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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1941, p. 8

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'ý,ÊGrî IGrHT THE CAWi, &M, BoM (b = [AN, BOWMAIiVILLE, ONTA1Uo THURSDAIr, The. NewcastlehIndependent Phonec Clake 1114 Glenn Aflin spent the weekend with his frlend, Arthur Cienience, Shew's. Messrs. VanDusen and Adair are busy ugin cutflng ice far Prof. C. B. Sissons, Orono. Mr. Melbourne Grant, Wilming8 ton, Del., US.A., lu vlsiting his aunt, Mrs. W. H. B. Chiaplin, und cousin, Miss Mary. Mr. Thas. A. Rodger returned MoCnday ta lis duties as principal o!f thc public sclool and teacher o! thc senior roam. J. H. Jase lu attending the an- nual meeting of the Canadian Gladiolus Society, o! which hie is a directar, in Toronto an Frlday. Mr. Hanlan Parker ha gone to Montreal ta take a position witl a dyeing company that lias a branch, the Cobourg Dyc Works, lu CabaurÈ. H. R. Pearce ia reprecnting Newcastle Horticultural Society af the provincial convention in King Edward Hotel on Thursday and Friday o! thus week. Mrs. Pearce accompanied him to the clty. The World Day of Prayer wil] be observed in Newcastle Fcb. 28th, by a combined meeting af the W. A o! St. George's Church and the W. M. S. o!fie United Churdl intaSt. George's Parish Hall at 3 p.m. Mr. Ieifi Aiken o! J. Anderon Smih Ca. staff, who moved fa START 'Emn on CO-OP '~ KEEP 'Emn on CO-OP A sfeudy dief o! CO-OP feeds during thc various stages o! life o! poultry, wll meun less expense and greeter proifit ta you.., CO-OP feeds mean healfiier birds because. fhcy arc acienflficafly prcpamedl to bring ouft tc best in any klnd of poultry. There is a upecla mixture for ecd pur- pose besides a nuniber o!*al purpose concentrates. Products Bu Dufram Four local CO-operative 'TME UNITE PAUMERS CÔ-OPRATMV CO. LTD. Dlbuted by SAM STEWARTf j BOWM»maale HOGG & LYTLE Osha id Bawnranvillc when there was no e, house available lu Newcastle, lias prcdahod fie Dr. B. T. Rfir r frd us, fornxerly fie propcrty r of Mns. J. F. Osborne, Slaw's. Fanmers, citizens, and uchoal g-children atfendcd ,.u1r instructive sa and cetta5 flitreeMature id picture show intahfe commninty hall on Frlday cvening. The three ýd mel showu wcre: Thc Romance aof Fertilizer, Tic Royal Tour and Dr Black Scourge. Congratulations f0 Mr. Gordon White and Miss Helen Robinson, ýdaugîter o! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 19 Robinson, Newcastle, on thair marriage iu Tyrone by Rcv. A. F. Gardner on Feb. l3th. Thc happy to couple will live inNewcastle :hwhere the groom lu employed in S, Newcast le Trail Rangera nctted ig $19.07 from fleir sale o! waste 'y material guthercd lu their first nsalvuge campaign. Their collec- flain o! scrap iran, rags, paper, old sbatteries, etc. was taken ta To- ýronto by truck and sold. Tic money was sent ta fie Tclegram's [British War Victims Fund and )was duly acknowledged. ýf C.G.I.T. girls entered last week- hend on ficir candy seing pro- dject-ta expectatian o! raising $10 f0t be sent f0 the National Girls' Wark Board. Thcy !ound many awiliing and pleased buyers, but it i) i a debatable question whcticr fi te goods offered or fie sellers wcre Uic chie! attraction and fthc deciding factor in the transfar o! 25c for a box o! confections. Mr. and Mmm. Ernest Alldread and family lave moved itt Mrs. Olive Mereditl's hanse, witl restaurant atfachcd, adjoining A. W. Glenncy's property. Mm. and Mrs. Sandy Moffatt, who vacated it, have moved int6 Mrs. Walde- mar Eddy's bouse across from tlic U.C.S.S. building. Mr. and Mrs. Chias. Alldrcad moved .from. fis it thflcbouse vacafed by bis par- ents and fIns completed fie per- fect moving triangle. NEWCASTLE Y.P.U. Young People's Union met on Monday evening with President Miss Murjorie Lycetfta inte clair. It was dccided ta invite Muple Grave Union Mardi lOti. Boss Aflin rcad fie minutes. Putridea Pearce, Citizenship convener, liad charge o!fie devotions and pra- gramn. Louise Hancock read fie scripture. Doris Allun and Gwens Gibson favored witr vocal duefs,c wlth Betty Allun accampanylng.1 H. B. Pearce gave a talk an tUic femperance situation, nienfloning Uic Canadian-wide Wartime Vol- untary Abstinence Campaign me-t cently launched. Wm. Aluin, wifl t Betty Allin accampanying, con- i tributed tenor liorn solos. Of a1 somewbat ligîter nature was ad realistic demonstration of, e tooti extraction by Wm. Allun, a large P f001 denflut. Dois Alita was *thele patient and Louise Hancock fie attendant nurse. In fie midut of fie program fie wiole member- slip separuted for discussion un- t der the four conveners. The even- 6 ing concluded wifl a recreution el period conducted by Ernest Gil- p bank and Garnet Rlckard. e Card of Thanka Thc family o!fie late Arthur E. Wilson, Burketon, wish ta ex- press their sincere flanka and ap- preciation f0 Mirs. J. Barrowdale, also friends and neiglibours, for their many acts o! kindness and expressions o! sympahy during thxe illness and passing a! a loving liusband and father. si rowers procure a copy et once. here lu muci musty grain in bins il year end tests for germination uaIt ta begin riglit now. We have cafle attention to the ced for overhaullng harnesu, for uylng and festlng gawlen seeds, a before the rush commences. Don't forgef the lebor ohortage. trt now ta do fthe oddu n .4 )u can't have finie for 1ae i y Mayor of Toronto eAddu'sss Mombwrs eMINk Foundatoin e The third annual meeting of tho Toronto Milk Foundation wai held recently in Toronto. The Board of thlrty niembers-- fifteen distributors and flftee& producers,-met for a brief busi rness meeting, chiefly to receivi .the financial report, and to con. s ider the budget for the comrini year. At the luncheon al the distri. butors ini the market were invit. ed, those flot contributing to the >Fund as wefl as the contributini members. The presidents of the fifteen local associations in addi. tion to the members of the Board represented the producers. Arnong the special guests were: Mr. W. R. Reek, Deputy-Mlnistez of Agriculture, Mr. Thompson ol the Borden Company, and Mr, Bert Hughes, president of the On- tario Milk Producers League. Foilowing the luncheon, Dr. Conboy, Mayor of Toronto, adr dressed the meeting on the sub- jeet of Health Education. Dr. Teasdail, Director of Nutritional Researchi, emphasized the liport- ance of mikin the diet ofthepeo- ple. He laid special stress on the need of pasteurizing milk, and commxended the Ontario Govern- ment for the Act requfring pas- teurization. The new filmn, The Milky Way, was exhibited. Reports by Mr. Clark and Miss Hucks on the work of the year, were piesented, Mr. Lock gave the' reports of the treasurer and the auditor . The above report appéred in~ The Ontario Milk Produc , , and invites our editorial comment. Citizons te Bonei From Plans For Hospital Cér. Toronto, Feb. 25: For the price of a postage stamp daily, employ- ed persons in Ontario may now proteet themselves against pos- sible hospitalizatibn expenses in connection with finesses affect- ing theniselves or thelr depend- ents. This bias been announced by C. J. Decker, President of the Qn- tarlo Hospital Association, when the Plan for Hospital Care wag inaugurated. N. H. Saunders of Toronto, was appointed managing lirector of the Plan. Enrolnrent in the Plan for Hos- pital, Gare is. opep to groups. 'of- employed workers throughout the province, it was announced by Mlr. Deeker. «Similar community services* in lie United States have about 6,000,000 subscribers enrofled in 66 commumity and state-wide Plans," he stated, "while that op- erated in Manitoba is now enter- ig on its thlrd successful year"' For less thàn two cents a day n employed W*orker wyill under the ternis of *the Plan'i contract, be entitled to *standard hospital accommnodation for a perlod of 21 ays in any one year. For less Lan 'three and one-haif cents a ay, lie may secure the same benefit to ail members of -lis tmuly. Inaugurated by the Ontari o 1 [ospital Association, the plan lias rie endorsation of the Ontario .edical Association and the Aca-1 lemy of Medicine, while Hon. ïarold J. Klrby, Mtiistr, of ealth for Ontario, haapg oved st schedule of rates and , aifits. Specifically, the Plan guaran-' ~e its subsc.ribers complete hos- italization for 21 days in any rear in return for- a subscription )f50 cents monthly for thlint- 1 Lvidual, or $1.00 monthly for an j mtûre faniily. Standard accom- i nodation lu provided. Participat- 9 ng hpspitals wiil require no cashm lposit on admittance of a sub- criber or his dependent. The hos- ital bull will be rendered to and aid directly by the Plan. The bnefits consist entirely o!fliospi- al service and cash indemnlty is t paid ta the subscriber.-. In addition to ,the.routine ser- I I I 1 ..BIRTtI , ItEICI-IATH - At Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Thur-sduy, Feb- .'aY2O 91 aMr. and MrsHny ecnu ,Newcas- fie, O~ui i lta eduugl- fer<Cnltue) DEATHS DART - Iu Weston, on-Fabruary 25fi, 1941, James Dant, ae 75 ycars. Basting et Norticutt & SnritltW Funeral Chapal for service on Thutsd, Feb. 27th, eat 2,30 p.m. StandardTma. Infemment ut Hampton Cemefcry. MOFFATT - In Ombno, Fcbmuary -22nd, 1941, James Moffaft,, ta lis 67fi year. McMUIRTRY - In Oshawa, Sun- day, Fcbruamy 23rd, 1941, Estella McKeown, bclovcd wl! e - o! T. Herbert McMurtry motier o! Mrs. Fred Spry sud Mrm. Eldon Stacey, Oshawa, Miss Helen Me- Mu .y Montreul, ,Rcdvers anS- Lawrence, Oshawa. 1 Enfombment Union Cematery Muusoleum. Interment ta Bow- manville Cemfery et a later date. « POUND, Doofiy - At Niagara Feus, Ont., on Tuesdey, Febru- amy leti, 1941, Darofiy Pound, ta lier 90h yeelay oeS wlfe a! fie lafe I. L. cuni and mo- fier o! Mr. E. J. Zevitz, Toronta,- and sister o! li. John Squair, -Toronto. Funenul 1.15 Fridey Fcb. 21sf, froni Bella Funerai Chapal, Rtidgewuy, Ont. STAINTON - In Oshawa, Febru- amy 22, 1941, WiWimIH. Stalu- ton, in lis 92ni1 er, father o! Luther Stainton, MunversBoad, .Bowmanville.- SQUAIRE DEAL FOIL CAX"AI>AN FAIRMERS (BlenleinriNews-Tnibt"n) Consideruble la betag s" by leaders of Agriculture et thé pre- sent finie about Incqueuliy O! sacrifice on behulf o! ticenatonal war effort, beceuse o!f10 lw prevaillng farm pnices lu- relation ta oflier products whic ld. fiefar- mer must buy, sud uas mathihcry, food, lotltag, furniture aM so on. Tic complaint lu nat agàblt the low-price contracts ta suppl$1vfood ta Bnitua, but againatthfe rfsai ta help or let fie farmer ge- tmore for lis produce on fie homie'-mar- ket, or fa spread fie saerl. foc! tic low cost supplies b4Wsent ta England by a bonus toIble fer- mer wiich wauld be- paid bï fie general taxpayer. One serious handicap faced by thic South Kent fermer las -been fie big volume o! lmported pro- duce coning onta fhe Onfaria markets just before is own crops are rcady for marhet.- Tic situation rigif now la smn- ply fiat, on authoritative fgues, Canadinna are paurtag 50 Mlons o! United States dollars (includ- ing U. S. friegît chargea), int o vcgetables, orangcs and grape- fruit, out-of-meason fruits, 'sfhen fis money iu needed ta ou'(so-- caled) "total war." If lu lime fanmers insisted fiat Uic govcmn- ment stop figlting fis "total we.r" wlIthanc hand una n alai Othc population. Prohibition of imported 'fruits aud vegetables would benetit the farmcrs grcatly. But If. wouldn't hinder fie war effort - If '*Ould help if by canserving needed U. S. dollars. If wouldn't handicap.fie consurner, l e nilght eut "old potatoes"' a couple a! weehs- long- erin thUi spning, eut apples tastcad of oranges rightf uow, buy bulk carrots lusteud a! bundli currots the* useless tops a! wiicl çagst good U. S. dollars), but he wôuld have al the essentiels of! aheidfiy dief, and when fie ncw Ontario ff .s cam. e an, tf i1gb prices lhaave in peut ycars biceur paid for imparted produce wauld'coma infeud it thfe pochets o!fieb Canadian fermera, and back- into ,irculafion ta fie côuntry. If Socs not llph t fe wut fa ,l eting ipre artswhle0 alundmed tons of goad currofa. lie il nuaeable within fen mileof o! Blenhçini. Tic wlolesalîer 1- Id q ,if make fancy prôfits'b üe t] ,ould lep the wrby hý-à* 8 angaîan.produce, asud « rient ýrefusel ta give hlm Ê'- irs would be fie niait e c mcouragement towamds .tfis et a. ublic opinion sloÙld difnarid t Wa huven't. enougi U. S. doilarb obuy bath war niatenials and ti ýut-of-scuson 'fruits -und vegt-d ables, and we ail kuaw wbici wc eed most sarcly. i INLY TWO NAZI I PRISONE» AitE ON 1FRENCH LEAVE c yen ta Uic escapes o! Genman ft risoners o! war Interned ta Cati- rc da or while ta transit ta campo. in Vifi two exceptions alilo!fluhece ien have been rccaptured befotc hi cy could get ouf o! Canada. One sa flhc two wîo cnossed tata tl4 fr rnited States lias since been ra- w rued sud la bchlnd barbeS wire fi gain. The ofier lu bclug IciS b>? th e American authorifles pending bi e disposai o!flsMase. Tisse lave been fie. succaus'10 »ries amang Uic pnisoners o! wvit' t iCanada but againat fiem the . iterniment aufiomltlqs are able fa TI et attempt aet escape lnvolvia -be )me 150 prisoners- attempts ,th WRIGHT - In loving .1ieniay o! a Sean lusband sud fufier, Oscar Ceci Wright, Kendal, Who passeS. quiefly away Febmuany 26fli, 1934. "Time takes eway cvery grief, But memory tums -bach evcry leaf." -Ever rcniemberad by wlfe Florence sud family. which thougli cunningly planned have begn frustmuted. About six wechs ago, ta a camnp where somne o! thc more danger- ous Nazis are infemned thc author- Mtes had a "lhunch" fief an éscape was- being plannaed. A quiet but carefu1 investigation, disclosed tiat a tunnel, 3 !eet below' fie sur'face was beln urrowed from w hûu à- pointb Obnd- the -barb- ~dwire. The discovery wau ,mudeý hqulckly, fiat one a!fIte prison- ers- was caugît ut work Mi fie tungel. là an officers' intemnmnehf camp tunnelling an a grand scale -was dlucovered eurly lu December. Thé suspicions aofie guard were first arouscd by the sound of tap- puxg. If rcquircd sanie curefulit- vestigation fa locate ifs position and wlien this was donc fthc sub- sequent seardli led ta flic discov- ery or noaiss flan firceetun~nels leuding from three diffement rooms o!fite building. In anc room'fie wallbourd. had been me- novad, a large. stane fahen ouf of the wall and thc rubble came- ÙulIy concealed. Prom another roa fthc prisoners lad suiccecded in tunnelilng firougi fie wall, uttlng througli a merles a! iran bars wifl penknmves nmade Itt gaws -by meure o! a file stolen trom fie carpentry shop and tic rork was weil on Ifs way ta flic fnal wall wlen discovered. Thc third tunnel led tbrougi heuvy nlckwork f owurds fhe upper o h oes o!fe building. Thc ,oploles lad been. ënlarged, but te prisoners sf111 lad anather sonewull obstacle ta overcome. !hc tools used for fis work lad *eexi made from iran tuken fram tbeir beds fempered in flic îeating Loves. Last Septeniber an ingenious prIsaner fook, Uic loch off a man- ole caver and uued fie manhole to.start a tunnel. He wus caughrt ,licn an observant guard nÔticed Rn aid cout cavenlng: fie opening rita which the prisoner hadJ>eeft liovclllng fie carth. A4>1rer n»gginative prisonen trled fa con- sulj fie entrance fa lis t4pncl w 'a ai A 'nuniber o! bold attenipto ut escape througi fthc barbeS 'wire tances have been made but none has been .succeosfu. Tic scutry's clalen e raily brouglit tic palopr ta a ahemefaced hlt. Oters lowever, gave movie mrefiah, a try. One prisoner clug td fie underside o!fe ambarage fruch but was ceugîf t fi e gef e where ail vehicles leaVing the C p are -tharoughly inspectecl. fIer liS llnxelf ita:a carton o! -=laundry but on reaching the em~pound gute, fie cartons were eýçgmnnc and ha- was qulchly e- inpved. Stace fis, finie laundry .hâs been- sent ouft iniail bun- dies. ]Desplte fleir vaunted efticicucy the Nazis hae, not donc as gooci av1 Of 1!guarding Brithsbpnisoners 4mtaGermany as Canadiens donce guarding Nazi prison- ern o! war ta this coiuntry. Tiare have beau e nuniber, a! escapes tiom X, ziInternment- camps.Qe oi h fie et spectuculan was fief of Lord' Cardigan wio made bis w»y for more fIan 300 Miles tbugihFrance'ansd Spanand y buch te England. This wus sutlIýtely more diff l et u Isnptg acrosa fia faw miles geparate fie location of the Iujgppexit Ini iCanada froum 'Èianti nlboundbry. WOPRK WANTED-GnmL WANTS work, mtier's lielp preferablt, ta Bo0x 111, StafesmnanOfie 9-le Auction Sale Tic underslgncd bas eceivcd instructions from John- P oUar Lot 24, Con. 5, Danlingto , (Ha- garth Fanm,_1 mille soutiaf Sa- line), ta seil by public auction on Moudey, March lti, 1941, ail bis tarn stock, implements,,. bey, grain, poultry, ensilage, harnes sud some hpuselold effects. Ternis cash. Sale ut 1 p.m. Stand- ard Tuae. Rmer ýWilbur, Auc- fiancer. - 9-2 The udrlndbsrcle C. W. CATHCAOST SOUTER HALF LOT 7, CON. 8 Township et Clarke (near Kendal) te ssei by publie auction, on, Mardi 4th Cattle-Cow, red Sbomfhorn, 4 yormsaiS;Heifer, mced and wbite, Shofo , comlng 3 ycara; Cal!, ned, Siortioru. Fina - Bcd Bour, Tamnworfl,1 jabout 17 -moufle; White Sow, about 14 manfhs, wifhilitter ut foot; White Sow,- about .3 ycara, wli littar et foot; Wite Sow, due latter, part o! MercI; 6 Sboats, wliite, about 125 lbs. ec. Hay-.-Stack Huy, about 7 tans; quanfity of hay. Grai-Approx. 200 busielu o! MixeS Grain; approx. 25 busiels Feil Wleet. H orse&--Black Percheron Marc aea 15 yeans, about 1200 Ibs., breci ta McQuandril's Percheron Morse; Brown Perchecron Mare, uge 15 ycams, about 1100 Ibo.; Bey. Per- cheron Marc, ae 15 yeers, about 1300 lbs., bred ta McQuandrls. Percheron bomme.- Peultr.*-About 65 Barred Rock Puilets, 3 Geese. Implementa - Set bockç band liarness; fenning miIi, Dingle; set scales, Benfrew;.coin cutting box, DeLaval; luy fork sud ropes; set slluh; wagon; luy rake; spring- toafi cultivatar, M.-H.; set drag h e rrao w s; mawer, McCormck- T>cering, No. 6, 5 fi. eut; seed dril, Naxon; M.-H. binder; single plow; scuffler; M.-H. 2-!urrow plow; sewtag machine sud cnùtac; otier Item too numeraus ta mention; ý]pprox. 6 fi. ensilage ta silo 10 !t. Farm For Sale-The f arn wll be offered for sale if flot previaus- ly sold - 100.acres, 65 acres work- bl, good ric ase sud batik bam, wtse p une ehorse barn, ihog pen..anS silo, good drive bouse ' sud pulfry bouse, good produc- tive lad. WMl be offered subject ta neservé bid. Tcmms muSc known on date o! sale. Ternis on Chattals Cash, No Re- serve. Sale et 1 pm. S.T. RImer WluAuctioneer. Maoey COLIS 3-Paries. Mdkima Sucesu At fint pnIe, amu or nasal uii- 'And rdiewmbdr - Wbaaha L maIre euier, ortranaen M~, U. Ya- a.'nol gives:v- zabln S'p Us t.> innktwblr hpsfluah 0tL- asa, pasaes - ~ V 4,-pig ~ 5 ltelp Wanted DEALERS WANTED - EAEN A sure income sellnadir t .200 mission, monthly bargaiùs. As many customers as there arc familles. No rluk. Starf at once f0 build a solid dlientele for sprtag. Conditions and free catalogue. Fanillex, 570 St. Cle- ment, Montreal. 9-1 W AN T ED - EXPEBIENCED farrn hand. Apply F. L. Smith, FARM HAND WANTED - EX- perienced ta mlxed- farming single or marrled wti smal faxnily. State experience and wages exetd Wilfred Bow- man, Ennlskillen, phone 2512. 9-1 'YOUNG MAN WANTED YýOUNG MAN 16 TO 18 YEARS of age ta learn Men's Wear Bus- iness. Part time employmenfta start with, permanent position 'If satisfactory. An excellent op- portunlty ta learn the business and a good future assured. Ap- ply ta own handw'nltlng, statinfi age and education. Experlence flot necessary. Apply Box 110, dlo The Canudian Stafesman. 8-1 For «cnt FOR RENT - 5 BOOM MAAlT- ment, ail modern convenlences, bath, Fes o01Bumner, and gar- age. Rent reasonable. Possession Mardi lst. Apply ta Mrs. A. Tait, Division St., Bowmanvifle. O-tf-1* Tea Cap Reading TEA ClIP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m. ta 10 Ip.m. Darch's To- bacco Store, phone 2884. 8-4 Radio- Repairs RADIO REPAIES - ALL TYPES. Plio Car Radios sold and in- stafled. R. Quinn, Kinag Street. Phone 575. 91 Weekly Fced Speciai W E EKL Y FEED SPECIAL - Shur-txuin 16% Ilog Growe $1.90 per cwf. Offer gooduni Mardli 6th. F. C. Vanstone, phone 777.9- Furs FURS - THE MARJORI KAY Shoppe, agents for Hailt Ren- frew Co. Ltd. (Esfabllslepd 1831) Foi, endiIries phone 661. 9-1, Wanted to . Rent W&NTE TO RENT -ONE UN- furnlmlcd room, by working girl. Board ouf. Possession hume- diutely. Apply Box 112, States- man Office, Bowmanviie. 9-1* WANTED TO- RENT - SMALL house wlfl ail convenienées or five roomed aparuiext. Pos- sessin Api sf. Apply Box 114 StfesanOffice, Bowmnan- ville. 9-1 lWhat OtheiiSn yI FOR SALE - RUEBER GOODS Sundries, etc., muiled postpui ln plain, aealed wrapper., 80% lm stfla refail. Wrlte for mufl- onder ,utalôgue. Nov-Rubbmr Co., Dept. X-2, Box 91, Hamnil- tonOnt. 3- 4 FOR SALE - QUANTIt. 0F good poffoU. Aly Stan- geér.- Enufikill (onee mile noir of lullllnon, blghwpy>., 8". FORaé woE .QANi ~ morn. ie; . X4 A oii-' vile, phoie 2210. 4e Room, and Board BOOM AND BOAPIID-CENTRAL location. Apply ,'F. Mclndoo, phone 894, King St., Bowman-" ville. 8-2* BOOM A14D' BOARD-RATE $7. wechly, ail conrveniences. Ap- pl .u Shell Service Station, Mple Grave or phone Bow- manvle 2388. 91 ROUND TRIP RAIL BARGAI *NS From BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 7-8' 9 To Ottawa Mointreal Quebec ,$5.10 $7.30 511.30 Trois Rivieres S8te. Annede Beaupre $9.50 511.90 Firat trainfremn Bewmavillc 10.12 Pan. Mardi ?tlL Return Limit - Leave Destination Night ot Mrdi i*th Not gool on 8 Pau. trains tram, Ottawa and Montreal Tothe Maritimes March 6th, Ail Canadien Pacifie Stations ln New Brunswick. AUi Domaiion Atlantic Railway Stations ln Nova Scotia. For limita, detalcid service, etc, Coiisult Agcxnts - Procure Handbil. Not Good Rcturn on 3 p.m. Trains tromn MonfreaL PQOL TRAIN SERVICz CANADIAN KCNDA NATIONAL PACIFIIC ONLY ONE RMORE WEEIÇ 0OF THIS GREAT MOI4EY-SAVIIgo EVENT REXALL- 31st Sale Jury S Lov.I1 Moen we test eres It la doue prouerly rhone 778 King Street t - Two-lit SPECIALS - Santa Clae Prunes. 2 Ibs. 25c- Cream of Barley pkg. 25mc Olh Canedian Cheese lb. 25C Clistils Eaoch Devil Food Cake U Red River Cereal pkg. Uct White Cooking Beans 6 Ibs. 2Uc ~NTQUALITY CASHMERE ~oIngTurnips 1TISSUE 14M oBige sole Pswid e. Ifor lc 700 BIIETS (s N Frec Dclivery IN MEMORIAM ýi(/7 v1(at«if R EA Daud Ils îl,,eWANT@ADS PROTESTAN!T ACTION' A militant an d iuderndent) montily newappr o acts,-, figurua and arguments fiat yoU.ý do not !lnd lu uny other paperj ~ bisedtaCanada. Cminfr of! ith rads o!- fie enemies o! British liberfy-' sud fie'Protestant failli. 0100 par year Sampla copy on requait il OLEBEBOLDE ELVD. Toronto 8, Canada «KEMP CANAIDA BEITIS": *unday Servlcçs .M.-undaySekoa (A new teufiirc) "lb. Cro** laEter- nlty, laNHistouy end ln Exp.rlene." ele te Nie < cMIxbon.) 1 ý Work Wdlited - Il - 1 : - 1 - ý 1 - LIvestock For Sale FOR SAIE-15 PIGS, AVERAGE _ 169. lbs. a ulece. MkeCài FOR SALE-14 Pli.7 6 old; also 8 pigi 12 week. Apply George Beneti1,4 ton, phone 2612.-02 FOR SALE -HOLSTEIN BULL4 risin one year, ulso Yol'kahfre» sow due in one week . A"> A. W. Martin, Bowmn1l~ phone 2594. 01 FOR SALE - JERSEY CdOW 4, yeur old wlth twita calVui 4 eesold. Apply William »5s. nek, Courtice. 9- FOR SALE - YOUNG PIMC!H-' eron mare, 3 years old; al»ê.Jer- sey cow, and 25 pigs, 6 weeks old. - als want 100,- acres of pasture land to rent. - A%% LyH CPedwell, Newcustle R.X2 Phone Clarke 3828. 91 Real Estate For Sal LOTS FOR SALE-APPLY Robert Colville, Liberty Street North, Bowmanvlle, plone 588. Articles For Sale CAPS FOR SALE - 1935 PLY- mouti Sedan* 1937 Chev. Coach.; 1938 Chev.Couch- 1941 *Ponfiacp Sedan, demonstr&>r- 1929 Pon- tiuc Sedan; 1934 Ï)'ici. Sedan- 1939 Plymouth Coudh. Apply. Chas. Britton, P. O. Box 374 Bo mnvIlle. 6-tf-la MATTRESS & COMFORTERS -. Inner Spin, Marsall, Béaufy- Rest hand anl spring matfrees rebulit like new. Osfermoor and« layer- t f zAatfresses cleuned. and rebuilt, also converted lut o taner spring maffreses. New covertagi supplied if nccessary. Featier beds washed, sfpe and made itt down comfores finest Englisi down-proofma terai usea. Eiderdowns recov- ered. Speclal prices now.. . _ne. 362. -t-4* jý-- 1 POSITION WANTED -. YOUNG marrled woman desires position as housekeeper wltli tamily ta town or country. Best of refer- ences. Apply Box 113, States- mian Office. 9-2 Wanted WANTED - HIGHEST PIRICES pald for scrap batteries. When your battery fafls, bringîitnfto be X-rayed by our newly In- saifled "Wliard Trouble Find- er Machine." G. F. Jamieson Tire & Buftery Shop, Kcing and Silver Sts. 46-tf Seed Cleaning SEED CLEANING-WE SCOUR dlean and separate anl kindu ý grain. Clean all claver seedu. Modern machitaery. Reasonuble prices. Plane 2218, Garnet B. Rickard, R. R. 4, Bowniunville. 8-tf Salesmen Wanted CASHI IN ON INCREASED BUY-I tag, power wlth fie oldesf and1 largest company of its klndin .the world toduy. Be a Watlns dealer. A nearby locallty lu availuble. If you are between 25 and 55 ail you need lu a car or suitable travel ecipment. Generous credit furnshed. To- Sday more than ever dacu It pay to have the 73 year. reputution and financlal strengtli of a $20,000,000 organizution beind For fuil details write Wat- 2177s Massan St., Montreal, Que., Dept. O-B-9. 8-2 1- TEMMSDAY, 1

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