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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1941, p. 7

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MARCH 6, 1941 TEE CANADIAN STATESMANk I ANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN I. SOCIAL AD PERSONAL Pnoneon1 I. * Il Pt1 - n Rchards, Ottawa, Spenî th2eweckendaI home. MUa. C. Ù. Murdoff, Lindsay, has' been-, vlsitlng with relatives ami fricuds duringUic past week. * ditor Gea. W. James lefI Wed- Snesda>' mcrnnng fora thre'da-iy b - >uu4e.atrip ta Ottawa. Zàs E:arry Brust, Rochester, IN /.,visite er aitera, Mrs. Alex le ~~nçlstone and Misa Dingman. Ifis. C. W. Mathews, Toronto, 'Msltod with ?n. sud Mr. J. A. Mi. and Mrs. Herman C. Lapp, 11ellev'ile, wene Sunday guets wIit Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James. Aireraftman Geo. McFeeters, Manrtlng Pool, Tenante, was home for 1h. weekend. Miss Eleanor Cronk,. teacier t Shaws, vislted ut her home in Bloomfield aventic eweekend. Misses Marlon Knox and Cela Tait were in Toronto, Fiday, t th. theatre. Mes. J. C. V.ianstone and Nancy, Toronte, vlsited with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vantore last week. Mrs. W. P. Corbett la home frein- Toronto General Hespital wiere sh. underwent an eye operation. Mns. Edward Roach, Toronto, spent -Sunday with her daugiter, Mrs. Wm. Clarke, Levers Lune. Mr. Don Mcllveen, O.A.C., Guelph, apent a few days with uis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mc- Miss Williaton Downham, On- tarie Ladies' College, Whitby, spent Uic weekend. with Mr. and Mrso. W. L. Paterson. Mn. C. E. Rehder waa in Hamil- ton Saturday altending the fum- erai of hus aunt, Mrs. Chistina Rehder Kîcinsteiben. Mns. F. M. Tamblyr relurned 'Sunday from a lire. weeks' visit with- Mn. und Mns. B. S. McMur- try, Toronto. Mrs. F. J. Cole, Mrs. Fred Cale and Miss Margaret Cale altended ENGAGEMENT,- The engagement is announced of Grace Anna, daugiler of Mrs. Grace tPocherty and the lute John Dacherty, te Bruce Edward, anly son cf Mr. and Mns. Arthur J. Clarke, both of Hampton, Ont. The mariage te take place quiet- ly thc latter part cf March. v th. Hiaindreasers' CanVcition a, the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Mr. Chas. Hoar, De La SaMi College, Toropta, was with hii parents, Mn. and Mns. E. V. Ho!ar over thé Wéeelieff . «-'- Mr. ancxM. Mac MeeanÉ Shirleyl'uttcnded on Saturday thc golden wcddlng of Mra. Macre'à parents, Mr. and Mns. Hugh Gra. ham, Wcodville. Miss Dorathy Bradt, «Wallei Seqretarlal College Toronto, spcnl the wcekcnd ;id1 her parents Mr. sud Mu. E. P. Bradt. Mr. sud Mna. Chas. Bail and Frcddie, Mme. E. Bennett and Mr Jas. Lane, Oshawa, visitcd t Mr sud Mns. Gea. Pritchard's. Pilet Officer Len. Lucas, R.C A.F., formerly on B.HS. teacin staff, was in tawn Thursday cali. hIg on several cf his frlends prie: ta his departure.for thc West. L.iCpl. Connie Fagan, Provesi Çenp, stationed ut Port. Hope 'pet prtof hus furlough witt us P rents, Mr. and Mns. Owexl Fagan. Mn. J. A. Walker and his soi -Mn. H. G.- W.lker, Meaford, anc Miss Kathleen MeMillan, Toronto, were weekend guesU«g fMn. J. A Walkcr's daughter, Mns. W. S Staples, Silver St. Harri9 hllm ha something upc- cial ths week for those who camnE te hua store. Mns. Crowc, who haE corne- direct frein Engl'and, ic demonstnating soupa -for Utche e mainder of Uic week. This lsa chance for Uic womcn cf Uic town te learn what is going on the tables of aur English relatives. Warden AlexÉ Edmondatome anc Assessor Fred* Pattinsen, alang with member of tie CeuntieE Ceuncil Good Reada Comffiittee, wene in Toronto last week attend- ing lie convention cf 1h. -Gooc Roads Association.- They repori Importent pregresa made dealins with problema cecernig roa betterment in Uic United Coun- tics. Mr. and Mns. G. L. Hall, 53E Sinicee sîrcet nenli, Oshawa,' for- meriy of Bowmanvulle, rcceived word througi the Minister of In- formation, Ottawa, on Saturday that themr son, Pilot Officer Clifu R. Hall of Uic Royal Air Force, England, had been injured while on duîy .during February. No de- tais af Uic circumstances causing Uic injury were centamned in the t elegram. t a4 kt S, d it i, h n n Dlrke White Meat. rar'a Tuna Flakes Crawford'a. 'Crab Ment Connor'. - in Sauce H.rring q Clover Lest Plicharde 2 Blue Meran ShrImps Glacier Sardines - Connor. Kipper Snacks 4 - 25e Un IftSalmon - lb 2ne tin 17C Lobeter- 6 oz. 29c Brunswick ne29 Sardine* 4 fer 25e Un 15c Saghett 2 for 23e . Aunt Jemima Pkcg. for 29e Pancake Flour 17c tnIeOak LeqI tin9cSalmon - 17C -3Me tUn 10e Kraft DInnere. 19e ______________________New Cana4~~ S OUITE '.£eeL I Tender Leal Siiiteaing*Tes - 230 Cocon Kleenex, Viv.*ta j MONARCH4Ces ------ Cho. Marahmallqw hBiscuitse MAGIO"0 5-String Daklng ~Broome Powder - FI 1 th Rhubarb d pNew VEINZ PRODUCTS "' Spaghetti 9c* ci""~e 21efr 25o - 17c> C.îery, etail Ketchup. 2 for 35e FIrm Alil Inde Tomatoe Soupe -2 for 25.C hoîce sandwich .Spinach à Spread - 19e,_ 390 ýÉnped PoI< SA Beane Choice O, >j for 25c. - 1MeHead Lettuc IL.ale 7 oz. 33e 1/2 lbn'21C 1501 loc, pkg. 18. 3 for 25o 20 oz. ce 3 -25C tIbo. 2n. m 25C 11IT 2 Ibo. 19C l b.5c doz. m5 k - 15c. lb.' 190 2 Ibo. 19. 3 Ibo. AOc ice p lI a letter received necertly hy LMma. E. Pundy of this town from, hem parents Mn, sud Mns. George -Bathgale cf Xdinburgh, Scoîland, e they say thcy'had tic pîcasure of ýs cntcrtaining a parly cf Canadian [s soldiers whe wcre or leave from -Englard, lince of them being freni a Bowmanville, L.lCpl. Cleve Mc- n Mann, Gnr. Elgie HÉénden and e Pte. Bob Hayes. Mn. and Mis.' Batigale ut anc lime lived in ci Éowmanville, sud alcri oyed the week's visit while tic seidiera 9wcne on their sigitsecing trip. ',Several- interesting reactions -wcre noted le lasI week's éditorial d on "Town Sidewallcs" whici gees .t te again show liat page tw ha g a regular audience. Menday morn- I ing Bert Parker was industrieusly L- employing what h. termmd "relief labour" te clear tic accumulation 8 of winter sniow in front of is .. store. Frein tic "higier upa"' we d icar that tic condition of tewn bcyond human pow- er te central sud their present atate constilutes an "act of God" , which a little patience sud cure e on tic part cf pedestrisus wll do -muci te overcame. e MUSIC RESULTS Pupils of Mns. E. S. Fergusen, A.T.C.M.: Gmr a d e flI---lst Clasa Honora, Kay Lycett 81; Honora, Peggy Dippeil 78, Lorna Sutids 75; Pas, Rex Grant 67. Grade VIII- isI Clasa Honora, Collette Fergu- son 80. Pupils cf Miss Dorothy M. Ed- ger, A.T.C.M.: Piano-Grade III, Jean Fletcher, ,honars; Grade VII, Joan Greenfield) honora; Grade VIII, Florence S h o I t c r, pas. TheeryZ-Grade II, Jean Malcolmn, laI clasa honora ;Florence Shotter, Is clasa hanrs; Helen Langmaid, honora. Pupt o f Mna. Relu Dudlcy, rA.T.C.M.,F.C.C.M.: L aw r enc e Morton (Newcastle) Grade IX Pian&, honora; Grade III Harniony, honora. Mamian Dudley,' Grade VIII Singing, honora. Helen Wil- liamns, Grade V Harmony sud V History, pas. Edith Woodley (Ty- rare), Grade. IV Piano, honora. Ray Dudley, Grade III Piano, hon- ora, and Billy Dudley (Tyrne)-, pas. Arline Norticutt, Cfrade II Singing, honers. Kenncth Duvies, Grade II Piano, pas. GOODYEAR HEAD ISSUES CHALLENGE FOR WAR EFFORT "The Wingfoot Clan", heuse or- gan of tic Goodyear Tire & Rub- ber Cempany,' centained a chai- lerging message in its Februaury issue fram P. W. Litcifield, Ah- non, Ohio, Preaident of tic Coin- pany, te Goodyear employées. This message is aeo timely and thougit-pnovoking for everr Can- adian sud Amenîcan liaI w. ne- produce il herewilh: Delay, of uny kind, or for wiat- ever reuson, in tic maximum pro- ductien of déencre materials > would b. exceedingly costly. The wenld war la rot somelhlng hap- pening in Europe, in Afnica, -tic Orient, but a danger lhrcalening lis country, wiich oniy prompt action cani avert. W. must giye funl support te Bitain - rot ierely as a malter of geod fati or te preserve de- macrucy, but in aur awn self in- tereat sud Utcefiatianal sufcty. If wc are 10e laIe, if wc gel our productive machinery under wuy oniy afler England ha beer forc- ed ta her knees, il wili b. a costly blunder, wth fan-reaching conse- *quences ta us. In lis crîtical period every manxislacailed inla the country's servicc, whclier he la in unlform, i averuils, an wherever needed. Industny must forget its awn i- tercat, subordinate everythig esc ta thc ratianal interest. Foremer and tephnical mer cx- perienced i a liundrcd raifica- tions of n)anufacturig, muat draw an that expérience la Uic ulmnost te fimd furtier ways ta improve performance and short- cul production. Men in lie plant serving in thc sccondary line cf hie national de- fense, Uic production cf casential war malenlals wlll mot hesitate to give Uic beat cf their erergy grd skill ir Uic emergency." To b. wcr-th aryng charac- tcr must be capable cf standing firm upor Its feet in thc wenld of daily work, temptation, and trial, sud able ta bear the wcar and learcf actual life.--Smiles. The actions cf mer arc like Uic Index cf a bock; Uic y point cul what la Most rimarke lé hI hemn. Wedding About Comlng Evente In order ta dlear up any misunderstanding regarding the publication of announce- ments cf 'Conilng Events,' we again nepeat thc policy ocf this peper: Any advance notice pertalning te any 'Ceming Svenit', whether an admission fle or collection la taken, wil be charged aI 1he regular rate cf 10e per lime per insertion with a minimum charge of 50c per week. This includes notices cf patniotie on church entertainments or services i country correspandence on hi social and personaji celumn. Where the admission fee la net mentioned. This pollcy la nec- essa!y .i faimnesa ta theatre managements and others who pay for advance notices, as well as ta Uic publishers who depend upon advertising re- venue 10 mccl their bills and enable them ta contribute their ahane te patniotic Bp.. peals and ether war measures. In ail icases whene Comldng Event' notices are maiied or phoned, Party ta whom ac- ceunI is te b. sent should be mentioned or' notice wil net be published. Reports of meetings or entertainnients AFTER they have taken place anc always welcomed and considered as news - flot advertising. Chief S. Ventoit haà been. Bp- polnted Secretary-Treasurer of1 the Local Group Ccmmittee., Cubs of thé lst and 2nd Packs' are working like Trojans cri theïr. First and igecnd Stars and 1)rtty' soon we =li be seeing &U CuIs caps displâying brlÈht shiny stars. Thank Tout The Scouts wish to acknwcg the sum cf $10.00 from Mns.A- berta Layznan whô la at présentx wintering I ~Ficnada. This klnd1 donation to the cause cf scoutingE is much appreciated by the lead-à ers and Scouts. A Patrcl Leader's Conférence wifl b. lield in Port Hope on Sat- urday, March 29th. Plans are bcing made ta have ail P.L.'s pre: sent for the sessions, which wifl take place during the day and wind up with a banquet i the evening. Citizens who have, aoid papers are asked toget in touch with the1 girls anid boys cf the Public School and they wil take themi to the achool. There thcy are1 taken aven by the Scouts. Don'ti forget the money received for the1 papens lu divided axnong theie Guides, Scouts and Junior RedE Cross, se let's ail get on the job1 and bring ini the papers. lst Troop News Only -two were absent at the lst Treop meeting Thursday night and Bird Banding was the main4 tepic studied. Ferrest Diiling was again present te instruct the boys1 and seme have already started on1 their bird traps. A new memiber,1 Tom Hobbs, whe has recently meved here from Orono, was welcomed inte the troop. Tom is ne stranger ta Bowmanville Scouts as he used te beiong te the, lst iBowmanville Cubs a few years age. Welcome te our troop,1 Tom. Bird flandlng1 Forrest Dilling, whe is an ex- pert on birds and a qualified Bird Banding instructar, lu teaching the Bowmanville- Scouts this interest-. ing hobby. It' will take about aý year for the beys ta beceme-quali-4 fied te do the work theielves but during that ie they wiil trap the birds and band the under the supervision of Mr. Dill- ing. The werk wiil enabie the boys te beceme acquainted with Ontario birds and wil b. usefui in passing their Bird Warden's badge. Three pnizes wil be denat- ed by Mr. Diuling te the beys trappmng the largest number of birds. Orono News We hear that W. C. H. Mitchell lu now ini an Ottawa hespital. Newcastle hockey team, practis- ed bore on Tuesday evening. Dur- ing the game. Breretan hurt his knee quite badly and cellapsed while ceming eff the ice at the end of the ganie. Mrs. Gould Phened for Dr. McKenzie but he was out, and the lad was then nushed te Newcastle for medical treatment. Aubrey Jordan has been on the sick list. Mrs. C. S. McLaren is on the sick list. We understand ?4r. and Mrs. Casey, and family are moving te Bowmanville. The Wheeler fami ly have mev- ed te the Prof. Milt. Staples fari. !ARMNEWS LARGE SHIPMENTS 0F BACON TO BRfTAIN With the expiration on October 31, 1940, of the feirst 12-month bacon agreement. between Canada and the United Klngdom, two striking facts stand 'eut i Cana- dian bacon history. The, first is that on and after January 20, 1940, the expert ef Canadian ba- con was carried on through a single administrative body, the Bacon Board, set upby the Do- minion. Governrnen±te superin- tend seaboard delvery of the pro- duct t.-the British Minlstry'of Food. Thbe second is that, under this arrangement the volume of preduct cleared from Canadian ports in the tweive nrionths cern- mencing November 1, 1939, total- ling 331,000,000 pounds, exceeded the high total for any recent cal- endar year by about 140 million Pounds, and this under war-tinie conditions. Oke-MoQuade rnackstock Church was the uceflb of a pretty afternoon wed- dine-on March 151 when Anna ,Imbeth (Beth) McQuade, dau- == orf Mr. afid Mrs. Oscar Mc- Qu9de, Cadmus, becamè 1he bride of lioger Raymond (Mike) 0ke, ôer 0f1Mn.-ad Mrs. William Oke, ,ýPerry: Rev. D. M. Stinson ,t~ he officlating minister. .4ven in inarriage by her f a- he lebride iocked charming in'. Ë turquoise blue gown, with mi 'triing hat and veii. Hen frow- miz,*ere Talisman roses with fenn. Th-bride's sister, Mdiss Norma ubfbiade, was brîdesméid. She wc~a prinled silk crepe dress wt4black accessaries, and car- ried'a bouquet of assorted sweet .ed with fecm. The groom was supported by ils brother, Mn. Alan Oke. Ffoigthe ceremony a ne- cepLonwas held at the home of 1.bide' parents, the bnide's mother eceiving i a gown of black crepe with corsage of white CBÜ the wedding.,tnp the bride wAOp a printed silk charniaine crepe dress with beige ceat and black accessanies. The couple will regd on Gibb St., Oshawa. - eieus ote cmurniage, 1h. br"de, formerly employed in Wd's Store, Oshawa,' was thc recipient of a beautiful Kenwood blanket fmem Mr. Ward and aise many lovely gifla from lhe staff. The ,mem, employed in lie Gen- ertuMeoos, was presenled with a loavely mantel dlock from his feflow employces. TownshipCouncil CILARKE TOWNSIP COUNCIL Clark. Township Council regu- lar meeting was ield Marci 4th wlth ail members present. Min- utes weme nead and appreved. - Correspondence was dealt with an4l in epiy te a fetter from E. A. Sunimers, Arthur Thompson of Kendal was appointed te repre- sent tic township and J. Harlwell Lowery, tic council, on 1he Dur- ham Federalion of Agriculture Commiîttee. Several maltera of relief were presented and aflter thorough discussion directions weqre given as te lhc best mclhod ofdealing witi them. Mr. N. F. Porter addrçssed lie-Council asç- ixlg for some improvements at the enÎtrance te the town hall. The clèrk was inslructed te gel prices for same. ,.Pealing with thc equest of the Dominion Geverninent fer sal- vaýge of materials useful i war purposes, J. H. Lowemy and the Clerk weme instmucled te ergunize the township and procecd Bt once. Notification froni the Ontario Government, concerning change in unempleymenl relief allow- anc. was erdered filed. 4irs. A. Henry and Miss F. Cob- bli4ick addmcssed council ne- qfflfing a grant for Oroncq Public THESE NEW CURTAINS Are as Fresh as a Spring Morn Library. The sum cf $15.00* was granted. W. J. Ridddll requested council te give permission for trees te be planted on Leskard road. His ne- quest was granted; the planting te b. done under supervision of G. M. Linton and the Road Supt. The treasurer was instnucted to apply for the warrant for tax sale on three pieces of property. C. F. Awde was authorized te continue collection of unpaid taxes in the municipality. The following bis were order- cd paid: J. J. Mellor, salary and incidentaIs --------- $ 69.58 Mrs. H. G. McDonaid, supplies 5.00 Mrs. E. J. Ranrdall 32.00 Chas. Wood, cane of hall* and transients 21-85 Orone Prev. Treas. B.O.H. .73 A. S. Miller, ceunty snow pleugh (D. Denault)__ 6.25 C. G. Armstrong, suppi's.- 36.00 Mac Smith --------------- 4.00 Dean's Bakery-------4.48 E. L. MacNachtan, 50% hospital maintenance -23.25 Orono Coal & Lumber Co., ceai for town hall -.. 29.75 Orene Ceai & Lumber Ce. supplies ------------- -.7.00 George Richards, adjust- ment toe dock -- - - 6.00 W. E. Davey, B.O.H. 4.50 W. J. Riddell, electric light buiba --- 2.30 Dr. C. E. Wilson, B.Ô.H-.- 3.00 W. A. Reid, supplies 7.10 W C. Lane & son, supplies 12.00 Orono Times, printing - 27.50 Mrs. J. Swain 3.30 T. A. Reid, expenses to convention 1---10.00 Miss F. Cbbledick, library grant ---------------- 15.00 Road Voucher No. 3 -- 54.19 CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Cartwright Council met March 3rd with members ail present and Reeve Creighten Devitt presiding. Communication from W. F. Rickard, M.P., re salvage cam- paign was laid on the. table for future consideratien. Wemen's Institute, Nestieten, requested lights in the villages, fine protec- tion and a palk fer thie township. Clerk wil nepiy ne Council's pre- sent action and decision i the past regarding the above requests. The Auditors presented their report on Collector's roll. These accounts were ordered paid: Corporation of Bowman- ville, Dist. County fees $ 21.00 M. Emerson, Sec.-Treas. S. S. No. 9- 200.00 J. Fonder, Sec.-Treas. S. S. Ne. 2 P. & C. Schools- 1,000-00 Lý Meuntjoy, 1 sheep- killed -------------O ---- 10.00 H. Hooey, stock valuater 2.00 R. Ferguson, bal, on audit 10.00 L. Joblin, bal. on audit. 10.00 0. Wright, ronds ----- 91.70 Receipts frein Insurance Ce. re A. Baiiey $35.00. Council adjourned te mccl Apnil 2nd at 2 p.m. Let us net suy, Every man is the architect of his own fortune; but let us say, Every man is the architect of his own character.- Boardman. Your Spring Wardrobe Daily, shipments of ladies' spning eoats, suit& and dresses are com- ing into our store. Why ilot plan ahead for your spring wardrobe. Corne ini and- sec the splendid selection cf amart new styles you have te chaos. frorn. There inaa dress for eyVey taàté. Couch, Johnston, & Cydrman LIMID Phone 836 ?ree.Desivery -7 TRINITY W.M.S. charge cf President Mns. M. J.- Hutchinsen. Reports cf secretar- ica cf dcpartments were given. A conittce was appoirlcd te an- Womnen's Missiemary Society, range for are cf thc Passion Weck met on Tuesday aflereen, witi services. Mrs. G. L. Wagar's gnoup i charge. Mna. Wagar conducted tic devotional service, with Mns. O IQE NT Workrnan ut thc piano. Reading hyxnn 15 respenaîvely constituted Bawrnanvulle Branci of thc Rcd lie calila wosiip. Tis was fol- Cross wifl hold a teasithe Parish iewed by eadimg "A Creed for Hall. on Friday, Marci 7th, framn Christian 'Living," and prayer by 3 te 6 o'clock. There wil b. a Mns. Wagar.. Thuis part of thc sale cf home made cooking, a dis- meeting waa brougit te a close play of work'donc by tic local by the singîng cf a beautiful solo Red Cross, sud musical selectiana by Misa Hazel Rundie. will be given. 10-1 Tic day's "astudy" was based upon tlie 1ansd werks cf two The Tell Brothera wihiY îive' miasiomarica,ý Miss Arciibald of theirn nw travelogue "lklng Trinidad, and Rev. Yoian Mai, Tirough South Ameica" ut New- D.D., of Indore, -Central India. castle United Chumch or Fniday, Mra. W. P. Rogers and Miss Lela March 28th, ut 8.30 p.m. 10-1 Jackson preaented sanie cf tic outslundingevenls in Misa Archi- W. S. Staples, Maaaey-Harris bald's missionary cancer, ini tic Dealer, invites ail farmera 10 a form of a press interview - Mrs. Massey-Harris Farinera Day Meel- Rogers representirig Misa Archi- ing ut hus shop, West End Garagc, bald and Miss -Jaçkson taking the Bowmanivulle, Satùàrday, March 8, part cf a presreporter. Mn5. wien mnecianized agriculture wll Pellard gave a paper or tic1if e b. displayed by talking piclures of Dr. Yoian Mai. ut 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Standard The, business "esion was in Time.. 10-1 ANACIN TABLETS 22c-43e- 69o - 98 SENSATIONAL OFFER. 2 BOTTLES Hlnd's ea«m 500 si» ------------N 32c 27c' for 14c 25c o.63c, 1.7c for 23c q p .PALMOUVE SHAVE CREAM UImOUVUOILIR"kumiqu. mauwm 1 à uhu m LiI.M .,290 OumN Tum 3 E PINEX Mixture for Coughs 50C I.D.A. KIDNEY PILLS LYSOL SOAP'- .31 DENTAL PLATE BRUSHES MINERAL IHEAVY 4 25cCASTOR DIL z OXYDOL lc SALE - 2 f 50ô Dodd's FlUa 38o Mercurochrome 1-2 os. - - 11c Pal Dinde. 20 for 25e A.B.». Capsules 5018 - - _ .o Flaxsecd i1lb. Ilc Plukhas Comp. 87o Llfebuoy Soap - 2 forloe Peroxide, 4 oz. lie fiý25c jadforl9c,- - Lux Soap -- 2 for 9o Inant'. Deflgbt So&P - - - 23forS _5/ V 1L7 Epson Salt - 1 lb. 110 Ex-Lax - - - 15o -30 5 d S" cCorega - - - am. Ti eee i jTOHBUHTO igue ýi49ý 29 LYSOL Dhinfectant Autfaeptite 3 oz 35c 7 oz. - 6e 16oz .2 ALEX Leur& Secord Candles Prescrptfons a Specilty M COREGOR DRUCSPhone 792 Duuw Wé Deiver i hate te jet up ia the mon.? Bnlng the alarm dlock te us. We'fl make Ilt lck >pleasantly and ring )cheerfuily. W. do expert work on al clock and wateh repaira. If yêur -.eker needsa aaprilnglto, e.coe -~ - Oct Your Sprlng Tonle at S. J. HARTWIG Jewveller Knlght Block Bowmanville M CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED When you bring your prescription te us yen eau b. aasured of the finest LOWEST possible resuits. Each one la carefuliy. studlcd and aecurately filled wlth PRICESthe fineat and purest Ingredielits. W. speclalize lu this work. Let us eau for your prescription, f111 It and deliver ItL __.........__BARGAINS We have just reeeived the lurgest shipnient 4,ve have ever shown of Chintz, Dýâpéries aund Curtains. Il wiil puy you te look- them ,over. F'reahen up youn héme i prepara- lion for Spring. U*fshlad ré&t*SIS~ ~iW 00 *Spuils mdiu L 4q 1 m 1-IR6.9m rwith NewThrifly FAMI[Y SiZi BOX PRINCEfiS SOAP FLAKES jeoeiez a] ? - ýl - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - MARCK 6, 1941 PAGE SEVEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAZý-M LUMMLE, ONTARIO

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