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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1941, p. 10

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TE VAU MA, D0~UIL=^ oeTAP-O TEUESDAY~, The Niewcaste Independent ]Phone Clarke 1114 Mns. H. C. Rundle, Brighton was a weckendguest of Mr. and Mgrs. -Percy IRare. Mr.and Mns. Adair Hancock, Ti into, vl1tod»hi, parents, Mr ïn<1 Mn. J. C. Hancock. Xeith Rowe has been assistinfi lnChapman's Gmacemy during the 111n e-of Aubrey.Jordon. Pte. Douglas Walton lias joiriet thc, armny Ortinance Corps and bas gone ta, Petenboro ta learn a trade. Mns. C. A. Cowan is nome fran the Western Hospital, Toronto, and Is convalescing nicely ai te] hem opemation. Mmt. Win. Henry returned fran Oshawa hospital asat weck and has since beon staying with Mr. Fred Hancock. Mr. Goo. Graham, Newcastle- on-the-Lake, has had his house wired for electricity by H. S. Brit- tan, local -electrician. Mr. Jos. Quigg visited his bro- ther, Mr. John Quigg, aof the De Havilland Aircraft, Limited, To- ranto, last Tuesday week. Mr. Alec Walkington and Mrs, Brie Pearco and children, Toronto, ýweme Sunday guosts at Mms. W. H. Pearco', and H. R. Pearce's. Rteeve C. R. Carveth wrnl show *some reels ai motion pictures Rt the Y.P.U. meeting next Moinday evcning, Mardi 24th. Everybody welctbme. Dr. Annie Higbce, who has been spndn th ine n Ottawa, end guest of hem nephcw and niece Reeve C. R. and Mns. Carveth. Miss Patricia Pearce, in vicw af hem bfrthday coming on Msrch 17, cntertuined a number oi Young Irlends at a pay at her home on Saturday evening, March l5th. Three C.G.I.T. girls, Juno Affin, ISOUTH AMERICA Leftoy, lefi aa nd EUUworI. rtght, cýrossg the Andes wlth thefr -3.60 donko3'. A New Travehgu. b7 The TeNU Brothers irna Friday, fMarch, 28th at 8.30 Pm .rn. S. On theicsreen motion mdi tli picturesla ealoir Adults 25o - Cbidren 15o , Betty Enwright and Kathleet d Toms did a good piece af wor] last Saturday by thorough. :cleaning thc whole ai thc Unit Church and S. S. Hall. Miss Irene Bremeon is i Osh gawa hospital where she under ýwent a successful operatian fo appendicitis on Thursday, Marc] dl1th. Many af her Newcastle rIx d ends have been up ta cail on hez a Friends overywhert extend sin cerest sympathies ta Mis. Orne n Cole and Miss E. M. Blackburn ci ),thc rather sudden death ai theï rsister, Miss Elizabeth Cathern Blakbumn, froni a heart attack ci rFriday, March 14th. d Aniong the 3young men 21 yeai ai age who go into four months training at Newmamket on Marcl 2th are Wm. Allin, 3rd Lino, an( eRoy Ashton, formerly ai Shawý and now ai the Bank ai Cammerc4 staff, Campbellford. . During these Lenten weeks, tht menibers of St. George's Men' Club meet once a week i a quitl way i the Pamish Hall and hold *their carpet ball competitions foi the Patrick O'Neil silver cup, don- ateti after his death ai Mrs. O'Neil A goup ai Newcastle folk whc attended the Toronto Skating Club Canival at Maple Leaf Gar- dons on Wednesday evening, Mar. l2th, consistai of Mm. Coad ai tae Bank ai Commnerce, Miss Hattie Mason, Miss Audrey Horricks, Miss Reita Cooke, Miss Ruth Han- cock and Miss Dolly Purdy. The Municipal Council met far a iew minutes on its regular meet- lng ýnight Mônday, March lOth, and thon eut af respect for the memnory -ai Mrs. Butler and me- gard for Dr. Butler, adjaumned to meet again on Thumsday, Merci 1Mt. Dr. Butler ha, held a num- ber ai civic offices in thc past anc is at present Newcastle's M.0.H. By decree ai the Ontaria MiII Board prices ai milk in this arci have been fixai for thc present at 6c a pint and lic a quart. Pro- ducers wiil share iii the increase which wrnl do away wita the de- cided discrepancy which ha, f5re- vailed for several weeks between prices received by farmers ship- ping ta Toronto and those supply- ing nearby anialler markets. Congratulations ta two of oui junior fanons aon thc honours they won at the Quite Seed Fair at Belevile lest wçek. Donald Jose was one af tae high mon ih the Junior judging compétition and a member ai the champion- ship DtShham teani.ý'Brentan Rlck- ard won a pure bred young bull as a prise for a successiul exhioit ai barley, aats and whcat in the juniar classes. Rev:* Sidney Davison and Mr. Ross Strike, Bowmanville, ad- dressed the congregation ai the United Chumch last Sunday morn- ing in the interests ai the United 'Chiu)rch ai Canada's "Your loan tc your country and youm gi tta youiý chuch' capagn.,,Toyspoke with earnest conviction aofi jus#ice and tlmeline9g ai theF ce- paign and made a deep Iipression on tacir hearers. Thle flowers in tae church weme placed there by loving frlends in memory af tae, lato Mns. J. A. Butler. The regular monthly meeting-af tac Golden Rule Mission Band was held on March 15th. In the absence ai the president, Miss Marion Allun taok charge. It was arranged that Doreen Enwrighl VEAIflS BEACOCK - In Bowmanville, on, Mardi l7th, 1941, Abraham Bea- cock, ini hi, 88th year. Interment at Prince Albert. BLACKBUIRN - Ini Newcastle, on Frlday, March l4th, 1941, Eliza-, beth datherine Blackburn. Ini- termnent Bowmanville Cemetery. EDMOND - Ini Bowmanvllle, on March l3th, 1941, Elizabeth Ed- mond. Internient Bowxnanv'iile Cemetery. MINORE - In Bownianville, on March l4th, 1941, Milton H. Minore, ageti 89 ycars. Inter- ment at Bobcaygeon Cemetory. REATTOIR-In Bowmanville on Thursday, March 20, 1941, Levi Reattoire, i hi, 92nd year. Resting at Northcutt & Sniith's Funeral Chapel, with service in the Chapel on Saturday, March 22nd, at 2 p.m. D.S.T.' Inter-] nient at. Hampton Cemetery. WHITE - At 461 West 43r d St., New York City, on March l7th, Jame, Marydo ofta (tDr 1941, Mary os teta (tt)r William A. White, and cldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Jam~es, Bowmanville. Auction Sales Auction sale aif fami stock and implements on Uic promiàses of Frank Malcolm, Lot 18, Con. 8, Cartwright Township, on Tuesday, AprUI la, at 1 a'clock. Ternis cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. 12-2 Wedncsday, March 26th, 1941- Farm stock, iniplements, etc., Uic propemiy ai J. Ira Thonipson, Lot 7, Con. 7, Clarke Township. 'Sale at 1 p.m. Standard Turne. R. L. Roy, Auctioneer. 12-1 Herbert DeLong will seli by public auction on iris farm, Lot 6, Concession 4 (north ai Stephens' Mill), an Thumsday, March 27th, ail his f ai stock, iniplemonts, hay, grain, poultmy, and same household effects. Salé ât 1 a'dlock ST. Ternis cash. J. D. Hogaruli Clerk; Elniem Wibur,Autner Il1-2 [jThe, undersigneti wii seil by tpublic auction for Alfred Perrin, eLot 17, Cau. 3, nortli Clarke tawn- ship (half mile south of Clarko Church), on Thursday,. April 3rd, at 1 p.m. Standard Tume, horses, cattle, pigs, poultry, machinery and iniplements, .harness, grain, and other articles too numerous ta mention. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 12-1 iwoulit write t' a a'missiopâry ln -Trlnidad. Miss 'Patricla Pearcel ti read the scripture. The Pragrani a consisted of a reading by Doreen YEnwight about St. Patrick, a vo- ecal duet by M[ildmed and Eilecn Allin, a reading by Grace Ann fPrstan, and a piano duet by Shir- 1 ley and Arvila Brunt. Mms. W. E. eBeman took up thc story of the Study Boak. Mite boxes were dis- itributed at- tho close of the meet- .t1ing.1 STEWART'S S E ED0-STORE DEPENDABLE IIEADQUARTERS Fer CLOVERS a TIMOTH'Y -GRAUS SUDS - DULIC GARDEN SEEDS Weoffer bore on>y PursialE-etDO Manel» Seels, Gov'i. Grafl Ne. 1 for Purltr'audl Hlg GermInation. Prices qudiel are EXRA SPCIL ald subJeci toechange wihout notice owlng ta thie uneertny of future values on stock replacmments. W. therefome alviseibat yau punehase your reqirements wltisoui lclar.- ALFALFA Per E-us.1 -Ontario Valeatel No.1 Oatario Vaiegated Noe. 1 (Local Grown> Western Gnlmm NO. 1 ____ flSIKE specw~ No. 1 Local Gro*WNO. 1 __ RED>CL0VER SuicclalOttawa viner .Growm Ne. 1- Local Grewn Ne. i ____ U9%A&FAIPFA 50% RED 4'*tETCLOVER ý3ZdUow Elessom -No. 1 $12.75 10;90 10.801 I No. 1 lied. No. 2 Punlty No. 1 CLOVERS Per Lb. Whilte Duteli Ne. 1 $ .90 30%White Dutch 70% Alsike Na. 1 - .60 15% White Datch 80% Alsike NO. 1 _____ .85 CLOVER & TIMOTHY MIXTURE 75% oTlmothy 25% AlsIke Ne. 1- .11 or Cwt ________10.50 GRAS Canallan Blue Gram Na. 1___ 2 Keatucky Blue GrassNo. 1 >8 Red TOP Na. 1 _____ .25 Meadlw Fescue No. 1 .30 Onobard Grass Na. 1 1.4 Faoy LUwa' Se"l Na. 1 -.- .40> 5 iba. or over .85 Faney Shadyaaok Lawa SBoa Na. .1 .50 5 lbu. or over .7 - .45 VEGETABLE AND F'LOWER SEEDS help win ibis war. Our new stock i Juat la-Yen gel more mal botter seed on n ba -Stew*r't'a E-Ul Garden Soeds, ail Gov'i. Tesiel Ne. 1. 740w la tees, Cabbage, CaullfIwer-, Peppers, Oniens, euthie bouse or bobel oaplants et a big vnt. Mako ou$ aour Gaglen Lisi thon if you cannai selection 0f glune& Jus at Phone 577. W. deliver Garden SoemI. ewasst's ..i Store vol Aora im Sireét te 1 Door North of E-aimerai Hetel) E-owmanvill IN MEMORIAM Carda of Thanks ROSS-In lovig memo f ai y The fionds and relatives ai husband "Tommy" '900 dîed lins., E. Edmond i wsh ta thank Mamch 24th, 1940. Dra. Sioroy, and Ferguson, thc You are always wlth lue, staff ai aowmanvle Hospital always, F. F. Marri, Cao, and frlends anci -Docie. nelghbours who weme aa klnd dur- ing thc Illneas and passing of lmra. ROSS-.Tn mmnrv nf. iim Edmond. no-. ..n mmJ -.o ourla aJcy. We miss you so. -Junior, Danny and Jerry. Notice Untl Dr. R. B. Mur-ay takes over ni pactie an Ben 11, 1941, I wll nstorBowznaà,Ojk calls at the usual fee. Phone Po6.t Hope 182. D. C. Davey, V.S .,, B.V.Sc. 12-1 Uivestock and Aiticles For Sale colt. Apply R. Olesen, Burke- ton. 12-1 FOR SALE -. PIGS, AVERAGE 100 lbs. each. Apply Malcolm Martin, R. R. 1, Tyrone.* 12-2* FOR SALE - ENTIRE DAIRY herd of Holstein cows andi heiu- crs, also rcgistered bull. Appiy Laverne Clomens, R. R. 6, Bow- mnanville, phone 2433.1 12-tf COW FOR SALE--WELL BRED Jersey caw, weighs about 1050 lbs., due ta freshen right away. Aeppiy S. Milison, Newtonviilo. Phono Clarke 36r23. 12-1* FOR SALE--REGISTERED HOL- stein caw, 5 ycars aid, due April lst; Grey Holstein, 3 yeakï aid, rnilking well. Apply Noble'Met- caif, phone 2259. 12-1 FOR SALE - TEAM 0F WORK horses, also a Massey-Harris binder, good repair. Apply Gea. -Smith, Tyrone. 12-1* FOR SALE - 8 GOOD YORK- shire pigs, 8 weeks old; 100 bus. pure Erban seeti oats; also 300 lbs. perfectiy dean red aver sed. Apply A. E. Billctt, EMMlp- tan, phono 2557. 12-1 FOR SAL-MXD HAY, TIM- athy and Alfalfa; DeLavtl Sep- amator in goad condition;,Sowa due ta farrow during liamch and April. Apply S. W. Brooks, Providence, phone 2227. .ý 12-1 FOR SALE - mecORliIC K- Deeming cultivator; Frost and Wood cultivator; McCormlck- Dceeing disc fort. dr111, 13 dise; aiso used plows, mowers, oeeam separators, otc; one brown ho1~rse about 1400, 8 years aid;.,yack hors.,, about 1300, - 9aeug hanse. L. R. Wobd, eCom9i Deering Agent, Bowmi1anvll le, phono 728, office 597. 12-4 FOR SALE - STEWART-WAR- ner Radio, console madel, excel- lent condition, operaies with 1 A battemy only, also 1 extra bat- tory goes with machine, reason- able. Telephone Bowxnanville 2473. 12-1 FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0 tumnips, patatoes and mangel. Apply Edwamd Bock, R. R. 4, Bowmanvillc, phne 2206. 121 FOR SALE - 600 BUS. MIXED, grain, 20 tons mixed hay, staék' ai straw, also soie implements, on Uic farn ai the late Arthur Beech, Haydon. Apply Alymer H. Boech, R. R. 2, Burketon- ph9gne 2292. 12-14 FOR SALE - DINNOROOl table, five chairs, aolid oak, price $8.00. Apply George C.. Wright, Nwcatle, Ont. 121*-. '3 ROOM APT. FURNISHED FOR' $149-00 ai Morris Ca. 23 pcs. in-, cluding dinette suite and Caft- galeuni mg, chesterfield suite, rug, lamp, table, mimeor, cusW.'i ion; bd dresser, chiffonler niattreas, spig, pillows. Lit,- itedquantity ai outfits an sale for lianch only. 12- FOR SALE - 28-46 GOODISON grain thncsher, i good running onder, $200.00, on trade for young hanses. Frank Barnseyp, Canton P. O., Ont.' 12.4* - FOR SALE - 1939 PLYMOUT Sedan, 1940 Plymouth Coupç .0, 1940 Pontiac Sedan, 1941 port, tiac Sedan, 1938 Chev. Coach*- 1934 Pontiac Coach, 1937 Chey,' Panel Truck. Appiy Chas. Brut- tan, P.0. Box 374, Bowmanville. 12.1 FOR SALE - SMALL RN large chlcken house, large hoU pen, i excellent conditon;1 large and 1 smaU Queb e - or, practically new. Apply Brooks, Courtice. phone al awa 28OW2. l.* QUILT PATCHES - FRESH 0F cutting tables - Prints, Crepes, Satins, Linotte, 25c lb. or 5 lbs. $1.00. Aloo giant aise, Wx, 4X18, cent each, 79e per hundred.. Postpald. Samples 10 centsd' Thinik fast for beat resulta:' Buttonshop, Whtby. 12-2*- MATTRESS & COMIFORTERS - Inner Spring, Marshall, Beautyr! Rest, and all sprlng mattresses,; rebufit like new. £Datermoor and layer foît mattresses cleaned and rebuit, also converted int Inner spring mattresses. New coverings supplied if necessary.- Feather beds washed, stripped. and made Into dawn coniforters,I finest Engllsh down-proof nia-I teniais used. Eiderdowns recov,. ered. Speclal pricca no*. Phone* 362. --4 Don't forgeltot subscribe to the War Services campalgn. Therei - wlll onlybeoanc campalgn of this, nature this year so be sure ta do your part.1 * Mrs. Joseph Archer and famnly wlsh to express their sincere thanks and appreclation toa ai frienda and neighbors for thoir many acts af klndness and expres- sions of sympathy durlng their reent sad bereavoiment. AuelomSale' The underslgned ha, roçeived instructions frai W. IL LYMER. LOT 20, CONCESSIO14 P Towinshlp af Darlington One Mile North of HlgM'wy No. 2 near Maplo Grave ta sell by public auctian his f am stock'and implements, on Tu.sdaye Mardi ZSt the foilowlng: Borses--Brown liane, 9 years aid; B4y Hamac, 10 yeams aid; Bay Horse, 5 yeams aid; Mare, mising 2 years. Catle--Roan Cow,' due ta fresh- 'en Mar. 14; Red Cow, freahen Mar. 7; White Cow, freshen Feb. 15; Holstei Cow; Blue Cow, bred Oct. 1; Durham Cow, brai Dec. 20; Durham Cow, brai Sept '-1; Roan Caw, brai Nov. 25; Durhami Cow, bred Dec. 28; Black Heifer, brai Sept. 12; Holstein Caif, 10 montbs aId. Plgs-Sow, due liar. 22; 4 Pige, about 150 lba. Poultry - 75 New Hampshire Pullets. Hameamu-Set teani harnosa; set single hamnos. ImplemeÙts --Masey-H anrti s grain binder; Masseyr-Harris mow- er; Massey-Harris sced drm11i hae; twa-row corn cultivator; set wagan springs; wagon box; wagon; horseraite; set sloighs; cultivator; ianning mli; pawer aprayer; set ai scaies; gas. engine and saw fraine; 3 icuhiatons, 300 egg size. separator; cuter; watem trougli; iran plg tmough; single plow; some hay, grain and ensilage; hon house aise 101 x 201; other articles toa numeoaus ta mention.- Sale ai 1 p.m. S.T.- Termes Cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctianoor. 13MPORTANT P.edlgreed Show Cmii Herses, Implements, Hame, Etc. an tae, proMises of DR. C. T. CORRELLY Lots 14 and 15, 4th Con., Hope Tp. ai 1 o'clock Standard Tume, on BSat., Mardi 29, 1941 14 ecad FuUy, Aceredlitcd and Registered Caie Ail blood testai within the year. Fràn Show and R.O.P. stock. Ail catile mcd i colorn -1-rising 3,- ta freshoni early sumner, oui a! Lady Doreen, R.O.P. over 13,000 lbs., and by Red Dlamand out af Lucern Dalsyr, ýXP.P. 14,000 iba. S -woyqr-ld blirsby 1MU'1 ,view BÏ'e MrODW&0 2nd, and oui ai Z à ged os i. c ,bath R.O.P., S3. fresi 3-ycan-old houiera, anc 1WAidpo ÀMé ssci1eger (Impani- cd). 2 grade folstê)4 caws. - 8.miitlis.heiér-calf.. 2 hielfe r balvl i.manii. 10 monthà olti' bull, ready for service. -Aged bul.l. ulaf - go* wlth 5 plgiý tcbrood sow. Also horse, hàarnesi,, JMP1c- tients, creaam sparakor, etc. Teri- Cash. Np ev. EM WILBUR, 1.2-1 -- Auçtion'ee. I$STOCKER 17 Hou* MM0USGRAIN S-3tuardayq Mar. 22 $MEAT 074E 010Sk Sec im; ClasiledAd Rates Ohmi cent a word cesh, ceuh insertion < minimum charg 25e). Chare et 25o extra la made when advertlscment la Dot palu Mre week as inse- tienà. Ex#& amaret.10o whea replies are dlred te a Stg1esman box number. labiha, ieatbs admarriage soc eaoh. in Memonlama, 500 for notice plus 10o per lUno for; verse. Caaiole advenue»-- metemcepted Up until 0 p.M. Wmb"ady. Found. FOUND - WIT WAT.A- pl&Ms.o. Wilson, Mer Road, phono 868. 12-11 l'or Rent FOR RENT-TWO UNFURNIH- ed roozns su.table for light housekecplng, veryprivate, -ane block from business section, prcrab!ly no children. Past FOR RENT- SMALL HOU SE, suitable for 2 adulte and 2 small children; ail conveniences;imi- modiate possession. Apply T. Lymer, P. O. Box 51 or, phone 379. 12-1 FOR RENT- FIVE ROOMED apartment,*,ail modern conven- ienccà;* Fesa oul burner and gar- age. Reasonable ent. Possession April lst. Apply Mrs. Archie Tait, phone 388. 12-tf. FOR RENT-3 LARGE~ -ROOMS, ail conveniences including use ai electmlc ange, also garden and hon house. Apply Mrs. F. C. Calmer, phone 427. 12-1* FOR RENT-9 .ROOMED BRICKC houso on Middle Road, 2 miles north of Bowmanvllle, 1%' acres land with apple trocs plum trocs, strawberries anâ asp- berrnes; more land if dcsired. Apply George-Davis, R. R. 6, Bowmanvillc, phono 2194. 12-1 Agents WOiWEN AM WMi MENW NE- Interesting proposition fomany- one who wants ýtalimprave bis situation. W. offer yauta beW came aur representative le. an xcU1.dbutrte sflng 4wa hundrcd hoshd necessities, lIndludlng Tea, Coffee on a pro- fitable bask., Try thirty dlays wlthout risk<. Free praducts for consumers. Apply ta-day: JITO, 1435 Montcalmi, Montreal. 11-4 MAN 35 TO 55, WITH-I CAR, FOR Watkins - Route which bas just become availpble. Cash hi on increasoti public buying powem with Uic largesi company of ite kind -i the world. Generaus credit -imished qualifiai ap- plicante. Write Wafkln,, 2177 Massn Street, Mantreai,'Depi. O-B-9. 10-4 ltelp Wanted MAN AND WIFE WANTED-TO care for eldcrly gentleman in is own home aI conveniences i exchange ïor free rent and fuel, light and water, and use of large gardon. Box il1, The Statesman;-Bowmanviile. 10-3* HELP WANTED - GIRL FOR general housework. Apply Mrs, 9. S. Forguson, phone 606. 12-1 HELP WANTED - WOMAN OR girl for kitchon Work, etc. Ap- ply Balmoral Hotel, Eowman- ville. 12-1* SALESMEN W A NTE D - IN- crease your income selling 200 Familex producta: toilet arti. clos, medicinos, essences, spices, cloaners, etc. Each home repre- sents a customer. Money re- funded if products returned for failure. FAMILEX, 570 St. Cle- ment, Montreal. 12-1 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE -SOLID BRIECK bouse on Centre St., Bowman- ville, modern convenlences; will be sold cheap ta close up an estate. Apply A. E. Beilman, King St. West. il-tf AUCTION SALE 0P VALUABLE Homes i Oshawa, ta settle the estate of the late Alfrod Hardy: 288 French St. - Stucco Cottage 304 French St. - Brick Bungalow 318 FrenclrSt. - Brick -Bungalow 172 Mary St. - Two Storey Brick 17 Arlington Ave. - Two Storey Brick. The above jroperty will be offered for sale by auction. at 2.30 p.m. D.S.T., Saturday, March 22nd, subject to reserve bids, at the C.0.O.F. Hall, 20%k King St. West,'upstalrs. Ternis: 10% of the purchase price on the day of the sale, and the balance by April 30th, whon possession wiil be given ta the new owner. W. R. Strike, Solicitor; A. M. Hardy, Administrator, Box 37, Bowmanville. Phone 389. W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer. 12-1 'Wanted TOMATO ACREAGE WANTED. Apply Canadian Carniers, Bow- manville, phone 782.. 12-1 WANTED - HIGHEST PICES9 paid for scrap batteries. Whcn Your battery fails, brlng It i ta be X-rayed by u el.n T7 rq & B a t e y h p, in an ATrue Toic for Bi@.d end Neu'ves Invaluablo at ii son mbocusit ~splia heVitumm 'B1 &Mdmioa quality af the àbood ad hctdii. enervebe. CONTAI NS For botter appetite, botter dgetion, VITAMIN botter sdeop, and for botter heaith use Dr. Cbaao'a Nerve POO& RexKbury Bot Water Boutles - 690OS Flteh's Dandruif Remover ad Shampoo 58e --890 Pond'. -CreanasOc29e 49 Zam.Duck Olitmeai 470 Adrienne SclentlfflaY HarMenised COSI'ETICS Face Pawler - 600 SOap .3- caes 75o Pbotegurap~idcSupplies Jury BLvl Phane '178 Wben we test eyes ut la donc prqpenly Premnn6 fl11 Tel! CitpRad TEA CUP AND CARDS mouM 3 JJ.M. ta 10- P.In. Darch's U bacco Store, phaone 2884. Seed Cleanlng ý,N SE= CIEAMG--WE SCOIE clean and separate ail kinds oe grain. Clean ail claver eeda. Modem machinery. Pleasanable prices. Phone 2218, Garnet E.. lckard, R. R. 4, Bowmnanvill. Chos. a paper from aur large seleotian of colaurs and pattema A limited number ai spclà papers. ai very attractive Prim&s Sec tbcm aow while thc supyly lastl. ASK FOR A FIEE SAMPLE ýOoK some Bargains la Remnant . and Room Lots Stil inl stock. WOOL We have a wool for whatevcr you are knlttint., Sec our mage af kinis sand-eolours. SP ECIA L SCOTCH FJNGEING Lb. $1.60' Je. W. JeweII ,"a Ma se" Phe 550m Dw nvm b 87cu53c. 29C j- Mlareh lu Uic month 0ai suden cihuatie changés. flurlnW Uic stress af damp, changeable weaihmr, wli Uie extra caUl on our reserves, vitamin prol iots, and og adoelproentatUyqç, are vw sageih the arden ai Uic day. EBr purehasng guaranteed RXL pout (bputefriqaly merobandise ai reasonable Pnices botji your bealth and Four money tre proteeted. "y gasuble when Fou cam be pcnicotly sale and sure tho "REXALL" wsy? t Daycr's Aspirin, 100 -.f -Prultatives -220 -890 i Moads Pablum 45 4-Square Chest Bpb 3840 liitas DBaim 8c-47flS, Anacla Tablets - Mec IM l 81havlng Cream 930 NuJal, for eonstipation Chase's Nerve Pool 49e ". Pentusain --- 590 - 1 : 1 - 1 !C Tim CARA phone 778 Prorant BAH'»M

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