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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1941, p. 2

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THE CANADL#AN TmURDAY. MAe4l', 1941 r BOWMAW<TILLE.ONTAUO .'... . h Establlubed 1854 AN INfEPENDENT NEWSPAPEE WiUI whleh ore Ineorprated The Eowînanville News, The Newcastle ladependent, and The Orono Ne'ws. U8Fee'continvus service ta flhc Town ef fBlowmauvllle and Durhami Couaty. * Member eoffthe a Audit Bureau SUBSCRIPTON RATES $OOa Year, relu nadM0 $2.50 a Tear linfthc United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. THURDAY, MARCH 6, 1941 For Those Who Serve There ie giad geod xiews in this editoriai., Bead, on! For it tells about the boys and girls cf Canada who have signed up for the ail-ogt, fuil-time job cf upholding this counu- try, of defcnding Britain, of sustaining the Commonwealth, of restoring sanity and sec- urity thraughout the wholc worid. Mag- - nificent sacrifice!1 Now.what have they given up?1 They have left the comforts of hoe, their family ircle, home cooking, comfortabie beds, modern p liumbinig, their librarica, musie, automobiles, friends and firesides-for what Ferrfthc hazards of war, for the spectre cf sudden - dcath, for hard pailets, reugh lothing, arbi- -. trary orders, regimentatin-for ail' those thïngs- that are the antitheais of the cern- forte of civil existence. Magnificent renun- ciatien 1 Now what can we do te help'thcm who dare ail ta help us as we continue ta enjoy what they gave upf -Now here cornes the glad news. It has ail been arranged. The plan is so simple, sure, and effective that we, ail, can share ini brightening their exis- tence and sending home cenifants te theni as they drill and rcst before, and after battle. The Dominion Government has arranged with six ieading social-service erganizatians that a central, vluntary, non-profit cern- mittee, Canadian War Services Fuid, will * colect freni us enly a littie ever five million dollars fer that> purpese, and that this moncy will be distributed among them te provide those home coniforts, fer ail an ac- tive ,serviee. Thèse organizations arc: the Canadian Lcgioxi, Y.M.QA.., «Y.W.C.A., Sal- vation Arny, Knights of Columbus, and the The amaunt 18 mmal, collection centraliz- cd, expense negligible, the purpase mag- nificient, se we ehould be glad and relicved -that the matter-is as simply arrangcd. On March 24,. commences -thie censoidated ' ap- peai for thie email fund. Many homesare naw directly affectcd by this war. Ail homes, sean or late, will have a vacant place till they return. Yeu are asked ta save a few dmes, f8rego a few amail pleasures, that you may be ready for-te al this rnonth. Political Appeasement Are politicians fooling farmers these dayst Wc ýthink not. Several straightforward and straight-thinking, hard-bitten, tillers of the soul have dropped in latcly and with grim humer have said these things: "Sec what Mitch is doing; lic sanctioncd the risc ini mikprices for Tloronto and lcft thc rcst to figlit if eut. The resuit?1 Well, a -Tarante shipper gets $19.041 extra while a neiglibor across flic* noad, shipping lscwhcre, gets ne raise whatsocvr." - "Then lic bonuses dheese. This means that taVmers licre, wlcrc xno cheese je produccd, qo 1 p ,utetax-money tesubsdzetoa h de. ý ut this scctianaiism is balanoed and 'cnti isui forcstalled by thcedictuni that bacon We'te be bonuscd. This appeasernent gencrally blanketa Ontario, fer most f an- e rs raise a fcw legs. Ncxt cames Uice uh- s idy on fccd from the wcst. Finafly, a rfe tien is cast upen talent among oddine Lib-ý ral members in thc appointmcnt of Far- quhar Oliver, U.F.O., ta Cabinet ran." "You sec thec votc-catching cîchientt" "TIen, after initial amazement at 0f- -' tawa 's renunciation of uncmplayment relief, t local paper fr0111tfhe weekly field ~ :tpli8m but exteiid congratulations »2*@good wishes i its wvidcr and ~ UIiamsevie s daily. We have. ~;< - am inèeut in this move as mamanager, was for a b o4 a, vaIýud and consicntious Educative Movies TIc Rotary Club news i this issue of Thc Statesman contains a roundcd description of the 1sf est promotion of the Ontario Hydre Eiectric Power Commission in the realm of education and public relations. George B. Chase, local manager of Hydre, eamxicd thanks of Rot aians ' in binging Norman J. Lake of flic H.E.P.C. lto Bow- manville with sound-movics dcpicting Hy- dr e dvc'oprncnts. Thos. who saw these ilustrative pictures acquired three ncw perspectives: first, fIe powcrfully modemn effectiveness of fhIs form. of education; second, flic great strides Hydre lias taken since tIc finies of Sir Adami Beck; third, flie vast paf cnt ials of wafen-power fIat give Canada forernost place among ail nations on thc globe. Froni fhe forest cd slopcs of xiorfhcnn On-' tarie,, into and tîrougli fIe great St. Law- renc& Systeni, these pictures slow streanis rnerging info torrents whidli widen te flic Great Lakes, te b. cauglit and channeled and envcrted info- that unknown force-elec- tricity". And ouf of ail flue cames flic pow'er te furn machines%, te create industries fIat serve and sustain us in peace or war. The sound of roaring waters and rurnbling miach- inery adds realisrn that registers unforgef- a.bly. This was a fruly great dernonstrafive picfure. If we may suggest somethixig for con- sideratian we should say, "Why nef extcnd fhe ides allirougli Onfarlo, includinig every scîool in fIe province." Sudh extension, we believe, wouid 'have immense value in en- cauraging rural homes te embrace ifs ern- forts and services. Politiclan Attacks Post A few days aga, Hon. C. Decatur Howc, Minister af Munitions and Supply, arase in fthc House of Conixons and miade fhis dcli- berate statement: "The No. 1 saboteur in Canada since flic bcginning of flue war is The Financiai Post. of Toronto." There is more of querulousness tlan vie- ionsncss in flue ill-considcred sftack. TIe Post and MacLean Publications- generaily need ne oufeide assistance in rcfuting sudh tirades. TIc Statesmnan, upaxi occasion, las bath praiscd and criticizcd TIc Post, but oui- vaice doen 'f carry vcry far. - 1 I , lI fis case we feel impeilcd te a few ob- servations.- Firet if msy b. nofcd tht gen- erai policy of MacLean publications'iesf111l direct cd by Col. John Bayne MacLean, founder and Clisirman of the Board-thaf grand oid patniof and Dean of. Canadian Jourxieiism. This attack, therefore, may b. considcred as -a direct persnal affront, by a new Canadian,' teenee-of pioncer stock and panamaunt patniatiem. Sccoxidly, flanc familiar witli MacLâean 's highly dcveloped meassoai eecuring faet maleil and ineide informat ion-' «'thc news bdlind fIe news", know ful wel fIat they get at basic trufli while off cxi fli Minister himsecf is risièd by subordinates. Thc edifor af The Stafesman is anc of f1e few, wlio, day by day, wades.,througli Han- sard. Our opinion ie thaf vÏrions. recent speeches by Mr. Howe, admit generaily, flic trufli and ressonabieness of Thc Post 's main cnificisms. If would be easy snd fempting fa descend into flic resum- of personalities anid fake fthc messures of respective national services and degrees 4 patrietisrn in this cross-fine but flusecan safeiy be lcft te public opfinion. O.A.C. Dissolution Current press reports ,confunni unors fIat thc Ontario Agrieu1fui-al College is te be furned aven te ftle Federal Governent -for thc duqration- of war and ifs irniediate aftermatî. "TIc policy of fIe Ontario gov- ernmcnf in flua undcrtaking is in lin. wifli a nesolufiôn passed two sessions ago, pledg- ing wliolelicantcd coopenat ion of the Pro- vince itIc war effort," ssys flic officiai, spokesmnax. In view of fthc fsct flat agriculture ie Csnadecs basic industny; fliaf Ontario Agni- eultural College, for decades, lias been anc ai flic foremoàt in flic wold; that Ontario fanniers and farnmers' sens have beeme in- creasingly reliant iipon sientifie farming; that war 's demandeanmust enempass diver- sificd agicuifural production - flic con- clusion is thaf fhIl arbitrsry action is a staternelif s tha+'paan"and equipm n ar present agriculfural nepresentafives, and in- fcnsified extension work carried forward in cacl ceunfy tîrougliaut fIe province. Reforestation is the great big question for consideration next only te fIhe vital question af agriculture. '<H. was at Army camp fan a month-he's donc this ever sincel"1 'li the Dim sud Distnt. Past TWENTY-PIVETZARS AGO Prom The Canadlan Statenaa, Mmcli 9, 1916 Rev. David Rogers, London, wrltcs reminiscences about preaciers i Hampton and district i Uic yeane 1864-1874. "Stephen Washingtont was periapa tic best sermonizer. His brother Anthony was peerless as an exhorter. Dr. Lachlan Taylor icard hlm ancý niglit at Mion and was atnsc at hie ready and effective address. Thomnas Wlndatt alwàys iad -gaod subject metter and was thouglit- fuI. (Mrm. Thos. Ted ef tile town is a daugliter ai Uic 1sf. -à&. Wln- daff). Chifloper Hepinir-fll'was a Yorkshireman well advanccd in years. lI hie preaching i. Was bni. Iis son Peter was abave thc average local pireacier. E, T. Crawle wae a layman who preich- cd wlth acceptance and cfflclcncY. Other local preachers werÇ -Qce Washington, G. W. Jacobs,"ý'Ôb Higginbothazn, J. S. Larke. From Dan Doeuglas i France: A column-lengtli poeeion recruif- lng begianlig: Don't I knaw iw liard the homne fireelde ta leave, Te travel li ceuntnies ai dlfferent creed, M aip ta f aIl by liand oi a Hun, Wlien really your lii. lias only just begun. And end"i: We're staylng nlghtf ler. - Ifs8 yeur ielp we requin.. Mr. and Mms. John -Grlgg celc- brated Uic fartieth (rubY) anni- versary ai their 'mearriage. Miss Ruth Grigg prcsented Uic bride with beautlful flowers and Uic gatliening presented theln with a readlng lamp and vase li token of higli esteeni. Town Cauncil: Mayor J. B. Mit- chell preslded. Audifors' repart siawed deficit af $6,792.80. Mr. and Mrs. Artliur W. Hors.y, Montreal, were guets ai his unce Magistrat. w. M. Hersey. Mn. Hersey le Vice Preeldent and me- cianicai engineer for Taylor and Arnold, Mentreal, and authar ai sonue valuable inventions az' siegm engines. He was bern li Bowrnanville and lias sean consid- erable cf Uie new world. Mr. and Mns. Arthur G. Wrighit,' Hamilton, visltcd at Mn. Thos.' Tod's, called lier. by Uic deafli oi lier brother Wludatt Tod. Sincere srmpathy le ext ended ta Mr. Richard Allen on -Uic sud- den sorrow whicli darkened Ia home wlien Mns. Allen passcd away from apoplexy. Sic is sur- vived by. lier sens, W. T. Allen and Frank Allen, Elora, and two daugliters, Mne. W. W. Horsey, Oshiawa, and - Miss Belle' Allen, BowrnanvlIIe. »irth: Ye - xIn Bowmanviile, Mrchi1sf, ta Mn. and Mns. John Yeo,,a son. Blrth. Ruter - xI Darlington, Fe ruary 28rd, ta Mr. and Mns. Wm. ]Ruiter, a daugliter. Birth: Sxiowdcxi - Af Bowman- ville, Mrch 5Ui, ta ?Ar. and Mre. Leslie C. Snowden, Mapie Grave, a deugiter.- . Ebenezer: Fred Niohol's son Roy was.aperated on for appendicitis. ..Pastor Deive oficlated at the funeral ai Mns. W. J. COllacutt... A rerthUi departure of J. C. Trui an fe~i. . .. A. J. Ga ve fIe paper. et Uic Epwort on "T4 eRelation of Young People ta the Churci." e solina: Mise Lena Taylor wes home aven the iveekend end look- cd quite, natural pr etlg atUi organ et E. . .>.. ornman Rey- nolds, U. cf T., was home. FKPMY TZARS, AGO Prom The CanadIa Statesman, Mardi ifli, 1891 Tic News went eut ofitIs usuel neutrai cliannel laît wcek f0 deal a blow at Uic Retorm party and whether wlfuliy or lgnoran$ly slandens ail and eundry Reforni- ers. Liberai pinciples have triumphi- cd again iWest Durlinifa Uic tune ai 198 majcnify aven the aid- flag, *old-polic and aid-leader pallcy and e?. jùbilatIon on 7hursday niglif was unbaunded. As soon as flche eult was knowq' Liberali fanmed a tardhliglif prd- cession headed by- horsemen coin- manded by Alan Wiliais and led by D. 0. & P. Band and pnacceded te Southi ParrUiceresidence ot Robent Beti.-' Merci 2nd wma thc fufte anniversary ai Mn. and Mrs. John Grigg's wedding and about 40 fri- ends gathered te celebrate if with tieni. Tic Chimes contreversy again: Wc know freni rment visita te Mn. Saunders' native town thaf people there ioid hlm li higicst esteeni and thercere the refer- ence made by Canon Macnab ta is antecedents li Uic News and Sun was a -meut uncliaritable, un- christan and unwarrantcd act. Marrled: Tordifi - Hill - lI Hamnpfon, Mardi 4th, by Rcv. R. McCuilough, W. Tordif and Lucy Hill, youngest daugliter ai Uic late RaipliHiil. Died: Feley - lI Danlngton, Marci 4Ui, 1891, Richard Feley, ged7. aD . Wrighit In uCartwright, Mrci 3nd, Lucy Jane, deugliter af Lucy- anâ Thirza Wright, age. 12 ycars. DIed: We stdr - XI South Afri- ca, ai fever, an Jan. 7Ui, Tics. Webster, Engiand, brother .of Geo. H. Webster, Bowmanvlle. . 1 Mr. and Mrn. Alfred Guilwere theIr ýfrends walklng li 'fer aa - cWe evenlng.. Ha mpten: Wm. Eoliord le still li feebie h......... Tic largesf demonstratloxi ever wltnessed liere taok place for Uic Liberai candi- date. Tyrene: Jas. Moore i lesokvIy rccevering froni hisîe ..... J. Saunders, Bowmanville, filled eijr patr's appitmnents Sunday.. A.E. Harris lias moved wtl hi famlly lufo his mother's nesidefice. Newcastle: Mrs. Chas. Wrighit wio lias been ill le rapidiy reçev- er...... Chas. Wilmot le off Qxi an officiai visif west toe cfleli- erles. . . . John Waibridge dîed Feb. 24th ait er a lengthy illxes. IWhat Othors SayJ GUNNINGAT SANTA CLAUS <Newmtarket Iea) A number of Onfânieo newe- papers werecrcitical ai the Ontario gevernment recently when ,Àt.pur- chased funl-page newspapcr space ta tell Ifs aide ai Uic Ottawa Sirois conference fiasco. Sprne people thouglit they werc bitink Uic hand that ied theni, but that le anc ai thc liard parte ai eperating a newspaper. The newspaper le a chulic trust and Uic editer or pub- ler shauid do er say Uic thing which lic believes le lin Uic public interest even if It hurta huiseli or lis frîends. If le ne secret, haweven, that there le as mucli differexice bctween Uic W'ay anc newspaper and another a pplies tUils principle as ther. le bctwcen one man's conscience and an- other's. Now we came ta Uic story w. started' eut te tell. George James, publisher and editer of Uic Canadian Statesman, -Bowman- ville, wae i Syracuse recently, addrceing New York state wcck- ly publishers and anc ai theni, who had seen The Statesman's re- marks about Uic SIrqie advertis- ling, said: 'Wliy George, you'd shoot Santa Clausi"' WEEKLIES DoO OOD JOB <Anulicstburg Eclie) Mfter loeklng over a represcuta- tive group ai wcekly ncwapapenu from Uic Atlantic ta Uic Pacfi we cannet help but came ta Uic conclusion that Uic weckliee aif Canada anc deing a swdl Job of publicltyon Uic nation-wlde War Sa vingsCertificate campaga .. Wlieut exception Uic papers anc devetlng unliltcd space te this very worthwhile cause ... Grant- ed there le a certain amount oi advcrfielng revenue li connectîon wlth thc drive, but If paÎes into Uic background wlicn anc secs colunun ai fer column of ncws stanles and editonlals backig up this effort . . . Yes, air!wc are preud fa b. a member ai sucli a natlenaily-mlndcd group .... When Uic campaign gees way ovq thc top wc arc sure. that if wil be faund that Uic weekly news- papers ai Canada more than play- ed- their part and werc - hIa L odiy measure - responsibie fer e succeu ... Weekiy editans - wthout any liesitation - always ><up Uic boys linflic front lin.; Mrs.Fie.Wlulms Sencer, 32 Sorauren Av. e., Tarnte: Enclosed le, moneýygeder for paper ta end f 1941.Tanks a lot for carr- in e mever. You kndw we cnt dowlthout thc home paper. mIirt. Thas. H. Willilams, R. R. 1, Nestieton, I arn sendlng U.00 for r4newai. I 1k. ta keep liteucli threughdThe'Statesman wlth fr1- ond thde c ad home folk, whlch I couid net de otherwise. Mrs. Le. Robinson, Boxr 173, Chine, Calif.: Enciosed fnd mone order for my subacription te h Stateanian. Ite weekly visit le much enJayed. We are having a great arnount- ef rainlin California this winter,- too mucli for sanie crope.ý The HflUs look beautiful. We would like more suxishine. John Congden, Duhanmel, Al- berta: Picasé flnd $2.00 for The Stateemian whoee acquaintance we have continued th ernjoy since 1881,,and etil cornlng week]y as a friendly letter from home. We flnd it a bit difficuit at times ta place Uihe mee cf sa many di-, ferent names found li thc coun- try correapondence. Sincerest best wlshes te you, and your staff wiUi. success and pleasure and te ail aid friende lI Bowmanviile dis- trIct. 1559 e. Olat Street, Chicago, IM. February 24, 1941 Dear George: I arn enciosing maney order for The Statesman. Muclih toMy su- prise early li December I receiv- cd - a letter frorn Mrs. Charle Hicks (Lillile Perkins), Grand Rapide. As girls we were very close friends, but whexi Lillile marrled and wexit ta Grand Rap- ids, W. just got eut ai toucli with each other. She got- my address eut ai The Statesman after rcad- ing letters I wrate te yau last fali. She invited me te visit her, se on Feb. 4th I started fer Grand Rapids. Lillie met me, and strange ta say -we did net recag- nize cach other, but net strange when it was over 40 years since we met. I had a wonderfui viait ta]king over old tIies *and aid friends. Lillie has flince charming daugliters and a son, alea four grandchiidren. I aise met some ethen -aid Bewmanvilie people - Anche MeTaggart. She was a sister cf Willar Perrn. Edward Ganible, a fermer. Bowmnxvile boy ded while I was i Grand RaisC net-remember hin as h.ielf t Bowmanvile when I, was a siaai-girl, but I do nemem- ber two brothers, Bill and Jack. They, tac,, muet have pasecd, an as tbhey were nat mentioned lI Uic obiltuary. This Zdward was. quite a romnentmoinand well thanglit I haveenjoyed Chicago se fan, butexpcct ta epend -meat of my sunumer i Rochester and Can- ada. I Iocated Fred Hansan, "Skinney' 'as Uiey uecd te cali hlm. He bas lived lier. many yeers. I enjeyed a very pleasant 'isit with hlm and hie family. He lias been with Eastman Kodak Ce. fer 44 years. H. takes The States- man but dees nef read it as ne- llglousiy as I do, and he thlnks I do know my Bowmanvllle. When 1 wroe these llttie letters ta YOu îast falit never dreamed they weuld be published, but I do feel quite puffed up as several of My frlends, have written saying thcy read my letters in The Statesman with interest. They have also brought me li toucli with sanie dean aid friends. Sa I would ad- vise any aid Eawmailile people wlie anc away frini home and wish te get li fouch with old friends te just write te The Statesmafll Allie Welsh ShantZ. Editor's Note: Na doubt mnany readers have had fthc urge ta write Mn. Fred R. Foley express- ing appreciafion for Uic resi pleasure and Inspiration recclved froni hie 'iMature articles on '<Siig- ers ani Thein Sangs" which Fred le se ably and generously contri- buting ta hie <'home tawn paper"' - but se far you haven'it put that urge into action. Weil, a number have gîven Uic author ai these articles a weil deservcd word Of encouragement by wniting hlm a letter. W. quote extracts. from a couple necently reived by Fred:. Mns. Ida 'Richards Tadgham, 962 Windermene Rd., Wallccrville, writes: I have been very Inferesf- cd in your articles and have cut ecd anceout. Naw I have been asked ta talc. change ai Devo- tianal Period fer aur combined W.A. and W.MS. Th.y r, aeM ed mte ta use an Oldflal hM t ic ' i l the clip- 'Md th w il11b. an easy matter. 1 thlnk our presldent intends using the aId'bhymn in a series Sa I affered lier rmv clip- pings and she was délighted. I anm sure yau didn't realize, when you started wrlting theie artiqies, that a Windsor churcli would b. using them mnonth by mônth. Ien't jt truc, we neyer know how for, afield aur ifleneOr exOmPle mnay travel, wâherr for. gg or ill? My huabaiid and his father have recefttlY retifrned frmal itenth'5 trivtatieS wfi are baol iaa1%Ingfin as mreau Manlcy Crydermîân, 11135' eari St., Edmonton,, Alta. wrftca: 1 take the '<aid town rag" and I have enjayed your, historical sketches cf thosé Vezl d*aW aid hyme that paradoidcafly zAcyer grow old. We oWe you a .debt of g ratitude for theirrelivlVl. Yaui have been ttuly .dobina:. toad work. AU th~e hmmorie of thec past corne eurglng like I<1agara F'alls, ne matter ho* UtïV1I. Uýd- menton Io gr"wngto b. a&b.ati- fui clty. I should- feb C90 go Bowmanvlille for niait of the dear aid peeple. I once knéw are now ii thececmetery or have ochaigcd 50 1 wouid net kzfowýthe1n. 1 of- ten think of that dear littie white church at Hanmpton Wherë e r forefather expressed. thefr belief Lin aur Heaveiily Pather without' restraint and sang thosé tMme aid hymne cf which you write about. TIP TOP CLOTHMS are 1iard cut, and iridividually te alored to your measure. Choose YOUR ».w suit from 500 aUl-Erltlsharlo ln every wanýt paitern and color. T'IP o 0p TAILORS LIMITED failorpd-!o.Moasur8 SOLD EY mauàieDeil The Arcade Store FOR THRIFTY TRANSPORTATION THROUGH THE YEARS 'I lit1 ROT NICHOLS -COURtTICE- PAGE TWfl mi]

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