DAYMARR 6,194 flWANVLLEONTRIOPAGE NINE ®RON~Y. ýakrwas home on leave. fuMaGlenney visited here. Mnr. ùH çHancock was itown. The Fowler famfly have mov- ed to the A. J. Tamblyn faim. Q.W. Rolph la home from the hospital much iniproved. 'Dr. ind Ms. Leslie vislted W. j. Rlddell* lira. J. C. Gamey visited in Ottawa. Mrs. J. R. Cooper attended the. ]Wd Cross convention in Toronto. Mri. and MIrs. S. Payne and lirs. D. Jeffrys visited in Toronto. 1Miss Beverley Payhe visited at MWs Reta McKenna's. I.0.O.F. members went to Mill- -brook Tuesday evening. J. J. Mellor was in Toronto Fri- day, and reports Mis. Jackson in éXcellent spirits. .Scouts. met Feb. 26th, with 20 -jpresent. Saturday they gathered newspapers. Several citizens attended the Ved. Cross and Horticultural gath- erings in Toronto. The Harrises moved into, thie bouse formerly tenanted by the ilobbs. 0 SWEET CAPORAL o WINCHESTER cigarettes or S11.00 wili s.nd sither 1 lb. oa: 0W VIRGINIA pipe tobacco or 1Ilb. af SWEET CAPORAL cigarette ytobocco (withi. Vogue papers) te jCanadians serving in CA.S.F. aver- secs aniy. Aise ta Canadians serving in the Brigdi Forces in Iho Ui ated Kngdom.' $2.50 $onds 1,000 cigarettes te e]n individuel or unit. Address "SWEET CAPS" P.O. Box 6000, Montreal, P.Q. $ho needa added sources of vite- nIlns A and D ta maite up for the tobsence of sumnmer sunshln and -woy ta give ,these vitamins in 1Itua form lub a daiiy close of * U-allbrange. IHliborange *a ,Moka ail the difference ta a kid- .dle's re$Istance. it is twlce as rlch In vtamlns A and D as Cod Liver 4011 of average B.P. standard. The -a.ddition of a double-concentrated juice obtalned f rom f resh, -lusciaus -oronges makes Holiborane pleas- lng ta the plote of te mot -fastidilous chiid. No fluhy, oiiy toste. «Chilidren ask for more. Aduits, too, fInd Haiborange a splendid aId for bulding up corect *arition and maintainlng nomnial ' %eolth. Try it to-day. :Each gram cf Hliborange contains 792 lU. vitomin A 114 I.U. vtamin D ALLEN & HAMDIRYU 0W. LIiTE U4nd"uaiOtubt awbshina Eglaad aa, Mo jean lira. J. Maffatt la spendingtw.o months, in Toronto with Ms.G. Keitu. Bey. S. Littlewood attended the Horticultural Society and B.d Cross conventions in Toronta. Bon Pattenson, RC.A.F., Fingal, was home. Ron has had 31 hours flying experience and been up about 3000 ItL Several Oddfellaws went ta Hamilton February 26th ta -attend tue reception ta tue Grand Mas- ter. A splendid report aiflins. 0. W. Bolph's talk et tue Agricultuiel convention te Taranto appeared In tueFamily Herald and Weekly Star. You know tue aId saying, "If Marci cornes in 11k. a lion i t 'goes out like a lamb"' and vice versa. Wonder if it wMf tuin out tuiS year? To-night (Thursday) Orono la the scene ai tue banquet staged by tue Agicultunal Society whlch promises ta be tue season's most autstandlng event. W. congratulate ieertily tue pnize wnners et O.C.S., especially Donald Staples and Gen Tamb- lyn who eech won twa ai the* cavcted awards. Bed Cross Inspection Çommit- tee met Tiursday and packed tue- foilowing to be sent away: 36 scarves, 65 pr. ai sacks, 1 pr. of gloves, 17 pr. mitts, 9 helmets, 13 sweaters, and 9 quilta. Mis. J. C. Tamblyn'was guest speaker et the Lake Shore Home and School Club. Mi. B. E. Logan favored witu a vocal solo and lira. H. B. Brown and lira. H. Hancock with piano duets. The ylar Sevinga drive, la still forging* ahead. Tuesday aiternna the iund stood et over $6,600.00, and, ai course, more til coming in. Keep up the good work. In the list ,of afficers stegteg the l7th annuel Coflege Royal Show being held tuis week at tue Ontario Agricultural CoU cge et Guelph w. notice L. G. Brown, Orono, is Vice-President ai tue Association. Park St. Churci stewards met mondey evening. A. J. Taniblyn was eppointcd cheirman, C. S. MicLaren secretary, and W.J. Bld- dell treasurer. A committee ai W. B. HaJar, C. S. MicLaren and O. W. Rolph was appoteted ta make arrangements for the War Savings campaign te regard ta tue churci. Mission Band mnet Monda y ai-. ternoon, wltu Teaiperance beteg the tucme ai a veny interesting meeting. Grade MI gave a sktt "Mther Goose's Temperance" Ray West, Shirley Flintoff and ElIenar Hancock gave a tempner- inae. reecllng -la ulai. r-. rendered a chorus, and radem sang aprayor. lira. W. H. Bowe gave a teaiperance taik. Fruit. 'Julce and cookica were scrved. Tien. was a splendid attend- ance et Sufiday School. Mis. A. A. Diummond told tue childien a tory mlustrating tue fact tuet just as tue conductor on tue train is forced ta know and abey raies, la responsible ta a higier q1ficial and iS responsible for atuers' lives, soaere we in the jaurney ai 111e. A quartette, Stella Beat, Edna Myles, Manlcey Littlewoad and Gien Tamblyn, rendered tue sel- ectian "The Rilraad ai Lufe." lira. N. F. Porten's clas sang e chorus. lira. Wm. Armstrong Ys clasa wes tue banner clesa fan February. Mn. Robert Sherwin's clas had the highest percent fan the daSy. PARK ST. W.M.S6 Park St. W.M.S. met Tuesdey witu lins. S. Lîttlcwaad, presi- dent, preSiding. lins. LogiO gave tue treesurer's report.. Misas-Davy and lins. Drurnond vili 'arrange tic April meeting. 1ev. Little- wood addressed the ladies regard- ing tue War Savings drive by tue church. Mis. e. E. Logan was appoteted representative ai thc W.M.S. an the churc ' comnittee ion the same. The wons'hip periad foilowed, tue theme being "Tie Pllgrirn Wey."1 Scriptune was rcad by Mis. F. Kelly and thaughts on tue samne given by Mis.,J. J. Melon. Mis. A. A. Drunimond favored witu a vocal solo. lirs.IB. Ralney took Part I ai tic study book, the subject belng tue wark ai Miss Siipley ýn China. Mis. H. Walsh took Part Il ai the study book, incidenta inte ile af Dr. W. B. Djeng and hiS wank during the war te Chine. This WR1s ioX1wed by prayer by Mis. . Sutton. PARK ST. CHURCH- NE Fine Program at1 AcadeiicPrizes Fie musimal ProgllM Gven ]By Btudentî 10 Large rowd of Proud Parents. A large crowd endtuc bestpo gramn for aiany years ieatuictd te> O.C.S. Commencements Exercises heid la tue town hall Friday evening, and presldcd aver by Mr. John Tambyncilmn ftu achool bard.,carmno h Prograni apened wlth a chair selection "Oui Canada," and a few remrka by the chairman, wio comaiended tue work ai tue staff and recammended tue intro- ductian of mnanuel training and domestic science in tue achool. Tue Glce Club, composed oi twebve girls, rendened thie. splen- did slections, anaccampanled. P. M. Lunn prescnted thc tra- phy for proficicncy in Agriculture ta Glen Taniblyn, son aiflin. and Mis. Milton Tamblyn. This la the fourth award oai ttophy, tire. times being won by e Tfmblyn son an deughter-Olive lBrawn, Franklin and Glen Tamblyn. Tue atuer tirne it was won by Grant Mofftt. Dick Mortan,. Donald Staples, lianlcy Llttlewood and Glen Temblyn fevored with a bras quartette slection, after which Mis. W. lioiiett, niece ai tue lete Prof. John Squair, presented his French pnize ta Donald Staplea, son ai Mr. and Mis. M. H. Staples, precedteg ici presentation wltu a summary aiflin. Squeir's achieve- ments and honours. Kathleen Simpson ievored with a vocal solo. Wmn. Armstrong pr.- sented atlletic medals toAMnea Staples, arlStaples, Jeanne Frester Neil lioffatt and Dick liorton. Glen Taaiblyn'a -Plana solo was followed by an amiusteg vocal trio by Buby Allen, Carol Staples and Muriel Tennant, who in costume and false faces on the back ai tueir heeda portrayed tue thre. young and tien aId maida ai Lee. Richard Morton, president, was called on for' a few woids ai wel- came, aiten which lin. B. C. Bas- borough, principal, prcsented tue prise ta tue leader ai tue winnlng Lterary gou, Gwen Tennant. Mr. Rosborough autlined tue for- mation ai tic saiety and called on Bon Petterson, naw wlth tue .CA.F. et Fingal, tue p ast prési- dent, ta, speak. Roc spake feeling- ly ai the fun. and comradeship duiing bila achool years, mention-' teg particularly tue, presentation ai Disaeli. He also mentiancd tiat he.was well pleased V'wth hil work now -and cornmended tue people ai Orano for tucir War Savingsaectivities. Mr. Rosbor- ough tuen presented Gwcn witu tue certificate and prise ion tie group - promise ofaeuatre par- ty later in tue year. Valedlctorlan Honored - Mr. Boaborough pnesented ta Audrcy Cooper, daughtcn ai Mn. and Mis. Charles Cooper, e year's subscriptian ta the Beeders' Di- gest and a ccrtificete ai award for being veledictorian. In ici eddress Audrey spake rcmnius- cently ai the achool yeers, mcn- tioning pragrams, -Christmas At Home, field day, annuel visita ai tic inspectai, and exams. Sie also comrnendcd the work of tic tee- chers and losed by urging tue fresimen ta be gaod sports. Miss, Doris Whyte favored witu an accordion solo, and tue choir rendeîed two numbers, uneccam- panied. Donald Staples wes present<ed wltu tue Genenal Prof lciency Prise by its donôr, C. B. Tyrrell, and Glen Tamnblyn with tue lie- sanie Lodge >p riz. for mathemetica by Cail Billilaga. An eXhbiton ai dancing was given by 14 girls in costume - Jeanne Forrester, Lenore Wçod, Kathleen Simnpson, Gwen Ten- nant, Rutu Goade, Carol Steples, Audrey Billinga, Joyce Lowery, Shirley-Parter, Muriel Tennant, Jean Lageer, Marjanle lMcLaren, Jane Goade and Anna Staples. BRev. S. Llttlewood presented Intermediate certiticates ta Ruby Allen, Bob Coatuam, Bennice Col- HELP FOR KIDNEYS OR MONEY BAClI Gin Potlamame old an a "satIsfaction ormo« backal". If you're not entiey aied with thoirhbelp your maaey vii b ee f unded. (ssla tb ILU. uk for "Olua PM") DAY, MARCg 6, 1041 our guests. Mrytle. Smith and Audréy Cooper were appolited to look after securlng of judge and critic, Donald Staples apd Kath- leen Smith are the chosen debat- ers. It was resolved ta buy two War Savings Stampa each week as a loan to our country and a gif t ta our church. The 'race advances only by the extra achievnnts of tii. mdlvi- dual. You are the individuel.- Towne.. TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, rws. Commèecement Are Awarded- ville, Bili Colville, Bob Cooper, Carol DnEdna Myles, Elenai' Ranoberry, Carol StaPies and Lenore Wood. A vocal solo by Lenore Wood was followed by the presentatian of the mnusic Prise to Carol Sta- pies by Mrs. A. A. Drummond. Followlng another selection b y the brass quartette, Mr. J. J. Mellor was called on to perform. two pleasant duties. The first was to express to Bon Patterson the best wishes of the Scouts and to have Bob Cooper present hlm wlth a pen and pencil set. The second was to present to the largest grad- uating'class ini Orono their diplo- mas and best wishes for their suc- cess. Those recelving diplomas were: Kathleen Aid, Gilbert Dent, Donald Dent, Herbert Duvail, Ruth Goode, Helen Harness, Grant Moffatt, Elleen Morgan, James Powers, Franklin Tamblyn, Gwen Tennant and Doris Whyte. piano duet by Carol Staples aàAnna Staples was followed by the Iast itemn on a very de- llghtful three hours' program, namely a well presented humor- ous play, "'Not Quite Such a Goose."~ Ruth Lunn as the haras- sed Mrs. Bell was excellent. Joyce Lowery as the much teased sister Sylvia Bell, was good in her role, - as was Gien Tamblyn as Phillp Fllck and Kathleen'Simp- son as Hazel Henderson. The star Staples as Albert Bell. Ris actlng was superb, and in both the role of the ;rough brother (who teases hssister unmnercifully about Phillp Flick the sissy tennis play- er and "Hazel nuts'" Heniderson, whom he hasn't seen for years>, and in the role of thé boy friend of Hazel (when he cornes to know her now she is grown Up) he cauldn't be beaten. This play was splendid throughout and would bear zepeating. The National Anthem brought a memorable occasion to a close. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS FsÏor The Orono Niews of Mareh 7, 1918 Orono School Report, Senior 1Roomfor January end February: ,Sr. IV-Jim Gil1f il11an- (hons.), Mary- Sommerville (hons.), Irene Whyte, Wesley Wood. Jr. IV- Mary Davey, Catherine Hall, 1George.ýMcP.heraon,XKe n ne th Gamsby, Ednah Stutt E9dward :Eber. Sr. Ifl-Rchard Pearson 1(hons.), Lizzie Linton (hons.), Boy Cornlsh,' Allie Wood, Thelma Mar- ,t1yn, Francis Awde, Boy McPher- son, Harold L'unn, George Lunn, Cyril Agnew. Jr. IRI-Marion Dickson (hons.), Elsie W hyt e (hons.), Kathleen Allen (hans.), 'John McCrae, Clifford Winters, 1Charles Knox, Margaret Eber, Doris French. B. A. Wilson, tea- 1cher. :Junior Room for February: Sr. II-Allisaxi Cowan, Reta McPher- son, Norman Winter, Elsie Rowe, .Greta Davey, Neva Rainey, Nor- :man Lownie, Harold Allen, Law- rence Lunn, Oda Garnsby. Jr. II- .Garnet Gamsby, Calvin Hamm, Jirn Lownie, Ettie Seymour, Ethel Winter, Greta Martyn, Edna Gra- ham, May French, Fletcher Mc- Mullen, Gordon Lownie. Sr. I- .Loreen Lorrirnan, Marjorie Tam. blyn, Jim Tamnblyn, Billy Beani- ish, Milton Morris, Mabel Pear- son, Lawrence Allen, Walter Carleton, George Grahanm. Prim- 'er B-Helen Powers, Edra Best, Marion Green, Rosalirie Gamsby, Marlon Bradley, Ruth Davey, 1Clarence MeMullen, Carlos Tain- Sblyn, Neil RAiney. Primer A- Gordop~ McPherson, Howard Lin- tani Dorothy Wannan, Boy Win- ter, Douglas McPherson, Mary 'Lownie, Fosetta Carleton, Leslie 'Grahami, Dorothy McMullen. Win- 'nlfred Williamson, teacher. PARK ST;- UNION Eyesight Education Efficiency By C. I-I.Tuck Optornetrist Eyesght SI'ecialist Disney BIdg. <opp. P. O.) Oshawa Number 167 Tiie tecentative ta the writing of articles in the above series is due ta the repart aof fake eye doc- tare operating in tue outlying sec- idns ai the country. This is not the first incident af a like nature brÔôaght ta, my attention. Any publiclty we ý can aifer should sound a valued warning. In considering those conditions mentloned at a ti.e when the suppased dactor cals prafesslng ta use somnV new remedy ta give relief limediately, there are some important thmngs ta consider. lie cdaims ta give relief i- medlately there will be no reason for hlm ta call back. You arc taling everythteg said et his own valuation, and if he has not a fix- ed abode you are flot in a position ta lot ila touch with hlm at any future date. An y rernedy so important tuat it wllpcnform these maivels is not supportcd inte ts way, but is in tue hands af those who are not ashaaied ta, stand behind teir rernedy or their service. You willl fted them sa established that you mmlr call upon thezn at any timne. Tue y are so established ta render proféssional service when called uo and would not b. establish- ,the public eye unless Uhc lawe of tue country permlttcd it. (ta be contlnued) il Obituary 4lames Moffatt -no communlity suffered a ct los inte edeatu ai James Mtt, ane of its best knawn and citizen., who passed ta betruery 22nd ater a lengthy of ill helth. Moffatt was born on the W _:e of Clarke in 1874, son of Miew and Elizabeth Mofiatt (ÂW McKey). On October 2, 1903, hé'I parried Annabeila Forsyth, dUUter of Wm. and Mis. For- s~Pontypool, who survives ta Sthe boss af a loving hus- bt4A niece, lins. George Keith, nqo~eede Wilson, who made her Swith them until her mer- also survives. Ris death is tb~fst emong e farnily ai six ad~ nd two girls. Tose still liiU are, John ai Orono, Andrew of,: imico, George of Maple Grove, Alec and William of New- anti, Mis. A. Allen oi Orono, and Mrs. J. Laikin ai Bowman- vina. The late Mi. Moiiatt was ienre- ~lon an adhenent of the United CUrch, in politics a Liberal, and te Iraternal societies a member aiý Uic Part Hope Mesonic badge iig of tue Canadian Woadman af Uic Wonld, Part Hope. He has been a resident of Orono for 18 yrsand for the past 5 years has Lir constable. H. was Orano's firit taxi driver. Quiet, unassum- iiiË, and af a ktedly nature he will be inissed by a hast ai friends. Tic funeral was held Fcbruary 25th, with Rey. S. Littlewood af- flelating, assisted by J. J. Mellor, and was lergely attended. Beer- ers were Messrs. W. J. Biddell, R. R. Waddcbl, Charles Shaw, Percy Lunn, George Lunn and ilarry Mercer. Tue floral tributes wére numeraus and beautiful and ùephews ai the deceased acted as 1iawer beerers. Fniends attending from e dis- tance were: Mr. I. Walter, Mis. A. 0, Reeler, Port Hope; Mi. and Mrs. A. Falls and Mr. and Mis. Allen Mffett of Bowmenviile; Mn. and Mrs. D. Graham, Mrn. and Mis. Basil Wilson, Mi. Charles Wilson, Mis. E. Coblcdick, Mr. George Keiti, Mr. John Burgess, Mis. Alex Mofett, Toronto; Mr. Royr McGill, Mrn. George Hamil- ton, and Mis. Lamne McGibl, Pon- W7ool; Mr. and Mis. Alex Moi- fatt and William Moffatt, New- castle; Mr. George Moffatt, Meple Grave; Mr. and Mis. Wilired Mc- gIV, Newtonville; Mr. and lins. Anedrew Moffatt, Mr. Norman lioffatt, Mimico. CARD 0F THANKS lirs. James Mofett and Freeda, brothers and asiters, wish ta thank their kind frienda, neighbors, pall- beaiers, ilower bearers, and tuas. wlio sa ktediy provided cars, for thieir meny acta ai kindneas, ex- ppsmsions oi sympatuy and condol- ezièe and for the beautiful floral remebranes t the time ai tucir eL erevement eShore, Clarke Becent Visitons: Mr. and Mis. Les.' Alldred and Dareen et Les. AUlin's. .. Milt Brown et home... lirs. Normen Gartshore, Picker- ing- et Sam Powell's. .. Mis. D. Brown has returned home fram her deughter's, Mis. Rabt. Pet- terson, Sth Line. .. Len Buckler is holldeyteg et John Patton's, Keiidel. Tic Bcd Cross met et lira. W. Hainies'. The ladies tied down a quilt, tue matenial being danated by Mis. Holmes. On. layette la almost campleted. The schaal children have a banking system through which they are buying War Savinga Stanips. lins. F. Harris' heeltuha 5 imprqved that ah. has been mov- ed froni Toronta Generel Hospi- tal ta St. John's Rest Home, Ta- ronto. Clint Brown, Les. Allin and Sain Powell have purchased wood lotà from T. Berkeil. Mis. W. H. Jaynes has been ifl at tue home ai her deughter, Mia. ,"OGWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Newtonville W. A. ai United Charci met Fcbruary 26tu. 'It was decided ta meet in thc aiternoan insteed ai the evcning for tue next foui montis. Ncxt meeting wlll be Merci 26tu. Mia. Severy, Mis. Kimbeil and Mis. Jane. gave short neadinga on "liatakes, " "Fears," and "«God'a Dreem." Mis. licLachlen aerv.d rcfresh- menta. Tue World's Day ai Prayer wes observed in the Picabyterian Chanci Februaiy 28th. Mis. Dud- ley Joncs gave a short addiess. Mis. Arthur Redknapp sang a solo. Mr. Ronald Burley -itnded the General Matons meeting and lun- cheon in the Rayai York Hotel, Toronto, Feb. 24tu. Visitons: Mis. Mabel Langataif, Floyd lison, Ronald and Keitu Burley in Toronto. lira. George Smith, Staikvifle, witu hen motier, Mis. Tuas. Sta- pleton. Mi. and Mis. Lamne Paedcn, Starkvilbe, et Mr, Sam Smxiti's Sr. Mr. and Mis. Alvin Joncs, Mr. and Mis. George E. Stepleton, Port Hope, Mr. Evenctt Stapleton, Onono, Mi. and Mis. Nalls and iamily, Toronto, et Mr. William Stapletan 's. Miss Manioc SaiS, Bowman- ville, et home. Mi. and Mirs. Beg. Waodham and Manie, Toronto, with Mr. Ed. Semis. lins. Keelen and Mr. J. Darch et Welcome. Mi. and Mis. Wilfred licKey with her mother, Mis. Gardon, Centreville. Mia. J. Stark and Donna witu her people 'et Cestleton. Mis. Ivison Temblyn, Oshawa, with her mather, lins. Hoakis. Mis. Henry Jones, Port Hapc, at Mr. S. R. Joncs'. Mis. H. Jones tetends gaing ta tue States. Mi. and lins. Farewell Black- burn, Salem, et Mi. L. T. Saveny's. Mr. Bert Stapleton wltu Staple- ton Bras., Orano. Mr. Jack licLachlen, Havelack, and Clarence Daven, Peterboro, et the Parsonage. Jack ha. been transierred ta Ganenoque in tue Bank ai Toronto for six weeks. Blackl.SItock Tuese articles have been sent inom. tue Cartwright Bcd. Cross: Januarw-31 par. enmy sacks, 1 Pr. long seaman'a stockinga, 5 pr. whole mitta, 1 1 helmeta, 19 scar- ves, 5 sweaters, 2 pr. knce-capa, 1 pr. airiorce glaves, 1 pr. chld's mitts, 93 women's slips, 32 pull- avers fan 2 yr. old boys, 22 girls' socks, 6 large quilta. Februery- 6 pr. ermy socks, 2 pr. seemen's long stackings, 9 pr. mitta, 7 hel- mets, 1 sceni, 3 sweaters. 36 pall- aven 2 yr. old size, 1 palloven ion e 10 yn. old girl, 7 wornn slips, 4 pr. wamen's sockees, 6 pr. baya' sacks, 1 pr. girl's socka, 9 large quilta. United Church W. A. met et Mia. Harry VanCernp'a Februaiy 25th, witi opening exenclaca by Bey. D. M. Stinson. Roll cail was answercd by a favorite hymn. It was decidcd ta pay $12.00 ta bd- get fand. Each gnoup iS ta try ta reise money tuiS year. Tue pro- gram wa. te charge ai Mis. T. Samcells: Reading, Mis. John Mc- Kee, "My Ta.k"; neading, "Tic City and Country Store," Mis. Sarnelis; a veny iteeesting ad- dreas wea given by lins. Frank Stinsan on "Wornen ai tue Wanld To-day"; a conteat wa. directed by Mis. Harry VanCamp. ,Congratulations ta Mr. and Mia. Tom Hodge on the birti 'ai a baby boy et Bawmanvilc Hospital on Febnaary 26th. A iew frienda gatiered et tue home aiflin. and Mis. Aithur Beibey on Merch 3rd ion a sur- Drise birtudey party ionrlins. Bailey. Congratulations ta Mn. James Bycra on cclebreting hia 80th birthday an Febîuany 25th. Bey. D. M. Stinson and liss Helen VanCamp attended tue "Oak Lake Sammer Sciaol" Rc- union et Port Hope Fridey even- ing. At the Young People's Union on Tueaday evening an intcncst- ing debatc was the. Matane. Sub- ject: "Bcsolved thet a boy born and brought up an tue fanm ihed mare ai e chance ta make a suc- ceas af i s îiie tien a city bon boy wio worked in' an office." Affirmative, Balph Larmcn and Dan Scott; Grant Fergason wea absent turougi slckncss: Ncge- tive, Kethlen Taylor, Gwenyth Manlow and Helen VanCamp. Tue F. Harris, Richmond Hil. Glad that she la improving. Home & Schoob Association met Feb. 26th, with President Bob Hendry in Uic chair,.lira. Clinton Brown, convener, had charge ai this program: Solo by Mr. R. E. Logan, accompanied by lins. R. H. Brawn; lira. H. Hancock and Mis. R. Brown fivored wlth a piano duet; recitation by Dorothy Brown; guest~ speaker was Mis. Jim Tamblyn;pin solos by Aud- rey Adams; redng .*by Jean Brown; piano duet by lira. Mar- tin and Jayce; a dialogue by thre. of the school children, entitied "'Just a Poor Sick Doll." Tue ev- ening concludied with a quiz con- test and a stunt, followed by lunch. MY PAPE& WOIRLD 1 have two worlds in whlch ta live, And I arn tnuly ici: I anc la dishes, cakes and pies, A million tuings ta stitch. The other la a paper world, Where on a prmnted page I liv. in happy company On ever-changing stage. Naw I arn with a merry crew Who sail the high gay seas, And now with folk ai humbler birth, Where'er my fancies please. It may be with tue statesmen Who Map out aur desttey, Tien should my iancy teke e 1 thnem I'm having tee! Perchance I only icel tic need % just e hearty leugh- entere is waiting ta command Tue funny paper staff. Should I b. cravteg iar new peint, My paper wonld ha. 'tut- And ion the while I live within A gaily coloured fiat. It f ills tue eyc with beauty And bas everything one needa To cupboarda, dishes, detety tuings, A place for storteg seeds. On my retuin iram jaurneying About my peper wanld, I feel rcfreshcd, cnniched again, With fresi ncw zeal uniurled. I wash tuas. dirty dishes up, And dlean my pots and pans, They ail seemn nw mare dean ta me, Even the creemery cens! -Lillian Hollend Field.. Cadmus Mr. and Mis. Russell Brawn and Gardon spent Sundey et Mr. end Mis. Ed. Bettcn's, Oshawa. lin. and Mis. C. R. Feuls, Jack end Joan, Toronto, Mr. and..Mis. Bill Robinson, Ralph and Min, Janetvile, Misa Birdie Fallas and Mr. Frank Waltcrs. Couitice, spent Sunday with Mir. end Ivirs. C. H. Fallas. Congratulations ta Miss Betu licQuade and Mr. Rager Bey- rnond Oke who wcre married et the Parsonege an Saturday. Miss flene Jainston and Miss Guelde Johnaton spent tue week- end et Mr. George Johnston's. Cadmus W. A. met et lins. H. A. Gelbraith's witu a gaadlY numnber present. Tue ledies engeged in quilting a qufit for tue Rcd Cross whlch was iinished and ha. been sent ta headquarters. Ermiskillen BACKACHE MOT DUE TO AGE ,lisyl etinktat chache 1a at trulchamons aua vAth advancing years bt 7n womnan of 71p rave. tht it 18 flot. "I uufeéred for a long trne fromx backache,l' aie write. 'utpu i down to myage (71..elading you announcement, Itoýt I would tyKruschen Salta. I have been 1i'it for some turne and have onget relef. ' thougteyou would like t nwit ha. on mm a world of good."-(Mra.) E.R. Mhen pains in the back aon caused by inactive kidney. and failure of the digestive system to throwo, E i nu ipRissc, Kruichen Sait.'wiilgivereaiheipin settng h matter "rgt. . cas which helpe toliush your kkineyi and liver. After that, your blood thiows off ail impurities; you get happy relief from pain nen's socks, 3 pr. seamen's socks 26 in. long, 10 men's aleevelesa sweaters, 12- scaifs, 7 pr. wrist- lets, 15 12-yr. sweaters, 5 8-yi'. sweaters, 19 hiot water bornle cov- ers, 9 women's night dresses, 7 ice bags, 12 Hampton pads, 10,quilts, 81 pr. men's pyjamas, 150 band- kerchiefs, 10 sheets, 24 diaperu, 2 boîts of flannelette made ùp into 30 Pr. 8-yr. pyjamas, 19 pr. *pan- ties, 16 slips.- Several donations were received conslsthi of $9.69 .ised ta puichuse materials for aufits;, donations of 3W pr. sockrs, 2 sweaters, .5 qults, .2 large scarfs, 3pr. wristlets. A nise collection of chiidrer's clothlng for refugees wvas gathered. Work done by Base Line: 2 pr. wristbets, 1 girl's sweater, 60 pr. socks, 1 blanket, 17 quilts. At a Red Cross tea $23.02 was raised and a concert for War Victime !und $18.20. KILLED .INSTANTLY IN TRAIN WRECK A newspaper dipping given us by Miss Margaret Allen, Beech, tells of the death af Robert Elwood Beith, Westmnaunt,: Que., i nephew of the late Senator Robert Beith of Bowmanvlle. Mr. Beith was killed iinstantly on Pebruary 19th when iescarin which he was the sole occubant was strucc by the Saint John- bound iMaritime Expres ase- ger traint at a crosaing me8~x N. B. He was 52 years aid Mr. Be4th, who bail served Las a captain - in the Canedian IL - R. troops in the last war had been an employee of tue IeÎeral de- partaient of public wotks for 32 yers. He had been loaned ta tue departaient of National Defence aiter the beginning of tue présent war ta uevs ngneigcn struction .work eci= dnea Camp Sussex by ci'iLs He lasuÈrývived, by bis parents and anc sister Esther, of West- A goad character lo, la ail cases, the fruit af persanal exertion.- Joel Hawes. W. M. S. met on Fridey'ater- c noon whcn Tic Day ai Prayen t was observed.a Mission Band program on Sun- day monning opened by singingp "'Jesus Laves lie." lira. M. Stain-y ton tald a story "Mr. Tuimble's Christmas." Mission Band mcm- N bers are making toya ta send ta s Trnidad.c Visitons: Misa Olga Sanderson a et i a cousin% ,Mis. F. H4l1, Toronto. r Mr. and lins. A. Redknapp, Newtonyille, Mr. A. Bedknapp, New Toronto, Mr. and Mis. B.t Wod and Nancy, Oshawa, Messrs; J Osweld and Floyd, Petuick, To- renta, et Mr. S. B. Pctuick's. Mis. E. C. Ashton witu hen deugiter, Mis. S. gay, Toronto. On Friday cvening frienda, ne- lativcs and neighbora getuered et tic home ai Mr. and Mia. Wm. Moore ta honour Pte. and, Mis. Floyd Beckett (nec Elsie Moore) et a nnicellaneaus shoiwer. Aiter the hause hed been fiifed ta ce- pacity Mis. L. Lamb played tic weddteg merci while tue bride and groom, gowned in their wed- ding claties, wene seated in tue hononed chairs under an erch ai military calons from which hung e showen ai red, white and, blue ribbans. While tue groom used is beat imagination a. ta haw ta antie dainty corda and nibbons, tic bnidened verses fnam tue namenaus carda, froni tiese mach advice iad been given. Short speeches werc made by tic happy couple, tianking evenyone ion tueir lovely git. Ail took part in singteg "For tuey arc jolby goad fellawa." Speeches ai con- gratulations were cxtended by severel in tic audience, and ail taok part in camaiunity singing. A deinty lu.nch wa. aenved. Wc ail wiah Pte. and Mia. Beckett, mach saccessaend tue veny best ai luck in tue future. Maple Grove Mis. L. C. Snowden ettended the annuel meeting ai Ontario Division ai Bcd Cross et tue Royal York, Toronto. Miss Mally Hynds, Toronto, Mr. Fred Miller, Queen'a,1 Kingston, and Sergeent Sam Catle, lat Begiment, Ottawa, visited et Mis. L. C. Snowden's. Mia. Rabt. Jarvie held aecuchre penty when $4.00 wa. naised for B.d Cross. Mr. and Mis. Howard 'Cryden- men and iamily, Ebeixezer, vlaited hcr parents, Mn. and Mis. H. B. Folcy. Mn. and Mis. E. W. Faley visit- cd Mr. and Mis. George Evans and lins. Adeleide Heyde, Toronto. Red Cross Work Report ai wonk donc fan B.d Crosion year endteg Manch 5tu, 1941: Maney collected $176.20. Wonk donc by Meple Grave and ,ianded into Bawmanviile: 114 jar.. 2 13 t 2 3 S