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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1941, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STAlýî PAGE FmV LoyINTIIZT TO WOMN Wedding vA pretty weddig wsoîmni. ed on February 22nd at the home of the bride'. parents, Mr. and Mn. W. H. Moore, Ennlnkl n x ftth ~ lpresence of a few immdite _eavu when their daughter, Elsie Ions, was united li mar- rnage to Pte. Floyd W. Beckett SheLl Nagra Cmp o n 01 ShelbrokSask. The cereny took Pilace beneath an Trh of rai white and blue. Rer. . H. Lac- key officlated. The wedding music waa piayed by m. Lorne Lamb, cousin of the bride. The bride, given i marriage by her father, worm floor length gon' of powder blue sheer, with ful sieves, and mnatching halo, and carried a namse- gay oa ink and white carnations with blue forget-mne-nots. She was attended by her sister Mina Muriel Moore, i a, fooar iength dress of ,Pink moire titffeta, and carrying a nosegay of pmnk carna- tions and blue forget-me-nots. The groomaman was Mr. Reglnald. Weaving of Toronto. Pollowing the ceerneony a' breakfast luncheon was served by friendu <of the bride. For travel- ling, the bride chose a 4mai blue dreas, navy boucle coat, with navy and white accessaries. On Friday evenlng, the bride was the recipient of a miscellan. ous shower held at the home of ber Parents. About flfty frienda and neighboms gathered and ex- tmndmed to the happy couple their congratulations and bmst wishes. Thurs. - Fr. - Set. MARCR O - 7 - 8 Double Bill "Blondie Has Servant Trouble". sta"Iml-, MIE BUMSTEAD 8ee Blondie, IDawood aMd Blaby DIumpfln mre te -IWO OU, the amren tu -a hilarlouu ANI) ON B7Bâmif£ "Four Mthers" PrnIa Laie, Roseîa". Loue, Lois Lane and Gel. Page, Mon. - Tues. -Wcd. MARGE 10 -1 - 12 A GRÇAT PICTURE "The Howards 0f Virginia Starrlng cary Grant and Maçthas. gott short Features mai News Baker@ for TWO Generattons Phone 855 Dowmmnvlfle -il Alter the many lovely and useful gits Were unwrappmd and dis- playmd a social Urne waa spent and refresbmentn servmd. FIENDS HOU ETHgSDA COUPLE 20 VEAS MARRUED A very happy event.took place on Wednesday evenig, Pcb. 26th, at the hotte of Mr. and Un. E. J. SîIver, Marera ]Road, wben members af Ibe family gathered ta celebrate the 25th wmddng an- nî#nar ofMr.and Mm.. Frank *Alter a buntiul suppr nad been, much exjaymd, Ibmebanarmd guests weme neated hi Ibm living room and Mm. Victor Hoaper read an addreas ai congratulations and good vwlahes, wiahing Ibem many mnOre ymars ai happincuan sd use- fulness. A beautfful tri-light floar lamp, silver cream and sugar with tray, and a bouquet ai flowmms' wemm presented by Misa Flarence Wrry,, Mms. C. Awdm and Helen Hooper on behaif ai the brathers and sistems. Misses Marian, Helen- and Perey Werry gave thelr par- ents a silver water pitcher. Messages ai congratulations and regrets werm received from. Mm. Harry Hooper, Pontypool, Mrm. C. May, Windsor, Mms, Sandersan, Arcola, Sask., and Mm.. C. Rowan, Bethany, Those present included Mr. and Mm.. V. Hloaper and Helen, Miss Marian Werry, Taranto, Mr. and Mrm. D.Hoopem,..Mrs. C. Awde, Orano, Miss Flaenoe Werry, and Helen and Percy Werry. FORWARD MARCH By Mmse .-L. Muir, Hy1dro Hornemakema' Club Sa we march into Lent with a ",Rlght Tumnill Fiah, mgg and cheese dishes arc just itume ta blp our menuq came out ai Ibm "lstal" wix4er period. Flah with ita own flavour la not an exten- sively used an it sbouid be. Cen- ned lobster la ~nxg veyp- ular among the saple supples an Ibm sheif. Labster la sucb an out- standing -Cenadian praduet ta- day, especlally sice Its cost la lower. Haw far can you list the different varieties ai cheese wbich cen be eanily stommd 100? Cheese la afready a cooked foad and needa only blending together i any dinh. Stil marjig tume t la "Leit Turni", Because t'. St. Patrick's day in Ibem mamAn' - and we'll bé wcarln' o' Ibe green. Then we wil tmy to guess wblch course o! Ibm menu mother will deck in en for Ibm occasion. Hait! ere Is a tasty cream of,greOix ea.m soup and mintmd apple lices toi-the roast park and Pst Finne- gan's patataes. Even tbm fruit salad ai dicmd peaches and pears conitain wedges ai Greenig ap- piEs. Ha0memeems - Attention! "A- bout face - iorward march inta Sping on Ibm twenty-flmst." Haow- ever - stand 't cane. We may not sec Ihb bddig of Ibm treca - nom the birds and bees for awblle. Yau wlll have Urne ta tmy s few ai these new recipes flavoured with maple syrup before frzicnd bubby gets Spring fever. Last Spring a certain gentleman p raudly showed bis wieë the job he'd donci vamlisbing hem kx,ý chen iloor wbiim ibm was* ouI. Sfic agmed Ibat he'd done Ibm womk well, but ealmly (that 1wiely caîmness s latIý only part of -thm 'Go, Lady Godiva, ride ighî down the streets, of Coventry. I sw«a by nry Dukedom Ibal Ibm guy wbo peeks doesn't gel one bite of thal awell Butlrscoleb Creani Pic from The carter Famlly Bake Sbop.-' SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY Butterscotch Cream Pic Large SiSe Bach 25e Byra. J. Deacbmau It la fascinatixio ta watcb Ibm growth end expansion ai Ibm ns- tix under Ibm cantrolling influ- ence ai Ibm demnd for munitions sud war supplies. The table tlethIb story. The figures show Ibm gaina ai -1940 aver 1939: Increase ln Percentage Canadien Increase Business 1940 aver 1939 Manufacturing Production - 23.4% Hags Slaugblemed - 50.3% Rsw Cotton Con- -sumption. 49.3% Steel Ingat Produc- tion _ _ _ 45.2% PigIra Poduction_.. 55.4% ontctnContrcta '84.9% Building Permiits- 89.5% Exparls - 27.5% Iprta 44.1% Soine af Ibese figures reveal a greater Increase thhn han taken place hi any ather pemlod of Cana- dien bistomy. Take far instance, Ibm praduc- tion ai iran and steel. Plg iran production mavmd up fram 755,73 1 long-tans hi 1939 t<i 1,174,000 ln 1940. The chsugig picture hi production o! plg iran la nhown *by Ibm fact Ihat in 1932 Ibm total volume was only .144,130 lang- Ions. froxi sud steelislaonc ai Ibm most variable industriai praducta - Ibm denand changing raplidly wiIb suy alteration hi busies conditions. In productionai steel ingota, Ibm inease wan fram 1,330,000 ta. 1,944,000, Ibis, la approxlmatmly 40% above suy year since 1920. Another,,spectacularicrease la ln construction work and building permits. The increase lxi can- struction contracta carrnes Ibm re- cord ta anc of Ibm largest per- centage gains iIbh story ai Ibm Index. The same la truc iregard ta building permuta. Prom Ibmh figures, il wlll be clearly aen tat te upward sweep of business la nul confined ta anc partieular lUne ai aetivlty. The number ai bogs slaugbtemed bas advanced 50.3 par cent above tbm record ai lest ycar, idicatlig su lncmmaned g encrai activity hi Ibis lie ai agriculture over wldm- ly expsudlig armas. .The figures for raw cottoxi con- gubrption indicate Ibm wide ex- panson hi domestic purchasig pawr Recent figures an retail aleoes o!merchandse inCaniada are up $269 millian above Ibm pre- viaus ymar. They are now at Ibm blghesl level ince 1930 sud tIm year'sicrease was Ibm grealcat wbleb bas taken place i sy ymar lxi Ibat peiod. Total sales Iis r car werm $920 illlon over Ibm oewest record ai recent years wbicb was hi 1933. Axither important chne was i our exportt'and import trade. Exporta Ibis year, deopite Ibm Ios of sevemal continentai markets, werm up 27.5% abave lest year'a substantial record. Importa, duc largely tte Im npaôt aiwar, mov- cd ua 44 'W. Étory that la bard to believe!>hI- formmd hlm that he had' used male syrup inatead of varnlah. N ow don't use vamninh lnatead Of maple ryrup! Canadian Maple Syrup Cake % cup butter %k cup brown nugar 3cup mapie aruMp 2 egga 2 éups a atry flour 2% tops. aklng powdem 34 top. baklng soda 1-3 top. sait % cup milk Creain butter, blend ln sugar andmale syrup. Add beaten eggs. .S t flour, measure and te- suf three tumes with baklgpw der, soda and- sait. Add dry n- gredients alternately with. the mllk., Bake li pan grmaned with fat free from sait, 8"1qur1 pn Bake . mia i lcti ven Iat 350F. Maple Sugar Rocks %k cup lard %4 cup butter 1 tnp. cinnam-on 1 cup walnuts 3 eggs i%4 cups maple sugar 2 % .cups flour Meit fat, add crushed maple sugar, egga and cinnaman. Mix li chopped raisins, nuts and flour. Drap by spoanfuls i greased pansa, andbke li an electrie aven at 375 to 400 degrees. 1 at Ffnnegan'a Potatoes Heat 2 tablespoans af fat i skillet pan with elmctrc element turned «"high."1 Add cooked pota- toms, put through a ricer with one small anion. Stir frmquently and serve decomated with a few geran- ium leaves sbaped l1km shamrocks. Mlnted Apple Ring. Wash and care à gaod cooklng apple. Slice 1/4" thlck wlthout peeling. Drap inta boiling syrup of 1 cup af sugar, 1-3 cup water mintmd canidies anid green ioad colaring. Tumn once an~d baste. Cook only uxtil colored. Lobster recipes, cheese recipes - bath old and new will be sup- plied ta you upan yaur personal -rmqumst by letter. Bluts for Duny Des 1. Leit over paint can be kept from dryixig aut by paurlng .melt- md paraffi xion surface. Meit parai- fin or beswax i a baking pow- der Uin placmd an electrlc element tumximd "low". 2. Use ane teaspoan of cream of tartar and 1 tablespoon of -vine- gar ta a quart of water whmn cleanlng the aluminum well- cooker af yaur elmctrlc range. Siply let the mixture simmer for a fmw minutes ta remove thm tarnih 3. To remave glass stoppera, immerse i vinegar. Let it stand a fmw minutes, thèn place li a basin of hat water. 4. Ever mislay thm cap ta the milk bottie? Be sure ta remember th, paper muffin cups. Pres doýnP securely. Axiy uncdvered liquid wfll cause frast an them mime- tric freezing unit which will re- suit in expensive apematian. _CanadaY* Ch«nglng Economy $ 3,437.50 104.19 $ 3,541.69 $ 7,176.31 $ 7,447.26 13,637;30 $21,084.56 .06 60.00 50.00 15.00 15.00 37.48 21.30 $ 198.84 $32,265.6à EXPENDITURES INSTRUCTION Teachers' Salaries Les. Superannuatian INSTRIUCTIONAL EQTIPMENT Agricultural Supplies - Examination Supplies .- Home Economics Laboratary Supplies *Library Supplies-____ Manual Training SuppliEs Mlxmograph Supplies music -__________ Scboal Supplies ADMINISTRATION Secrtary-Treanurem's Sa]ary Schaal Secmtary Prlntig and Stationery Postage Freight and Express Entrance Examixiation Bank Intemmst Miscellaneous .- SCHOOL PLANT OPERATIONK Caretakeèrs' Salaries .... Caretakers' Supplies - ---- Fuel______________ Llght and Pawer Watem __________ Gas __ ___ __ -T ~he..widTçlpgaph abau _______ SCHOOL PLANT MAIENANCE; Repaira Fumniture Insurance __________ AUXILIARY AGENCIES Attendaxice Offices, Cadet Corps Nursig Teacher and Medical Supplies Musie Teacher Prizes _ _ Reeation Taxes _____ __ Miscellaximoun DEBENTURE, DEBT CHGES. Contra PR OV. GRANTS DISALLOWED- TOTAL EXPENDITURE Deficit, Dec. 31, 1940, lligh Schoôl. Surplus, Dec. 31, 1940, Public Sehool- $17,458.05 552.61 $16,905.44 $ 91.60 102.00 155.18 76.22, 222.70 77.32 620.63 $ 1,345.65 $ 158.33 364.50 $73.12 43.60 11.73 60.36 174.44 19.43 $ 905.51 $ 1,364.02 226.84 1,417.98 323.74 82.34 16.29 77.55 60.10 $ 3,568.86 $ 957.25 54.88 244.14 $ 1,256.27 $ 56.88. 82.35 34.86 200.04 129.50 181.78 108.44 66.10 $ 859.95 $ 7,447.26 $ 34.50 $32,323.44 $ 57.81 Audîu><Report The 'Bond ýf Educatie. For 1h. Cormfs'UIl6noa. Ibm Town of For Ith en ew éd December 31, 1940 High School Public Sdi, MRPLUS Jsuuary 1, 1040,-~---. $ 264.23 $ 354.7 $ 885.44 83.67 84.76 64.80 141.20 24.12 $ 1,283.99 $ 2,367.08 18,259.12 $20,626.20 $ 140.00 ONTARIO GO'T. GRANTS -ýe Generai ______ -Agriculture Homne Economie - Kindergarten Manual Trainlng -_ ___ Mjasic UNITED COUNTIES GRAMNTý TOWN TAX LEVY Debenture Debt Cbam$ea -C ontra Maintettance MISCEÉLLANEOUS S. S. Na. 2 Sehoal Pees Bank Interest - Cadet Fimd, Donations far Prizes ...--.--.- Rent for School AudftorÎu-n1- and Gymnasium Strathcana Fuxid- Red Crass ______ Ixitem'st on Sterling Trust Semrity ,Sundry -___ TOTAL REVENUE Oscar Hudson & Co., Chartmrmd Accountants Grandfather- Tweuty-Three Times Who Recalis Jas..Cherbonneaux? Prom St. Petersburg A. L. Hagerman, wha with Mm,. Hager- mon laspmnditgIbmwintem in Ibeir Plaida home, wmitms ta Oscar Labelle, Bmecb Ave. tell- ing ai a chat be bas just baâ wlth James Cherbonneaux, once oi Bowmanvillm, and asking wha me- members hlm. Mr. Hagemman got i ouch wIb Mr. Cherbonneaux Ibrough a very intmesting article about hlmn appcaring I a St. Pet- ersburg Vaper. The article rmads:] "'Il May not be anc for Ri lmy, but we nominale Jini Chemron- neaux as thm clalmant ta some klid ai tille . by virtue af tbe fact that 23 localresidents cal him¶gandpa ... h ai àso agreat avlOnt., Cen., Jim was bom Jsuur 18, 1865. Some 25 ycamn a te he marricd Clama WmisenbornhI Guelph . .. they bad four chidren ... sud ail of Ibem ased sixable familles. Son Max la Ibm pmaud father o! five cblldren ... a daugliler Clara, Who mamied Jesse B. Batties, was Ibm mother ai elgbt cblldren.. Margerite, nowMe.D. L. Ram- bo as fou children . . . and Rosesue, wbo marrlmd George Mat- Ibmws, ban six clidren .. . Jesse B. BaIlles Jr. bai s daughtmm, m9king Jini a great grsuddaddy ..count 'cm. YUmlgbt flot call Jlm a pion- cer, but ha'é aI lian suold timer. lim'came bere July 10, 1910, !rom Wisconsin ta open, up Ibe Crescent9 Tile company sud stayed wlth it1 for tbreOr four years . . . he1 iound living costs cheaper bere. and decidmd l was Ibmeb est spotg i IbmUnited States hi Ibm wayj af climate . .. so bis family fol-1 lowcd ta make Ibis home. 1 Jamnes William Chmrbonneaux Io ' _known widmly in building circles be bad s part in Ibm canstrue- lion ai Ibm Hall buildig ngsd Ibm Ponce de Leon botel . . . hée also made Ibm materials Ibat wmrc used I Ibm construction af Ibm La Plaza Ibeatre. Jlm staymd here because he rmalizcd bow Ibm climate could add years ta a man's life. .. and Ibixilca Iat if mare people in Ibm North undmmstood wbat wc have ta offer, Our Town wauld be sec- ond to nonie in Ibm resort field. Rm 11km la reminisce about Ibm pant, wben .. . Pinellas county wan iightlng 10 accede from Hilsbrough . .. Cen- trai avenue was pavmd anly ta Ninth street . . . Ibm ligbt plant was located on thm present site o! Ibm Yacht club .,,.. a trolley trip le Gulfport wan an adventure ... and Doc Adcock wan running an 1cm cmam parlar an Centrai. Jxi chuekies about' current criticlsm af Ibm city administra- tion sud Ibm chamber of com-i merce. . . nez every kxiack lsas boost .. and notblng la going ta keep us back paiscd Ibm eity manager sud Ibm fime sud Rolice chimin .. . and asserts that thm chamber la Ibm moat ecanami- cal unit be bas amen in lis exten- sive travels."l Is a musiciaxi made by h4~ tes- cher? He makes binismîf a mu- #lclan by practising what he was taught.-Mary Baker Eddy. ýYoum clcuntances may be un- pengenial, but Ibm y shail nat long romain so If yau b ut perceive an Ideal sud strive ta each ilYau pmannot travel witbln sud stand MM - without.-James Lana Allen. su 1.85 $ 141.85 $22,406.75 $13,259.18 420.00 $12,839.18 $ 37.57 78.59 219.77 151.95 23.40 29.06 162.70 $ 763.04 $ 169.59 70.00 26.88 25.20 3.15 14.88 $ 309.70 $ 1,639.92 267.46 1,07%k05 254.08 118.69 45.79 10.00 $ 3,412.99 $ 813.88 401.58 $ 1,215.46 $ 68.12 21.05 373.32 5.00 122.76 117.15 17.88 $ 725.28 $ 2,367.08 $ 106.46 $21,739.19 $ 667.56 LENTN FOODS AT A& P LOW EVERYDAY, PRICES 001l 71 Mom Facts About Chaules H. Wright Our readers wlll recail some weeks ago Eari Cunxiinghamn, Sec- retary of! Bowxnanvifll Rotary Club, recmivmd a communication from Charles Herbert Wright, ýecretary of Mereed Rotarýy Club of Californa. lI his letter Mr. Wright statmdlie was a G.T.R. operatar at Bowmanville over 50 ymars ago., We asked tbrougni these calumna if any citizen re- mmmbermd Mr. Wright. Nabady came forth with the information until Mr. Wright himsmif sends this intermsting letter ta Mr. Cun- ningham: Dear Earl:' I just thought I would gmt a little back-firm from someane by sending aur club bulletin ta Baw- manville axid I arn thankful ta you for a copy af The Canadian Statesman. I think I have read evmry word i it. J had hopmd ta find the namé Holgate in Ibm paper but I fail ta sec t. The fact la I neyer livmd i yur town more than two days, as I remember. I reilevmd a telmgraph operator at thm railroad station. But I remember Mr. Billy Woods an the agent. . I ntered the ser- vice at 17 as an operator and warkmd at various stations and worked betwemn Toronto and Montreal, ixicluding York, Ca- bourg, Brighton, Belleville, Emn- estown, Napanee and Wauba- sheen. My aident brother stlll lives an the farm axid in thm bouse in which I was born 71 ymars ago. I last visited there in 1914. The aid home la locatmd betwemn Brighton and Frankford. I forgot ta mention Newtonville -that was my one permanent job. My agent there was namd Tom Richards and he. wan succmmded later by Tom Bell; Tams brother Bob Bell was for many, years at Port Hope; these two Bell's ai- ways smoked a pipe. I thixik I was at Nmwtonville for nearly two years. I recently met a maxi here and our conversation drifted ta the Grand Trunk; apparmntly he had lived there li his youxigem days; he mentioned numerous places but whmn he rmcalled Port Granby he prelty nmarly bad me stuck until I reallmd having dniv- mn a girl there with horse and buggy from Nmwtonville; it wan a grand day's outing an I remember! I left thm country at age 21; that's 50 years aga. Have been li Califomnia forty years. Marrimd bere, raised a son and daughter; ducsted bath; we àil have aur daugbter. I keep thinklng mach ymar that we will take a leisurely auto trip and cal an some af yau fellows. Thrmm diii erent mmm- bers af our club actually drove through your town lant sumnier. Speaking o! the Holgates; there la a maxi here, Manager af a bas- pital, who occasionally speaka ai John Holgate. I believe John dimd i Bowmaixvillm some yeams aga, leaving a son Thomas S. Hoigate. I doxi't think I ever kximw them but I know considerable ai them and can trace their geneoiagy; I thixik they are f ourth or f ifth cou- cià f mine. I have irniecm, a Mms. Duxin, living in Oshawa. I have beexi a. member ai Ro- tary for 20 ymams and secretary ai aur club for 15 ymams. I usmdt correspand with a number aiRa tarians in Europe but that's out now. Perbaps my correspondents are naw in concentration camps. With a word ai greeting ta you and your club. Sincerely yaurs, 1Charlie H. Wright. q Poil SHOIILDERS . '.23c lb. lOc Bulk 3 its. IL IKind 2 M. oc f 2 = 17c Pure 3 a&. 23C .25 m&ib. 16e A & P BAKERY PRODUCTS COOKIES, 0W FASHIONED iIbs. 25c, JILLY ROLLS .ch13e ROLL. CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW .ach-15< RAISIN LOAF 24-eL Loaf 13C ANGEL CAKE 16-eL cake 29c HOT CROSS DUNS doz. 19C Fruit, & Vegetablea ONTARIO APPLES BRLECTEIDIOMBUIO ORuN GREENINGS «'6 QT. BAB. lm CARDAGEC IMPORTED, FRESH. GREEN IL.Se IPUÎNACE FRESH, CUR'LY LEAF 2 lbi. 13C 1&TAUCE Fresit, Crisp, Iceberg , HEAD 6c OpàrANGE Californie Navel, Attractive Size DOZ. »3 ORANGES ]PLORMA LEMONS Brown*s a th m R -H to Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrm. Eenry Reichrath on the arrivai of àbaby daughtmr. Mm. J. Hillier han been under he doctor's care. Visitars: Mrs. Wattam, Mr and [rs. Wm. Davey, Verona, af Mr. RBranch's.. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Eunter and Mary at Mr. Welling- rn Farrow's. . . Mr. R. Langler, rewcastle, at Mr. A. Brown's.. %r Bfi Clark with friends in To- ....t... Mr. Kenximth Stephenson, shawa, at Mrè Gea. Stephensan's. Mr. Sidney Brown han been rnl vith the flu. DOZ. 17o DOZ. 230 1 Custom may lmad a maxi into Imany errors, but il justifies none. -Fielding. "4 BEST COFFEE IN TOWN ]Drop Su for a coffee at Cartp's, Ile swlL NEILSON'S'DELICIOUS-ICE CREAMI Party, Neopoiltan - Two Flavors Aristocrot *Vanille THE CARTER FAMILY Boy War Savings Certif icates Regularly SAIEGTos &27< CHICM MIDDIS 15C SARINS Brunswick 2 m» lc SOUFS ro.oi vm.2,%. 15 JEWELShortenîng 2'Io. 25C A&P FOOD STORES PLAN TO RETIRE - DEFICIT 0F UNITED CHURCH NearlY 2,000,000 members sud adhmmmxita ai The United Church af Canada will, during Ibm wmck af March 2nd ta bIbh,'be invited ta participhîe i aunique plan wbmrmby theY maY express their loyalty ta their country througb Ibm purchase of War Savings Stamps sud Certificates, sud also express Ibeir devotioxi ta Ibeir Church by registmring a partion ai Ibeir Cemiicates in Ibm name ai The United Churcb of Canada ta retire a deficit ai $1,700,000 in- currmd durlng Ibm ymara ai in- crmaned missionary effort sud de- crmaned revenue. Thousanda af womnen members af The United Church ai Canada are lending their support ta Ibm drive. Alrmady approved by Ibm General Council li pinciple Ibm details ai Ibm plan have been dis- cussed sud appraved by Church Presbyteries tbmougbout Ibm Do- minion. Onie Caxiierence ai Ibm Cburcb bas already donatcd $800 from its funds toward Ibm pur- chase ai War Savings Certificates and had them registered li Ibm name af The United Cburch ai Canada. The educational wark i con- nlection wîth Ibm effort la bing directed mainly tbraugb Ibm Cburch organ, The United Cburcb Observer. For' two issues thm cir- culation of Ibm Observer ban been raised là 200,000. Postersansd lit- erature are alresdy hi Ibm banda af local committees and i maxiy instances Ibm cvmmy-pemsan can- vase bas begun. Conferences, Presbytcrims sud local chargemn have been organlzed in what bas been dmacribmd as "Ibm most enthusiastie effort amen i The United Churcb for many yeams." The plan affers opportun- ItY ta serve Ibm country and aI Ibm same tume provides far the elimnlxatlan ai Ibm Cburch deficit i sevexi and a bal! years, so Ibat Ibm Churcb may be ready far Ibm past-war responsibilitima il will face.. There is no lyrsut 11km custom, sud no ireedom wbere Ils ediels are nat reslstmd.-Bovec. The beal way la gmt ta Ibm top la by being Ibm best man at Ibm battom.-V. H. Janes.. Menit exista without high posi- tian, but no anecacn reacb bigh Mston wlthout some merit.- C]Rochefoucauld. BOWMANVIILLE, ONTARIO Gi CIE A&P MIEcHEES: BOKAR mu su C OFFEE loildOuls u ViooruseyMACARONI Ail 1-1b.IJICE Grapefruit Bu J'39C M SunnyfieldP lOYAL BRAID - BMOKE» - TENDEEMM RM SWHOLH oR UHANK HA9 rAcE E Mlb PRIME RIB DORUT MLADE BRGMT

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