THE CANADIAN LN, BOWMAWflLLE, ONTAIUO THURSDAY, MAROR O, l~i Haydon Rev A. F. Gardner gave an in- miring sermon Sunday on "Who Xe God."' The Sunday Sehool vot- 9 1to buy$100.00 worth of Wwr The Y.P.U. was withdrawn and thie Home & School Club poat- poned until Monda y on account of weather and roads. The ladies have sent 4 crib W uila and 2 baby quilts to the Vatio Amy, iBo'wianvile. Mrs. Philp vlslted wMith Mrs. D. Elggins, Toronto. Mr. W. G. Giffler, Pickerinig, visted at Mr. T. Mountjoy's. Lockhart's School Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 26th, the War Work group met at the0 homne of Mrs. F. W. Bowen wîth the usual good attendance. One tuilt* was complctcd and patch- work for another one was begun. KCnitting ready ta be turned ini te O)rono Red Cross is three pairs of socks. Also anc pair of sea- man's stockings and two Pai reg- ilar socks have been turn:e ite Newcastle Red. Cross. Other wool has bgen given out and more com- pleted articles will be turned i soon. The layette for the "British Babies" drive of Uic Home. and School Federation is alnist éom- plete. and wi be shipped- ta- Ta- renta in the nar future. The regular Club meeting is ta béheld tbis week if roads and weather perm t.__ Starkvilfle. Shiloh W. A. held a quilting at1 Mrs. Wm. Savery's on Wcdncs- day, last week.1 Mr. Bert Trim.last a valuablo cow. Mr. Victor Farrow was in thc city one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobsan andi Mary Lau visited at Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ruthven's, Zian. Mrs. K. Stephenson, Part Hope,i visitcd at Mr. and Mrs. Vctor1 Farrow's. Frienda from Toronto visited at Mrs. H. L. Trim's.9 Mr. Rass Hallowell and Mr.1 Bert Trimn attondcd thc sale af! Shortharn cattie at Newcastle. i The Brirnacombe Bras. of Osa-i ca arcecxpoctcd In Uhc neighbor-1 hood sawing, wood in the near future.1 Mr. Gardon Trim was i Osh-3 awa on Thursday last.i Mr. and Mrs. Russeil Lowery and faniily, Tarante, and Mr. and, Mrs. E. Ruthven, Zion, visited M. Salem and Mrs. A. Dabson on Sunday., Mrs. Lamne Paeden hua rcturn- Rev. Gardner gave an excellent eti home from visiting friends in Lenten sermon at thc Suntiay Kendal. afternoon service and Mr. C. M. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell Carruthers rendereti a vcry flac wore away on Saturday. solo. Mr. Ewart Robinson has pur- Y. P. U. met Wcdnesday even- chaseti a new car. ig, Feb. 26th. Vice President B. Mr. Percy Farrow journcyed ta Dairch conductedtheUi opcning ex§ Oshawa. ercises. Rev. Gardiner gave Uic Sorry ta reort Mr. A. Dobson apening prayer. Program was i on the sick liat.. charge o! Miss B. Thompson; Bi- Miss Norma H-alPowwWas in ble references, B. Darch; tapic, Uic clty. Mr. F. Blackburn; readings, D. Mr. G. :Etwcll, ais Mrs. Silver, Pallard sud Mrs. E. Dolige; violin were la Port Hope on Monday. selectien, Mr. C. Collacutt. Miss I. Stcphcns, Town, la visit- ing at Uic Squar home. Mrs. F. L. HamptonSquair ha been quite il1 for a _______couple of weeks pont. By mistake Uic sewing bec for Ladies o! the canimuiity met relief work helti at the home of in Uic church basement on Tues- Mrs. R. Winters on Tuesday last day sud quiltod a number a! weck won quateti as bclng in quilta, some being for war relief, charge af Uic Salem W. A. It A pet luck supper was enjoyed. shoulti havc been thc Salem cam- Missionary program in S. S. Onl munity under Uic leadiership o! Suntiay afternaon was in charge Mrs. G. Burrus. o! Misa Edith Rackhani when Miss Mr. L. Welsh hon a very sick' Thelma Rabbins roud a mission- horse. amy story sud Muriel Smith con -________ tributed a vocal solo. Visitera: Solina Mr. anti Mrs. E. Anthistie sud tiaughter Jean spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns anti Recent Visitors: Mr. sud Mrs. girls, Lakefielti, ut L. 'ruwa. S. E.* Werry at Toronto. .. Miss Mvrs. Ethel Powell, Oshawa, Mr. Helen Baker, Peterboro, at home. anti Mm. W. Coolidge, Guil Lake,. . Mr. sud Mrs. Cecil Bush, North Sask., -t-Uic Misses Hra's. Oîshuwa, with Mrs. Jane Bush.. . Mrs. .Harold Salter visited hem Mr. sud Mrs. Percy Dcwell, Myr- sister, Mrs. 1 il. Young, Peter- Uce Station, ut M. H. E. Tik.... bora.' Mr. sud Mrs. Bruce Tink at Mr. 'Mr. sud Mrs. Gea. Burtt visited. W. Ormiston'a, Columbus. .. Mis- frientis ut N wastle. ses Doris Millson sud Eleanor1 Mm. sud Mr. Adamss sud chil- McMiilan ut Toronto. . . Misses dren, Newtanville, visited- Mrs. W. Jessie sud Grace Yellowlees, Osh- Watchamn. awa, sud Mr. Frarnk Wright, Bow- Mr. C. H. Burraws, Oshawa, ut manville, ut Mr. N. C. Ydilowlees'. Mrs. M. Goodnian's. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mackey, Mr. and Mrs. -Gea'. Famncomb Brooklin, ut H E. Tink's anti Miss withfriati la arate.Mary Hogarth's wha hs still con- Mr. sud Mrs. W. W. Horn t finedt t hem bcd. Dr. Wallace Harn's, Port Hope. Mr. Jack Baker is home frora miss Ruby ColwilIlsud Mr. Don Guelph where hoha been in-. Thompson with Bowmanville fri- structar in a Short Course for ends. two weeks. Hampton Unitedi Church Cir- Whcn Uic lute T. P. Morgan was cuit BroUierhaod banquet will be usked what he cansideredtheUi best helti ut Eldad on Wcdneaday ev- bank collateral, he rcplicd;' "Char- cning, March 12, ut 7 o'clock, S.T., acter."ý-Raniscy MacDonald. when Rcv. Clifforcl Park of Whlt- As in Uic floral kingdom adors by will be the gucat speaker, wlth emidt charucteristica of ire. sud aiber Program. Every man and flower, a perfume or a poison, so young man on Uic circuit is la- the human charucter cornes forth vited. a bl 'mig or a banc upon idi- Mm. A. J. Balson's home la un- viduai and socity-Mary Baker der quarsutine for acàrlet foyer, Eddy. Miss Ileen sud Glen Robertson Whene'er our country calis, bclag ufflicteti. Wlth Mr. Bulson frientis. sons, sud sires shoulti being stil in bcd, Uic aeighbor- ylelti their treusume up, nar own hooti sympathizes with Uiem a a sense boyend Uic public safety. their sickness. -Brooke. This village lias for a few'days "Be Lt Wînd, Be Lt. Weet Be Lt Hait! Be It Steet!" You Can't Control the Weather aUT You DO Create the "lAtniosphere" in Your Own Home. ]KAKEiT ERIGIT A» R OEEUL - ]REPLACE DISMAL DRAPES AND ESHARBE IFLOOR 0OVEEINGB, AND NOTICE HROW THEF AXMY RE8POND8! WE HAVE ADDED T OUR E IANGE 0F MERCHANDISE, A SELECTON 0F Feltol,. and Congoleum Bordered Rugs_ U ail popular sme, aho by-the-yard, 6 ft. wido. Paterns are new and amait - Prices are Low WE ALSO HAVE A GOOD SELECTON 0F Scatter Mats - Rag Rugs - Axminsters and Roversible -WooI Rugs Sizes. Vary - Ail Popular Colours. Prices 79c to $5.9S FINE QUALITY IMPORTED Frilied Marqulsette CRT NE CURTAIN Naturul andCo loure d *Ivory, Ecru or Green, or anti Gorgeous Colourings for White with Colaured Motifs Drapes or Slip Cevers. Fast and. Spots. Various Widtbs. Colours, af course. ' 2 14yards long 50 inches wideI *$14-$L69-$L98 Yard 98e Natal .iPMIn Monk's Cloth or, Novelty Weave. With about 50 lnm. yardg 14 NEW SPRIN(S DRESS FABRICS! MI FO REVECRY AGIR, TASTE A" PUISE mi Self Colours in Spun Rynaon Crepes, ~ Poliasand Hopsuoka.FnePpin aConservative Dealas aain'trpeGay Cecks ant itous 36 Plmi Pters. uica1Printa for Sports Wear. 8Fbesrwdc39c - 59c -98c NEW-iPRINTS 76 Differeat Colour sud Patterns te choose from. (We Counteti Theni) For Aprana, Dresses, Quilta, Etc. 86 luches wide 19c-25c-29c Yr SSIML- CY PÂTTERNYS -' We çurr complet. stocks ]MIlustratiohs Shewn are "SlmpUicty"bdels. -STORES, £JMITED lell- BONANVLB hono at a time been ahut off from auto traffic this winter and the men working: in Bowmanvillc and Osh,» awa are campellcd ta walk ta the Scugog Raad ar thc county road south. The snow fonce doesn'l keep back ail the snow. This has been an unusual wln- ter, as we have had almoat con- tinuai sleighing and thc ground covercd with snaw since Nov. 27. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman- viile's health nurse, visited her father, Mr. W . T. Taylor who con- tinues quite poorly. His brother Mr. Ge0. Taylor, Pontypool, and sisters, Mrs. Rainey and Miss Mag- gie a! Orono, visited him Sunday.ý Mrs. N. C. Yellawlees and Miss Grace Truli visited at Toronto. 11 'Mrs. Thos: Balcer, we are pleaÈ- ed ta report, is improving aftor a critical illness.. Mr. H. E. Tink sold a team of horses, and Mr. Clarence Tînk two teama recently.' The school section hua been can- vasscd for War Savings Certifi- cates. The cunvussers received vcry ready responses ge nerally but had a few surprises. This neighborhood can be usuully countcd on ta do its share i every worth while undertaking. -Mr. Jim Smales Jr. having en- listed, le! t for Gaît ta take an ucranautical course. About 30 of the yaung people assembled at his home Wcdnesday night last. Mrs. Evcrett Cryderman read an ad- dress and Bruce Montgomery on behuif of the Home & School of Bradlcy's presented him. with a fountain pen. Tam Baker Jr. read an address and Neil Yellowlees on behalf of the Young Peaple'a Un- ion _presented i hm with a fitted travelling case. Cards and gumes wcre indulgcd and a nice lunch served. We wish you every suc- ceas Jimmnie and you wlll b. miss- cd from the community. MARCH, Its Mardi, the month o! winda anti blows, Anti stormansutstaying winter snows, Anti blizzards, making snowbanks drift That block Uic ouds *wi ne'er a rift. - Tue menth Uiat's harbinger a! spring, When birda mturn ta nest sud Sc Térobinfirst upon aur lawn, Tuen gray bird, bath 'fore saow is gene. Tue moath that wiien the sun la milti, Will tuma amail streams ta fresieta wilti; Anti swdl the rivera 'tifl Uiy floodi The landi wiUi devastating mooti. Tue month that makes oncession moude, Impossible te carry boats; Antisiaulti it liko a lamb came la, Tuen like a lion, out 'twil spin. But shoulti it coenh lion-like, Thon 1k. a lambkin eut 'twill At leontthUat's wiat seme people Sau$ But it doesn't alwaya work that way. But q»# tUilg certain,ý we nc'er What kawof eather h ""' throw; It sampies that o! aU Uthe year: Wlat, ain, hail, sîcet, snaw', sopictimos dear. -RALPH GORDON. - 628 Crawford St., Tarante. I have nover hearti suything about Uic resolutions o! thc apas- tlcs, but a greut deal about their acta.-Hemace Manna. Be Just anti fear net; l. tail 451 te ends thou almest ut b. Ui country's, thy God's, sud truths. E .5 The Editor of The Statesmas, before leasving for Ottawa, 11 word ta reprint the foflowin which appeared inh last wcékl issue. The matter la gkrieniaÉ important. Anyone havm bôwio* letige thut wlll.round eut 1 UeIn, formation usked for la ut-ged U senti such, and postage'w, b refundéti by The Statcsme, As a matter o! general.informa. tioh,, wlth a vicw thstt soémgtWii may be donc about It, The Statet- man aaks: "How msuyfarns inh Durham County or what acreage, generafly, will go eo!o prodtéc tien dumlag 1941?" hsquestion ha not been usked byDpèi ments o! Agriculture, se frMl we are uware. We believe the weekly press can bq of servie'ir muking aucli enquiry, whlch vw! be«entirelywlthout coat or oblige'- tian, for these reasons: 1. There ia a present farm là- bar shortage whlch muet meut acreago restrictions. 2. Some ownems Uemselvea have gene.ta work la factories.. , 3. Enquiries have already beer matie by some wlth a view to renting or buying auch idle land.' 4. While war rages, Uiere la the hlghest reuson for malntalnlug production. 5. There shaulti b. stops tubes ta 'assure aticquate production ai fresh vegetables for thc commun- There are many mare reasons for such local survcy on la hmr suggested. The Statesman .il welcome replies fram anyone in- terested inl seeing landi maintuin- cd or who actually wants ta reni or seil landi now. Ani t caste is a stamp anti envelope. Let it be clèarly understood that we arc nat in the real estate business nar ila bague with any aucli intoreats anti ail uch i- farmiation is confidential. Our Ob- jective la simply ta serve the besi intereats o! this wholc commun- ity. This mattor of sustuining the beat intercata o! Durhiamn CountY la something for Uic County Feti- eration o! Agriculture and we shail have ta do mucli, riglit héré among ourselves that gavera- ments are not anti have not becs doing. Sa, 1Jet us heur fram YOU. DURHAMCLU8 hs pctran " .s lifebloo steainfromP=-t6 (Contlnued frbm Pa'> Bowmanvllle harbor, hall catuaed . gel Uic historien ta say thut Durhami saw Uic Germana !lrlng thelr .Caunty was Uic mother of Indus- ,l barns. ICnwIng 'What a barn try in Upper Canada and ho atit- à meuns ta a farmner, anc might use ed, was mec anawer ta Uiec cer- their imagination, when su sugry forts that we are thoigghtlessly Sfarmer on s"d encauntereti a Ger- enjoying to-day. .. d mnuparachutist whe hall lanticti erhaps lb waa al thia that in a snôW- batik, with a bicycle wÔulti excuse hlm for bejng a lit- strappedt te is back. -tic entimental about Durham - Il He tolti of belng able ta buy a net that it waahIntinslcally bet- e sinall flshlag bout, ant i wth sev- ter than other ceunties but be- erul frientis hati narro# escapes cause It was my county. inl reachlng -thc open sea,.Wlthout The Doctor apparenty places Spiroper navlgathig *atmq pts igh value on real frlendahip. Iii -Alter several daysUi ount refri otei Club's'recopiz- ti thcey were in Uic Atlan c Ocesuig Uic fortleth wedding anniver- inateati a! Uic Noth Sea. For- sayho eciteti these Unca: tunately they were piokoti up by "Ifnobody smlled anti nobody ra destroyer of tUeicBitish Navy. checreti and nobotiy helpoti Al l is life h. huti udmiredtheUic us .aleng, *British sud êespocially the.Brltisli îf nobody careti juat a little for Navy, but litte titi ho think h e you sud nobody thought would b. Uic guest o! Uic Cuptain about me, Iand restihla bcd, i the cap- If wc staadail alone te Uic tuin's pyjamas and treated lke a bafile a! life prince. Wliat a dýeary olti world it *The Canadian goverament gave would be.' the Norwoglans tUic apportunity Fallowlng some humorous rc- ta est4bIsh Air-Tranng schools maurks he left US istought wlth in Cai*da, sud he hi2ed hla coun- his frientis, again quoting from trymen woulti sean b. able te give Edigar Guest: useful service taward winning the "'LUfe a aweet Just because o! wur and gainiag fredom for his Uic frienda which we make, own anti other oppresseti peoples. AndthUi things whlch in cern- Inl closlng Fllght-Lieut. Gooti-. mon we shure. fellow saiti that alter Uic war he AndthUic oy o! this world when woulti like te rètura to Canada yau'vc summeti It ail up anti soc Uic rest of this beautiful Is founti in Uic maklng a! country, especlally .new-f<ond fricatis." Tie' s, ad Uic West Coast." Te soloist, Mrs. Crawford SHORTHORN SALE Campbell, was accampaliieti ýbY _Y ___ Mr. Bruce Matiden. .'ÇnIUdfo ae1 wAmong the out-of-tawn guesta Cnlhe fo ae1 were Mr. -sud Mms. W. J. MJina o! Columbus, wus net ut tie sale due *st. Marys. ta a sllght leg injury. A most latercstlng sud meritor- Missie Falry 4th, coatrlbuted by ious feutume o! Uic progranrwas H. Earle Osborne, waa knockcd Uic, recognition o! Uic Presldcnt's down ta H-arolti Austin,. Port and Mms. Williams' fotleth wed- H.ope, ut $97.50. Mr. Osbornc's ding anniversamy ia contlnasce second cntry, Missie Fairy 5Ui, of a gesture on Uic 22nd of un brought $80-00 from Robert Smnith, *exquiaite vase o! cut flowers. We Peterboro. *underatandtheUic Docter lbat no President Mumford's entries, a *time in looking at it through bis roan bull 10 rnonths aid, -and a tcolor camnera as a refresher for mcd heifer, sanie age, went-ta W. -memory's album. L. Morrison, South Monaghan. ut Dr. George McGil taak Uic $110. 00oach. W. F. Rickard hall Dchair anti alter Mrs. Williams was wenrs;RebdBlfo rinvitedt taher husband's ide, me-two entriA;W Rosbuti Belle,fo *ferredt thUicdôctor's, high achool paic A.1.5h iaerPontyool, Btiays la Bowmanviile anti aubse- pord,$112.50; Uic ohther, Eowoo 3quent niarriage te Miss -Sarah pola t ta1.0J san any Janàe Amnot o! Enniskillen: The VpooL u tam0.0theG.r 1chairman thon called. on Mm. VictowRichards fornh er *Lamne Trul who referredti a Mo c icatsn& oAh Williams' career in New Brus- burn,.brought $150-00, Uic buyors, wick and Bracebritige as news- Lakehurst Agrîcultural Society. paper cditar to aubseqiuently gru- Richurtisan's other entry, H3roati- 0duate for bis life-work la mcdi- hook's ]Knight, toppeti the sale ut cine. Sl.$160.00, kaocked tiown*ta Hamry Mrs. . Jeffory who for these Coyle, Hastings. ri tmany ycura has beca oie of Uic Rabcrt Parott & Sens, Myrtie1 stalwamts o! the Durham Club Station, huti four'ontries,- disposeti with hem native-son husband af-on follows: Helen's Archer ta E. matie the presentation o! a large J. Symons, Port-Hope, ut $100.00; servlag truy (Rideau Plate) hanti- Helen's Chlcftain, te Robert Mur- somely engraveti. Mra.. Williams tmn, Newcastle, ut $100.003; Orange rose ta' the occasion and moat Blosaom 2nd, ta Leek gr-os., Mt. graciously thankedtheUi Club for Albert, ut $82.50 and Lady Helen their gorgeous tangible evidence ta Kernacth Wilson, Orono noth, of god-wll ad ý rienshi t $90,00. *Above ail it wai Uic Durham Clul S. Cha. Allia's two camres solti sentiment behindth Ue gif t that well; Boyntilo's MemOry brought would be increaalagly pricelosa as $152.50 from Dunimer anti Douro eyears wcre1 sparcd ta them. Agricuiiùral Society anti William1 ý7 The Doctor seemedti t realize J. Jibb & Son, Caniborne, paiçI CIt appreciaftin- ixudbeen 'wll- $137.50 foi' EayniUl'sl*natg0. i t'exprososd 'is thougit took a E. F. R. Osborab's, Lavender - tiiffercnt bent. This occasion was Lady was purchasoti by S. Chas. not oaly a millctone la life's jour- Alla uat $90.003. W. L. Morrison, ney, but the clinmax o! uis term o! South Monaghan, coatributeti two; office o! four yeurs as president. Roan Qucen ta Otto Freundi, Ty- This position hall enableti ho anti rone at $112.50 sud Jesaxni 3rd Mmrs. Williams ta fart deeper ta A. Johnston,, Pontypool, ut -friendships, not with Uic Club $80,00. but. ecdinldividual momber, an Interesteti viaitars ut the sale understandiag that would linger wcro Prof. Day, former secretary when ha tormaio! office hati been Dominion Shorthora Breeder's As-t forgotijen. sociation. Stan Douglas, Caledoala, q n e sald lic pitieti ail those wlio F. c. Putterson, agricultural rep- hati askcti iow did ho get Uic recentativc, Peterboro. Comment-- time for the Durham Club me- lag upon the sale, Presidozit Mum- sponsibility, how titi it puy hi fard remarked upon the nuniber ~to travel ail over Uic county pro- present who hati retutiedYeCi ducing al Uic motion pictures and alter yer ince 1922 te purchaae the subsequent pragrama for Shorthorns, anti that fact apeuka churclies and organizutions. well for Uic qua]ity e! animais Thereby lie hati met many hun- Xittcd sud presentoti. Futher, ho e dreds o! Durham fblk that wiUi- sait: «'Fotntltotay, trade in out Uhs means, lie coulti not P05' brccding stock is brisker than for ' sibly have huti the privilogeOfo!à number o! ycars; thore la a 400d t knowlng Uiem. Thut everywhcre mnarket for builocks and store- ho travelled, now Urougliout Uic cattle, while breediag heifors are County lihe mot Uic pleasant- amile meetin a reatiy trade ut higher i o! recognition even wien ho tidn't prices, and bitiding for stock bulla knew thcm sud thut la ane's na- i uhkee talsls h tive County was pricelesa - be tain uchakion tereut i l es.sTe i- yoad value.* -indicipon 5 tere willfbe auset-e ,Scarcoly lesa in appreciation iy.mpoet toani oipre l thia liat enablot i hm ta know broti Shorthoma cuttle." itimatcly Uic Couaty ltself sud haw is heurt achoti as ut tirnes TRINITY Y.P.U. looklng ut these Durham motion ____ pictureg, there was reveulodtheUic Continued from page 1) diacouraging agriculture roality.i 'F How fcw ta-day hut a seriaus standing on lis own foot if some s' thouglit eht the few remaining o! aur war stampa are divertedt aC: Jog hauses wcre aliines te Uic church te help, lightcn its debt." e emory o! thia county's cen- On suother topic Ji i!ançock. bllag plancer life. Tuat Uic me- o! thé. B.T.S. 'staff atidressed th Ue P of every aid mMi dam in Y.P-U. tils subject waa "Cliarac- Il WALLPAPt For EveryIRoom inu Your Home. Our selection is large, our pricm riglit, sec aur assorfment before you buy. 1941 PAPERS 10e a roll and up FýAttractive Bargains in Remnants. WOOL Non-shrlnk for service use. Fine waola for borne use and Infant'. wear. 13-PLY SPECIM.L M0c abail J. W. Jewell " BIG 20"t Phonme &Se Bowmanvill 1,1 qj DON'CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC Oth ANNIVERSARY SAÀLE I1S'NOW ONH Electrie Ranges, Radios, Washers, Refrigerators and Many Other Items of E 1 e c t r 1 C a Merchandise at Pre-War Prices. S UY NOW AND PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST INCREASED COSTS. NEW HEAVY DUTY ELECTRIC RANGES ]Prlced from -_______ WASHER SPECIAL Regular $8900 value - $5900 ONS.LRADIOS, NEW 1941 ALL WAVE $59.00 1 62-95 FLOOR LAMP, INDIRECT TRMLIHT e COOK STOVE DAR9Wt t DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 88-40 Elm o rth Oshawa Opela EYWng Pbones ê Md 744 il ~'1. Cowling'sIrug tr Wben 'we -t«test yes 7E ae auured entire satIatin làA fi 'quallty, style "Cd prie. New Cutex DeLuxe Package -20c r Couti InyUs Compoud YrU 32c3ft 7c 1.19 Bot vefm Water tle Botties89 Listerine Tooth J&. b Pastel Powdet.' Tubes - 49025 SO Tooth, Powdeï Powder 230.39 190 - 830eepodu oontesToofli sto - 890 $70, 50AP 10 cakes Ossife - 1e CreophQs -1.4- LUX--------------2for goWhite Pine & TOr250C- 5 palmolive . . . ~for go Buckley'5 Mixture 40o - 78.0 palmolive GiaHI t - 7o Brome Quinine Tabs. 240-440 08cr ----------- for 9o Laxacold Tablets - 25 Llfebuoi 3 for l7c Vlck's Vaile Rub-- 430 Glycerine . . . 4 for 25e Buckley's White Rnb 300-UIO ANNOUNCEM ENTI: We are happy to, admounce that wc now rePreselit the Acousticon Hearlnt Ald Company. BaNterlesniay b. ob- talned ber. and complete Information re g ar d in g *Acousticon, a fuUlY quaflfed consultant la availble for demonstiatloiiand te discuass earlng problemi. Fb. 1195 Fittlf Prompt PR. COWLING, Phm, B. we J.' y ter.,, Muterfully dealiag with lis subj oct, Mr. Hancock declureti that chamacter i5 primarily melateti ta citizenship. Hetieflacti it on «the uggrcgation. o! distinctive mental and moral qualitios be- loaging ta an ladividual, or toaa race'. "Cliaracter lias matie Brituin great, anti will mairitatiV*lier groutacas," ho stuteti. 'It lias four components --lionosty, patieNgo, faitlifulnoss anti courage." Eacli o! these is ovidont l inte tiuily livea 'o! -those about usandtihUi spea]ker gaveillustrations o! theilr "'After Uic war," continuedti Ui speaker, "it wll be aur taak 'ta make democracy. worthy o! thc sacrifices aur figliters have matie for it. If la a sane that although the macliincry o! dcmocracy is ut aur disposal te rernedy Uic many fils we complala o!, we have not yet leumnedti t use it. There is no tioubt in. my mind that whatever the obstacles wo will have a glor- loua triumph. if we have mon anti women wha are henest, patient, ,faithful and ceurageous."1 Trip Wo Orono Tue meeting, whicli hati been . mrangoti by Bert Joinston, Jean Johns, Hazel Runtile and John A.àhtoh, was a! exceptionul inter- est. Tue neztt activity will take Place, Monday whcn tic Union will truvel ta Orono te preseat their drania festival play. A letter o! uppreciation from EHarry Taylor, a fermer member* îow in Napance, was moud thank- ing Uic Union for a gift Uiey hati presented ta hlm on bis teparturo. b.notier Ietter froni Hubert Hoop- em ieartiiy congrutulatetheUicUn- on on roaching the $100 objec- tive for the M. & M. funti anti iishing Uiem gooti succesa la thc drama festival. Ncxt Sunday e#ening Uic Young, People will conduct a worship service ln tic churcli. It was spo- cially preparoti by Past Presitiont Hubert Hooper. Untier tic leadership o! Rulpi Poole the saciety la systematical, ly contributing, ta.wam Savings. mon conimonly thlMàing ta their inclinations, apeak ac- cording ta their learning ant i m- bibed apinions, but gcnorally uct accordig ta custom.-Bucon. ------------ - W, BOWMANVMLIC, 014TARIO THE, CANADIAN le THMDAY, MAXCH-,"Çi iýft