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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1941, p. 1

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VOLUME 87 BOWMAN'VILLE, ONTA Ceits Have EyeVrat Race'. raiKuisnr ItaieIt Faiure As Nation Principal of Oshawa Coilegiate Telli~ ot This Interesting Race lit St. Pi4trick's Day Address to Women's Canadian Club, Wlth a shamrock on his lapel and an Irish smile on liii face and Irish wit on his tangue and a name that in no way gave the lie to hie prerogative ta be spcaklng -on St. Patrlck's Day, A. E. O'Neill, prin- cipal af Oshawa Colleglate, stood befone Uic gathering af Uic Wo- mcn's Canadian Club ta give a talk perfectly appropriate for Uic occasion - his subjeet was'd"The Ceit." "Although thc origin cf Uic Ccl- Uic 1zace h lasinl antlquity and nowhcre ddes it exist to-day but admixcd wlth straina of other bloodi, there arc five reglona wherc Uic 'Celtte Individual sud Uice Celtlc spirit continue as of ald," Mn. O'Neiil assertcd. In Ireland, Wales,, Brittany, Corn- waIl and In Scotland la it possible to-day ta flnd, ta isolate and study the Celtic spirit. It is known that Uic Cli are anc branch ai Uic Indo-European1 peaples and while Il la hard ta designate what' countries thcy may dlaim for places of oigin1 thene are 'certain physical and1 spiritual charactemistics which, even to-day, mark them ai. a race apart. 0f sturdy stature, havlng usually fair bain, blue cyei, nar- row, long head, Uic Celt's more wdil-known chanacteistics are those lies tangible trats-his war- like, pugnaclous disposition, in- stability of purpose, extravagance af speech and rhetorlc, imagina- Uiveness, fondnesa for gaicty, poc- try and music. They- are Uice moat fenilnine af races. lstory records that Uic finit Celta appeard iii. Gaul. There Jullusaacar conquercd Uicm and later they joincd hands wlihUic Roman Republir againzt Uic TeuS- ton tries. It la pojible that'Cel- tic oigin goca b* ta Uich ala * ale UAUy wee-a lv u uWuExu1j UEUI.. lng race which .thoughout ls turbulent hhtary neyer scttled for long in ço uites.-or took zmuch (Contlnued on pageS5) Clubs Want. Names 'O . Soldiers Overseas Capt. Joe O'Neill, M.C., 2nd LIC. 32nd V.G.C ., and Chairnian Lions War Service Comiittee, has cir- cularlsed ail organizationi, locally, that have. intercstcd themselves in listing the names, of ail soldiers who have gone overseas from this district, during this war. Many of the names were absent frm the lit lately published in The States- man and it sems dJficult ta get an up-to-date, authentlc bast. It la auggeited by Capt. O'Neill that all organisations- and every persan could have a 100 % liat bullt uji by co-operating through a centtàl office. Coniequéntly, Mise V. McAllister, clô Bert Park- erli plumbing shop, King St., ham consented to check, compile and cé-ardinate ail sueh Information, arid thia later will be publhshed for the benefit aifail. Write, cal] or phone and get thia under way at once. An.d then, as othens go aven, keep up to date. It facilitates wrlting let- ters and, above ail, ii a useful it assurlng that ernor in sendlng parceli wiil be at a minimum. May we add tao, that when the boys ovenseas rend thii in The Staesmn, they get busy with =ecl n paper and give us miss- Ing naines. Durham Central Fuir Prize LIstsR.vsd The executive of Durham Cen- tral Agicultunal Society met Wcdncsday in Uic boardnama- ricultumal offices, Bowmanvifle. Prise lios for 1941 wcre rcvlaed and recommandations af Uic an- nual meeting cnibodied In Uic ne- vision whlcb.wiU facilitate eanly prlntlng. School Inspectons T. R. McEwen, West Durham,, and W. H. Carlton, East Durham, wcei attendance and dlacusmcd with Uicl exécutive, plans and changes I cohnectIon with $Choa exhibits 8evn 0f ightee. 1'Oiginalu" SAie Stili Attending Rotary Club Retraspootion Indulged uin " Seventeenth Aivonsa r y Showsm XmYDooeued - Othors Withdrawn. Not oflen can a pragressive organization tedulge lu the poig- niant luxiqry ai tuiinËsnlagaze backwamd, . but Uiat la sncccsanî on such occasions as Uic Rotary Club obiervcd Frlday at Its week- ly luncheon ai Uic Balmnoral Ho- tel. Seventeen years paised ict bistary sicc Uic charter was pmc. sented ta, Bownahsvlle Rotary Club on March MU, 1924. Twc mancntha before thi Uiepersonnel of the clubwas elccted.. At Uic noîl cal onlý-"seven ora -thc eighlcen, charter mepibers aniwercd "present""r, Dm.J.'>C 'Deviti, !T. H. Knlgbt, F. Fi. Morrit, Gea. W. James, Geoý Chae, D_. Morrison sud P. C. -Vantone. Twç ,othen 'aiginal' Who haveaicé wlthdrawn were preicut ta. ana- wen ota dr naines, .lex Ed- xnoadstone, Warden of thc 'United Caunties, And Dalph .Nicbolls, mc- -iimd merchant. Mn. Chuse as Uic finit living president ai the club took charge of ceremonles. Oves' fonly ma- -bers have ipasied thropgh ticth club, he rcalld, énoligh-ta caps-- pr$se anoihen catire, orgentu . Mauy of liese have paiaed (M. tUic Ihat bcig Mlon H..Miore Who, .dlèd osya.fowhounuprey>.piw te' the mee in. ne niauté'airev-, erent s a, e5wao*, oige' fo honor t4oe Whoo had' goue,. 1Phen Ex-President George Mart ,of the Oshawa Rotary Club, whlcb club àponsored Uic local one, oi- fered a iew words of congratu- lation. Past and Futuriý et Rotary Fcw could be btter qualified than Dave Morriosi, an' ex-Pnesu- dent, ta handle lie address af the day, who opened hia remania by saying, .a icpust sevenleen -ycars wc have cxperlenced mail theUi joys aud saraws which àay be Uic lot afian organizallon ~.such as thii, and we have ai vasi- ous limes rua Uic gamut ai bu- man emolloas. Our activilles have been innumerable sud the lacal <Contlnued on page ) Thse aosociate editor ai Tic Siatehman la neiting snd necupen- atlng froni a sllght, incli>lcnt oc- cipital tiropibals 'wih wl ne. quire a week or so ai frOuI. Sun-' in to mny candlqa, at oee tn horser TRANSIERRM L . iPrice morris who ihabe. sttoned la Bow- nsapyllle ha# bueà soified.bu willl be move6& lo, Peterbaro A sil it.. Provincial Officer DavdSylves- ter, who bai beeu lu Peterbaro Uic gatteayeans, whfl lake ie place i W. idtat'dai rseceni t- Ing ai Bo'amanvllle lawn cîuFl eth Uiyad set Uic pace for sumoundlg camminilties bq vat- lag themielves salaries. Cop4ir- matian waa gIven Uic assertion ei the. meeting of Oshawa clty cou»- cil Tuesday night, when aldempien ibeme vated ta give thenelves Uic live dollar stipend as in li tawu. Aid. Dr. B. A. Brown dcclared bhlliagainitthUicmationsan Uie g rounds liai Ibis waî ualtheUic rne foripublic servants la diveni funda la Uie own use. "Ih que an Uic cauncilquit. willing to serve without psy and liatIolathc way j wauld gooner bave 't until the ratepayers vole on 1,'Y he said. The Municipal Act allws a psy. ment up ta $8.00 once a menti. 'II amnothnal ing ai Uic maney end aifl. ita juil liatI hthink we are taklng unair advanlagc pi the electora," lie aldermgrs added. ThceQsaWa council asa umu- ed thunaba down aon Uic proposai ta construct a sewagc diapasai plant. Althaugi. the plant la badly peeded la the ily the coul lu ex- ces ai $300,000 semaan exces- nive ansunlta ospend at tie pre- TRLAINING SCHOOL T NKA LADS ASSAULT BOUSE MOTHER, Era. Ken Werry Rcle jures Whmn Boys ]Break Loose for Short ]Pori"d. Mn. Kenneth Werry, House Mother of North Lodge at the Boys' Tralnlng School, la necover- ing from' serlous injuries ncçeived lait Sunday when two of the boys attacked her. The two lads, aged 15 and 16, assaulted her, using a mnop handle for a weapon, stole her kcys, lock- ed her in the room, and enjoyed a brief period of frecdom befone captured by police about three miles away. Mns. Wenry was brutally stnuck about the head and shouldens necessitating her removal to the hospital. She stated that onie of te boys had been hen favorite and he was trusted to do much wark unwatched around the Insti- tution. The other was less, ne- liable. Local officiais of the B.T.S. have little ta say about the affair, but deputy provincial secretary C. F. Neelands confirmcd the stony, adding that a boy who trlcd to assist her was alsa clubbcd by the two fugitives. Chief S. Venton and Constable D. P. Morris called about 11.30 Sunday monning, invcstigated the fracas and the boys are in custody' awalting trial on charges of as- sault and escaping. Doctor Gives Address On Mental -Health Eowmanvlle Home and Scbool Association met i hieUicPublic School March 12Ui, with Uic pre- s ident, Mrs. C. Robinson, In thc chair. The graduating claii will be given a dinner Inatead-. a a trip ta Uic muicuin, Toronto, as gi'hen former graduatlug classes. r New chaira are nccdcd and a social cven*sg la planiicd, Uic col- lection ta b. uaed I purchasig Uic chairs. A layette made and donated by Uic local club wai on dlaplay. Thia la ta ha iorwarded ta Uic ?iýý>îvhiolaHoea, sdhool ledi, «eration for mmr purpoies An Invitation was extcnded ta club members ta attend Uic Home and Scboal Fedenation held dur- iug Easten halidays. Mmi. Crowe was appointcd delegate. Miss Millian, having Uic most mothers present, won Uic room prise. An excellent progrém followed under thc leadership oaitUicocn- vener, Mrs. Tuerk. The prograzn conaisted af a carnet solo by Bob Evans; vocal sala, Donalda Creus- ser; and piano solo, Helen Wil- Uas. A fine -address was given on Mental Health by Dr. Gnieves, Supenintendeat ai Uic Ontario Hospital, Whitby. Abilîty to ad- just aneseli ta 111e ih a goad sign of sanlty. Signa ai mental illnesi arc - a tcndency ta evade the. is- sue, excessive cmotionallsm, sc- çountig for shontcomiugs by blamlng others% and dcvcloping boMdily compîsinta ta gel out of -,llna Dr. Grieves pointed aut tiijÊ. follow1ng; factors for good î healU, vis: work, oulet fon lmag- inaMan, social interests, senie ai suryhobbies, and physicai -Lunôh sud a social haIt bour brought Uic evenlng 10 a close. Greai credht la due Uic Bow- ~manville Hrsie sud Scbool Club [for Uic -fine wark being donc. Land yaur support and attend the April trscetlug. Misa Aguca C. Macphall. One of Uic truly unique figure Canadian politics, Miss Macjl wlll addrcss a joint meetinâ Uic Caurtice Circuit Brothier] and BoWxnanvljle Rotary Clut a banquet i Ebenezer Chiu'ch Frldày, March 28. Hcr subjec "The Rowell1-Sirois Report, Me and Alter." Her qualifications L pae aewf knawnj mr e u ln a y year s of : porantdebtesonParlas M. CHARLME -CAWK PILOT INSTRUcMT IN DUAL ROLE. Xnterating Stoi'y Tellsa- f Am- bitions Work of Local Y.ýM -lu struting Inhtruoto> Chanlie Cawker, son ai Mr. au Mrs. T. WcslcY- Cawker, Bowa ville, ieatured in the,. Daily St4 news Tuesday lu a dual ol.0 theicJW oi& mu pW ed th~ picur rérouced In tissue a The Statesalilsan alông - with bii iancce, and ou another page wai Charlie, smeilng - ait desscd up in flyln toga just ready ta take aff. Along wlth the. photo was an int~esingstoy wlchevea many ai Charnlle!s intimate friendi bere had not heard. Il nan: A pilot who bizmaèlf was a student-instructor àa manth Ago la ta-day lnitructlng-instructors-to- be at Pattenson and Hili aircrait scliool. He la Charles Cawker, an afficer -worker until a iew moaths ago. To-day with J. A. "Blackie"l I4cKay sud D. K. Gmr, he is giving instruction ta 24 future R.C.A.F. clcmeatany schaal instructors. He finishcd the saine couice Pcb. 10 and wcnt ta Trenton for advanced training. On arriving at Uic Central Fly- ing Sehool,. he.and a dozen other graduates fram P. and H. were given a week's leave. Instead ai taklng It like his clasimates, Caw- ker sud William Taylor af Sud- burY staycd at Trenton memoris- ing their "patter," Uic runnlng cammentary Uiey have to deliver while glving instruction ta a stu-1 dent pilot. When Uic clasi start- ed back ta fly, Cawker and Tay- lpr were able té out-disance their idllow-studcnta hIprogresisud, as a result, bath have been as- slgned ta P. and H. Mmsi. Siela M. Skiner and Evereti Blckell, C.N.R. e xpress Ruth, Coîborue, were guets ai driver,, sufiened painful injurics their suai, Mmi. Jane Gale Gam-ý in an accident on Highway Na. 2 mcli, Wbile ber. Uiey mleascd two Sunday evcalug. Ris truck wsPigeons wbicb arrlved home safe- badly imaihed. ly. Jerulem Lodge Holda At Home Naey Guests Enjoy File 1Program ]Ban uet, Mocrtad Danoe Grand, Lodge, prapased by Mr. 7111 PleM&nt ]Evein-loe Dippdil, was replied ta by 0. W. and OuLtmide Talent Enter- Rolph, D.D.G.M., Orano. Dr. G. C. talu. Bonnycasîle proposed icheToast ta lie Ladies, ta. which Mmi. P. R. Cawling fittigly eplicd. Col. L. Tic annual At Home sud La- T. McLaughlin pnaposed a toast dies' Xilght ai Jerusaleni Lodge, ta Uic visitons, ta wblch W. E. C. A.F. & AM., wai beld ln the Higlh Workmnan ai Uic Sarnia Lodge ne- Schaol auditorium Frlday evenlaz. plied. A lange nuniben ai the brethren their wlves sud other invlled guesta wcrc ln attendance. A *unipluoui dinner, semved by Tic Carter Farnly, iollowed by su ex- cellent prograi ofentalument sud dancing, wai Uce bill ai fane far thc evenlng. ,One af the. utaianding eventsi ai the evealug was the cd±w fan Uic quill mande byfilve oaitUe ladies. About $119.00 was real- lzed inon isiidraw, al oi whlci was lurned aven ta thc Telegram War Victims Fund. Uni. Cbarles Tyrel, Orpua, waa Uic winnun; lise quill was aiiicially prcsenled: byW. R. Strike.j A icarty wclconie toalal pre- sent was cxteuded by Wanhilpful Master Loula Dippdil, who scted as ciaimman h ls C _lesalug sudI 099t - MNtMam. > Touita tothej A progransofai impartcd sud local talent provcd -vcry enjayablu. Sevenal beautiful vocal selectians were rendered by Miss Amline Naticuti,* talentcd yoùng singer. Agile Miss Irne Bottmcll, Toronto, displsyed ber sklil ai tap dancing i tsvp sappy numbcms. Imper- sanallons aoi famous people, wlth puppy jokes Uirown in, were giv- en by Jo. MurpiyTorntuo. I- terestiag and buloraui readingi wene prcsentcd by Miss Thora Davison, tslented lacal draznastisi. Cancluding thc delightiul pro- grarn were several selections by Neil MeCuUlougis, Oshsawa, bril- liant vialinit. Tic remaixider ai the evcnlug was spent i dancing or playig Parda. Lucky dmaws were hcld througlb tie evenlng, thc wlunens roceivlng vahi4ableprieo.' 'RUCK BY TRUCK COOMIG TO RNT [AW' FARMER khomaa .Oeeo.Ecie ÏHead Injuilu When Wagon H it by Truck at Newcastle. Thomas H. Clemence, 65, .pro- lent Darlington Township far- jer residing just north of Shaw's ahool, was serlously injurcd Fni- ay at noon when the wagon he ras driving was struck from the lar by a heavy tractor trailer ýuck. The truck was driven by ýred Ellis of Belleville. Clemence was proceeding west [ng Highway No. 2 with a load E grain which hé had just had hopped at Glenney's Mill, New- stle, and thé truck coming Up ver the brow af the hili to the est of the village struck him in1 e rear. The driver of the trucki ideavored to pass the horse pro-1 elled vehicle but was impeded , the approach of an eastboundt The farce of Uic impact threw r. Clemence off the wagon ta e hard concrete. He sustalned a braken nibi and citical in- ries ta Uic head. Dr. J. A. But- r attended the injured man and ëýà dered him nemoved ta Bowman- l~1e Hospital. 0rne bag ai cbop went tbraugh a;e Ici t windsbield ai Uic truck. id e wagan was campletely bnak- int mafragmenta while consid- t rable damage was donc ta the ab ai the truck. The team ai *anses only shawed a f ew scratch- es for their episade. The accident was investigated b, by Traiiic Officen W. F. Thamp- ,son and Canstable Price Marris, ~HIEVES SPURN USED MODELS NAD NEW "BUS" *Thc fame of W. J. Ciallis' weUl ,own lUne ai cari bas spread far *ànd wide, by word ai meuti (asl< ,the man who owns one), sud by a Judiciaus yearly budget ai, adver- * in uTic Statesmnan. t But the wrong party muai bave aiwiud liai Bfil &ives a fine for Uicy decided ta do the thc other day. Scorning the . aethod -af - making .a dohwretn paymcnl sud havîng .,~ mcii coilected lu painful pan- ilba, these - individuala - beieok theinselves stealthily by aigu ta Uic Chals nesidence on Liberty St. north, opened Uic garage doons sud caluxly itepped inta the beau- tifuil - (can't mention the name, that, wauld bu advertising) auto standing tiere, sud. drove off. Tiseir course wus set nanth-west -Peterboro, in faci. Ariving Uierc, and stiil moved by the power ai advertislug, thcy enter- cd a well knowa clotiug store, uadaunted by its being closcd ai Uic Urme, sud removed sanie $1500 worth ai choice iaberdaihuny. WelU pleased with the aighi's wark the pair weat back ta To- routa bneaking tUc monatony ai routine witi a lunch ai Welcame. On exiving lu thc Quecu City wbal was Uceir amasement ta fiud uhal al Uic bulls were ual suooz- ing -inth Ucocuntry barayards. One, standing quit. wldc awakc on a clty canner, ecogniscd with a stant the license number ai Bill Cisalla'1 (csu't say Uhal namc) car. Thc pair will have an opportun- ity. ta minimise lugal formalities by answering "Guiliy" in court. Producer Recolves More For Milk Consumer Pays ILittle colored cards accampany- iii, mhlk delivenies Suaday mora- Iing were thc first intimation that many citizens bad that tic pnice ai milk had jumped a cent a quart since Saturday night. Ail local dairies and thase lu Newcastle loak similan action on ordens from the Ontaria Milk Board. The MiIk Board, which had been anbtraliug a dispute betwecn pro- ducens sud distributors. ordered thic pce level up ta $2.00 per 100 ibi.cdelivened ai Uic dairy ai milk testiag 3.4% butteriat. One- nlucety hs quoted far the sanie milk ai' thi termi. This action ai Uic Board bas been expected for sanie lime sud fallows similar pnice in- creases in otier centres. The managers ai thc three Baw- manville dainies point oui thai Uic cent-rmise oaly applies on q uart quanities and the addcd revýenue collccied irani Uic custamens will be eaiely passed aloag ta the farmer-praducers. A h und ne d paundi af iimlk is equivalent ta about 38 quarta, sa it wml be seen that Uic dainies do nai stand ta benefit inoni lie new arrange- ment. One large milk producer sisted thal thc thirty-odd cents additioan- al ne wlll aow receive per 100 lbs. is absolulely necessary la put the dalny line ai bis ianm back on a payig busis. an' sd Mme. W. J. E. Onmstan, Mr. sud Mms. Frank 0k.,ad Mmi: J. .Abrt Cale, Bowmsuvllle, werc in Taranto recentiy atteading Uic wedd4ng 'ai Miss Irene Peiley ta Sergeani Pilai E. J. Eylcs ai Tren- ton. Oui. Thc marriage taak place in Ot. Paul's Chapel on Salurday, MIx ch . Bishop R. J. Renison affIclated. Rcv. J. E. Griffith, B.A. Leamington, who has acceptcd an invitation ta become pastor ai rinity United Chunch, Bowman- ville, was born ine'Wilfrid, On. tario, of Welsh and United Em- pire Layalist parents. He attend- ed Albert College, Belleville, was specially ordained and sent ta senve at Norland and Omcmce (Bethel). He entered Victoria .-allege in 1910 and graduatcd in ants and theology in 1916. He spent three yeans af Ncwtonviile and anc year at Orono. The Bay of Quinte Canfenence appointcd him principal of Stanstcad Col- cge in 1920. Aiter anc year there he became assistant minister ai v!etnopalitan Church, Toronto, in bharge af Religiaus Educat ion. Since then he bas served at Black- stock, Taronto (Humbercrest), and has been at Leamington for five years. S c a If MIDLANDS LEAVE CAPITOL CITY FOR TWO WEEKS REST Special Tri Br=g Troopu Ho«mo PoCapat Ot- tawa - Called CrackIRogi- ment at lsnsdowno Park à ]owrmvil», main -bai Uic,;p- epeanance ai s town with miIitary .unit biileied hene, since sa many Lsaldiens ai Uic Midland Regiment are home on leave. Early Tueiday morning a special train pulled i- ta Uic C.N.R. station sud spewed forth its load ai local Midlands, wha are hame from Ottawa on a twa week iurlaugh. The boys, althougui always a smart unit, seem ta be even smarter since their retunn. Marc erect and filled oui physically they walk the streets ai Uic tawn rnewing aid friendships. Wblle encaniped at Cauada's capital city thcy have earned quite a reputation for themielves as the Crack Midlaad Regiment. In aecent paradehough Uic c i Ui tawa JOural says thus about Uic Regiment: "The fine Midland Regimeat quartcrcd ai the Exhibition Grounds headed a long parade. The marching af Uic infantrymen wearing batie dresisud carrying ikeleton Webb equipmcnt wus superb. As Uic parade made a hairpin- turninto sight af Uic crowds, evcr-swelling o tbrongs burat inta cheens." lu Uic centre ai Uic smart ap- pearing regimna was Uic Mid- land silver band wbich supplied stiring mifiany aira aven Uic en- tire route. The infantrymen car- ried full battle equipmeni. Thei band was la change ai Sergeant1 Weddiug Auiveruares Celebrated At, Rebekah Lodge Veteraus' Night sumaITYBCYCLECLUB PREENTATION ON1CFma Tune ln CFRB to-rnorrow atternoon, Marcb 219t, at 5.45. At that Urne "Red" Foster on bis Lowney's Young Canada Club program will present te, the Dowmanville Bicycle Club a beautiful big silk ban- ner - the 'number one' pre- sentation of this kind to any body of youflgsters ln Canada. President George Roberts, of- ficers of the club, and mcm- bers of the Lions Club are go- lugte Toronto te officiUly re- ceive the liennant. When Barry "Red" Fonter's eo-worker, Barry Savage waa ln town a short tisse ago ad- drauig the Lions Club he brought thse banner with hlm for a preview. CharUie Carter, %"father" of thse Bicycle Club, la partieularjyv happy that this unusual honor la comiugtet the Lions sponsorcd organisa- tion. CALL GOES OUT MORE RECRU UTS. IThe cail again goes out for more recruits for Canada's Active jArmy. A newly formed anti-air- Icraft battery in Kingston needs men to bring it up to strength. The men of this district are to be given a chance to enlist with this regiment to do their country a service. In this war the anti-aircraft branch of the corps is a particu- larly interesting one. Recruits wiil be assurcd plcnty of action wherever they are stationed. Ap- plicantsma apply ai the Bow- manville Arouries any Urne dur- ing the day or on Monday or Wednesday evenings. Major P. H. Jobb will interview ail candidates and medical examidnation will be conducted at Peterboro. ir a Ra ie a ranks of the Reserve Army to moin up on Active Service with the Ordnancc Corps. This week the Antl-Aircraft Battery needi the men. Recruits need not belong to Local Exliibitors TakeHous At Qunte District Seed Pair TOMMY DEPEW J UN PLAYOFFS Tommy Depcw, stellar hockey star with Marîboros Juniors, bus been one ai the outatanding play- ers lu Uic play-offs with Oshawa Genenali. The series ai present stands ai a 1-ail tic, with Uic nexi gamin uToronto an Saturday night. Ia bath gaines Tanuny Depew bas put in a single goal ta bclp bis teammaies.- This local lad, beading ion siardam, bas Juit be- gun ta bit bis stride in ts lait series. h ta be baped that he will keep Up Uic god work. A large nuniber ot people from this district bave been present at bath games ta cheer, some for Marîboros sud sanie ior Oshawa. Most Bowmanvillc fana bave been cheuning for Marlies. They seem ta knaw wbat Oshawa tennis andj Odfeilowal, Wivou and ffiende Gucats of Beehive Roboksah Lodge. A veny pleasant evening wus spent in the I.0.0.F. Hall on Mon- day, Marci 17th, wieanimembers ai Bechive Rebekah Lodge bcld a Veterans' Nigit with Oddfellows and thein wivcs and friends as guests. Thc hall was apprapniale- ly decaraied with green and white streamers, green papen sisamocks sud lile pigi. A table grsced anc end ai tic rooni, on wiich was a beautiful deconated cake made by Mn. Carter, sud twa -bouquets ai pink carnations. Mms. T. E. Prout actcd as chair- man sud welconied the visitors, ai 1cr whici the iallawing pro- grami was enjoyed: Piano duet by Hazel Rundle sud Mmi. Edwin Wood; violin solo, Donald Ander- son, accampanicd by Mmi. J. E. Anderson, plana solo, Miss Phyllis Ca Is; recitation by Mr. W. J. Berry; carnet solo by Bob Evans; sud vocal salas by Mn. J. Haucock. Miss ]Rundle was accomanisis for Bob Evans and J. Hancack. Esci nunsben was beartily' spplsudcd sud caci 'respoaded wt su en- core. Tic speakcr was Mmi. May Thomas ai Cobourg, a Put Preu-. dent ai thc Rebekah s Aiembly af Rosa Strike Hl e a d a County Orgdhization -J. J. Brown Eiectcd to Post of Chairman. Next Monday begins throughout Canada a consolidatcd campulgn for thé newly created War Ser- vices Fund. It wil l ait for only two weeks but its importance la trcmendous. In a word, the purpose la ta uiy the effort oi six organisa- tions, The Canadian Leglon, the I.O.D.E., Knights af Colubs Salvation Arniy Red ShildFud Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A., whlch maise funds for certain war. ser- vices such as the education, en- tertainient and comiont ai the troopa both in Canada and aven- seas. At a meeting cafled by County Chairman Rosa Strike Monday night, attended by representatives from Rotn Lions, LegionSA, K. Of C., Girla' Service Club, La- dies' Auxiliary "D"$ Coy., Home and School Club, Ministerlal Asso- ciation, and Chamber af Com- merce, the local orgnization was whipped into shape and a plan af action laid. Officers for Bowmanviile: Chair- man-J. J. Brown; Vice Chairman -D. R. Morrison; Publicty-Adj. J. D., Hart; Canvais Comniittee Chairman-W. P. Ward; Secretany Norman Scott; Trcasurer-F. 0. Mcllveen. Mn. Strike gave an interesting exposition touching.Uic highlight in this new venture in q@opera- tion. While thc canvasi w'flllike- ly take thc iorm of thc recentý War Savings Drive its purpose la quite different. Here citizeni are .being asked ta give rathen than invest. The budgets of cach or- ganisation werc finit revlewed by a National Advisory Board and pare ta rock bottom but ailoting a maverage tô each. However if anc does not wlsh ta contribute te any anc organisation, or simi- larly wishes to give ail his contri- bution ta anc he can do s0 with thc assurance it wlll be earn.ark- ted _fothsemlproe .DOwmavlle's Allocation Moest ,"The econamy af Uic new plan is evident,"I said Mr. Strike. «Ali the collections are paid intoaa Mfany Loca Parmers Show Souda at Pair in Beilevfle- Pzices are Rather Low. 3 The fifteenth annual Quinte .District Seed Fair, held at Belle- tville, March 13th-15Ui,' cancluded ton Saiurday with Uic sale aifail Uich seed from Uic tbree hundred rand fity exhibita which had been sbown by about eighty exhibitons. rThe dcmand for aeed was not sa, keen ai had beeft anticlpated wlth Uic nesuli that Uic excellent show- ing ai tbiriy ten buahel'lots ai registered sced did ual reach Uic market value in several case. Early genenation lots af megitur- cd grain, howcver, brought satis- factory prices wi Cartier ati rcacblng $1.10 per bushel sud No- Barb barley $1.30. Exhibitons fram Durham Coun- ty made a vemy creditable show- ing wlihUic four senior champion- shipi ta their credit. Champion- ship winners weme: Whcat sud Barley - Rabt. Armstrong, Ida; Oata - Ernest Gilbank, Bowman- ville; Potataca - Earl Weatherilt, Bethany. In Uic Junior Section Brenton Rlckard scored Uic blgh- a ure cSe yrshire 01W caiZ wbich wus donated by Uic Le Ontario, wba gavesu address an Moines'Point Farn, Portsmouth, "Rebekab-Oddfellowship." 1 Ontario. AUl cerealisud aay besu At the close or the pragram exhibits conaitcd ai anc bush.]; the fallowiag wemc presenied with grasses, clavera, bernsasnsd pota. gifis irom thc Rebekah Lodge on tocs, anc hait bushe.. Uic occasion ai their weddiag su- Friday afiernoon, Mr. W. R. niversaries. Mr. and Mns. M. W. Reekeutro gi Tamblyn, wboa tiday were cl.- cultuk, ddeuyM the riAmi-s bnating their twenty-fihih wcd- meeting: In bla addnesa Mr. Rock ding aaaiversary, were cscorted ta stressed Uic neccssity af mare tic iloon by Miss Rets Bennett miflk per cow tisi year ta mccl and prcsenied wlth a pair ai silver Brltaln's dcmand for more cheusp caadlestick holders, accampanicd this suzamer sud il s lasa expeci- by an address wiicb wasî mad by cd there will b. an increase ded Mmi. F. Baker. Mmi. W. J. Bagadil mandfrmebutradcn was cscarted by Mmi. J. C. Samsis centd for mal r buter.ud con and Mrs. W. Hackney rcad an ad- tai e mll prduceta Mm. op- dress sud sic was presented wliatdh asiaacnal p a table lamp. Mr. sud Mmi. Bag- posed* ta bonuies but unden tic acîl la a icw wccks will celebrate prescai cnitical emengeacy these themr 3lst weddlng day. Mn. sud wcre quite necessamy. Fan this Mrs. J. H. Jahaston wene nexi la reasan tise Provincial Goverament be bonorcd, thcy haviag recti was neard ta psy a bonus ai celebrsted 25 years o ai r wo cntsPun ud an igi grade life. They were escanled b y Mmi. cie cieand oniogs anc dollar for F. J. Spny, sud Mrs. E. Purdy mcad A grade sud tifty cents ion Bi an address wbici wus presented grade bacan. ta them slang with a silver cake On Friday aig t te annual ban- plaie. quet ield la Christ Chuci was Tic rcîpieîs, s ai wam oa e an faitic important fealures wi menibers ai tic Rebekai Lodgeov an hudc grwsad excepi Mm. Joinstan, cxpressed <Cotnued on page 8) themr lbanks for thc kind word. and lovely glita. Mm. Bagnell wus unable ta ha present but Mrm. Mm. Gea. W. Jamesi lefi for New Bagadl xtendcd thanka for bcr. York City Tucsday ta attend t.e self and iusband. Mmi. Jahnsian, funenal ai iii sister, Mn.. William (Contnuedon pga 0 A. Wite, who paiaed away Minci (ConInuaon pge O I 7th. War Services Fund Drive, Ready To Begin on Eondaey ASsSix Organizations Unite - 1 fëf ýW The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News LJRSDAY, MARCH 20,1&941 NUMBER 12 ,Wfth Which Are Incoroèrated The Bowmanville

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