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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1941, p. 1

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be VOLUME 87 urnx %Y»Î Whlch Are incorporated The BowMu~vilbe BOWMANVILLE, ONTA« The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News [IRSDAY, MARCH 6th, 1941 NUMBER 10 2SOP LIBIT ODElISTDA POSI OFFICE WNE Freer SpendÏigT0is ear MUIALNMxRpc fPDevelopmemt FEDERATION LAYS Li o ns ClubWilPrhe Indicated in i CrnçOrants PLUS GOOD PLAY Viewed -in ngPicture FINAL PLANS FOR F-' or FAT HIGH SOHOOL MEET INORONO oe rficLgtSse Occupant " dUFo Futry Pa fPresN8See How Te ts Controiled ma___ teeMit own Pays Cost ofIsilg "We're Being Robbed AUCTION PICTURE ieÉy aidetltRoaln s ~~abihity of ow-cost electikwg Aenafr on onLouttevnu,"y Programme.aren 1çe R' Metng H aHan on CurtRevnue" TORAIE M NEYGrowth In Ontario i Wth mscsudads~, t .GctSekr Stop Lights WilI Proteet Ctzn aey Mayor.Says - Wl FORt WAR SAVINOS starn a musical variety show Dlepieted by HI. . eP ctreage Bright Path' un Couneil Appreclates GIt6W1kt<Po SndCane2cetoal fn dthe saa of mani A h rn andAppdntenI i)F1,,éning Courtice Circuit IË Iàterary Progrn as pre- Engineer. belious streams to his use. On-ý tte rn meeting, Feb. 18, ceed lmmedlately - aýwmut PoiM8l Canspide tben à Broth GrveMeegws edInsnedo enedyafenon1 5particularly blessed in a provisional comiiittee, repre- M nh iiIn ol~ in lb Speclal Meeting. ~h Siuy O~ uisojeHg ccd How a modern adventure t1i wr oucs.Prgesîvi frCounty, wasse b mtad son lI the chair. The meeting op- interested citizens. came true li the taming of raglrigj e past thirty years more and discuss the forin cf constitution ened with prayer by Mr. Richard yh ly"loao a h waferpwr tasol, po é T ae of these have been utillzed of Agriculture, prior ta the final A municipal 'Badge of Maturity', iaeyatafi oto ztos0têstory o miserly fre e îngeetric nry a. od-mm& generate electricity witli the agnzta etigt e edSystem, wiil shortly be instaled at Bowavlesmin ou Eln n c re as ed , g r epta t or gan I asr e i a a m r be n ne g ,t ld m n u t th at is c st as g ne d w n at O ron , M ond ay, M ar di 10 orn er zaon medteeprt the WS dci tht a welcomne utdone in a business transaction bers of the Rotary Club Fîld8 0% and la stil falling. This comnittee met ini the FhinaneCa .Molte reisentedtyhe extended taBwanvile RO- by a wdowed lady who ws nfloon by means f the malt gr- board rom cf the agricultural This decision was reahed at the .enel etngMna CliairmaneiCmeig. Morisat hetClub to be guests at the ntd for her gnr iy rtu hi enskon - j Unit Serves 100,000 office, Bowmanvile, Friday after- ight when a députation of two from th( in lbapooe Town Counciremetings adopte Mac ban4uet. .* Clemence as the tight (fot drunk) manc menthenownta mane movie shwed scenes fromn non. Except for thse who were the town with an offer to pay cost of purhina' Igf' after some lively discussion on the After lame discussion re War fre otae i hrce akn itr.Truhtei4,Liu developments in Ontario ill with the titi, every member if the municipality would bear the. expeneo ntaln n qustoh cf raising firemen's sa Victinis Fund, It was decided to li a splendid manner. He was, forts cf Geo. E. Chase, local meft'g1 hepautc tetx n f h o mtee ws peet aes'auction off a picture donated b? well supported by Russel Mof- ger .cf the Hydre ComTss al nbtheo ctf tgeatoibad af h c mludeeleaeIfo naitaining the system, Public Lbar* il é 50.0Mr. Stafford cf Oshawa, each giv- fatt as lits 86n, Siley Chahs Norman . Lak, asistant eh.*aesadwreswoaebt etades etoscfte Tepa hc isbe ruh e auiyb in LîbaryW1l gt 5000 iths bld increase, the final bld- Mis daughter and SRut Stevens cfteHEPC,~î e ben ta-day pushlng back the Womnen's Institute. Tu1is high li- rnembers after a long period cf time l rlnrlydsgdt an d' Bthe anw l tre ury year d year, dertaapresente hontieos cfethetw ldernesspaM en-eterestthresages.a fuil attendýcontrote tfthee afetyrcfssh M en -ntepedestriaageana futlriatsnthe m - -Certain new equipment wilbe pcue eteCas; r- Tinee clever monologues writ- reels cf vr ntructive ma Dng one cf the largest develop- and certain succes a hevs at the finaffclcrnr purcase fo th fie aceds ta go te the fund. Rev. W. C. tn1y-emer c heio onti intcf ma=rients, the Qu eenston-Chippewa meeting. evse h otOfc onr purcasd fr e ie ay f 50wl5Sithma(le an appeal for the given at various intervals. T ctr power. 9e11er7diere t tPlruhahntatoehe wttEhios t auttedniencpaceoe r ate adffeens aro 50w. Tlt e dvlomplnt headinc ier? o WlirRenld, ot de, ,hs.Crtrcarmt f h tHheLinpCuedlg tasc be raised to $75 a year - newe__ ailx ain isngsoDrvg. S af Cartef tii fofthe oohed men taget te Incease f__ Cur in arSinÈ-gi rv. Te is WcsWo x I"itel lIa bref prélude to the PIC.., aýcanai 80 feet deep inta the tur- Suminèrs, had arranged the fan j.Dudley, chairmax of the Combuiesfrtetw. tiree years' service. It was the The .follo*lng programi was bM ohis ifrgntaanen ôitr #.Liercildthtti.hes ai the power plant where oi constitution as applicable Iixiuit etemetC m-teb ue C ssatolzd latteritem wich cased dsSw- pesentarrangemi bnt.niltive af Sir Adam Beci who 1toperates a battery of generaters. Duriam rmmeoad up- prormn Cmite, h laterItm liclicasc dscs-precned Slo Bbby Henry; waa gîvcxiwhen. "Sang Titles 'a fouglit for tetp fsytmW c thee.miaamoucsxi pi b i in m eerain UP-teibodies which are joixitly fi- cced wititcprhslxdf Sien. Word had reached some cf readlig, W. J. Berry, Bcwman- bni ..story was tald by Russel now enjoy all aver 00ntai » osrea aeaect iLn y ie i lue eeancing the prajeot aPPcared be- expectedtelitswfbeut- the firemen about the proposed ville; solo, Arthur pel, . Shaw's; Moffat wlth somne ai the grsc hcl rsosbett ta .1 00,000 inhabitanta - ten ai them read and diseussd. There fr oni ihtefollowlng ed by earySnn adwI à arrangement and lame had selection by Lions Quartette, Bow- the formblendhg thirswcOt thiefrs poie __ ahead cf abtibàtyth brougt thfr toubls tatic crs mnvile. vices in usica akroundeve irovhrince ic wridhi ( Coftlfued on page 8) keen interest, able criticisn, but suggestion. officiafly peeie etetw of certain' councillars' befare thc Mr. C. F. Cannon, B.A., B.Paed., "Little Bits cf Nothing"' revealed y .- I-te rli'i, genemaî agreement upo man PThe Liens Club lias ever a in a civic eeoy meeting.' Toronto Normal, a former public SOzJý» :iteresting traite cf acheel . points. peniad of time become lawarc of Severaus toswrpute $4 ,frman should be she npce fOhw n eqr~si i esro.I . gg~ A steering sub-cominittee, Wil-- the condition of traffic on King Messrs. Cre adD1l prÔf eht%,,tLt'"ic sac We s Du r of Oshawaeandeàé «o Eni -,tUmnerCclnsajiT I ws naij CameraLCiUd frid Bewles, Forbes Heyland, M. St. and feel that it is in thei- "WouldIlntbwac1 of à yearandey should neï fine address on "'Tue Acld Tedt." An Old 'Tyme 'rcDanice L*Cm an i. Staples and W. Currely, retir- t eet cf thc town ta instail a traf- the lghaatD1iin1s asked ta wait Ilire years for thisHe pcinted eut. tiat tic real test by 8 girls of the f fo tyed very 'i, iS feJ~~t1llmde. Their final reormntibcom-n es tacontr ute t tioitns u t cnwhgaygetroh Hars n.~b h vc n er ty n cr9i4M . O arVPN i, î tc£A AL" eived unanunius apprval. M ain of Bowmanville t h r aou g h thc south of tc t w i" T i i I s>>,y iigtoe.Mm nn o héf n aemx- ratd sIi eta. Euh- consideration was équitable dis, agexicy ai the Mayer and Council thc deputioicpidiaacme wc could cicar thuis ty- giv wNhStevens aLuIiWnie Tueariog"ThScliool& Gtribution of representatian fram thc moniey to pay fer tlia quip- fui surve ftaf as ae Btie cftcfnewy i d ccanc y HlrloneThe Si ad & GlUCaméra Club, cach township con tic central ex- ment, the town toa er eniy coat and findig! hwdtcPo f ail tic mepi an equal, Taise uoder t re yM.w udlgsang a lcvqly solo "Sailr Co. Ltd., Z St., Bowman --.rf .t ~ a1» ilzoeta.a nl n acld ith he Dudlcyte- _w iuiwn as the "Candld Ca.-an-ecutive to lie chasen aItichéfinal ofmater jsl. dlaborp h e ecr $1250 Iwil ovetit.asanbuted totauic i ofe d wu- ti Nvy bluet." An has been, awarded a Certificate uiiabu9 i iecre i rprpse amnmn.1cation w hteroqrc a xetonafly fine Irusupet solo Menit for operatig wiout_ ýamacurs", held ils final weckly meeting. tu an ., àÜsequet Iat somn c e it aone 'II.cweEi theein tiadh cxoepd stnaa ooln'terd i haffre te;R cmaed was given by Bob Eastnt TI"lasttnia' accident durlng etmng Wcdnesday afternoon i tshculd b le îhold li rclectcdoiaerb Mtay or J en d I fcan' t t h a frnc ip He mar Il Ne0teLigits of London Bine A- past yean." c higi scicol auditorium. Sec- that Frlday's meeting was purely Lians Club.nolta oexceed $500." donc. ldoe i congitec meetings tilci eg nai. an o an r ncemé Pkd 1.Thc above amieuncement tr n aia edtcma for tic purpose of bringing for-. IwudUct ogauae TeegnlmnplldetI and nnsbo- cofàxùncitkido.came dà.-IraJcknn e ward an agenda for consideratioxi tic caminittée on ils entemprise iwas mny vnl hmi> i hig bef re pt~p~i ~ '~a- a" . ~ '- r ~ -I>Y lb i ElioI w s itrcduced by ticWholcm alter la open for fuIl of Bowmanvlhc"said tie Peeve. l c. p torc..hY e- - VUG-d-et hereii si'4na cf ee be lacked In tic vaut sîas s r~es~flItir~.~dCarie ticx farmers ai urliIa. i County. cd ticap récain0 i owiTeCu iewiisl"osi il ho reccived. 0itcxà tic n aiî thleedtcstate Jand ¶iVirghfi OPernalfng-'o lime ' accident h oie whlch resuits qua ications for speaiing an a th Ail of Duram ie b fnly lilthg unique and dOfistinctivee lau tic chi~ . i s H o w r cS u rra ci tb h in tE y c i ~ t c i I r ~ ~ I o . h s ~ a u e l i lh II. fII. H 4l-4 2 n atio n al p resi- A N U R G E N T C A L La se l s h d tien befane Il even cornes befane téndered Mr;-(ÇanlOn,, ater wiici gràm canlddwlitc the i day. or shit on which tic !n- 25 minutes, as lie expiained tichentc i Cnda Fdrton BFR M RH3 tgsichmgtacrefc us.", a.fine lunch* was saved, and a song 10 tic turc aiofxile Belis.jury taieplace.". .1"Essentials of Phatography." Tue went be ticest spi eaker e ill ______ hC 31 avges ligtaIlapon Ti Cauncillor Hait: "As far as Social haur enjoycd. Ifitcrvicwed by' Tue Statesman, tlu, illustrated wili over 30 wsurv e rgnesspae e dnig ic ulbs aa ta a efec n usinstaou ale these ;umors ci camplainta fran _________k1 .Hm officiais, of lie Sheppard & Gifi slides, was cxceptionaliy well de- psrveyears and state drithe Te pur- w nOtaa favconah fireen re oncc PdlIaan't______Company gave whloicearted cre- livcrcd. He explaincd thc work- post es and ffectie ftic pud- calicd tiare, urgcntly, because he tivore. fiee aecnereI-aoI ossadefetvneso he hd as been draftcd an a Comnuttee Some y3n g lctw Thn esecmli should néiantem. m dit ta ticir three driver-cm- ings. ci thc simpier types of cam- cration as il stands today. No liat meeta bo discusa important cil went ieruiyi i Tiik esecmli should neta te MO E TELEPHONES Bawmanvilli h gai favored picyees,- Frank -Temlinîexi who cras, aftd dhscusscd lic merita and meeting of greater importancedtasbergupnurwrc'qescn i saing rac lirouglit ta tic fine chief and tak- THAN EVER BEFORE inaasi oe e lec as Trotaha benwih ic in fa 2 fula f hethe oitafotriate en_______ad otbouhtbsktail tcams, Zaodak's Inter- years and lis twa sons, Sid wlth maxiy of the cemman faults af ticcheebldwti tcfr matters relating to wider ligits buttialieeudia idcx p y t h el nd1c rogltmédiates, playi n stich Higi 15 yeara' service, and Cecil with average amateur, and gave a few couxty. Final suggestion is: Be on disscinaion f tic financial le cost w udlcpoiiie x hidictlyta ouncl."With 1,147 téléphonies in service Schcol Seniors FiZ nght. Ke- 10 years' service.hitasehwtooeoeten hand early, at the Tcwn Hall, needs of Canada, tic shan trvehglm DluyReeve Morris: I am last year-end as compared witi dakis, censidered td'lie ancefti o accidtslas any escritio H cncudd s icon th.Orane, Marci 10, aI i p.m., Stan- SaArgcfultugir-nedorrffcotai asi- against lihe-aniendment anid. sup- 1,104 in apération at lie close ai béat Intermediate tearns in Tc- has occurred for tic past 7 ar 8 sevetai weil-takcn pictures, anid dard Tinie. ently, yet witiout undue masis- conme much, etr " 1939, Bawmanvilce shawed a netmofthto, Wlll certainiy give thc lacal years- and liaI gaes back te lhe explalned what lii ted these phato- tence, cails attention to the fact PresidentT .Catèae i (Contlnued on. page 5 increase cf 43 téléphones for 4i940, b6ys a chance.ta prove how good days cf horse-drawn deliveries. grapis ouItich "everydaysnap- R VICAL thab tis, h Marci t, which Club wasmstpasdwlco- according ta Prank-Willlams, local tiey are. Tue game starts aI 8 Ccngratulations arc duc e tu hs siot" claîs and inta tice"prize P O IN ILGuiV'. leavea but thrce mare wccis lie- cil's accepacailcef. l manager ai lie Bell Télephane p.m., with maybc a girls' gaine, Company and tiese men wham award" ciass. TO PAY 75 % fore tic auditar arrives. ta siasi maies us ella w r en POIES PORTRA1YED Company. 'etier prcceding cm follawing tic thc town oi Bowmanville should President Brian Flaherty tiank- RELIEF nainTs oftehae sbeen lelnlhisyau ofgta lis tetwhlimu- IN ANNUAL BOOK Allthe end of 1940 tiere wcre main aure. acclaim at Al pitizens. cd tic speaker and aiso explaied RELEF___ is F WaItruc. Ifve ou natgyugelcpa ouni. 'thr i ato ____824,697 Bell téléphionesa hi service afew ci tic praposed activities o s aio re fyo ontge ia o ______r a .H.J r , h o gh u On ii, n u h cu .A nouncement hs made tat the in on le strictly "paid-in-ad- w ll m cl w t u lc a po a We i~ m. . . H J~hiougo,,,,tao7, Qelec. L.*ak icclb.Ontario Govcrnment will assume vance" coluxnns by lie end ofi lis and weillcniu ehv Dug.tic'- year2247 telem ei club naw has a mcmlir F.R.HS., energetic, ferward-loak- hoeswereconnectai and 11841«U p eW 1111v&asu E v& s c xy-in.Th c-75Wm cent cf relief colts in On- monli, tlis Audit Bureau auto- falitful spotliaretr big, youthful. zire agandist for 236 disconnecled, a net 'gain o;ai * i N ZW yshlpi ftanînne hew o atrtcFdrlGvcn rtwl ipyan ucyclpie. lietter hames, brlglter gardens, 39,242 as comparai wth 20,600 uu P ,<h* Ia P~~scclwsivtit i et- ticanrthenucal caxitn- you off. Tue ligliansysteni wlll b.i"eour refurbisiai archards, nefanesta- i93. aLve. For Imité. Foe ing uvtiI ra tC~tionsà'Mardi 3 laI. Prcviously Se - iet's alieep on lic band- face" ashin peaten h lien, and ihdred objectives, for a ___1____________caea.liFdraanPovcalG-wgn.A.Oswaam niteeto. capy cf lie'i1941 Brookdale-Klngs- Other téléphene systemgialn -__te_édraadroinia____waon_-l.___w' way Nursery catalogue. taria and Québec wiý whtcitheic in ,ernmnenta had coxtinbutcd 40 per No liigiten ubiato bsBell Company interclanges ser-.oe a 'ying Offîcai, Ad- SOLDIRS ASKED Ceiyu lbllsw cnt uncpa lief pay ing li e c came acoss- aur desk i01y1 5050tééhnme.8, dese BRINS COMPANY maie sure Il h correct. Our lista 20 per cent. Under thc change 117' 5hot hnB z moons, wîtii its fîve-tone caver tlpoe.Mm L. B. Willlams 1Present- T ULSRN T wers changed an Mardhiist, 50 if municipalities wili psy oxiiy 25 and haif-tone culs an glazai pap- ed Withh13BilverLLTray on 44)t ae any errons let us know per cent and, with war wori pro-M~ cr. Its contents are, I fact, a lit- WeddingAnvray.- ' imxnediately. If your label hasn't viding for a mariai réduction in bls Succesiful Sale u 0 Te r eramy campilation liat cannaI Mr. and Mms. Roy Warren and____ Over 75 mnembers ai lie 2nd been changed this year il hs about relief rils and ccsts lie addition- fail la inspire enthusiasrn and de- Miss Margaret Warren, St. Cath-. Battalion Mldland Régiment, R.F., time you did smething about i.lai cost will net be great. sire to' purchase, prapagate and arines, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rob- Members of Durhami Ceunly turned ouIta a spécial parade on SOLINA MENTOR Ae'g t$1 peeMd posss in perpetuity lie posies inson, 'Menitan, were gueste cf Club ai Toronto met aI Shci'- Wedncuday nigit. Platoons from o m na rJisCBC.S ffHT HE LNE aAageae 8 ei and peennials sa profuscly POT- tlii brother, Wandcn Alex Ed- baurne Hanse on Tuursday.even- Orono, Blackatack and Bewman- o m nao on .. .Saf trayed. mandatone. ing, Fcbruary 27th, as guesta cf ville were present in full force greed ateSlte ae Dr. W. C. Heriman and :-Misa far the iirst Campany meet since Tic Toronto Tcicgmam _______ 2,=. eria.the 1b$ixning ai the ncw yean. Mardi lst, in double-colu=a A etinteresblng address con TheobJect cf tic concentration haiisdicbcpne i Priytcmetscsau Character lI 8 sof Citfrenship Ncnway'antic Van" was given waa tainfo-m lie Comnpany that. sedeiothk e re, wlixn aent Whvhduhgip And oalof ife'l'rnit Y..U. oldwhose real name is withheid fcr Ordxiance Camp as tradesmen, and DtibnqtonTwnsch cipuded lic ent f apIryis. uiod An o l flfit 'ntyYP ,0 is wifc and family wio are still Up ta thc present a recruit can specbanqutshort cocu eda thmlPeent f lcDui( Cut xi tat country. cxiiy gel ito tic Camp tirougi Agncicl shoat courege Gu naip. o rsiom Ascitonwen Hobby ~Tue, speaker finît outllned. lic tic Réserve. Major P. H. Jobli, AicurslCegea anulh.ven t vicwdflelgte2 n service of WDohlp at Trwnty HbyShoIw SuCO... continucus happy hlatary ci Nar- O. lie Conmpany, stated liaI aThnsorsey ic Gonennl andnuai sleaeidPotfaPb ne ty SunayFoe enui %which ime tey had eàcaped al lan' raethtWMi be use- Jaèk has filed in as lecturen- 27l. nd b lnts.or er re l- sidto b8.a Surpatst.d wra ndfQm tic p th125 caa, dés ur t waa a fnd e ax c ourye instructr. Speaker af le even- Twenty -le e d c e Of 3Out neer-t beconent w nsofnotee ogreal wealti on toc durig lic wat. Nt cair during nwaPrfW.RKoxsu-ged 'atsCess ht aigi e h povty,.te h u fe eàebsb stituting for Hon. N. Hipel, Minis- brugt ataicf$620avr Trinity Yaung People are can- 'lcctpdhI Plans for lie Lions Club Lkeourselves, t but dld ias a.'ig offin cîili ave trdeoshrofwLi rth aker ommethe Bu i eeh emnev tinuli g ta m a itain a h lgi _s itand - Hobby Sow _î î av u----talicd of p .paredie n us "It s time ocf farmers ta fcngtî-aveshowng $129,80, wiule cleven

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