THE CANADIÂN 1* PAGE PIR THVBSDAY, MM u.LRMA?,T 1BflWA<TUE. OI4TAIO Crop Expedments Show Fine Gan Nfew hrogxam Alxeady Undexway I. Delew are publisiel resuits o! experiments cae. naI n rough Durhamn County Crop Imprcva- ment Association, 1940, wth suni- maries for 1938-9. Tisse figures are wortiy o! sanie stuly as ta P Id ailnsd verieties. Tae progrmn or 1941 s aleady baing preprel byi district representative. E. A. Sunmeri' n co-opeaetiafi witi of- ficers o! thc Association: 0 Oat and Barley Experimelits 1940 .Tic results o! oats sud berley experiments an Ilirea f as are: Wgt. par Meesued Bushql OATS- Alaskca . --- - 36.00 Erban -- -- -30.00 Cartier ------ 38.25 Vanguerd . -32.00 Victai'y --- --36.00 PoIteo- - ýrpa-e31.00 A. Mufr Wgt. par Measural Bushel Yield in Bushels Par Acrc 87.74 102.16 73.39 98.26 76.90' 67.24 3.7 Yield n Bushels Par Acre GATS-375 409 Alaska ___- 3750-0.9 Erban------- ---- 2900 44.45 Cartier_- - 36.00' 43.67 Vanguard 28.50 47.53 Vlctory - 27.50 44.37 PoIta - . 31.75 41.68 Variance 3.0 BARLEY-2.3 O.A.C. 21 48-Ô00 23 Nobarb ------> 44.50 18.85 PSeymour Wgt. per Yild in Measurad Bushels Busiel Par Acre ifOATS- Alaska---- 3800 55.37 Erban -- - 31.75 52.34 Cartier - 39.50 51.25 Vanguard -- 29.50 57.62 -. Victory 27.50 36.78 patato --- - 32.00 51.43. tVarience 4.0 BARLEY- O.A.C. 21 .-50.00 35.15 Nobarb ___ 38.50 43.41 SoybesiiExperfmeflia Scybean experinients ware alsa conducted on the farina of W. B. Recyneols, R. R. 1, Port Hope, sud Lawrence Malcolnm, Nestieton. Re- suits were: W. B. Reynolds' fer»: Naine Par plot 1-6 ac. Par Ac. *Mandarin (Reg.) - 25. bus. Goldsoy - 318 1bs. 31.8 bus. KCabat -__ 242 ibs. 24.2 bus. O.A.C. Na. 211 did not matura. Lawrence Malcolm's terin: Mandarin (Reg.) - 25- bus. K.abott -____ 17. bus. Goldsoy - - 15. bus. OA.C. No. 211 did net mature. inpro Wed Vicks Way Tro Reiene MueY of C"M Mothera erywsrearet av oeig hw esy t A0tareueve =laryc lde with a "VapaRub NE&Mge' = =1V cubigmu- cular sorennotgtea WIth this moretrohre- ment, the xoultic-ad-apl action of VM aB more e«wUeyFMWUhTtedeai paages wth saothing medicinl vapoa.. SWT cheat snd bClkea warmlng poultice or -bte... W- - -MIM rIhtbawa l eat eflltsen TO Gar"a'IVapoRub Maugel with aan Its beneffta -mnae VaMoub for 3 minutes on ]M- ro RTNBIE-ABEA or BACK es wU v as thraat snd chst - qresd a thick layer on chft. cOumrwth a warmed loth.133 SURE ta use genuine, tinie-tebed vIO1z5 VAPORU. Rod Row Oat sud arieY Experimelits Results a! Bal Row Ont sud Barley Experimeiit for 1938 sud 1939, n co-oparation witi tic Field Husbandmy Deperîment, O. ACÎ*Gùt4lh. Thie 1940 results *erc cal uIàeas ail plats, lolgel completely. Oet Experiment 1938 -1939 Varicty 2 yr. aVerage Erban ---- 54.17 Dasie .-- 53.28 Gopiar ----- 50.65 Venguerd .-__ *48.00 Cartier - ___ 47.8 22-00-6 ~47.6 O.A.C. No. 3 - .---- 47.5 Antiany 46.3 Alaskca - ---46.2 Bann r ------------ 44.2 Variet3 Velve Regal Newa Nobai ]Byng Peatli Mensi O.A.C Barley Experimnent 1938 -1939 y ~2 r-average ----- 33.2 - ---- 32.5 rb 32.42 32.4 nd --- - ----- - 29.9 lry - ----- -- 27.4 1- N. 2 1 ---- 23.4 Durham Has Ne.d 0f ConmervUtiOfl And Reforestation Igeavy Distribution o! Forest Trees Made lu Durhami County lu PunI Five'YcSr Te affecta! educating Duriani county ta the great need a! re- foarestationi sud conservation s revelel in the Otario Conserva- tion sud Reforestation Association bulletin "Conservationi" wiicihas been raceival n tic office. la thc pust f ve years thc total numnber of siipments cf farest trees requestel of thc provincial nurseries lias steedily mien. Ac- compsuyiuig tic increasal de- mand Ibrougiaut the County s a correspending incresse in tie nuniber a! trees wanted for re- forestation. 1940 experlencel tie first drap n tha demand n five years but avec tien lie numba' o! trees shippel s fer n excescf the demeand n suy neigibeuring county. Tic nuniber cf shipmeuits sud total trees distributel n Durhin County in tic past five years s ai fdllows: Yeer Requests Distributed 1936 144 392,131 1937 189 500,481 1938 237 711,588 1939 385 944,947 1940 '237 790,500 Te denasul for forest trees in Northumberland CGUntY s con- iderebly less tic bulletin reveals, -p&Ïf bIbéke ,t".eed *s lau. Tiers wea asharp incrcasc in the number e! trees dstributel last yaar, tic following data indicetes: Yeer Raquests Dlatrlbute< 1936 74 170,948 1937 109 371,246 1938 151 300,739 1939 226 286,061 1940 203 388,457 Similer figures for, Ontario County ara: Year Requesta Distributed 1936 142 328,512 1937 189 M3:3,187 1938 238 . 44963 1939 299 356,402 1940 289 515,768 Thie Axis was running 9 lot better befare t was Greecel. The fellow who makes trouble neyer mnakes friands. Auctiouleer ELbMRWILBUR Licsed Auctioneer Hamptoil - Otari Speelaing n rarm i»,vegtock, Implemelita and FurnitiireSales TEMM ODERATE' plions fer Ternis sud Dats te: EowmàhivMeIS2428 I h INSULATE YOUR HOME! THE MODERN WAY WUTH ~'~ AIR$E AL - The New Fibre-Rock WooI I Thse fuel It saves pars thse cool e! appliruil. Airse acn be quickly sud easily applial by anY intelligent workman.. It s avallabla n threa ferma: L- bulk for usa on flat ceilinga or Packing nte odd leaka. In bats for betwsan raftors or loping cellings. ln granulated wool fer POuilng ln Inaccessible wafls. Airsea may be installaI without fusa or betiar hi your present home or in a home undar caon- gtruction. So easy s Airmeai te malle you cen do thc Job yourself if you oc destre. ,ygglw~ sure tiat yeur home las insuiated with rock wool fibre. Asic fer an estimate On p7 4 coot>ndquantity requireji rigit away. la Rot Proof - Vermin Proot S Proof and Easily Applled 611Lumber Co. Ltd. EowmBRvwe M m d In ie st >d o0 Canadian. gardon Service By Gorden LlndsaY Smith T Noewarh terad itm lTh cf r thinaA as nadad wthile gotrdenting ino exceptioan, hise gntrfernce illb r] noexptotic-I ine bync tAie average prsn otor- der fl haera dgetable seedaOr tAns Slowr ndefae teblltzkrieg cfi a yr g ora cnth e zrabe aofunt araf te aderiedersed Ant anaathe larde sed froni DnmCaradaHas id sud Hngry. DNwxk tHisAolpietend cu off, cow h se, and ee sipeut offrom core, ranaven bepenrtrict-m nrithe mui emandti hd ovegethersupli e lave boe,efrgthcr supgprm leshve Caenada itseolisugasfron ithen Canatda tes.Seend asmentrepr niteabe otaesm eihepr vegetable or flawei' Unes. Even Uc est acNrave frn of aren h en play coat vital ra An ardte it cinprn itsccta oet anwa rome.t peendisonestata ticy ermthe, e badmup anegn the moettoestsica cf terroW -As et thl erve-estef iZlgrre- I -i etinstu t snepensv, r estoigrce aimoran t pein when ic whcleo eiporant ot hen thA ect-o edaainsoftecounsryxpeediuect- nd gardeningel sa nivrel hobby ee, eentelayaun sad, heobbyd omen, Ayu ndtcciyo eu on the broad acres n the country. In a]niost every case landscuPe gerdeners atrictly alvise informai Wlanting about tieaverage liuse. Tus s especially lesirable where space s limitaI as t tends tc sotten Uic cerrew, rigil fence linos sud toadad an air o! spaciaus- ness aven te a 20-feet lot. Ini ar informai gerden, the central par- tion of the ground s entiraýly in grass. Around tie edgase! Oltii will ha groupad beds of perennisl and annuel flowera, leadlng up Vc sbrubs sud vines along tic wall or fance baundaries. Wliare tic garlan s larger, ex. parts alvocate sreenng offa portion by bringing forward th, surraunding slirubbery et On' peint, er using a hedge, wal C tres so -tint tic whole garden wil not be antirely visible tram an one point o! abservationi. This wil add turther tao that air o! spu clousness and also provide a se clulal corner or twe for e chilI' swing or lendbox er, pesslbly, seat or treliA-cverel table. Next ek-Buldig UP gaz den seil, lawn carie, gettlng ni out o! a vegetable garden. Due o 0seveal casas of meeuier Our scicol iabec closed for e few daya. Several quilts have bae quill- el for the !Red Cross rectly. Visitora: Mr. andl Mrs. Gardon Beach, EnnAsilen, et Mr. Elmner Beach's. Miss Jean MeLaan et Mr. Gor- don McLean'o, Uxbrldga. Misses Clara sud Ruby Grf! n and Mr. Fred Griffin et Mr. Lorne Knapp's, Oshewa. Mm. Bert Betam et Mr. Frank Moore's. Mr. Lac Voleumn, Kilngston, et Mr. Richard Grlffln's. jMr. and Mrs. Cecil Daim eatMr. Harry Rahm's, Burketen. i Farm Federation *lIlnd War Effort Suggeste Cooperation "lCanadien agrlcultura's f rst tuas sud paramuouuit duty iEf la place its wlole strerigli and unite its resourceS treni ses ta sen ba- hinI Canada's war effort. .- As tae tempe cf indtisti'ial production As speelel up te nicet tie urgent neel for munitions and wer sup- plies, tiare As a grave danger tiat tic present disperity between agriculture1 and industriel inconia will incrasa. More tIen 3,000,000 Canadiens n .ow live on terinssud engage An lie production cf food supplies. Another 2,'000,000 lAve An rural ereas directly dependeuit on thc farmn incame for their liveli- hool. Dut while thera has bacc n tramnendeus rAsa An tic national incoma, agriculture's share cf the national incoma continues te la cime An the face cf stcadily in- creasiig cost cf production.- "In crder ta ecable thase mail- lions o! Canaidiens engagel An tic business a! agriculture te P10Y their preper part An tue greatast crises tIe womld has knewli, two things ara cecessary: " 1. Tere maust be an mmmci- aeansd substantiel incrense o! farm income in relation 10 lic national incama. 2. A propei'ly co-ardinated national policY for agriculture including marketing as well as production, muaI be in- stituted. ";Tic Canadien Faderatioli of Agriculture therefore proposas: (a>) Tat since agriculture1 pro- ducti ocsts have airady in- creasel and will inevitably con- tinue ta Increase as the wer de- velopa, aur gevermierts shoul adopt measures to astablisi a pro- ,par relatuonsiip batwaan tic -prices cf agriculural coimidities sand the goals and services tic -feriner muSt purcliasa. Otierwise Itiare could easily be a decline An stue efficiency o! agricultural pro- ductioni whicli would seriously Li amper lie war effort. (b) Tint >t mnidiate staps ba taken to) de- Lvalop a national wer-time pro- grain for agriculture, In tnking tAiS stand the Canediati Felera- alion cf Agriculture realizes tiat ecienging international coalitions may caîl fer changes An policy, but emaeas At al lich more necessery ethat tiare shoul be a greater de- grrea o! consultationi bctween gov- ,fernmente[l aei4orities and tic me- gpresantatives cf orgenizel agri- culture." a Ir )s lie eldest of its kind ln Ontari, 'il be held An Bellevill, March 3, 14 and 15. The Seed Fair brigs ta this farming district thie best of seed from as f ar as Bow- nanville, Lindsay and Kingston, ad it As expected competition wiAl be keen. Good eed has lang been re- ognzed as a master key to crop improvement; and agricultural de- veiopment An Canada. 'Pure bred seed, liAis pure bred livestock, sliould be widely distributed and Can certainy be regarded as a goa invegtment. Gaed livestock men wiil travel hundreds cf miles and spend large suins of money n the purchase of animas ta Arn- prove their liards. If farmers were as particular An the selec- tAon o! their seed, tliere would be an Ammediate Amprovement An crap production. The good seed that wvili be shown An campetition at the Fair will be sald by auction en Mardi 15 ta tlie farmera cf this district. Prize lists are available at the offices of county agriculturai re- preseiitatves. Character As the remult of twe things: Mental attitude and the way we spend Our time.-Elbert Hubbard. BusinessDirectory Legal IL 0. V. 001W, .NA., LIL.D Barrinter olieltor, NotarY ktione 351 Bank 01 ofammerce Bldg. Bowmanvllle W. IL STRIK Barrister, Soicitar, NatarY iSolicitor for Bank of Mantreal >Money te Loan . Phone 791 E3ownmvill, Ontario IL. C. EIASON, B.A. t Barrùatr - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. t Law in aUi ts branchas Office lmmedIatelT est af Raya Theatre Phonos: office 688; Home 553 Dental VI. X. C. P»EV1TT Assis"tam ». B. W. Simoa eGraduate o& oy ai Dental.-Col alegs, Tronto. Office: Jury Jubile a.Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hoaux e 9 a.m. to 6p.daly, » except Sunday !Phne 790 .- HousePhone 88 B-x-Ray Equipment An Office r. DIRIL 9. DICKSOif I vrLania' s Store, Newti to 9 a.m. te 9 p.m. Fumerai Directors me FUNERAL DIRECTOIRS me Service, any hour, anY day r F. F. Morris Ce* il y Modem Mater Equlpment A£ il blance and Iuivalid Car. Tel ,- phone 480 or 734, Asaistst 51 ws Sers ENTERTAINER O eoure »-ALPH GORDON, thselha' wouodur Yvermaile sier- tee tainer, fer 7055 neittelrIalE- eC ment Dus&&Mtd circulas fres. hi 638h Crawford Streot, Torouto1 r he Kldnoy Aolds Rqoh Your Reet Ma7 poagle sever - tgu .Igii'asoat. hyumadoabW Duad sufésp.OfehyPIaul WAR SAVINCB AND THE FUTURE 0F OUR EMPIRE seiLtial For the Conduet of the War But 'they liigave a Spe- cmil Value as a Reserve After the War. The War Savings Campaign is bringing the' war home ta the people. They are now, for the firat time, coming ta realize that this is a war which miust involve sacrifice. It cannot be foughl solely by taking rnoney from the rich - the ordlnary citizen must pay. The war is eighteen months oid. Ask yourselt this questiai4: Do you know anyone whose incarne As fol now as high or higher than At was at the beginning of the war? If yau cannot answer your owr question, perhaps your neighbor can. You will be convinced then of this extraordinary fact, no Lmatter haw it has been done, the war has been profitable ta, the average individual - he As weal- thier naw than lie was befare. There As danger in this condition- Sit cannat continue. It must flot be said that we grew richer while we sent others ta the baffle. It cannot be repeated too oftem that war As a mnatter of men and *materiais rather than n ma'e Someties this abvious camnun plc ttment is given a faiot tconstruction. t As assumed tx if Intiat ltý,matters net hlY much maoney we spend, that mon ey lias ne significance. This ! Wholly wrong. Money la the mesa sure cf value. If we are spendinI znoney, we are paying tor mater ials, wagss, transportation an( other essentials of a tremnend0vl industrial effort. What At mear is that the problsm of war - th, Industrial problem~ - depends no upan money but upon the physica question of assembling: te rai materials, flndlng the trained mne for the effort, produclng the pro duct. ie ie l- e Ld Y. il ,1 n ,'- uvlll consume more fruit, nora îutlcr, mare mlUc. Un Hunting Area Mention tic naine of Caleander and réaders'~inediately think af tic Dianne Quintuplets, but the towe has otier dems te fama n- asmucli as t is a jumpingtioff place for englers wliosa objeiv es are Lake Nipissirng sud Frenchi River. This informiation s con- tainal An a nwboke nhunt- lng sud fskNg sul i Canedian Ntoa alas iA mon, trout , TH ER EfS * t, Mintain Good Living Standard We ara confrontaI tien wltAil his simple physical problrn. Wc ùîust maintein in C anale a le- cent standard o! living for svery- one- because production de Ps to soeaextent, on thie-standard a! living. Gcrmany las founl tuis ouI. from prectical experiece. Time sud time egain, whan tiey have insistaI an cvarwork wli- out additAonal pay,» production ver unit tended ta line. Facel with tIs 'hunian problemn, eutocracy lied ta alter its course. The pres- sure amI te ha removel toa apoint whidli parmittel ncreasal pro- duc4On. . Increasal expenditures- !ollw incrensal incomc. Tisa Ancreases the number employel An tic pra- duction o! 'non-essentiel items - limite production ot. war needs. When tieusanîds end thousends o! men and wemen In Canada plalga thernsalves to a mecthly cantribu- tien for War Savings Certificates, tle resuit As .that their expandi- turcs are curtailed, workcrs arc snat neelal for the production o! comnioditias thepr would otier- wisc have purcllased, mec sund riieteriel ara lefI free for the pro- lucion cf thinga essentiel fcr thc struggle An wich we are enggea. SA yeerar or s ega, the distin- guisiel BrAisAi conormist J. M. Keynes, caine.forwnmd with tic suggestion et comnpulsory savings. The question receival wlda lis- cussion et lie timne sud met wlth e large mensuré of approval. Il wes taen pointaI eut tuaI sav- Ange, taken frem the people and devotal ta wear effort, would be a stracg facter An the maintenance o! equilAbriurnfellowing tie war. Il weuld beansu sudlir ta wlnd- Sward if tic;storn breke efter the war. Wc ld eccept lis !des. Tare was saomething* te be said for thc maintenance of tue voluri- stery princlplé wiere the spirit o! ei tepeople As strong anougli ta me- espond ta the urge and At As strong enoughiAn Canada. We are going ta t accamplisi by this means the. epurpose whici Mr. Keynes hel An Lvicw - tic transfer e! energy and effort to the, production a! essen- tiels, thc maintenanuce a! balance ise fer as dômestieconsurnption As concernaI and the developmniit c. f e backlog upon whici tAie pea- upice!oflicenation cen d1mw if, al- bt ter tAie war, we t cal tic shock and te dislocationi, more or lacs inavi- If table wlien the warll returns ta nnormal. )r plckerei, sud n the proper tirne and rabbits. Callander s 219.,mn hunters Icafr find deer, black bear, nort-af Toronta, an the Canadi dcspa!-'&idge, when permitted, National Systefn. . &A d4 " fi TEA.c A TRUCý FOR EVERY TRAD.I UTHE CHEVROLET PARADI fMd jugt ths truck for Your service.afaog dth Uakyhaute, l the 1941 ChevoletTrlck lius.The"e Ucu CbevroletTrucca are *moue 7-Stvers on aery haulage job. Th ey'astaonMay low in fits cost, opsratig Costa nd.mantenance Cofst. And thsy have asw langer whâ... am ercirculating ba besriag ateering gerse. .. new more roomy, miore comnfortible driver'. compuiprnem . . . te make them e sbust.lookin&g, esta aeeerag, .miet.riing trucks in the satIre lowest pricefieldt Viait or plions your Chevrolet dAeas for a desoatnation of disse "Right Trucks for Ail Trades" -- todayl 0F98% ,»« h.1 hew e r*pwd hel dwlgnéd t o~uoivl uihw e.94 -hh q f, tw p lo ..IbovukFlo p dts Mu' ROY NICHOLS COMMTIE "Worm for - Si LSk f« thu certifiati- tac, tbe 1 0 1 *'ý .116bDu Keen COMPetitie le Anticlpated At Quinte S'sied Fair t Union, Darlington ý CERTIFIED, 9EEJ7 GOOD saa! ia i iatrquir ect for an Msaiclat Gcrop. ecautelse outiy good ed wii grow vigmerS and Proutv ints. efa rýdptt"ý Canaien er fedSecd PotaceL es a e odsd otts.. By plaeting dieni, bgher qua iy~ 1a5~ mohr more uniforai potetos tIn those grown from 'ordinar seed stock willfbe produced. So, this season, to hervest finer potat0es - and nmr of them, plant Canadien Certiea Seed. Be sure to select the variuty most saitable fUr osr liy. Ask dha District Goveralpent ina acter, Plrzt' tect*05ï Div'iion, for full information and list of neareat distri- butors. -Ï eig e t'ice 0r AGRICULTUIRE, OTAWA Mowwr.ble japses G. Gardiner, Minister. Bel] wW, l' . .1 m 1 ' J. March 13, 14 and 15 1 1 1 >es anyone imagine that At was rtage of maney whlcli required ae or four years before General tors coul develop an efficient oplane engine? It was not. It a questien cf deslg u pro- lon sd alte Atimaede- *involve in brlngngfort *duct whlch, An thie apinon cf se who made At, would have 1. te quafties s d e ante Ait. eare A anathar simple illustra- aCanada has a tremendous plus af wheat. If there should ienly arise a deslre for this lat with nunierous caunties aver tlie world calling fQr At, re would be no shartage of Sey ta move At. Thie movernent fl be flnanced An the midet war - thse anly problem, An- Lved would be finding tlie men move At, tlie cars ta carry At te iboard sud the slips tta es t mypisclp;rlems - not; Lnclal nor monetary ones. A few years aga, at the depth thie depressien we lad 700,000 ýmployed. In the case et an ceptioal demend, t fai wages, icountrycuId hav addsd a ilion te the tcotal ary ef work- aAil that As chanel. Unsm- yment has practically vnl- LTiers are, a milon mea' pea- eat wark An Canada naw tien ,ere were An 1932. The imediate resuit Ais ta ralse ýstandard cf living of th~'een- re nation. The elditienal work- Ii are nat employed solely on ar mnateril. Srea -et icwork- 7are engged An the production 1munitions, ammameliti, squip- Lent, on which enarnieus strides vs bsecn made An the pust eigh- n months, but sanie muat be rployed An the task of produci ie ordinery essentiels ef life - 7e tlgs which the arourer ada wlien lie As fashlo igthie rms of the nation. Of course the rrker needed ishse thigo when ewas unemployed, wlien ha Ddcd At impassible te f ted a Job algthinga ihi cculd b.cex- =analfor the thngaha naeded, ut lis standard cf living tien ea niucli lower tiien At As new. An illustratian cf thus point As a be seen An thie wldely publiciz- d item cf butter. Unaer normal lmand, thars iwas ne real short- «e cf butter, but whsn tiough !ployniant of ail, ths standardj oliving was raised, tiers wan a atural increase An tAis demand. :t As a dernend whilcaeaily -panded. It rises ahiarly wltli nproved conditions. People wll iot est a gret many mûre pote- oes, carrelsand turnipa when thie andard o! living rissei but theY Il 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 inanner ---------------