of tirce-quarters ol a mile here Tuesday night. The break first occurred in front o: the local C.N.R. station but the train was not halted until it had rcached thc overhead bridge about tirce-quarters of a mile west of the station. Whcn thc wheel broke thc car swung sideways and not 0n13 damaged tic westbound track, but wrecked Uic nearest rail on the eastbaund lane ialting ail traffic. It is estinated that ncarly a'mile of track will have to be rcplaced. Close behind Uic freigit was thc local passenger train from Belle- ville, which had been halted at Brighton to ailow the faster goods train to pais. Following tic accident, ar- rangements were* made to trans- fer passengers and trains to thc C.P.R. tracks at Port Hope and Toronto to clear traffic past the damaged «section. Trains wcre running late througiout Uic nigit. The time of Uic break was short- lY atter 8.10 Standard Tinie. Mrs. J. W. Jewcll of Uic Big 20 Bookstore suffered a painful acci- dentiThursday when she feU on Uic iypavement, fracturing lier left wrist. - Marci 4ti 10 a.m.-Tie business ai Farin- ing in Peace and War - H. R. Han., Ecanomica Division, Ottawa. 1l a.m.-A Demonstration ai Successful Dair>' Farming - G. C. Retsan. 1 p.n.-Tic Five Major Farin Management Factors - H. R. Hare. 2 .11 p.m.-Tie Application ai the Five Major Farin Management Factors - G. C. Retson. Mardi Sti 10 a.m.-Tie Importance ai Vol- ume ai Business - H. R. Han. 11 a.m.-Tic Relationship ai Cost and Pnice ta Farin Practice - H. R. Hare. 1 p.n.-Recarding tic F anr n Business - G. C. Rctson. 2.15 p.m.-Financial Planning for Farmng - H. R. lIe. Gexieral Discussion. B. A. Summera, Representative for Durham Count>', extenda an invitation sud welcomc toalal wio can came. Reserve recruits training under the four nantha' training plan will eccclv. Uic saine rates ai pay . as pnIvates in Uic Active r,, namely $1 .30 per day. Depn- enta' Allowanc. will also b. paldi on behali of tic recruit durlngj tic peniod ai training at the saine rateo as those for thc active Arn>' contingent upan thc recruit as- signing not leas than 15 days' pay maxitil>' ta thc su pport ai his de- pndantsansd allier conditions laid' down hi thc regulations. MVrs. L. T. Mcbaughlin- Monday cvening. Sic began by cxplaining tic study ai art is desirable for its cultural aspect. Altiaugi Cana- dian art is in its adolescence ticre is cvcry indication that by Uic end ai this century its advanccs will have been formidable. If anc is ta study Uic work on a picture intclligcntly, Mrs. Mc- Laugilin said, it ta nccessary ta understand samething ai Uic techniques, ligiting, centre ai in- tereat, balance, rhythm, harniony and colar. Wiile these constitute tic mecianical aspects ai art tic>' are, nevertielesa, essential. But Uic real ability ai thc artit t t mcasured in uis capadity to deal with hta medium in an inspira- tional manner. Thc wark ai Paul Kane, Corne- lius Krlcgioff, John Fraser, Ho- mer Wataon, Lauren Harren, J. A. Reid, Robert Holmes (wio has but recently died), J. W. Beatty, C. W. Jeffreys, Gagnon and J. E. H. MacDonald, painters ai Uic l9Ui century, was dcalt witi evaluating Uieir several contribu- tions ta Canadian art. Of Uic lat- ter, tic speaker gave a sketch of uis lif.. MacDonald was bori Durham, Englarid, and toak Up designig as a career and ai prin- cipal ai tic College of Art did great work until hic deatihi 1928. One other artiat dcalt wlti at length wai A. Y. Jackson. Tic :uJbtlety ai uis wonk and use oi suggestion distingulahes hlm. Hec <Oontlnued on page 4) [IL la Cs )f Newcastle omut W Packed To Hear Great Choire Proceeds To Aid RedCross DOUBLE TWINS Lait week two cows -gave owner Albert Morton, Ken- dal, Ont., encouragement to atay on Uic farin. Whcn norning dawncd there werc six in Uic pen - two sets of twins and two contented cows. Andy Clarke ouglit to tel Ottawa about tuis. Thc côws are ccrtainly doing their yit LLOCAL FARMERS OBTAIN LOAD e WESTERN FEED e Farinera wanting any part of *fecd grain being shippcd into On- tario from. the west under freight- Sfree arrangements of the Domin- ion and Provincial governints *are adviscd of thcsc stipulations: Such feed (corn not included) ernay be ordered only in car-load lot byy farmer or group of farers. Theynmust tk evr pýromtlaheU ccar is spotted on local track. When placing an order, each fariner must sign an order forin in triplicate; th~e original goes to Uic dealer; the duplicate to tic agricultural representative; thc triplicate rctained by thc farmer. Ail such grain must be used ex- c lusively as live stock feed. It la permissible for farinera to order direct fron farmers in wes- tern Canada but freight will be Mdefrayed only from Port Arthur or Fort William, but Uic intention is Uiat such grain preferably move 1through Uic agencies of dealers or secretaries of farinera' clubs or co-operative associations.1 The total à1lotinent for Ontario is 3,200,000 bushels and arrange- ments are in effect from February 20, to July 15, unlesa Uic quota is sooner sbsorbed. One carlot ia already ordered hI Darlington and any wishtng supplies should promptly contact E. A. Sumniers, BownianVille, agricultural repre- sentative. S1JPPERY *ROADSF CAUSE CRASH Slippery road surface was given as Uic cause of a bad crash in which two cars werc involved ati the corner of Church and George streets Monday morning. The drivers, Dr. G. R. Booth, Oshawa veterinarian, and Jesse Aines, Bowmanville, ecd suffered danm- age to Uieir cars and minor cuts and bruises to ±heir persons. Chief S. Venton said Uic cars ap- proached Uic intersection at rightc angles to ecd other and being unrable to check Uieir speed suf- ficiently on the icy road collldedg with sufficient force to do exten-c sive property damage.1 MENIS CLUB HOLDS SOCIAL EVENING Tic Men's Club of St. John's B Churci held a social evening on Tuesday entertaining about one& hunred guests. An address of C welcome was given by Vice Presi- r dent Roland Bate in Uic absence A of President Albert Dudley. Miss n Marian Dudley contributed a vo- r cal solo accompanied by Miss sq Helen Williams, and also led in community ainging. Much of tic r evening was spent in playing t] ganies. A collection for Uic Bri- t] tish War Victims Fund amounted a- to tic tidy sun of $27.50. Re- ai freshinents were served by Thos. p Cartwright and his efficient kit- sl chen staff. f Girls' Service MINISTER TO U.S. il Lelahtoxi MoCarthy, K.C. Who has been selected as Csuada's fiiiti Mini8ter tthUicLeation at Washington ta succeed M.Lr ing Christie wlio owig ta I healti has iad to, reltuqiehia lt dlplomatic'dutîca. Audience Enjoye Even. ing of Song - R. G. Geen Directs - Guest Artiats Popular. Music lovera of BowmanvillA. Orono, Port Hope, Canton, Gar- den HiR and other points flocked to Newcastle ta hear Uic General Motors Choir and supplementary artists in Uic Coninunity Hall on Tuesday evening, February lath. Thc concert was given under Uic auspices' af Uic Newcastle Red Cross Society wiUi tic General Motora Choir bestowlng all their services gratis. Tic Director, Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M., came dawn from Osi- awa a nuinber af tinies in ad- vance ta look aver Uic hall and stage and plan for thc seating of thc choir and arrange for Uic carrying out of other prellminary details. A saal grandatand with f ive rising tiers of acats was set up on Uic stage and when thc curtains were drawn Uice mcm- bers of Uic choir could ail, b. dis- tinctly seen in their places, Uic ladies ail gowned in whit, oc- cupying Uic firat tliree tiers and tic men Uic two higlier tiers at Uic back. To accomrnodate, Uic piano and tic choir pianiat, Mra. G. E. Fleming, an annex ta Uic stage, and of Uic same heigit, had been bufit out in frant of tic foot- ligits at Uic southcait corner. Owing to Uic conatrlcted area af tuis teinporary foundation for Uic piano it rcquired cansiderable care and circumapection on Mra. Fleming's part to make her way froin Uic wlngs and àrd1dd e narrow place bctwccn ic i ledge and Uic Instrument ta, at- tain lier place on Uic player's bencli. Tic pragran opcncd wli, God Save Uic Ktng, and also closed with it, and anyonc is ae in aay- ing that It was sung l hi s hall on tuis occasion perliaps a little more correctly and wli more spirit and less drag than it liad ever been aung here befare. The wholc assemblage jained hi aing- ing it Uic way it ougit always ta be sung., Tic first number wai, Lov.'s Benediction, Londonderry Air,'i four parts, unaccampanied. As tliis had a special appeai ta Uic Iri in Uic audience, Uic ncxt, (Contlnued on page 4) IUST ONE MOt4TH FOR SUUSCRIUERS TO COEE ACROSS Tic Dominion governinent closes its books on Marci 31. It ta what Uiey dall Uic end ai-thc- fiscalý year. Tien they open ncw led- gers. Old accounts are wrltten off; ncw accounts are opened. Aiuditors check up an every item. As it goes wiUi gaverninenta, wvhich are big business, so it goca wnti all business. And that-man- thc auditor--cicks up on sub- scrption lista of Thc Statesman, larch 31, 1941. As wc have aaid befare, wc now say again; Uic Audit Bureau af Circulations permits only a 3 nonths' lceway an subacriptians. Any Uiat arc past due, aver 3 nonths, on paid-in-advance basic, no longer arc reckaned as sub- scribers. Tuis leaves just anc full nanti mlore for those wha have niislald iceir account slips, ta searcli for thein and remit. AI. anxlously Lwaits your reapanse because tic auditor will have hmn hUi car- pet, Marci 31. Upon your re- sponse resta lia peace of mmnd, lia Oshawa Young Foiki Preseut'Play MNoney Raised To Duy Choir Books "CbnzCottage" Camedy La Take Notice *Well Reoeived - Hall Pack- Amont Curing Evelits e, d tao, apacity, ___ St. John's Churci achool*room In order ta clear upan y a s f i le d t a U i c d o r s M n d a y n i s u n d r s t a n d n g r g d n bilgit with an expectant audience Uice publication of announce-. * omc ta b. amnuscd with Uic weil nentfs of 'Coniing Eventa,' we r. ow la " lhiz o te" p - again repeat Uic p alicy afi tus e -cA.Y.P.A. a hrsup~M.n tice chOshwa.Tic wee i no pertaining to any 'Cozning w disappointed for Uic 3-act Eetwcira diso cathcdy was in evcry way as en- f.. or collection la taken, willl ti:taining as Uic 'advance notices be ciargcd at Uic regular rate d Cjredo 0fOc per lime per insertion, * T c pay as nde Ui diec with a mninimum charge of The«lay as uderthe irec 5c per week. This includes tion ai Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanders notices ai patriotic or churci -and featurcd Uic iollowing excel- entertainnienta or services in lent cait: Miss Patricia Sanders ai country correspondence or in "&Mlnty", Miss Margaret Berwick social and personal column as "1Fanny"1, Miss Ada Twilley ai wiere Uic admission ice is rAot .'Miss Tillingtop", Marjarie Car- mcntioned. Tuis palicy is nec- ter as "Grace", MisaRioda Nay- essary in fairness ta theatre lor as "Mrs. Dean", Fred Perry as managements and otiers. wio "Peter", and Russell Flutter in Uic pay for advance notices, ai roie ai "Mr. Kent." Bchind Uic well as ta tue publishers wio sccnes Bll Cairns and Bert Neal dcpend upon advertising re- perfarned Uic duties afi "prop" venue to meet their bills and mnen. enable thein to contribute St. Johns Sunday Schoal Or- their siare to patriotic ap- chestra, directcd by Mra. R. M. peals and other war neasures. Cale, gave a fine performance ai In ail cases whcre 'Coning severa~l numbers. Event' notices arc malled or Tiecocnaiderable proceeds rais- phoncd, party ta wliom ac- cd fron ts event are bcing don- count la ta b. sent should b. ated b y Uic Young People ta buy nentianeci or notice wîll not choir books and ta thc "Sunday b. publlahed. Reporta ai School By Post.", >m itlngs or entertainnients AMTR ticy have taken place are always welcàme and FARMERS HAVE considercd ai news - not TWO-DAY COURSE adverttsing. IN MANAGEMENT A two-day Farm. Management ADDRESS IN BERMES Short Course wil be icld Mardi ONCA 4th and 5Ui, in the board roon N A AD IAN ART ai thc agricultural office, Bow- HEARD ATr TRINITY manville. Only 13 counties in____ Ontario undertake this course ts scasan. Last ycar there was en- Another talk in a series wiicb thualastic attendance. The work Trinity Young People have plan- covered tien will be revicwed ned on tic gencral subjcct of bricfly, tien tic main pragran Canatdian Art" was gie y belaw will b. followed:-------------- ------- - - ~ib N-1 Sir Frederiek Banting Canada's foremoat medical sien- tist ast lits Uic in a platie crash i Ncwfoundland on Friday. He was in Mis 5Mt year. Tic -ship, manncd by a crew of three, had taken off for England carrying Sir Frcderick as a passenger. He was to hiave continucd important re- search work there. Wreckage of ticae was not found until Tusdy;only anc f Uithre survived. Dr. Banting was barn on a farin near Afliston, Ont. Hec was tiirty whcn Uic idea came ta him tiat resulted in tic discovery of insulin. Many important prob- lems of nedical research dlaimed -lita tîne since then. In 1923 lic was awarded Uic Nobel prize for ,nedicine but gave muci ai Uic credit ta Mis two colleagues and turncd back $10,000 towards Uic establishment of nedical research at tic university. b Raises bMoneyi, tims - Buy Wool New Location por Reoreai4on Rooma Polund - Hear Taiki By Mn, George Young. Tue Girls' War service Club this week made a contribution ai $25-00 taUcthegram LBritish War Victins Fund.Tl repre- scuts Part ai thc proceeds ai thc evcning's entertaininent sponsor- ed b>' thc girls on Jsuuary 31st, et wici Plot Officen Waerner ai Camp Little Norway gave lits ac- count of Uic invasion af Nrway. AnoUicr $25.00, rcalized at Uic sanc concert, will b. spent on buylng Waol ta knit for thc Navy, since it ta underatood that the sailors are more in necd ai knit- ced goodis t tic ime thsu any >Uier brandi af Uic forces. FrOin Uic sanie sourde also $25.00 wai used to pay Uic reni on Uic Soldiers' Recreatian Roon for Februar>'. Tic Club, wio witi lie Leglan made tic Roon a pas- sibility, did not want ta sec il absudoxied, but wisli rather ta kccp It up until suci time as an- xther Compan>'mia>' b. farmed hre. Club nembers ict; iow- ever, that the>' would lIk. ta nake up tic amaunt 10 used, and on Friday evcning invited frienda to a dard party toliclp toward this end. An enjoyabie cvening was (Continud on Page 4)

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