TME CANADIAN STATESMAN, NÔWMANVILE, ONTARIO SOCIAL ANU PIRSONAL Mis Ruth Canipbell,ý Toronto, la vlating Mrs. C. C. unney., 1Don't aquander, just ponder - Buy War ertificates. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke, Napanee, vlsited the Carter f ar- llTroe&er Jlm Sissons Toronto scte weekend witf hi.s par- 1â)ss Lorraine Trowell, Toronto, ,spent the weekend with Mrs. J. Living. -Mià Betty Flaxman, R.N., To- ronto, spent the weekend with lier parents. Pte. Chas. Summerscaies, Pr. Edward & Hastings Regt., Camp Borden, was home. Lieut. John James, ist Midiand Regiment, Ottawa, spent the week-end at home. Miss Blanche Carter, Niagara Falla, Ont., is visiting lier sister, Mrs. Edward Cook. Pte. Arthur Living, lst Mid]and Regiraent, Ottawa, spent the wcckend wlth his parents., %9imcoe County is planning a "Home Comlng Week"l at from June 28 ta July 6, 1941. Pte. Len. MacNair, Canadian Forestry Corps, Quebecc visited bis brother, Clifford C. MvacNair. Sgt. Sam Castie, No. 1 Midland Batt., Ottawa, visited Bowman- ville frinds -and Mrs. L. C. Snow- den and family. * Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastie has e turncd after visiting lier son-i- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M.. G. Gould, North Bay. Garnet Rickard and Win. Jafnes werc guests at the annual "At Home" -of the 1941 greduating class of the Ontarlo Ladies' Col- lege, Wlitby, on Friday niglit. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. E. Ingram, Toronto, visited their parents over the weekend. Mrs. Ingram sang a beautiful solo, "The Name of Jesus",, Sunday morning at the Taberacle service. Councillor Jack Gunn, recover- ing from a sertous operation i Toronto General Hospital, was feeling greatly improved at the flrst oÏ this wcek and ta looking forward to coming home before long.. Alrcraftmen, Eric Swindells, "e. McFctcrs and Gea. White have graduated from the Gaît Arcraft Training School and are now stationed at Manning Pool Depot, Toronto. They werc home Saturday. Messrs. J. H. H. Jury, W. R. Strike anid Norman Scott, Mana- .1 %WLrr -l.Bg3 9c1 ger o! Brookdalc Kingsway Nur- seres, attcnded the Toronto Board o! Trade banquet Monday niglit and heard Uic address an "South America" by R. A. McEach.nx of The Financial Post., C.Q.M.S. Ted Phaina*, 'D'i Coy. 2nd Midland Regt. R. F, ta taktng a twâ-wcck refresher course at Cornwall. Cpi. Gord.' Attersicy, Coy. ordcrly noom clcnk, is in Miibroak for two wceks, Last wcek Major P. H. Jabli rcturned froun Brockville wiere a Company Commander's course was being held. Pte. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, To- ronto, visited Mrs. Fred Hughes and Mrs. G. E. Pritchard. Pte. Wilson ta a member of thc R.C. O.C. returned home fnom.England two weeks ago. He brouglit with him a letten for Mrs. Hughes from lier liusband wio ta also a mcm- ber af tlie Ordnancc Corps who is a patient in hospital i England. BALLET ON ICE TO BE STAGED AT OSHAWA ARE NA "Gay Biadeai a Sunken Gar- den" h Uice attractive name of tic gala ice show te be staged by Uic Oshawa Skating Club on Friday and Saturday, Mardi 7tli and 8Ui, in tic modern Oshawa artificial ice arena. As ticeflanc indicates, tic huge aena wtll be tnansform- cd ta resembie an Oriental Pen- stan garden in whicli mass ballets -will dance and drill on skates. Modern treatment of Ice surfaces will be seen at its beat, and Uic varied cloring wiil be enhanced by Uic elaborate Uighting scieme and genenai deconatians. Ini addition te tice ballet num- bers, eutstanding stars wilI make their appearance, includinqg Dono- Uiy Digby, little eight-ycar-old Ann Aubin, gencnally recognized as thc world's greatcst child akat- cm, Miss Patsy Thomson and Lor- raine Rowc, who will appear i pair nunubers, and Bill Cross, not- cd Detroit, comedian on skates wlio, with ailier cormedians, will excite Uh i iililties of the en- tire audience. Traiing for tai tee show lias been under way for many wecks now, and Uic vantous numbers have lad Uic personal direction of Mn. Gardon Thomson wlo lias gaied a wlde reputation for lita succeas in stagirig attrac- tive pageants oai Uta nature. Tickets may be obtained at Uic Oshawa Skating Club, 23%k Sim- coe St. North, Oshawa. KIPER SNfACKS 2 TùwIl MACAJRNI, AIl Kinds 2 lbu. 9c PhODîg0-03. & 8c GLD CHESE ib. 23,c MILO CME a'. 19C Chlckon adalis 1 3 CROWÈI RIszins M3D55 a. lGc m enut Ssnfei2;-= 15e PRA ZONA Tin 9C Moter' 011 Super Body lie-. 99C TomiloesPA"ftcy 20!e 25c A & PzumfP MEAÂ7S Se« Eptc By H. I. Piuhips .Tic Jervis Bay wlth battened lul Liesb ic hewceds bclow; Hen gailant sailons sleep Uic sleep Tiat gallant liemees knew;, Sic will net cruise Uic hlue again, Her heart's last beat ta give, But hi Uic mernonies o! man H-em naine will always live.. A gala lines was Uic Bay In pleasant daya o! peace. But whcn she get lien dandes up Sic knew ne order "Cesse!" Tic ways o! pleasure sic preferred And happinesasich spread, But what a funy sic becaine Whcn fighting loomcd ahead 1 A sort ai mother slip sic was A convoy vast te guard; Pea-shootens were lier oniy arma, But al lier ways wcre lard; Thc raider looscdis greateat guna And made lien deeka run mcd, But, faclng it, tic Jervis Bay Kept clanging dcad ahead. Straigit to Uic bclching guns she ralled, And fimcd as aie went, As terrien attacks a wolf Until !ts strength ta spent; A crate against a thing o! steel- A necd against tic gale- Tic Jervis Bay kcpt figliting tho' She knew that sic must fail. To kccp engaged .. . that was lier job-, Praise God, aie did it well!1 To welcome shot g et away- Wlth rails awash, hem lcaky huil Wcnt en, 1er guns abiaze, Until tic raider thauglit he'd met A ilcet o! Jenvis Baya. Hem skipper, witl lita igît a&M gone,. Clung te Uic bridge until Tic rader, recling from the clash, Cloacd i temake Uic kil!; But, lookl Tic convoy's scattered nowl A.nd some will get away As bioed-red waters close about Thc gallant Jervia Bay. Thiis Io an epic o! the sea To kindie far Uic liglit Tiat proves again thec tle guy Can give Uic big a figt ... To show again tic undcrdoig Can, wien Uic going's tougi, Give plcnty te tice overdog if he lias got Uic STUFI Dril1 Your Dollars to Victoy- Buy War Certificates. War Certificates Arc Aro Plate Against Eitlcnlarn - Buy 1 0WI FIGET AGAMlT TIM= SOLDIERS'_LETTERS Debert N. S. February 21, 1941 Dear Mr. James: This is just a lime to acquaint you with my new address. Would You be kind enougli to lorward my copy of The Statesman te the enclosed address for the time being? Recently we have been moved from Petawawa to the abeve men- tianed camp. Aise here wlth me are L.ISgt. "Jake" Afin, Bdr's. Colmner and Crydernian, Bruce Lunney, Morley Etcher, ail of whom are from Bowmanvllle. Naturaliy- we sec a lot of ecd other and wlth the exception cf a few coldsalal are well. The change in limate I feel ia respon- sible. At Petawawa we liad tem- peratures as low as 30' below at times, and down here if it' freez- ing the natives tliink it cold.ý We had a grand trip down; for most of us, the longest trip via train. We saw most of Quebec in the daylight, but we wcnt thuo'1 New Brunswick during the niglit s0 misscd most of it with tic ex- ception of Moncton. Since my arrivailihere I have betn thinking that the author of the pocm Evangelinc, if lie could see lis Acadia as I saw it the day we arrlvcd, miglit change hus tune. I neyer saw sucli an un- attractive land i my lice. Ini On- tario the snow was really beauti- fui to sec, but here they never sccm to get enougli cf it. It just sccms to come onc day, then dis- appears thc ncxt, then ail one cen sec is rcd dlay. It's reaily great sport drilling on snow covcred dlay. Thcy -tel me it makes ex- cellent skiing, althoughl'in' not cxactiy fussy about trylng. I've seen too many uniforma already looking as thougli someone had thrown a gallon of red barn paint ail ovcr them. Our quiarters liere arc a decidcd improvement over our formner homes. The meals ltkewisc are an iinprovcment. I even ate -somc fisi today. Jack Allun ta very disappointed over the fact that sait water is terrible to drink and fo wash and shave in. Incidentaily, I feil for thecI"sait water gag" myself and was only satisfied wlien I tnicd it to make certain. I'il admit I was surprised te taste freeli watcr. Well meal tinielias arrivcd so I must close now. Hoping Bow- manville ta stiil kecplng up ts good name and looking forward te Uic coming copies of Thc Statesman, I remain Yours -sincerciy, 1Hubert HÔoper. C51296 Sgt. Hooper H 34 Fd. Bty. 14 Fd. Rgt. R.C.A. (A.F.) Debent Military Camp, Debent, N. S. "B. Troop" Halifax, N. S. January 26, 1941 Eo&l find a cdippling from our Canteen paper writtcn by H. Phillilps and it h bin comnuemora- tien of the Jenvis Bay, onc of Our Canadian ships lost at sea. I waa thinking it would be very nice if you had space to put it in a cor- net cf Thc statesman for thc town folks to read. I get The Statésman evcny weck se, kecpi toudl i wth ail thc home town ncws. Harold King, A'cting A.B. R.C.N.V.R. Halifax, N. S. Contractl s Lot For $180,000 Factory BY General Motors Third General Metors Extension Begun Since First of Year Womk wtll start ts wcek on Uic largeat of tirce additions te their immnense plant whicli Gen- cral Motors of Canada, Lirnitcd, Oashawa, have launched ts year. It will be a $150,000 structure te, lic butît on tic east aide of Ritson Raad north. Tic lateat addition wtll meas- tire 340 feet by 320 feet, but wil le onean stoney higi. Tic buldn permit tasued by City gineer O. G. Miller specifies that it ta planned as a wareliousc. General Motons officiais refused to enlange on tai information ex- cept te state that thc addition is being erectcd in connection with General Motors war work. ehe contract 'for Uic vast build- ing lihas been awandcd ta Dins- more, McIntyrc, Lixitcd, o! Wind- sor. it will be ai reinforced can- crete and steel construction, with concrete foundations and wood roof deck. Eiarly this year work was start- cd on a $30,000 addition to Uic Geneéral Motors' former mainten- ance building on Richimond street east. This ta now well on Uic way. Tan days ago a permit was issued for the firm's second 1941 building addition, a $100,000 structure, whlch ta bcing addcd te Uic stapi40 plant on Uic west aide ~o~ n road north. ROTARY OBSIERVES 36TH BIRTHDAY Last Sunday, Febnuary 23rd, Rotary International celebratcd its 36th anniversary. Bowmanvile Rotary Club ta just 16 years aid, having sccured its charter in Jan- uary 1924. Rotary was foundcd by Paul Harris in 1905 in Chicago. He did flot visualise tic movement as one wliosc spirit would capture men in practicaily evcry nation of thé world. At thc present time tlicre are over 5,000 Rotary Clubs. In On- tario, wc have eighty. There are over 210,000 iMembers in thc world, with tic Toronto Club of 407 ipembers being the largest club in the British Empire and thc sixth in the world. Rotary is a service organiza- tion, and is tic first really large movement for organized service aniongst thc men outside af Uic Cliurcies and fraternal organisa- tions. It ta net a selfish organisa- tion in any sense of Uic word, but it dees specialize itic cultiva- tion of friendship and fellowship as a rneans o! iurtlierig thc work it undertakes. Rotary lias one ideal-the Ideal of Service. Perliaps you are not fanuiliar with tic tenu, "Ideal of Service," but you have licard of the Golden Ruie, and tliat, basic- ally, hs Rotary's Ideal of Service- application of tic Golden Rule by Rotarians in ail phases af every- day life. And it works! Few idéals are practical, sadly enougi, but Rotary's is. In union there hs stncngth, and ecd Rotary Club is a union o! business and pro- fessional executives - onc man from ecd recognized lie of busi- ness. It is a union hcld together by the cement o! frtendsiip andi gond wiil and fellowship. It's easy: to sec iow sucli a graup possessesi and exercises tremendous paten- tialities for the accompllsliment of gond. Cripplcddhidrcn, delin- quent youtli, college students i dire financial straits, the blind, the poor, Uic underprivileged - these and others wlio have needed help have seen Rotary's poten- tialities appiicd. Rotary aise lias brouglit about betterment of busi- ness and professional ethics Uiro' tic adoption by trade and craf t associations of codes of ethics of fair business and professional standards. Some years ago, Rotary was in Germany and in Italy, but as In- ternational undcrstanding, good- will end peace liad no part in Uic programmes ai Hitler and Musso- Uini, Rotary was bantised from these countries-tlic same situa- tion now exista in Japan. Wle Rotary hs officiaily dead in these countries, Rotarians and men o! Rotary spirit stili live and wrnl live to sec Uic day tliat under- standing, goodwill and peace can again be put into practice. Victory is won with dollars and guns-Buy War Centificates. I buy War Savinga Certificates becauùse I stil wanit my freedom. SPECIAL PARD 'Ail Members of "D" Coy - 2 Mid. R. wiII parade at D.wmaavile A&monudes WEDNESOAY N1GHT, MARCH 5Y 1941 AT 7.30 P.M. (D.S.T.) Perey H. Jobb, Major, O. "C 'y - 3 Mi. IL TALKIE TO SHOW A WVINTER'8 DAY HYDRO STORY John Burroughis tauglit me, years AT ROTARY CLUB T ago,witrsdy Whcn fanm and field and forcat, -Bowmanvilce Rotarians have a tea, treat in store for Uiem at their Are furred in ermine gay. meeting on Frîday when Geo. E. When limba and twigs arc ribbed Chase, local manager of Uic Hydro with whitej Çomissýxm isbrigin Noman Whcrc once llved katy- ids, Comisaonh rhiingNoranAnd wlld -snow-walkers lve J. Lake' of Uic Ontario Hydro their tracks Electric Commission, to present On ficldts white coverlids. the talkie picture "Thc Brighit Path." Tien in Uic evening, when thc Ini "The Bright PaUi" as it un- moon folds before your gaze you wiJl Shines past Uic eastern haze, beliold some tangible evidence at Tic frost-gleamed dlamonds, least of Uic magnitude of Hydre sparkflng bniglit, Development i Ontario. Refleet its silver rays. You wiil sec how a great arMY And ail things seem so quiet then, of dreamers and workers are Exccpt a distant owl, meeting Uic challenge of nature in Or may be bark of Reynard, rcd, pushing back Uic frontiers of Uic Who's seckig barnyard fowl. wllderness; how the taming of Uic torrents of water i their mad And so I learned, leng years ago, course to the ses is lielping to To like a winter's day, make ice worti-whule for the Wien al eutdoons ih richly garbed people fortunate enougi ta be liv- In enmine snew-array. ing in tai great Province, by eliminating at tic lowest possible -RALPH GORDON. cest, countîcas hours of drudgery 628 Crawford St., Toronto. in Uic home, in tic factory and on thc farrn. Dreas Your Dollars In Air Force You wiil sec iow Hydro De- Blue - Buy War Certificates. velopunent conserves the natua resources, tic water bing ue frbut afew oentsti pwc filtcred from it and tien neturned, ENGAGEMENTS undiniinished and unaltered in ita physical or chemical form, te its Mran s.CH.Tgrt naturai course man's nearcat ap- OMr.aan Mrs.C.h. aggart proacli te perpetual motion. ot tawa, anunte, Ulic ngagYmp and unitakaleform ic man- cto Lieutenant G. T. Bradley Hon- ingda 'Seickbe' te UitPublicas eymnan, lat Bn. Midland Régiment ing f 'ervce'to te Pbli as(A.F.>, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. you watch men toil tirougli bUnd- Hoeyman, Bowmanvile, Ontarlo. ing snew and bitter cold, torren- Marriage to be solcmnized on tial raina and howling gaies, ta Mardi 15Ui. maintain uninterruPted in YOur comfortable homes that spark of ligit and power se that you, Uic Mn. and Mrs. oscar McQuadc people, ridi and poor alike, may cf Cadmus, Ont., wisli to ennounce pursue Uic even tenure of your Uic engagement of their daugliter, ways. Anna Elizabeth (BeUi), te Roger And now for this modern Ad- Raymond, son of Mr. and Mn. venture Tale cerne truc - Uic Wm. Oke of Port Penny, Ont. Tic wonder of Uic agc - Uic tale of marriage to take place e4rly ini H-ydro Po'Wer.1 Maréh. Tic editer's "fan" mail i- dreases week by weck. Here arc but a fcw items from recent let- ters: "Tic 'Durhiam County Mentor' came ta rnorning and I .tilll tiink your paper h aonc o! tic bcst in this country and surpasses any big metropblitan daily - es- pecially Uic wonk for tic farmers. Thc f arrn stahUicbackboue o! Uic nation-Uike Uic foundatienofa i bouse. You franne and state anj editonial with a running punch onu any subjcct, cspecially farn sub- jects that lead up to a climax Uike a carpenter driving a nail bte two boards-tien clicliing it on thc ethen sId."ý-Ralpli Gardon, Toronto.bu This is blushful tnibutebt f armera who givc us Uic facts de- serve tUic kudos-'Ed'. "Enclosed $2.00 hs my subscrip- tion fon Uic home paper for 1941. Serry I am a little late, juat blanie Uic flu. I had it good and plenty. Thank you fan not cutting me off ior if I musa an edition Ij feel I have lest a lettes fram home."ý-Mrs. P. T. Serves, St.i Catharines. "Ini tisse distresig tinues we arc asked te give up luxuries, 80 I amn giving up a regular paper and will devote that much ta wun- ning Uic war,"1 says a country suliscriber. We arc flattcned to- have Tic Statesman mentioed in Uic clasa o! luxuries, but we arc ail out for war-cffert and a bettes break fer fariner subeciibr..-Ed. "Didn't recelve Thc Statesmian o! Feli. 20Ui - miss t very much, must have got iost in Uic mail. Could you fomwand me anotier onc?"ý-B. C. Fennell, New Toron- te. Anothen copy lias alrcady gene forward, Bert.-Editon., In sending out aubscription ac- counts last week one got into Jack Culiy's (Sudbury) papes by mistake. Ini returning the slip leiest what Jack says: "Dean Gea.. Encloscd flnd dunner that was en- closed i my Statesman by nmis- take. Cute littie dunnes you have, George. I think I wMi start dun- ning Uic boys icre, I have te stop and tel Uhimal Uie ncws fmenu my Statesman and I amn gctting lieoked for it. I have te tel Jamie Wright, Irish Graham, Pilce Pal- lard from Newcastle, Beanno Large, Cruiser Cox, Serg. Hall, anl Uic ncws frorn lame. Will have ta try and solicit seme business fan yau." Blackatock, Ont. February 21, 1941 Dean George:- I have just rcad your account o! tic meeting bn Omono on Feli. l8tli for Uic Federation of Agri- culture.' Tiank you for rcponting tuis meeting, aiso fer anl Uic other articles whicli you have carnicd in intcrcst of Uic farmers. While my iusband and I anc nat new aètivcIy engagd i farming, wc arc as interested as ever itic farnu prablems and I Uink it is just splendid that you arc se gen- crous witli yaur paper space ion us. Thank a lot. I had Uic privilege o! attend- ing tic convention I Toronto ai Uic Agicultural Associations last week and if I wcrc talking te yau would tel you someoai Uichigli- liglits o! Uiat meeting.. Keep up tic good work. We anc havingma meeting Friday even- ing, Feli 28th, in our town hall ta seecwiat Cartwrigt Township can do. Annie Stinson. Dean George- It saddencd me to nead in last week's Statesman o! Uic paasing o! an estecmed former student, Nelson H. Reynolds o! Toronto, who came i from Sonina te tic Bowmanville Higi School in tic days o! my principalship there, and I should 1k. to add rny word o! tribute te lita mcmory, In Uic home papen. He was a medest, likeable lad, a filhiul studant, a good sport and a worthy successon o!is elden brother Norman who pre- ceded him in Uic achool, and I was net surpriscd ta learn that lie developed into Uic type of man that le became. hic e niy onty-threc years) was ail toe short, but it wasaa great hilng ta lave example and leadership suclu as lis active for s0 manyyears amongthticyoung people whom lic scmved. This wil give comfort te Uiose who mourn John Elllott. 800 William St., SCOTT'S EMULSION - ~ A le Oum Botter Way t. tak. Cod Llv.r oit Vitamine Be.oham's Pilla - - 23o - 49o Orobrige's Lunt Tonle 40ae- 85o Kepler Malt & Ced Liver OUl- -- ----75o - $1.25 THE EMPIRE NEEDS OUR SUPPORT This week we remind you of many popular EMPIRE MADE producta. Buy them, this week at our low Priams BAR GAIN S OXO CUBES ' a 10 Oc - 23c VIROL 4Siîlo.43c-173c -$1.13 'OVALTINE 38c - -58c- 98c ROBINSON'S BARLEY iL. 33c GIBB'S DENTIFRICE 17c - 29Cl KEEN'S MUSTARD 4a 23c NIVEA CREAM 8mO r. 95c BRONCHIDA Bile Beans - - - 47o Cough Syrup Langdalis Essence ef ]Prompt relief from stubborn Cinnamon - - - 47e eoughs and colis ~Dbttel Aiitieptic 500 8 oz. bottle 5___ 0JC Zani-buk Olntment -47e I...Ced Liver Oil Thermegene Weol 49o - 98c 8 o..550 - 16 ez. 98e Brylcreem - 250 - 490 British Censoies, Turrets, Swe.t Caporals, Grads, -a dBlack Cat Cigarettes, 22'. for - - - 25. Thé Lucky New Way 10.. CloanorTsoethlgbtOr Smlles VELVETTA CLEANSING TISSUES 200'. 10e - o0'.s25 Face-eUle Ts is s - 25o Newi For ComfowI and WtilIty Prescriptions -a Specity ____ALEX McOREOOR ____$la_____________)4 Laura SecordDR O Phone 792 Candieses We Deliver SPY BL"ket 25c 1DALDWINB»«It150 GUAEFIUI]LARGE 5 fer 25o Onai*PINACH 2Lbs. 15e Seleeted Quanit, CJIAEAG v = Lb. Sc CAOS mmU 1uCEx .'bCr Head Sc Ibo lb 1e ODNGEcmlfrfiDos. 21c NIElONS o DOL 23c Plodgo Your Savings and Hasten Victoryi Buy War Savings Certificates Rigularly A a p no SUNNYPIELD BU'.59 BOKARSOA4P Woodbury's 4 for 24e rIiECEE SALMON TODD'5 z.ER,2 7c RAISIN LOAF noal Brand. mk Tneul 33 MAUI IGET b. 23c le Ui . IDE Rom IITL19C soTH FOýR 3c 101 U OS? l. O YUL Ffs &&mm lb. 17C MMARY 27,1941 The feverish tempo of Canada's Industriai war effort has become a figlit against time with little leisuré for such incidentais as ulcals. A niachinist is here shown i a Cantdian gun plant munching away at lus lunch with one liand on the con*ols of lita whirring machine. USE EMPIRE MADE ,mWe.TFn rinblnRODUCÎS LOWEST eing ahariship, It i. a privilege we Canadias enjo, to e bleb IPRICES te useotuhe top standard producta of Great Britain ani other Empire Coun- tries, as well as gos ef our ewn Canadian uiria. PAGE7M Pl