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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1941, p. 3

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lum sDAY MA R1IR 6,1941T M C N IA T T S 1M ,B W NV L E O T R O 4c a d a P tr D u k rte g n ri di. a sfae ot - O crl m n chest Service ClHoeDand navy to w a dsBSnga are are 0< th t t er w ou d fG erveralx ch h a Hitl er's l on ta eli er ic ad thi ga e p sh uhe o a cnd east s ands nar - a ohe mare a11iCsasSovieSupporttrea Varie agalnattthetBrltlshaEmpire. foaedus. tw Uicmote TeandrBlac St A M abstinence campaignhe pramated by ne thng sh h s - ý .. .. .. at s at m n m g t e e hl g H t e m a de r sa ics a s a wr d m sr evlu i n lts.D r n g t e cWh ot h e C a n a d i anmT e m p e r a n cedF e d - poiin wsteratian.terb Ptnta ndefetvee 'Nz Gra-he p~j tfraset ance coleardonlke . m ase rc es to tional WC..U ban o f h e G er P li i c a l a d rs a f ed t o el v e A l o w i ch s u g e sE ige h t t aS anvi c e C u s, H o le a d r~ ~ ~~a abudhe my~>ce ta ard h bthe gousth g wey prmatse we t h trntofhv p a y or. But i s n orem en u s u se t a nc aIi tl wo ulco Uic Isy tat Hana sl ha iln o t e wa -i e v more gaint Sovet R ssia hreaened That was here e erthe nevit ble hmato n biaabssuitable forn rom ser-b mlTa ttmn ih er rd-OetigHte aecrsa iso ol eouiits masaticlsosuygrus Ta star icethn nd the expene erm a rcUic Brltlhcinad *tycaeswnt-ithusand copchliers th n i U Uc blYteglann abùU i g - w rdp w r esi ,s e m s l R S U E I E 'h v e n p oi e ih e u af Uic kcy seta the sa btof s lan t a o east. Orm she oitcan n mlrylaersamn public hls arss nd a p. the xpe se f th Brtis Em do s d cid d b the str ngt ofposter will be ready shortly and Aosiaad of ic aa theedayta r nius ataUca se paecutdainvprerstin h ad rensaned will be placed in schools, churches K I T N O mn a g b le e h tt e c p ure s t g ast t , w ro he chE aseOrshe If H tler cauld only successfuily D m n a n d f r o r n t h c h e a r t a f R u s s i a m usg a iao t o w r y i u c b u h u u et r f a n f o n d i k n Would campel Uic Soviet to a f ag11 tBritsh attack from Uic ow w wta a u h ao t ic fButurePIC oi Ws.Under no circumstances hwda wt Sahn utI lZeng tarfafrothedrin asGrmn'scos elghb ai Htler, shauld Gerniany ever afld when he fafis in that attempt ntthNaiobta our attem ai the war wil run into several av e aready ben ampe s dttedpt tafilght an bath castern --or if and- when his mare level Miss C. Narene Lang and Mr. L. Carl Bradley are ta be married millons, Dr. Irwin predicted. do ha er eyb ory is tha t or and western fronts at once. headed assaciates canvince hlm late il March ini Toronto. The bt.tde-elect is Uic daughter af M1r5 N Leading officials af Uic Roman of Singapore wauld maIke Japan TWO NAZI TYPES will be forccd to, mave elsewhere. Bradley f Ennskllen. undisPuted mistress ai Uic Orient eAdrchbishe sd.ACtoie Pet fgo igtwl aey -.and Uiat Uic Soviet wauld very Addecj ta Uic above basic be- The inescapable facts ai ge- Acbso rt:lI h rn sPeedily be forced ta accept aygmna l azi iinennth Grah eera U ilat in such leonTyrter in 1938, it is infinitely mare terns which the axis might feel ther factor. There arc in the evt, Gssa er wlh av e ti dealhnw reeggdin Odrahaà atn fEY willing ta accord her li ic FherNazi party, striving for controla psitonussia before she cge n etito yrn pole wsa ey erôs a- y e a sedyur eedis. East. The Nazi ahnies arady the party's future, two generaist odal a positio a Nsteon Wromwhih sh caida successful We wlcome Mrs. Waleace MI a gigantic struggle against the tdy eas have jumping off places age* t schools ai Uiought. The ane, r- h î%rtish Empire, social evening at Mrs. Jas. Fard- 1er ta aur village, forces af cvii, and wiil require al tear Pcilydsgdlo excellent naval bass sch a at called canservatives, w auid pre- not get at vital Empire points, l ike ofRed Cross. venè,in a r a lte ro a ndifie rta dwinth e , er."ac Long-Luse Laey iey um r o Canstanza on the Blacjcea. Pas- fer ta came ta same temparary vthe SuezchCanal, uneicss amUiey get Visitors:ar. session af the Dardandnes would ermswith Uic western demacra-e. Suez ornanoaper Cultre cn- - nd bereadyta eeevry sfc- o use te ieyumr o crteinly give thernian extremely des, et lest until Germeny hed *ussian ca-operatian, cither will- Miss Marie Mariow, Oshawa, turc; paem by Wesley HiIs; pray- China now living i Toronto re- Powerful whip C.rBigciow rneah Uicjscrind-sAsr.turncdr missianerywitromecfareoos.liglit. thcydo ot aw cdUicgrea paentai iva îa Many af the newspeper corres paeru wi oe Rsie whihtre nUcSve n ms gorcmdld ihhrprns rb ev. Gardner. Coliection ieted ta-day thet he lied securcd Ihe do nat nbelleve tha t h rgwr a etryin lrial foe pondents who were in Germany in 1Mr. Ralph Emerson, Toronto, was teken by Pcrcy White. The 12 signed plcdgcs in a restaurant. maIdcan cturelee Uic ardthelGes; wotrms-ellrdic rra schelthe carlyai Uiofthewer re- wt i aet. pragreni opencd with e reading Four ai Uic signers wevc Chinese. =an e n apur ednelles;. tbeb1y baleterad:icalschool ported thet It wes generel ermy Mr.frnd Mrs. C. H. Porteaus bY Art Hemilton; solo by Marie In 69 parishes ai an ares. in do htth aa es aUian-rbalybet eis, e rs gossip among th afficer class with red in Oshaewa. Thompson; tapic, "Tom Thomp- Quebec "precticaily evcry persan" ta e Sthiat tre la B un doe em- ta caer tan erm wU USoiet rthat 1941 was Uic yer for Uice1Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beacock et son, painter af aur North Coun- bas signeci petitions esking for tmense in prt is rudcker'su mendta race wt Ucsm withit'.trY" was given in Uic form af a reduceci sale ai liquor iwar- rutad . cnstby Lamne Mortson; poem time, Dr. irwin related. argument. up and lootlng of te pluta e-whoie riddie lnvolving Hitler and Proutt lhfriends in Part Perry.D son i. communi r.Mot-A isop o te Cuch ai g- ZIG ZAG ROUTE w rd wlU therpoassessioetnecs.ndMrt.nArthur Jckm n with Mr Vsior:toward Uic Artic wrte: "May qat #m mWW One thing bout Hitle iend whoseesterritory ostretchesrepup he other ad knows wht the.Ambrse Lywood O ne Uii g bou H tie w s U atother nation w il do t a ita w n Mr a ~ i h ~ 1r. and M rs. H arry B aldw in, oa i h y b ess you r sp n d e - T heoe d o n a i i e s a d se schoalse a tho gtenrepes r - il icth e p r texid knaow s w h eréA ir as . L W i a o G d . M . n r . n o P a r C u - f r ict.i l e i d c Plans i a book. The unfortunate ther than iixed plans. But It s MY own guess la that this. war R. HaOskin. Mm. ,and Mr. RAnsll Pheir u.: fRt."naandWnnipe__ hart w ma s *t o n cli l os id e n d se th re fr n e s r t e n i s r -Ivi p a t n t s a f r d i e t M . R s d l L k ' .R n end W incnipbtt an M . aeg w ll . pat as th t a m ny ai Ui orh em mb rl gth t ve a-w il decide whether it is Ui Nazis 1r e rce N sMten f. r. an d r. F . By m a d inch volunt ry abstinenc e c rn -_ __ __ __ _se rv a n ts __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ w r n g p e o p le re a d it. In th c d e - t r th e o c c u p a tio n ai C z ch o - o r th c C o m m n i aijst w h o e m e rg e L a u rie H o sk in t 1fr. L . J o b lin ' . ' fa mdly et C e n nin gto na n d p ei s o n F b u ry 9 . B ritish _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nocratic wrd Uic minute and- siavkie Lord Londonderry and bosses ai a synthtzed set-up aif1Mr. Ivan Hskin and friend, Mfr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks Columbia as alredy begun its ful of People wlo id 1< read it )ter prminent ppesers In Bri- thc two. Toronto, with his parents. Glenn nd Winni, eti1fr. Lesli; campig. ic e drIsnlan- elther could caf get anybody csc tain w re publicly lauding Goer-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __M se Rih r Ba es wt Sleight's, Toronto. ren ea c e er to a n ta b dlieve fat Hitler intnded to ing as a m ec with w h m tey li s tegm Rndp arntd r. and s . . fr c d r. a rdTe rse t e m v.of t ew uedi do wht e said e did; or csecocud do business. hsgadaens r n Ms r.HMrdSeesm.teransuprt. onwn d they tlemselves cauid not believe There la no vestige ai sugges- P. Js. wlima ihi abrtGBrgEas'. ln tM.tersupr.A T u o i that eny humen being could really flan that enybody la Uic present B £ et Fes as ilamo ihMr.RbrtBres. h rsderticontiuefdd be so brutal as ta hlad iprctice British gvrnmenf wud listen W.ToGsn r. ave kt M. es. eyrs. -l eea oth.Mtoo h or11 dadM re e r r o v , a M r Ws e v e re l m oca m ai n hs .S M o ta a i U cer v e - -i ta Uic idees there edvocated ln for anc moment toaeny such lca Another ai Uic old timners aif lfrs. Hermen Samdils with lier Zvfs: Stan Beckett and J o npgntSaend ere thcory. In thc western warld we as is implicit in Uic general i cas Burketon peassed ewey lest week sister, lrs. John Hooey whoha s lraDrtSicr'Elenen ar-rink. Ivlal tti esnbcuei Were s0 accustamed ta olitci faiGenemel Goering. et Weston in Uic persan af James been slck. iyn, Atwmev ilet 1fd r. - . A.eattissasnbease sayig anc hilng before tiey gat But It wauld be eually short- Dart, aiter e long ilfless. 1fs r. and Mrs. George Wilson, Virtuels. Ail must respect those who re- sbtne oncsayt mrv h sigltcd ta overlaok the ct thet Recent Visitors: 1Mr. and Msancd eiele.qultyo icbod n il.icnrC. ONAN iGrmn's Urust towards Uic J. C. Afldread and Clifford, Mr' Pantypool, wlih1fr. pcthrsle.qaiyotebod and C.ves souh as o Eroe heisge- . lavile M. ndMr. .He who would have Uic fruit The ridli man bas more rela- For botter appetite, botter digeston, IAI ting. lerself into sitions from Brock and Mr. and lirs. W. Lans- ms Iso limb thetree in ha B-Is bte le adfrbterhat s w hlcl she cauld s w g aver ta Uic berry, af Bow rnenvile, w ith 1fr. W e ' o a e u - e p u d e e r f w o g d r h e ' e v o d Goering strate overniglit. H. GiIl. . - Mr. Roy Carter, Toron- I When you ek up - eup' A iunred an rsofai wghdtrhaesNrv o 1ILa other *or Ée te now in e ta, with has parents. .. Tpr. How- i DellhIS tritgi postion ýwit<eh from ard Gtchell, Campg Borden, et SNGERS AND -We a e p-wk p a eea ora th'zg h heza ectian lanlier lame.. . E aughl iwtl match towards world Power. lra. Vayscy, Oshawa... lirs. A. THEIR O G Stalil, wlio la a very herd-*bail. Wilson, Oshawa, cailed on friend Ifea ~ ih ir d customer indced,ý must be be- hr.. .. Mr. and Mes. W. Hoakin, Written meciafly for The ter aware oi that tact t eter Glen d Dorty.. Saomab wikon Dukror anybo q Heaillear . 1fr. and »uaràau b07 V*LPa.. lin. S. J. PdaMr. Tom Berry 18Lk tSCtaenp DOUBLE THEAT and son Ronald, Torontoai eMr. ont. ' ReuJi"Dardanelles representi a double ene. Mrs. . Lelteh, WKa mR EENGEaIC iDPit puis the Germans I a os1i on Betty, Wéston M1r. and Mrs. CeeU Mtotiiems yo; wml welcome the ta strike et Russie, as we as aet Unloij. n br. George Rahm, Work, for Uic aiglit la camning! rellef fram miaery that cones Ouir own armies or those of aur RUnion,1Mr. and Mrs. atrCc- Wr hog h onn wth a "VapoRub iMoaasage.'" allies, it elsa warks Uic other way rane, Jean and HroltrCai- or Uroul ic orin Wlithlsmoretaioroagi rat-. about. e, .. l1oiSurs; ont te.aullc-ad..apr t he im a Ui MailivilleetiMr. W.H. Rah ... Mr. Work whiie Uic dew ta sparkiing; act o ti ea a -v ar r isisthelic forhe unchA. Wilson, Oshewa, celled on 1Mr. Work 'mld spriaglng ilowers; e fteVelPICMI VapoRub mor reisc thecomman excuse f UicheRahni wla la canfincd ta lis bcd. Work whilc Uic day graws PgewithbaaothlngmedJ0W reualt lv up ta obligatians. Ewart Breck, R.C.A.P., lai in brigiter,- vapor...*STMIILATES cheat and wes that ticre was no reality le Grece Mltary Hospital, Toronto. Under Uic glawlng sun; ba sic li e w arm ing poultice or Uic al ianc e betw e n F rance, R us-. T here h ave been s ane cases a o rko i i î a c m n ,* ~ I~l a m u i e s t a e t e p o l f t i o m n t h plster.. .TMTM nJMU IjoMsey sic and zechoSlvaka because German meases in Uic village but When mans work la don. 'is stinfoo ,prmp right awayl Realta deligit even th c Soviet would have been un. by no mens an epidcmlcc, and bvlese ie o1 1inofaiVapoRub. able ta scnd acything but ar oruiteyteyaeo algt o- frten Ths oig!vr e se ctfoodfalesprchandservichand on mrelve TO aNima VapaRub BMsg" l craft ta fight Germainy. It would ftyunpe. yUe aca aig Work foUcgitela cy omnment. Teslcino ecads htguesonm s and isbeeft -mssgchveurtiposblefrousanFilbtreathorswthlb-r VapoRub for 3 minutes an l hvebuipssbefo usin type. lWoreUfrugli ic snny oon;bas a lot to do with my success, so 1 buy good produtsht PORTANT ara-A RIA OF Ac K rmies ta it t Gemman arnies < a ae f rlest w esFi rt est bu me a s wt o ur; as Weil as tihiat and clest - for tli simple reassa tht a whole Deepest sympthy la xtended Rieto ecmes ure nd min are put Up in accordance with well known standards of qaiy caer witih a* WarD d cloth. ]3z neutral, lay be fwen. " M rs. S. W ilson i t iir recent sad Sa c in fa k p so e au ôungnietmesý- No i hewyfomteBa-bravmn.Work, for Uic nigit ta camlag, - eight and measure. Buying and selling on the basis o hs suce ta use genuinestlme-teMre. Naw al Uic way froni UiaBei- bercnvemornt tac UicheBlack Sea SVlifor: m.Ade HbtadnWdnmnardssa ar.protects my customers and my business. face German troop. G m ay Oshawa, et home. . . Miss Ruby W rk for Uic niglif la cmingi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r ar u r hesun etaies _____________________ent... lrs. S. Long, Myrfie, Whill their briglit tinta are glow- 10"jnwfOneprec htgo esae d wli Mn. S. Wilson. . . Ewart ing Y-' is the, best way to tell people the news of m store,.l Bneck. RC.A.F., Toranto, eta home. Work, Ïor daylighf flics.myy -D RY C LE ANI NG THAT SATW E Winnipeg,¶ Man., et Mr. T. Tricks. adeth ta ahine no mre; oiin detsn U'4IIO .Walace Breck, Toront, Bill Work while Uic nigt la darkcn- * waY for Me to advertise, it ia also the safest way. When Coatu * Suis - Deu~s reck R.C.A.F., Picton, Mfr. Har- .ng, waklaer money in newspaper advertising 1 make my investment o h Coa u 75 tÇ > la c itl ldMis onetty .M, oshatta nd wlUi or i O r lin. T. G. Breck. Amen. Miss Btul oat t sa,1enwirs. bais of verified circulation figures and values that areasel 75 a hCnrtltost r n r.Anna Louise Cagili, known and important in advertising as the standards of wih Win. Stephenson on Uh ibrth ai 1936-1907. en u lt that 1 use inmy w e r C @a daugiter.qultin o bs es O shaw a L au nd ry & D y ASin * 1* * o u arv ret i niena a d al- E i fo m t n h c t e gr c r pu ls er m m er a d ma#a-a e u mmci ig a s eaty ta Uicwords, wa wite f, >n ,, t" tf im of % luy LawdfltMapaovocomposer of TaIatee sraper ii a.menbertof theeAuditwBureauasonirculatioof it'ahe Canid partIcularly la vacation rot many Of aur fariteh ma .thie guest à l ad u al-I AnaaLoulae was ie oniy mcm- On request we $hall gladlY furnisk a co»y of our lateat A. B. C. repoit alve rate ta include m m sa er a ic W k rfmil ta me h e p p rd G i L m h a r C o t am a u charges know a as Uie "Api- etW ofi t h a n ln , ir si c mre r- enican" Plan, la ane hotel aperat- rlcd Mr. Cogfladwir i Shpad& ilLm ecC.U d by the S m, the Prince Ar. rmaincd until lier passing ln ~ .C UI BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS = FACTS AS A MEASURE 0-F ADVERTISING AU fhi et CoAtinca ee ola a Ti a1e90w7. ti wf *oo rate whic ld e pln. hiaand lnown hymn waa wrlffen je aow breakfiaat,* sayatm well known uaed as a tee mcom and a pcture WuloflhIN~O WMeaIpa. OFN,Tb, tufpi& lanfthcB àflihle.s ad le happler ofAnnameLouis. Walkcr CoghlIl dayO, on flic continent of.lur;ope. hangs abbve Uic manfel, .

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