farm producta. Oshawa cashes work presses." This might be con- Car 1let otnea eua 'cm at par, thus rcceiving cash sidered by Ottawa. Intervals Whl motvhce Ut * îathe .m and farmer's trade. Why? are recovrd htI oecs 0Ui th Al Debates ln the House: "Menon- for la'ns ntepr ta It's tixne ta make plans for the ites wont saldier ta kil human Owner ,afilgt ok11 u wsBy W. J. celebration that must accompany beings; they have, however, offer- and kep odee ni.Te ---___________ installation of the Lions traffic ed ta serve 4 months free ta help it's tWiCashdtatrt e 'Oi N Elight. Invite the country folk ina'Canada's var effort." Why not Raot stole eevs .Wre ThNeEW Sfou othsn' mulsryon tpay 'ig em ta Ontario - to arms on Sun ______________________ iubig gets under way. Sec re- -ro which sons are compellcd, Major R. S. Ganiy in Wednes- AntloCh HOMeE. A. Summers, wha vaon tlis prt n another coluznn. The The Statesman still, awaits re- for 4 manths, ta regimentatian ln ua' r ofJlA anstneai oy-A dShthCuehnrCngauaiosLws! et-one-year-alds are booked turns an the state of the countY military camps? PhnIfl manvile.____ The Y.P.U. met on Friday. Th o ebre n.- i eg adtahe acragefor1n41 here'sà thought! - hrs POS414Mr. Tennant of Leskard, cm- Gally deccrated wlth pigs and worship service vas in charge of Parmers needing new or used- sed Ministers at Ottawa may not ployed et the J. Anderson SimlJh green streamers in hanar -af St. Eileon Wray. Kelth Billett read carsta replace expensive rattle- We hope the lady members af admit it, but each and every one Shure and beorra, 'twas a cold company in Newcastle, receivodf a Patrick's Day, Antlach schoal vas the Cal ta Worshlp; Ted KerseY traps of past decade vintage will the executive af the new Durhamn of them would be ticked pink to St. Patrick's Day, so it vas! badly lnjured hand Thursday ai. the scene af tic Home and Schoal read tic Bible leson; Wilfrid be Met with scarcity. The trend Federation ai Agriculture vil not receive forthright constructive teroonwhie a wok. lubmeeingThusda eening Sae ae teae";ad C tot "back ta horso and bug- forget to gîve us a ful tcport of suggestions from common people, to1ter nv duer boys have ganereed in s~ e- rssre report vas b Hrnldgipryr.Mrjre "-ar wallc. proceedings af their initial meet- everywhere. The apposition and toierduis ng a pîcture af Mr. Walker, Ta- E. Harnos gven by lin took charge ai the program. - lg. press have got them in a huddle Lt.-Col. J. C. Ganiey is spcnd- onta,lntheUicStr.He has been a Era a cconvener Of Areoandga rthe e e by Nuie adnseser izi smoleveathoe!frequent visitor -here wlth Mrs. Ucparm aktecarfrAmu n at ert.~De or gayaren seeda ofarîy. -ane.muddle apol nalingdem th rgatoktecarfrcal selectians were given by Dora- Dlr led r anga Speculation la that lst Midi and hfane. oil-lergsag vc lend 'c Mnm. Charles Tamblyn ils visit- A. A. Rolph, and la thus vell- this pragrani: Miss K. Smli gave th Adamnson and by Muriel shoetage. And pick out a plat and are on their last leave. Sveet- Ing fricnds at Woadbridge. w. a reading mgarding Uic formation Smith. The tapic on .,Dr. Nor- iigLtre on fertilizer. hearts please note. P .VNTN TeHdomnwr uyr-C4ertvsheld ln orono thc ment; accordian solos by Ernest îett. *owmainnvlllo ngh o palrng ite th stmni Coeractive wr re-elcctcd: Langadale; a recitation by Garry f o uc pr CW.MB for the voices af Bovman- irito their nev brackets vithout donors ta provide blood serum for .LBAI -Major F. Lycett la home on President, James Lycett; Vice- Hancack. rih Port id i L ov, and er v youngsters who thank Lions apparent friss, fumings or recriin- South African soldiers had an Trn Icave. ~President, H. J. Sauch; Scy- .Stal rngcThesure haid sad w, and banpneorpsefr ond t a si l ations. Only a very fev antici- immeidiate and enthusiastic re-Neosl The Watsons attendcd the Skat- Treasurer, C. F. Avde. A $4.00 a speaker, speaking on I"Recreatian" But imany ai aur people totahUicycle Club.ptiedsic outacm eybougthespone Olyws auvhrte r JK1HDSO Ing Carnival in Toronto; share dividend vas declared-the statod Uiat in his opinion farmers Irish Pot Luck Supper dld go, -tcest dac.Te a i pelvsluce,10on Bruce Waddell visited H. M. fiist dividend for sanie years. too aiten pald very little attentio hr i alsvr ae li Otraanucsahiysr ready cash ta beat the game for donars enrolled. Covan, Antloch. The L.O.B.A. held a card party ta this important thing - namely linon, white and dlean, . plus according ta Treasuror Hep- a fe duns. Al thh fuilafigur cana ____________ Mr. Orme Ganisby vislted March 12th. Fllovlng Uic even- Uic mcrating oaiheUic md and Decorated vlth paper cut-auts ai buma. Opposition crltic MacAuley U o - bae.Dal ap ne rlarsencathrned arc m r me Union meeting this vcek vas Mms. W. E. Davey annaunced those chiefly with the influence ai mmnd The menu was a varled one, ai min af strav. The farmer, hold- ers carry ads. offering $30, $40, lia nov than at any previaus tirne cacle.prize vinners: Mcn's high, E. J. aver body and the influence ai appetizing food, ithe aig ole yether $50 - even as high as $80 per in the natian's history,"-Senator cancelod. amni;men'sloy, . J. all; ody oeramd mstresscd Uic That everyone devoured, and said bg a oîe ycte.manth; but factories get their Philp McBride, Australian Mns Mr. and, Mrs. W. Stainton visît- ladies' high, Mrs. J. Marris; ladies' need ai a yearly holiday and a fair that It was goad; Po rts am ppr men.tefothAry e tn hme ier ilighrdya Srn.W nesad JonMiatgv eaigBsutbed pecksadcoto $240.ishDairmpocapare ulproeSoton:vrg h w.Mlaa I cdatEnikiln. -low, Mrs. Hesper Dean. ahane ai ecreatian durinlc vork- Thére vas meat, potatacs, beans,. "Pedxgrood dairy stock averaged- If thou vouldst bear thy neigh- Miss Heather McXenzle has e- To-morrav (Friday) la Uic fimt ing periods. carmots, and salads toa, £48 for 35 head, recently - or A British farmm paper reports: bor's faults, cast thine oye upon 10 brother, Dr. McKenzie. that several citizens report seeing entitlcd "St. Patrick," iollowed by tarts, «i numbers not a f 0w. 'indemand." ced £72 for females at the annual To find fiault is easy, ta do bet- . ........ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter, robins, but vo hilnk this a pro- a smng-sang led by Mr. Staples Oi course vo had music, gi-ven by- Reading sale. <$360 .00). That's ter may be difficult-Plutarch. Hamipton, spent Saturday at Mr. mature April Fool - unlesa Uic vith Mms. Staples at the Piano. . Bowmsnville artists four, Bmitain's War Savings Certif i- galng sanie! The most faulty are, the moat Charles Wood's. birda seen vere fram Leskard. Glen Hancock conducted a con- Which Uic audience enjoyed, and cates for the year totalled over la Englond, "tractors are inpverba Mr. Wiliam BÎovn, M.A.,,Val- However Uic crova have been test betveen four Young ladies clapped their hands for more; $200,000,000. -ndesperatedm ta." suppre cn -______________________________ leyfield, spent Uic veekend at present for*some tume, 50 Sprlng anid four Young mon, and four old- MMs. J. A. Cale vas Uic accam h eprt e n. Spl a-___________________________ homo. v~~eather vil surely not be long in mlde adfu lermn i pianint, who wi Misses I. saac Walton says: "April lic flot meet demand; a second-hond hom. dMs. onthC coniing. . Ui ladies aendinu ic demen, ith Dudley and J. Luxton made month-ta overhaul tackle." Orme Fordson brought $1140." Wherc Bovmanville, vlited at M. R. E. Scouts met Thursday evenfng taothpicks. The ,young mon and three, Gamsby and oUiers are mported Uic depreciation ehv e Logn's wUi 8 embrsprean. Jmesvoên anami Uc lugteraiWho played a piano tria, and hit 'afready at it. mond at homo here-but na cash! Loa' iton,8Donald stpes, n kiaicams m ed onauidte le. rof meat cvery key; A t O E D O The ar avigs hd a non Liton Doald tapesFranlintheamusd adiece.While Owen Nicholas and Marlon The Newmarket Era and Fergus "Mm. Hudson. British Mixster A R ORE Te ar avin hgadatnoan Tamblyn, Howard Mylos, Robert Carda vere played, followed by Dudley, in gaad volces dit Neva-Record carry top-ranking, ai Agriculture, has settled upon a Tusdy eahe Uc rad otlCooper, and Horace York vere lunch served. sing running accounts ai the current long-terni agricultural program. o f around $9000. appointed ta attend Uiec con-S-oan________________o-onda Otwa n osuttinwihfamrs r tained some friejida on Uiceven- Fourteen boys vere presanted made Uic echoos ring.- ganizations."l Sounda like the ideaSPN G lng oi St. Patmlck's Day. vîhtersl~in agssc~ Newto vle The pmocoeds ai the evenlng on Sap's runningl A lot ai 100% advanced in The Statesman la Mm. nd as. .-J Hami ad u e at cam n su des sec-.uthis"St. Patrlck's Day maplo syrui laproduced along the May 1940 and repeated month by son Donald: and Mr. Milton Green - A number froni hoeeattended Mas. S. Lancaster antertained Were ten-tv dollafo 7ionceson. t'os for sale hf o ntrasC-aas rmened aveyoufour ng oat o prn vlslted in Hamiltn..- an enjoyable social evening at Miss Scott, Agric. Rep. in Home vhichathanks vc'theglad tlp-rff for those tho*have for- Miss Heather McKenzie han had Leskard Frlday eveniag. T h e Economica, and sanie ai Uic mcm- To ay, gotten he tante. rCMa. Hns, aishsvicHon airedBefor ti. ar d y ha t wllson her cousin and sister visiting lhem O.C.S. Glee Club, canslsttag ai bers ai Uic Girls' Club anc even- happywhoatcneds, . dvoe be -f m ndteCaniog ns, radhi epeae y aigte iab at ierhéthe's Dr Meenie. eiht irl, ereontheprorai ig.They vere hclping the Wamen'a Mla-a-a ai their mammies con nov Thore vas scarely a ripple - save wow by Mr. ond Mas. Wm. Irvin, Mi- vhlch vas a1gmented by talen W. MS. ai Uic United Church Institute ta make this event a ho heard la sheep-iolds. Black & aniong the fev. It has been in Uic movlited hem mother, Mas. I ran Leakard. J. J. Mdllor ad- held a "quilting" ixstead oi their succesa. white "Ikittens" hcrald their pres- mmndsoi evoryone. Wc avait only Vintr. ressd te gaherng n th Wa reglarmeeing n Tésda, Mr.once al6ag the dravsy stillness ai events oveseas-ond moat ai us Tewnite rar S c rcvnsus iamngon Uic War reular mwete ingnTedayMar. Uiheevening air. Spring is in the knoW it. Oshawa Laundry & Dr0lenn group ai lat ycar veme gîvan e v ith $300 in plcdges, wli for the misslonary bale. dtn.Yucnha n ml t their theatre party lat veek. marc expectod. -Mas. McLachlan' .S ls ,c h r è o l 1ianbs dfi"S 1d la esricetsCmay,4 Miss Grace Mitchell on Uic staff One hundred and thirteca at- enjoyed a jolly lelghride wiUi_____ ýarmers complain that Bay - ova: .'Samersintesrcs, Poe49w ai Uic Bank ai Commerce la on tended S. S. at Park St. Church on Ma. Raymond Bruce as teainster. manville banks knick 'cm 15e on vho kaov farming ond arc need- Poo49W elFrat eiu tv ek'vcto.Sunday aiternoon. Mas. A. Druni- Upon their retura efrehments In spite ai roada and veather each $50.00 vorth ai cheks me- ed for fanms, are grantcd up ta 28 mondtal anlatresingacation.resered at Uic parsanage. vo had a- nice attendance at Sun- celved fmom out ai tava buyers ai days leave at poriods vhcn fanm Miss Marlon Wright, vho taok missionany tary. Mars. N. F. Par- .Sorry ta repart Mm. Willls Joncs day achool an Sunday. A special aocourse in damestic science at ter's clasvas banner class. Old ln confined ta bed wlihheuniatic collection vas taken ta buy a War Tronta and ilov han a poaltiou in friands vere glad ta sec Mervyn foyer. Savinga Certificate ta present ta Oshawa, visited at Ma. G. Forbes'. Keane able ta be present aiter hi Pte. Chas. Roasasaneturnod ta the United Churçh ai Canada. Mr ereFre eevda Ues his duties at Uic Intermnent Camp,, One Certificate vil be sent -in msa.oge F aomes Zee ed illacan Centre Lake, Petavawa, aiter a mght avay and vo plan ta buy at his son vlshing bis sister in Ta- tva veeks' visît at Mr. W. MiDli. least anc atanip each Sunday un- onta a happy birthday. DUM AND DISTANT gai'a. til wvo con get another certificate. Ladies ai the W. A. quilted on Visitora: Our Superintendent Russel Os- March 12U, tva quilta being sot H PENN SMm. Bil Hancock, Tilais,bon stte apln tNv tp. The vomen reninod at Uichet gv. and Mas .MeLokelan. Year's ai making sanie member church for aupper. Prosq The Orono Ne«a Of ~ s Laurna Pearce and Ma respansible for a special number A leghoa a Oonlts ou-Marh 21, 1918 Ion Bruce 1n Tomnts.- for each Sunday and vo mid ~- Ing ta attend Uic Home and Sehoal Orono Publicltyr Association met parants, Mr. and zr.Weatherilt, btter attendance ia cansequence. " r Club meeting. ln tthe Tempomance Haune Manch Millbmook.- Mrs. Roy Webber vas in change Executiye ai W. A. met. Tbur 2th. Robert Foter gave an ex- M. and Ms. ack Reid vth lat Sunday and e, had a piano haustîve report ai his visit ta hem parents, Ma. and Mas. Walter solo by Mr. Patten,, and Leslie day ta appoint camnilttees td Hamburg. At noxt veek's met- Wlddis, Millbraok. Gibson ead Uic Icason. Miss Aima j Garry Honcock vislted his moat important aubjocts and opeO E.-Malison. Misa Ruby Glbson, Oshava, - grondpanants, Ma. and Mas. Eger- in which every able bodied man Mas. J. T. Peànce and Bob at vlited hem parents. ton ancck hil hi mohor v hio bas an ounce ai enemgy leintaMm. Frank Gilien's Cookcd Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Ma. and Mas. Reg. Linton, To- joct vhich there la not doubt, ac- Mi Leushner, Niagara, vith wil' Newcastle. TobtsevtePopefti cm utyIm nana onta, lbat their baby girl at birth. cording toaial signala sgaing ta hiem parents, Ma. and Mas. R. ofaruly eetdmrhni. b Mr. Linton la Uic brother ai Ma. vin or loac the van. As Nelson Rave. eomnthbs pdu frvryedii e G. M. Linton, Orona. said at the battle ai Trafalgar ta- Ma. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster Royal Air Force officers la Sin-Y"rom edebetpdutfreryedaiprtfy Park St. S. S. officers and tes- day Uic entent allies cxpect every at Uic skating cannivalintheUi Ma- gapore are ai opinion that Uic training to know the. definite standards of quality andms chers vere entertained at Mas., 'nan ta do bis duty. pIe Leai Gardons, Toronto, March standard achieved by maay's first> sures that have been established by science and exprene A. A. Drumniond's Thursday ove- Oona Creamery management llth. squad ai meruits for Uic Air Force ning. are making preparation for on in- . Ma. and Mas. E. A. Wcry and is higher Uion that usually attain- Wihen 1 order goods my selection is based on tii kow The War Savings comnmittee ai creased season's output this year. Mas. Cecil Siémon, Ennlakillen, at cd at a pe4ce ie elementary fly- vleo hs ieyrcgielsadrs Park St. Church decided ta have A nov bolier la being installed Ma. S. Lancaster sa. ing achool in Great Britain.vauofte wdlrcgnz snad. à speclal Sunday for their drive and other improvements madie. _____1_______________eoplthe____of_ rather thon convana. Frienda regret ta beamac Uc*n'hnI dofiet gv eolthe em fm soe Ma. Little han bdught Uic hauso death ai Mas. Jonas Sanils cf Uic Hampton- Because 1 know that nearly everybody remds a newsao occuplcd byMa. and Mas. R. C. 3rd concesslahn which occuzred ln * - Rosbomaugh frant the ôvner, Ma. a 'Xamants hospitel Tueoday fol- Ma. and Mas. W. Armstrong, - use newsiaper avertisiflg regularly. WhOPO PS Fred Duncan, and expects ta take laownn opeation. Nestletan, vlaited hin sister, Mas. for newspapers they read them carefully for ail of t1.nw possessionl ic heFa . 9. KC.'C. viiib. held at M" W.. Wditcbom ' that is interesting to them. When my ads are news u We vere intcrested la seeing Mary Knox's home. Mis Purcell,. wha han bean Uic pictures aif red Lorrimont and Waiîting Unm. L. Willamson, hans contaiu useful information 1 know that people Vilra Reports Pr«*Uftsd returned ta hem home at Part them because they are news." At Rd Coss eetng Jck Covling, Tomants, spent Uic veekand at home. Oona Red Cross met Turnday Miss Eva Souch, Ennlakfllen,g and atiUicplesur aivelai-visited at C. W. Souch's andat- ibranch, Miss K. Stewart and Mrs. Sarffta eport Mr. F. G. Kera- A NOTHER thing that merchants This helpful information is aaibl A. Gilray. lake iiand canflned ta lis bd ieaotnwppravriigi ht fo eot sud h ui g ~~~ Boye. S. Littlevood and Mas. J. 'Ma. and Mn. E. Smrtiiwaltc, ilk bu esae detsn sta rmrprsise yteAdtBra F R 31R. Cooper g ave reports ai Uic con- Concord, vlslted Mas. B. L. Wi-Llo h ai fknw fCruaina onrtv raia venton held in Toronto. lanison, tney can buy ito h ai fkon o icltos opr be * M. Lttevad otlnedtheac Th .cat I play "ok1ut.vlue tha.areius as efintes th1-onof ore-han-000 L1 a succenstul oyant.--ThauglheUc U veather van anytbing but favor- iUThais newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulaos IF ~able andtheUic treets ta a very lcy 'aii condition, a gaadly numnber at- Il .ui On request w. shali gladly furnish a copy of our latest A. B. C. tendeti and veme veli repali for .5" SIAIM IADA ~~~~~~~~thir effart incaming aut an A .C UI UEU0 ICLTOSFCSA such a starmy nlght. Praceetis LwsTruli vas ln Belleville A C=UI UEUO ICLTOS AT SAMEASURE 0F ADVEISN VAU last veek attending Uic iiteenth _______________________________ annual Quinte District Seoti Judg -_____________________________________ Ing Pair, fie buta aonc o! the ton ic ADurham County oy coacbed by 'j, ', nWANVI=, ONTARIO PAGE Nn4t mucit Io, 1041 TIM CANAMM 1